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Session 11 - Sleeping with the Enemy

<Haeccity> I'm looking up we know about the Silver Prince. Everything, but I'm really focusing on him as a person.
<Haeccity> And seeing if we know when he first popped into existence.
<ADamiani> OK. Well, obviously there's a section of research on the Silver Prince that isn't open access even to you folks, stuff that deals with ongoing operations, deep cover operatives, that sort of thing. But the bulk of classified material you have access to as Sidereal Exalts.
<Haeccity> (Allright. With my glorious information and perfect memory of the First Age, who do I think he was in life? I can roll!)
<ADamiani> Hm. Well, his name is lost to him, and there was definitely a gap between the usurpation and the first contact with the Deathlords. It'll be tricky. With your glorious information and perfect memory of the First Age, youd doubtless know of the solar he once was... but can you correctly match his past to his present?
<ADamiani> Make a roll, including Savant. Get, um, 8-ish successes.
Jiang digs into the libraries, patiently sifting through mountains of records, analyzing his personality, his patterns of behaviour, his known powers and preferences. Time passes slowly, but the facts accumulate steadily, covering first one sheet, then a second, then a third, then hundreds. Essence Spiders scury off to the far reaches of the Loom, rushing back and forth to answer his questions.
<ADamiani> So far, you've dredged up some information on the Silver Prince.
<ADamiani> While you are, indeed, the Eggman, and have, in fact, answered to "The Walrus" in at least two prior lives, The Silver Prince has not; for he was once the peaceful eclipse caste solar known as Warm Horizon.
<ADamiani> He seems to have been a pacifist who preached respect for all living creatures and harmony with the order laid down by heaven, before his brutal betrayal by certain star-spangled parties who will remain nameless.
<ADamiani> Admittedly, as a first age solar, he was both a saint and kind of a prick. YOU WILL turn the other cheek ("I will.... turn the other cheek...") Now, be a good boy and turn your swords into plowshares. ("I will... be a good boy... and turn my swords into... plowshares... despite the absence of any arable land in the vicinity...")
<ADamiani> JIANG: His name was Warm Horizon. His tomb... um, I'm still working on, but it's probably someplace really cool and hard to get to. Why, it might even be in the 3/4 of creation that got eaten during the contagion....
Jiang considers this, then sits down and writes a message, to be delivered by a cunning series of strategems to one Mask of Winters, inquiring if he'd be interested in learning the living name and history of the Silver Prince, and the location of his body. Only in much more flowery language.
<ADamiani> JIANG: It turns out that the Lover clad in the raiment of tears has a special hated for the Silver Prince, because he controls one of her former Deathknights, the Knight of Ghost and Shadow
Jiang considers what he knows of the Lover. Perhaps not the most ambitious of Deathlords, but perhaps venal enough to take an interest in the offer. He rewrites the message for her, taking his time and carefully phrasing it to capture her attention. Several dozen drafts later, he finishes and sends it to her.
Jiang sends his message, then sets about scripting and arranging a concerto, "Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Snake", to be performed by appropriate small gods.

Silent_Sunset is taking cold showers three times a day
<ADamiani> Which only helps remind you that Dilari's assumed a water based form.
<Silent_Sunset> Aiiiiiiiihh!
<Silent_Sunset> Yeah, how about another nice breakfast with my guest, before I need to leave for work? :)
<ADamiani> Silent! You're sitting down to another expensive breakfast....
<ADamiani> Your guest is buttering her imaginary-roll, wearing something diaphinous and looking oh so very bored....
Silent_Sunset is wearing his third-best clothes, the others having been all ruined ... still nice, but last season's fashion definitely. The exorbitant prices for dreams on Heaven's market are already forgotten ...
<ADamiani> "New suit?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Wha ... ah, no. Not new exactly, but I'm trying to keep some variation :)."
<ADamiani> "Rather... pedestrian, don't you think?"
Silent_Sunset smiles (a little bit absently) and smears marmelade on his cheese
<ADamiani> "Have you made any determination as to how long my... confinement here is to continue?"
Silent_Sunset takes a bite. "Not as daring and impeccably beautiful as yours, to be sure."
<ADamiani> "I'm rapidly running through the limited contents of your library, and your housegods are poor conversation..."
<ADamiani> "Oh. Well. You are most kind, though, obviously, my sartorial resources are quite limited at the moment..."
<Silent_Sunset> "But then I'm not a great princess of the Dreaming either, yes?"
Silent_Sunset smiles ironically
<Silent_Sunset> "And, ah, I'm sorry for that ... mastery of conversation is indeed not among their greatest talents."
<Silent_Sunset> "And of course the depictions of past interactions between our kinds are somewhat ... biased as well, I imagine. Please take no offense at that, yes?"
<ADamiani> "I take no offense."
Silent_Sunset takes another bite, briefly wondering at the strange taste, before visual input overwhelms taste again
<ADamiani> "The... limitations of their perspectives are to be expected."
<ADamiani> "That is why they are merely servants, and you are their master."
Silent_Sunset bows his head slightly. "The Exalted were made to do, what the gods could not."
<ADamiani> "A function, no doubt, of your greater capacity for will."
Silent_Sunset looks thoughtful for a moment ... "I hadn't thought of it like that, but ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "... it was after all the restrictive oath laid on the gods ... a limit to their own will, one could say ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "Surely such categorical distinctions have no hold over the Wyld?"
<ADamiani> "On the contrary, we are slavishly bound to our oaths."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ah, but there is no limit to what you can become, yes?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Besides those you impose upon yourselfes, as you said."
<ADamiani> "Only the confines of our will. Your world is partially fixed into shape by the will of others. Ours is still malleable to our own.
<ADamiani> "In time, I suspect the two will come to resemble eachother significantly."
<Silent_Sunset> "No reason then, why one may rule and another obey ... except for the situation in which they find themselves?"
<ADamiani> She takes a bite out of her imaginary tea cake with a perfectly formed mouth.
<ADamiani> "Not so; it, as everything else, is a function of will."
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmhh ... an approximation between the two states. An interesting supposition."
<ADamiani> "The strong do as they can, and the weak accept what they must," Dilari says, inadvertantly quoting the Athenians.
