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== Lords of a Thousand Wings ==
Snow falls, more steadily and heavily on that day than before. The two of them walk on the path through the white-shrouded grounds of the Durant manse, its elaborate gardens quiescent under the blanket for the moment. Valencia is clad in a slender, simple gown, wings drawn close to her body, a white mantle covering all. Her expression is fairly indifferent on the outside, but Vorpal knows how much trouble the Durants have been giving her lately, it would be hard not to after having been involved in the preperation for the war up to now.
"Perhaps putting a more personal face on what we are all opposing will shake them." Valencia says in a low tone, looking up at the stately building before them. Not at all a rambling affair, one wing to either side, set up to present a good front. A good-sized mansion, the city house of the Durant family is. She looks to Vorpal almost absentmindedly. "As you are a deathknight. But we wouldn't want to scare them too much -- it will seem like I am twisting their arms overly."
'''Vorpal: ''' "In that case, we should make them see that this is not about politics", Vorpal responds, turning her hooded head away from the mansion. "Let me do most of the talking. That way, the blame will shift over to me and they won't feel that they would be giving in to you any further."
The Pale Angel has dressed a bit more formally for the occasion. Her torso is still protected by her soulsteel armor, but she wears it over a soft black coat cut in a military style. Her pantaloons have been tucked neatly into her boots, her hair spills out in a tidy pair of white streams from underneath her hood, and even the sword belt circling her waist has been set straight - all in all, her outfit is designed to bring forth the impression of a proper military officer.
"Oh and, one more thing, Lunar", she adds after a moment, her fingers drumming absently the pommel of her sword. "I may be a Deathknight, but to the world, I am a Ghost-Blooded mercenary. I'd appreciate it if you would play along with the image. I am an independent player, free for hire."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Ah, not to the world. Not all of it." Valencia replies lightly, gazing at the door as they approach it. No one is standing out in the cold -- the Durants are not that bad to their servants. "But I will play along with your fiction if you really desire such. A deathknight would have...a greater impact, however."
They reach the door, and Valencia raps with a knocker, waiting for a servant to answer.
'''Vorpal: ''' "It's not ''fiction'', actually", Vorpal says almost amiably as they stand back to wait for the servants' appearance. "It's merely a part of the truth, that's all. "
"Tell me", she then asks, "Do Durants have Exalts in their household?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''She smirks -- a rare thing with her. "That is quite true. But not the truth at the very bottom." Tapping her booted foot on the ground, beneath the shroud of her gown, she waits in front of the door. Perhaps the servants were busy, or the Durants were waiting a bit. Well, they'd open soon. Or something unpleasant might happen, she suspected.
"Lady Alinsie Durant is a Terrestrial, and of course there is a smattering of graduates from our esteemed school of magic..." She pauses for a moment before continuing, thinking on the house. "But I think the rest of their Terrestrials, such as they are, are not in at the moment. I know of none like I or the Prince, nor any...star-chosen."
'''Vorpal: '''Vorpal smiles lightly, gently pushing down the soundless chuckle that attempts to rise up from her throat. The truth at the very bottom, the Lunar says?
For a moment, she toys around with the image of how the Silver Angel would react if she revealed the truth at the bottom of the frightening figure known as the Pale Angel. Then she moves it aside, like a silly daydream it is.
"Hmm", she says aloud after a moment. "How much would you be willing to wager that there is a servant waiting on the other side of that door even now?"
'''The Durants: ''' "Or just having walked there? No money at all. Doubtless they want me to go away." Valencia raises a gloved hand once more, and with deceptive grace, raps the knocker against the door again, harder this time. "Alinsie is not the one you should watch out for, any in case. Her husband now..."
The heavy decorated front door finally opens, with a servant, looking fairly harried, standing there. 'Here for an audience with my lord? I can direct you to the drawing room. There may be a wait, unfortunately...'
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia raises an eyebrow at the servant, and they proceed to the drawing room, where he leaves them. Quickly. As if he has other duties. Looking about, the two of them can notice that the place seems a mite ''disheveled. ''
"Winter cleaning?" The Windian reflects amusedly. "Bit early."
'''Vorpal: '''"Perhaps they are preparing to move out from Windia?" Vorpal suggests, pulling her hood back with a sigh. "That often happens in cities at war."
A few absent sweeps of her fingers sets her hair straight, and she gazes idly around the room, trying to decide which would be the most comfortable seat to wait in. "Durant lands are far from Windia. Perhaps they are worried about their home."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"Not far enough." Valencia replies simply, leaving the rest unsaid. Her voice is soft, so only Vorpal can hear. "Or perhaps they are merely giving the appearance of being busy so we do not stay long."
