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Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Hiiii! I'm baaaack!
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Oh dear gods, why did I do this?
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Something about demanding an Exalted game or cute girls for your harem.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I better get a nice helping of both for this!
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Pervert.

  • Majestic DM: We left off with our heroes having come back from a small probation mission by the ancient Solar Waits in Darkness. He has just told them of a man named Caius Cosades who has some information he desires and the gang will need to find him and perform a favor for him

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> This week's intermission was not as charged, as I decided to stay in this game for one more session rather than just drop it outright.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Xerxie likes pain ^_^
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> We start off with the local captian of the Blades in Morrowind, Caius Cosades-
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Just think: Instead of wasting your time on this, you could have actually -beat- that game.

  • Majestic DM: Kalindi takes her leave of the group to heal up and also perform some training

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Naturally, she had no desire to continue with this farce and dropped it a week ahead of schedule.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I'd say she was smart, but then she ran a game with you in it -and- let you be the only male.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> HUSH!

  • leondis kale: "Well let us go find this man and do his triffling deed.."
  • Raven nods"Ok... and what are you names again?" **
  • Walks: ((I am in a bad way but I did say I'd give this one more shot, so I'll be whereverses.))
  • leondis kale: "My name is Leondis..."
  • leondis kale: "and this is Walks"
  • leondis kale points to Walks" **
  • Raven: "mundane..Raven Mundane" she says
  • Walks: "Walks in Day's Shadow. Or just Walks, if you want to get all simple."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> The party acquaints itself with Raven Mundane. An idiotic slut trapped in a man's body (see previous installment). The player, I mean, not the character. They're both so shallow you'd be hard pressed to get your feet wet in them.

  • Raven: "I used to be a..well defneder here in Nexus"
  • Raven: "I knwo the place"
  • Raven: "Lets go and find this man shall we" she says taking control
  • leondis kale: "then let us depart and get this oer with"
  • leondis kale: over*
  • leondis kale leaves following the new leadertype Raven **
  • Walks shrugs and follows Raven, contemplating to himself. **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Notice how marcus has to say the Mundane Raven is taking control in order to 'take control'.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> There is no harm in letting the blind rule over all that they see.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> And Xeriar lets go of any potential party control without argument - a sure sign he's given up on the game.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I'm not a control freak!
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> When was the last time you didn't direct the party?
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Well there was Tsuruchi N-
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> He doesn't count. Moving on!

  • Raven: .me leands the way to the section of Nexus but stop at a nearby bar"One moment please.." she says ducking in
  • Leondis Kale waits outside looking very inconspicuous **
  • Majestic DM: Okay, Raven ducks into a seedy bar
  • Walks: ((Do we knew the location independantly?))
  • Majestic DM: ((nope))

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #32 of Good DMing for Exalted: Always make sure that the dumbest, most useless members of your group are the most indespensable. This keeps the other ones from killing them, and thus, letting your glorious story reach a wider audience.

  • Walks continues on a short ways, but not far enough to lose track of the entrance. **
  • Leondis Kale goes and buys a great sword **
  • Leondis Kale: (or did i do that last time?)
  • Raven walks over to the bar"Is soimone here?" **
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, you'll have to hike to Nexus District and the Little Market to get a weapon
  • Leondis Kale: (nm then)
  • Raven: she heads of to a dark corner to talk to a man in his late thrities and smoking a stig. They begin to talk
  • Raven then slips him some cons "anything else?" she asks **
  • Leondis Kale sits by the entrance whistling a tune **
  • Majestic DM: Raven and the man continue to speak
  • Leondis Kale looks around for interesting things to see and listens for even more interesting things **
  • Raven: "Tell me about this place and why someone might want him. what has been his latest searches for the guild?"
  • Majestic DM: Not much interesting to see in this squalid little side street and just idle conversations
  • Raven sighs and thanks him wondering if her other contcts might know something **
  • Raven gets up and thanks the man finishing her drink **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #33 - The best followers of Rule 32 ensure that their players have NOTHING TO DO while the indispensable twit runs off on her own sidequest - especially not if their ideas are ultimately trivial points like buying equipment. Incidentally, don't let their NPC's be of any use either - remember rule 28. <B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I think someone called this 'CRPG syndrome'.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> It clearly is not. 1) The male lead is not in the middle of a love triangle. 2) There are no pretty graphics, only the occasional 'miniature' thrown up into the map window-
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Don't try to tell me that there's no grind involved, because this -is-, and Nethack-
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Which would you rather sit through. Nethack or this?
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Aargh :-/

  • Raven loks at the others"Mind if we head to the market area?" **
  • Leondis Kale: "lets go"
  • Raven: 9was ther e any time limit to finding this guy?)
  • Majestic DM: ((no))
  • Leondis Kale follows Raven to market **
  • Walks shrugs and follows. **
  • Raven: "any of yo loking for anything?"
  • Majestic DM: Nexus District is bustling with noon traffic
  • Walks: "Nope." He says flatly.
  • Leondis Kale: "Actually I was looking for another sword..."
  • Leondis Kale: "you can never have too many I would say"
  • Raven: "Can you do that here? I knwo a good place named.." she thinks "Well i know someone who knows a good cheeper place then normal..a good blacksmith..I can go ask him?"
  • Raven: "If not you can always check the Blacksmith seciton and shiop around"
  • Leondis Kale: "Well thank ye much.." then remembers that he should have gotten a pint to go
  • Raven loks up at a sign that says "Ye old Globe trotter" and enters **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> At this point, Xeriar goes mental - to quote a whisper to another:

  • Walks: "I like swords"
  • Walks: "Welcome to Corneria!"
  • Walks: "I like swords"
  • Walks: "Welcome to Corneria!"
  • Walks: "I like swords"
  • Walks: "Welcome to Corneria!"

