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#REDIRECT [[HeWhoCoilsWithin]]
= Tzjhyrukel, He Who Coils Within =
<b>Progeny Count </b> 2:2:4<br>
Back to /ATaxonomyOfMadness
:The tale of this Yozi, ancient, but youngest among his kind,  begins with Naakthuursha, the Inflictor of Scars.
:Naakthuursha was a great and evil thing, and after the Yozis’ exile, he existed within the watery bowels of Malfeas.  He was a coiling mass of tentacles, with thousands of mouths covering the underside of each tentacle.  Each mouth bore a single poisoned tongue, able to lash out a quarter mile or more, and a thousand or more fangs, each fang the size of a common Warstrider.
:So great was the size of Naakthuursha that his tentacles could be found coiled within the highest of Jacint’s towers, deep within the darkened corners of the Underworld, and even in Creation, lying at the bottom of the Western Ocean.
:Naakthuursha felt every bit of pain that every living and dead thing felt.  Whether that pain be physical or emotional, it did not matter,  Naakthuursha enjoyed it all.  A coiled mass of agony, Naakthuursha lived in a constant tortured state of pleasure, and his great joy made all worlds and all those in it suffer far more than is necessary.
:Malfeas itself was tortured by Naakthuursha’s existence, as was every other thing.  All pains were greater than they are now, and even the youngest children and dumb animals knew that somewhere, something was taking salacious pleasure in their miseries.  Even the Silent Wind found herself pained by the Inflictor of Scars, and she refused to rip through his poisoned tentacles.
:Then, before the First Age reached it glorious apex, the great Solar tactician, Jorun Matas, led a small force against Uaggrath-Shagga, The Glutton of Atrocities, who was the fetich of Naakthuursha.
:The battle was great, and Uaggrath-Shagga left nothing alive.  However, the wounds inflicted upon her by Radiant Silver Lioness, the Lunar bride of Jorun Matas, were grievous, and the Glutton of Atrocities did not live to leave the battlefield.
:Thus, Naakthuursha was killed, and Tzjhyrukel was born, and all worlds are better for it.
:As huge as Naakthuursha was, Tzjhyrukel is his equal.  A great worm, coiled a hundred-thousand or more times upon itself, its grey-black body stretches from the dark and dry corners of Malfeas’ lowest levels to the burning sands of the Endless Desert. 
:It is rumored that you can find a small portion of the body of He Who Coils Within in the darkest places in the Underways of Gethamane and the collapsed Jade mines of the Blessed Isle.  Amazingly, there are tales of the coils of Tzjhyrukel within the Shadowlands and Underworld, and within the piping and hoses of Autochthonia.  Legend even claims that if you stand upon the Gates of Yu-Shan, a coil of Tzjhyrukel’s grey-black flesh can been seen, reaching just shy of Heaven.
:He Who Coils Within is still linked inexorably with pain.  However, he no longer takes great joy in pain.
:Instead, he is now a caretaker of pain.  He still watches every pain unfold, for that is, at his core, what Tzjhyrukel is.  He watches out of respect for the pain itself, and out of sympathy for the person who most endure it.  Although only Creation’s most learned savants know it, no one ever suffers through their pains alone.  He Who Coils Within suffers with them.
:Deep within the center of Tzjhyrukel, where he rests his great head, there is a open area, several miles long and several miles wide.  All that be seen above or below this area is the grey-black coils of the worm.
:The head of Tzjhyrukel contains a thousand glittering compound eyes, like those of bees, and a huge mandibled maw, filled with the same fangs that once filled Naakthuursha‘s thousands of mouths.  Every time someone feels a single instant of pain, Tzjhyrukel cries a rough tear of ruby and diamond, a tear of blood and water.  Each tear is a reflection of that exact instant of pain.  Each tear has dozens, sometimes hundreds, of sharp facets which cut Tzjhyrukel’s face as they fall down, and He Who Coils Within tends to them all with great care, along with the aid of Daurexes, the Impossible Daughter.
:The grey-black body of Tzjhyrukel is always covered in a glistening slime.  Depending on Tzjhyrukel‘s mood, this slime takes one of two forms.  When He Who Coils Within is anguished or angry, the slime is an oily green color, and causes all those who touch or smell it to relive their worst memories.  When Tzjhyrukel is docile, the slime he secretes is a milky white, and lessens the pain, whether physical or emotion, of those who smell or touch it.
:This slime can become present within Creation in areas of great anguish, especially during Calibration and the three months before it.  For example, Tzjhyrukel’s slime sometimes floats within the sludge of the River of Tears, and during a  battle, a dying soldier’s wounds  may ooze out the slime along with blood.
:Because of Tzjhyrukel’s great size, and the fact that legends hold his body stretches into Creation, some demons attempt to enter Creation (or other realms) by crawling along the body of He Who Coils Within.  This is a difficult task indeed.  The further one gets from Tzjhyrukel’s head, the less orderly his coils become.  They eventually resemble huge, web-like mazes, with miles upon miles upon miles of crisscrossing  worm flesh, seemingly continuing forever both above and below.
:Most of those demons who attempt it eventually go insane from crawling along in pools of Tzjhyrukel’s slime.  Daurexes follows their screams, and mercifully puts them down.  The few who have survived and succeeded are reluctant to use Tzjhyrukel as a means of travel again.
== Uruthane, The Dancer Among Fires ==
<b>Uruthane, The Dancer Among Fires,</b>
<b>The 8th Soul of He Who Coils Within, Demon of the Third Circle</b>
:Uruthane’s mind is strong, bolstered by his seven souls.  However, Uruthane is wise, and the Dancer Among Fires knows that his mind is not strong enough to resist the voices of the 99,997 fires of She Who Lives In Her Name.
:However, Uruthane is not willing to be apart from her.  He is enraptured by She Who Lives In Her Name, and the order and stability she represents.  Uruthane deeply laments the fall of the Primordials, and he views this injustice as an abhorrent break of protocol and hierarchy. 
:He sees She Who Lives In Her Name as the only potential savoir of the Yozis, not just because he expects her to break the Yozis from their prison, but because he believes, once they are freed, She Who Lives In Her Name will ensure that this betrayal cannot  happen again.
:Her rule, and her hierarchy will ensure, he believes, that nothing will happen that should not be happen.  Nothing will exist that is not right and just.
:Therefore,  Uruthane is filled with so much love and admiration for She Who Lives In Her Name that it pains him.  He dances amid the spheres and flames with unflinching  power and unthinking grace.    He dances with such abandon that he does not bother to maintain his form, which moves and flows like a river of flesh.
:However, in order to keep his sanity, and ensure that his love remains pure, and that his thoughts remain his, Uruthane pierces his ear drums while he dances, so that he cannot hear the 99,997 voices of She Who Lives In Her Name. The Dancer Among Fires uses needles made from the polished bones of a Solar whose name he as long since forgot.  Uruthane’s body, always striving for the perfection of form that mimics the perfection that She Who Lives In Her Name seeks for Creation, heals these injuries with his every heartbeat. Therefore, it is a necessary and  integral part of the dance that with every beat, he pierces his ear drums, so that he may be among the glory of She Who Lives In Her Name, without being lost in it.
:<b>Notes and Abilities:</b>  In Creation, Uruthane takes the form of an impossibly handsome man whose face and voice demand obedience.  Uruthane’s shifting form allows him to fit into any society he finds himself in, but he never blends in.  Uruthane is always the most impressive man  in any gathering, no matter whose company he is in.
:Uruthane is one of the more difficult 3rd Circle Demon to bind.  Sorcerers must look into the eyes of a being that has never been told "no" by anything short of a Primordial.  The cost for reducing Uruthane’s dice pool in the contest of wills is 15 motes per die, not 10, and, quite frighteningly, he can reduce the sorcerer’s dice pool at the same cost.  Finally, because Creation is a reflection of the will of She Who Lives In Her Name, he cannot be banished if the binding fails.
:If a sorcerer can bind Uruthane; however, he will be a powerful tool.  Uruthane can move in and out of any hierarchy and bureaucracy with ease, and even the most clever or paranoid of minds will believe that Uruthane is not only one of their kind, but above them in rank.
:Kings, emperors, and even the most powerful and jealous spirits among the Celestial Bureaucracy will defer to Uruthane as their master, or at least superior.
:Not only do people obey Uruthane, but they yearn to obey him.  Without the Council of Entities working against him, and perhaps even if they did work against him, the Dancer Among Fires could become the Emperor of Nexus within a day.  If a summoner does not want to use Uruthane’s power to place Uruthane high upon an existing hierarchy, Uruthane can build one himself.
:Or just as easily, he could destroy one.
== Hollow Ta’nathu, The Empty Mother ==
<b>Hollow Ta'nathu, The Empty Mother</b>
<b>The 12th Soul of He Who Coils Within, Fetich Demon of the Third Circle</b>
:Hollow Ta’nathu was not what she is now.
:At one time, Hollow Ta’nathu was known as Winyeegu, The Poisoned Womb, and she created her body by sewing together the corpses of stillborn and miscarried children.  Her laughter made women sterile and caused children to go blind.
:However, when Naakthuursha became Tzjhyrukel, Winyeegu became Hollow Ta’nathu.  Her body now looks like the hollow skin of a human woman.  There is no bone within her, and very little muscle.  The Empty Mother only moves by the manipulation of Essence.  She can inflate her skin, giving something similar to a human shape; however,  no one who sees her unobscured would ever mistake it for a natural shape.  When she does not concentrate upon keeping a semi-human form, Hollow Ta’nathu deflates, and resembles a discarded pile of flesh from the slaughterhouse.
:<b>Notes and Abilities:</b>
:Ta’nathu’s voice causes sterility in women, and blindness in children. Unless ordered to be a summoner, she will never speak.  If  forced Hollow Ta’nathu’s shout is capable of killing every child within a city, and making every woman within a kingdom barren, and her whispers can guarantee that no plants will grow upon a given land for ten generations.
:During Calibration, she can be summoned into Creation by the tears of mother who lost her child falling upon the earth of sallow fields. Once in Creation, whether summoned by a sorcerer, or by the pain of a mother without a child, Ta'nathu will be able to sense the pain of every mother who lost a child within 1,000 miles since the last full moon.
:She will then, before serving her summoner,  weave a doll for each and every one of these mothers from her own skin, muscle and hair, and place the doll within the mother's wombs while they sleep.
:The mothers will then, in nine months time, give birth to a child.  If the doll was made well enough, it will resemble a fully human child in all manners, though it will never be free of the taint of Hollow Ta’nathu’s Infernal nature.
:If Hollow Ta’nathu’s craftsmanship is suspect; however, the child will be deformed, or worse, a fully twisted creature kept alive by Infernal energies alone.
:Winyeegu, even in her extreme cruelty, was far superior to Hollow Ta’nathu  in creating new children for the childless mothers.  She would merely pluck a stillborn child from her own body, and place it within the would-be mothers, who would have to promise Winyeegu their own lives in servitude, and these children would be perfectly human in every way. 
:Though Winyeegu does not live, she manages to torture Hollow Ta’nathu, just by having existed.
:While Winyeegu took joy in her station, as the taunter, torturer and tempter of childless mothers,  Hollow Ta’nathu hates her station as the ineffectual comforter, and surrogate father for these unfortunate mothers.  It pains her to know that the children she gives the mothers can never be perfect, or even fully human, and it pains her even more that she must give them up. 
:Hollow Ta’nathu wishes so much to be a mother, truly, not just a crafter of broken flesh that will eventually become a child in someone else’s womb. 
:This desire is only worsened by the fact that at one time, she was.
== Daurexes, The Impossible Daughter ==
<b>Daurexes, The Impossible Daughter,</b>
<b>The Reflective Soul of The Empty Mother, 2nd Circle Demon</b>
:When The Poisoned Womb was remade by the death of Naakthuursha, Hollow Ta’nathu was briefly a whole and beautiful creature, fully formed and very pregnant. 
:She  was allowed only one instant of joy; however.  One instant of joy, followed by thousands of years of pain.  Hollow Ta’nathu’s child, Daurexes, the Impossible Daughter, was not born.  She ripped her way from her mother‘s womb, taking her muscles, blood and bones along with her, leaving Hollow Ta’nathu nothing but empty skin.
:When she crawled out of her mother, Daurexes looked upon her broken mother, and was horrified, and she tore her own eyes - Ta’nathu’s eyes, from her skull.
:While The Empty Mother, now just a useless skin, cried out in vein for Daurexes not to leave her, the Impossible Daughter ran away in blind horror and pain.  Some say it was the will of He Who Coils Within that Daurexes should find her way to his side.  Others say that it was only natural, whatever that means among demons, that the Impossible Daughter should find herself drawn to her “grandfather”.  Regardless, though it took her a one hundred years and a  day, she made her way to Tzjhyrukel, and kneeled down beside him and wailed out in pain.
:Tzjhyrukel allowed her to rip away a portion of his skin, which she then made her skin.  She then removed two of his own glittering compound eyes, and placed them within her sockets.  The Impossible Daughter now serves as the assistant, comforter and lover of He Who Coils Within.  Daurexes is a woman of beautiful proportions, covered in the same mottled grey-black, viscous skin as Tzjhyrukel, with two large, black compound eyes.  Her face in nearly featureless, with two small holes for a nose, and just a small slit for a mouth.
:She walks along the endless coils of Tzjhyrukel, usually near his head, eternally humming an infinite number of inhuman but impossibly soothing tunes, polishing each tear as Tzjhyrukel shed it from one of his now 998 eyes, and then arranging them among his coils, so that he can see them all.