"At any rate, watch out for the good head of the family. He is not a man to be trifled with." She leans surripulously close to Pale Angel, and whispers. "After all, he is probably the reason house de Windia fell."
'''Vorpal: '''"Oh?" She lifts a regal eyebrow. Finally making her choice, she grabs the hems of her cloak and lowers herself down into a chair. "What is lord Durant like, then?" Despite her nonchalant demeanor, she keeps her voice low - always good to be careful when treading possible enemy territory.
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''Valencia takes a seat as well, next to the other woman. It wouldn't do to shout across the room. Although...she would rather prefer the prince sitting next to her. Well, such things could be arranged later.
"A clever man. He won my daughter's hand afterall, concealed his motives from me for that long. Many of the lesser noblity follow his lead, especially since the de Windias fell. This war threatens him, but he will seek to keep the power he has in this country despite it."
'''Vorpal: '''"He married your daughter?" Now this is a piece of news Vorpal apparently deems worthy of lifting both of her eyebrows. "Alinsie Durant, wasn't it? Is she now your ally or enemy?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"Yes." Valencia responds in the same soft tone of voice. "She apparently loves him, do not ask me why." The older Windian shakes her head, then sniffs faintly. "I am no longer sure whether she is one or the other."
'''Vorpal: '''"Love", the Pale Angel says, and it is difficult to say whether she is being philosophical or sarcastic. "It's a complicated thing."
Leaning back in her chair, she strokes her chin silently for a moment. "So it is power he wants, eh? Is there anything more?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"House de Windia and House Durant had something of a rivalry going back...you can say it was in their blood to oppose one-another. The good Count merely made the latest stroke in the feud." Valencia keeps alert as she says this, but in a way that is hard to tell. She is gazing out of a bay window opposite their seats, idly looking about the room, noting various things. "I think we can both guess who will likely strike the next stroke, can't we?"
'''Vorpal: '''"It depends on whether she can work up her courage for it", the Pale Angel responds, almost sourly.
''And knowing her, once she does make her move, it will be quite a spectacle. ''
Vorpal has yet to decide how she should react to that. So instead, she draws a mildly mischievous smile to her face and gives a sidelong glance at the Lunar beside her. "But this only means that he has now turned his gaze to your house, doesn't it?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''Valencia scoffs, then raises an eyebrow at the other woman. "Mostly since the war began. Probably will attempt to sell me out to the Wyld Hunt if I am too much trouble. So far, my actions have been to help the country, not hurt their House."
'''Vorpal: '''"Aye", Vorpal nods. "You only need to convince him of that, too."
Powerful military lords and ladies were always dangerous players in the politics of any realm, and it was difficult for other lords to grow trust them. Vorpal deFay, if anyone, knows this all too well.
''But then again, '' the honest voice speaks out in the back of her mind once more, ''you never really attempted to invoke much trust from other lords, eh, Pale Bully? ''
'''The Durants: ''' They hear footsteps, across the hardwood floor in the hall outside the drawing room. Of course -- finally their 'host' has chosen to see them. Or been drawn away from whatever actual work he was doing. Neither of them can be sure.
He enters the room, a dirty-blond man of seeming early middle age, attired in fairly modest clothing. Like Valencia, one could say. His pale blue eyes regard each of his uncalled for guests as he sits across from them, the bay window at his back. "Greetings, Lady Silverstar. Pale Angel." His voice is moderate, forebearing. "My tardiness was an unfortunate necessity. To what may I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
'''Vorpal: '''''Lord Durant. ''
So this is the man who is the head of one of the most powerful houses in Windia. The man who had succeeded at stealing a Terrastrial's heart and whisk her away from her Celestial mother. The man who had changed the life of the Dark Angel so utterly.
The Pale Angel takes a moment to assess her opponent. Her eyes never leaving the man seated across them, she changes her posture ever so slightly, a subtle alteration that suddenly makes her seem a much more authoritative figure while still retaining the image of comfortability.
"There is a war going on out there", she begins without wasting any time on further pleasantries. Her tone is matter-of-fact, each word carefully chosen - polite but determined and, yes, dangerous, should she be treated wrongly. "Windia is in need of her defenders. I have come here to point out all the reasons why it would be better if you joined the effort, my lord Durant." The title she adds more out of etiquette than anything else.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia says nothing, instead regarding the moderately built, younger (compared to her) man with a somewhat passive attention. Letting the Pale Angel do the talking for now.