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Am I to blame for that?
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> YOU joined this, deary.

  • Leondis Kale goes to the blacksmith's and tries to find a great sword **
  • Pathfinder: I really wonder about Leondis sometimes.
  • Majestic DM: The blacksmith offers up a great sword for 220 dinars

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> For those of you who don't know, a pound of silver is 25 dinars. That's nine pounds of silver for an eight-pound sword.

  • Leondis Kale tries to haggle for a lower price **
  • Pathfinder: That'd be one way to go out
  • Majestic DM: Charisma + Bureaucracy
  • Leondis Kale: [3d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [7,7,4] = *
  • Raven enters **
  • Majestic DM: You get it to 200 dinars on friendliness alone

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Wow! He breaks even on encumbrance!
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> You make the assumption that 15 pound swords aren't a staple of Majestic's Exalted.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Damn.

  • Leondis Kale pays the man and gets a new weapon **
  • Leondis Kale then rejoins his compatriots **
  • Majestic DM: Walks is just standing around outside the old Globe Trotter waiting on Raven

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #34! Don't just play absent characters. Play characters whose players are currently present!

  • Leondis Kale: "So any news on our quarry?"
  • Raven smiles"hello..May I help you?" **
  • Raven: sorry got called away breifly )
  • Leondis Kale: (actually that was to walks i was speaking)
  • Raven loks at her contact and smile"Hello...Knwo of anyone namedCaius?" **
  • Raven: "i hear he works for the guild and is interested in antiques"
  • Raven: 'though you might know of something"
  • Walks shrugs, pointing where Raven entered. "No idea. Can ask her I suppose." **
  • Leondis Kale: "I think I should wait out here with you" and continues to show the scholar the great sword he just bought and tel how he got 20 dinar knocked off the price

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> What to do when the Eclipse pwns your Dawn at combat? Get a bigger sword. The ladies won't think you're compensating. Really!

  • Ophim: "Yeah, he's always looking for any variety of First Age knick-knacks

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> A novice might think that this is a violation of rule #28. This is not so. In order to avoid suspicion, you should occasionally drop in actively useless information like this.

  • Raven: "and what can you tell me about his latest or current ituation?"
  • Ophim: "He's looking to head out on the next caravan and do some prospecting further east."
  • Raven: "Has he found anyting ltely?"
  • Ophim: "Found a bit of copper out near Great Forks."
  • Raven: "copper is hardly cvaluable enough for a expidition?" she questions
  • Ophim: "Can be to the right people. Like those who don't want to pay Gem's price hike."
  • Raven: "Ok... and what does this have to do with an antiqus his profession no?"e dealer though? that
  • Ophim: "Antiques are his hobby."
  • Leondis Kale waits with walks **
  • Raven: "i see... and when is he supposed to head out next?"
  • Ophim: "In the next several days he says."
  • Raven: "and does he have any aenemies fo to powerful friend?" she inquires
  • Ophim: "Neither."
  • Raven: "Ok... so why would some one want him?"
  • Raven: "do you knwo anyone called walks n Darkness?"
  • Ophim: "I have no idea."
  • Ophim: "No."
  • Raven: Ok.. thaks..Oh and if you find any antique weapons or war motif tapestries or the likes..save them for me ok " she says smiling "
  • Ophim: "So long as you make me a good offer."
  • Raven heads otu to see if she can find the others now **
  • Majestic DM: They're both outisde
  • Leondis Kale: "well did you get what you came for?"
  • Walks waves. "I hope these detours were worth something." **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> That is Xeriar-speak coming through in character for 'Why are you wasting my time?'
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Hey! No revealing my personal code.

  • Raven: "i duno" she says confused"i am trying to figure out why some oen woudl want thsi Caius"
  • Raven smiles"sorry being an officer in these streets have taught me to tust noting I cannot confirm on my own" **
  • Leondis Kale quietly says to raven, "the question isnt why he wants him it is what does he have" **
  • Walks: "Why not ask him when we meet him?"
  • Raven: "well I am looking into those too"
  • Leondis Kale begins the trek to Sentinel hill **
  • Raven: 'i will i jsut liek to be prepared..."
  • Raven: "do we have time to head to the rich secotr? the one where the DBs are?"
  • Leondis Kale: "I dont know," and looks to walks
  • Raven: "what do yo uall think?"
  • Walks: "Bastion? I thought this was your city?"
  • Walks: "If you think you can learn something so be it."
  • Leondis Kale: "we have no idea how long his deed will take"
  • Leondis Kale: "lets just go to wherever you need to go and quickly"
  • Majestic DM: Okay, you all make your way to Bastion
  • Raven: 'well i have looked into most of my contacts..One remains.." she says" a courtesan in the dynast and rich area"
  • Raven: "Caius used to be part of the realm..i could aks Tahvin whathe knows"
  • Leondis Kale: "okay"
  • Majestic DM: I'm going to make this real quick: Tahvin can only tell that Caius left the Realm over financial troubles and he is particularly interested in where you heard of Waits in Darkness

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule of Good DMing #36: Make every minor NPC - especially the ones your PCs introduce, become deathly interested in your DMPC. Because, truly, what more in the world could be greater than the glory of your own, personal, Mary Sue Incarnate?
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> On the plus side, we're almost over the effects of Rule #33.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Yes! Only an hour and a half later!

