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== A Play of Blood and Betrayal ==
<b>Alexsei: </b> Slowly emptying his lungs, Alexsei tries to fit together the pieces of insight that just came to his understanding. <i>The North... The north is in grave danger... I doubt this encounter was a mere stroke of luck... Perhaps the prophecy...</i>
For the second time today, images flow through his mind. Fate ripples. But not with insight this time.
Glamour. Prison. Incapacitated. Soon.
<i>Oh, for the love of Saturn... What now?</i>
Reacting as fast as he can, Alexsei jumps to his feet, turning to Melody. "My lady, I am sorry to seem so hasty... But there is danger coming. And fast. We are threatened by Glamour, and you should make sure all the inhabitants of this Tower are aware of the danger..."
<i>That has to be the worst headache I had in years...</i>
"Ryshassa, your majesty, lady Anne... We have to find were Cael is - I sense great danger upon us, and I fear wqe have to keep together to make it... Sorry not to be more informative, but time is short..."
Glancing worriedly in the direction Cael went, Alexsei summons Epilogue in a burst a violet essence, taking a deep breath to focus his mind. Concentrating on his ring, he lets his thoughts fly freely to his wife...
<i>I am sorry about all the commotion, Ryshassa... I will tell you more once we are safe and sound. I promise.</i>
<b>Falling Dusk:</b> "A... Glamour, you say? But that cannot threaten us, Alexsei... the Theater is fully warded against the magic of the Fair ones, by wards of Iron Power, and strips painted with it!" He says. He does not try to dismiss it, knowing Alexsei's feelings cannot be wrong... can they?
<b>Alexander: </b> The staff appears on his hand.
<i>You are a chosen, Alexsei?</i>
<i>Violet light?</i>
<i>What <b>are</b> you Alexsei?</i>
<i>Violet light, violet light...</i>
<i>Ten Thousand...</i>
Alexander does not draw his blade either. In a flash of white light, it is on his hands, "What is coming? How do we stop it?"
<b>Cael: </b> Cael pushes open the doors of room having been standing only just outside, then striding into the room looking calm and not at all like someone who has just recieved a death threat from a sorceror of the Sapphire Circle.
"I fear we all in danger ..."
<i>Wait, what has happened in here?</i><br>
<i>What is that light fading around Alexsei? </i><br>
<i>What is that weapon he is holding? </i><br>
<i>What is he?</i>
"...The Ashen Tears Prophet has decided I must be removed from the game." he continues with hardly a pause for the thoughts that race through his head.
"What has happened here?"
<b>Alexsei: </b> "Far from me the idea of doubting of the security of the Tower, my lord... But the danger I feel is pointing to a Glamour... A prison. I would not want any of the inhabitants to get harmed... Please. I beg of you... Do not ignore this threat."
Alexsei turns to the young Prince. "My lord, I am afraid my vision does not show the exact nature of what is threatening us. Only that it is coming, and soon... We must watch each other, and makes sure Lady Anne is kept safe."
<b>Falling Dusk:</b> "I shall not." Eyes closed, all the stars on Falling Dusk's skin shine with burning light.... stronger and stronger, beggining to resonate, with a crystalline sound, with the room... and then, all the black diamond walls and floor shine with stars of their own, the color the same fiery hue of orange, red, yellow and black mixed together to the point it is all one, a sunset-colored night sky all around them, as he becomes one with his Manse and his land...
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa nods once, without protest, and rises fluidly to her feet, the Caduceus obediently following her motions. In such crucial situations, she knows very well to trust Alexsei's premonitions, for they have saved both of their lives many a time.
She frowns slightly, though, at the reactions of Alexander and Cael, who seem to recoil somewhat as her husband summons his weapon -- or perhaps, at the nature of the Essence this motion exhibits. <i>There will have to be time for explanations later. For now...</i>
Her eyes are on Alexsei, her body tense with anticipation, her mind steeling itself for what is to come.
<b>Alexsei: </b> "We are threatened by Glamour, Cael. This place is not safe at this moment..."
Once again, he takes a moment to focus on the ring on his finger. <i>I do not know if we will have to evacuate, Ryshassa... But this is where the work start for us. If we ever get seperated, please keep lady Anne safe from harm, belladonna... If this happens, I will find you again, later. </i>
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> "... No!"
The spirit of the Theather of Falling Dusk, spiritual leader of the Seven Sages, trembles then.