:This is a constant process, and each fraction of each second, each of his 998 eyes sheds a tear.  Further, the two empty sockets that held the eyes that are now Daurexes’  each flow with a nearly constant river of ruby and diamond.  These twin rivers are for Tzjhyrukel’s own pain, tears that were unshed before Daurexes came to him.  He Who Coils Within is infinitely thankful to the Impossible Daughter for allowing him to shed them.
:<b>Daurexes,  the Impossible Daughter</b>
:<b>Reflective Soul of the Empty Mother</b>
:<b>Nature:</b> Caregiver
:<b>Attributes:</b>  Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 6, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 5, Conviction 5, Temperance 3,  Valor 2
:<b>Abilities:</b> Athletics 3 (Moving Along Unstable Ground +3), Awareness 4,  Craft (Gem-Cutting) 4 (Tzjhyrukel’s Tears +5), Dodge 3, Endurance 4,  Linguistics 8 (High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Flametongue, Forest-tongue, Seatongue, Skytongue, Old Realm) (see below), Lore 7 (see below),  Medicine 5 (Pain Relief +2,  Poisons +2), Melee 3 (Pain’s Thorn +2),  Occult 3 (Pain-Related Rituals +3), Performance 5 (The Infinite Wordless Songs of Malfeas +8), Presence 3, Socialize 5 (Discern Emotions +2, Discern Motivations +2, Determine Intent +2, Determine Truth +2)
:<b>Backgrounds:</b> Artifact 3, Mentor 5
:<b>Compassion:</b> Dreamspeak, Dreamscape and Touch of Grace
:<b>Conviction:</b> Dreambane, Harrow the Mind, Memory Mirror, Memory Sponge, Memory Transference, Stoke the Flame and Worldly Illusion
:<b>Temperance:</b> Sustenance
:<b>Valor:</b> Materialize and Words of Power
:<b>Cost to Materialize:</b> 75
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 9
:<b>Pain’s Thorn (Artifact Sword):</b> Speed 17, Accuracy  16, Damage 12L, Defense 16
:<b>Punch:</b> Speed 9, Accuracy 4, Damage 2B (plus Slime, if applicable), Defense 4
:<b>Dodge Pool:</b>  7  Soak:  14L / 19 B (Tzjhyrukel’s Rubbery, Viscous Skin 12L / 15B)
:<b>Willpower: 9</b>    <b>Health Levels:</b>  -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, Incap
:<b>Essence:</b> 6          <b>Essence Pool:</b>  117
:<b>Charm Notes:</b>  Daurexes uses her dream and illusion based Charms to bring dreams and visions to cause or (usually) relieve pain. 
:The substance Daurexes eats when she uses her Sustenance Charm are good or bad memories.  If she feeds on good memories, the victim usually has wonderful dreams and a restful sleep, reliving the good memories in their dreams.  If she feeds on bad memories, the effects are opposite.
:Daurexes’ version of Voice of Power requires her to talk about some physical injuries done to the Charm’s target in the past.
:This requires an Intelligence and Lore roll at a difficulty of 1 if the person is important (All Celestial Exalted, most Terrestrial Exalted, most kings and merchant princes, etc.), or a difficulty of 3 if the person is unimportant (most mortals, a random harlot on the streets of Nexus, or a typical slave in Arjuf, etc.), to see if she recalls any such events about the person from one of Tzjhyrukel’s tears.
:If Daurexes is examining a tear, she can use any of her Charms on the person whose pain is being reflected, even if they are in Creation, and she is Malfeas.  She could even use her Charms on someone in the Wyld, Autochthonia or the Underworld, though she would be reluctant to meddle in the realm of the dead-but-stirring Malfeans.
:<b>Other Notes:</b> 
:<b>Pain’s Thorn (Artifact 3):</b>
:Pain’s Thorn is a daiklave that Daurexes carved herself from a large tear that flowed from one of Tzjhyrukel’s empty eye sockets.
:Like most daiklaves, Pain’s Thorn has a very long, wide blade.  It is made of swirling ruby and diamond.  The blade is impossibly thin, and the weapon is very light, even without being attuned.
:Although Daurexes is a gem-cutter, and not a blacksmith,  the tears of her master were a very forgiving material to work with, and the sword is close to a masterpiece.
:Pain’s Thorn takes 10 motes of Essence to attune.
:Anyone who so much as touches the handle of Pain’s Thorn without attuning it will suffer greatly until the are no longer in contact with the weapon.  The character must roll an Essence check or suffer from a -1 penalty to all dice rolls due to the pain.
:Each turn after  the first, the Essence roll is done at a cumulative difficulty of +1.  Every time the character fails this roll, the next turn the penalty will double if the roll is failed.  Therefore, if a character fails the first roll, they have a -1 penalty.  If the make the second roll, then the penalty stays at -1.  If the character fails a third roll, the penalty is -2, and if the character fails a fourth roll, the penalty will be at -4.
:<b>Speed  +6, Accuracy + 5,  Damage +8, Defense + 5</b>
:All wounds inflicted by Pain’s Thorn have double their normal wound penalties, due to excruciating pain.  Further, if the weapon is stuck in someone, and then left in, the weapon will produce the same effects as if someone touched the hilt (reprinted below), beginning with the next turn of combat:
:The character must roll an Essence check or suffer from a -1 penalty to all dice rolls due to the pain.
:Each turn after  the first, the Essence roll is done at a cumulative difficulty of +1.  Every time the character fails this roll, the next turn the penalty will double if the roll is failed.  Therefore, if a character fails the first roll, they have a -1 penalty.  If the make the second roll, then the penalty stays at -1.  If the character fails a third roll, the penalty is -2, and if the character fails a fourth roll, the penalty will be at -4.
:<b>Notes on Daurexes using Pain‘s Thorn:</b>  When used by Daurexes this weapon has an additional +2 added to each of its stats.
:Daurexes never carries Pain’s Thorn, but is also never away from it.  She can call it to her hand as a free action, regardless of its location. 
:If someone has managed to attune and take Pain’s Thorn while Daurexes still lives, when she next tries to call it to her hand, have the character who currently has the weapon rolls their Essence in a contested action against Daurexes’ Essence.  If Daurexes wins, the sword will travel to her hand.  If the character wins, the sword stays, and Daurexes can never call for it again.
:If Daurexes is fighting someone under the effects of the oily-green slime (see below), and strikes them with Pain’s Thorn, the strike only causes triple the wound penalty, not quadruple.
:<b>Notes on Daurexes’ Lore and Linguistics:</b>
:Because she has spent so much time caring for Tzjhyrukel and his tears, Daurexes has an endless number of wondrous and vile things. 
:The Impossible Daughter has seen at least one moment of every day of nearly every living or dead thing’s existence, though she lacks the ability to retain more of the knowledge and any other being of her power and intelligence.
:It is through these tears that she has learned most of her skills.  It is conceivable that Daurexes knows at least a little bit about almost everything.  This means, not only does Daurexes have a very high Lore rating, but Daurexes can use her Lore ability to try and remember the painful experiences  about any individual see is dealing with.
:Further, although Daurexes only knows nine full languages (those listed above and the perversion of Old Realm spoken by the demons in Malfeas), she also knows bits and pieces of every other spoken language.
:<b>Notes on Summoning Daurexes:</b>
:Tzjhyrukel will tolerate Daurexes being taken away from his for short periods of time.  However, if anyone summons Daurexes and keeps her in Creation for more than a year, He Who Coils Within will begin taking actions to get her back.  Namely, he will send other demons to kill the summoner.
== The Slimes ==
<b>Daurexes’ Slime:</b>
:Because she wears his skin, Daurexes is covered in the same slime as Tzjhyrukel, and can change between the two types of slimes.  This does not require a dice roll, but is considered an action.
:This slime’s influence over pain is such that even the mere smell of it can effect people.
:The milky-white slime smells of vanilla, and all those who smell it have any wound penalties reduced by one, gain a point of temporary Willpower point (to their normal maximum), and any emotional pains are temporarily relieved. 
:The oily-green slime smells of refuse and sewage, and all those who smell it have any wound penalties increased by one (though it does not provide a -1 penalty if no health levels have been lost), and those who smell it lose a temporary Willpower point, and any emotional pains they are feeling are increases.
:These effects occur only the first time they smell either slime in a given day; however, the effects last all day, and they cannot be resisted in any way except by means that would keep the characters from smelling her.
:The effects are far more potent if the slimes are touched or ingested.
:If the milky-white slime is touched, it feels very pleasant, like a lotion, and it immediately halves any wound penalties they might have for a full day.  Further, anyone touching this slime has all their favorite memories return to them, as though they just happened.  The character feels their self-esteem increase, and immediately rolls their highest Virtue, and regains a number of temporary Willpower points equal the number of successes, even if this takes them above their normal maximum.  These “extra” Willpower points are bled off at a rate of one per day, if not used. 
:Further, any derangements a character suffers from, no matter how strong, are completely ineffective for one day.
:Additionally, any Solars, Lunars, or Sidereals who touch the slime immediately lose a point from their Limit.  It is; however, possible that an Abyssal may gain a point of Resonance from touching the milky-white slime.
:In short, anyone who touches the milky-white slime emotionally feels as though they have no problems, and no pain.  This wonderful feeling will not in any way hinder a character’s judgment.
:As with smelling the milky-white slime, all of these effect happen the first time a character touches the slime in a given day.  All of these effects can be duplicated each day that a character touches Daurexes, except for the Limit reduction.  This slime can only reduce an Exalt’s Limit (or raise an Abyssal’s Resonance) once per year, with a year being considered over at the end of  Calibration.
:If anyone is curious, or becomes… amorous with Daurexes while she is secreting the milky-white slime, it does, indeed, taste like vanilla.
:If the oily-green slime is touched, the effects are as harmful as the milky-white slimes effects are helpful.  This oily-green slime is vile to the touch, feeling slick, dirty and slightly burning.
:The character touched by this slime immediately suffers from double their wound penalties, and if they don’t have any wounds, they suffer a -1 penalty to all dice actions just from general pain.  All of the most painful memories of the character comes flooding back as though they just happened.  The character feels helpless and ineffectual, and must roll their highest Virtue, losing a number of temporary Willpower points equal to the number of successes on that roll.  If this roll reduces the total number of temporary Willpower points below zero, record that number as “negative” Willpower points.  The character cannot regain Willpower for a number of days equal to number of  “negative” Willpower points.
:Also, anyone touching the slime must make a Willpower and Essence roll against a difficulty of 6 (Daurexes’ Essence score).  If the character does not succeed, they will suffer from a derangement of the ST’s choosing for a number of days equal to the number of successes that they missed the difficulty of 6 by.
:Any characters that were reduced to “negative” Willpower  cannot begin “counting off” the days of their derangement until they have at least one temporary Willpower point.  The combination of the lack of Willpower’s Compulsion, and a derangement can be very dangerous indeed for the character or those around them.
:Like the milky-white slime, all of these effects can only occur once a day, but they can be inflicted every day.  However, once character has less than zero Willpower, the oily-green slime cannot drain any more, and a character cannot suffer from more than one derangement inflicted by the slime at a time. 
:Finally, any Solars, Lunars or Sidereals who touch this slime gain a point of Limit.  Oddly, Abyssals may lose a point of Resonance from touching the oily-green slime.  Like the milky-white slime, the oily-green slime can only raise the Limit of an Exalt (or lower the Resonance of an Abyssal) once per year.
:The effects of the oily-green slime are the opposite of those of the milky-white slime.  The characters affected by it can see nothing but their pains and their problems, and obviously, it can and will hinder judgment.
:Finally, for those unfortunate enough to taste the oily-green slime, it has the coppery taste of blood mixed with feces.
:While both of these slimes have effects which can be avoided with dice rolls, resisting the slime itself (with Resistance Charms or the like) is impossible.  If the slime touches bare skin, there is no way to ignore its effects.
:Finally, while both slimes would be of obvious use to any healer or assassin, they lose their effectiveness almost immediately.
:They become immediately inert if collected in a jar, scooped onto a spoon, dripped across Pain’s Thorn, or in any other way removed from Daurexes‘ skin.  Therefore, in combat, if Daurexes wishes to use the slime, she must somehow touch someone with her bare skin.
<b>Tzjhyrukel’s Slime:</b>
:While Daurexes' slime is the exact same substance that Tzjhyrukel sheds, the effects are not nearly as strong as they would be should someone be in Tzjhyrukel’s presence.  He, has an infinitely larger body than Daurexes, and therefore, infinitely more slime.
:Anyone who smells Tzjhyrukel’s slimes will have the same effects as if they touched (or were touched) by Daurexes, with the following exceptions:  All Limit and Resonance effects can be suffered once every day, rather than once every year.  All other effects are suffered once every turn, rather than once every day.
:If someone is touched by a large amount of Tzjhyrukel’s slime (probably coming from huge sheets of slime raining down as he shifts his body) without some form of protection, the exact effects, for either type of slime, are probably character altering.  Saying that a character should be locked in their favorite or most painful memories for a year for every turn they are in contact with the slime would not be extreme.  Even once they are freed from their memories, they will be fundamentally changed. 
:A character having been in the milky-white slime probably having a Ten Willpower, a Temperance of 5 (after years of their best memories being repeated over and over again, most temptations would be trivial to them), being unable to ever feel pain again (halve all wound penalties for the rest of the character’s life), and only being able to make a Willpower roll to keep from gaining a Limit point.
