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(No decision with regard to the title yet. Suggestions were 'Visitations and Vivisections', 'The Right Hand of Power and the Left Hand of Fate' and 'Lytek: 1, Abyssal: 0'.

Session 5

<ADamiani> OK, That aside. Everyone has had a chance to review the logs (and quotes and AP) from last time?
<shadow_lynne> Yeah.
<ADamiani> Not TOO complicated, you came, you saw, you conquered-- but did not get the bonus of an intact first age library.
<ADamiani> And then y'all used SS's RD power to gate on back up to heaven, with your drugged abyssal prisoner in tow.
<ADamiani> Okeydoke. SOoooOOOo, my little fate ninjae, what's next?

<ADamiani> Our abyssal friend looks like you just grappled her, beat her peons into submission and then drugged her heavily.
<Jiang> If she looks to be stirring, I'll knock her head against a wall for a few times.
<Silent_Sunset> Abyssality pretty obvious, yes? Soulsteel armor, anima?
<Jiang> Incidentally, I take this moment to strip her of her stuff and stick it in a bag.
<Silent_Sunset> She's well and truly drugged :)
<ADamiani> Well, see, here's the thing: you're coming back to the calibration gate platform.
<ADamiani> So, you ARE going to be seen when you gate back in, by the Lion on watch, if nobody else.
<Silent_Sunset> Anyone wear a cloak?
<Hidden_Crystal> I do.
<Silent_Sunset> See, problem solved. Just wrap her up :)
<ADamiani> Well, all she is now is a pale goth chick in elaborate armor (and the cloak's probably not going to cover that completely)
<ADamiani> You can definitely make it hard to identify WHICH abyssal. AND probably block anyone who isn't specifically looking for you transporting an abyssal captive...
<ADamiani> But can you take that risk?
<Silent_Sunset> Actually Silent would be more worried about the reputation of the Bureau of Destiny - can't be seen with the enemy, see?

<ADamiani> OK. Woosh! Stargate SFX! Heaven!
Silent_Sunset gives an 'everything is fine' grin to the Celestial Lions
<ADamiani> The lion looks at you dubiously.
<ADamiani> "The transit manifest records only THREE Sidereal Exalted..."
<ADamiani> "Ahem. Four. I mean FOUR sidereal Exalted."
<ADamiani> "Smudge... here, on the documents, you see. Four, yes, clearly four."
<ADamiani> The next party waiting to use the gate is a flock of identical translucent schoolgirls, who tap their feet impatiently in perfect time.
<Silent_Sunset> "Oh? Must be some mistake. Jiang, you did write five in that request, yes?"
Silent_Sunset , carrying Ms. Icky's feet, moves aside
<ADamiani> "... I count... one.... two... three... four... five passengers..."
<Silent_Sunset> "Naturally we are five."
<Silent_Sunset> "Are you *sure* about that smudge being a four?"
<ADamiani> "... but the form says three. I mean four..."
<ADamiani> The massive lion peers at you, and at the form. At you, and at the form.
<Jiang> "Bureau of Destiny business. Nothing to worry about."
<ADamiani> ".... No."
<Silent_Sunset> "Or do you mean to imply, that my brother of Secrets would make a mistake there?"
Jiang gives the Lion a dour look.
<ADamiani> "Hmph."
<ADamiani> The lion snorts with great force!
<ADamiani> "Very well. Proceed... but I will note this in my log!"
<Jiang> "You do that."
Jiang starts off down the street.
Silent_Sunset shakes his head. "Who's in charge of keeping those papers readable anyway? Please note his name as well, will you?"
<ADamiani> "I will do so" he rumbles, and adds Jiang Chou onto the note.
Silent_Sunset smiles and moves on

<Silent_Sunset> "I propose we retire to one of our residences. I could offer my cellar ..."
Jiang shrugs "If you insist. I would sooner have our charge in the care of Lytek, while we question her."
<Silent_Sunset> "Or do any of you have accomodations prepared for prisoners?"
Silent_Sunset frowns ... "I'm not sure it is wise to involve the Hand of Power at this stage. This matter concerns the Bureau of Destiny first and foremost ..."
<Jiang> "We could restrain her in my laboratory. I have chains, and a supply of drugs."
Silent_Sunset flags down an aerial riksha
<ADamiani> OK, the Rikshaw swoops down and picks you up. Where to?
<Silent_Sunset> "That'll do for now. We'll look into safer means later."
Silent_Sunset leans back in his comfortable seat and looks down at Weeping Glass
<Silent_Sunset> "Went well, didn't it?"
<ADamiani> OK. You probably don't have a vast, well appointed laboratory here in that case. But you've got a spare room with your equipment and stuff, where she is, presumably now tied up?
<Jiang> The basement, indeed. Chained to the wall.
<Jiang> Jiang's house is a bit different from other Heavenly residences. White walls, white carpets, almost no furniture. The basement is packed with an assortment of Labatorial items.
<ADamiani> In armor, or what?
<Silent_Sunset> nahhh!
<ADamiani> You have spare womens' clothing?
<Jiang> Stripped bare, but she gets a loin clothe. And since my house isn't a manse, she can't break anything important.
<Jiang> Loinclothes are unisex.
<ADamiani> OK, so loincloth, topless, chains. *cough* Um. Alright, if that's the way you want to go with it...
<Jiang> Whats wrong with that?
Silent_Sunset proposes a simple tunica
<Jiang> Ah, right. Tunic, fine.
<ADamiani> OK, tunic. Significantly less creepy, yess.
<Silent_Sunset> white, black, coloured? :p
<Jiang> Pink.
<ADamiani> Anyhow, she's drugged and chains, and your servants are bringing banana daquris, if you can afford any servants.
<Jiang> Jiang needs no servants!
Jiang offers everyone tea.
