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<RyanL> Our story begins with the deathknights of Walker in Darkness deep in enemy territory. They have each found there way into the city of Thorns and Juggernaut. They have all been tasked to spy, sabotage, and harrass the Mask of Winters as much as possible. <RyanL> I will leave it up to all of you where you are in the city. You each know your strong suit and where you will be best placed. Unknown Soldier may be in the pubs drinking it up with the Mask's soldiers. Rain may be in the citadel that stands in the city's center getting to know people better.

  • Rain is indeed 'getting to know people.' Talking, mingling, murdering. The usual.
  • Black_Iron_Ghost will be in the sewers, were a full suit of Soulsteel armor, which also includes a breathing mask, gathering some new and interesting species to...improve on. Hopefully, the end result of an enlarge maggot or rat automaton might prove useful.
  • RespendantWeb is wandering through the marketplaces, just browsing. Well, and listening, of course.
* Unknown can be indeed be found drinking. He is in competition and having a good, if not jolly, time of it.
  • knife_cast_in_shadow is wandering thoughout the more crowded areas of the city, watching others as he passes by and keeping an eye out for trouble

<RyanL> The sky is cast grey with clouds which are fat with coming rain. Thorns has been rebuilt by the survivors under the supervision of the Mask's own Abyssals and ghosts. The monstrosity that is Juggernaut is visible from most anywhere in the city. The huge creature moves every so often tearing at the ground and causing the ground to quake. The Mask's soldiers pay no attention it is business as usual.

  • Black_Iron_Ghost looks up at the Juggernaut from beneath one of the sewer grill, smiling, "Some day..." and then gets back to work on the automatons.
  • Unknown , finishing another tankard, lets out a boisterious laugh, the grim scene, that is Thorns, not bothering him in the slightest. After all, He has seen worse.

<RyanL> You are all aware that there are others here on mission's from Walker, but you only know that they are there and not where and what for. You've only been given names: Cold Rain Silber, Black Iron Ghost, Unknown Soldier, Knife Cast in Shadowm and Resplendant Web.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow looks up at the monstrosity and and tries to hold back a sneer of contempt for it and its owner
  • Rain is sipping a glass of wine as she looks up at the behemoth. Not only is it ugly, it smells... obviously, its creator has no taste.
  • RespendantWeb simply ignores the quakes and the stench. Juggernaut is big, but it doesn't talk much anyway.
  • Black_Iron_Ghost finishes his work for the day, and locks up the small workshop he's set up beneath the city, ditching the smelly armor and changing into something better, heading out to look for any news from his master.

<RyanL> Rain: The court of Thorns is bustling with the remainder of nobles and merchants that still live in the city. They all petition to the Mask's appointed ruler of Thorns, the Mendicant of Wasted Tears. They ask for leniency and freedom of movement while offering loyal service.

  • Rain wonders how many of them actually get granted their requests... not many, it seems. Regardless, she keeps watch in case one does, as someone with the Mask's favor could be useful.
  • Unknown , after the competition is done and over, realizes that he's on a mission and there are other things that must be done. He quickly pays his tab and wishes his competitors farewell before swaggering out of the pub a wee bit more tipsy than usual.

<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: The markets are lacking in people. Though the numbers grow daily as the populous grows used to the Masks rule. Zombies and their ghost masters patrol the street keeping any descenting voices from gaining too much attention. There are small groups of soldiers standing and talking at various stalls. The ghosts stay away from the mortals and vice versa.

  • RespendantWeb looks at the types of wares being offered, trying to judge how quickly the city is getting back on its feet.

<RyanL> Unknown: Your competitors grumble as one loses after another. Though there is a lining of grudging respect under their gripes. When you step outside of the pub and into the gloomy day it almost feels like the loving touch of the Underworld. The sun's rays are held back by the thick clouds. As you step away from the pub the door behind you slams against its jam and the sound of feet comes <RyanL> up behind and then beside you. A tubby man that had stayed away from your competition is now in lock step with you. <RyanL> He's grungy and smells putrid. He's one of the living alright. His teeth are yellowed and broken. He could almost pass for a dead person with his pale skin.

  • Unknown stares at him, "Excuse me...is there a problem, sir?"