<Silent_Sunset> "Those with the ability to shape Essence already do bend the world ... though you're right that it is quite fixed to most."
Silent_Sunset mmmhhs.
<ADamiani> "Unfortunately, I am mostly powerless in this place. You have me at a disadvantage in that regard."
<Silent_Sunset> "This Nehemeth can do as she does, obviously ... but I'm wondering, whether there might not be a way to ... direct her will."
<Silent_Sunset> "How can one ask another to do something, without asking her to submit her will`"
<Silent_Sunset> "Wouldn't she see any see suggestion as an attempt to control her?"
<ADamiani> "In the wyld, they are much the same."
<ADamiani> "Merely one means or another of attempting to control one's environment."
<ADamiani> "The arts of diplomacy-- the staff-- are every bit as intense a control as the addiction of the cup, or the force of the sword and ring."
<Silent_Sunset> "The staff ... the cup ... the sword and the ring. These are aspects of interaction, are they not?"
Silent_Sunset shakes his head. "No wonder diplomacy is difficult between those of the Wyld and those of Creation."
<ADamiani> "They are different means of exerting one's will."
Silent_Sunset suddenly smiles brightly. "Say, if Nehemeth rules the Pearl Court ... how can another take the throne? And who would?"
<ADamiani> "One would say the prison you hold me in is an aspect of the staff: if I leave, I will be hunted down and killed. A social trap. it also exerts elements of the ring, physical properties that make it stiff and inflexible to my attempts to shape it."
<ADamiani> "Whomever can exert their will over the pearl court can control it; it is not an office, in the way I suspect you think of it."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, but who else would have the strength to do that, discounting Her?"
<Silent_Sunset> "More to the point, could you?"
<ADamiani> She looks a little confused "If anyone actually HAD the strength to do that, they would have done so."
<Silent_Sunset> "Since she is seeing you as a possible rival, as you indicated the day before yesterday ..."
<ADamiani> "Not so much as a rival; she banished me to indicate her strength, to show that she was not dependant upon me."
Silent_Sunset grins slyly. " 'Discounting Her', I said ... meaning, if - for some strange reason - she was to fail as ruler."
<ADamiani> "The better to keep Coraydo in line."
<ADamiani> "Were she gone, I suspect Coraydo would lead the court into a new crusade against the west, the better to exploit the weakening of the weave there."
Silent_Sunset looks into his tea "Mmhh. Not the best option then ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "So, could you imagine a way to tempt her into action selectively?"
<ADamiani> "I might be able to effect such a change; not here, of course..."
Silent_Sunset is obviously interested, even stops dropping looks for a while. "Indeed?"
<ADamiani> "It is a simple enough shaping."
<ADamiani> "When one posesses certain arts."
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmhh, I don't suppose those arts can be taught to the Shaped?"
<ADamiani> She grins, perfectly. "They can. Under certain conditions."
<Silent_Sunset> Silent's gaze becomes unfocused for a moment at that grin ...
<ADamiani> "You seem distant...."
Silent_Sunset rips himself from his daydreams "Eh ... uh, they can? Interesting. Certain conditions you say?
Silent_Sunset slowly seems to reacquire his mental faculties. "Or, failing that, how long would it take for you to accomplish such a shaping?"
<ADamiani> "The shaped being in question would have to... submit to being reshaped, I suppose. They would have to consent to having a relevant Grace forged-- in this case, the cup."
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmh ... reshaped. I have absolutely no idea what my superiors would say about that."
Silent_Sunset seems amused
<Silent_Sunset> "Might be worth it just to see them flip out, but then it probably takes a lot of practise to learn this shaping stuff, right?"
<ADamiani> "Mmmm. In a way. It requires only sufficient drive of will, though few have the strength to acchieve mastery in a single burst."
Silent_Sunset smiles at Dilari "Well, since you are a master already ... how long would such an influence take you to fashion?"
<ADamiani> SILENT: "It's a question of effort as much as time. Nehemeth's defenses are most formidable; she is the strongest of us."
<Silent_Sunset> "Any defense can be breached, for there is nothing that is absolute or impossible."
<ADamiani> "Of course, but Nehemeth survives by being the strongest of wills. I am uncertain if my charms would prove sufficient, absent some clever mortal stratagem or wonder, of the type for which your people are so reknowned.
<Silent_Sunset> "The real question then becomes: Would you be willing to attempt such a shaping, and if yes, could I assist in it?"
<Silent_Sunset> "So ... what are the sources of Nehemeth's strength? How could such a working of wills take place?"
<ADamiani> "Nehemeth's base of power IS Nehemeth, she rules by not being weak. She also rules because the court knows she is strong. THat may be her weakness."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, unconditional power. The most annoying kind to find in an opponent ... in a contest of the staff, one would call it, right?"
<Silent_Sunset> "But there is always some kind of solution ... mmmhh ..."
<ADamiani> SILENT: "The staff, yes, if one wished to undermine her control of society-- to weaken her hand and force action to retain her position. Were she weakened, the cup might shape the manner in which she sought to remedy this weakness."
<Silent_Sunset> Despite the oh-so subtle distractions Silent focuses on the matter, thinking, thinking hard ...

<Moment> I believe I was trying to find a bronze faction who could be persuaded to point some Dynastic troublemakers at the Silver PRince.
<Moment> Let's see, shall I start with a roll to find a bronze faction member who is at least roughly of my generation, vulnerable to flirtation, and willing to do a favour for a gold faction burnette?
<ADamiani> You were planning to hit on a Bronze Faction functionary you know has kind of an interest in a certain brunette. His name is Summer Sky, and he's a Chosen of Journies.
<Moment> Two days before, Moment Between Dreaming and Waking had sent one of her housegods to set up a dinner with Summer Sky. Being a woman of the West, and despite his higher salary as a member of the Bronze Faction, she'd invited him to her home and set her servants to going to great lengths to see that it was shown to it's best degree.
<ADamiani> Summer Sky shows up promptly on schedule, wearing his best robes, and bearing a boquet of exotic everburning flowers, of the kind that grow oinly in the remotest south.