  • Leondis Kale waits **
  • Leondis Kale: "well, shall we go to sentinel hill now?"
  • Leondis Kale: ext not now
  • Leondis Kale: next*
  • Raven: "alright
  • Raven leads them to the Bastion district over tho Sentinel hill unappologetically aware she ahs taken a lot of time wanderng the city **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> If you can't type, if you can't let others share the spotlight, if you have no clue, there is a game for you, in the Majestic school of Roleplaying.

  • Leondis Kale heads to Sentinel hill **
  • Majestic DM: Sentinel's Hill smells of soap as the residents take advantage of the mild day to do some laundry. Amid the hanging blankets you find Caius's office
  • Leondis Kale enters **
  • Walks enters the office **
  • Raven ltets them enter first ot getting too insulted and enters nlast **

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Is it some sort of useless concession?
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Translation: "I just raped you for an hour and a half, but it's okay! I'll let you into the hospital first so you can get the venerial disease I gave you treated!"

  • Caius Cosades:The office is a dimly-lit affair with maps and sundry papers strewn all over the place. A man with thinning grey hair sits behind a desk as he draws on a map of the South
  • Raven bows walking in **
  • Leondis Kale: (anyone else here?)
  • Raven: "Caius I presume?"
  • Caius Cosades:"Yes/"
  • Caius Cosades:((no one but him and you))
  • Leondis Kale: "we were sent here"
  • Caius Cosades:"By whom?"
  • Leondis Kale: "Waits"
  • Caius Cosades:"I don't know anyone by that name."
  • Leondis Kale: "he said you had information for him and that we would do a deed for it"
  • Caius Cosades:"I don't know what you are talking about."
  • Leondis Kale looks to the others **
  • Leondis Kale persuades to comply **
  • Walks sighs. "There have been some rumors that there have been unusually dark goings-on in the city of late. It was suggested that you might know something." **
  • Leondis Kale: persuades him to comply
  • Raven sighs shaking her head"You do not have experience in these matters do youtwo.."looking at the man she sighs"we have a friend that is interested in you and your knowledge of things. He is willing to pay you to come see him and talk to him. he has sent ous for your excelent advice" **
  • Caius Cosades:"Give me a name."
  • Caius Cosades:"I know many people, I can't just go by the word of three strangers. Now speak plainly or I will have you thrown out."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> #37 - Be difficult. Do not summarize obscure points that your Pawn Characters would be certain to remember and their player's certain to forget about. Drag it out and make it ugly.

  • Leondis Kale: (he was an agent for walks right?)
  • Walks: ((No.))
  • Walks: ((Waits in Darkness is his name, anyway))
  • Caius Cosades:((He is, but he doesn't know him as Waits. I think Waits mentioned an alias . . .))
  • Leondis Kale: (waits i mean)
  • Leondis Kale mentions the alias used **
  • Caius Cosades:"Ah, so Waits did indeed send you."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Of course, make sure all the hullaboo is pointless. After all, your NPCs are all-knowing - they just have no reason to stoop to the level of your pawn characters.

  • Caius Cosades:((It was Mr. Armin FYI.))
  • Leondis Kale: (thanks and sorry)
  • Caius Cosades:"Then he should have told you that I might want a favor done."
  • Leondis Kale: "Yes Mr Armin said that, but he didnt gointospecifics"
  • Caius Cosades:"That's because I get to name the favor."
  • Leondis Kale: "and that would be?"
  • Caius Cosades:"There is a cave a day's travel out of Nexus. Inside is a starmetal puzzle box. That's all I want. Just that little box."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> FETCH QUEST!
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> If this weren't the last game, I'm sure it would be the first of many.

  • Walks: "Which way?"
  • Leondis Kale: "Anything else we needto know?"
  • Caius Cosades:"Northwest. A day's travel from the gate."
  • Caius Cosades:"That's all. I'm sure if there is any challenge in those caves that you can handle it."
  • Leondis Kale: "fine, and you will be here when we return?"
  • Caius Cosades:"Yes. I'm not going anywhere for at least ten days."
  • Leondis Kale: "fine, any other questions?" looking to the others
  • Walks: "Very well." Walks checks his belongings quickly, nodding softly, and stepping towards the door. "Do you have any details about the cave you would care to divulge?"
  • Raven is listening silently **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> The party leader begins to demonstrate her uselessness.

  • Caius Cosades:"I don't know that much about it. It's just a small cave that doesn't have any sort of name. Probably some ancient trash bin for all I know."
  • Leondis Kale: "fine then we'll be seeing ya"
  • Raven: "if it were you woudl not be interested in it"
  • Leondis Kale turns and walks outside **
  • Raven: "what is the box?"
  • Raven: "and why you want it?"
  • Raven: 'how you knwo about it?"
  • Caius Cosades:"It's just a starmetal box I heard from a very reliable source was in there."
  • Leondis Kale waits at the deluge of questions **
  • Caius Cosades:"I want it because it is a small trinket of a bygone age and such trinkets interest me."
  • Walks shrugs, nods, bows, opens the door and steps out. **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> "I heard from a reliable source that a two thousand year old artifact is in this cave, but I know nothing else, really!"
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Give him credit, he didn't find the puzzle on his cereal box.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> An Exalted quest inspired by the back of a box of Cheerios has far, far more potential.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I like the multi-grain kind.

