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Session 3 - Pushing gods and papers

<ADamiani> Let's see. The date was the 13th of Ascending Water, RY 768.
<ADamiani> ("The following events take place between 2:00 and 3:00 AM on the 14th of Ascending Water. My name is Jack Of The Bower Grove, and this is the longest day of my life...")
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> ((Sorry I'm late. Training Solars is hard work, you know.))
<ADamiani> Jiang had just jumped into the calibration gate, having sold heaven out to the Abyssals....
<Jiang> Not really!
<Jiang> I have a cunning plan!
<ADamiani> Mmm hmm.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> ((Sidereals - too cunning for their own good.))
<ADamiani> Sure. JUST like Silent Sunset didn't REALLY contribute to the corruption of a senior House of Endings functionary.
<Silent_Sunset> (an one of Internal Affairs no less)
Silent_Sunset looks shocked 'I wouldn't ...!'
<ADamiani> I must confess, I am mildly uncertain as to what Tien was last up to-- you had to leave a wee bit early, right?
<Silent_Sunset> Unspecified recon in Creation IIRC

Jiang goes looking for the others, grumbling to himself all the while.
Silent_Sunset is wondering where he put his brush last night - he sure had it when he wrote the invitation for Violet Catastrophe earlier that day
<ADamiani> You have an appointment with Lung Xue Fan some time on the 14th.
Silent_Sunset finally finds his brush and begins to work on last weeks *unavoidablepaperwork
Jiang pushes into Sunset's office, looking irratable.
<Silent_Sunset> ... required passage via canal network and the use of gate 57 ... recompensation for ...
Silent_Sunset looks up "Yes, come in?"
<Silent_Sunset> His expression brightens on seeing Jiang. "Ahh, it's you :)."
Jiang does exactly that, seizing a seat. "Yes. It's me. And I've got some bad news."
<Silent_Sunset> "Oh ... bad news are bad."
<Jiang> "Indeed. I made use of the Calibration Gate today, using the same coordinates that our erstwhile fellows did."
Silent_Sunset 's eyes narrow
<Silent_Sunset> You have his full attention.
<Jiang> "Bet you can't guess where it led."
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmhh. I'm guessing ... it wasn't empty ocean?"
<Jiang> "Right into the belly of the Silver Prince's citadel, to a secured chamber. The floor was still stained with our brother's blood."
Silent_Sunset sucks in breath, then slowly and controlledly lets it out again
<Silent_Sunset> "That's ..."
<ADamiani> Silent Sunset sums up the current situation rather eloquently.
Silent_Sunset shakes his head
<Silent_Sunset> "But it was only Sorrowful North, whose shard returned, right?"
<ADamiani> Now, to be perfectly fair, it COULD have been anyone's blood. Deathlords often have rooms slick with blood in their prisons...
<Silent_Sunset> "Were there signs of more casualties?"
<Jiang> "No." Jiang sighs and sits back "Just the blood stains, likely North's. It seems fairly certain now, that they've turned."
Silent_Sunset nods gravely
Jiang continues "There is some good news, however. A new avenue of investigation."
<Silent_Sunset> "The worst suspicion of all. But sadly I have also found information leading up to it or a similar conclusion."
Jiang nods shortly "Oh?"
<Silent_Sunset> "I'd like this to remain strictly between ourselves, but our dear departed brother was tasked to conduct an Internal Affairs investigation ... into his fellows of the Convention of Water."
Jiang raises an eyebrow "That is interesting. And ominous."
<Silent_Sunset> "And what he found led him to suspicions of corruption. And possibly worse."
Jiang rubs his chin "Indeed. While there, I met a Death Knight of the Silver Prince. I fed her a little information, to lure her out of the citadel soon. With any luck, we could ambush and capture her. She'll likely have some useful information."
Silent_Sunset 's eyes twinkle with purple stars at the mentioning of a Deathknight
<Silent_Sunset> ((or should we retcon this to somewhere else? Sidereal-style?))
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> ((I suggest that a small messenger god arrives from PSL's Manse, inviting all of the Circle Mates to tea at her hot spring.))
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> ((Clothing optional.))
<ADamiani> Reality shimmers.
<ADamiani> An error in the loom of fate has occurred. You are now all at PSL's hot-spring manse.
<Silent_Sunset> (so you all have heard the previous conversation)
Jiang frowns down as his unexpected toga "God's damn it. Somebody is going to get a talking to."
Silent_Sunset will be in his usual arcane mix of exotic silk veils and ninja-robes
Silent_Sunset is not perturbed at the sudden change - everything is as it should be after all ;)
<Silent_Sunset> "A risky endeavour, that ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "... bantering with one of Death's champions."
<Silent_Sunset> He grins. "But who but a Chosen of Jupiter would be fit to do it?"
Jiang shrugs "It was a better option than matching our Kung-Fu. A man of my dignity has no place being splattered over the walls."
Jiang nods to Sky Lover "Thank you for hosting our little discussion."
Silent_Sunset bows from his comfortable little chair. "Indeed."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You are my brothers. I've instructed my staff that you are always welcome here." So far, she's been silent, as talk has come to Deathlords and missing Sidereals.