<Moment> The sidereal herself donned a robe of silk and cloth of gold for the occaision. She left her smooth (but faintly scarred in places) umber skin untouchouched, but lightly roughed her full lips, and waited at the table while her servants showed him in. Her chestnut hair was half up in a bun with two stiletos, half down over oen bare shoulder. She looked up when he entered, eyes widening in delight that he'd come, and lips parting with a delighted, "Oh!" at the flowers. She leaned forewards for a moment, cleevage shifting slightly forewards into view, then stood quickly to greet him, touching his hand wiht the softer part of her fingers as she took the blooms. "These are beautiful, Summer Sky, how do I keep them?"
<ADamiani> He flushes a little, quite taken with you. "Have your servants oil them daily, and keep them in a bright spot."
<Moment> Dark eyes peered into his as he spoke, and she nodded, then took the boquette and spontnaiously found herself dancing across the room to a waiting butler, to whom she presented the flowers and ordered, "Put these in a vase with oil, and set them by the bay window in my bedchambers."
<Moment> Dancing back to Summer Sky, and feeling quite the young swordgirl again, she took his hand and lead him to kneel beside her on the cushions by the low table, where she poured a delicate tea. Servants quickly entered with rice and raw fish, a salad, and a bowl of varried fruits and sweet cream.
<ADamiani> "Your chefs are excellent. Wherever did you find them?"
<ADamiani> Sky's agenda for the evening is romantic, so he won't be getting down to business unless you direct things there.
<Moment> She smiled, "Most of the staff were my predecessors, but, not so long ago, before the former Convention of the East disapeared, I spent a substantial amount of time in the Threshold of Creation hunting demon cultists, and I came across a Dryad who'd lost her orchard." She dipped a slice of fruit in sweet cream and popped it between her lips with a contented sigh. "I couldn't repair her home, but she's done very well in my household,
<Moment> She sudenly gave a sardonic chuckle as her face took on her usual laconicly fierce expression, "And now that I can afford to pay her, I don't feel so guilty about it anymore. She also tends the orchard in my garden."
<ADamiani> "You are as compassionate as you are feirce... and beautiful." Sky blushes, because he KNOWS that line was firkin' cheesy.
<Moment> Looking back to her paramour, Moment caught his hand. "Why Sky, did you steal that line from one of the romances I wrote when I was sixteen?" Smiling, she brought his hand to her lips and brushed them over his palm.
<ADamiani> He coughs. "It really was a bit much, wasn't it?"
<ADamiani> "... I meant it, though."
<Moment> Chuckling huskily, she set his hand down on her knee, then took a strawberry and slid it through the cream before offering it to his lips.
<ADamiani> He seems quite taken with you, as he eats the fruit you feed him. But, then, he was rather predisposed to.
<Moment> Smiling happily as his hand rested where she'd left it on her knee, Moment gave a contented sigh, then jerked to remember that there was a buisness aspect to this dinner. She pondered for an uncomfortable moment wether she should continue with her plan or be up front with a man who'se company she was so thoroughly enjoying.
<ADamiani> "You know, I've long admired you, but I was surprised when you sent your messenger to arrainge this dinner..."
<Moment> "I wish I had more time to spend with you," she whispered, finding the words she'd planned to shift topics to buisness passing her lips with utter sincerity... She jerked then, realizing he'd spoken while she was distracted.
<ADamiani> "I'm pleased that we have this time together, at least..." feeling bold, he strokes her cheek.
<Moment> She chuckled softly, "I'm sorry, back when I had the time to apreciate your company a bit more, I was too young and passionate about our difering points of veiw to realize they were basicly political, and shouldn't detract from my enjoying your company. Now that I've been elevated to the convention of the East, I'm not sure when i'll have this much free time again."
<Moment> Her own fingers brushed his cheek in response, this time letting him feel the sword calouses as well, before taking his hand and gripping it lightly in her own.
<ADamiani> MOMENT: "It is a cruel fate that would find us too entangled in our duties to persue... our personal interests."
<Moment> "There's a death lord known as the Silver Prince, ruler of the Skullstone Archipeglo. We have to act against him hard and fast." She sighed. "My contacts are all back in the East..." She sighed again.
<Moment> She looked up into his eyes when he spoke again, and lifted his hand to her lips, this time brushing them over the top of his hand, below the thumb.
<ADamiani> MOMENT: He stares helplessly in your eyes! "The loss of the convention of the west has caused trouble for us all... but I am sure they wouldn't have chosen you for this position if they did not have the greatest faith in you."
<Moment> Moment suddenly had to resist the urge to fan herself, could feel sweat beading on her cleevage and... other places. Her cheeks flushed burnt umber. "Do you think, ah, you could help us out just a little? I did some research, but I didn't want to step on any bronze faction toes..." She blushed, panting softly.
<ADamiani> MOMENT: "It's not a faction issue, Dreaming and Waking. Whoever struck at the Convention of Water struck at all of us, not Gold or Bronze. Of course I'll lend whatever assistance I can."
<Moment> She blushed softly, nodding, then jumped to her feet and ran over to a desk. "This is what I found about Sesus Chenow and his circle." She placed it on the table, then sat again in Summer Sky's lap. "I drew up a few plans for how he might be useful against the Death Lords." She touched the other sidereal's cheek, then his hair, the her finger brushed down the back of his ear. "But we can talk about that tomorow, can't we?"
<ADamiani> "Yes, tomorrow." Kissyface! Kissyface!
<Moment> The brunette peered deeply into Summer Sky's eyes for a long moment as her hand stroked his hair before at last she tangled her fingers through it. Her other hand caught his chin gently to tip it up to meet her hungry lips. She sighed softly at the taste of his lips, the smell of his excitement, and she freed her hand to slide around his waist, snuggling as close as she could without straddling his lap.
<Moment> Moment's moan became a husky chuckle as she broke the kiss while suckling his lower lip, then she looked into his eyes. "Is this all right? We women of Great Forks are very agressive. I don't have to be dominant, if I make you uncomfortable."
<ADamiani> MOMENT: "I would have expected no less."
<Moment> Moment grinned fiercly, then slid her free hand under Summer Sky's robe, fingers splayed out over his chest.
