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'''Ember''' - Fire Aspect.  Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate.  Teaching the Fivefold Shadow Hand to Moksha (at least the fire part).<br>
'''Ember''' - Fire Aspect.  Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate.  Teaching the Fivefold Shadow Hand to Moksha (at least the fire part).<br>
'''Grass''' - Enlightened Mortal. Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate.  Moksha and Alicrast's initial contact with the MSS.  Knows up to the Form charm of the FfSH.  Named for his preferred tinder when committing arson.<br>
'''Grass''' - Enlightened Mortal. Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate.  Moksha and Alicrast's initial contact with the MSS.  Knows up to the Form charm of the [[FfSH]].  Named for his preferred tinder when committing arson.<br>
'''Odim''' - Air Aspect.  Traveling with Moksha at the moment, there to train him in the Breeze part of Fivefold Shadow Hand.
'''Odim''' - Air Aspect.  Traveling with Moksha at the moment, there to train him in the Breeze part of Fivefold Shadow Hand.
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go to: /FirstGame <br>
go to: [[/FirstGame]] <br>
go to: /FirstGameArmy for details on troops these characters lead
go to: [[/FirstGameArmy]] for details on troops these characters lead

Revision as of 09:02, 3 April 2010

This page will be for minor characters in the game. More of a reference tool/organizer so names aren't forgotten. Each category is organized by the order they were met, pretty much.


People who are definitely allied with the characters...maybe...

Whisperswift - Water Aspect. Former (and probably current) criminal who traveled north with Lahor to get a pardon for some unmentioned crime. Betrayed the Expedition because she thought the PCs would give her a better deal. Betrayal comes easier each time it is commited, so her loyalty is questionable, though she has given no reason to doubt it...yet. Perhaps her loyalty will be assured due to her growing relationship with Tepet Alicrast. Member of the Clan Hidden in the Mist.
Melkitz - Air Aspect. Outcaste artificer who was on the Lahor Expedition. He is intrigued by the First Age wonder that is the Invisible Fortress. Has barely talked to the players due to his obsession with the manse. Knows they are anathema but is staying with them so that they lead him to more interesting First Age relics.
Tepet Berel - Founder of one of the mercantile lines of House Tepet. He's been bought off by Alicrast with a large sum of money from the Invisible Fortress. Doesn't know about the Anathema that Alicrast is working with. How long will money hold his loyalty?
Tepet Berel Tanis - Great Grandson of Tepet Berel. Lazy, selfish, but fairly talented bureaucrat, he's been sent with Alicrast partially to spy, but mostly to get him away from the Blessed Ilse. Tanis is kind of an embarrassment due to flunking out of the Spiral Academy. Tepet Berel hopes that a dose of the real world will get him to straighten up. Has went through two sessions of Tiger Warrior Training, and is now an ass kicking bureaucrat outfitted in a black jade reinforced breastplate and a black jade wavecleaver daiklave. He has a big crush on Isabella, and accompanies her on pirate raids. He operates under the pseudonym Sinat when doing piratey things.

The West

Rence aka Hlaalu Rence - Mortal follower of Arius Vale. Rence was the merchant that Arius was using to liquidate the First Age trinkets he found in the abandoned manse. When Realm soldiers showed up looking for the place these items were coming from he joined Arius in running. Now operates a shop in Balmora. Has recently been adopted into House Hlaalu.
Okuton - River God from Vvardenfell. Was serving Doda as a teacher so that the Eclipse would be able to learn some spirit charms. Bound to make sure the river never floods Hla Oad again. Recently been inducted into the Ebon Hand, allowing his manse to serve as a safe house, and enlightening mortals for the Hand.
Hakafu Songsaku - Air Aspect Dragonblood captain of Treetoh. Was co-owner with Bromeil, until the situation with General Chark. Won't talk about what happened, or why they pledged themselves to the General.
Bromeil - God-blood former co-owner of Treetoh. Now a captain of his own vessel the Shattered Chains. Not as able a seaman as Hakafu, but better when it comes to human interaction. Son of a River God from Vardenfell named Okuton (coincidence isn't it?).
Azumi - Mortal. Head of Melkitz assistants.
Cadmus - Mortal. Commander of Tiger Marines.
Strident Aegis - God. Aegis is the god of the XXVth Realm Legion, which is the one that the characters got to join them. Aegis is now in an awkward position because Ten Thousand Spears is not happy, but at the same time Aegis didn't sign on with the solars. Right now he's training soldiers for the group in Shokam for worship from his students.