''A necessity to delay your meeting with us, perhaps. ''
'''The Durants: '''  One of the man's eyebrows rises, just a slight bit. So, the mercenary general would try to impress him in his own home? He does not remain unimpressed, but doesn't seem to show any signs of being overly affected by that either. "My House has indeed joined the effort, Pale Angel. Our forces defend Winlandia as do those of the our peers."
'''Vorpal: '''"Oh, we both know mere defense isn't enough", Vorpal responds with a little wave of her gloved hand. "To attempt to wait out the siege of the dead is foolishness. Why is it that the Durants have not joined the attack party?"
'''The Durants: ''' "Hmm." He looks quizzically at the Pale Angel, then shrugs. "The alternative offered, seems to be a mad attack against their defenses. I would not spend my troops vainly."
'''Vorpal: '''"In other circumstances, perhaps", Vorpal nods her agreement. "However, the difference here is that I will be leading these troops."
Leaning back in her chair, she adds almost genially: "And before you even ask, yes, I can tilt the scales in your favor. I was paid to do it, and so I will."
'''The Durants: ''' He looks directly at Vorpal, meeting her gaze with his own. There is little weakness in those pale blue eyes. Nerve replaces it, he had to have nerve to do what he did. To woo the woman he had. A graduate of the magical academy, but not an Exalt. No, he had nerve.
"I notice you no longer maintain a unit of your own, Pale Angel. It is thought in some circles that you are more willing to spend troops than you once were. Some circles." Not an insult, not delivered in a tone calculated to make it appear as such. But a statement. Her defeat, those years ago, had been noted by many in high circles. And what followed after.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Then some circles are wrong", Vorpal shrugs, seemingly not at all offended by the Durant's comment. After all why bother, since it was all false? "If you need a proof of my abilities, though, here is one for you."
She pauses, and when she speaks again, her voice is soft and silken, like a rapier being drawn from a velvet scabbard. "You are aware of the army of the dead that ravaged the countryside of Windia, yes? A teeming mass of walking corpses even Lady Silverstar here would not - ''could not'' face. This army was led by a deathknight, an Abyssal Exalted known as the Celebrant of Blood."
"I was paid to remove this army." She slides her hand under her cloak, loosens the strings of a large bag she has hidden there, and removes the object she has stored in it. "I had a couple of good men, and a little bit of warcraft at my side. Here is the result."
And thus, matter-of-factly, her eyes calm and steady, challenging the lord Durant to defy her, she brings forth the soulsteel skull of the Celebrant of Blood.
"Casualties on my side", she adds, holding the grisly trophy aloft. Light gleams sickly on its oily black surface, illuminating the souls within, barely visible shades of tormented faces slowly writhing in soundless agony. She tilts her hand, and the skull falls to the floor with a heavy, unyielding ''thunk''. "None."
'''The Durants: ''' Lord Durant listens quietly, noting the skull, and the rest of it. "I understand you were traveling with fairly exceptional people." He interjects at the end, before Vorpal can say more. The man was not quite sure what kind of exceptional, but they had an airship apparently not seen for centuries, and an air of power to them. They could all be chosen, he guessed. Or they could not. Either way. "What of normal subordinates?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia looks somewhat ruffled by Vorpal's words. It was not the sea of dead that daunted her, it was the suspicion she had of it being a trap, and the need to guard Windia itself from further strokes. But a victory was a victory. She may have not done as well, in any case.
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Always the skeptic, eh. ''
"My lord Durant", Vorpal sighs, once again leaning back comfortably in her chair. "I don't abandon my men. It is a principle I have. I know there are many tales about what happened during the Fall of the Pale Angel Brigade, but the truth is that I fought and died alongside my men." She shakes her head for an emphasis. "It is not an experience I plan to repeat. And so, I'm intending to keep my men alive, whatever the cost."
'''The Durants: '''  "I see." He could oppose her out of principle, but there wasn't much to do that wouldn't make it clear. So he decided to try another tack.
"Lady Silverstar is your employer, Pale Angel?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "No", the Pale Angel responds simply. "We only share a common goal. She lends me the troops I need, and I lead them to destroy our mutual enemy. That's all."
'''The Durants: '''  Well, that was all he needed then. At least if he suffered losses, it would not be solely his responsibility. In fact, these two were taking quite a risk, but he could appreciate that. He had done so himself, afterall. "I will see about getting you and the Lady Silverstar some of my troops then. Today."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' ''What a dreadful pain that will be for me if he loses most of them. '' Valencia thinks, not looking to the Pale Angel. ''I hope you can lead them as well as your reputation claims. ''
"Your cooperation is most appreciated, Lord Durant." She keeps the same aspect of formality toward him, despite being his mother in law. He had chosen to put distance between them, so be it.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Wonderful", the Pale Angel responds, bending her head in a gracious nod. "Your trust won't be misplaced."