<ADamiani> "So fierce!"
<Moment> She chuckled again, then abruptly turned to face him, leaning back slightly as one foot came up and over to straddle his lap. "Do you like it when women take charge?" She whispered, then jerked the shoulders of his robe down to bind his arms.
<ADamiani> Moment: And we cut to "Platinum Sky Lover's Greatest Hits"
<ADamiani> MOMENT: Morning after, he makes breakfast. And was there some string he was supposed to pull for you or something?

Platinum_Sky_Lover is with Peleps Yolan, on a Terrace overseeing Yu-Shan and the current distract. Platinum Sky Lover has revealed to Yolan what very few Dragon Blooded, outside of the Scarlet Empress and maybe the Mouth of Peace knows - the truth concerning Creation. That the Solars are not demons, nor god-heroes, but somewhere inbetween, and that she and her fellows fight a secret battle to preserve the world.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> She also tells her new lover the current malaise that afflicts Heaven, and how the Incarnae seem trapped by the games of Divinity, while the Dragons sleep. It is up to the Exalted to save the world, as they did in ages past. As they both lean out over a terrace, the lighst of Yu Shan shine up into their faces. "You have two choices, my strong crashing wave."
<ADamiani> PSL: "And if I accept neither?"
<ADamiani> PSL: "I have not desire to be a puppet, however graceful the puppeter."
Platinum_Sky_Lover has her arm around Yolan's shoulder. "look, I'm going to be straight with you. Yes, we have a propensity to perhaps be somewhat too manipulative. But I need a partner, a general, a strong right hand. You're special and exceptional. But you're going to need to make a choice. You're in Heaven now. In the perfect structure of things, I am placed higher than you - I know that must be hard to deal with."
Platinum_Sky_Lover pauses for a moment, before continuing. "However, I can recruit any Outcaste, or realm noble. *you*, You are a leader, strong willed, and brave beyond question. We need that kind of person that we can trust, and who cares about the world, in the coming days and weeks ahead."
<ADamiani> PSL: "What you speak is BLASPHEMY! You claim to be ANATHEMA and then claim that this place is heaven. It is a contradiction in terms!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover is not raising her voice. "Blasphemy? Yes. What you were taught from birth is a lie. I can even introduce you to the people who invented the Immaculate Faith, based on a much older practice. But you're not a stupid woman, Yolan. Look at my face. You're a good enough judge of character that you can discern that I'm speaking the truth." Her face is actually rather sad.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "The point is, you deserve the truth. Telling the truth comes... hard to us. I need someone like you to remind me that I am still a woman. In any case, you have the two choices - either go back to your old life, and live and die well, or join us on the front lines of the hidden war, for the true fight."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "We could have killed you, or sent you home none the wiser. Please, consider that.
<ADamiani> PLATINUM: "The heaven you purport to serve worships false gods, oblivious to the virtues of the five dragons."
Platinum_Sky_Lover hms. "The 5 Elemental Dragons. Do you want to meet one of them?" She says this with casual, yet utter seriousness.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "The Immaculate faith is true, to a point. There are 5 Immaculate Dragons, who took human form, and performed the deeds that are commonly ascribed to the likes of Heshieh and Danaad and the rest."
<ADamiani> "You're not serious."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I am utterly serious. While it would take some arranging, it can be done. But, more important...
<ADamiani> She looks skeptical, perhaps afraid?
Platinum_Sky_Lover caresses her cheek - "why the hell would I lie to you, when I have at my disposal any number of methods to make you into a slave? I don't want a slave. I want a partner and ally I can trust. I don't care where your Exaltation comes from."
Platinum_Sky_Lover pulls her hand away. "But... if you want your old life back, feeling that you are in charge of the world, your family, old friends, titles, commands... that can be done as well, with no rancor."
Platinum_Sky_Lover turns. Her eyes meet those of Peleps Yolan - "But... what *sites* I have to show you, Yolan. What *wonders* there are in Heaven and Earth. And you will be fighting to save it all, and to protect your loved ones as well!"
<ADamiani> "... you can actually TALK to the Dragons themselves?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover shakes her head and smiles. "Not those Dragons. They're asleep, mostly. It is said by some that they are the bones and body of Gaia, who is the mother of all life. Whether or not they determine which amongst the 10000 Dragons Exalts, no one knows."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "But, we can most certainly see their resting places. They're not to be disturbed."
<ADamiani> "Ah. So you lied."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "How did I lie? I said I could bring you to meet one of them. I didn't say that we'd be speaking to any of them. They're only slightly less than the Incarna. They're too big for idle chit chat with the likes of us."
<ADamiani> "They are NOT lesser beings than the false gods who claimed to rule the heavens!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover snaps a finger. "I give you a day. You can either accompany me, as my lieutenant, and stand in the front lines of the defense of creation, or we will return you to your former life and family. If we were the Anathema of your myths, Yolan, you'd be in much worse shape than you are now in. use your brain. Consider it."
Platinum_Sky_Lover passes some Ambrosia to the three Lion Dogs she has watching Yolan, at her home manse. "My servant goddesses will attend you, but do not leave. I have business. I'll return in a day - in the meantime, these Lion Dogs will assist you and guard you while you are on my Manse." She instructs the Lion Dogs, speaking in Old Realm, to send one of their number to find her in case there are any problems.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "My authority only extends here, so I can't guarantee your safety if you should wander.
Platinum_Sky_Lover gives a kiss on the lips to Yolan, as she makes her way out from her manse, and into a waiting sky carraige. Off to find Jiang!
<ADamiani> Yolan stands stunned on the balcony for some time, looking out at heaven and feeling her lips.
Platinum_Sky_Lover runs her hands on Yolan's shoulders, as she turns and walks back. She whispers, "Follow me."
<ADamiani> She follows!
Platinum_Sky_Lover leads her to the appropriate building at the Bureau of Nature, and submits the form she worked on all night - Form 72 Chi San Hou - request to view the resplendant Dragon of Water.
<ADamiani> You get some stares.
<ADamiani> Well, I mean, you always get some stares, but these are a bit more bewildered than usual.