:The effects on someone coming out a tortured coma induced by the oily-green slime would probably include having a Willpower of One or Ten (it is possible that the character’s pain would have forged him into something harder than he was), a Conviction and Temperance of 5, and all pains being far greater than normal (double all wound penalties for the rest of the character’s life), and gaining twice their normal Limit points.  The character would also probably have a catalog of derangements, though it isn’t impossible that they would make it through the ordeal without any, as they may have ever come out of the coma without their minds finding a way to handle their madness.
:If Tzjhyrukel’s slime manifests within Creation at the site of some atrocity or another, it has the effects of Daurexes’ slime.
== The Children of the Impossible Daughter  ==
:Though Tzjhyrukel watches the pain and  suffering of every living and dead thing reflected in his tears for all of eternity.  He Who Coils Within suffers along with them, he usually bares this burden stoically.
:However, some times, for reasons not even Daurexes understands, some of the pains reflected in his tears upset Tzjhyrukel terribly.
:Tzjhyrukel twists and turns, and moans, unable to withstand some pain or another, causing huge rivers of slime to fall and rain upon Daurexes and the body of He Who Coils Within.  At the same time, Tzjhyrukel cannot bare to look away from the tears causing him so much pain.  Rearranging the tears so that Tzjhyrukel cannot see the one that bothers him so much will not work, because the massive Yozi will thrash is body around in an attempt to look upon the tear that causes him such pain again.
:The only way Daurexes can ease Tzjhyrukel’s pain is to swallow the tears which hurt him so.  These tears are always sharp, and cut her deeply as she chokes them down.
:Each time she swallows one of these tears, she gives birth to a First Circle demon.  Once, she gave birth to a demon after swallowing a tear only three days prior, while at another time, it was over three hundred years before she gave birth to a demon.
:Daurexes only gives birth to one demon of any type, after the first is born, they generate spontaneously.
<b>Kthori, The Shattered Man, Child of Atrocity</b>\\
<b>Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter</b>
:The first Kthori was born when Tzjhyrukel witnessed a First Age Solar torture a young boy to death.  The young boy was the son of a Dragon-Blooded whom the Solar thought had betrayed him.  The child did nothing to the Solar, and was nothing but a tool with which to hurt the Dragon-Blooded.
:This pained Tzjhyrukel greatly, it was the first tear that Daurexes ingested.
:Since the birth of that first Kthori, all other Kthor are born from the greatest and most horrible tortures perpetrated by humanity.
:Kthor look like humans with hideous wounds, and even when they are dematerialized, they still bare these wounds.  Within Malfeas, the Kthor find themselves endlessly tortured by demons more powerful than themselves.
:Oddly, the Kthor do not mind this treatment.  They respect their torturers and consider them their masters.  The ’masters’, in return have quite a fondness for their Kthori, almost as though they were pets.
:Kthor take great pride in the joy their torture brings their masters, and they do their best to provide as good as  “show” for their masters as possible.
:Further, as long as the damage done to a Kthori is done in the pretext of torture (rather than combat, or as an accident, or any other situation), no Kthori will be injured for more than a few hours.
:In Creation, they are often summoned to exact revenge,  using their own unique insights into torture to cause their victims to sing out in symphonies of screams.
:They can also be useful as doctors, and their understanding of the human body is vast.
:When pressed into combat, Kthor fight using foot-long knives with heavy, wide blades, and handles made from bone.  These knives they keep hidden inside themselves, usually within their stomach cavities. 
:Further, when cut, the Kthor do not bleed, instead, a stream of tiny razors issues forth.  These razors are highly polished, and reflect the face of the person who cut the Kthori.  Sometimes, a Kthori will cut themselves open in order to use the stream of razors as a weapon.  In this case, the razor reflect the face of the person the Kthori is trying to hit.
:It is said that the greatest goal of the Kthor is to cause more pain in others than they are in.  This is not true.  The Kthor will never admit it, especially to themselves, but the greatest goal of the Kthor is an end to their existence.
:The tomescu understand this, and therefore, they do not take offense when, on occasion, a lone Kthori will scream with them at the dawn and end of each day.
:<b>Attributes:</b> Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 0 - 2,  Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valor 5
:<b>Abilities:</b> Awareness 2, Endurance 5, Lore 3 (Torture Methods +3), Medicine 5 (Torture +3), Melee 3 (Kthori Knives +3), Performance 2 (Being Tortured +3),  Thrown 3 (Mirror-Razors +3)
:<b>Backgrounds:</b> Backing 1 or 2 (Demonic “master“)
:<b>Suggested Charms:</b>
:<b>Compassion:</b> None
:<b>Conviction:</b> Harrow the Mind and  Stoke the Flame
:<b>Temperance:</b> Sustenance and Steal Sustenance
:<b>Valor:</b> Creation of Perfection and Materialize
:<b>Cost to Materialize:</b> 77
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 6
:<b>Kthori Knife:</b>  Speed 9, Accuracy 10, Damage 6L, Defense 7 (exceptional knife)
:<b>Mirror-Razor Counter Attack:</b>  Speed N/A, Accuracy 4, Damage 10L, Defense N/A
:<b>Mirror-Razor Melee Attack:</b> Speed 6, Accuracy 9,  Damage 10L, Defense 6
:<b>Mirror-Razor Thrown Attack:</b> Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 5L, Rate Special, Range 20 (exceptional Shuriken)
:<b>Dodge Pool:</b> 3  <b>Soak:</b> 4L / 7B (Body Already Damaged 2L / 2 B)
:<b>Willpower:</b> 10  <b>Health Levels:</b> -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -4, Incap
:<b>Essence:</b> 3  <b>Essence Pool:</b> 92
:<b>Charm Notes:</b>  The Kthor use their Creation of Perfection Charm to create true artworks of pain.  They use Stoke the Flame to intensify the effects of their tortures, and their variation of Harrow the Mind actually reproduce the their own tortured experiences within the minds of their victims.
:<b>Other Notes:</b> Every time an attack successfully damages a Kthori, and breaks the Kthori’s skin, a stream of mirror-like razors is released, as stated above.  If the Kthori is struck by a melee or unarmed attack, this release of mirror-razors acts as an automatic counterattack, with the stats mentioned above.
:The Kthor can also purposefully cut themselves, creating an aimed melee attack.
:Also the Kthori (or their enemies) can collect the small mirror-razors and us them as throwing weapons.
:They are given stats like exceptional Shuriken, with the following statistics:
:Accuracy: +1, Damage: +2L, Rate: Special, Range: 20
:The stats for a Kthor Knife are as follows
:<b>Kthori Knife:</b>
:Speed: +3, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +3L, Defense: -2
<b>Adysil, Who Is Meant To Be Broken, Child of Abuse</b>
<b>Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter</b>
:Tzjhyrukel once looked upon one of his tears, and he saw within it the pain and confusion of a young harlot of  Yane, who was beaten terribly by one of her clients.  The man was gifted, and he beat her horribly, but did no damage that could be lethal.  Then, he peeled off her face with a piece of broken glass. 
:This story was a common enough one, though a bit extreme, and the victims weren’t just nameless harlots, but also wives, and children.
:Tzjhyrukel was filled with anguish; however, and Daurexes was forced to swallow the poor young harlot’s pain.
:Thus, the first among the Adysilae were born.
:The Adysilae are demons formed from the pain of the weak who are abused by the strong.
:They appear as mousy women, young children and other fragile people, with one exception.  The mouths of Adysilae are filled with sharp fangs made from steel.
:In Malfeas, the Adysilae serve no purpose.  The Adysilae simply try to survive by avoiding the notice of more powerful demons.  They , like thousands of other First Circle demons, are less than nothing within Malfeas.  They lack the artistry of victimization that make the Kthor “favored pets” of many demons, and like the poor souls whose pain they are born from, the Adysilae are simply unable to fight back against the stronger demons.
:In Creation, there is not much more use for an Adysil.  Left to their own devices, the Adysilae in Creation will often seek vengeance against humans who abuse those weaker than themselves.  However, an Adysil will only engage in this kind of activity if they are relatively sure they can defeat the human in question, which means they only attack mortals, usually after getting them to drop their guards, or goading them into acting in an abusive manner.
:There is little usefulness of a demon whose reason for existence is to be a victim.
:Nonetheless, Adysilae are relatively commonly summoned within Creation, for use in a sick past time invented by a decadent House Cynis sorcerer.  This sorcerer, and others like her, summon Adysilae specifically for the purpose of  abusing them, physically, mentally, sexually, or in any other way their imaginations can conceive.
:They are useful as party favors, and, because they are demons, even morally upstanding people have been known to participate in the degradations and beatings of an Adysil.
:<b>Attributes:</b> Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 4, Conviction 1, Temperance 2, Valor 1
:<b>Abilities:</b> Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 3, Presence 2 (Appear Weak +2),  Socialize 2
:<b>Backgrounds:</b> None
:<b>Suggested Charms:</b>
:<b>Compassion:</b> Touch of Grace
:<b>Conviction:</b>  Stoke the Flame
:<b>Temperance:</b> None
:<b>Valor:</b> Materialize
:<b>Cost to Materialize:</b> 27
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 4
:<b>Bite:</b> Speed 4, Accuracy 4, Damage 4L, Defense 2
:<b>Kick:</b> Speed 1, Accuracy 3, Damage 4B, Defense 3
:<b>Punch:</b> Speed 4, Accuracy 4, Damage 2B, Defense 4
:<b>Dodge Pool:</b> 5  <b>Soak:</b> 5B / 3L (Knowing How to Take a Hit 2B / 2L)
:<b>Willpower:</b> 5  <b>Health Levels:</b> -0, -1, -1,-2,-2, -4, Incap
:<b>Essence: 2</b>    <b>Essence Pool: 49</b>
:<b>Charm Notes:</b> An Adysil’s version of Stoke the Flame only requires a Conviction of one.  The Adysilae use it on people they suspect of being abusive.  If a person it is used on is abusive, they will feel a desire to inflict their personal brand of pain upon the Adysil.
:An Adysil’s version of the Materialize Charm only requires a Valor of one.
<b>Ereshiva, The Pain-Eater, Child of Self-Mutilation</b>
<b>Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter</b>
:Tzjhyrukel looked within one of his countless tears, and saw a  man cutting deeply into himself.  This man was not completing a ritual, or serving the orders of some master or another.  His deep sorrow made him feel the need to mar his flesh.
:Tzjhyrukel could not fathom this, and it troubled him.
:When Daurexes took this tear within herself, Ereshiva was born.
:Unlike the other children of Daurexes, there is only one Ereshiva.  However, over time, Ereshiva has grown larger and larger, and it can be many places at once.
:Each shard of the Pain-Eater, in its natural form, it is a large ribbon of  flesh, two dozen feet in length.  Upon one side is smooth, beautiful skin, the other side is muscle, and hundreds of tiny mouths filled with small bone hooks, rather than teeth.    Each shard of Ereshiva also has mouths with no hooks within them.  These serve as small pockets for whatever objects the Pain-Eater decides it likes enough to carry with it.
:Ereshiva has a hive mind, and each of its small ribbons of flesh is a separate but joined piece of the Pain-Eater.  Within Malfeas, all of Ereshiva is joined together, a huge hive that makes one single ribbon of flesh, several hundred of feet in length.  This hive travels throughout the streets, its huge ribbon of flesh rippling and undulating, twists and turning upon itself in beautiful patterns, while its hundreds of thousands of mouths singing hundreds of thousands of songs about all the wonders of the flesh, both carnal and charnel.  Demons often run out into the streets, eager to see and here the glory of Ereshiva’s singing and dancing.  One must be careful, however, to keep from getting to close to the Pain-Eater, as Ereshiva will often snatch lesser demons up with its legions of hooked mouths, enjoying a quick meal as it moves along.
:When summoned, a single portion of the Pain-Eater, rips away from the whole and travels through the Endless Desert into Creation.
:Ereshiva detests Creation.  The portion of the Pain-Eater that breaks from the whole is truly and completely removed.  The part has no knowledge of what the whole is doing, and the who has no knowledge of the part.  What is worse, the individual parts are less than the whole, not just physically, but mentally as well.  They simply are not large enough to hold in all of what the Pain-Eater knows.
:The worst part; however, of being in Creation is that Ereshiva, or at least part of it, is no longer free to fly around Malfeas in its twisting dance, singing its thousands of songs.  Ereshiva is a vain creature, and an artists, and it deeply resents being pulled away from both its audience and its art.
:As if this was not enough reasons to hate Creation, when Ereshiva is summoned, it is often forced by the sorcerer to assume a human form.  The Pain-Eater does this by winding upon itself, forming a human shape, with its beautiful skin on the outside, and the muscles and thousands of mouths and the tens of thousands of bone hooks on the inside.
:When Ereshiva emulates human form, it unfortunately must emulate what it first learned of humanity.  Its desire to hurt itself.  The bone hooked mouths are constantly and viciously tearing into the muscles and themselves,  eating at Ereshiva’s insides.
:In order to complete its human disguise, Ereshiva needs a head of hair, eyes and teeth.  If the summoner does not have these present already, the Pain-Eater will have at least a little joy in obtaining these parts for itself.  When he is not in human form, it will store those body parts within its pockets.
:Within Creation, sorcerers have numerous uses for Ereshiva. 
:The Pain-Eater can, when forced, bring peace upon a troubled soul by eating its pains.  Ereshiva’s distaste for humanity is such that, if a sorcerer does force the Pain-Eater to do this, then that summoner will have earned Ereshiva’s hatred.