<RyanL> Knife: You find yourself in probably the busiest part of town. Many of the streets are abandoned becuase either the residents are too afraid to walk outside or most of the block's former occupants are dead. People are trying to regain a sense of normalcy in their lives. You hear whispered voices here and there as you pass by. Some are still afraid. Others complain about the Mask as if he is <RyanL> any other ruler. One pair of older men catch your ear with talk of getting revenge.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow pauses his determined pace through the street, and edges over to try to listen without drawing their attention

<RyanL> Iron_Ghost: The sewers smell of death. You come across the occassional pile of dead bodies. Those that have no one that cared for them in the past. No hungry ghosts are spotted as you pass on by though there surely are some down here. Your findings today were better than others. The pests that live below the streets are large in size and numerous. The streets above are barren where you exit. <RyanL> As you wander the streets a single raven caws and lands on a signpost above you. It caws at you. One of its beady black eyes stares at you and it caws again.

  • Black_Iron_Ghost stares up at the raven, locking his eyes with the bird's. Whether it's a sign or just a coincidence, he decides to take a step closer and holds out his arm to the raven.

<RyanL> Rain: Many are laughed at and refused with little attention paid to their plight. Why should the Mask offer them anything? A single lord with a beak of a nose is granted his request of freedom of movement within the city. The only stipulation being that his guards are given over to the service of the Mask. The noble accepts and walks off happier than most.

  • Rain considers for a moment. He's ugly... but oh well. She sets down her glass and follows after him.
<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: The goods offered are of good quality. More merchants are allowed in daily though they find the tarriffs placed on their goods to be more than their liking. The need of the market is growing daily. More people come with each passing day and in greater numbers. A small group of soldiers walk past you grumbling about gaurd duty and lack of rest and relaxation. They are a small

<RyanL> group of mortals, but otherwise they appear the same as anyone else.

* RespendantWeb takes note of them, but moves on.  It is, after all, the infernal right of soldiers to gripe. ;)  Instead, he looks for a merchant that looks newly arrived, perhaps still setting up his stall and wares.

<RyanL> Unknown: The man chuckles. "Oh goodness no." He leans in toward you though he doesn't quite reach your height. He cranes his neck to look up at you. His breath smells of cheap brandy as it blows in your face. "This is business. I noticed you in there, and I must say you're the biggest meanest lookin' bastard I've seen in a while. Other than those zombies that wander around town here."

  • Unknown , curious, "And?"

<RyanL> Knife: The men whisper to each other and then rage aloud when they notice no guards are around and people are far enough away. They talk of a small cellar in a friend's home full of recovered weapons, and all the people, mostly friends and family, they've been able to gather together. They sound like boys as they talk. It sounds as if they have no more than 50 other people in with them.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow smiles with anticipation and follows a good distance behind them, seeing where they end up going

<RyanL> Iron_Ghost: The raven hops down to land on your outstretched arm. It caws again and then pecks at your skin and tears a bit of skin and the blood flows. A droplet hits the ground and then another. The crow pops back up to look at you adn you feel another presence in your mind. A fast-paced clicking voice sounds aloud in your skull, "How goes your time in Thorns?" The voice seems to be <RyanL> Walker's, but it is hard to tell becuase it also seems so alien.

  • Black_Iron_Ghost looks around, surprised to hear the Deathlord (if that is indeed who it is), and bows his head, trying to move away from the street and hides in the shadows. "Master! Everything goes well, and the preparations are almost complete. However, I am unsure of how to proceed...should I keep to myself or follow the other agents?"

<RyanL> Rain: The noble walks out of the citadel and down the street. a trio of men step in behind him they hold only staff's all other weapons have been banned. The noble hands a piece of paper to a guard at the citadel's gates and is allowed to leave probably for the first time in months. The guards allow you to pass they are only there to keep the nobles in. He heads to a building that must be his <RyanL> own city residence. It is immaculate in its appearance compared to most other building's in Thorns.