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's request is not to talk with, molest, or disturb the Dragon - just to be allowed past the guardians and to gaze upon it's hundred-miles long visage.
Platinum_Sky_Lover also makes sure that she has the appropriate forms filled out for the gate nearest the Elemental Pole of Water. "We won't be staying long. It si good that you can breathe water."
<ADamiani> You still have that necklace? That could be handy
Platinum_Sky_Lover absolutely does.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You too, Jiang, Sunset, sign this. Need for my girl Yolan to see her grand daddy."

<ADamiani> HIDDEN CRYSTAL: It's nearly midnight. Jupiter is high in the sky. It seems appropriate.
<ADamiani> HC: The shadows are deep, and you see no one immediately-- are you here first, or is your contact well hidden?
<Hidden_Crystal> ...I'm betting on the latter, really.
<ADamiani> HC: Almost certainly, yes. :)
<ADamiani> HC: What are YOU doing at the moment?
<Hidden_Crystal> ...despite the fact that I know intellectually that if my contact is here already they are almost certaintly hidden, and I have no idea what I'd be looking for anyway, I'm still going to look around. Instinct, really.
<ADamiani> A quiet voice from behind you.
<ADamiani> "Don't turn around."
Hidden_Crystal *doesn't* turn around. He doesn't want to take a chance on scaring off whoever this contact is.
<ADamiani> "It will be safest for everyone if you aren't able to identify me."
<ADamiani> "How much do you know already?"
Hidden_Crystal bites his lip, thoughtfully, just standing still considering what answer to give. "...some." he finally says, a somewhat evasive answer. "But what I do know has led only to more questions."
<ADamiani> "What questions?"
Hidden_Crystal sighs. "Why. Who, but that is definitely in shadow. But *why*."
<ADamiani> "Let us begin by asking what you think happened. And then why someone might want that to transpire."
Hidden_Crystal considers carefully. "A conspiracy. Betrayal." he brushes one strand of pale blue hair out of his eyes. An ending, and he shivers, remembering what Jiang had said. "Not just a traitor in the former Directional Convention of Water, but elsewhere."
<Hidden_Crystal> "Someone high-up in the Gold Faction, or several someones, helped the Silver Prince find the Jade Prison and crack it open." Crystal considers the pattern, and remembers something that just occured to him. Red Stone Rising had been Gold as well, though he'd just entered the faction when the Solars had come back. His Circlemates...perhaps it was not part of the overall pattern, but...he couldn't remember all
<ADamiani> HC: "You're hald way there. Who would want the solars to come back?"
<ADamiani> HC: "And just as importantly... why would a deathlord want to see the solars return?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "Among others, Lytek, to regain some of the power he lost during the Usurpation." Crystal considers, biting his lip. Right hand of the Sun indeed..."Hm." Suddenly, he remembers: the fabric of the West is unraveling.
<Hidden_Crystal> Now that the Solars are back, the amount of essence expenditure goes up. Meaning Creation unravels. "The Tapestry in the West is unstable, fragile. The return of the Solars increases the amount of essence expenditure, past the breaking point. Meaning Creation will end. Playing right into the Deathlord's hands."
<ADamiani> HC: "Perhaps. But why did the gold Faction think the Deathlords would cooperate?"
Hidden_Crystal almost wants to say 'stupidity'. Really, now that he thinks about it, maybe he should just leave his faction. Instead, he considers a less sarcastic answer. "Not likely unless the Gold promised some kind of incentive." A darker idea hits him. "Like one of their own."
<ADamiani> "now you're thinking. Keep going."
<ADamiani> "What else could they have offered?"
Hidden_Crystal thinks. Really, he is NOT good at thinking of bribes and stuff. "...more Solar shards, for one." a chill passes through him. Would they really? "...and a later opportunity, perhaps, to experiment on *Sidereal* shards?"
<ADamiani> "But what good would Solar shards do for Deathlords?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "...twist them. Corrupt them."
<ADamiani> "Very good. Keep going."
<ADamiani> "Why did the Deathlords think they could corrupt the solar shards?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "...because they used to be Solars themselves?" it was a dumb answer, really, but it was the best he could think of. "A leap of logic perhaps."
<ADamiani> "OR...."
<Hidden_Crystal> "...someone told them?"
<ADamiani> "But who could possibly have told them something like that?"
<Hidden_Crystal> Alright, process of elimiation. Would the informant happen to know anything about the high-ranking traitor(s) other then them being Gold Faction?
<ADamiani> "Maybe. But for my own protection, I can only point you in the right direction... There has to be a logical trail for you to follow."
<Hidden_Crystal> "Understood." By now, Crystal has a headache. A really large one, and he rubs one aching temple with a slender, black-gloved hand.
Hidden_Crystal stumbles back from staring into the Loom, shaking his head in confusion. Exalts? No, not Exalts...machines? *Living* machines? Diagrams of some kind? A glowing hand? What in the Maidens' name?
<Hidden_Crystal> Fate...is definitely confusing. Crystal rubs his aching head, as he turns and walks away. He needs a headache remedy. Badly. and then to write down what he saw before he forgets it.

Jiang mosies on over to the Loom of Fate, looking around for Red Stone's location
Jiang eyes Platinum Sky Lover's suspicion suspiciously. "I'll sign.. but I'm watching you." He turns back to his ensemble cast of badger, mushroom and snake spirits. "Allright, one more time! From the top!"
Jiang sits down and writes out a letter for Platinum Sunset "By the time you read this, I will have ceased to exist for a short period of time, not to exceede two weeks in total. I'm putting you in charge of the Circle, and assigning you responsibility for their wealth fare. Please ensure that nobody dies in my abscence." He seals the packet and drops it off with a messenger spirit, for immediate delivery to PSL
Jiang begins filling out the prayer strip. "Letsee.. Tall, leggy, dark." He pauses "Red Stone liked.. Hmm.. Women, as I recall. Some contacts, a little backing, a really amazing tattoo of a.." He taps his chin "Dragons are so last century. Manta ray. Yes, exactly." He scribbles a bit longer, before finding himself content with the end result.

<Silent_Sunset> After a minute of silence the Sidereal lifts his gaze from ... uh, how embarrassing!