Silent_Sunset checks her vital signs. Tries to determine when she'll awake.
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmmmhh. Mmmhh. Definitely alive. Going by the strength of the poison I gave her I estimate it will be two hours or so until she awakes."
Jiang nods "Indeed. I'll begin heating the pokers, then."
Silent_Sunset looks at Jiang and Hidden Crystal. "So, operation successful. No collateral da ... no wait, but no casualties."
Silent_Sunset winces
<Silent_Sunset> "Please, brother Jiang! Maybe there's no need for that ..."
Hidden_Crystal raises one eyebrow at Jiang
Jiang shrugs "It's an option to keep in mind."
Silent_Sunset looks sad. "And if it proves absolutely necessary, it will be done. But only then."
Jiang sits back and sips his tea "We did quite well, for our first mission together."
<Silent_Sunset> "Indeed. Information, location, position - all in our favour through diligent preparation."
<Silent_Sunset> "Also total numerical superiority. Quite a blow for the Silver Prince to lose two of his servants in one strike."
Jiang pushes the tea pot to Sunset "Don't mind the taste." He looks over at Glass "Yes, though we should, perhaps, plan more thoroughly next time."
Jiang shrugs "He'll create more."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ah, but remember your own training. It takes time to develop the powers of essence, to master one's skill."
<Jiang> "Indeed. But what is a few years to a Death Lord or his favorite toys?"
<Silent_Sunset> "And can he create a new servant, when this one is chained here before us?"
<Jiang> "He can create a new one from his dead servant. And if this one dies, as seems likely, he'll have her essence as well."
Jiang offers Platinum Sky Lover some tea "Don't mind the taste. Just some additives. Good for you. Keeps the bowels properly lubricated."
Silent_Sunset eyes his empty cup dubiously
<ADamiani> It's an important chi condition, that.
<ADamiani> So: you guys have tea. What's the plan?
Silent_Sunset tries to determine the additives by taste
<Jiang> ((Incidentally, I'm going to send Lytek a message, informing him of our capture.))
Silent_Sunset idly examines Glass's armor
<ADamiani> It's nice articulated plate, almost impossibly delicate in any material but bone-white soulsteel.
<Jiang> ((Before. And we look through her stuff! Anything good?))
<ADamiani> Hm. Mostly just the armor, a fairly standard straight sword made of a hardened, smoky glass.
Silent_Sunset shrugs and drinks more tea. Bowel medicines aren't his strong point.
<ADamiani> Hm. The armor probably has a hearthstone slotted in the chest.
<ADamiani> No copies of the necronomicon; she was going to the library as it was, must have left it behind.
Jiang pokes the Abyssal with a stick.
<Silent_Sunset> "So, brothers and sister. What can we offer her for her cooperation?"
<Jiang> "The continued presence of her limbs."
<Silent_Sunset> "If there's nothing she can hope for, she will not talk ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "And she will know, that she is by her very nature our enemy and can only expect death or worse."
Platinum_Sky_Lover is in a robe, since she came through the calibration gate, Naked. "Why the hell isn't this black Solar in one of the god restraining cages? You do realize that this Abyssal is a Solar who has a rather deathly theme?"
<Jiang> "Because they're big and heavy and we want to keep this secret for awhile longer."
Jiang pokes her again.
<Silent_Sunset> "Well, we do not have one ... though aren't there collars that restrain the use of Essence as well?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Secret? Secret? What can possibly be gained? And what if she gets loose? Remember, this wench tried to cast 3 fold binding of the heart on me. This is far too much of a risk!"
<Jiang> "Then if she does that, kick her till she stops."
<Silent_Sunset> "Our presence will suffice for now. We'll look for more permanent solutions later."
<Jiang> "I have allready contacted Lytek."
<ADamiani> Weeping glass stirs!
Silent_Sunset loudly slurps the last of his current tea
<ADamiani> She moans a little, and attempts to rub her head, which is difficult, as her arm does not posess that degree of motion in its current shackles.
<Silent_Sunset> "Can I help you?"
<ADamiani> "Where am I?"
Silent_Sunset gets some water for her
<Jiang> "You're in my basement, shackled to my wall."
<ADamiani> She sips the water.
<ADamiani> She's slowly coming around to consciousness.
<Silent_Sunset> "But please do excuse the unpleasantness for now."
<ADamiani> "WHere?"
Silent_Sunset lightly shakes his head
<Jiang> "Once again. My basement."
<ADamiani> She attempts to move and tests the chains lightly.
<Silent_Sunset> "We will work on a more comfortable solution."
<ADamiani> "I'm in a /basement/?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "Yes."
Silent_Sunset looks concerned. "You are alright, yes? Any headaches?"
<ADamiani> She's coming more and more to consciousness, her eyes clearly open now. She seems, I think, annoyed by the idea. You could at LEASt have given her a proper dungeon!
<ADamiani> "Everything aches."
<Silent_Sunset> "Ahh, that would be the result of unfortunate efforts at resistance. Be assured there need be no repetition of that."
<Jiang> "Yes, that tends to happen you get the resistence beaten out of you, drugged, and then dragged several miles. It's your own fault."
Silent_Sunset frowns at Jiang putting the same thing into much harsher words
<ADamiani> "What do you want?"
<Jiang> "Information."
Silent_Sunset leans back a little, watching her. There need be no torture, though its implication by the hard-faced Jiang ...
<ADamiani> "Mmm hmm."
<Jiang> "You have two choices. Tell us what we want, or endure numerous torments until you decide to tell us what we want. Your choice."
<ADamiani> "Go to hell."
<ADamiani> She spits at you and misses.
Jiang casually reaches down and slaps her. "You're just making this harder for yourself."
Silent_Sunset looks at Weeping Glass, a little sad but the image of Sorrowful North being stabbed by his brother burns in his mind. This must be.