The Northeast Protectorate

Liwet Ohazia - Spirit Servitor. The music master survived the showdown with the Guardian, and over time became the new guardian of the Invisible Fortress.
Valdar Ken - Earth Aspect. Mercenary who traveled north under the service of Sesus Lahor. After Lahor was killed Valdar considered the contract over. Practices Jade Mountain Style. Keeps to himself, though he considers Swift Arrow a friend. Leader of the newly formed Crystal Wolves, a mercenary company made up of superior troops based out of Wangler's Knob.
Swift Arrow - Wood Aspect. Expert woodsman who was the Lahor Expedition's chief scout. He and Valdar Ken stayed in the vicinity of the Invisible Fortress due to their own curiosity about it. Noticed Wraith sneaking into the soldiers' camp and alerted the characters. Keeps them at arms length, but has a grudging respect for them now. Has been appointed Defender of the Northeastern Protectorate.
Talonlord Litton - Heroic Mortal. Leader of the First Talon. No nonsense, down to earth, career soldier.
Talonlord Hare - Heroic Mortal. Leader of the Second Talon. Named for his quickness, agility, and large ears.
Talonlord Dreaming Tiger - Heroic Mortal. Leader of the Third Talon.
Talonlord Gusta - Heroic Mortal. Leader of the Fourth Talon.

The Fivefold Shade Association

Ember - Fire Aspect. Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate. Teaching the Fivefold Shadow Hand to Moksha (at least the fire part).
Grass - Enlightened Mortal. Member of the Midnight Smoke Syndicate. Moksha and Alicrast's initial contact with the MSS. Knows up to the Form charm of the FfSH. Named for his preferred tinder when committing arson.
Odim - Air Aspect. Traveling with Moksha at the moment, there to train him in the Breeze part of Fivefold Shadow Hand.


Ice Falcon - Mortal Thaumaturge. Initial contact with the Haslanti. Captain of a small Ecellent Air Boat.
Stalwart Sky - Air Aspect Dragonblood. Strategos of the renegade Ledaal legion. Recuited by "House Tepet" and on loan to the Haslanti.


People the characters have had contact with and who might even help them. Not on their side though.

Hlaalu Lendoric - Mortal member of house Hlaalu, Lendoric is best described as middle management, not t. Lendoric is the group's contact with his house. It was his idea to seek the characters out and see if they would be useful to House Hlaalu.


People whose motivations are unknown at the moment. Might be allies...might be enemies...might be something else...only time will tell.

Redoran - Founder and leader of House Redoran. Had minor contact with Doda, and its a pretty safe bet he knows about the rest of the group.
Vivec - Ruler of Vvardenfell, he has not been seen by anyone except his sons in the last hundred years. His sons...and Doda.


No explaination needed, these people want to thwart the characters plans or see them dead.

Moray Darktide - Solar Captain of Skullstone. His fleet consists of his trireme flagship, two marine assault biremes, and a blue water merchant that functioned as a supply ship. The rowers are zombies, but rest of the crew was mostly human; with a few ghosts and nemissaries rounding it out. All ships were sunk by Architect of the Blasphemous Havoc and Sailor on the Seas of Woe during their sneak attack from the Underworld.


Ragara Shalir - Air Aspect. Sorceress graduate of the Heptagram. Abandoned the expedition after two Dragonbloods were killed in their sleep. Gave Bakre a ride with her Stormwind Rider. Alicrast ran into Shalir and Bakre in Scarlet Fortress. Shalir was extremely suspicious about Alicrast's good fortune. She bullied members of House Ferem and the Captain of a Air Navy Trireme that was in port into demanding a search of "Alicrast's" ships. This did not go over very well. Shalir was killed by Moksha in the following battle.
Bakre - Wood Aspect. Immaculate Monk practitioner of the Wood Dragon Style. Left with Shalir after the expedition went to Malfeas (figuratively). Was with Shalir in Scarlet Fortress and participated in her inauspicious Wyld Hunt. Bakre was killed by Gen. Chark after a barrel of rum was smashed over his head, Moksha pinned him to the dock with arrows, and the General lit him on fire with a flamepiece.

By Type


Whisperswift, Melkitz, Tepet Berel, Tepet Berel Tanis, Hakafu Songsaku, Valdar Ken, Swift Arrow, Ember, Odim, Stalwart Sky




Okuton, Liwet Ohazia


Rence aka Hlaalu Rence, Grass*, Ice Falcon*, Litton, Hare, Gusta, Dreaming Tiger, Hlaalu Lendoric


Feel free to steal these, or not.

go to: /FirstGame
go to: /FirstGameArmy for details on troops these characters lead