Silent_Sunset tries to gauge the reactions of his Circlemates to the suggestion of capturing ourselves an Abyssal
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmmhh, I hadn't seen it from that perspective."
<Jiang> "Indeed. We may have to arrange for a God of Imprisonment or some such to assist in keeping her under control." He considers this "We may also want to speak with Lytek before hand, see if he can advise us."
<Silent_Sunset> "Truth be told, though it is likely to carry it's own risks, there would be a certain kind of symmetry to it."
Silent_Sunset is thinking aloud here
<Silent_Sunset> "Take someone away from Heaven and Heaven takes away something in return."
<Jiang> "I'm unsure of when she'll decide to make her voyage, but it will likely be soon. We should make our preparations with all due haste."
<Silent_Sunset> "Then again it might strain diplomatic relations with the Silver Prince considerably."
Jiang shrugs "Not if we avoid leaving any witnesses." He smiles, slightly unpleasently.
<Silent_Sunset> "Not that there is much in that way, from what I understand. But he seems to be more reasonable than his insane comrade at Thorns."
Platinum_Sky_Lover throws up a salute of disrespect at the mention of the Silver Prince. "Feh. He's a Deathlord and an enemy of Creation."
Platinum_Sky_Lover sits in hot water, coming up to her chest, her shining silver hair bound up.
<Silent_Sunset> "And of Heaven in particular, if he is indeed the force behind our fellows' disappearance."
Jiang nods "So, tomarrow we talk to the Censor, mostly for the sake of confirmation. Then, we meet with Lytek. Then we head for Creation and abduct this Abyssal harlot."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "It definitely seems to me that we need to get onto the ground. If worse comes to worse, there's always the explosive option - I can have words with Ayashe Ura and have some of the Cult's Solars stage a rescue mission. But that's a last resort kind of thing. As far as I'm concerned, anyone and anything is expendable in regards to the recovery of our brothers and sisters."
<Silent_Sunset> "Brother Tien, you have been silent so far. What do you think?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmhhh."
Jiang dabbles his feet in the pool, frowning "Who wants to write the report for all this?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover waves her hands dismissively at that. "My calligraphy stinks. I get pattern bite just from my penmanship."
Silent_Sunset looks at Tien
<Jiang> "I have enough paperwork allready. I volunteer Brother Tien."
Silent_Sunset shrugs "I'm not really good at the report stuff - still have work from last week lying around, waiting to be finished. If Harbinger Tien volunteers, that's fine with me :)."
<Tien> "He does not." Tien comments dryly from his perch near a window where has spent most of the conversation looking out over the city, with longing in his eyes to travel.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Likewise, I can barely keep up with my own backlog. Paperwork interferes with my martial arts training and keeps me away from the people I'm supposed to be having sex with. Sex for us Serenities is not all just fun, you know."
<Silent_Sunset> "In any case, I think we should wait and see, if our meeting with the Censor gives us any other leads."
<Silent_Sunset> "Oh."
<ADamiani> Platinum stops the conversation dead.
<ADamiani> Crickets chirp.
Jiang nods to Sky Lover "Yes. We've all observed that aspect of the duties of the Serenity caste."
<Silent_Sunset> "Sounds like a difficult job, indeed."
Silent_Sunset raises an eyebrow, grinning
<Silent_Sunset> "Heh. See it like this: If something goes wrong, we don't have to write ANY report."
Jiang grumbles "Speak for yourself.."
<Silent_Sunset> "That will be the job of the next Directional Convention of Water."
Silent_Sunset laughs
Platinum_Sky_Lover leans forward at the edge of the pool. "No, you haven't, angel. You'll see when we have the celebratory orgy after the successful completion of this mission. I throw a *greatparty. And I won't hear the words, 'no!' Trust me, you'll have a great time. You may even get to see me dance!' She smiles and winks to her circle mates.
Jiang shakes his head "My apologies, dear sister, but I grew disenchanted with the pleasures of the flesh long ago."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Brother Jiang, it is my duty to Venus to see to it that you rediscover the magic and pleasures of love, physical, and otherwise. Without happiness, what else is there?"
<Jiang> "Duty. Which is sufficient."
<Jiang> "And there are always the joys of the intellect."
Platinum_Sky_Lover pshaws. "Duty should be joy! To deny the Maiden of Serenity in your fate is to live an inauspicuous life! All things must come in their measure and time."
<ADamiani> (Jiang is the talk of Heaven's rumor mill, having recently returned from an extended absence-- supposedly a returned ronin. And he's eight feet tall, and posesses powers even Chejop Kejak has yet to master, and, and, and....)
<Jiang> (Lots of rumors, little truth.)
<ADamiani> (He's not an inch over 7'10")
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, my college of Secrets, life is more than just duty. Our duty after all is to preserve life in all its aspects and Serenity is one it."
Silent_Sunset smiles. "And one I'm quite fond of."
Jiang shakes his head "You are so.. Young. In time, you'll learn how shallow fleshly pleasures are." He rises "I'll meet you at the office of the Censor."
<Silent_Sunset> "I'm sure college Lover would say it more eloquently, but there are all kinds of fun and only some of them of the flesh."