<ADamiani> Silent, you notice large slightly discolored welts rising from the skin where Jiang hit her.
Silent_Sunset forces himself to watch
<ADamiani> She glowers at you in silent hatred.
<Silent_Sunset> "Please. Silence only damns you."
<Jiang> "What happened to the Sidereals who visited your castle some few weeks ago? One of their number was murdered in the Prince's castle."
<ADamiani> She remains silent.
<Jiang> "You're an intelligent girl. I'm sure you realize, full well, that your best option is cooperation."
<ADamiani> "You killed her, you son of a bitch. I'll burn before I tell you anything."
Hidden_Crystal 's posture stiffens, and bites his lip, obviously bothered by this
<Jiang> "Yes. I did kill her. And burning is not out of the question. However, if you want to survive this to have a chance at vengeance, then you'll have to encourage us not to kill you."
Silent_Sunset 's eyes burn with premonitions of pain. Pain he doesn't want, not even for her. But it is clearly there in her future, if not ...
<ADamiani> "Do your worst, monster."
Silent_Sunset turns to Jiang "Please!" To Weeping Glass: "And you, realize it doesn't have to be like this!"
Jiang cocks his head "Do you know what happens to Abyssals after they die?"
<ADamiani> "I've forgotten more about that than you'll ever know," she sneers, defiantly
<Jiang> "Do you value Sour Ice Phoenix?"
<Silent_Sunset> "What is there to gain in defiance? Why do you defend secrets not your own?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover yawns, as she watches Jiang attempt to intimidate the Abyssal.
<ADamiani> She spares a glance to Silent Sunset to bring him up to speed: "He KILLED her."
Jiang leans forward and smiles at her "You know what? I don't know if Abyssals leave ghosts. But I think theres a good chance. So know what I'm going to do if all else fails?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Brother Jiang. A word with you for a moment."
<Jiang> "A moment."
<ADamiani> PSL and Jiang walk off to sidebar, keep it in channel, but with the understanding none of the others can hear.
Platinum_Sky_Lover brings Jiang, Sunset and Hidden Crystal out of earshot of the Abyssal. "Now, trying to make someone like her *afraid* is like trying to give a porcupine another quill. These beings sup on fear. That won't work. Also, once we turn her over, her mind will no doubt be scrubbed entirely clean."
<Jiang> "Indeed. However, I do have a will weakening solution to try. And there is something else that may help her change her mind."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "However, when examining the threads of relationships, we must make use of the thing which she values most. Now, she is a Daybreak Caste Abyssal. What does she lust for? Knowledge, secrets, and a love affair with her own power. She fears none, aside from her lord, the Silver Prince, correct?"
<Jiang> "She is also quite in love with her former partner, who still may exist as a ghost."
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods sagely. "Therefore, this is what I suggest."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Firstly - if she does not cooperate, then we shall request of Lytek, the Master of Exaltations, that he remove from her the Spark of Exaltation, and leave her alive, as a mortal. We will make it clear that she will die, of old age.."
<Jiang> "I'm pretty sure that doesn't work. Fail safe, to keep the Primordials from ordering the Gods to do such during the War."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Does she know that? Or need to?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "She will die old, powerless, and alone."
<Jiang> "It's a good guess. I'm going to say one last thing, then leave her with you. Hopefully, this'll shake her."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Secondly," she whispers, "We will see to it, *as a mortal*, that she is delivered, unharmed, back to the Silver Prince, in utter humiliation and defeat."
Jiang returns to the Abyssal and seizes her by the chin, looking her in the eye "Now, I'm going to go see a friend of mine, a Necromancer. And we're going to see about calling up whatever remains of Sour Ice Phoenix. And you know, I just bet we'll get a ghost. And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to do to her, everything I would have done to you."
Jiang departs, whistling jauntily
Silent_Sunset nods seriously at Weeping Glass. "He killed her, yes. But would you make him have killed you in that same strike? Would you discard a lifetime of millenia and all its opportunities, only to serve your defiance? Would she want that?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Pretty one. Were you a sun child before you took the black breath? I'm curious." She caresses the hair of the restrained Abyssal.
<ADamiani> So Silent: "He'll kill me anyhow as soon as he figures out he has no leverage over me."
Silent_Sunset looks deeply into Weeping Glass' eyes as he hopes that his words will avoid her pain
<Silent_Sunset> "He won't."
<ADamiani> "I have no intention of giving him the opportunity to make a fool of me a second time."
<ADamiani> She glances to PSL: "... you know more than I would have expected, Sidereal."
<Silent_Sunset> "The information we ask from you is important enough to warrant his full attention, not a casual death or disappearance. But if you cooperate ... there is no need to End the thread of your life."
<ADamiani> "And, what, live in some celestial prison for the rest of my days?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover kneels close. "Consider, Deathling - we are the only, *only* thing standing between you and the justice of the Unconquered Sun. The Maiden of Glory is *here*, in Yu Shan. I'm sure that you heard a voice, or recieved a vision? we're given a responsibility to defend Creation? And then you *broke that trust*. So, then. We may be your only road back out of the maw of Oblivion. We are the censors of Heaven. We can appeal on your behalf, if you wish a way out."
<ADamiani> "Please... don't pretend that I'm naieve, as well."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "We may be your only road back out of the maw of Oblivion. We are the Censtors of Heaven.
Silent_Sunset is concerned at PSL's casual mentioning of Oblivion, but hides it
<ADamiani> She bites her lip and wavers for a moment.
<Silent_Sunset> "A Celestial Prison ... that is one possibility yes, but there are others!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover takes a risk at revealing Gold-Faction only knowledge of Abyssals - they have *1* in their care. But that may be enough.
<ADamiani> "Such as?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You may be able to secure some peace for both you and your beloved. But all of this, *all* of this, rests of what reports we make, in regards to *you*."