Under the exterior, however, she cannot help but to wonder what kind of alternative way to take advantage of this situation the man has already discovered.
"Well", Vorpal says after a moment, rising to her feet. "We should go and prepare for the arrival of your troops."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''Valencia does as well, as the lord of the household makes a slight bow, and leaves the room with a departing word of luck. She proceeds to the front door, and the two are let outside. "That was...rather easy." She comments as they make their way down the snow-covered walk from the mansion.
'''Vorpal: '''"Perhaps a little ''too'' easy, if you ask me", Vorpal responds with a frown. "My guess is that he came up with another way to turn the situation profitable for him. But no matter." She shrugs. "As long as he provides the troops we need, it should be all right."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"Mmm, and doesn't try to run me into the ground." Which he probably would, at some point or another. "It never fails to impress me how dilligently he works at eroding my influence, as if I am some kind of threat to him."
'''Vorpal: '''"Aye, he seemed to like it when I tried to make you seem a bit less of a threat for him in this matter", the Pale Angel says, her boots crunching quietly on the snow. "I was hoping he would." She turns her head, aiming a meaningful glance at the Lunar. "That is why I had to say what I said about you."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"Mhmm." The Lunar says as they make their way down to the gate. "I gathered that. At least you didn't go too far."
There was a level where her pride began to get pricked, but she could appreciate such measures for the most part.
'''Vorpal: '''Vorpal, for her part, seems to be in an unusually talkative mood now.
"Technically, though, I wasn't lying", she says with a mild smile. "You could not nor would not go out of Windia to meet the enemy because you knew it to be a trap."
And technically, she herself ''did'' have only a handful of men and a bit of warcraft at her disposal when they fought the Celebrant, and, technically, the casualties on her side truly had been none. But there was no need to point that out now.
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"And technically, that was a brilliant victory. From the few things I managed to hear of it." Valencia adds, as they reach the gate, the gateman opens it, then deferentially bows. Valencia is still a noble -- and a powerful one -- no matter what his master thinks of her. Respect is due.
They leave the walled estate, begin to walk down the road.
'''Vorpal: ''' "We'll only need to make sure that the victory streak will continue", Vorpal says, accepting the bow with a wicked smile.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "It should." Valencia comments, looking heavenward for a moment, getting a snowflake in her eye. The sky was fairly grey today, summer would hopefully bring some blue in. "With the Bull helping us."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Aye." Vorpal nods, and takes several next steps in silence. "We'd do well to keep an eye on the movements of his troops as well. A man with world-conquest in his mind bears looking out for."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"He doesn't want the world." The Windian states, sure that it is the truth. "Merely the country. Ruling from behind the throne, perhaps a bit more."
'''Vorpal: '''"Hmm? What makes you say that?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"I think he gathered how nasty the world is."
'''Vorpal: '''"Yes, but he's a Solar Exalted. He intends to purge it."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"Oh, you meant the Bull." Valencia shakes her head, thinking about other things was not good when conversing. "Yes. He intends to rule us all."
'''Vorpal: '''"Yes, the Bull", Vorpal affirms. "Durant is a snake, but I don't think you need any advice about how to deal with him."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"None at all. I could handle him perfectly well if it were not for this crisis."
''And the Bull as well, that whelp does not think he has to fight more than one enemy at a time. It will prove his doom. ''
"So long as the Bull receives no further goads at our solidarity," She makes obvious reference to that one night. "Then he will keep his distance."
'''Vorpal: '''The reference hits home.
"That", Vorpal says evenly, keeping her eyes strictly at the road, "was not me."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' The Windian snorts quietly. "And that woman your old self hit upon, was not Moranine. My memories put the esteemed ancient as much ''milder'' than the vicious thing she is now." Her voice becomes softer as she says that. "It would be a shame if you had to suffer for the actions of this not-you."
"She will kill for those kinds of things, our Selina." Steel grey eyes flicker to Vorpal, serious. "I have kept my eyes and ears open to her once she resurfaced, and what she has become is vindictive when wounded. You know the sort."
'''Vorpal: '''"I know the sort, yes", Vorpal nods matter of factly. "And I also know that she will want to kill anyone who gets his hands over me before she does." She lets out a short chuckle. "I suppose I should be honored."
''Moranine? ''
That is another name that stirs a faint memory. Nothing much, just another someone she feels she should recognize. Nothing like the powerful feeling that had welled inside of her at the mention of the name of Bas -
-- she pushes the thought firmly off her mind.