:Also, Ereshiva makes a very, very capable bodyguard or assassin, especially for those who wish their victims to suffer.  The Pain-Eater enjoys this job, and may forgive a sorcerer for summoning it if Ereshiva manages to have a particularly fun kill.
:There is; however, one activity that Ereshiva will not only tolerate being summoned for, but actually will look forward to, even if it is forced to take a human shape.
:Ereshiva thousands of mouths singing thousands of songs within Malfeas has made it quite a brilliant singer, and  the Pain-Eater has often been summoned into Creation to perform concerts, or even to act in musicals.  Ereshiva loves this, as it allows for the singing of songs that are not appreciated in Malfeas, and it allows the Pain-Eater to enrapture a whole new audience.  Ereshiva has also been known to enjoy tutor gifted protégés; however, if anyone wishes to have the Pain-Eater tutor their talent less children, they will earn its hatred as surely as someone forcing it to eat the pains of others.
:<b>Attributes:</b> Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance (Varies, usually 5), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 3
:<b>Abilities:</b> Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 4 (When In Ribbon Form +3), Dodge 5 (When in Ribbon Form +3), Linguistics 5 (various types), Lore 3 (Songs +3),  Performance 6 (Singing +3), Presence 3
:<b>Backgrounds:</b>  None
:<b>Suggested Charms:</b>
:<b>Compassion:</b> Dreamspeak and (Measure the Wind)
:<b>Conviction:</b> (Instill Obedience), Memory Mirror, Memory Sponge and Stoke the Flame
:<b>Temperance:</b> Sustenance and Steal Sustenance
:<b>Valor:</b> Materialize, Principle of Motion, Shapechange and Words of Power
:<b>Cost To Materialize:</b> 73
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 8
:<b>Kick:</b> Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Defense 8
:<b>Punch:</b> Speed 8, Accuracy 9, Damage 5B, Defense 9
:<b>Ribbon-Engulf:</b>  Speed 8, Accuracy 5, Damage 20L + Clinch (see below), Defense 8 (requires two full actions)
:<b>Ribbon-Slash:</b> Speed 11, Accuracy 12, Damage 9L, Defense 13
:<b>Ribbon-Strike:</b> Speed 14, Accuracy 14, Damage 11L, Defense 12 (costs two motes of Essence)
:<b>Dodge Pool:</b> 10 (13 When In Ribbon Form)  <b>Soak:</b> 14L / 17B (Made Only of Mouths, Skin and Muscle 12L / 12B)
:<b>Willpower:</b> 8  <b>Health Levels:</b> -0, -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
:<b>Essence:</b> 5    <b>Essence Pool:</b> 98
:<b>Charm Notes:</b>  Ereshiva’s version of the Memory Sponge Charm is an be used for very precise, memory “surgery” and be used to remove just a single memory, or multiple memories like the normal use of the Charm.  The Pain-Eater must use Memory Mirror before hand to pinpoint the exact memories to be removed.
:Ereshiva most often uses Stoke the Flame to enhance a person’s appreciation for his dancing and singing.  Its Sustenance Charm can be used on people who are awake, but it can only be used on people while he is performing in some manner.  Further, the Pain-Eater’s version of Sustenance is activated with a Charisma and Temperance roll, not Wits and Temperance.  People who are drained by Ereshiva’s Sustenance Charm find themselves vaguely disjointed from the rest of world, and have trouble concentrating on anything except for Ereshiva’s wonderful performance.  This feeling fades naturally after a day or two.
:Ereshiva’s Steal Sustenance Charm is used upon the sleeping, using the standard Strength and Temperance roll.  Those drained by the Pain-Eater find themselves listless and depressed, and often scratch or lightly cut themselves absent-mindedly.  These people are very likely to try and commit suicide, or at least mutilate themselves during troubled times.  Listening to Ereshiva sing one of his demonic songs can cure this condition, as can killing or mutilating someone else.
:Ereshiva’s Words of Power Charm comes in the form of one of a few dozen songs that the bodies of beings from Creation cannot bare to hear.
:<b>Other Notes:</b>  It normally takes the Pain-Eater a single turn to shift from a human form to its ribbon form; however, by spending a single mote of Essence, it can shift instantly.  This is how it uses it Ribbon-Strike attack, by shifting its arm, or head, or some other part of its body, and having that part lash out like a snake, before recoiling into its human shape again.
:Its Ribbon-Slash attack is used when it is already in ribbon form, and is striking out. 
:The Ribbon-Engulf attack requires that the Pain-Eater be in ribbon form.  It the attempts to wrap around a victim, which requires two full actions.  If Ereshiva succeeds, the victim is trapped within the Pain-Eater, with its hundreds of tiny mouths eating hungrily that the character.  Because this attack requires two full actions, unless Ereshiva uses Principle of Motion, it requires two turns to complete.  Ereshiva must roll for the attack successfully twice, and the target can avoid it my any normal means (such as dodging or parrying) on either action or turn.  Once the Ribbon-Engulf attack is successful, it is treated as a clinch; however, Ereshiva does the attacks 20 dice of Lethal damage every round, rather than Strength +2 Bashing.  It can be escaped like a normal Clinch attack.
== Other Demons in from the 'Family' of He Who Coils Within ==
<b>Athanmaior, The Advocate of the Betrayed</b>
<b>The Messenger Soul of the Dancer Among Fires, 2nd  Circle Demon</b>
:Athanmaior is the 2nd soul of Uruthane, who dances around and amid She Who Lives Within Her Name. 
:Athanmaior is know as The-Hunter-of-Sinners  and He-Whose-Justice-Is-Measured-In-Blood, and he is summoned by  Sorcerers to assist them in hunting down those who have wronged them.
:Mortals seek out Athanmaior, as well.  Rumor holds that a person can summon him by placing a lit candle in each of the five cardinal directions, while whispering the crimes done to them, and then putting the candles out by dripping their own blood on them.
:Whenever Athanmaior is summoned, Coldheart, a large white drathaga is summoned with him.
:A good looking and jovial man, Athanmaior wears wide brimmed hats, with his long silver hair down, to cover his wolf-like ears.  In addition, he wears a long leather coat.  Otherwise, he dresses to suit the occasion.  The only other mark that he is anything other than human is his eyes, which appear to have many tiny rings of silver, instead of pupils.
:Athanmaior seems to truly enjoy Creation, and humans that occupy it.  While most demons strongly dislike humanity, and hold them in contempt, Athanmaior finds then to be great entertainment and fine drinking companions.
:He is particularly amused by how easily hatred and evil breed within the hearts of men and women, and is actually quite helpful in assisting people find their revenge.
:However, this does not mean he is trustworthy or benign.  Quite the opposite, while he is more than willing to aid someone in finding those who’ve wronged them, Athanmaior isn’t always quick about it.
:Quite often, unless the Sorcerer properly words the pact that binds Athanmaior to his task, he will take longer than is needed.  During this period, he acts very comforting towards his summoner, listening while they vent their rage, and always saying the right things.  He also ensures that the anger never fades.  In fact, he uses the time to make the anger grow.
:When he is able, Athanmaior will send tormenting dreams to his summoner, using his version of Dreamscape.  In addition, he makes liberal use of Stoke the Flame and Confusion, and will use Memory Mirror on the Sorcerer, picking up bits of information which he will then subtly use to his advantage. 
:Athanmaior might suggest that perhaps, before the summoner kills the man who murdered his wife, the Sorcerer should kill that bastard’s wife, so that he feels the pain of losing someone close to him.
:By the time Athanmaior finally finds the person who wronged the Sorcerer, the Sorcerer is usually prepared to do far more in the name of vengeance than they originally intended. 
:Entire families have died because of the subtle suggestions of Athanmaior, and near the end of the First Age, Athanmaior’s words led a Solar to the destroy the city he ruled, and its nearly half a million citizens.  The Solar had summoned Athanmaior to seek his advice on how best to seek vengeance against a single citizen who claimed the Solar had gone mad.
:Oddly, Athanmaior is loved by children and babies, and seems to truly love their company.  This does little to keep them safe from Athanmaior’s machinations; however.
:<b>Nature:</b>  Conniver
:<b>Attributes:</b> Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 4, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, Valor 2
:<b>Abilities:</b> Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Investigation 4, Larceny 4 , Linguistics 3, Lore 2, Melee 4 (sword +2), Perform 3, Presence 4 (Inciting Anger +2, Comforting +1), Socialize 3 , Stealth 4, Survival 5 (Tracking +3)
:<b>Backgrounds:</b> Allies 2 (Coldheart), Contacts 5, Familiar 5, Followers 2, Influence 4
:<b>Charms:</b> Dreamspeak, Dreamscape, Landscape Travel, Measure the Wind, Sense Domain, Scent of the Unclean, Perception of Sin, Tracking, Stoke the Flame, Memory Mirror, Sustenance x 2,  Materialize
:<b>Cost To Materialize:</b> 70
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 9
:<b>Punch:</b> Speed 9, Accuracy 7, Damage 4B,  Defense 7
:<b>Kick:</b>  Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 6B, Defense 6
:<b>Slashing Sword:</b> Speed 12, Accuracy 12, Damage 6L, Defense 12
:<b>Dodge Pool: 8</b>    <b>Soak:</b> 7L / 10B (Reinforced Buff Jacket 5L/6B, with no mobility penalty)
:<b>Willpower:</b> 7      <b>Health Levels:</b> -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
:<b>Essence:</b> 5          <b>Essence Pool:</b> 99
:<b>Other Notes:</b> Athanmaior’s Landscape Travel can only be used to travel directly towards the person he was summoned to hunt down.  His version of Dreamscape costs 15 motes and 1 willpower point, and can effect Exalted, who get to roll their Essence versus Athanmaior’s Manipulation and Compassion.  His version of Tracking can only be used to track those identified by Scent of the Unclean.  Athanmaior has two Sustenance Charms.  One is connected to tears of anger or grief.  He must taste them to use the charm, however, the person who feeds Athanmaior feels no ill effects.  The other is connected to children’s laughter.  A child whose laughter feeds Athanmaior feels slightly weak, but is otherwise unaffected.
:Lastly, when he is using Memory Mirror to gain knowledge of a person’s sins, or grief and anger they hold, it only costs 3 motes.
:The write-ups for Scent of the Unclean and Perception of Sin can be found below.
<b>Drathaga, The Loyal and True Friend, Demon of the First Circle</b>
<b>Progeny of the Advocate of the Betrayed</b>
:The drathagae are among the least threatening looking of demons.  Appearing to be nothing more than beautiful dogs, of nearly any large breed.  Only their eyes betray show them to be anything more than dogs.  They are always a beautiful shade of blue, and seem to shine with both intelligence and a deep compassion.
:They cannot speak, and they never act as anything other than a very intelligent animal.  They do understand, and follow commands; however.
:Drathaga are most commonly summoned in order to aid a Sorcerer in tracking down someone who has wronged her.
:A drathaga will be very well behaved around its “master”, and will act very much like a dog, even going so far as licking the palm of his “master’s” hand, and nudging her, encouraging her to pet it.
:This, of course, is a total sham.  A drathaga will commit just as many bad deeds as any other demon.  It is just more likely to try and hide them, at least from its “master”. 
:Its common for a drathaga to use its Shapechange Charm to appear as another dog, and then perform actions similar to those its “master” is seeking revenge for.  If a Sorcerer is seeking vengeance against someone who killed her husband and child, a drathaga will attempt to kill children and their fathers in its free moments.
:<b>Attributes:</b> Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
:<b>Virtues:</b> Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 3
:<b>Abilities:</b> Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 4 (Bite +2), Dodge 4, Endurance 2, Presence 2 (Comforting +2), Resistance 2,  Stealth 3, Survival 4
:<b>Suggested Charms:</b> Scent of the Unclean, Tracking, Materialize, Shapechange, (Words of Power)
:<b>Cost to Materialize:</b> 34
:<b>Base Initiative:</b> 7
:<b>Bite:</b> Speed 7, Accuracy 10, Damage 7L, Defense 8
:<b>Dodge Pool:</b> 8    <b>Soak:</b> 2L/5B
:<b>Willpower:</b> 6      <b>Health Levels:</b> -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
:<b>Essence:</b> 2          <b>Essence Pool:</b> 60
:<b>Other Notes:</b> Tracking can only be used to track those the drathaga identified with Scent of the Unclean.  Shapechange can only be used to take the form of another canine.  The write-up for Scent of the Unclean can be found below.
=== Demonic Spirit Charms ===
<b>Scent of the Unclean</b>
:<b>Cost:</b>  5 motes
:<b>Duration:</b> Instant
:<b>Type:</b>  Simple
:<b>Minimum Compassion:</b> 1
:<b>Minimum Essence:</b>  1
:<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
:The spirit viewing an area of some form of sin can use this charm to discover the exact nature of the transgression, and the perpetrators involved.  Roll the spirit’s Intelligence and Compassion. The worse the transgression, the easier it is read.  A spirit looking on the bedroom of a woman cheating on her husband may require three successes, while a spirit looking on the bedroom where a grisly murder occurred would only require one success.  The information provided is limited to the actual transgression performed, a small amount of information about the transgressor, and a general image of the person.  “Asha Tome was killed by Virdus Tyne, the bandit and assassin known as the Southern Steel.”
<b>Perception of Sin</b>
:<b>Cost:</b>  10 motes, 1 Willpower
:<b>Duration:</b>  Varies
:<b>Type:</b>  Simple
:<b>Minimum Compassion:</b>  2
:<b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
:<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Scent of the Unclean
:The spirit using this Charm can view an area, and see what evil deeds or sins may have occurred on that site.  The spirit rolls their Perception and Compassion, one success if enough for a perfect vision of one crime that has taken place, as if the crime were taking place at that time.  If the spirit has a specific crime or sin they are trying to discover information about, then that is the sin that appears to them.  Otherwise, the worst deeds performed will be the first to show themselves to the spirit.  Subsequent uses of the Charm will show other deeds.  The Charm lasts for as long as is necessary to show the full course of the crime, or until the spirit breaks it.