<ADamiani> eyebrow arch.
<ADamiani> Her eyes narrow at PSL's offer.
<Silent_Sunset> "There are oaths you could take, that would not imprison you. There are agreements that could be made, resulting in your return to Creation as a free woman."
<ADamiani> "... a word of advice. Don't promise what it's not in your power to deliver."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "That, depends on you, Blackling. Cooperate, turn your back on the Black powers, and we will plead for leniency."
Platinum_Sky_Lover nods in support if Silent.
<ADamiani> She seems to pause in thought.
<ADamiani> "Sour Ice Phoenix is now as beyond your grasp as she is beyond mine."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I can't speak in regards to Sour Ice Phoenix. However, I can tell by your eyes that you *know*. You *know*! That, if you are willing to suffer and sacrifice and feel compassion and refute Death, that you can have your *NAME* back!
<Silent_Sunset> Recap: "Not in our power to deliver? There are indeed such things, but freedom is not one of them."
<ADamiani> SS: "It is for Sour Ice Phoenix."
Silent_Sunset looks bewildered
<Silent_Sunset> "The flow Lethe is her way for freedom. The natural passage into a new life, in which you could meet her again in a new incarnation."
<ADamiani> PSL: "An... intriguing suggestion. But your Sun God would know a forced repentence. It seems... implausible at best."
<Silent_Sunset> "And even if she lingers as a ghost, she can have that freedom by her own strength and with the help I am capable of giving her."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "The refutation of Oblivion - Life Continues. Life is unconquerable. Life will always find a way. You will be with her again, if you regain your name. if you refuse - all will be swallowed, devoured, lost, if your side wins."
<ADamiani> SS: she snaps at you! "SHE is DEAD, her souls have fallen to oblivion, and she is NEVER coming BACK. Damn you!"
Silent_Sunset staggers back as if hit
<Silent_Sunset> "Ob ... oblivion? That ..."
Platinum_Sky_Lover eyes widen as she smiles, dancing around Weeping Glass. "So you wish to think! But we who are the guardians of the strands of fate know that these notions of Oblivion are but lies! Her soul may even be shining out of a newborn's babes, right now!"
<Silent_Sunset> "... that is terrible. :("
Platinum_Sky_Lover opens up her hands, as she stands in front of Weeping Glass, bowing. "If you destroy the world, you destroy any chance of her being reborn. Is she worth fighting for? You'll need to think that over, between now and when you are brought before the Sun for judgement."
<ADamiani> She rolls her eyes.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Yes, Brother. Now, you understand the gravity of the current war."
Silent_Sunset is silent, a look of horror on his face at the profound *wrongness* of such an end, so antithetical to the mercy of Saturn
Platinum_Sky_Lover sighs, as she blows her hair out of her eyes. "I guess you don't love her then. Ah, well. Brothers, I leave her in your hands."
Hidden_Crystal remains silent, as his words would be useless, eyes wide. No one deserved such a fate. No one.
Silent_Sunset sighs as Platinum Sky Lover leaves
<Silent_Sunset> "Do you need more water?"
<ADamiani> "Water does not sustain the constitutions of my kind."
Platinum_Sky_Lover does stay, but she takes her seat in the back.
<Silent_Sunset> ((how does she look? Can we fix her in some more comfortable position?))
<ADamiani> That's about the time the big glowing guy's rikshaw pulls up.
<Silent_Sunset> "Nonsense! You are alive and the living need water!"
<ADamiani> SS: I was assuming a very uncomfortable shackled position, almost a rack. But You can definitely rearrange that.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I shall greet the Right Hand of Power, Brothers. Weeping Glass, think quickly. Your... *destiny* depends on it. And you are under the stars of Heaven now, not the Underworld."
<ADamiani> "Our unique physiology requires living blood for sustinance."
Silent_Sunset files that down and shrugs. "I'm sorry, we don't have any of that to spare right now. Will that be a problem?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover gracefully flutters outside, to meet Lytek and his entourage.
Silent_Sunset whispers: "Try to delay him some."
Platinum_Sky_Lover whispers back - "I doubt I will be able to. He's the right hand of the Sun! I will try to, however."
<ADamiani> OK, Jiang and PSL, Lytek BURSTS from the carriage, in a whirlwind of glowing excitement!
<Silent_Sunset> ((For WG I'd say a simple chair, back to the wall, chained on it, but in a sitting position and with a little room to wiggle))
Jiang stands up and bows "Lord Lytek. I see you recieved my message."
<ADamiani> L: "I received a note? You've actually captured a LIVE specimin?"
<Jiang> "Yes. She's chained up in my basement."
Platinum_Sky_Lover spins around! "Master!" She kowtows.
<ADamiani> Lytek claps his hands together delightedly. "Excellent! Most excellent! Is she intact? You haven't begun a disection yet, have you?"
Jiang shakes his head "We are questioning her, and she is proving most.. intractable. Before you vivisect her, we would appreciate a chance to acquire some information she possesses."
<ADamiani> Lytek: "Information?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Oh great master. Not that we weren't tempted. She is a Sorceress of at least the Celestial Circle. Yes, please, follow me. Please, let me take your outer robe. Are you certain you wouldn't like some tea before we begin the examination?"
<Jiang> "About our murdered brothers."
<ADamiani> Lytek rubs his hands together and makes an unpleasant face: "Ah. Yes. Your brothers. About that. Yes. I'll see what I can do, if you'll turn her over to my custody? I'm really quite anxious to begin..."
Jiang nods "Follow me, please." He starts in, heading down to the basement.
<Jiang> "It should be a simple matter to break her will with charms."
Platinum_Sky_Lover looks to Lytek, concerned. "Master. I believe that she was called by the Sun before she ... became what she is. For mercy's sake, is there some way we can save her?"