Platinum_Sky_Lover arises from the pool, water dripping off of her tanned form. Her dressing goddesses drape her with robes as she slowly pirouettes. "My Sifu, Blessed Sky Crane, explains to me that fleshly pleasures are the skin of the fruit. They are the clothing which covers emotions and matters of the heart. Like clothing, they should be stylish and worn with pride. But one does not make his or her life about their wardrob
<Jiang> "Pleasure is fleeting. Love withers, friendship falters, joy passes. In the end, all that is left is one's accomplishments."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I need to get dressed. I'll be about 4 hours."

<ADamiani> OK. So the little spinning Sidereals logo passes across the screen with a wooshing noise.
<ADamiani> And you're in the waiting room of Celestial Censor Lung Xue Fan.
<ADamiani> Unfalling Wobbles bounces his way into the room-- Jiang, you remember the short blue blobby god with the the eight round purple eyes. He certainly remembers you enough to give you a wide berth!
Jiang stares down at the God intently "I assume all is in order?"
Silent_Sunset 's dress now includes a good deal more colored ribbons and a few glyphs shimmer deep in the fabric at certain angles - it is most certainly something to wear at official occasions!
Silent_Sunset looks at Unfalling Wobbles, then reminds himself that staring is impolite
<Silent_Sunset> He gives the god a friendly smile in excuse.
<ADamiani> Aaanyhow. The little blue god cringes when he sees you. "Master Lung Xue Fan will see you now!"
<ADamiani> And then he scurries back to his little desk
Tien follows
<Silent_Sunset> "Thank you!"
Jiang rises and heads for the door. "Thank you. Your competency has been noted."
Silent_Sunset follows after Jiang (who made the appointment)
Platinum_Sky_Lover is there 10 minutes early. As such, she is in a white kimono, with the constellations of houses of Serenity stitched on the robe in gold. Her hair is done up in an elaborate headdress of gold and silver, with a matching fan that has on it the astrological symbol for Venus. Her servant gods carry a gift of scrolls, containing 1st Age poetry that the censor is known to favor. Not rich enough to be a bribe... b
Jiang is wearing his simple, plain clothes, chosen years ago for their endurance and hardwearing qualities.
<ADamiani> Inside is a large (Lesser Elemental) wood dragon, presumably Lung Xue Fan. The air smells fresh, forested, and in fact, the carpeting is a soft bed of moss that squishes beneath your toes.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> But a rich enough token so that the censor and his office is paid respect.
<ADamiani> The Dragon himself has leaves for scales, and horns that look like they were carved from some dark wood.
Jiang bows politely "Censor Lung Xue Fan. My apologies for the short notice, but the duty we have been entrusted with is of grave importance."
Silent_Sunset bows deeply at the appropriate point
Platinum_Sky_Lover stops and savors the smells. She is now reminded why she loves Creation so much. She takes her appropriate place, and kowtows to the Censor, in proper obeisance to his office.
<ADamiani> The room shakes a little-- his voice isn't loud, but it is DEEP, a slow bass rumble.
<ADamiani> "How... may this office.... assist the chosen... of the maidens... this day?"
<Jiang> "We are investigating the dissappearance of the Convention of Water, and the death our brother Sorrowful North. We know he had an appointment with you, and would like to discuss this matter."
Silent_Sunset nods
Platinum_Sky_Lover also nods in assent, gently fanning herself.
<ADamiani> "What.... is there... to discuss?"
<ADamiani> "Sorrowful North.... missed... his appointment."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, maybe you know, what matter he was to see you about?"
<splintercell> on white wolf
<ADamiani> "Ahhh, yes. Corruption.... within the ranks... of your order...."
Silent_Sunset nods sadly
<Jiang> "Yes. The investigation into the accusations of corruption within the Covenant of Water. We have found certain pieces of evidence and would like to know what further evidence or facts you possess."
<ADamiani> "I... know... very little...about the matter."
<ADamiani> "Silent North... asked to meet with me..."
<ADamiani> "This was unusual, but he said he had.... information... about corruption."

    • onine has left #sidereal

<ADamiani> "He claimed... that a very high ranking sidereal had.... betrayed your order and doomed creation."
<Silent_Sunset> "Do you recall, when it was that heasked you?"
Jiang frowns, but nods "I see. And did he mention any specifics?" (Hey. Could I use Marvellous Inclusion for him to spontaneously 'recall' something?)
Silent_Sunset looks troubled
Jiang nods, mentally channeling essence to adjust the web of fate.
Jiang prompts "Was there any clue at all? An implication in his words or a hint?"
<ADamiani> ""mmmhm. Yes. That's all I remember.... him saying." Each breath is accompanied by a whiff of pine.
<ADamiani> "He said..."
<ADamiani> "It was too.... volatile, I think was his word... too volatile to bring through normal channels."
<ADamiani> "Something.... to do.... with politics."
<Jiang> "Do you know who else he may have contacted about this?"
<Silent_Sunset> "But surely someone as well-connected as yourself has an idea? Or a shadow of one?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Wise one, if you wish, we will keep this meeting in strictest confidence."
Silent_Sunset gives a smile with the flattery
<ADamiani> To Silent "No. This was... not... at the time... one of my... investigations. And now... he is dead."