  • Leondis Kale follows walks **
  • Leondis Kale waits on raven **
  • Raven: "who told you about it?"
  • Raven: "and why does he not have it?"
  • Raven: 'I would liek to speak to this man"
  • Caius Cosades:"Some drifter who was in the city. He's certainly long gone now."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> RULE #38! Do not, under any circumstances, give the PCs any information that might lead them off your main quest. A proper railroad has one beginning, one path, and one destination! There are to be no deviations from your grand design.

  • Walks: "I'll wait for you on the other side of the Yanaze." He says before he lets the door close behind him, moving on.
  • Leondis Kale goes **
  • Raven: "Riiiiight!"
  • Raven: "Conveinent"
  • Raven: "Adn Arim?"
  • Raven: "what is his connection to you?"
  • Caius Cosades:"He offered me a favor of my choosing if I did a task for him."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> NPCs get favors of their choosing when the DMPC asks tasks of them. Pawn Characters, however, should count themselves lucky to bask in such a presence.

  • Leondis Kale travels to the nw gate **
  • Raven stares at the guy. her questions seem rapid and precise. As if she is examining him closely. Minute amounts of essence move around the room as she tries to examin them for the social intereactions of what makes this make tick and what he really wants **
  • Caius Cosades:However, since the only people in the room are the four of you, Raven comes up with bupkus

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #39: Don't ever let the special powerz of your pawn characters allow them access to useful information.

  • Raven sighs and leaves slamming the door behind her"i do not like this" **
  • Walks has long since started walking. **
  • Leondis Kale: "It isnt your place to like or dislike this, we should do this trivial job and get back"
  • Leondis Kale: "Remeber that Waits holds our secrets and can turn us in at any moment"
  • Leondis Kale: "So best to be on his good side"
  • Leondis Kale walks toward nw gate **
  • Raven smiels"I am on his good side...well atleast as much as I care to be" **
  • Raven lets them lead and loks at her owl"wake up hibou..I need you to make sure we are not..well" she smiles"if we ARE being follwoed" **
  • Majestic DM: The sleepy white owl wakes up slowly and takes off, making an orbiting flight around you
  • Majestic DM: You all get to the northwest gate and get temporary leave passes and head out for the cave.
  • Raven: "am i the onlyone suspisious about all this?"
  • Majestic DM: You arrive there in the middle of the afternoon the next day, 12 Resplendent Air, 768 RY
  • Raven yawns looking up at Hibou and shaking her head **
  • Leondis Kale: "I do have my suspicions but i keep them to myself until the time i can do something about them"
  • Leondis Kale draws the great sword and prepares to enter **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I wonder if he'll get anything more than a pity kill this time.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> At least he keeps decent track of time.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> He does, however, ignore the small point that Northwest of Nexus is the Yanaze and a hundred miles of river.

  • Raven: "i prefer open and Direct" she says enterign the cave calmly and activating her senory acuity prana
  • Majestic DM: As you all descend into the cave, how are you handling light?

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #40: If your PCs are demigods with the ability to light up the sky at will, always ask them subtley so you have an excuse to drop the Wyld Hunt on them for no other reason than to teach them a lesson.

  • Raven: nm
  • Raven: I do nto have that charm either

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> We didn't get many bonus points, how can you not know what your character has?
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Has he yet utterred a sentence fully and correctly?
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Point.

  • Raven: sigh
  • Raven: =P
  • Walks takes his buckler out, leaving his sword sheathed as he enters. **
  • Raven does nto draw any of her weapons and looks around trusting her owl to help **
  • Majestic DM: Your owl reports nothing
  • Leondis Kale lights a torch **
  • Leondis Kale: "no need to waste essence yet"
  • Majestic DM: The cave is simple series of tunnels and caverns, the floor and walls are easy enough to walk along. You walk for about several hours when you see shuffling figures at the edge of the torchlight
  • Leondis Kale lays the torch down and holds great sword **
  • Raven loks at the figures"hello?" **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Why, I couldn't think of -any other way- to introduce myself to shadowy denizens several miles into a cave in a world where the dead walk ^_^

  • Majestic DM: As the figures come into the light better, you see the figures stare with vacant, dead eyes, wear rotting garments and generally moan
  • Walks draws his sword slowly, standing next to Leondis **
  • Majestic DM: Inits, please
  • Walks: [1d10+14] -> [2,14] = (16)
  • Raven: you use the PG speeds?
  • Majestic DM: Yes
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+5] -> [2,5] = (7) init
  • Leondis Kale: (minis other people?)
  • Raven: [1d10+11] -> [2,11] = (13)
  • Walks: ((Where'd the mini site run off to now?))
  • Majestic DM: [1d10+5] -> [5,5] = *
  • Leondis Kale: (how wide is cave?)
  • Majestic DM: That wide
  • Raven: lol
  • Walks: "Let them come to us, then."
  • Raven nods"agreed... " **
  • Raven continues slowly down the cave **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> You see, I would have been nice, and figured marcus' horrid typing to be mere dyslexia, but then we see this.