<ADamiani> "You were staring."
<ADamiani> Dilari smiles, apparently amused.
Silent_Sunset blushes. "I was *thinking*."
Silent_Sunset hastily continues
<ADamiani> "Obolus for your thoughts?"
<Silent_Sunset> "And I have a few ideas ... if someone tried to force Nehemeth to go into some direction ... and maybe someone else dropped a few nasty hints to the right people in the court ... she might just go into the opposite direction, yes? Now wouldn't that be the perfect basis to subtle influence her will with this shaping method?"
<ADamiani> "A skilled artisan might be able to play upon her rage, and vulnerability... her need for an enemy."
Silent_Sunset nods thoughtfully ... "That is something to keep in mind. You certainly look be ... like such a skilled artisan and the misdirection and setup should be easy to handle ..."
Silent_Sunset absently signs a petition submitted by PSL ... twice
<ADamiani> "I suppose you're expecting me to cooperate in this elaborate scheme of yours."
Silent_Sunset grins like a seller of used air-rikshaws. "Expecting ... I wouldn't call it that, exactly. More like offering you an opportunity ... trick Nehemeth, even from the situation she put you in ..." He looks at Dilari. "Surely there can be something in this, that appeals to you?"
<ADamiani> "And why should it? I would merely be allowing you to use me in her stead."
Silent_Sunset grins, enjoying this greatly. "Who uses whom, that is in its entirety a matter of definition. I could be said to use you to get to Nehemeth, allowing me to make use of her. You could be said to use the situation in which I am and which I will set up, to impose your will upon Nehemeth in this 'shaping'. And that is only the beginning."
<Silent_Sunset> "Imagine the consequences, if it becomes known, that the great Nehemeth was manipulated ... what weakens her position, strengthens yours, isn't that it?"
<ADamiani> "But it is YOUR will that this happen, not mine."
<Silent_Sunset> "What is it that you will to happen, Dilari?"
<ADamiani> "An interesting question."
<ADamiani> "Mmmm. I wish my will to be strenthened, to master myself and the world around me."
<Silent_Sunset> "We of the Exalted use the vehicle of the Arts Martial towards that end. By mastering the body, then the self and finally unifying the self with Creation, we control Creation."
<Silent_Sunset> "That is a path I could help you to walk."
<ADamiani> "Yes, but you do not wish to. You are my jailer. At the moment, your will is predominant."
Silent_Sunset smiles. "This is where you don't understand. Your focus on the power of will is strong and admirable, but you see it as narrower a path than it truly is. There is power in aligning wills. A position of weakness can be stronger than a position of apparent strength."
<Silent_Sunset> "Why would I not wish to teach you? It brings me closer to my own goal and thus serves my will. It serves yours as well as you may grow stronger. Wills do not have to be in opposition."
<ADamiani> "Because if my will were stronger, I would be the dominant one, not you."
<Silent_Sunset> "And then what?"
<ADamiani> She blinks, as though she doesn't undersand.
<Silent_Sunset> "If your will was dominant, what then? Because, if you have no answer, where is the point?"
<ADamiani> "It's the principle. The strong impose their will; the weak have will imposed upon them."
<ADamiani> She looks at you like this is INCREDIBLY obvious.
<Silent_Sunset> "So what is your answer?"
<ADamiani> "What is the question?"
<Silent_Sunset> "If your will was dominant, what would you want then?"
<ADamiani> Blink. "To maintain my dominance, of course."
Silent_Sunset nods slowly ... "Dominance as a goal, not an instrument, is that it?"
<ADamiani> "Mastery of Will is a goal. Dominance is the logical consequence of that mastery."
<Silent_Sunset> "Then I must admit, I do not understand ... I am offering to help you weaken Nehemeth's position relative to yours. I'm offering to help you attain mastery of will and thereby strengthen your position relative to mine. That course may not make sense to you, but understand that I act according to a different paradigm."
<ADamiani> "But only in such a fashion that you would still be able to play 'master'." Her beautiful face scowls in resentment.
<Silent_Sunset> "How does the fact that this is according to my own will AS WELL as yours, make it unacceptable?"
Silent_Sunset looks sad. "I never wanted to play master over anyone."
<ADamiani> Dilari looks like she doesn't really understand that.
<ADamiani> "Of course you did."
<ADamiani> "You have will, and wish to exert it."
Silent_Sunset stops to think
<ADamiani> She says this like 'grass is often green' or 'the elemental pole of the west is wet'
<ADamiani> "As long as I deny you my consent, I remain some semblence of autonomy."
<Silent_Sunset> "You merely freeze a situation like it is."
<Silent_Sunset> "As long as you deny your consent to any proposal, there is no change, unless I exert my will directly."
<Silent_Sunset> "Which isn't what either of us wants."
<ADamiani> She studies your face, trying to determine if you're showing weakness....
<Silent_Sunset> "On the other hand, in consent you allow for change."
<ADamiani> Silent: "You offer me nothing, and attempt to persuade me that your will is my own."
<Silent_Sunset> "You are beholden to me for the time of diplomatic relations between Heaven and the Pearl Court, or at least thus was Nehemeth's edict. Once the goal of this diplomacy is reached, relations will de-intensify, likely cease again."
<ADamiani> "Let me tell you what I suspect."
<ADamiani> "You have some enemy that vexes you, but you cannot deal with on your own."
<ADamiani> "You wish to use Nehemeth as a tool against this foe."
<ADamiani> "And you need me to do so."
<ADamiani> "Am I mistaken?"
<Silent_Sunset> "You heard me address Nehemeth."
<Silent_Sunset> "You have heard me propose we work together."
Silent_Sunset lifts an eyebrow "So?"
<ADamiani> SILENT: "So... that means you NEED me. That is weakness."
Silent_Sunset smiles sardonically. "And your conclusion?"
<ADamiani> "And my conclusion is this: You are no longer as dominant." She smiles, perfectly, wickedly.
Silent_Sunset continues to smile. "You are beginning to understand the idea of a 'deal', my dear."
<Silent_Sunset> "That is, an arrangement where everybody wins."
<ADamiani> "It's a start."