<ADamiani> To PSL: "That... may be wise."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "As you wish, wise one."
<Jiang> "Thank you for your time, Censor. You have been helpful."
Platinum_Sky_Lover bows her head.
Silent_Sunset makes the sign of The Corpse. "Indeed. May he find a worthy new incarnation."
<ADamiani> "I am... sorry... I could not be... of more help."
<Silent_Sunset> "Thank you anyway!"
<ADamiani> "... You may go."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Actually, Wise One, you may have just saved Creation. We will redouble our efforts."
Platinum_Sky_Lover kowtows to the Dragon.
Silent_Sunset bows at the indication that the meeting is over
Platinum_Sky_Lover leaves in the appropriate order, last, as she is the most junior Sidereal.
Jiang bows again and takes his leave.
<ADamiani> The dragon keeps track of who kowtows and who merely bows on his Brownie Points list. :) He nods his head respectfully to you, as you go.
<Silent_Sunset> then leaves along with the others

<Platinum_Sky_Lover> Once outside, Platinum whispers to the others, "We need to see Lytek, *right now*. He prunes the memories and dross from Exaltations. What he prunes from the Essence of Sorrowful North may have the information we need."
Jiang nods shortly "Indeed. Lets go." He heads for Lytek's office, frowning ferociously "We should also make certain not to mention this."
Silent_Sunset grins brightly. "Mention what?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Of course, Master."
Silent_Sunset goes along with the others, once pointing out a shortcut to reach the canal system
<Jiang> "But even so, we should be careful. If this is as bad as it seems, there will likely be assassins." He sighs "I hate ninjas."
<ADamiani> OK. Silver canals or Gold? Lytek's office isn't in this part of heaven.
<Silent_Sunset> "You think The Right Hand of Power will have time for us immediately?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> (Silver Canals, unless we have Gold clearance.)
Jiang shrugs "I think we can pique his interest. And he knows me."
<ADamiani> OK, it's going to take you until late in the evening of the 14th to get there.
Silent_Sunset seems briefly put down as Jiang mentions hating ninjas, then thinks better of it
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Considering that we're on an official investigation. And, he favors the Gold Faction."
Silent_Sunset sends his familiar god ahead to make an appointment, if possible
<ADamiani> Hm. Can your familiar get there faster than the canal flies?
Platinum_Sky_Lover sighs. "I really need to get myself one of those. But learning normal charms eats into my time for Martial Arts training. I *wantthat Prismatic Arrangement of Creation style!"
Jiang nods "It's a difficult style to master, but quite a bit of fun. Not to mention useful."
<ADamiani> OK, when you get ashore and start to flag down a cab, Hali flies off to bring news of your coming to Lytek.
Platinum_Sky_Lover perks up. "Do you know the style, Master?"
Jiang sighs "Not any more."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, the Prismatic Arrangement."
<Jiang> "I believe I have a few manuels about, regarding it, if you'd care to read them."
Platinum_Sky_Lover merely nods, not wanting to pry into Jiang's past.
<ADamiani> Is there anything in particular you want Hali to say to persuade Lytek to stick around after hours and open up a spot on his crowded social schedule?
<Silent_Sunset> "My sifu has spoke of it highly, but she says I'm not yet ready to begin."
<Jiang> "It's requirements are steep, that is true." He sighs "I'll have to master it again in a few years for the..." He frowns and silently counts "I believe this will make time twenty seven."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Masker Blessed Sky Crane wants me to master Water Dragon first. So, that's where I'm concentrating my efforts. Although I do also dabble in Tiger Style. But I need to stop being such a dilletante, and crack down."
<Jiang> "I have been pursuing the Violet Bier of Sorrows myself."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You're tempting me. I hear that Blade of the Battle Maiden is a fine, fine charm."
<Silent_Sunset> --"Greetings, oh Daimyo of Exaltation, Lytek, oh Right Hand of Power. The Directional Convention of Water would be more than honoured to meet with you at the nearest convenient time. Grave matters pertaining to the entities known as 'Deathknights' are in our interest to discuss." -- Silent Sunset, of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, <signatures from the others>
<Jiang> "It's quite magnificent. One of the most efficious of martial art charms. If you ever decide to dabble in this style, I would be glad to teach you."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I request that we add, 'we suspect that is the deathlord's intent to perform the same violation to Sidereal exaltations as they have done to Solar ones.'.
<ADamiani> OK. Well, Luna is high in the sky by the time you reach Lytek's surprisingly cramped office. Most of the other gods have gone home for the evening.
Silent_Sunset looks up from his calligraphy. "The signature style of my House. Sadly I have not yet progressed past its mortal techniques ..."
Jiang steps out of the chariot and heads inside, for the office.
<ADamiani> The glowing god himself is wearing what passes for a tuxedo in the confines of heaven-- a snazzy, sharp-angled black affair, with something red draped around his neck. He's checking his cuff-links when you come inside the door.
<ADamiani> His office floorboards creak when you enter.
Silent_Sunset rearranges his clothes to be at his best
Platinum_Sky_Lover catches her breath. She had no idea that the God of Exaltations could be so *handsome*.