  • Zombie: "Braaaaaiiiiiiiiiins!"
  • Walks: ((Raven, stay put :-p))
  • Raven: "Zombies!" she grumbles"I hate zombies" she says drawing her swords
  • Leondis Kale: (yeah stay back)
  • Majestic DM: The zombies pick up speed and stagger towards you.
  • Leondis Kale: (or do whatever)
  • Majestic DM: Anyone going now?
  • Walks: ((not me.))
  • Raven rushes forward atatcking one **
  • Leondis Kale points his sword at the zombie and unleashes a torent of wind and sand that shreds the leading zombie **
  • Leondis Kale: (sandstorm wind attack)
  • Majestic DM: Roll it
  • Leondis Kale: (can that strike multiple characters?)
  • Majestic DM: ((I'm ruling just one))
  • Leondis Kale: [9d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,10,9,9,7,7,5,3] = (7)
  • Leondis Kale: ouch
  • Raven: can i atatck?
  • Majestic DM: Yes, Raven
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, you kill the lead zombie
  • Raven rushes forward an spins. Two sowords in her hands she lslcies one Zombie that is next to her sending pieces of dead flesh flying away . her back is turned toards the next but as it reaches for her both swords jeb deeply into its putrid stomach ripping it appart. **
  • Majestic DM: 1 die for stunt

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #41: One die stunts are worth nothing. Two die stunts are worth one die. There is no such thing as a three-die stunt.

  • Raven: [9d10] -> [7,6,7,7,4,9,9,3,5] = (57) right hand on first zombie
  • Raven: [7d10] -> [6,5,3,9,3,8,9] = (43) roff hand of first zombie
  • Raven: [7d10] -> [3,7,3,10,5,4,8] = (40) right hand on second zombie
  • Raven: [5d10] -> [3,3,3,9,6] = (24) off hand on second zombie
  • Raven: [Bad dice format] - [0d10.descending().vs(7)]
  • Leondis Kale: just the number
  • Majestic DM: ((You only get three attacks, Raven))
  • Raven: no
  • Raven: I am using two swords =)
  • Raven: 2 attacks wiht each
  • Raven: hence the extra die penalty for the off hand
  • Majestic DM: ((okay))
  • Raven: 9 then seven
  • Raven: 7 then 5
  • Raven: =)
  • Majestic DM: Okay, you take down 3 zombies
  • Majestic DM: ((err, both zombies
  • Majestic DM: ))
  • Raven: (I thake it ithat is three for the group huh?)
  • Majestic DM: ((Yes, group has taken three))
  • Raven: "I rally need more chamrs"

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> First, get some -charm-.

  • Majestic DM: ((Also, roll me Stam+Resistance
  • Walks: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [1,9,8,6] = * - Collar.
  • Majestic DM: ((Just Raven))
  • Raven: [Bad dice format] - [5d10.descending().exalt()] (tm + resistance)
  • Raven: [5d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [8,8,6,6,3] = *
  • Majestic DM: Raven is able to keep herself focused through the stench of decomposition from the two zombies
  • Majestic DM: Inits all
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+5)
  • Raven: [1d10+11] -> [1,11] = *
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+5] -> [1,5] = *
  • Walks: [1d10+14] -> [7,14] = (21)
  • Majestic DM: [1d10+10] -> [8,10] = (18)
  • Majestic DM: Walks, go
  • Walks: ((Holding till after they go again))
  • Majestic DM: Zombies stagger up
  • Majestic DM: Raven, you are slugged by two zombied
  • Majestic DM: [4d10] -> [1,6,10,4] = (21)
  • Majestic DM: [4d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [8,6,3,1] = (1)
  • Majestic DM: Lethal soak?
  • Raven parries kncoking the blows away with an elegant ease. She does nto even tyr as she turns around rto face them. Her swords charge with essence and moving extra quickly she bats their blows aside **
  • Raven: (using dippign swallow)
  • Majestic DM: Roll them
  • Raven: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [8,7,7,6,6,4,3,2,2,1] = (3)
  • Raven: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,9,9,8,7,6,5,3,1] = *
  • Majestic DM: Okay, you parry both punches
  • Majestic DM: Walks, your zombie pucnhes you
  • Majestic DM: [4d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [8,5,5,3] = (1)
  • Walks lets it clang on his shield and proceeds to dice the zombie up **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I see you're really bringing the house down here!
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> It's not like Majestic is doing any better.

  • Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [7,7,2,2,9,9,6,7,1,3] = (5)
  • Majestic DM: Walks, you kill your zombie, roll Stam+Resistance
  • Walks: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [4,4,7,4] = (1) - Collar.
  • Majestic DM: Raven, same for you
  • Walks: ((Bah))
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, go
  • Walks moves forward after ganking zombie **
  • Majestic DM: Walks is overcome by nausea. -2 for actions
  • Leondis Kale seems to pounce at the zombie ahead aof him and slices through him completely then continues his attack to the one behind him spliting the ranks of the zombies **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Zombies are rank, they don't normally organize into ranks...
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Majestic's do. For describing this taking place miles into a cave complex you'd think we'd walked out into an open battlefield.