Revision as of 05:15, 7 November 2004

Tzjhyrukel, He Who Coils Within

Progeny Count 2:2:4
Back to /ATaxonomyOfMadness

The tale of this Yozi, ancient, but youngest among his kind, begins with Naakthuursha, the Inflictor of Scars.
Naakthuursha was a great and evil thing, and after the Yozis’ exile, he existed within the watery bowels of Malfeas. He was a coiling mass of tentacles, with thousands of mouths covering the underside of each tentacle. Each mouth bore a single poisoned tongue, able to lash out a quarter mile or more, and a thousand or more fangs, each fang the size of a common Warstrider.
So great was the size of Naakthuursha that his tentacles could be found coiled within the highest of Jacint’s towers, deep within the darkened corners of the Underworld, and even in Creation, lying at the bottom of the Western Ocean.
Naakthuursha felt every bit of pain that every living and dead thing felt. Whether that pain be physical or emotional, it did not matter, Naakthuursha enjoyed it all. A coiled mass of agony, Naakthuursha lived in a constant tortured state of pleasure, and his great joy made all worlds and all those in it suffer far more than is necessary.
Malfeas itself was tortured by Naakthuursha’s existence, as was every other thing. All pains were greater than they are now, and even the youngest children and dumb animals knew that somewhere, something was taking salacious pleasure in their miseries. Even the Silent Wind found herself pained by the Inflictor of Scars, and she refused to rip through his poisoned tentacles.
Then, before the First Age reached it glorious apex, the great Solar tactician, Jorun Matas, led a small force against Uaggrath-Shagga, The Glutton of Atrocities, who was the fetich of Naakthuursha.
The battle was great, and Uaggrath-Shagga left nothing alive. However, the wounds inflicted upon her by Radiant Silver Lioness, the Lunar bride of Jorun Matas, were grievous, and the Glutton of Atrocities did not live to leave the battlefield.
Thus, Naakthuursha was killed, and Tzjhyrukel was born, and all worlds are better for it.
As huge as Naakthuursha was, Tzjhyrukel is his equal. A great worm, coiled a hundred-thousand or more times upon itself, its grey-black body stretches from the dark and dry corners of Malfeas’ lowest levels to the burning sands of the Endless Desert.
It is rumored that you can find a small portion of the body of He Who Coils Within in the darkest places in the Underways of Gethamane and the collapsed Jade mines of the Blessed Isle. Amazingly, there are tales of the coils of Tzjhyrukel within the Shadowlands and Underworld, and within the piping and hoses of Autochthonia. Legend even claims that if you stand upon the Gates of Yu-Shan, a coil of Tzjhyrukel’s grey-black flesh can been seen, reaching just shy of Heaven.
He Who Coils Within is still linked inexorably with pain. However, he no longer takes great joy in pain.
Instead, he is now a caretaker of pain. He still watches every pain unfold, for that is, at his core, what Tzjhyrukel is. He watches out of respect for the pain itself, and out of sympathy for the person who most endure it. Although only Creation’s most learned savants know it, no one ever suffers through their pains alone. He Who Coils Within suffers with them.
Deep within the center of Tzjhyrukel, where he rests his great head, there is a open area, several miles long and several miles wide. All that be seen above or below this area is the grey-black coils of the worm.
The head of Tzjhyrukel contains a thousand glittering compound eyes, like those of bees, and a huge mandibled maw, filled with the same fangs that once filled Naakthuursha‘s thousands of mouths. Every time someone feels a single instant of pain, Tzjhyrukel cries a rough tear of ruby and diamond, a tear of blood and water. Each tear is a reflection of that exact instant of pain. Each tear has dozens, sometimes hundreds, of sharp facets which cut Tzjhyrukel’s face as they fall down, and He Who Coils Within tends to them all with great care, along with the aid of Daurexes, the Impossible Daughter.
The grey-black body of Tzjhyrukel is always covered in a glistening slime. Depending on Tzjhyrukel‘s mood, this slime takes one of two forms. When He Who Coils Within is anguished or angry, the slime is an oily green color, and causes all those who touch or smell it to relive their worst memories. When Tzjhyrukel is docile, the slime he secretes is a milky white, and lessens the pain, whether physical or emotion, of those who smell or touch it.
This slime can become present within Creation in areas of great anguish, especially during Calibration and the three months before it. For example, Tzjhyrukel’s slime sometimes floats within the sludge of the River of Tears, and during a battle, a dying soldier’s wounds may ooze out the slime along with blood.
Because of Tzjhyrukel’s great size, and the fact that legends hold his body stretches into Creation, some demons attempt to enter Creation (or other realms) by crawling along the body of He Who Coils Within. This is a difficult task indeed. The further one gets from Tzjhyrukel’s head, the less orderly his coils become. They eventually resemble huge, web-like mazes, with miles upon miles upon miles of crisscrossing worm flesh, seemingly continuing forever both above and below.
Most of those demons who attempt it eventually go insane from crawling along in pools of Tzjhyrukel’s slime. Daurexes follows their screams, and mercifully puts them down. The few who have survived and succeeded are reluctant to use Tzjhyrukel as a means of travel again.

Uruthane, The Dancer Among Fires

Uruthane, The Dancer Among Fires, The 8th Soul of He Who Coils Within, Demon of the Third Circle

Uruthane’s mind is strong, bolstered by his seven souls. However, Uruthane is wise, and the Dancer Among Fires knows that his mind is not strong enough to resist the voices of the 99,997 fires of She Who Lives In Her Name.
However, Uruthane is not willing to be apart from her. He is enraptured by She Who Lives In Her Name, and the order and stability she represents. Uruthane deeply laments the fall of the Primordials, and he views this injustice as an abhorrent break of protocol and hierarchy.
He sees She Who Lives In Her Name as the only potential savoir of the Yozis, not just because he expects her to break the Yozis from their prison, but because he believes, once they are freed, She Who Lives In Her Name will ensure that this betrayal cannot happen again.
Her rule, and her hierarchy will ensure, he believes, that nothing will happen that should not be happen. Nothing will exist that is not right and just.
Therefore, Uruthane is filled with so much love and admiration for She Who Lives In Her Name that it pains him. He dances amid the spheres and flames with unflinching power and unthinking grace. He dances with such abandon that he does not bother to maintain his form, which moves and flows like a river of flesh.
However, in order to keep his sanity, and ensure that his love remains pure, and that his thoughts remain his, Uruthane pierces his ear drums while he dances, so that he cannot hear the 99,997 voices of She Who Lives In Her Name. The Dancer Among Fires uses needles made from the polished bones of a Solar whose name he as long since forgot. Uruthane’s body, always striving for the perfection of form that mimics the perfection that She Who Lives In Her Name seeks for Creation, heals these injuries with his every heartbeat. Therefore, it is a necessary and integral part of the dance that with every beat, he pierces his ear drums, so that he may be among the glory of She Who Lives In Her Name, without being lost in it.
Notes and Abilities: In Creation, Uruthane takes the form of an impossibly handsome man whose face and voice demand obedience. Uruthane’s shifting form allows him to fit into any society he finds himself in, but he never blends in. Uruthane is always the most impressive man in any gathering, no matter whose company he is in.
Uruthane is one of the more difficult 3rd Circle Demon to bind. Sorcerers must look into the eyes of a being that has never been told "no" by anything short of a Primordial. The cost for reducing Uruthane’s dice pool in the contest of wills is 15 motes per die, not 10, and, quite frighteningly, he can reduce the sorcerer’s dice pool at the same cost. Finally, because Creation is a reflection of the will of She Who Lives In Her Name, he cannot be banished if the binding fails.
If a sorcerer can bind Uruthane; however, he will be a powerful tool. Uruthane can move in and out of any hierarchy and bureaucracy with ease, and even the most clever or paranoid of minds will believe that Uruthane is not only one of their kind, but above them in rank.
Kings, emperors, and even the most powerful and jealous spirits among the Celestial Bureaucracy will defer to Uruthane as their master, or at least superior.
Not only do people obey Uruthane, but they yearn to obey him. Without the Council of Entities working against him, and perhaps even if they did work against him, the Dancer Among Fires could become the Emperor of Nexus within a day. If a summoner does not want to use Uruthane’s power to place Uruthane high upon an existing hierarchy, Uruthane can build one himself.
Or just as easily, he could destroy one.

Hollow Ta’nathu, The Empty Mother

Hollow Ta'nathu, The Empty Mother The 12th Soul of He Who Coils Within, Fetich Demon of the Third Circle

Hollow Ta’nathu was not what she is now.
At one time, Hollow Ta’nathu was known as Winyeegu, The Poisoned Womb, and she created her body by sewing together the corpses of stillborn and miscarried children. Her laughter made women sterile and caused children to go blind.
However, when Naakthuursha became Tzjhyrukel, Winyeegu became Hollow Ta’nathu. Her body now looks like the hollow skin of a human woman. There is no bone within her, and very little muscle. The Empty Mother only moves by the manipulation of Essence. She can inflate her skin, giving something similar to a human shape; however, no one who sees her unobscured would ever mistake it for a natural shape. When she does not concentrate upon keeping a semi-human form, Hollow Ta’nathu deflates, and resembles a discarded pile of flesh from the slaughterhouse.
Notes and Abilities:
Ta’nathu’s voice causes sterility in women, and blindness in children. Unless ordered to be a summoner, she will never speak. If forced Hollow Ta’nathu’s shout is capable of killing every child within a city, and making every woman within a kingdom barren, and her whispers can guarantee that no plants will grow upon a given land for ten generations.
During Calibration, she can be summoned into Creation by the tears of mother who lost her child falling upon the earth of sallow fields. Once in Creation, whether summoned by a sorcerer, or by the pain of a mother without a child, Ta'nathu will be able to sense the pain of every mother who lost a child within 1,000 miles since the last full moon.
She will then, before serving her summoner, weave a doll for each and every one of these mothers from her own skin, muscle and hair, and place the doll within the mother's wombs while they sleep.
The mothers will then, in nine months time, give birth to a child. If the doll was made well enough, it will resemble a fully human child in all manners, though it will never be free of the taint of Hollow Ta’nathu’s Infernal nature.
If Hollow Ta’nathu’s craftsmanship is suspect; however, the child will be deformed, or worse, a fully twisted creature kept alive by Infernal energies alone.
Winyeegu, even in her extreme cruelty, was far superior to Hollow Ta’nathu in creating new children for the childless mothers. She would merely pluck a stillborn child from her own body, and place it within the would-be mothers, who would have to promise Winyeegu their own lives in servitude, and these children would be perfectly human in every way.
Though Winyeegu does not live, she manages to torture Hollow Ta’nathu, just by having existed.
While Winyeegu took joy in her station, as the taunter, torturer and tempter of childless mothers, Hollow Ta’nathu hates her station as the ineffectual comforter, and surrogate father for these unfortunate mothers. It pains her to know that the children she gives the mothers can never be perfect, or even fully human, and it pains her even more that she must give them up.
Hollow Ta’nathu wishes so much to be a mother, truly, not just a crafter of broken flesh that will eventually become a child in someone else’s womb.
This desire is only worsened by the fact that at one time, she was.