<ADamiani> Lytek: "Almost certainly out of the question-- I've never had a live Abyss-tainted solar essence to experiment on before, this is too good an opportunity to pass up."
<Jiang> "We do need her knowledge first, please. After that, you can do as you wish."
<ADamiani> Lytek: "Yes, of course, knowledge first, I'll let you know what I uncover-- I can be extremely persuasive."
Jiang nods shortly "Excellent."
<ADamiani> One sec. I need to consider the next line very carefully to make sure I have my facts straight.
<ADamiani> Lytek is positively cackling with glee. New toy day!

<Silent_Sunset> Recap: "There are oaths you could take, that would not imprison you. There are agreements that could be made, resulting in your return to Creation as a free woman."
<Silent_Sunset> "Are you wed to the cause of Oblivion, that has taken Sour Ice Phoenix from you forever?"
<ADamiani> Weeping Glass: " 'Free' to be murdered by my master?"
<Silent_Sunset> "To be murdered by him? Are you not a great sorceress? Are you not equal to the task of protecting you? Is not the Silver Prince's power weak in the Far East? And would he not rather wait for you to reconsider than to throw away his investment?"
<ADamiani> WG: "No. The rational course of action, if I am impaired as an agent, is to murder me and use my essence to create another."
<Silent_Sunset> "There are powerful groups within Creation. The Solars are being reborn and they have begun to reclaim their destiny. Some of them have assembled to form the philosophy of Illumination - they might be able to protect you, if you cannot yourself."
<ADamiani> WG processes something: "Wait... Lytek is HERE?"
Silent_Sunset frowns. "Indeed ... and I'm not sure, what options he is going to offer you."
Hidden_Crystal thinks darkly to himself "...if any at all...", but does not voice his thoughts.
<ADamiani> Weeping Glass begins laughing.
Silent_Sunset looks confused and a little worried
<ADamiani> WG: "He'll kill me just to shut me up."
<Silent_Sunset> "Who? Lytek? Jiang?"
<Silent_Sunset> "... shut up about what?"
<ADamiani> "... you really don't know?"
Hidden_Crystal shakes his head. "No."
<Silent_Sunset> "Know what?"
<ADamiani> "I assumed, by now that Sorrowful North would have filed his report?"
<ADamiani> "Perhaps you should go talk to him?"
<Silent_Sunset> "I haven't gotten my copy, yet ... maybe you could enlighten me, so to speak?"
<ADamiani> "I see."
<ADamiani> "... then it would seem I have more than I anticipated to bargain with."
<ADamiani> She smiles a little.
<Silent_Sunset> "... and yet, if I understood correctly, less time ..."
<ADamiani> "Alright... I think we can come to an arrangement."
Silent_Sunset looks over his shoulder at the stair
<ADamiani> WG: "... but if we are to come to terms, I believe you must first figure out some way to keep me out of Lytek's clutches."
Silent_Sunset looks a little ... uhh ...
<ADamiani> WG: "Tell me, Sidereal... do you follow the Bronze camp or the Gold one?"
<Silent_Sunset> "You mean away from him? Safe from him? Away from here? I can't simply take away from here, you know ..."
Hidden_Crystal steps a little closer, quietly.
Silent_Sunset is alarmed at her knowledge. "Neither and I don't support that inane separation either."
<ADamiani> "Mmm hmm. So you would have no political reason to conceil knowledge of treason amongst Heaven's higher ranks?"
<Silent_Sunset> "No political reason, no."
<ADamiani> "Ah."
<ADamiani> "If you want to know what I know about it, then, you'll have to keep Lytek from silencing me."
<ADamiani> And that's about the time L arrives

<ADamiani> He's at the doorway, being harried by an enthusiastic retelling of the capture.
<ADamiani> Everyone is back in the room again.
Jiang gestures to the pink clad Abyssal "There."
Platinum_Sky_Lover keeps her silence. He's never seen Lytek go to town on an Abyssal before.
<ADamiani> Lytek: "Ah, most excellent. Oooh! Daybreak caste, I'd know it anywhere!"
Silent_Sunset flinches at Lytek's arrival, bows deeply to him
<ADamiani> L: "Ah, you realize she'll have to be transferred to my private facilities for a proper analysis to occur?"
Hidden_Crystal bows deeply to Lytek, (hopefully) not showing anything of what he's really thinking.
<Jiang> "We would like to observe, to ensure our investigations proceede."
<ADamiani> Lytek nods briefly to each of you.
<Silent_Sunset> "She's a Bureau of Destiny prisoner, so ..."
<ADamiani> L: "I'm really quite sorry, but I'm afraid I don't see how that will be an option."
<Jiang> "If that is unacceptable, then we will need to detain her here for debriefing."
<Silent_Sunset> "... naturally its agents will have to be present."
<ADamiani> L: "I'm certain we'll be able to glean all the relevant details from her shard once it's extracted."
<Jiang> "After we have finished, she can be remitted to your custody. We would be obliged if you could provide us with proper artifacts for restraining her."
<Jiang> "Unfortunately, our investigation is of paramount importance."
<ADamiani> L: "And, of course, I will cooperate in any way I can-- by extacting the memories directly, and eliminating any recalcitrance or deception."
<ADamiani> "I'm afraid I don't have any *portable* facilities for long term exalt incarceration..."
<Jiang> "The risk is to high. Your extraction of our brother's memories was exceedingly helpful, but there was some loss of information."
<ADamiani> L: "Because I had /already/ proceeded with the cleansing process, hence the degradation of the memories."
<Jiang> "The Abyssal shard may have unexpected traits that prevent the extraction of memories. We can finish our interrogation in an hour or two, if you would provide us with proper interrogators."
<Silent_Sunset> "Certainly such a brief span of time will not be inconvenient to you? Preparation would take some time in any case, wouldn't they?"