  • Leondis Kale: (leaping Tiger attack)
  • Majestic DM: 1 stunt die
  • Leondis Kale: (what do i need to roll?)
  • Majestic DM: ((Dex+Melee+weapon bonus))
  • Leondis Kale: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,10,9,7,4,4,4,3,1] = (5)
  • Majestic DM: You kill the one zombie
  • Leondis Kale: So i dont get both? lol)
  • Majestic DM: You didn't roll for the second
  • Leondis Kale: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,9,7,7,7,6,6,4,3] = *
  • Leondis Kale: (sorry still kinda new lol)
  • Majestic DM: ((Okay, in future, when you use multiple attacks, you take away as many dice for as many attacks you are making and then subtract another die for each attack))
  • Majestic DM: ((Therefore, you would have had dice pools of 8 & 7 for each attack))
  • Leondis Kale: (okey dokey)
  • Majestic DM: You kill the second one as well
  • Leondis Kale: i can reroll if you wish)
  • Majestic DM: Roll Stam + Resistance
  • Majestic DM: ((it's okay for now, just remember for future ref))
  • Raven: all of us roll?
  • Leondis Kale: [5d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,8,6,6] = (3)
  • Leondis Kale: (just when you attack them)
  • Raven: ok
  • Majestic DM: ((Yes, Raven, I told you to roll as well))
  • Raven: [5d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,10,5,4] = (3)
  • Majestic DM: Okay, Leondis & Raven are fine. Walks is nauseous until next round
  • Majestic DM: Init
  • Walks: [1d10+14] -> [1,14] = (15)
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
  • Majestic DM: [1d10+10] -> [6,10] = (16)
  • Majestic DM: ((Raven? Init))
  • Raven smiles"Ok..No mor eparrying...time to get this going." she says and leaps into the air. her legs speread and she balances herself between to stalaictites(i tink those are the oens form the roof) and slashes another causing it to fall down and slplatter one of the zombies. "much better" **
  • Raven: I did not get my second atatck
  • Raven: i used a charm to parry
  • Majestic DM: You aborted to parry
  • Raven: (no I used dipping swalow to parry
  • Raven: =)
  • Raven: I suused 4 motes to do it twice even
  • Leondis Kale: [Bad dice format] - [1d10+7)]
  • Majestic DM: All right then
  • Raven smiles"Ok..No mor eparrying...time to get this going." she says and leaps into the air. her legs speread and she balances herself between to stalaictites(i tink those are the oens form the roof) and slashes another causing it to fall down and slplatter one of the zombies. "much better" **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> ...one would think, if posting such a thing a second time, that a minor courtesy might be to FIX SOME OF YOUR TYPOS.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Do your imaginary eyes bleed?
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Yes. Yes they do.

  • Majestic DM: 2 stunt dice
  • Raven: [14d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,8,8,7,7,6,6,4,4,4,4,3,2,1] = (5)
  • Majestic DM: Another drops, now roll init for next round
  • Leondis Kale: (ignore this)
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
  • Leondis Kale: k thanks
  • Raven looks down"Now that is how you do it" **
  • Majestic DM: Raven, roll! NOW
  • Leondis Kale: (raven you need to roll init
  • Raven: [Bad dice format] - [0d10.descending().vs(7)]
  • Raven: [1d10+11] -> [1,11] = *
  • Raven: ( init is sucking bad
  • Majestic DM: ((Whee! Zombies go first!))
  • Majestic DM: All three punch at you all

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I'm surprised he doesn't give himself stunt dice for such wondrous prose.

  • Majestic DM: [4d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [8,8,5,4] = *
  • Majestic DM: [4d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [4,2,1,1] = (0)
  • Majestic DM: [4d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,3,2,2] = (1)
  • Raven: (I am on the ceiling.. .how they reahc?
  • Majestic DM: First is Raven, second is Leondis, third is Walks
  • Majestic DM: ((You're perched within arm's reach on two stalactites))
  • Walks lets his clang on his shield and ripostes **
  • Walks: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [3,9,10,7,7,8,1,3] = (5)
  • Majestic DM: [2d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [9,7] = *
  • Majestic DM: Did I say anyone could go yet?

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> RUle of Great DMing number forty-one! Remember, in a chat environment, everyone must take their actions one at a time and wait for -everyone else to finish- before taking, declaring, or rolling their action. This ensures that a simple combat can fill up as much time of your four hour gaming slot as possible, because, like every good dungeon master knows, that means less work for you.

  • Walks: ((I was trying to speed things up, but I'll wait for you to ask from now on.))
  • Majestic DM: ((Raven, you're the only one looking at a hit. Are you parrying or dodging?))
  • Raven moves her foot away from one of the stalictite and lets herself fall. HThe sword in her left(off hand) hand parries the blow as the other chops at the stalatite. Her right hand then comes down slashing the Zombie fromhed to two . Ravne then lands as the stalactites falls finishing the Zombie "note to self..higher up next tiem" **
  • Raven: (using charm to parry then 2 atatcks)
  • Majestic DM: ((There's only one attack on you))
  • Raven: [Bad dice format] - [0d10.descending().vs(7)]
  • Raven: (I know attacking it teice the slas of the sword and the falling stalitte +) )
  • Majestic DM: ((All you get now is parry))
  • Raven: I know
  • Raven: [10d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,9,9,8,7,5,4,1,1] = *
  • Raven: (any stun dice ..?)
  • Majestic DM: No, not for the parry

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Right, because parrying is not a die action to stunt with. Yu Shan forbid -anyone- ever describe that in cinematic tone.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> This is marcus typing here.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Oh, right.

  • Raven: (i jsut want the motes back =P )
  • Majestic DM: Now, Walks go
  • Majestic DM: I'll keep the roll you made the first time
  • Walks sticks the pointy end into the dead walking guy in front of him **
  • Majestic DM: You kill your zombie. Roll Stam + Resistance
  • Walks: [4d10.vs(7)] -> [1,5,8,5] = (1)
  • Majestic DM: ((You recover somewhat, but not enough to block out the distraction of reeking corpse
  • Raven: [5d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,5,4,3] = *
  • Majestic DM: Now, Raven may do her attack. 2 stunt dice
  • Raven: [13d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,7,6,6,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1] = (3)
  • Raven: [12d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,10,9,8,6,6,6,3,3,2,2,2] = (4)
  • Raven: me smles as the zombie is chopped in two then splaters beneatht eh rocks'Not bringing thatone back either"
  • Raven smles as the zombie is chopped in two then splaters beneatht eh rocks'Not bringing thatone back either" **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Why did he bother reposting that?