<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: There is a merchant that you saw setting up his booth earlier.  He is a dealer in cermics: pots, pitchers, plates and other sundry items.  He has the appearance of a man from the south. His skin is dark colored and his eyes brown.  He wears a small mustache and beard that is cropped close to the skin.  He smiles at you if you approach. "May I interest you in any of my wares?"
 * Rain considers again, as she looks up at the building. She notes the house for future reference, before heading back to the citadel.
* RespendantWeb smiles and shakes his head.  "Actually, I was wondering how well the markets seem to be doing here and how the tariffs have changed.  Some of my...friends...in Nexus were hoping to reopen the trade routes."
<RyanL> Knife: The two old gents finally wander off and down the street they still converse amongst each other and lagh heartily. When guards pass them by they eye the men and chuckle. They finally enter a building that looks as if it is almost falling down. It has had some beams added to hold it upright but otherwise is in disrepair. A single window sits at the front of the building and has had a
<RyanL> hole knocked in one corner. The sounds of chairs being pulled out and mugs being placed on the table can be heard from the outside. A peak through the window reveals to be a small tea house.
* knife_cast_in_shadow slowly enters the house and quickly takes note of his surroundings
<RyanL> Unkown: The man chuckles again. "You are a man of few words. I like that. It's better that way." He looks at you again as if to appraise your worth. "I run a small business on the side. Nothing too big mind.  Though I think you might fit in with the crowd I've got there.  If you're interested in a bit of jade to buy yerself some drinks with I think I can help you."
<RyanL> Iron_Ghost: The crow begins to pick at you at the same time the voice inside your head continues. "Good. Yes, seek out the one known as Knife Cast in Shadow. You will finish preparations with him. When it is time to act I will come to you again." With that the crow caws one last time before leaping into the air and flying south.
<RyanL> Iron_Ghost: An image also flashes in your head of what you assume is the man known as Knife Cast in Shadow.
* Unknown , having a mission to accomplish, would normally decline the offer, but not so to raise suscipions, he says "...I'll think about it."
* Black_Iron_Ghost blinks and looks at the long gashes on his arm, and then in the direction the crow flew. He sighs and goes to search for Knife Cast in Shadow, mostly asking around for anyone who fits his description, but in a subtle manner. No sense in arousing any suspicions.
<RyanL> Unknown: The smelly man bobs his head up and down adn smiles. "Good, good. You do that." Just come back here if you decide ta join up." He flashes one last broken smile and waddles off back to the pub.
* Unknown tips his hat before walking off, grumbling.
<RyanL> Rain: Entrance back into the citadel comes with a question of your business and then entrance. Few amongst the Mask's soldiers worry about such things as revolution. They crushed this pitiful town once and they can do it again. That's what you've picked up on in the palace and its guards anyways. The chamber in which the Mendicant sits is almost barren now. A few hanger ons remain. A
<RyanL> balcony connected to the chamber sits barren as well except for a crow taht sits upon the railing. It makes no sound as it sits there.
* Unknown , thinking to himself, "Now what was I supposed to do..."
* Rain makes mental notes of all the houses she's visited today... then she notices the crow. Strange... not many living creatures around her anymore.
* Unknown lists the usual, "Assassination...infilitration...theft...kidnapping..."
<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: The merchant shakes his head and frowns. "The taxes we must pay are horrible. I have had to increase my prices by more than most of the poor welps here can afford. And I will have to pay to leave as well. I can't afford to leave." He seems 
almost upset as he finishes his last statment and you see that he holds onto his booth tight enough to make his knuckles go white.
<RyanL> Knife: The two men sit near the back of the tea house. A few tables and quickly repaired chairs sit in the middle of the room. A ragged young woman stands near the back as well. She looks as if she's seen better days. She's dirty and you can practically see the lice crawling around in her hair. She stands smiling weakly and nodding to the two old men. She spots you and walks over to you. "May
<RyanL> we offer you a drink?" When she gets closer you also see taht her skin has yellowed.
* knife_cast_in_shadow forces back a look of disgust and manages a smile. "Certainly," he says quickly and then moves to take a seat a few tables down within earshot of the two men
* RespendantWeb sighs.  "We suspected as much.  I, unfortuately, drew the short straw.  And so here I am."  He pats the merchant's shoulder.  "It's not so bad, is it, though?  The smells are strange, but people are people.  Perhaps you will be able to find enough buyers to leave yet."
<RyanL> Iron_Ghost: Finding the man you are looking for proves difficult. There aren't that many people on the street and those that are try not to look around them. You come to a crowded part of the street and a lady says that she saw a man of the description you provide once she stops bumbling over her words and stops staring at you. She saw him walking down the street to the west but that's about
