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Just some quotes from some NPCs in MoonSilver

Arielle on the raksha and the fae seductions

The Raksha take second place as our most unfriendly neighbor. This is not out of any greater hostility betweent us in fact the opposite is almost true. Their leader, whose name changes with each new animal aspect he assumes, is curious of beastmen and non violent ones especially.

To this end he collects trophies from all over creation and brings them back to his realm to model his own hobgoblins after. This would be tragic enough but unfortunately he has made us a pet project of sorts. You see he beleives we're the most benign and weak beastmen he has ever seen and has grown curious both of our bodies, and our spouses.

To this end he has concocted several schemes in which unwitting maidens are spirited away from their fields and taken to his gossamer fortress in the wyld where they are rteated to delights unknown to any but the most decadent of mortals. Sadly many of my sisters break under this...this...torture of a sorts and subcumb to him giving up thier bodies and souls to his foul breeding experiments. This has resulted in the birth of unholy crossbreeds of goblin and Bunny that vaguely resemble a normal human only with whiskers, two rabbit ears, and a puffball tail.

But his blasphemy carries further and is the reason we must call him enemt. For you see he has managed to coerce two of our couples to take their war god husbands to his temple. There they were dismantled and their holy secrets stolen! Now we must worry not only of the halfbreed kin attacking our people but we must also face gross mockeries of our beloveds.

I would curse his name if he had one and If I was not a proper lady.

The foxes on the other hand are a different story. They are scum pure and simple. You see they beleive we a re a heresy against nature, a species to weak to live. Yet we won the first war and now they're reduced to slinking in the shaodws sneding pawns after us in futile attempts to weaken our people.

OF those curs I will speak no more for they make my fur bristle and that can cause horrible problems one of my station should not endure.

A bunny girl worker on the world around her

Isn't Life great! My sisters and I recently were given a group of young cuties to teach in agriculture before we send them home. They're proving quite the eager students both here and in the snuggle room. the crops of carrots and wheat are coming in fine thanks to a new irrigation system the priests deviced which draws pure Moon water up from underground and feeds it to the roots.

On top of that Lindsey had a boy! We all had a good celebration over that one though I can't quite remmeber the details as I got a little wasted. Be quiet Trisha I am not blushing!

Anyways starnger if you want to trade you can come back to our burrow. we'll have ta blindfold ya first since the clan heads say we haveta what with the foxes in the area and all. But that just adds to the fun of being with us right?

Kivsungai on the Llama people

Where did I find them you ask? That I will not say even to Franseco for they made me swear an oath not to reveal their locations. I can tell you of thier society and what they taught me however.

First off they are an odd lot split into two factions. One group is communal moving from mountain and valleys to other mountains and valleys as needed to feed tthemselves. That is thier only conscern.

Holy men make up the second faction. these hermits gather together only in rare places of great power and for the most part commit themselves to solemn and solitary study of life and it's meaning. They also maintain sveral first age libraries in their retreats from which they taught me many secrets of design which I have used to make my people strong. Sadly these monks are a dying breed as their solitary lifestyle leads to very little reporduction amongst the faction.

If you think that sounds like encouragement to try and invade their lands let me be the first to tell you they're far from defenseless beasts young dragon blood. Not only do they have access to martial arts beyond mortal ken they're also backed by a mysterious power of the mountains they dwell in which protects them.