<ADamiani> L: "I'm rather eager to get her to my facilities, to prevent her from doing anything to escape, including taking her own life."
<Jiang> "Then we will interogate her at your facilities. After that, you may do as you wish."
<ADamiani> L: "... ah, yes, of course, anything I can do to assist the Bureau!"
<ADamiani> WG smirks.
Silent_Sunset bows "It took only one of us to prevent her from casting spells and subduing her. Four Chosen of the Maidens will certainly suffice, yes?"
<ADamiani> L: "I'll just load her into my Rikshaw..."
<Jiang> "We'll go with you, sir."
Silent_Sunset nods
<Silent_Sunset> "It would be terribly shameful to us, if she tried anything against you."
<ADamiani> L: "I'm not certain there's room..."
<Jiang> "Lord Lytek, how long have we known each other?"
<ADamiani> L: "Some considerable period of time, I expect."
<Silent_Sunset> "You can call the clouds, can you not, oh Daimyo of Exaltation? That would solve all problems of transportation."
<ADamiani> L: "It would be a censurable offense!"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Someone censure you, Master? Certainly, you jest. You are the right hand of the Sun himself!"
<Jiang> "Then you know that I am not a reasonable person. We will walk to your office if there is not room in your rickshaw. It should take us less than a week."
<ADamiani> To PSL: "And am thus under constant scrutiny."
<ADamiani> L, sensing your tenacity:... but..> I suppose.. in this one instance, an exception might be made.
<Silent_Sunset> "Of course ... keeping our interrogation here would keep the scrutinity away from you until preparations are made for careful transit."
<ADamiani> L: "It's terribly insecure."
Silent_Sunset looks slightly insulted at that
<ADamiani> L: "I'll call the clouds, and tell the censors what they can do with their damnedable audit!"
Silent_Sunset quickly smoothes his face over again, though L will certainly have noticed
<Jiang> "Good."

<ADamiani> Cut to Lytek's holding cells
<ADamiani> Lytek is pacing anxiously along the outside of its orachlium bars. You have access to the cell and its prisoner.
<Silent_Sunset> On the way Silent whispers to Jiang while L is busy looking over WG: "We need more time alone with her. Without *him*."
Platinum_Sky_Lover shakes her head. "I doubt you'll get it, or whether or not there will be much left. Why? He'll extract everything we need to know."
Jiang nods "Lord Lytek, we need to fill out the appropriate paperwork. Forms 23x-234csa-bbx, through 28x-500csb-bbe
<ADamiani> He nods. "Very well." He gestures. "My servants will direct you to the appropriate paperwork..."
<Jiang> "Unfortunately, sir. Due to coda 117-gn3-891, it's a Censurable offense to finalize paperwork without both parties being present."
<ADamiani> "Of course. Good old coda 117-gn3-891. Ahh, the memories..."
<ADamiani> "Come, but let's be quick about it..."
Jiang nods and follows him off to do the paperwork.
<ADamiani> You have rid yourself of the meddlesome God.... for now!

Silent_Sunset smoothely turns to the others the moment L is out the door: *whisper* "She has information, Lytek might not want to turn over to us."
<Silent_Sunset> Hali hovers around the door, ready to keep Silent apprised of possible arrivals
<ADamiani> She's presently examining her shackles.
<Silent_Sunset> Back to Weeping Glass: "So ... you have gained this concession from us."
<Silent_Sunset> "Now, I think it would be time to lay open your cards."
<ADamiani> "No. Not all of them. Just... enough to keep Lytek from vivisecting me, maybe secure a minor supply of blood...."
<ADamiani> "... how much do you know?"
<Silent_Sunset> "That in itself is quite a bit ..."
<Silent_Sunset> "But how about you start at the beginning in bullet points and we will tell, when we would like elaboration?"
<ADamiani> "... how about just a taste? Something Lytek would kill me to cover up. ... how many of you know a Sidereal named Sorrowful North?"
Silent_Sunset inclines his head slightly. "Only passingly, though we do know what his task was."
Platinum_Sky_Lover remains silent, all throughout, at the back, frowning slightly.
Hidden_Crystal nods. Once. Very slightly.
<ADamiani> "So you know he was attempting to discover how my master was able to find and open the Jade Prison?"
Silent_Sunset hides some surprise. "That is an aspect I'm not familar with - though I haven't finished with the file, yet."
<ADamiani> "The file?"
<ADamiani> She looks surprised "Wait-- what his task WAS?"
Hidden_Crystal doesn't say anything: he doesn't trust his voice to not betray any surprise.
Silent_Sunset waves a hand haphazardly. "Oh, you know. There are record of just about everything here."
<Silent_Sunset> His expression becomes mournful then. "Was, indeed. His shard returned a few days ago."
<ADamiani> "That's... unanticipated. We knew he didn't come to skullstone because he didn't trust his fellow Sidereal Exalted, we assumed he had survived..."
<Silent_Sunset> "... why did his fellows come to Skullstone?", Silent interjects.
<ADamiani> "They sought to rescue or assassinate Red Stone Rising."
<Silent_Sunset> "Uhuh?"
<ADamiani> "Having agreed to grant him sanctuary in turn for his assistence and certain information, this was obviously unacceptable; as they had enterred by the Calibration gate, they were not protected by treaty-- and my master is ever scrupulous about the letter of his treaties. When they resisted..."
<Silent_Sunset> "Mmhhh." Silent looks at his fellow Sidereals.
<Silent_Sunset> "When they resisted ... what did you do?"
Platinum_Sky_Lover still listens, intently.
<ADamiani> "... I think I've earned a stay of execution. I can tell you more, but I need certain assurances from you."
Silent_Sunset smiles. "You have proven that you possess knowledge that is of interest, indeed."