  • Majestic DM: Roll damage on the stalactite, 4L soak))
  • Raven: [4d10] -> [8,2,1,6] = (17)
  • Raven: and howmuch my sword do?
  • Majestic DM: ((You cut a chunk from the stalactite, but not enough to bring it down))
  • Majestic DM: You split the zombie in half
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, go
  • Raven stares atthe stalitite grumbling **
  • Leondis Kale spits at the smell of the rotting flesh and says "May you now rest" and cleaves the zombie in twaiin **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Too bad the Zenith got rectally impaled, indeed.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Raven is a Zenith-
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> She doesn't count.

  • Leondis Kale: [9d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,8,7,7,5,4,1,1] = (5)
  • Majestic DM: *splat*
  • Majestic DM: Walks, you take a few minutes while the other climb down, get their stuff together and recover
  • Majestic DM: ((no more dice penalties))
  • Leondis Kale wipes the flesh from the sword and grimmaces, "this is unnatural" **
  • Walks spends some time retching and cleaning his blade as best he can before sheathing it. "Neither are we." **
  • Raven: "no kidding" she grumbles
  • Raven: "we will burn the bodies..."
  • Raven: "Later"
  • Leondis Kale: "hahahaha that is true"
  • Raven: "shall we continue?"
  • Leondis Kale: "lets"
  • Walks continues after Raven and Leondis **
  • Majestic DM: The three of you continue down the caves and wind up in a small room. Standing there is a man in a black iron breastplate

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rule #42 of good DMing for Exalted - don't bother with reasons for the placement of forces and monsters. If there is only one thing of value in the entire cave complex, don't have the forces concentrated around it, with perhaps a few early warning systems. Spread them out and make each moment as pointless as possible.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I'm just glad we're almost done.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> This little spelunking expedition gives me a thought. When interviewing a GM about their adventure style, have them describe a typical cave to you. If it's hours long, only has one entrance, one path and one goal, you have a pretty clear picture about what their sessions are going to be like.

  • Leondis Kale: "hello"
  • Nemissary: "Greetings."
  • Leondis Kale: "So can we get through this peacefuly?" Persuasion
  • Raven looks at him "Ok... what do you want?" **
  • Raven: "I have little patience with yoru fowl types"
  • Walks: "We are looking for a box... a starmetal box."
  • Nemissary: "You destroyed my friends. Now, I will kill you."

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Rather than aiding his Zombie buddies up ahead, and falling back when the party ganked that group, he just sat back and watched them effortlessly decimate his little army. That done, his claim of victory is entirely logical for a centuries-old ghost.

  • Nemissary hefts up a black iron axe **
  • Leondis Kale: actuallythat wouldnt be persuasion more like intimidation
  • Nemissary: Leonidas, he is unphased
  • Nemissary: Inits
  • Walks: "Wonderfully eloquent..." He comments, drawing his blade again.
  • Raven activates her Zenith anima banner "I woudl nto do that if yoknwo what is proper" **

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> All that work for being stealthy and she runs and blows our cover on a nemissary.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Well she is the Mr. Leader, you know.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Don't remind me.

  • Walks: [1d10+14] -> [3,14] = (17)
  • Leondis Kale: [1d10+7] -> [1,7] = (8)
  • Nemissary: [1d10+6] -> [1,6] = (7)
  • Nemissary: ((Raven?))
  • Raven: [1d10+11] -> [2,11] = (13)
  • Nemissary: Walks, go
  • Walks steps to the dark man's side, spinning and driving the blade into his torsoe beneath his breastplate, before returning the thrust and striking behind his head (splitting pool)) **

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Ooooh! Effort!
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Fuck you.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Like I have a choice.

  • Leondis Kale: (question, how longdoes it take for essence to recoup?)
  • Walks: ((4 per hour of restful activity, 8 in meditation))
  • Nemissary: ((1 die stunt))
  • Walks: [9d10.vs(7)] -> [10,7,9,7,10,1,5,4,10] = *
  • Walks: [8d10.vs(7)] -> [9,10,10,10,10,5,9,5] = *
  • Walks: ((Yeaouch))
  • Walks: ((9 and 10 successes, soak, defense?))
  • Raven: "wait do not kill him"
  • Leondis Kale: (hmmm yeah ouch is the word)
  • Raven: "we might need him for questioning"

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> "Don't kill the ghost! We might need to question him!" "How do we trap him?" "Nevermind that, just don't kill him!" "Okay"

  • Nemissary: He dodges
  • Nemissary: [4d10] -> [3,1,10,6] = (20)
  • Nemissary: ((4L soak))
  • Leondis Kale: (brb defending)
  • Nemissary: ((err 6L))
  • Walks: ((not dodging the second?))
  • Nemissary: (He only gets one dodge))
  • Walks: ((err, full dodge, but anyway, 7L and 10L then))
  • Walks: [7d10.vs(7)] -> [7,9,5,10,4,7,9] = (5)
  • Walks: [10d10.vs(7)] -> [9,7,3,5,3,3,8,8,4,3] = (4)
  • Nemissary: And the corpse flops over
  • Nemissary: Raven?
  • Walks: "He's a ghost, Raven, merely possessing the body."
  • Nemissary: Raven merely stands there dumbfounded

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Again, playing present PCs is always a superb DMing technique!

