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[[FrivYeti/CalinPg17/Calin | Table of Contents ]]
[[[FrivYeti/CalinPg17/CalinPg16]] | Previous Page]]

"Wake up, Garamond Bryce."

Bryce sat bolt upright in bed, blinking sleep from his eyes, at the unfamiliar voice. It was night, and the moon shone in through his window. Curtains fluttered in the breeze - but Bryce had left the window closed. Looking towards it, he saw the man perched, like a bird, on the windowsill. The moon silhouetted him, making his features difficult to see.

Bryce reached sideways, grasping the spear that leaned against his bed. "Who are you?"

"A friend, never fear." The mystery man smiled toothily. "Call me... Reynard."

"Alright, Reynad..." Bryce watched his visitor carefully. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"I already told you. I am a friend." Reynard glanced across at the spear. "It's a wonderous weapon. I saw you use it." He paused, appearing suddenly uncertain. "It will help against the Fair Folk, but you will need more than a tool of the Anathema to win."

Bryce frowned, considering Reynard. "You're offering help?"

"Yes. I know the Fair Folk of this area. They have been here a very long time, but were held in check by their prior lord. With his departure, I no longer have the influence with them that I once held." Reynard paused again, carefully choosing words. "There are a few who are benign, but they are forced into opposition by their new Lord, and he plans to attack soon. I will offer my assistance where I can."

"Why not do so openly?" Bryce frowned again, waving a hand. "Why appear in my window in the middle of the night?"

Reynard smiled sadly, and a flickering crescent moon shone from his forehead. "You are using a weapon of the Solars. I trust that you will not fear my nature on sight. The rest of the town... they are concerned enough about the spear. Someone like myself would be accused of allegiance with the enemy and driven away."

Bryce stared for a moment, as pieces clicked into place. "You're the Lunar that the Hunt thought they drove away last year. You were the fox that keeps following me around."

"Watching out for you." Reynard nodded. "I have a certain anonymity here, and I rather want to keep it, but I don't want to see this town destroyed. I thought you were my best chance of that."

For a moment, Bryce almost flared his own caste mark, but caution restrained him. He didn't actually know who Reynard was, and if his tattered memories of the First Age told him that the Lunars weren't innately dangerous, he also remembered enough to know that he couldn't trust any Exalt simply for that part of their nature. He still remembered Shiann's betrayal in the First Age. Instead, he chose the careful route. "I thank you, Reynard. Your secret is safe with me." He paused, and sighed. "We're going to need all the help that we can get when the Fair Folk attack. But there should be Dragon-Bloods coming. Will that be a problem for you?"

"Not if I lay low." Reynard sighed, rocking back on his sill. "I'm not much of a straight fighter, honestly. I'll be more useful as a spy." He paused, and swallowed. "And there's one more thing, something I can already tell you. The Fair Folk have planted a spy in the town."

"What?!?" Bryce's jaw dropped. "Where? How do you know?"

"I can smell the presence of the Wyld. But it's well hidden; I only pick up traces when the spy uses his or her magic. I haven't gotten any in days, but there is someone here who is secretly a Fair Folk, or a human bound to the Fair Folk. It could be anyone." Reynard frowned again. "Aside from you and your girlfriend, I sincerely hope. The Fair Folk wouldn't try to kill one of their own." He shook his head. "I'm trying to track the spy down; it could be critical when the attack comes. But I'm having little luck."

"I'll keep my eyes peeled." Bryce shook his head. "It never ends. Things just keep getting worse."

"It's going to get worse before it gets better. The enemy lord has hundreds of hobgoblins, two fellow nobles, and his fearshadow serpent on his side. We have you, me, and a few dozen guards." Reynard shook his head. "I don't know if we can win. But I will do everything in my power to try." He smiled, then, grimly. "Don't worry, Bryce. We'll get through this."

"I certainly hope so." Bryce smiled. "Thank you, Reynard. How do I get in contact with you?"

"I'll get in contact with you." Reynard saluted lazily. "Take care of yourself, and prepare. Iron, magic, anything you can find. If there's anything else where you got that spear, see if it works for mortals." He fell backwards off the sill, slowly, and as he did he shrank and changed, until a small sparrow was falling. Its wings flapped, and it took flight, sailing south across the rooftops. Bryce watched it go, and then rose, walking to the window, and shut it firmly. He stared at the shutters for a few moments longer, and then returned to bed. The situation had just gotten more complicated, but just knowing that a Lunar was out there, oddly, made him feel better. Safer. He couldn't place why, but he trusted Reynard. And while he now knew about yet another danger, he felt better able to handle it.

Smiling faintly, he went back to bed and sank into slumber.

[[[FrivYeti/CalinPg17/CalinPg18]] | Next Page]]