''Not now. ''
"There is another favor I'd like to ask you", she then begins, changing the subject. "Windia has an extensive collection of First Age texts, yes?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"We have ''some''. Why?" Valencia looks to the deathknight, somewhat suspiciously. "It is not easy to get access to them, in any case. Were you to require some, I would have to retrieve them."
'''Vorpal: '''"I would appreciate whatever information you could gleanse about a woman named Sati, the Daughter of Destruction, Crimson Blood on Virgin Snow."
She turns her gaze, looking Valencia directly into the eyes, her mien calm yet determined. "Yes. Me."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"As for honored, do not be so quick to come to that conclusion." The woman chuckles low in her throat, almost viciously. "Pray you haven't become an obsession for her. I am glad she stays away from me."
Not that there was only one. That dead relationship they'd carried on back then, it still had some grounding, didn't it?
"Were this another, more idle time, it might almost be entertaining to see what kind of fallout comes from not-you making moon eyes at both of them in the same room."
"You don't want to be her." Valencia says simply. "She is dead and buried. Her foolish lover as well. Let them stay dead and buried, and muffle the voices in your minds."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal sighs. "Are you ''quite'' finished yet?" she asks, halting and lifing her hands to her hips. "I've heard more than enough jabs about the actions of the not-me to last for a month. I was hoping you, at the very least, would be above such a thing. Trust misplaced, I suppose."
"As for my reasons for learning more about Sati", she adds, her tone growing cool, "That, Lunar, is none of your concern."
'''Valencia Silverstar: '''"It becomes my concern when you ask me to ferret out information on your past incarnation. My good name at risk (what is left of it anyway) because I am giving materials to someone not in high stead with this country right now -- for what? I like you far more than I liked Sati." The Lunar turns to face her, hands likewise going to her hips. And looking very much like an annoyed mother. "It is bad enough that Selina will probably come back without you and Cael resurrecting that airshipwreck of a relationship. Your 'private business' affects entire regions, Chosen. You can no longer act irresponsibly. Learn from your foolish, painful, '''selfish''' pasts."
'''Vorpal: ''' During the Silver Angel's speech, the Pale Angel slowly lifts her arms from her hips, and crosses them over her chest. An odd smile creeping to her lips, she listens silently for Valencia to finish.
"Tell me", Vorpal suddenly asks, "How old are you again?"
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Why do you ask?" She replies, raising an eyebrow, lowering her arms.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Because you are behaving like a schoolgirl playing a prude", Vorpal says, almost amiably. "Yammering about something done by someone ''who is not me''. Whining about relationships of someone ''who is not me''. Preaching away about the antics of someone who has been dead for a ''very long time''?" She chuckles, gesturing idly at her temple with a gloved hand. "Do you think every Chosen grows up into someone like Selina de Windia? Believe it or not, some of us are responsible adults, too."
She shrugs and lets her hands to drop by her sides again, the broad folds of her cloak falling back in place once more. "So this Sati had a relationship or two in her life. And? I may have a piece of her inside of me, but I am not her. I am the Pale Angel, and I behave like the Pale Angel. And, if you don't mind, I'd rather not have to listen to the accusations about deeds ''someone else'' did."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Make light of my fears, will you?" The Lunar says quietly, looking up at the sky for a moment. Her gaze tips back down to the deathknight, one eyebrow raised, something of a bemused expression on her face. "I am really a 'prude'. We were part of a circle once. It seems we will be again. And you are just going to have to deal with listening to my opinions. I sincerely apologize if they go too far, but fears get the best of us sometimes. You are quite free to voice some choice ones back at me if you like."
'''Vorpal: ''' The Ghost-Blooded has to admit that she is a little surprised at this turn of the discussion. Valencia, it seems, is stronger than she had expected. "Oh, I will keep your warnings in mind. Just..." She lifts her hands in a submissive gesture. "Enough about Sati. I'm angry enough with myself about what she -- ''I'' -- did already."
More than a little frightened, too, but unlike the Silver Angel, the Pale Angel does not feel that she'd be ready to admit that aloud just yet.
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' "Understandable." She replies with a nod, the bemused expression fading. The Windian looks down the road, and the other way. No one around. Not that many would be around here in force today. "Losing control is a frightening experience, but at least you embarassed the Dark Angel in equal measure, yes?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Suddenly, she chuckles, shaking her head and heading off once more. "That I did. You should have seen her mien the next time we spoke with each other... She indeed was ready to kill someone."
'''Valencia Silverstar: ''' Valencia nods in acknowledgement. "That's why I ventured it's best to be careful. Not that she is the only one hazardous to be around, but it is best not to take chances with someone that...mercurial."
"I have seen others like this before." Valencia remembers some of those others. "Oh yes."
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