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Imperturbable Solar Focus</i>
 Cost: 2m; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-Ok
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Any Thrown Excellency

Concentrating on a single instant, the Lawgiver harmonizes her missile with all conditions around her. No mere constraints of the world—whether range or visibility, cover or distraction—can distract the Solar from her lawful prey. For a single attack, reduce all internal and external penalties to a single Thrown roll to 0. This never includes DV.

<i>Creation War-Law Meditation</i>
 Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
 Keywords: Combo-Ok
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Imperturbable Solar Focus, Any other Thrown Excellency

Invoking his right to Mastery, the Solar seizes control of the battlefield. His aim becomes truer, his sight clearer, and cowards who dare to hide from the wrath of a Lawgiver are given scant comfort. Until the end of the scene, reduce all external and internal penalties to Thrown rolls made by the character by his permanent Essence.

<i>Brilliant Calculus of Doom</i>
 Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-Ok
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Imperturbable Solar Focus

A Solar skirmisher knows no equal. Whether from ambush or from the front of a line of her Tiger Warriors, a missile cast by a Lawgiver will be so perfectly projected, the arc of fire so gracefully calculated, that no enemy may escape its assault. Unless the opponent uses a perfect defense, any attack modified with Brilliant Calculus of Doom will not miss regardless of the dice roll. Instead, it will be resolved as normal, with raw damage calculated on an assumption of 0 attack successes if the attack would have missed without this Charm.

<i>Inevitable as Morning</i>
 Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Skirmish Mastery, Brilliant Calculus of Doom

When a Solar must face the most terrifying of foes on the battlefield, he may utilize the destiny of his kind to remind that enemy that the birthright of a Lawgiver is victory; triumph is as inevitable as morning. By surrounding his missile with a sheaf of transcendent Solar energies, the Lawgiver transforms it into a burning bolt of power which he then casts across the battlefield to strike down his target in a heartbeat, untroubled by wind or darkness, cover or defense.

This Charm supplements a Thrown attack. All defense values against this attack are made inapplicable and may not be made applicable by anything short of a perfect defense. The Solar rolls to hit as normal, but gains a number of automatic successes on the Thrown roll equal to his permanent Essence. Add the character’s Thrown rating to damage dice. The player may choose whether this attack deals bashing or lethal damage.

<i>Essence-Dispersing Attack</i>
 Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
 Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Mist on Water

A Solar’s mandate is greater than the physical world alone; his power extends to a mastery of Essence as well. By divesting some of his own potency into a missile weapon, the Solar may rebuke a foe who dares to use Essence against him. The Solar makes a normal Thrown attack (this can be changed by other Charms, but the attack must do damage for this Charm to work) against an opponent. In Step 8 of combat resolution, subtract (the Solar’s permanent Essence) motes from the target’s pool for every health level of damage done.

If this amount exceeds the number of motes in the target’s pool, excess motes will be taken from Committed artifacts, Charms, or other sources. The GM distributes this; it takes a number of spare motes completely equal to a given commitment to remove it. For example, if an Essence-Dispersing Attackc has 7 excess motes and the target has 8 motes committed to armor, 4 to a weapon, 3 to a simple Charm and 2 to a second Charm, the armor cannot be touched at all; instead, any 2 of the other commitments will be dispersed.

<i>Shower of Deadly Blades</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Thrown 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Cascade of Cutting Terror

The indomitable urgency of the Solar infuses the missiles encompassed in her cascade of death. Pursuit is not enough; the flung weapons, like the Solar herself, will not dissuaded by blunter arguments either. The attack becomes unblockable as the missiles duck and weave around any attempted parry.

<I>Thanks to LetiIsawaBrian/SolarThrownAttack/I>

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