Daurexes, The Impossible Daughter

Daurexes, The Impossible Daughter, The Reflective Soul of The Empty Mother, 2nd Circle Demon

When The Poisoned Womb was remade by the death of Naakthuursha, Hollow Ta’nathu was briefly a whole and beautiful creature, fully formed and very pregnant.
She was allowed only one instant of joy; however. One instant of joy, followed by thousands of years of pain. Hollow Ta’nathu’s child, Daurexes, the Impossible Daughter, was not born. She ripped her way from her mother‘s womb, taking her muscles, blood and bones along with her, leaving Hollow Ta’nathu nothing but empty skin.
When she crawled out of her mother, Daurexes looked upon her broken mother, and was horrified, and she tore her own eyes - Ta’nathu’s eyes, from her skull.
While The Empty Mother, now just a useless skin, cried out in vein for Daurexes not to leave her, the Impossible Daughter ran away in blind horror and pain. Some say it was the will of He Who Coils Within that Daurexes should find her way to his side. Others say that it was only natural, whatever that means among demons, that the Impossible Daughter should find herself drawn to her “grandfather”. Regardless, though it took her a one hundred years and a day, she made her way to Tzjhyrukel, and kneeled down beside him and wailed out in pain.
Tzjhyrukel allowed her to rip away a portion of his skin, which she then made her skin. She then removed two of his own glittering compound eyes, and placed them within her sockets. The Impossible Daughter now serves as the assistant, comforter and lover of He Who Coils Within. Daurexes is a woman of beautiful proportions, covered in the same mottled grey-black, viscous skin as Tzjhyrukel, with two large, black compound eyes. Her face in nearly featureless, with two small holes for a nose, and just a small slit for a mouth.
She walks along the endless coils of Tzjhyrukel, usually near his head, eternally humming an infinite number of inhuman but impossibly soothing tunes, polishing each tear as Tzjhyrukel shed it from one of his now 998 eyes, and then arranging them among his coils, so that he can see them all.
This is a constant process, and each fraction of each second, each of his 998 eyes sheds a tear. Further, the two empty sockets that held the eyes that are now Daurexes’ each flow with a nearly constant river of ruby and diamond. These twin rivers are for Tzjhyrukel’s own pain, tears that were unshed before Daurexes came to him. He Who Coils Within is infinitely thankful to the Impossible Daughter for allowing him to shed them.
Daurexes, the Impossible Daughter
Reflective Soul of the Empty Mother
Nature: Caregiver
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 6, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 5, Temperance 3, Valor 2
Abilities: Athletics 3 (Moving Along Unstable Ground +3), Awareness 4, Craft (Gem-Cutting) 4 (Tzjhyrukel’s Tears +5), Dodge 3, Endurance 4, Linguistics 8 (High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Flametongue, Forest-tongue, Seatongue, Skytongue, Old Realm) (see below), Lore 7 (see below), Medicine 5 (Pain Relief +2, Poisons +2), Melee 3 (Pain’s Thorn +2), Occult 3 (Pain-Related Rituals +3), Performance 5 (The Infinite Wordless Songs of Malfeas +8), Presence 3, Socialize 5 (Discern Emotions +2, Discern Motivations +2, Determine Intent +2, Determine Truth +2)
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Mentor 5
Compassion: Dreamspeak, Dreamscape and Touch of Grace
Conviction: Dreambane, Harrow the Mind, Memory Mirror, Memory Sponge, Memory Transference, Stoke the Flame and Worldly Illusion
Temperance: Sustenance
Valor: Materialize and Words of Power
Cost to Materialize: 75
Base Initiative: 9
Pain’s Thorn (Artifact Sword): Speed 17, Accuracy 16, Damage 12L, Defense 16
Punch: Speed 9, Accuracy 4, Damage 2B (plus Slime, if applicable), Defense 4
Dodge Pool: 7 Soak: 14L / 19 B (Tzjhyrukel’s Rubbery, Viscous Skin 12L / 15B)
Willpower: 9 Health Levels: -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, Incap
Essence: 6 Essence Pool: 117
Charm Notes: Daurexes uses her dream and illusion based Charms to bring dreams and visions to cause or (usually) relieve pain.
The substance Daurexes eats when she uses her Sustenance Charm are good or bad memories. If she feeds on good memories, the victim usually has wonderful dreams and a restful sleep, reliving the good memories in their dreams. If she feeds on bad memories, the effects are opposite.
Daurexes’ version of Voice of Power requires her to talk about some physical injuries done to the Charm’s target in the past.
This requires an Intelligence and Lore roll at a difficulty of 1 if the person is important (All Celestial Exalted, most Terrestrial Exalted, most kings and merchant princes, etc.), or a difficulty of 3 if the person is unimportant (most mortals, a random harlot on the streets of Nexus, or a typical slave in Arjuf, etc.), to see if she recalls any such events about the person from one of Tzjhyrukel’s tears.
If Daurexes is examining a tear, she can use any of her Charms on the person whose pain is being reflected, even if they are in Creation, and she is Malfeas. She could even use her Charms on someone in the Wyld, Autochthonia or the Underworld, though she would be reluctant to meddle in the realm of the dead-but-stirring Malfeans.
Other Notes:
Pain’s Thorn (Artifact 3):
Pain’s Thorn is a daiklave that Daurexes carved herself from a large tear that flowed from one of Tzjhyrukel’s empty eye sockets.
Like most daiklaves, Pain’s Thorn has a very long, wide blade. It is made of swirling ruby and diamond. The blade is impossibly thin, and the weapon is very light, even without being attuned.
Although Daurexes is a gem-cutter, and not a blacksmith, the tears of her master were a very forgiving material to work with, and the sword is close to a masterpiece.
Pain’s Thorn takes 10 motes of Essence to attune.
Anyone who so much as touches the handle of Pain’s Thorn without attuning it will suffer greatly until the are no longer in contact with the weapon. The character must roll an Essence check or suffer from a -1 penalty to all dice rolls due to the pain.
Each turn after the first, the Essence roll is done at a cumulative difficulty of +1. Every time the character fails this roll, the next turn the penalty will double if the roll is failed. Therefore, if a character fails the first roll, they have a -1 penalty. If the make the second roll, then the penalty stays at -1. If the character fails a third roll, the penalty is -2, and if the character fails a fourth roll, the penalty will be at -4.
Speed +6, Accuracy + 5, Damage +8, Defense + 5
All wounds inflicted by Pain’s Thorn have double their normal wound penalties, due to excruciating pain. Further, if the weapon is stuck in someone, and then left in, the weapon will produce the same effects as if someone touched the hilt (reprinted below), beginning with the next turn of combat:
The character must roll an Essence check or suffer from a -1 penalty to all dice rolls due to the pain.
Each turn after the first, the Essence roll is done at a cumulative difficulty of +1. Every time the character fails this roll, the next turn the penalty will double if the roll is failed. Therefore, if a character fails the first roll, they have a -1 penalty. If the make the second roll, then the penalty stays at -1. If the character fails a third roll, the penalty is -2, and if the character fails a fourth roll, the penalty will be at -4.
Notes on Daurexes using Pain‘s Thorn: When used by Daurexes this weapon has an additional +2 added to each of its stats.
Daurexes never carries Pain’s Thorn, but is also never away from it. She can call it to her hand as a free action, regardless of its location.
If someone has managed to attune and take Pain’s Thorn while Daurexes still lives, when she next tries to call it to her hand, have the character who currently has the weapon rolls their Essence in a contested action against Daurexes’ Essence. If Daurexes wins, the sword will travel to her hand. If the character wins, the sword stays, and Daurexes can never call for it again.
If Daurexes is fighting someone under the effects of the oily-green slime (see below), and strikes them with Pain’s Thorn, the strike only causes triple the wound penalty, not quadruple.
Notes on Daurexes’ Lore and Linguistics:
Because she has spent so much time caring for Tzjhyrukel and his tears, Daurexes has an endless number of wondrous and vile things.
The Impossible Daughter has seen at least one moment of every day of nearly every living or dead thing’s existence, though she lacks the ability to retain more of the knowledge and any other being of her power and intelligence.
It is through these tears that she has learned most of her skills. It is conceivable that Daurexes knows at least a little bit about almost everything. This means, not only does Daurexes have a very high Lore rating, but Daurexes can use her Lore ability to try and remember the painful experiences about any individual see is dealing with.
Further, although Daurexes only knows nine full languages (those listed above and the perversion of Old Realm spoken by the demons in Malfeas), she also knows bits and pieces of every other spoken language.
Notes on Summoning Daurexes:
Tzjhyrukel will tolerate Daurexes being taken away from his for short periods of time. However, if anyone summons Daurexes and keeps her in Creation for more than a year, He Who Coils Within will begin taking actions to get her back. Namely, he will send other demons to kill the summoner.

The Slimes

Daurexes’ Slime:

Because she wears his skin, Daurexes is covered in the same slime as Tzjhyrukel, and can change between the two types of slimes. This does not require a dice roll, but is considered an action.
This slime’s influence over pain is such that even the mere smell of it can effect people.
The milky-white slime smells of vanilla, and all those who smell it have any wound penalties reduced by one, gain a point of temporary Willpower point (to their normal maximum), and any emotional pains are temporarily relieved.
The oily-green slime smells of refuse and sewage, and all those who smell it have any wound penalties increased by one (though it does not provide a -1 penalty if no health levels have been lost), and those who smell it lose a temporary Willpower point, and any emotional pains they are feeling are increases.
These effects occur only the first time they smell either slime in a given day; however, the effects last all day, and they cannot be resisted in any way except by means that would keep the characters from smelling her.
The effects are far more potent if the slimes are touched or ingested.
If the milky-white slime is touched, it feels very pleasant, like a lotion, and it immediately halves any wound penalties they might have for a full day. Further, anyone touching this slime has all their favorite memories return to them, as though they just happened. The character feels their self-esteem increase, and immediately rolls their highest Virtue, and regains a number of temporary Willpower points equal the number of successes, even if this takes them above their normal maximum. These “extra” Willpower points are bled off at a rate of one per day, if not used.
Further, any derangements a character suffers from, no matter how strong, are completely ineffective for one day.
Additionally, any Solars, Lunars, or Sidereals who touch the slime immediately lose a point from their Limit. It is; however, possible that an Abyssal may gain a point of Resonance from touching the milky-white slime.
In short, anyone who touches the milky-white slime emotionally feels as though they have no problems, and no pain. This wonderful feeling will not in any way hinder a character’s judgment.
As with smelling the milky-white slime, all of these effect happen the first time a character touches the slime in a given day. All of these effects can be duplicated each day that a character touches Daurexes, except for the Limit reduction. This slime can only reduce an Exalt’s Limit (or raise an Abyssal’s Resonance) once per year, with a year being considered over at the end of Calibration.
If anyone is curious, or becomes… amorous with Daurexes while she is secreting the milky-white slime, it does, indeed, taste like vanilla.
If the oily-green slime is touched, the effects are as harmful as the milky-white slimes effects are helpful. This oily-green slime is vile to the touch, feeling slick, dirty and slightly burning.
The character touched by this slime immediately suffers from double their wound penalties, and if they don’t have any wounds, they suffer a -1 penalty to all dice actions just from general pain. All of the most painful memories of the character comes flooding back as though they just happened. The character feels helpless and ineffectual, and must roll their highest Virtue, losing a number of temporary Willpower points equal to the number of successes on that roll. If this roll reduces the total number of temporary Willpower points below zero, record that number as “negative” Willpower points. The character cannot regain Willpower for a number of days equal to number of “negative” Willpower points.
Also, anyone touching the slime must make a Willpower and Essence roll against a difficulty of 6 (Daurexes’ Essence score). If the character does not succeed, they will suffer from a derangement of the ST’s choosing for a number of days equal to the number of successes that they missed the difficulty of 6 by.
Any characters that were reduced to “negative” Willpower cannot begin “counting off” the days of their derangement until they have at least one temporary Willpower point. The combination of the lack of Willpower’s Compulsion, and a derangement can be very dangerous indeed for the character or those around them.
Like the milky-white slime, all of these effects can only occur once a day, but they can be inflicted every day. However, once character has less than zero Willpower, the oily-green slime cannot drain any more, and a character cannot suffer from more than one derangement inflicted by the slime at a time.
Finally, any Solars, Lunars or Sidereals who touch this slime gain a point of Limit. Oddly, Abyssals may lose a point of Resonance from touching the oily-green slime. Like the milky-white slime, the oily-green slime can only raise the Limit of an Exalt (or lower the Resonance of an Abyssal) once per year.
The effects of the oily-green slime are the opposite of those of the milky-white slime. The characters affected by it can see nothing but their pains and their problems, and obviously, it can and will hinder judgment.
Finally, for those unfortunate enough to taste the oily-green slime, it has the coppery taste of blood mixed with feces.
While both of these slimes have effects which can be avoided with dice rolls, resisting the slime itself (with Resistance Charms or the like) is impossible. If the slime touches bare skin, there is no way to ignore its effects.
Finally, while both slimes would be of obvious use to any healer or assassin, they lose their effectiveness almost immediately.
They become immediately inert if collected in a jar, scooped onto a spoon, dripped across Pain’s Thorn, or in any other way removed from Daurexes‘ skin. Therefore, in combat, if Daurexes wishes to use the slime, she must somehow touch someone with her bare skin.