Jiang bows "Lord Lytek. A pleasure to meet you again."
<ADamiani> He bows briefly to you.
<ADamiani> "I'm sorry to be curt with all of you, but I really am in quite a rush."
Silent_Sunset bows with the greatest respect
<Silent_Sunset> "Thank you for receiving us on such short notice."
<ADamiani> "I'm going to be late as it is, for what promises to be a lovely opera this evening. I've stayed behind because your message said you had something important to discuss."
Jiang nods "This won't take but a moment." He fills the God in, finishing with "So, we intend to abduct this Death Knight and bring her to Heaven. Would you have any advice on subduing her and keeping her subdued? We will, of course, turn her over to you after we're finished."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Great Master of Power. Great Uncle, you look *stunningthis eve." She catches her breath. "But, we're here on a deeply grave matter that falls *directlyinto your jurisdiction. Please, we will be only a moment of your time."
<ADamiani> "You have five minutes."
Platinum_Sky_Lover lets Jiang speak first.
<Jiang> ((About the treacherous Sidereals, what we know of their plot, our suspicions as to their eventual spiritual corruption, and our goal in abducting the Death Knight.))
<Jiang> ((And we'll give her to him when we're done with her! Everybody wins!))
<Jiang> ((Except the Prince. And hey. Fuck him. Fuck him right in the ear.))
Platinum_Sky_Lover can't help but blush at the sight of the shining god. She demurely hides her face behind her fan while Jiang talks. She resists the temptation to subtlely flirt, but fails.
<ADamiani> "Hm. Corrupt sidereals? It happens, but not often. What with the censors, internal affairs and the loom of fate looking over your shoulders."
<Silent_Sunset> ((this after Jiang finishes)) "Also there is the matter of Sorrowful North, the memories of whose shard are within your care ..."
Jiang shrugs "First time for everything."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "he was about to make a very, very important report, oh great lord."
<ADamiani> "He's dead, I've been pruning off memories all day. Messy affair, things just didn't want to come off."
Silent_Sunset looks vaguely concerned at the full (well ...) disclosure, but that's probably just survival instinct after a couple of years in Heaven
<Jiang> "Yes. We're aware of his currently deceased state. We would like to examine those memories, if we could."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Great Lord, is there any way that, at a time of your convenience, that all of us can view these memories? At the cost of sounding dramatic, the fate of Creation itself may depend on it."
<Silent_Sunset> "And if it is not too much of a problem, of course ..."
<ADamiani> "Hm. You want to actually VIEW the memories I've just seperated from a shard?"
<Jiang> "Indeed. If such is possible."
Platinum_Sky_Lover kowtows to the Right Hand of power. "I offer my deepest sincerity, Shining One. My gratitude would be unbounded." As she looks up at him, her eyes are wide, and slightly vulnerable looking.
<ADamiani> Platinum_Sky_Lover (14), 2, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 9, 2, 10, 8, 1, 9, Successes : 5
<ADamiani> Glowboy is caught by flirtbeams. Rather distractedly: "I suppose it's not... Totally unprecidented."
Silent_Sunset beams as well "It would surely be a great help to this investigation :)."
Platinum_Sky_Lover raises gracefully, and touches his hand. "I wish I had time to... express my gratitude, oh shining one." The blush looks sincere - she does seem to be rather smitten with him. "Please, let us keep you no longer... When should we come by to view these memories? I do not wish to keep you from whomever is escorting you."
Platinum_Sky_Lover prays to Venus that Lytek does *nothave an escort.
<ADamiani> "I'm... certain I can see to it now. If Creation is in the balance, of course."
<ADamiani> "It IS in the balance, right?"
Jiang nods "What we learn now will be of great importance to it's safety."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Great Master, I would not have incurred your wrath if I did not think it was."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "An entire Convention of Sidereals is at risk, from my perception, oh shining one."
<ADamiani> "Hm. Ah, very well. I'm afraid what I'll be able to pull from him will be fragmentary, of course, as I've almost completed reprocessing..."
<ADamiani> He goes to the cabinet behind him and unlocks it with a rather oversized ornate key he conjures from Elsewhere
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "As you can assist, oh excellency. I am deeply grateful."
<Silent_Sunset> "Every bit may contain an important piece of the puzzle :)."
<ADamiani> "Well, yes, I'm, of course, I'm always happy to assist the Bureau of Destiny."
Silent_Sunset bows again, respectfully, at those words
<ADamiani> He opens the cabinet to reveal an array of perhaps a dozen glowing essences in jars on shelves. Some of them silver animals, others glowing golden hurricanes. And, of course, the simple tiny glowing star labelled "Sowrrowful North"
Silent_Sunset looks, fascinated
Platinum_Sky_Lover knew sorrowful north. He was always kind. A tear runs down her left eye, even as she attempts to remain stoic.
<ADamiani> He places it on his desk and proceeds to get out some tools-- an eyepeice, tweezers.
<ADamiani> "I assume it's mostly the events pertaining to his death that you'll be interested in?"
<Silent_Sunset> "As well as those pertaining to the Directional Convention of Water."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Moreso what he intended to report to his censor, oh Master."