<RyanL> all she can provide. When you follow her directions and ask around some more you eventually get a man that points to a leaning building with a broken window.
* Black_Iron_Ghost just mumbles his thanks and decides not to use any essence at this point...even if his Charms would made the search easier. He wraps his coat around him tigther, pulling up the collar and walks to the building. Even if the man he's looking isn't there, he needs a place to rest. He's not as hardy as other Exalts.
<RyanL> Rain: The crow hops down onto the floor and makes its way to you as it pecks the floor here and there. No one seems to notice the thing. It hops up into your lap and pecks your hand. A small line of blood runs down and onto your dress. The crow cocks its head at you and stares with an eye boring into you. A voice calls into your head. "My sweet, how are you?" You know the voice as well as
<RyanL> your own.
* Rain smiles widely. She licks up the blood, then kisses the crow on the beak. "Master. I am well."
<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: "I can only hope I'm able to scrape enoguh together from these poor wretches. I have a wife and kids you know?" He seems to accept the fact that you do. He picks up a plate and holds it toward you. "Are you sure you are not interested?" He smiles at you with a beaming face. 
* Unknown , not being much of an independent thinker, toys with the order...err, offer he was given. The pub door's looking mighty inviting.
<RyanL> Knife: The men continue to talk about their coming freedom until another man walks in. He is younger than the other two and sits down at their table.  He appears to be half their age and a bit scrawny though he looks like he could be a real scrapper.  The two old men chuckle and pat the younger man on the back.
* knife_cast_in_shadow mutters to himself "what good is a kid going to do?" Knife raps his hand on the table impatiently, still waiting for his tea, and continues to observe the men and the boy
<RyanL> Rain: "Good, darling." The voice stops and the crow continues to stare at you. "I assume your time in Thorns has proven to be fruitful. You must make contact with another of my deathknights. He is a lonely figure and not one much for thought though he could prove useful to you as his strength more than makes up for it. He goes by Unknown Soldier. I know him well you will find him
<RyanL> drinking somewhere. Most likely in a pit of an establishment. Work with as much as you can. He will prove to be a most useful enforcer."
* RespendantWeb smiles and shakes his head again.  He motions to the ghost walking behind him, chuckling. "Pym, perhaps we could use some tableware.  It seems we shall be in the city a while."  He turns back to the merchant, saying "Speaking of which, we've only just arrived.  Do you know of anyplace with vacancies in the area?"
* Rain bows her head in acquiescence. "Of course, master. I shall find him right away."
<RyanL> Knife: The door opens once again and slams shut just as the young girl steps out of the back to brin gyou your tea.  A tall slim man walks into the building He appears to be in his 30's. He is pale and gaunt like so many people here in Thorns, but he seems somewhat different.
* Black_Iron_Ghost looks around the room, the lower half of his face hidden by his coat's collar, only his gray eyes and silver hair apparent. He looks in Knife's direction, as if trying to make a connection.
<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: The merchant points around the square. "You can find almost any building you like empty. Some are safer than others to be sure, but it is cheaper that way." He wraps the plate in paper and hands it to you. He holds out his hand that will be 3 silver please. He smiles at you again.
* knife_cast_in_shadow turns his head angrily at the interruption, but as he looks at the man who entered the room, he notices he isn't much like the others here at Thorns
* RespendantWeb has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<RyanL> OOC: I have run him away. :(
* Black_Iron_Ghost walks towards the girl with the tea and takes it from her. He then walks over to Knife's table and sets the tea down in front of him, "May I sit here? It seems we both have some business together."
<RyanL> Rain: "Good, go now." You hear what seems like a kissing sound and a air seems to rush over your neck. The crow leaps into the air and flies back out the way it came. You see that some of the courtiers are looking at you though the Mendicant is too bored by a whining noble to pay much attention. At least that's the way it seems.
* knife_cast_in_shadow looks up and mutters, "sure, it's a free city," and then snickers at his own joke as he pours tea for the both of them
* Rain shivers once, then smiles pleasantly at the nobles, before rising from her seat and exiting once more. Now, to search Thorns' drinking houses...
* Black_Iron_Ghost smiles slightly and unbuttons his coat, sitting down in front of him, "Thank you. I'm still not used it to being this cold, Shadowland or not. Ah, excuse my manners..." he lowers his voice, "I am Black Iron Ghost."
  • knife_cast_in_shadow 's eyes flash with recognition and then he lowers his voice, "Ah yes, I've heard of you. I am called Knife cast in Shadow. Have you heard anything from the master?"
  • Unknown stands stoic outside a pub, he seems torn between remaining in inactivity until he finds out what his mission is and doing as the man suggested and engaging in "some business."
  • RespendantWeb nods to Pym, his ghost-butler. "Pay the man and pick up a few sets. We'll be over that way." He points to one of the more stable looking buildings and walks off, leaving the ghost to barter for a few tableware sets.