Tzjhyrukel’s Slime:

While Daurexes' slime is the exact same substance that Tzjhyrukel sheds, the effects are not nearly as strong as they would be should someone be in Tzjhyrukel’s presence. He, has an infinitely larger body than Daurexes, and therefore, infinitely more slime.
Anyone who smells Tzjhyrukel’s slimes will have the same effects as if they touched (or were touched) by Daurexes, with the following exceptions: All Limit and Resonance effects can be suffered once every day, rather than once every year. All other effects are suffered once every turn, rather than once every day.
If someone is touched by a large amount of Tzjhyrukel’s slime (probably coming from huge sheets of slime raining down as he shifts his body) without some form of protection, the exact effects, for either type of slime, are probably character altering. Saying that a character should be locked in their favorite or most painful memories for a year for every turn they are in contact with the slime would not be extreme. Even once they are freed from their memories, they will be fundamentally changed.
A character having been in the milky-white slime probably having a Ten Willpower, a Temperance of 5 (after years of their best memories being repeated over and over again, most temptations would be trivial to them), being unable to ever feel pain again (halve all wound penalties for the rest of the character’s life), and only being able to make a Willpower roll to keep from gaining a Limit point.
The effects on someone coming out a tortured coma induced by the oily-green slime would probably include having a Willpower of One or Ten (it is possible that the character’s pain would have forged him into something harder than he was), a Conviction and Temperance of 5, and all pains being far greater than normal (double all wound penalties for the rest of the character’s life), and gaining twice their normal Limit points. The character would also probably have a catalog of derangements, though it isn’t impossible that they would make it through the ordeal without any, as they may have ever come out of the coma without their minds finding a way to handle their madness.
If Tzjhyrukel’s slime manifests within Creation at the site of some atrocity or another, it has the effects of Daurexes’ slime.

The Children of the Impossible Daughter

Though Tzjhyrukel watches the pain and suffering of every living and dead thing reflected in his tears for all of eternity. He Who Coils Within suffers along with them, he usually bares this burden stoically.
However, some times, for reasons not even Daurexes understands, some of the pains reflected in his tears upset Tzjhyrukel terribly.
Tzjhyrukel twists and turns, and moans, unable to withstand some pain or another, causing huge rivers of slime to fall and rain upon Daurexes and the body of He Who Coils Within. At the same time, Tzjhyrukel cannot bare to look away from the tears causing him so much pain. Rearranging the tears so that Tzjhyrukel cannot see the one that bothers him so much will not work, because the massive Yozi will thrash is body around in an attempt to look upon the tear that causes him such pain again.
The only way Daurexes can ease Tzjhyrukel’s pain is to swallow the tears which hurt him so. These tears are always sharp, and cut her deeply as she chokes them down.
Each time she swallows one of these tears, she gives birth to a First Circle demon. Once, she gave birth to a demon after swallowing a tear only three days prior, while at another time, it was over three hundred years before she gave birth to a demon.
Daurexes only gives birth to one demon of any type, after the first is born, they generate spontaneously.

Kthori, The Shattered Man, Child of Atrocity\\ Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter

The first Kthori was born when Tzjhyrukel witnessed a First Age Solar torture a young boy to death. The young boy was the son of a Dragon-Blooded whom the Solar thought had betrayed him. The child did nothing to the Solar, and was nothing but a tool with which to hurt the Dragon-Blooded.
This pained Tzjhyrukel greatly, it was the first tear that Daurexes ingested.
Since the birth of that first Kthori, all other Kthor are born from the greatest and most horrible tortures perpetrated by humanity.
Kthor look like humans with hideous wounds, and even when they are dematerialized, they still bare these wounds. Within Malfeas, the Kthor find themselves endlessly tortured by demons more powerful than themselves.
Oddly, the Kthor do not mind this treatment. They respect their torturers and consider them their masters. The ’masters’, in return have quite a fondness for their Kthori, almost as though they were pets.
Kthor take great pride in the joy their torture brings their masters, and they do their best to provide as good as “show” for their masters as possible.
Further, as long as the damage done to a Kthori is done in the pretext of torture (rather than combat, or as an accident, or any other situation), no Kthori will be injured for more than a few hours.
In Creation, they are often summoned to exact revenge, using their own unique insights into torture to cause their victims to sing out in symphonies of screams.
They can also be useful as doctors, and their understanding of the human body is vast.
When pressed into combat, Kthor fight using foot-long knives with heavy, wide blades, and handles made from bone. These knives they keep hidden inside themselves, usually within their stomach cavities.
Further, when cut, the Kthor do not bleed, instead, a stream of tiny razors issues forth. These razors are highly polished, and reflect the face of the person who cut the Kthori. Sometimes, a Kthori will cut themselves open in order to use the stream of razors as a weapon. In this case, the razor reflect the face of the person the Kthori is trying to hit.
It is said that the greatest goal of the Kthor is to cause more pain in others than they are in. This is not true. The Kthor will never admit it, especially to themselves, but the greatest goal of the Kthor is an end to their existence.
The tomescu understand this, and therefore, they do not take offense when, on occasion, a lone Kthori will scream with them at the dawn and end of each day.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 0 - 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valor 5
Abilities: Awareness 2, Endurance 5, Lore 3 (Torture Methods +3), Medicine 5 (Torture +3), Melee 3 (Kthori Knives +3), Performance 2 (Being Tortured +3), Thrown 3 (Mirror-Razors +3)
Backgrounds: Backing 1 or 2 (Demonic “master“)
Suggested Charms:
Compassion: None
Conviction: Harrow the Mind and Stoke the Flame
Temperance: Sustenance and Steal Sustenance
Valor: Creation of Perfection and Materialize
Cost to Materialize: 77
Base Initiative: 6
Kthori Knife: Speed 9, Accuracy 10, Damage 6L, Defense 7 (exceptional knife)
Mirror-Razor Counter Attack: Speed N/A, Accuracy 4, Damage 10L, Defense N/A
Mirror-Razor Melee Attack: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 10L, Defense 6
Mirror-Razor Thrown Attack: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 5L, Rate Special, Range 20 (exceptional Shuriken)
Dodge Pool: 3 Soak: 4L / 7B (Body Already Damaged 2L / 2 B)
Willpower: 10 Health Levels: -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, -4, Incap
Essence: 3 Essence Pool: 92
Charm Notes: The Kthor use their Creation of Perfection Charm to create true artworks of pain. They use Stoke the Flame to intensify the effects of their tortures, and their variation of Harrow the Mind actually reproduce the their own tortured experiences within the minds of their victims.
Other Notes: Every time an attack successfully damages a Kthori, and breaks the Kthori’s skin, a stream of mirror-like razors is released, as stated above. If the Kthori is struck by a melee or unarmed attack, this release of mirror-razors acts as an automatic counterattack, with the stats mentioned above.
The Kthor can also purposefully cut themselves, creating an aimed melee attack.
Also the Kthori (or their enemies) can collect the small mirror-razors and us them as throwing weapons.
They are given stats like exceptional Shuriken, with the following statistics:
Accuracy: +1, Damage: +2L, Rate: Special, Range: 20
The stats for a Kthor Knife are as follows
Kthori Knife:
Speed: +3, Accuracy: +1, Damage: +3L, Defense: -2

Adysil, Who Is Meant To Be Broken, Child of Abuse Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter

Tzjhyrukel once looked upon one of his tears, and he saw within it the pain and confusion of a young harlot of Yane, who was beaten terribly by one of her clients. The man was gifted, and he beat her horribly, but did no damage that could be lethal. Then, he peeled off her face with a piece of broken glass.
This story was a common enough one, though a bit extreme, and the victims weren’t just nameless harlots, but also wives, and children.
Tzjhyrukel was filled with anguish; however, and Daurexes was forced to swallow the poor young harlot’s pain.
Thus, the first among the Adysilae were born.
The Adysilae are demons formed from the pain of the weak who are abused by the strong.
They appear as mousy women, young children and other fragile people, with one exception. The mouths of Adysilae are filled with sharp fangs made from steel.
In Malfeas, the Adysilae serve no purpose. The Adysilae simply try to survive by avoiding the notice of more powerful demons. They , like thousands of other First Circle demons, are less than nothing within Malfeas. They lack the artistry of victimization that make the Kthor “favored pets” of many demons, and like the poor souls whose pain they are born from, the Adysilae are simply unable to fight back against the stronger demons.
In Creation, there is not much more use for an Adysil. Left to their own devices, the Adysilae in Creation will often seek vengeance against humans who abuse those weaker than themselves. However, an Adysil will only engage in this kind of activity if they are relatively sure they can defeat the human in question, which means they only attack mortals, usually after getting them to drop their guards, or goading them into acting in an abusive manner.
There is little usefulness of a demon whose reason for existence is to be a victim.
Nonetheless, Adysilae are relatively commonly summoned within Creation, for use in a sick past time invented by a decadent House Cynis sorcerer. This sorcerer, and others like her, summon Adysilae specifically for the purpose of abusing them, physically, mentally, sexually, or in any other way their imaginations can conceive.
They are useful as party favors, and, because they are demons, even morally upstanding people have been known to participate in the degradations and beatings of an Adysil.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 1, Temperance 2, Valor 1
Abilities: Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 3, Presence 2 (Appear Weak +2), Socialize 2
Backgrounds: None
Suggested Charms:
Compassion: Touch of Grace
Conviction: Stoke the Flame
Temperance: None
Valor: Materialize
Cost to Materialize: 27
Base Initiative: 4
Bite: Speed 4, Accuracy 4, Damage 4L, Defense 2
Kick: Speed 1, Accuracy 3, Damage 4B, Defense 3
Punch: Speed 4, Accuracy 4, Damage 2B, Defense 4
Dodge Pool: 5 Soak: 5B / 3L (Knowing How to Take a Hit 2B / 2L)
Willpower: 5 Health Levels: -0, -1, -1,-2,-2, -4, Incap
Essence: 2 Essence Pool: 49
Charm Notes: An Adysil’s version of Stoke the Flame only requires a Conviction of one. The Adysilae use it on people they suspect of being abusive. If a person it is used on is abusive, they will feel a desire to inflict their personal brand of pain upon the Adysil.
An Adysil’s version of the Materialize Charm only requires a Valor of one.

Ereshiva, The Pain-Eater, Child of Self-Mutilation Demon of the First Circle, Progeny of the Impossible Daughter