  • Nemissary: "This body is of no more use to me."
  • Nemissary the eyes flash white once and something flits up and out of the cave. **
  • Majestic DM: In the torchlight, there is a glint of metal against the back wall
  • Walks: ((No Ghost-Eating Technique, alas))
  • Raven: sorry lag
  • Majestic DM: ((s'ok))
  • Raven: "I wish I could do something about those spirtis." she grumbles
  • Leondis Kale examines the metallic object **
  • Raven: "you did nto need to kill him"
  • Raven: "what i you find there?"

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Shame on you, Xerxie, for killing a corpse.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> *sniff* I know, I can't sleep at night.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Not going to touch that one...

  • Walks walks forward, sword still drawn, looking at the metal glint. **
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, you find a metal box marked with strange glyphs
  • Walks: "Did you not here what I said, Raven? It was a ghost."
  • Leondis Kale gets the box **
  • Leondis Kale: "wel that wasnt so bad"
  • Walks ponders. "Might I see it?" **
  • Leondis Kale hands it over **
  • Walks attempts to decipher the glyphs on the box (old realm, occult or lore, or something?) **
  • Majestic DM: [Int + Lore[
  • Leondis Kale also tries **
  • Walks: ((Don't suppose I could channel a virtue >_>))
  • Raven: [2d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,2] = (1)
  • Walks: ((First Age specialty apply?))
  • Leondis Kale: [3d10.descending().vs(7)] -> [10,9,2] = *
  • Majestic DM: Yes
  • Raven: 2 but have no lore i jsut realised...i think i need to biy some as she is supposed to be literate :P

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> No, no, you play the illiterate quite well, deary.

  • Majestic DM: You need at least Lore 1 to be literate
  • Majestic DM: ((The cop doesn't know how to read! XD))
  • Walks also channels a Willpower for an autosuccess [6d10.vs(7)] -> [6,7,6,6,2,9] = * **
  • Walks: ((3, unless I can channel a virtue))
  • Raven: "what is it?"
  • Leondis Kale: (um )
  • Majestic DM: ((no, no Virtue apples))
  • Majestic DM: Leondis, Walks, you recognize the glyphs as letters of the Old Realm alphabet, but there doesn't seem to be any message contained in them
  • Walks: ((I know Old Realm, sheesh. Anything pertinant about the letters? Assuming it's some sort of puzzle to be solved in order, like if they form a word or something?"
  • Raven: [Bad dice format] - [0d10.descending().vs(7)]
  • Majestic DM: There does not seem to be any word formable with the letters given
  • Raven: high adn low is all I know =P
  • Raven: "i only kow high and low" she says not admiting hshe has never learned to read
  • Walks handles the box some more, seeing if he can work out any mechanism. **
  • Majestic DM: No mechanism seems apparent in the dim light

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> The Puzzle Box of PCs are Too Stupid To Figure It Out (tm)

  • Leondis Kale: "lets leaave the cave
  • Walks sighs, continuing his inspection as he leaves **
  • Raven nods agreeing **
  • Leondis Kale searches the cave **
  • Raven: "what about the onjecT?"
  • Majestic DM: There is nothing in the cave besides the corpses

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Found in the Cave of Singular Path and Purpose (tm)

  • Leondis Kale heads home **
  • Raven: (what were they loking atthen?)
  • Walks: ((The object we came to get))
  • Majestic DM: You all return to Nexus a day later. It is the evening of 13 Resplendent Air
  • Leondis Kale: (plunder)\
  • Leondis Kale heads to caius **
  • Raven: "I woudl like to lok over that object" she says"i have a contact thatmight be able to tellme more about it"
  • Majestic DM: You all return to Caius's office. He is there, tending to the same map as before
  • Leondis Kale: (wait, let raven do the thing with contacts
  • Walks places the puzzle box on his desk. **
  • Majestic DM: Raven, Ophim really can't tell you much about the box
  • Majestic DM: ((Now, I have to wrap this up for tonight))
  • Majestic DM: You all bring the box to Caius. He accepts it and gives you a scroll to give to Waits.

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Gotta love those two stage fetch quests.

  • Majestic DM: Anyone reading it finds it in cipher.

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I think that deserves a rule...
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> YES! Good rule of DMing for Exalted #43! Always keep your PCs in the dark and as dependant on your NPCs as you can. Don't want them figuring anything out on their own. This way, you can insult their ignorance more.

  • Majestic DM: 4 XP for tonight
  • Leondis Kale: (any stunt stuff?)
  • Majestic DM: Hope you're feeling better next week Xeriar

<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> You bet I was.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> There were females involved.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Hush you.

  • Leondis Kale: (or is that stunt?)
  • Pathfinder: Take care
  • Raven: ok
  • Raven: poo
  • Leondis Kale: "yeah get better soon
  • Raven: i wanted to find outmore about the box
  • Raven: =)
  • Walks: cya
  • Majestic DM: Make it 6 XP then

<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> And thus, the game ended.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> I announced I was leaving the game after that, as did Leondis.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> After which, Majestic whined about cancelling the game since no one seemed to be interested. And everyone moved on to GoddessGood's game.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Which she cancelled a few months later. So someone owes me one, damnit!
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> So eager to write the next installment are you?
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Quiet you.
<B>Sophia:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> In other news, Majestic was later seen bitching about Storyteller heavy-handedness and railroading he experienced in a Vampire: The Masquerade game.
<B>Xeriar:ExaltedThaumaturgicalCinema3000/TheLightAtTheEnd/B> Some people learn from the best.