<RyanL> Rain: You wander through the city searching for any pubs that are still open. Each that you find you look in to see if you notice the image that Walker in Darkness gave you of the man you seek. You finally come to a seedy place with a large man standing outside in apparent contemplation.

  • Black_Iron_Ghost nods and sips his tea, "Our...employer wants us to work together. I don't have any details, but he obviously wants us to join the others for something big. He's had me working in the sewers, building some items. Other than that, nothing."
  • Rain gives the man an appraising look, first up then down. "I take it you are the Soldier?"

<RyanL> ResplendantWeb: As you walk away from the marketplace your ghost butler rushes to catch up with you. "My lord, the merchant insisted upon you only having this plate. You would not accept payment for more." He holds a single plate wrapped in paper and he seems to have a worried look on his face. He probably thinks he's going to get a lashing or ten.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow continues to whisper, "these men and the boy are planning an uprising of some sort. (he motions to them at their table) Such actions could prove beneficial to our goals
  • Unknown blinks and looks at the person whose addressed him, wondering or not it is an enemy, "...and what is it to you?"
  • RespendantWeb looks puzzled. "Hmm. Well, too bad for him, I guess." He looks over the wrapping looking for a dead-drop sign or sigil.
  • Rain gives him a dazzling smile. "The master sent me to find you. I am Rain."
  • Black_Iron_Ghost notes the men and the boy, and the nods, pursing his lips, "Quite. And they don't seem like the most perceptive of agents. What do you propose? Bribery? Blackmail?"
  • Unknown snaps his fingers, "Ah yes! No wonder I didn't know what the mission was... I was supposed to get it from someone."
  • Unknown looks to Rain once again after thinking aloud, "Yes. I am the Soldier."

<Unknown> "So what is the mission, sir?"

  • Rain arches an eyebrow. "The master has told you nothing?"
  • knife_cast_in_shadow whispers they also mentioned that they have at least 50 men and a store of weapons. My plan was to wait to see what action they make, and take advantage of the distraction they cause. However, I am unsure of the master's current aims...perhaps you have an idea?"
  • Unknown doesn't want to fess up if he did forget something, "Indeed."

<Unknown> "Yes, sir. He did not tell me a thing."

  • knife_cast_in_shadow we could also help bolster their attack somehow...whatever they do

<Rain> "Hmm." She looks at him, then indicates he should follow as she starts off down the street. "We don't have a mission, as such... simply to disrupt what we can, and gather information on what we can't."

  • Black_Iron_Ghost crosses his arms, "Do you know where they'll attack? I have some...pets that might prove useful. Mainly just rats and maggots, but they'd add to the confusion when those men attack."
  • Unknown , following, "So the mission is to sabotage and gather information?"

<Rain> "Put simply, yes." <RyanL> ResplendantWeb: The wrapping appears mundane except for a bit of small writing on the bottom. It reads, "When the full moon comes the fist of Darkness must be prepared. The five fingers must come together." The writing seems to disappear inside after that last sentence. Inside, engraved on the plate's bottom are five names and yours is included. There is a sketch of the city as well that <RyanL> appears almost accurate down to the buidling. A small square toward the center of the city has a day and time written on it. The day is today the time is when the sun touches the west's horizon.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow I am unsure, but for now we must listen. Perhaps we can learn more

<Black_Iron_Ghost> "Absolutely. I'm in no hurry to join useless causes."

  • RespendantWeb smiles slightly, then hands rewraps the plate and hands it back to Pym. "Keep it safe, it seems our friend there may walk in shadows as well."

<RyanL> Knife and Iron_Ghost: The three men continue to chatter sometimes excited other times grumpy. Finally all three stand up and walk through the door to waht you assume is the kitchen. They don't ask for entry and the maid that stands inattendance of the place only nods and smiles as they pass through the door. <Unknown> "What are we to sabotage first?" <RyanL> OOC: It is a couple hours before sunset. Ok. <Rain> "Anything we can get our hands on." She grins, somewhat predatorially.