Tzjhyrukel looked within one of his countless tears, and saw a man cutting deeply into himself. This man was not completing a ritual, or serving the orders of some master or another. His deep sorrow made him feel the need to mar his flesh.
Tzjhyrukel could not fathom this, and it troubled him.
When Daurexes took this tear within herself, Ereshiva was born.
Unlike the other children of Daurexes, there is only one Ereshiva. However, over time, Ereshiva has grown larger and larger, and it can be many places at once.
Each shard of the Pain-Eater, in its natural form, it is a large ribbon of flesh, two dozen feet in length. Upon one side is smooth, beautiful skin, the other side is muscle, and hundreds of tiny mouths filled with small bone hooks, rather than teeth. Each shard of Ereshiva also has mouths with no hooks within them. These serve as small pockets for whatever objects the Pain-Eater decides it likes enough to carry with it.
Ereshiva has a hive mind, and each of its small ribbons of flesh is a separate but joined piece of the Pain-Eater. Within Malfeas, all of Ereshiva is joined together, a huge hive that makes one single ribbon of flesh, several hundred of feet in length. This hive travels throughout the streets, its huge ribbon of flesh rippling and undulating, twists and turning upon itself in beautiful patterns, while its hundreds of thousands of mouths singing hundreds of thousands of songs about all the wonders of the flesh, both carnal and charnel. Demons often run out into the streets, eager to see and here the glory of Ereshiva’s singing and dancing. One must be careful, however, to keep from getting to close to the Pain-Eater, as Ereshiva will often snatch lesser demons up with its legions of hooked mouths, enjoying a quick meal as it moves along.
When summoned, a single portion of the Pain-Eater, rips away from the whole and travels through the Endless Desert into Creation.
Ereshiva detests Creation. The portion of the Pain-Eater that breaks from the whole is truly and completely removed. The part has no knowledge of what the whole is doing, and the who has no knowledge of the part. What is worse, the individual parts are less than the whole, not just physically, but mentally as well. They simply are not large enough to hold in all of what the Pain-Eater knows.
The worst part; however, of being in Creation is that Ereshiva, or at least part of it, is no longer free to fly around Malfeas in its twisting dance, singing its thousands of songs. Ereshiva is a vain creature, and an artists, and it deeply resents being pulled away from both its audience and its art.
As if this was not enough reasons to hate Creation, when Ereshiva is summoned, it is often forced by the sorcerer to assume a human form. The Pain-Eater does this by winding upon itself, forming a human shape, with its beautiful skin on the outside, and the muscles and thousands of mouths and the tens of thousands of bone hooks on the inside.
When Ereshiva emulates human form, it unfortunately must emulate what it first learned of humanity. Its desire to hurt itself. The bone hooked mouths are constantly and viciously tearing into the muscles and themselves, eating at Ereshiva’s insides.
In order to complete its human disguise, Ereshiva needs a head of hair, eyes and teeth. If the summoner does not have these present already, the Pain-Eater will have at least a little joy in obtaining these parts for itself. When he is not in human form, it will store those body parts within its pockets.
Within Creation, sorcerers have numerous uses for Ereshiva.
The Pain-Eater can, when forced, bring peace upon a troubled soul by eating its pains. Ereshiva’s distaste for humanity is such that, if a sorcerer does force the Pain-Eater to do this, then that summoner will have earned Ereshiva’s hatred.
Also, Ereshiva makes a very, very capable bodyguard or assassin, especially for those who wish their victims to suffer. The Pain-Eater enjoys this job, and may forgive a sorcerer for summoning it if Ereshiva manages to have a particularly fun kill.
There is; however, one activity that Ereshiva will not only tolerate being summoned for, but actually will look forward to, even if it is forced to take a human shape.
Ereshiva thousands of mouths singing thousands of songs within Malfeas has made it quite a brilliant singer, and the Pain-Eater has often been summoned into Creation to perform concerts, or even to act in musicals. Ereshiva loves this, as it allows for the singing of songs that are not appreciated in Malfeas, and it allows the Pain-Eater to enrapture a whole new audience. Ereshiva has also been known to enjoy tutor gifted protégés; however, if anyone wishes to have the Pain-Eater tutor their talent less children, they will earn its hatred as surely as someone forcing it to eat the pains of others.
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance (Varies, usually 5), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 4 (When In Ribbon Form +3), Dodge 5 (When in Ribbon Form +3), Linguistics 5 (various types), Lore 3 (Songs +3), Performance 6 (Singing +3), Presence 3
Backgrounds: None
Suggested Charms:
Compassion: Dreamspeak and (Measure the Wind)
Conviction: (Instill Obedience), Memory Mirror, Memory Sponge and Stoke the Flame
Temperance: Sustenance and Steal Sustenance
Valor: Materialize, Principle of Motion, Shapechange and Words of Power
Cost To Materialize: 73
Base Initiative: 8
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 7B, Defense 8
Punch: Speed 8, Accuracy 9, Damage 5B, Defense 9
Ribbon-Engulf: Speed 8, Accuracy 5, Damage 20L + Clinch (see below), Defense 8 (requires two full actions)
Ribbon-Slash: Speed 11, Accuracy 12, Damage 9L, Defense 13
Ribbon-Strike: Speed 14, Accuracy 14, Damage 11L, Defense 12 (costs two motes of Essence)
Dodge Pool: 10 (13 When In Ribbon Form) Soak: 14L / 17B (Made Only of Mouths, Skin and Muscle 12L / 12B)
Willpower: 8 Health Levels: -0, -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Essence: 5 Essence Pool: 98
Charm Notes: Ereshiva’s version of the Memory Sponge Charm is an be used for very precise, memory “surgery” and be used to remove just a single memory, or multiple memories like the normal use of the Charm. The Pain-Eater must use Memory Mirror before hand to pinpoint the exact memories to be removed.
Ereshiva most often uses Stoke the Flame to enhance a person’s appreciation for his dancing and singing. Its Sustenance Charm can be used on people who are awake, but it can only be used on people while he is performing in some manner. Further, the Pain-Eater’s version of Sustenance is activated with a Charisma and Temperance roll, not Wits and Temperance. People who are drained by Ereshiva’s Sustenance Charm find themselves vaguely disjointed from the rest of world, and have trouble concentrating on anything except for Ereshiva’s wonderful performance. This feeling fades naturally after a day or two.
Ereshiva’s Steal Sustenance Charm is used upon the sleeping, using the standard Strength and Temperance roll. Those drained by the Pain-Eater find themselves listless and depressed, and often scratch or lightly cut themselves absent-mindedly. These people are very likely to try and commit suicide, or at least mutilate themselves during troubled times. Listening to Ereshiva sing one of his demonic songs can cure this condition, as can killing or mutilating someone else.
Ereshiva’s Words of Power Charm comes in the form of one of a few dozen songs that the bodies of beings from Creation cannot bare to hear.
Other Notes: It normally takes the Pain-Eater a single turn to shift from a human form to its ribbon form; however, by spending a single mote of Essence, it can shift instantly. This is how it uses it Ribbon-Strike attack, by shifting its arm, or head, or some other part of its body, and having that part lash out like a snake, before recoiling into its human shape again.
Its Ribbon-Slash attack is used when it is already in ribbon form, and is striking out.
The Ribbon-Engulf attack requires that the Pain-Eater be in ribbon form. It the attempts to wrap around a victim, which requires two full actions. If Ereshiva succeeds, the victim is trapped within the Pain-Eater, with its hundreds of tiny mouths eating hungrily that the character. Because this attack requires two full actions, unless Ereshiva uses Principle of Motion, it requires two turns to complete. Ereshiva must roll for the attack successfully twice, and the target can avoid it my any normal means (such as dodging or parrying) on either action or turn. Once the Ribbon-Engulf attack is successful, it is treated as a clinch; however, Ereshiva does the attacks 20 dice of Lethal damage every round, rather than Strength +2 Bashing. It can be escaped like a normal Clinch attack.

Other Demons in from the 'Family' of He Who Coils Within

Athanmaior, The Advocate of the Betrayed The Messenger Soul of the Dancer Among Fires, 2nd Circle Demon

Athanmaior is the 2nd soul of Uruthane, who dances around and amid She Who Lives Within Her Name.
Athanmaior is know as The-Hunter-of-Sinners and He-Whose-Justice-Is-Measured-In-Blood, and he is summoned by Sorcerers to assist them in hunting down those who have wronged them.
Mortals seek out Athanmaior, as well. Rumor holds that a person can summon him by placing a lit candle in each of the five cardinal directions, while whispering the crimes done to them, and then putting the candles out by dripping their own blood on them.
Whenever Athanmaior is summoned, Coldheart, a large white drathaga is summoned with him.

A good looking and jovial man, Athanmaior wears wide brimmed hats, with his long silver hair down, to cover his wolf-like ears. In addition, he wears a long leather coat. Otherwise, he dresses to suit the occasion. The only other mark that he is anything other than human is his eyes, which appear to have many tiny rings of silver, instead of pupils.
Athanmaior seems to truly enjoy Creation, and humans that occupy it. While most demons strongly dislike humanity, and hold them in contempt, Athanmaior finds then to be great entertainment and fine drinking companions.
He is particularly amused by how easily hatred and evil breed within the hearts of men and women, and is actually quite helpful in assisting people find their revenge.
However, this does not mean he is trustworthy or benign. Quite the opposite, while he is more than willing to aid someone in finding those who’ve wronged them, Athanmaior isn’t always quick about it.
Quite often, unless the Sorcerer properly words the pact that binds Athanmaior to his task, he will take longer than is needed. During this period, he acts very comforting towards his summoner, listening while they vent their rage, and always saying the right things. He also ensures that the anger never fades. In fact, he uses the time to make the anger grow.
When he is able, Athanmaior will send tormenting dreams to his summoner, using his version of Dreamscape. In addition, he makes liberal use of Stoke the Flame and Confusion, and will use Memory Mirror on the Sorcerer, picking up bits of information which he will then subtly use to his advantage.
Athanmaior might suggest that perhaps, before the summoner kills the man who murdered his wife, the Sorcerer should kill that bastard’s wife, so that he feels the pain of losing someone close to him.
By the time Athanmaior finally finds the person who wronged the Sorcerer, the Sorcerer is usually prepared to do far more in the name of vengeance than they originally intended.
Entire families have died because of the subtle suggestions of Athanmaior, and near the end of the First Age, Athanmaior’s words led a Solar to the destroy the city he ruled, and its nearly half a million citizens. The Solar had summoned Athanmaior to seek his advice on how best to seek vengeance against a single citizen who claimed the Solar had gone mad.
Oddly, Athanmaior is loved by children and babies, and seems to truly love their company. This does little to keep them safe from Athanmaior’s machinations; however.
Nature: Conniver
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, Valor 2
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Investigation 4, Larceny 4 , Linguistics 3, Lore 2, Melee 4 (sword +2), Perform 3, Presence 4 (Inciting Anger +2, Comforting +1), Socialize 3 , Stealth 4, Survival 5 (Tracking +3)
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Coldheart), Contacts 5, Familiar 5, Followers 2, Influence 4
Charms: Dreamspeak, Dreamscape, Landscape Travel, Measure the Wind, Sense Domain, Scent of the Unclean, Perception of Sin, Tracking, Stoke the Flame, Memory Mirror, Sustenance x 2, Materialize
Cost To Materialize: 70
Base Initiative: 9
Punch: Speed 9, Accuracy 7, Damage 4B, Defense 7
Kick: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 6B, Defense 6
Slashing Sword: Speed 12, Accuracy 12, Damage 6L, Defense 12
Dodge Pool: 8 Soak: 7L / 10B (Reinforced Buff Jacket 5L/6B, with no mobility penalty)
Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Essence: 5 Essence Pool: 99
Other Notes: Athanmaior’s Landscape Travel can only be used to travel directly towards the person he was summoned to hunt down. His version of Dreamscape costs 15 motes and 1 willpower point, and can effect Exalted, who get to roll their Essence versus Athanmaior’s Manipulation and Compassion. His version of Tracking can only be used to track those identified by Scent of the Unclean. Athanmaior has two Sustenance Charms. One is connected to tears of anger or grief. He must taste them to use the charm, however, the person who feeds Athanmaior feels no ill effects. The other is connected to children’s laughter. A child whose laughter feeds Athanmaior feels slightly weak, but is otherwise unaffected.
Lastly, when he is using Memory Mirror to gain knowledge of a person’s sins, or grief and anger they hold, it only costs 3 motes.
The write-ups for Scent of the Unclean and Perception of Sin can be found below.

Drathaga, The Loyal and True Friend, Demon of the First Circle Progeny of the Advocate of the Betrayed

The drathagae are among the least threatening looking of demons. Appearing to be nothing more than beautiful dogs, of nearly any large breed. Only their eyes betray show them to be anything more than dogs. They are always a beautiful shade of blue, and seem to shine with both intelligence and a deep compassion.
They cannot speak, and they never act as anything other than a very intelligent animal. They do understand, and follow commands; however.
Drathaga are most commonly summoned in order to aid a Sorcerer in tracking down someone who has wronged her.
A drathaga will be very well behaved around its “master”, and will act very much like a dog, even going so far as licking the palm of his “master’s” hand, and nudging her, encouraging her to pet it.
This, of course, is a total sham. A drathaga will commit just as many bad deeds as any other demon. It is just more likely to try and hide them, at least from its “master”.
Its common for a drathaga to use its Shapechange Charm to appear as another dog, and then perform actions similar to those its “master” is seeking revenge for. If a Sorcerer is seeking vengeance against someone who killed her husband and child, a drathaga will attempt to kill children and their fathers in its free moments.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 4 (Bite +2), Dodge 4, Endurance 2, Presence 2 (Comforting +2), Resistance 2, Stealth 3, Survival 4
Suggested Charms: Scent of the Unclean, Tracking, Materialize, Shapechange, (Words of Power)
Cost to Materialize: 34
Base Initiative: 7
Bite: Speed 7, Accuracy 10, Damage 7L, Defense 8
Dodge Pool: 8 Soak: 2L/5B
Willpower: 6 Health Levels: -0, -0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Essence: 2 Essence Pool: 60
Other Notes: Tracking can only be used to track those the drathaga identified with Scent of the Unclean. Shapechange can only be used to take the form of another canine. The write-up for Scent of the Unclean can be found below.

Demonic Spirit Charms

Scent of the Unclean

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Compassion: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
The spirit viewing an area of some form of sin can use this charm to discover the exact nature of the transgression, and the perpetrators involved. Roll the spirit’s Intelligence and Compassion. The worse the transgression, the easier it is read. A spirit looking on the bedroom of a woman cheating on her husband may require three successes, while a spirit looking on the bedroom where a grisly murder occurred would only require one success. The information provided is limited to the actual transgression performed, a small amount of information about the transgressor, and a general image of the person. “Asha Tome was killed by Virdus Tyne, the bandit and assassin known as the Southern Steel.”

Perception of Sin

Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Varies
Type: Simple
Minimum Compassion: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Scent of the Unclean
The spirit using this Charm can view an area, and see what evil deeds or sins may have occurred on that site. The spirit rolls their Perception and Compassion, one success if enough for a perfect vision of one crime that has taken place, as if the crime were taking place at that time. If the spirit has a specific crime or sin they are trying to discover information about, then that is the sin that appears to them. Otherwise, the worst deeds performed will be the first to show themselves to the spirit. Subsequent uses of the Charm will show other deeds. The Charm lasts for as long as is necessary to show the full course of the crime, or until the spirit breaks it.