<ADamiani> "I'll.... see what I can pull."
<ADamiani> He removes the shard with tweezers (first age tweezers, anyhow)
<ADamiani> And presently produces a sort of mirror.
<ADamiani> "Hm. I'm not going to be able to pull much, and it's pretty fragmentary... let's see here...."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> As Lytek works on Sorrowful North's shard, she idly pulls out a prayer strip and constructs a white origami crane.
Silent_Sunset watches very interestedly - now there is something, who has known many Endings, yet none of them final
<ADamiani> Presently, he extracts something and brings it over to the mirror
<ADamiani> Mirror shows:
<ADamiani> Static.
<ADamiani> Looking at a man. It is dark, and you can't make it out. SN: "Tell me, was it just you, or were you doing her dirtywork? And the empress disappearing at the same time? That was no coincidence-- doubtless a plot by your neverborn masters."
Platinum_Sky_Lover attend intently, memorizing every word.
<ADamiani> Unidentified: "North, you misunderstand me. I am, as EVER, a loyal servant of the maidens. What we did was *necessary*. We didn't know about the Empress any sooner than you did-- but it should be patently obvious by now that things couldn't continue on as they were. The slow dererioration of creation-- we've fallen so far already. *Drastic Actionwas required to restore the world."
<ADamiani> SN: "Even dealing with the Deathlords? You're a fool, [Shhhhhr] and you've damned us all!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover bites her lip. *necessary*. That awful, hideous word that Sidereals use to justify their crimes.
<ADamiani> Unidentified: "North, don't do anything you're going to regret...."
Platinum_Sky_Lover listens closely to the sound of that voice. Someone is going to die.
<ADamiani> SN: "Regret? I'm going to see the censor in the morning. When this gets out, your precious connections will drop you so fast you'd think you were made of fire. Your treason will not go un--huuuuuurk"
<Silent_Sunset> Expressions run across Silent's face - rapt attention, surprise, horror. It is always something entirely different to suspect or even know something and to see it with one's own eyes.
<ADamiani> Unidentified: /me stabs Sorrwfull North several times.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> (Can we see the weapon that the deed is being done with?)
<Silent_Sunset> (no identifying features visible on the other man at all?)
<ADamiani> Those memories have inconveiently atrophied-- or else they were obscured by charm.
<ADamiani> The weapon appears to be some kind of starmetal knife.
Silent_Sunset thinks of the Arcane Fate and the ways something similar could be achieved
Silent_Sunset does not dare break the silence, looks back and forth between Lytek, the mirror and his fellow Sidereals
Jiang taps his chin thoughtfully "Well. That was an interesting piece of confirmation."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "It seems as if the murder was conducted by a member of the 5 Score fellowship."
Platinum_Sky_Lover commits the shape and appearance of the murder weapon to memory. She makes a private promise to herself to slit the throat of the murderer with that weapon, if she can.
<Jiang> ((Would my Editic Memory merit help there?))
<ADamiani> Best you can get is vague familiarity. Definitely can't place it though.
Silent_Sunset finally speaks. "This is ... this is horrible."
<ADamiani> Your unusual memory is the only reason you got a roll. :)
Platinum_Sky_Lover places a hand on Silent Sunset's shoulder. "This is part of the terrible burden that we of the fellowship must bear. Don't worry, though, we'll get whoever did this."
<Silent_Sunset> Silent Sunset sighs. "Indeed. And we must not let it weight us down so much that we forget, what we work for."
<ADamiani> Lytek: "Hm. Ah. Yes. Horrible. Quite."
<ADamiani> He fidgets a little and quickly places the shard back in its jar and then on the shelf.
Jiang nods "Indeed, but our plans remain unchanged. Abduction seems to be the best alternative at this point."
<ADamiani> "Ah. Well. I believe that's been rather more than five minutes. Yes. Indeed. I'm sorry, but I really MUST be going...."
Silent_Sunset turns to the Daimyo of Exaltation: "Thank you for showing us this. Thank you for helping us in this." His voice is uncharacteristically heavy and serious.
<Silent_Sunset> "It is *mostappreciated, indeed."
Platinum_Sky_Lover takes Lytek's hand. "Great One, thank you for your time." (She passes her 'gift' to him as she clasps his hand with her own two.) "If you learn more, please contact us immediately."
Jiang nods "Thank you, Lord Lytek. It was more helpful."
<ADamiani> "Ah. Yes. Immediately. Thank you. Do keep me appraised, will you?"
<ADamiani> "Good evening to you all."
<ADamiani> And he hurries off
Silent_Sunset as deeply as possible without going into full kowtow, then hastily gets out of the way so the god can go to his Opera
Platinum_Sky_Lover likewise kowtows, and stays down, as they are left in Lytek's office.
Jiang bows and returns to the sky chariot, frowning pensively.
Platinum_Sky_Lover stands. In Low Realm, she curses, "Some motherfucker is gonna fucking DIE."
<Silent_Sunset> His eyes turn hard and his voice is ethereally calm: "He or they will find their Endings. It is inevitable."