<ADamiani> "You realize I will require some means of transporting myself to and from the Wyld."
<Silent_Sunset> "Oh, what for?"
<Silent_Sunset> Silent thinks to himself: At least she's started to talk MY language. See, if she'll spot the irony in THAT.

<ADamiani> PSL: Cut to the deepest west! Perhaps miles under water, in a lightless, cold environment. The Calibration Gate touches down on the floor of the sea.
Platinum_Sky_Lover has her tooth, activated. She is naked except for blue body paint. She activates her water dragon form, and bids Peleps Yolan to follow.
Platinum_Sky_Lover leads Yolan through ravines and shoals, past multicolored fish, her blue Caste Mark glowing. They should almost be there.
<ADamiani> PSL: A dramatic image! Darkness.... followed by light, illuminating a sphere in the deep-- Platinum Sky Lover, clad in blue bodypaint, and Peleps, nto Tepet Yolan.
<ADamiani> Oh....
<ADamiani> And a dragon larger than mountains.
<ADamiani> A dragon as big as the sea.
<ADamiani> Peleps Yolan falls to her knees.
<ADamiani> She reaches out to touch it. It appears to be breathing, silent and undisturbed.
Platinum_Sky_Lover smiles broadly, as she makes a triumphant gesture with her arms. Then, she bows in respect, hand held in the proper Immaculate mudra, as a sign of respect to the Great Dragon.
Platinum_Sky_Lover smacks her hand away!
Platinum_Sky_Lover makes with her fingers the Low Realm sign for the character, "respect!"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> Yolan she feel in her blood a truth that no words convey. PSL herself bows, deeply.
<ADamiani> Yolan falls to her knees. You think she may be crying.
Platinum_Sky_Lover slides up behind Yolan and wraps her arms around her, kissing her cheek, as they float.
<ADamiani> PSL, we're going to fade that scene there, maybe do a coda to it later.
Platinum_Sky_Lover signs into her palm, "it's time to go." She leads Yolan back to the Calibration gate, and air.

<ADamiani> Peleps Yolan is obviously shaken by the event.
<ADamiani> "He... IT... SPOKE to me..."
Platinum_Sky_Lover caresses her cheek. "What did the Great Dragon say to you? Here, sit."
Platinum_Sky_Lover calls for tea, as she helps Peleps Yolan back to her manse.
Platinum_Sky_Lover finds herself slightly jealous, as the Yolan has had an experience similar to what may happen if she had met Venus herself. She can only imagine what happens to those poor Zeniths.
<ADamiani> "It wasn't like that... not... *words* in any way I can shape them..."
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods. "Shh. Take your time. Relax. Tell me what you can, as you are ready."
<ADamiani> "... I will... accept... your offer."
Platinum_Sky_Lover gives Peleps Yolan all the time she needs. She's had the equivalent of an extreme religious experience.
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods. "You understand what this will entail, correct? While I respect you, those here in Heaven will not. I presume that you act at the behest of the Great Dragon of Water itself."
<ADamiani> "I haven't the faintest conception what this entails at all."
Platinum_Sky_Lover rubs her shoulders. "I am certain that the wisdom of the Great Water Dragon will be revealed in due time. In the meantime, will you defend Creation with me?"
<ADamiani> "As always, I live to serve the Dragons' will..."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I warn you, you will be working with those who you may think to be demons. These gods... the lesser ones are quite venal, here. The greater ones, I serve. For example, the Solar Exalted, that you call the 'Anathenema.'. As you were spoken to by the Water Dragon, they have been spoken to by the Unconquered Sun.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "So, promise me, don't attack anyone, without asking me, OK? I'll be educating you over the next few weeks."
<ADamiani> "And what of my family? My husband, my children?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "As I said before, we can take away your memory of these events, and I can return you home. Whether or not you stay is up to you, I won't force you."
<ADamiani> "Don't speak like that. I saw the dragon. There is no choice to be had. But... what becomes of them?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "In fact, you can no doubt serve Creation as well there, as here. I want to give you the option, however."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "A double of you was created, as the chaotic Wyld was infringing upon Creation where we met. If she is alive, then your family still has there mother and wife. The difficulty is that if I were to return you to Creation with what you know, you could be in grave, grave danger, from within the Dynasty and without."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "If she is not alive, then your family will believe you to be dead."
<ADamiani> "But... can I ever see them again?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Under certain circumstanes, yes. But not as you did before. Heaven, Destiny, the Dragons call for us to make sacrifices. I was a common whore in Nexus, with a family of sisters I loved and a house mother who was mine in fact if not in blood. When Venus called me, I had to leave them all behind, as well as 2 children."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "When we Exalt, it is not to benefit *us*. Exalted do not rule Creation. They *serve* it."

<Jiang> Glaring down at the prayer strip, he says "Now, I don't like you. And you don't like me. But we're going to have to get along for the next few days. If you cross me, then I WILL track down your little god and stick him in a bottle." He sighs and takes up the charm "Maiden of Secrets, it's me again. And once again, I find myself putting myself in your hands. Try not to drop me on my head again. Thank you." With a sigh, he activates his Cea Ceasing to Exist Approach kata and, in a flash of green light, ceases to exist.
ADamiani> Jiang: what's your new name, Manta-babe?

<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> (Midnight Caste!)
<ADamiani> Lost Rainbow Maiden: Well, you're in your sumptuously tacky new quarters. You're not quite sure where, but you're betting this is Red Stone Rising's manse.
<ADamiani> Rainbow: You're alone in a ludicrously oversized canopy bed covered by a ton of pillows
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden looks down at his.. her? New and excitingly skimpy attire. With the deep, world weary sigh that only the most put upon of civil servants can muster, she rises from her bed and vanishes, twisting the essence of existence to hide her presence. She pads forth, searching for Red Stone.
<ADamiani> Maiden! Your ghostly retainers snap to attention as you leave your quarters.
<ADamiani> "What can we do for you, mistress?"
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden pauses, looking over the ghost. "Do you know where Red Stone has secreted himself, lackey?"
<ADamiani> LRM: "Ah, he is absent, mistress, I know not where."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden frowns "And did he say when he would return? He failed to notify me of his attentions."