<Silent_Sunset> "Though ... in impeding Lord Lyteks efforts pertaining to your 'silence' as you put it, we would take considerable risks. Which poses a problem to us, though of course we do not desire needless pain. What is it, that he wants to remain quiet according to your earlier words? "
<ADamiani> "I... have reason to suspect that Sorrowful North's investigation turned up a connection in Heaven."
<Silent_Sunset> "A connection in Heaven ... a connection somehow leading to HIM?" He gestures at the door. "How are we to believe that?"
<ADamiani> "If I tell you, you'll just let him carve me up."
<ADamiani> "You understand my dillemma?"
<Hidden_Crystal> "How *certain* is your reason? How solid whatever proof you may have?" Quiet and questioning, certaintly not confrontational or forceful. Simply a soft-spoken question.
<ADamiani> "It's... it's not the only thing I know."
<ADamiani> (that was an answer, of a sort, somewhat nervously)
Silent_Sunset looks uncertain "I'm not sure I do. You're proposing that you have information we will not get if he has his way, meaning to compel us by that risk of loss."
<ADamiani> "If you let him kill me, you'll never know."
Silent_Sunset looks at the others, the question in his eyes clear: Is there a way we can prevent that?
Platinum_Sky_Lover scowls. "I am more inclined to trust Lord Lytek than I am some minion of the Abyss. Of course a captured abyssal would intimate secret conspiracies and lies."
Silent_Sunset observes how Weeping Glass reacts
Hidden_Crystal considers, quietly, keeping an eye on Weeping Glass while doing so
<ADamiani> "Maybe. But can you take that risk?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Something that slaves of the Abyss can't understand, although perhaps at one time you did, is trust. I trust Lytek, and I certainly do not trust you. if I were skillful enough in such Sorcery, I would do to you as you intended to do to me."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I think I have a solution. But this must be heart felt, miss monster."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "You can plead for mercy and beg to request the Unconquered Sun for forgiveness. If you do this, then we can invoke the portion of heavenly law that protects Celestial Exalted while within Yu Shan."
<ADamiani> Eyeroll. "Yes, well, not having a convenient total, genuine and heartfelt instant conversion is rather a crimp in said plan."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "HOWEVER, you must be prepared to turn your back on Oblivion. you must sincerely work to regain your name. If you are not prepared to abandon your selfishness and pride, then I am afraid that there is nothing that at least *i* can do to dissuade the right hand of power from... carving - you - UP."
<ADamiani> "And you could effect such a personal transportation at will?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Well, Miss monster? We often don't have the convenient option. Consider it. YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT. Your cord is... about... to... be... cut!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover seems something you've never seen her before - genuinely angry.
Silent_Sunset looks over at the door. "Brother, sister? If you'd come over for a moment ..."
<Silent_Sunset> He takes a few steps away to speak in private.
Hidden_Crystal walks over to Silent
Platinum_Sky_Lover hmphs, as she turns her back on the Abyssal, to confer with her brothers and sisters.

Silent_Sunset rubs his eyes. "This is so confused."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "No, it's not. An enemy of heaven is using lies and deceit to sow confusion amongst us, and some of us think that we can manuever the situation to our exclusive control. I say that we trust Lytek, and be done with it."
Jiang comes in, frowning as usual. His hands are stained black with heavenly ink.
Silent_Sunset waves Jiang over
Jiang heads over
<Silent_Sunset> "Brother Jiang, please come. We need to discuss this matter and quickly."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Brother Jiang. Are we ready to make a decision? I say that she's not to be trusted, and to let Lytek have his way with her."
<Jiang> "I agree. There is no indication that Lytek is involved in any sort of plot, and I've been through his paperwork. Twice."
<Silent_Sunset> "According to her she possesses information, which Lytek would not provide to us for political reasons."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I know that if, for example, I were captured by the Deathlords, *I* would be lying my pretty blue eyed ass off to high heaven."
<Jiang> "What political leanings? He has no ties to either party."
Silent_Sunset frowns. "Are not the Solar Exalted of his concern?"
<Jiang> "Indeed."
<Silent_Sunset> "Might there not be some things he would not want everyone to know?"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "He's often considered to be backing our faction. He has gained much power with the return of the Sun Children."
<Jiang> "What, other than that the Gold Faction conspired with the Death Lords thirty years ago to free the Solar Essences, and that said Gold Faction murdered Sorrowful North and has been systematically murdering me for over a century? Can't think of a thing."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "It's important to remember, however, that the right hand of power's true loyalty is to only one source - the Unconquered Sun, with all that implies."
<Silent_Sunset> "I know, this is a really FAR reach, but ... she said something about the breaking of the Jade Prison and Lytek's power, that was lessened with the Ursurpation, has been flowering with the return of the Solar Exalted ... all I'm saying is, we shouldn't reject it out of hand.
<Jiang> "He's not involved in any such plot, though he is investigating it."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "So? This is all common knowledge. And how much worth is her word?"
Silent_Sunset raises an eyebrow at Jiang's words ... HUH? And common knowledge? He obviously didn't get THAT memo.
<Jiang> "So, anyways. I doubt she knows much of worth, other than a few names."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Liang, the Gold Faction did not come back into being until the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress and the mass re-arrival of Solars."
Jiang raises an eyebrow "Is that what they told you?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Gold Faction ... murdering you?"
Jiang rubs his neck "Yes."
Silent_Sunset is beginning to come apart at the seams
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Well, I don't take entirely everything at face value. And, I can see some people in my faction being stupid enough to do that."
<Jiang> "Indeed."
Silent_Sunset shakes his head. "There must be a middle way. In all things."
<Jiang> "I vote we find those responsible and start killing them."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "What? Do you think I believe everything that's told me? There's a reason I am Blessed Sky Crane's student and that I work in the convention of Water, and not Wood."