  • RespendantWeb checks the sky and ambles off towards the city center, keeping an eye out for the indicated square.
  • Unknown looks around for anything big, important-looking, and poorly protected, "Understood."

<Rain> "But be subtle, mind. Just going on a rampage is going to get us nothing but dead. Well, more dead."

  • Black_Iron_Ghost nods in the direction of the kitchen, "It appears that our players are making their move. Do we follow?"
  • Unknown , though he wasn't going to, nods his head obediently.
  • knife_cast_in_shadow "it would blow our cover, but we have no choice, we can't lose them"

<Black_Iron_Ghost> "Very well. We can at least see where they lead."

  • Black_Iron_Ghost stands up and drops a couple of obols on the table, waiting for Knife.
  • knife_cast_in_shadow looks around, and then stands up and casually walks to where the men were seen going

<RyanL> Knife and Iron_Ghost: As you walk toward the back room the girl holds a finger up and tries to stop you from going past, "But...but..you can't go back there. It's the kitchen you...you...can't."

  • Black_Iron_Ghost follows knife and looks at the girl, his lambet eyes boring into hers, "The money in the table is for you."

<RyanL> Knife and Iron_Ghost: SHe gives one last but and then scurries to the table. Once you pass through the doors the usual kitchen is there with a single old lady cleaning cups and doing her daily chores. She's startled by your entrance but only stares as you go past. There's only one other door and that leads out to an alleyway that is crooked and almost dark as night from the buildings that <RyanL> lean inward obscuring what light there is today.

  • knife_cast_in_shadow opens the door to the alleyway slightly and peers outside, quickly

taking note of the surroundings

  • Black_Iron_Ghost inches his head out in the other direction, trying to catch a glimpse of the mean, even looking up at the roofs.

<RyanL> Knife and Iron_Ghost: The alley is empty except for trash that has been tossed into the street. You can hear the chuckles of the men coming from deep in the alleyway.

  • Black_Iron_Ghost reaches for his collapsible powerbow and nods in the direction of the sound, "Shall we?"
  • knife_cast_in_shadow runs his hand along the hilts of his knives, as if reminding himself that they're there, and then says "let's," as he stealthily moves into the alleyway
  • Black_Iron_Ghost follows close behind, keeping an eye behind them, and side to side. After his time as a mortal in the Underworld, he doesn't like to be surprised.
  • RespendantWeb is keeping an eye on the time as well as looking around for a nice, solid looking building to occupy.

<RyanL> Knife and Iron_Ghost: You make your way into the alley following the voices. Catching up with the men takes little time as they seem to be in no rush. The alley breaks out into the open and into a small square the three men are makeing there way across. You see no other people except for an a pair of men walking out of a side street and into the square and a large man and smallish woman <RyanL> coming out of another.

  • Rain chats idly with the Soldier, talking about what she has seen of the city so far.

<Black_Iron_Ghost> "Which way? I'd hate to use the rooftops unless it's really dark..." <RyanL> Some of the clouds above have parted and a red cast falls upon the earth slowly turning to purple. The sun is still not visible and a full moon hangs low in the sky.

  • Unknown thinks about all of it. It's all news to him, not having taken in the sites beyond the pub.

<knife_cast_in_shadow> "keep an eye on them. I'll take the left side of the square, and you can take the right" <Black_Iron_Ghost> "Got it. Be careful..."

  • Black_Iron_Ghost waves at Knife and takes off to the right of the square, moving close to the shadows, mostly in a circle around the group.
  • Unknown interrupts when she mentions something essential to the city, "So how about we attack that?"
  • knife_cast_in_shadow moves quickly along the left side of the square, keeping his eyes on the men"

<Rain> "That? Have fun getting near there... the guards would slaughter you before you could blink."

  • Rain looks him over again. "Well... it might take a bit longer than that."
  • Unknown looks at himself as well, "I guess I'm a lot of meat to work with."
  • Black_Iron_Ghost jumps from wall to wall and lands over one of the roofs, taking out his bow and shadowing the men, wondering who the large man and woman are as well, hoping they don't get in the way.
  • Rain smiles a little. "You are at that."
  • RespendantWeb notes the appearance of the bow and activates Essence Discerning Glance, checking for the distinctive look of a deathknight's essence.