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Sian lightly massages again, just as he has been doing for the past hour or so, of course.
Sian lightly massages again, just as he has been doing for the past hour or so, of course.
[[/DressesDancesAndDebauchery3|The party winds down...]]
[[[IceAndWave/DressesDancesAndDebauchery2b/DressesDancesAndDebauchery3]]|The party winds down...]]

Revision as of 00:36, 6 April 2010

Dresses, Dances and Debauchery - Part 2b

What happened between Asura and Sian...

Asura watches Venia leave with Cassia in tow, ostensibly to visit the bathroom, with a raised eyebrow and a slightly bemused expression. As they pass through the door she shrugs, something that creates all sorts of interesting movements beneath what she laughingly calls a dress, and turns to Sian, "So..." and lifts her glass slightly.

"So." He likewise lifts his glass, tapping them together with a clear ring and taking a sip.

She sits up and smiles, "You never said what you thought of my dress. Do you like it?" She shakes her hair out, strangely girlish.

"You're wearing a dress?" He pretends to search for one, smiling slightly.

Asura grins widely, "Is it really that outrageous?"

"Very much so. Attractive, though." He settles back into his chair again.

"Cassia is very pretty, don't you think?" Asura changes the subject rapidly, then sits back herself and lifts a bare foot into Sian's lap.

Sian obligingly begins to massage it with a free hand; nowhere near the skill of her body-slaves, but still warm and comforting. "Very pretty. Where did you find her?"

"It was luck, more than anything," she sighs and arches as Sian manipulates her foot, "She was a message-runner for my staff, a small girl can easily get places without being seen. I saw her, and knew she had potential, so I took her on in a more personal role." She moans, "Oh, that feels good... anyway, then almost a year ago, she Exalted. So I chose well."

"Seems so." He continues rubbing, privately amused at her unsubtle displays of pleasure. "So why us, Asura? Why Cassia, Venia, and I?"

Asura lifts her other foot up for Sian to massage, "Honestly? Every other Exalted here is too tied up with their duties and responsibilities to have any real freedom, which includes me. Cassia's position is... fluid, you have a great deal of latitude, and Venia... well, we have history." Her expression darkens slightly at the mention of her cousin.

Sian lifts an eyebrow, switching feet without breaking stride. "So I gathered. A lot of strong emotion between you two."

"You could say that," she smiles archly, and then sinks down a little lower in her chair sighing softly, the movement causes her dress to lift and part slightly in front.

Sian eyes her for a moment, then just concentrates on the massage, finishing off his drink and putting both hands to the task.

Asura looks at Sian through half-lidded eyes, "You're good at that, I should have you massage me more often."

"Ah, the real reason for this meeting makes itself known. You don't want me for my social skills, you just want me because I massage well." He smiles.

She smiles back, "Do you massage more than feet?"

"I have been known to upon occasion, yes." He remains apparently unaffected by the innuendo.

"Oh... you make yourself more and more desirable, I don't know how I restrain myself," she takes a longer sip of her glass, and stretches a leg out to rub against Sian's crotch.

Sian gently, but firmly, guides her leg back to rest on his knee, offering no comment.

Asura smiles softly, putting her empty glass down and sitting up, having to slide around some to keep her feet on Sian's lap. "It would be a wonder if you could do my calves," she smiles prettily.

Sian lifts his eyebrows in acknowledgement of this, sliding his chair a bit closer and moving the massage up.

Asura spreads her legs slightly to assist with Sian's manipulation of her calves, "Mmmm... that feels very good." Her amber eyes gaze at him through her lashes, "How long do you plan on staying in Tideholme this time?"

"Truthfully, I have no idea. Until I am given further orders, I imagine." He massages slowly, and methodically.

"Ohhh..." Asura sighs, "If you keep that up I might just melt," her back arches as Sian's fingers dig in particularly firmly.

"That I believe." He eyes her nigh-liquid form.

She slides one leg from Sian's lap, followed a few seconds later by the other, the pause allowing the lower part of her dress to gape widely. She sits up properly now, her eyes amused, "Care for another dance? Just the two of us?"

"No complaints here." He stands, offering his hand with a slight bow.

She stands close to Sian, her arms wrapped around him, the orchestra long since having been dismissed, and leads him in a slow, graceful dance over the empty floor.

Sian is content to be led, having only minor skill at dancing. He soon learns the steps, though.

"Move your hands lower," she whispers, leaning in to lick at Sian's ear.

Sian does so, cupping her butt firmly as they dance.

Asura looks at Sian with an amused expression on her face, "Is there any reason you haven't kissed me yet?"

"Mhmm. Mostly because I am not really in the mood, I am afraid." He offers an apologetic smile.

"Well, I will have to fix that, won't I?" She kisses Sian firmly, pressing her effectively naked body up against him.

Sian manages to respond with only a small amount of interest, barely enough to qualify as a kiss.

"What's wrong?" Asura looks into Sian's eyes, "I'm fairly sure that most men find me attractive, so I don't think it's me..."

"Definitely not you. It's a personal problem, sorry." He draws back from her, hands still on her hips. "But I am happy to dance with you for as long as you like."