Platinum_Sky_Lover takes her seat in the sky chariot. "What angers me is that amongst all whom we can trust in this pit of the Yozis", as she sweeps a kimono'd arm across the vista of Yu Shan, "It should be each other. I know that even a member of the Bronze Faction who thinks I'm insane for supporting the return of the Solars, I can trust with my life."
Silent_Sunset has his hands in his sleeves, his eyes look thoughtful
<ADamiani> Thus passes the night of 14th AW, 768.
<Silent_Sunset> "It is this betrayal within the Five-Score Fellowship, that troubles me the most."
<Silent_Sunset> He shakes his head. "It goes against all I have learned, before and after my Exaltation."
Jiang says simply "Betrayal must be rewarded with blood. And so it shall be. Tomarrow, we head to Creation."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Well, consider that whomever this murderer is, he or she thinks that they are serving it. Thus, there death will be swift."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You're all welcome to join me at my home."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "And, also, spend the night, if you wish. My shrine may be small, but I have two guests rooms."
Jiang shakes his head "I have some preparations to make. I will stop by shortly, but I must return to my own home tonight."
Silent_Sunset looks at Platinum_Sky_Lover. "Yes. I could do with a drink and we all could do with some planning."

<Silent_Sunset> An hour later: Silent Sunset puts aside his glass. "So ... I guess, we are decided as to what we are going to do. Next is the question of how."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> As they set down, PSL's household goddesses are awaiting her. The bulky kimono is stripped from her with military precision, and as you want through the front rock garden and into the main chamber of her home, as she walks she is changed into a comfortable red and blue sitting robe. "Steward! Bring out the calligraphy set. I and my brothers will be probably working into the night."
Platinum_Sky_Lover looks to her companions. "I presume you will all be crafting Resplendant destinies for use in Creation. I recommend that we craft our destinies to be complimentary."
<Jiang> "First, we should arrange for suitable astrological effects to assist in our efforts."
Silent_Sunset winces at that
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "yes, Master. What do you recommend?"
<Silent_Sunset> "That would take quite a while, if the curse is supposed to be efficacious enough."
<Silent_Sunset> "And the Pattern Spiders ... let's say they are kinda angry at me, though I'm not sure why :s"
Jiang shrugs "We work the blessing on ourselves. If we work together on this application, it should be simple enough."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "One never gets the pattern spiders angry unless one had aroused their ire. What Astrology have you been working lately? Or perhaps using Prayer Strip charms?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover has her servants bring out a light meal of rice, fish, tea and sweetcakes.
<Silent_Sunset> "Not much, really. A few effects of the Crow, short time and everything. Some more of the Corpse. Small things, but I still got back a letter in red ink :/"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "It can pile up. That's one of the reasons I stick to Martial Arts - the Spiders don't care who you beat up. You may want to offer them the Wrapped Fly.
<Silent_Sunset> "I tried that, but ... anyway, I'd say we stick to Resplendant Destinies. There are more than a few useful powers in those manifestations as well."
<Silent_Sunset> "I guess the more important question is how to find and intercept the target herself. Brother Jiang, you have met her ..."
<Jiang> "She will soon be heading to a tomb from the first age, searching for necromantic lore."
<Jiang> "If we broach the tomb before her, we can lay in wait and activate it's defenses against her."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Also, what kind of threat is she? If need be, I can get a Cult Solar on loan. What kind of style does she fight in? And, is she backed by a Circle of Deathknights?
<Jiang> "I believe she will go alone. She is a sorceress and a necromancer. I have little enough details about her, due to the constraints of our meeting.
Platinum_Sky_Lover hms.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "That means she will be dangerous, unless we can get the drop on her. Did you see her Caste Mark?"
<Jiang> "There is also a Solar active in the area, what was her name.."
<Jiang> "I believe she is of the Daybreak caste."
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods. "That makes sense. Then, that means she will have an anima power similar to a Twilights." As PSL trains Solars in Martial Arts, she knows how Solars can fight. She has nver faced a Deathknight before.
Silent_Sunset has been acting after his name and listening.
<Silent_Sunset> "Sister Joybringer, you seem to have experience with the Solars, whom our target seems to be a dark mirror of. Would you say a Circle of Chosen is a match for one of them? I have heard terrible things about the might of the Sun's Chosen
Platinum_Sky_Lover places her cup of tea down onto the low table, as she kneels. "The difficulty is that this is a *Siderealproblem. The problem with the Lawgivers is that using them is like using a large bomb. Certainly, they are useful when there is no other option. However, I do not wish to strain my connections with the Gold Faction too mightily, and create even more problems that use of a Solar would be intended to solve
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Certainly, my faction Colleagues would want to know the hows and whys if I needed to requisition a Lawbringer. And I suspect that use of such an overt resource would tip our hand against our true enemies."
<Jiang> "Then we shall attempt this ourselves."
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods severely.
<Silent_Sunset> "I could assume a Resplendant Destiny allowing for escape in the case of utter failure."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Now, for cover identities. Brother Jiang, who will you be in Creation? I wish to craft whatever Destiny I assume to compliment yours."
Jiang shakes his head "Will be.. nobody. I am a Chosen of Secrets, and I prefer to wrap myself in emptiness and silence."