Silent_Sunset sighs
<Silent_Sunset> "No wonder Sorrowful North was murdered. Internal Affairs must be the most dangerous job you can have nowadays ..."
Platinum_Sky_Lover places a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "One of the first things that often end are our illusions about the world. Whether or not this is a curse, or a mercy, is hard to say."
Platinum_Sky_Lover points a thumb back at Wailing Glass. "As for miss smart mouth there, there's nothing that she knows that we can't find out. We *arethe Censors of Heaven."
<Silent_Sunset> "Illusions ... there are nothing BUT illusions in these days. All this Faction politicking, bickering for political power, and nothing else!"
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Yes. It is rather odd that we lose all sense when we are together in large groups, and that the wisest of us are the mavericks. Interesting."
Jiang looks at Sunset sourly "Kid. It's been that way for more than twenty thousand years. Even back in the good old days, when we could all agree on what kind of take out to order."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Oh, I second Jiangs motion."
<ADamiani> Weeping Glass calls over from the other side of the room:
<ADamiani> "If it helps, I can offer a rough estimate of how long you have until the total collapse of Creation."
<Silent_Sunset> "To kill those responsible? Oh, absolutely. The trick is in finding them out ..."
<Jiang> "We have a short list of names. The ur-gold faction, if you will."
<Jiang> "Sure, great."
<Jiang> "Give us what you know, and we'll slip you a shard of broken glass. What you do with it is your concern."
<Silent_Sunset> "As long as everything *worked* ..."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Bah. You're a slave to the loosers in the war, Miss Smart Mouth. If your so-called Lords were so great, they'd never have lost."
<ADamiani> "Lost?"
Silent_Sunset looks over at Weeping Glass. "Still, I do not wish an unkind death for her, no matter her crimes."
Platinum_Sky_Lover grabs some nearby silk cloth. She gags Weeping Glass!
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "I'm sick of your mouth."
<ADamiani> "Their victory is rather inevitable by this point... simple mathematics can demonstrate that---mmmph)"
<Silent_Sunset> "Hey! What are you doing!"
Jiang ungags her. "I was listening to that."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "So was I. That's why I gagged her! She grates!"
Silent_Sunset whispers "Brother, Sister, let us not argue in front of her!"
Platinum_Sky_Lover waves away the gag in disgust. "I'll be in the powder room."
Hidden_Crystal rubs his head and feels a headache. He wants to say something, but knows he wouldn't be likely be able to get a word in edgewise.
Silent_Sunset stays Platinum "Please!"
Silent_Sunset tries to herd the circle back into a corner to vote on this
<Hidden_Crystal> "May I point out something...*what* does she stand to lose? What does she stand to *gain* by lying? Her life, even if execution is stayed, is likely to be *forfeit* within a short time anyway."
Platinum_Sky_Lover shakes her head clear. In gutteral Low Realm: "OK. Thumbs up means that the bitch lives and we deal with her, thumbs down means we hand her over. I will lend my full weight to whatever the circle decides."
Jiang immediately thumbs down.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "She's a fanatic of this so-called 'Oblivion', dear. She is suffused with the power of the Deathlords, and she is devoted to their cult of Nihilism. She probably wants to martyr herself, and by sowing confusion before she dies, she accomplishes the aims of her lords.
Platinum_Sky_Lover puts her thumb down.
<Hidden_Crystal> "Even if we eventually kill her, two sides to every story. I would prefer to hear both, lies and deceit or not."
Hidden_Crystal puts his thumb up
Silent_Sunset wavers for a moment, then put his thumb up. "Nothing is lost by delaying Lord Lytek's procedure for a day or so, yet there might be something to lose ..."
<ADamiani> A tie!
<ADamiani> Dramatic music plays.
<Silent_Sunset> "Uh ..."
<Jiang> "Flip a coin?"
Jiang pulls out a jade piece and looks over at Weeping Glass. "Heads or tails?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Do any of you have the charm to call upon Auspicious Prospects for Fate?"
Hidden_Crystal shakes his head
<Jiang> "Nope."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "Heads, she dies, tails, she lives."
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "When all else fails, trust the Maidens."
Silent_Sunset looks dubious. "Then let us pray."
Jiang coughs and claps his hands. "Who shall lead?"
<Silent_Sunset> "Let me do it."
Silent_Sunset starts to whisper in rising and falling cadence, gradually growing from a barely audible hiss to a loud and clear chant. "Mercury, Maiden of Journeys, guide us along the path of Destiny. Venus, Maiden of Serenity, help us to bring your blessings to the people. Mars, Maiden of Battles, give strength to our arms in the battle for Creation. Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets, give us wisdom to know right from wrong and chose for the best. Saturn, Maiden of Endings, advise us in those matters of greatest concern, that which are of life and death - lend us your insight in this decision, for the best of all Creation.
Jiang flips the coin, sending it tumbling through the air. "Heads."
Silent_Sunset lets out the breath he was holding
<ADamiani> Jiang sees that the coin is coming down "tails" and deftly adjusts his catch, forcing a result of heads.
<Silent_Sunset> He looks in the round.
<Platinum_Sky_Lover> "It looks like it's heads."
Silent_Sunset smiles shakily. "It does. Well, that means ..."
Jiang nods grimly. "So the Maidens will it."

Jiang turns back to Weeping Glass "Good day, madame. May the Maidens regard you kindly."
Platinum_Sky_Lover smiles and snorts. "It looks as if her thread has been cut short."
Silent_Sunset walks past Weeping Glass, lightly resting a hand on her head. "May you find peace and escape the grip of Oblivion."
<ADamiani> I think we'll end the session with the camera zooming past the sidereals to close in on Weeping Glass, as it fades to black.
<ADamiani> The credits roll, against a background of her screams.