Asura gazes further into Sian's eyes and then nods, "This is nice, too. But if there's anything I can do to help..." she leans againt Sian, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I may call upon your help in future, if the problem gets that far. That's what this alliance is all about, after all."

"Yes, it is. If any of us have a problem, the others should help," Asura listens to Sian's heart beating, then lifts her head slightly and kisses at his neck, "I'll be here if you need me."

Sian looks down at her curiously. "And here I thought you where the ruler consumed by ambition. Seems you're rather nice, actually."

"The reputation of us Cynises for cruelty and debauchery has been somewhat exaggerated over the years," she smiles, "But only somewhat," and playfully nips Sian's ear with her teeth.

"Heh." He manages a smile at that. "I admit I am curious to see how a satrap lives."

"Well. At least I try to," Asura sighs, "It's not home, of course, but it does have, as I mentioned earlier, it's perks. One of which is that I get to dance with handsome men like you."

"I suspect there are many men here more handsome than I. Being the humble and homely Whitewall diplomat that I am."

"Humble, perhaps. Homely, never," she stands on her toes to kiss Sian once more.

Sian returns it with rather more vigor, this time, grip tightening around her waist.

Asura sighs and presses herself tighter against Sian, kissing hard, her hand on his shoulders.

Sian takes advantage of his height to make her work for the kiss, eventually finishing with a slight grin. "Very nice."

"I'm glad you liked it," she smiles and stands on Sian's toes to reach for another kiss, one hand pulling his head down towards her slightly.

Sian is rather more obedient, kissing her soundly.

Asura breaks the kiss this time, breathing harder. Her hands roam over Sian's chest, fingers fumbling for buttons, "Oh Sian..."

Sian grins, and he leans down to whisper in her ear. "In the middle of the hall?"

"Good point," she whispers back, "I know..." she grabs Sian's hand and runs off in barefeet, out of the chamber, along a short corridor, and into a small room. There is a large flat-topped chest against the far wall, the top covered with thick blankets.

"The lady comes prepared..." He grins at this, before tugging her into a kiss again.

Asura kisses him back passionately, her hands firmly wrapped around Sian's butt. During a pause she whispers, "That's not the only way I come...", and deftly opens his shirt.

Sian lets it slide off his shoulders and onto the floor, kissing her with similar passion.

She fumbles with Sian's trousers, nibbling at his lips. She moans, "Pull the pin."

Sian does so, discarding both it and the diaphanous fabric when it comes loose, lifting the woman and pressing her to the wall whilst she still fumbles with his trousers.

Asura finally opens them, revealing her prize, which she grasps firmly, "Oh, I have been looking forwards to this..." She wraps her legs around Sian's waist.

"I'm most flattered." He kisses her hard, already beginning their joining.

"Oh, Sian!" she gasps, arching her back, presenting her ample breasts.

Sian covers them with kisses, of course, and the love-making is long, energetic, and most satisfying.

Panting and sweaty, Asura smiles at Sian after, "You seemed to get in the mood quite well, there."

"Had good inspiration." He offers her a kiss, now lying atop her on the blankets.

"Mmm..." She kisses back, "Have I lightened your mood then?"

"Somewhat. And it's appreciated." Another kiss, light and almost affectionate.

"I'm glad," she strokes his face, "You certainly improved mine," she smiles lightly.

"Heh. Not brimming over with lust as much, I hope."

"I was brimming?" she punches Sian playfully in the ribs.

Sian oofs, pretending to be wounded. "Yes, brimming. Given the way that dress was clinging, I'm not surprised, either."

"I'll have you know it took my dressmaker four days to make that dress," she chuckles.

"That would explain it. Probably fondling you the whole time." He leans back, just enough to allow him to plant a few more light kisses on her breasts.

"Oh, that's niiice..." She gasps, "Cassia and Venia! They must be back by now! Dragons!" She swears and sits up.

Sian puts a hand on her shoulder and pushes her back down. "Judging by the looks Cassia was giving her, they're probably curled up in a bed right now. It can wait." He looks at her seriously.

Asura looks at Sian, "No, it can't. Cassia wouldn't dare, and I can't give Venia any more than she already has." She kisses Sian hurriedly, "Get dressed," and slides off the chest, hastily wrapping the chiffon around her exquisite body.

Sian sighs, but dresses as well.

She reaches back, pulling the dress together around her buttocks, "Pin me, would you?"

Sian pinches it together and slides the pin in easily, then returns to buttoning up his shirt.

Asura helps with the shirt, wiping dust that wasn't there before the garment's hasty removal away, finishing with a quick kiss before she grabs his hand, "Hurry."

Sian does so, easily keeping pace with her as she runs back.

Back in the main chamber, filled with the remnants of the evening, she sits back down and gestures for Sian to do the same, pouring herself half a glass from a long-defrosted pitcher of ice-wine and grimacing as she sips it. "How do I look?"

Sian eyes her for a moment. "Good."

She brushes her hand through her hair, mussed and way out of shape, a couple of times, and then shrugs, lifting one foot back into Sian's lap, just as Cassia and Venia walk in, apparently having completed their tour of the Iceflower Palace.

Sian lightly massages again, just as he has been doing for the past hour or so, of course.

[[[IceAndWave/DressesDancesAndDebauchery2b/DressesDancesAndDebauchery3]]|The party winds down...]]