<ADamiani> Rainbow: You seem to have the run of the place at the moment.
<ADamiani> The traitor is away, you seem to be in charge of a major abyssal manse.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden pads down the Citadel's hallways, taking care to remain unseen. She thinks to herself *Allright Jiang, pop quiz. You're alone, in the citadel of your enemy, waiting for him to return. You have the loyalty of most of his servants. You are also wearing incredibly tight leather underwear and some sort of.. I don't even know the NAME of what you're wearing, but damn you look like you could use a sweater. Anyways, what do you do? What DO you do?"
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden makes the rounds of the Manse, looking for it's defenses, any secret entrances, and keeping an eye out for demons.
<ADamiani> There does seem to be one locked in the dungeon, but the others are presently gone with The Master.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden peers in at the locked demon suspiciously. Is it chained down.
<ADamiani> Warded and chained. Big sucker, too.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden stands outside his door, posing provacatively. Of course, when you're wearing leather undies there're very alternative manners of posing. She coughs, to get his attention.
<ADamiani> The demon snarls and strains at his chains, lunging at you--- snapping maws gnashing shut only inches from you.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden sighs, leaning against a pillar "How the mighty have fallen. Hzezachim, you poor dear. Having troubles? "
<ADamiani> He makes toothpick motions.
<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> (Isn't there. Damn, there goes that idea. Stupid second circle demons and their horrible little multiple bodies)
<ADamiani> Poof! You're... Oh, no! You use avoidance Kata... and it seems instead of taunting a demon.... you're....
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden spends a few hours making everybodies after life just a little bit more unpleasent.
<ADamiani> LRM: And everyone thinks you're totally in character.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden goes and.. uhhh.. looks through Red Stone's papers?
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden picks through Stone's pile of astrology requests, slowly turning red as a great and terrible fury builds. "Oh, that son of a whore."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden tucks away the records, before breaking out his own set of paper and weaving counter destinies.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden puts the fates back, tapping her fingers and trying to NOT do the thing she wants to, so very much. Track down Red Stone and rip his eyes out.
<ADamiani> SUNNY BOUNCY RAINBOW: The ghostly heralds trumpet the master's return, along with his demonic vizier.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden tosses down the book she'd been reading. "Finally." She moves to an out-of-sight spot, to watch his arrival.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden mutter mutter "Self, I've got a bad feeling about this. Either Red has gone bonkers, or.. Oh bugger."
<ADamiani> The master of the manse, recognizably RSR, enters, clad in flowing sanguine robes.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden looks him over closely from her hiding spot.
<ADamiani> GHOSTLY SERVITOR #1: "You were successful, my lord?"
<ADamiani> RSR: "They suspect nothing. The fools! mwuha. Mwu HA HA HA HA."
<ADamiani> The demons haven't enterred yet. They may be handling details related to unloading his baggage or something.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden stalks forward, smirking. "Sounds like someone is in a good mood. Though the maniacal laughter may have been playing to the stereotype a bit too closely."
<Silent_Sunset> "Naturally ... I was thinking a formal visit to the delightful Court of Pearl would serve as the perfect occasion. Your wish, meanwhile was to have visitors?"
<ADamiani> "Ah. My love. I had missed you. You don't approve of my mild self parody?"
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden snakes an arm around his waiste and gives him a kiss, stiffling the urge to bite his lips off. "Maniacal laughter and higher brain functions don't go hand in hand, thats all. So, any fools in particular, or just fools in general?"
<ADamiani> "My former compatriots still suspect nothing. The spiders weave destiny as I-- and by extension, our master- wills."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden represses a shudder, making herself grab some backstabbing ass. Pulling away, he asks "Hmm.. How does that go? I'm afraid I missed some of the details, being distracted by that entire Weeping Glass fiasco."
<ADamiani> "Weeping Glass was a fool. It is a pity her greed for power caused her demise; it set her researches into the exaltation conversion process back months, at the least."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden snorts "You've got that right. Poor girl was a bit dimm. But I suppose her essence can be given to some more.. deserving."
<ADamiani> "Be that as it may, her knowledge of the exalted essence was rivaled only by Lytek's own. This will be difficult to replace."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden makes careful not of that. "Has any further progress been made?" She keeps a sharp eye on the entrance.
<ADamiani> "Little. But at least I can take advantage of my Sidereal status until a new form of the exaltation is devised."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden nods knowingly "And I'm sure you're making the most of it. Anything especially clever, or just the smae old?" She heads for a sidebar, pouring them both wine.
<ADamiani> "Oh, the usual, weaving of fates and disinformation."
<ADamiani> "I've worked out a plague to befall the isle of abalone."
<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> "Really? What kind of plague? Minstrels?
<ADamiani> "With coral wounded, and the realm fleet out of commission, we should have eliminated any military threat to our Master's Dominions."
<ADamiani> He laughs.
<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> "What if the Convenant of Water interferes again?"
<ADamiani> "Hardly. No, I think I shall turn them against eachother. Civil war will doubtless ensue"
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden raises an eyebrow "Isn't it dangerous, to draw upon your contacts in Heaven now? Isn't it best if they think you're captured?"
<ADamiani> "I don't visit in my OWN identity, my precious."
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden smirks "Then who? Old Sally, the washerwoman?" She offers him the wineglass "Come, sit down. You look tired."
<ADamiani> He sits.
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden takes a seat in his lap, arm around his neck in an almost entirely nonthreatening manner.
<ADamiani> Yes, well, how nonthreatening can you be as a gothy Deathnight in a leather negligee?
<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> (It's a good kind of threatening?)
<Hidden_Crystal> (Threatening to do kinky yet enjoyable things to him?)
<Lost_Rainbow_Maiden> (Kinky yet enjoyable is the key here. The violent emmasculation comes later.)
<ADamiani> LRM: He lets his hands roam freely. Shudder!
Lost_Rainbow_Maiden resists a shudder, plastering a sultry smile on her face. He sends a mental prayer to the Maiden of Secrets *I don't know how and I don't know when, but someday, you will pay for this.* She leans close to Red and whispers "You've been gone so long. You wouldn't believe what I've been thinking up for you."