<Silent_Sunset> "I was thinking of a Destiny of the Key, a scavenger lord, a tinkerer with spirits and the dead. Someone like that would not look out of place on Skullstone."
<Silent_Sunset> "It is after all the place of necro-economy and peaceful (hah!) dealings between those alive and those dead."
<Silent_Sunset> "What do you think?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover hms. "Perhaps I can be some kind of servant - your bodyguard, or another scholar. Hm."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> Ah, I know. Brother sunset, I shall be *your wife*.
Platinum_Sky_Lover giggles.
Silent_Sunset looks like a god of cows so surprised is he
Jiang sighs "I will meet you this morning, at the calibration gate."
<Silent_Sunset> "I ... guess ... that might be a viable cover identity. Then let us do this quickly."
<Silent_Sunset> "You can acertain the Abyssals location?"
<Silent_Sunset> "And as one of Secrets I assume you know her destination already, I assume?"
<Jiang> "Yes, quite easily. I just did. She, along with a convey of ghosts and another Abyssal, are on their way to the tomb as we speak."
Silent_Sunset smiles
<ADamiani> So you're making another calibration requesition rather than going to Abalone and hoofing it?
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I will craft a destiny in the house of the Peacock, and I will be your useless, pretty and eternally suffering wife."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, then let us begin. Do you have a spare brush and good paper for me?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Brother Jiang, you do understand that our use of the Calibration gate will leave a paper trail."
<Silent_Sunset> "And we'd sign each other's petitions, naturally, yes?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Of course."
Silent_Sunset starts brushing with frightening intensity if less than perfect skill
<Silent_Sunset> ... Constellation of the Key ...take into consideration ... hereby exert my priviledge as Chosen of Saturn ... for one month ...
<Silent_Sunset> Having finished a fine looking petition on the clearest paper Silent Sunset proceeds to set up candles (raiding PSL's supply of scented ones in the process) kneels in the middle of the circle. With the experience of countless years as Prayerleader in Sijan he begins his prayers to the pattern spiders, praising their tireless work and offering them their most beloved poems of supplication. Three hours later he rises, tired, but ...?
Platinum_Sky_Lover begins outlining the life and story of one Eshve Durava, who is the Sister of the man Silent Sunset describes in his petition. A bright, flirtatious girl, Eshve loves her brother and supports him in all things.
Platinum_Sky_Lover orders her servants to bring out a scroll of her best love poetry, a boquet of lovely flowers from the garden, and one of her best sky-blue kimonos.
<Silent_Sunset> "Brother, Sister, will you give your counter signatures to my petition?"

<Platinum_Sky_Lover> she plants her kiss on the parchment, a kiss of unrequited love.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> ((I guess the spiders don't like PSL's lipstick.))
Silent_Sunset looks at the calligraphy, hiding slight doubt "Thank you for your help :)."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I told you that the Spiders don't like my penmanship! Trust me, if I used my chop, it would have been worse."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> (Bah. Meanie spiders.)
<Silent_Sunset> ... and with the last words of prayer comes into being Shezu Nikang, scavenger lord and dabbler in thaumaturgy. An unpleasant man to his enemies, a hard if mostly fair man to his friends. His interest has taken a decidedly darker path since he heard the stories of Skullstone and the 'glorious nation' dead and living have built there.
<Silent_Sunset> (RD of the Key, one effect point

<Jiang> I'll arrange us a Calibration Gate. Manip+Burea, right?
<ADamiani> OK. One calibration gate coming down.
<ADamiani> Where?
<ADamiani> On the island?
<ADamiani> IN the tomb?
<ADamiani> At the gate?
<Jiang> In the tomb, sure.
<Jiang> A non-trapped part.
<ADamiani> You don't have any way of knowing what parts are trapped or not.
<Jiang> Can I roll my knowledge kung fu to remember?
<ADamiani> Well, I mean, you probably do (assuming no second circle demons are guarding it-- not a safe assumption) but that's going to take a lot of loom searching.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> (We're bad and all, but I don't think that the GM will let us teleport into the dungeon like that.)
<ADamiani> No. You never knew the specific trap layout.
<Jiang> Allright, then outside.
<ADamiani> Okeydoke.

Silent_Sunset holds one hand over paper, his fingers contorting into almost unnatural shapes. The flickering shadow cast by a nearby candle takes the form of the first symbol of Silent's name. In seven audacious strokes he follows the outlines, his left hand adjusting to form the next symbol. Only seconds later he is done with his co-signature.

<Jiang> ((So. How many out of work war gods can I hire on my income? I will bake them into a cake, to present to the Mistress of Evil.))
Platinum_Sky_Lover sings to the Spiders during the prayer, of the life of Shezu Vedara, Shezu's beloved younger sister. Where he is hard, she is soft. She takes care of him, and loves him dearly. She requests her star to be moved to the house of the Peacock.
Platinum_Sky_Lover 's Caste mark glows, and her anima manifests as a bright blue corona as she sings!
Silent_Sunset sighs as he can already see the protest notes fluttering unto his desk
<ADamiani> OK. We have RDs settled now.
<ADamiani> Calibration gate is go.
<ADamiani> XP: 5 for everyone, you may each award a points as you choose, and +1-3 for a writrup.