"On the Northwest tower, on the south entrance, on the Northern path... the wards are broken! A clear path... a clear path for the glamour to enter."
"How could I not know of this... who did this?"
<b>Ryshassa:</b> <i>Of course I will, beloved. I am not a combatant, but I can do my best to shield her from harm. But if that is the case, you had best be careful, in my absence.</i> Her hand dips to clasp his, tightly, and though she does not come any closer, the ache for a kiss flickers but a moment as she meets her husband's gaze.
Moments later, she steps reluctantly away from him, allowing her eyes to drift shut despite the hammering of her heart. Forcing her breathing into meditative regularity, she summons to herself Essence with which to strengthen her body to withstand attack.
Thus bolstered, she turns her attention to the others -- gods and Exalts both -- gathered together in the tower. "And where is Anne now? It would be best if we were not seperated during this crucial time, I fear. Though I wish there was more we could do *now*... besides wait."
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> "She is with Jugen, he can take care of her.... how long do we have, Alexsei? We have to act. Now!"
Falling Dusk moves with grace for a moment then, and his burning stars become a little more... violet. Alexsei recognizes the stance - the form of the Violet Bier, a martial artist of the same school as himself.
<b>Alexsei: </b> "Ten minutes, at most. I cannot pinpoint the source, or the exact manifestation... Though I saw vines, growing on diamond, on clouds... Even on spirits... Vines filled with Miasma... A miasma that would cause stasis. I do not know exactly how to counterattack the threat, however..." He ponders a moment, watching Falling Dusk fall into a stance very similar to his own.
<i>Night is falling. And all of us here in the same room. Who is attacking us here?</i>
<b>Cael: </b> Cael flickers like a dream as he wraps his defensive magics around and through his body, ready flow like blood from an attack from any direction.
"It is an attack instigated by the Ashen Tears Prophet, I think. That is who the message I recieved is from. He has decided I am too much of a threat to be allowed to continue to oppose him. Alex, it appears we took care of the Celebrant a little too well."
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> "Ten Minutes.... we can take some of the Iron for ourselves... I cannot feel the stashs of Iron. There is a betrayer here! Any of you know how to work wards? Could you do this in short notice?"
<b>Jungen: </b> "…no, no I hardly think they will believe you were apprenticed to Morrianne's ghost for seven years, but it's no more outrageous a claim than most applicants make. Might even be considered rather mild." One set of foot steps. One voice. But two figures. Jungen floated graciously at Anne's pace as he lead the young mortal back into the room, arms folded across his chest and eyes hooded and tired. There was a slight tick in his eye brow and a clenching strain to his fingers, but he smiled at the girl with patience and benevolence.
Obvious to the climate of the room, the young god lifted his head as they entered and feigned wide-eyed cheer through his blue-lensed spectacles. "Ah, yes, you lot! How marvelous to have found you at last! My young protg here has been acclimatized to the practice of alchemy and seen the wonders of enchantment." He beams a bright smile for a moment, giving Anne a dainty, cautious pat on the head with the tips of his fingers.
Then his brow ticks again and furrows into the deep irritation he had been struggling so hard not to display to the girl. "But do you think I do not have enough to worry about without having to play children's games? The girl does not even know simple characters! What were you thinking? Why did you never teach her? The art I patron is difficult enough without even being able to read or write research materials! How is she ever going to keep a log of her studies? Shall she <i>sing</i> her enchantments like some nave backwater village shaman?"
A deep sigh from a soul who has just been through wear and hardship absolute, Jungen shakes his head and then reaches up to perch his glasses higher on his nose. "At least she didn't blow herself up as so many of my apprentices seem prone to Well, I've done all I can for her. We, and by that I mean <i>I</i>, wrote a lovely letter of recommendation to those silly stuffy ancients in Great Forks, detailing all the <i>wonderful</i> things the child has…"
Jungen chose to take notice of the others in the room only at that moment, lips quirked to the side and one eye narrowed while he raised the brow above the opposite. "Why are you all standing around waving your weapons about like a lot of buffoons?"
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa looks immensely relieved to see Anne in their presence again. Offering a brief, gracious nod to Jungen -- choosing to treat his behavior as a matter of course -- she quietly positions herself closer to the girl standing beside him. She waits for Alexsei to explain, though, as he had seen the coming threat most clearly.
<b>Alexsei: </b> Looking back at Falling Dusk, Alexsei shakes his head regretfully. "Unfortunately, I do not know anything about Wards, my lord... At least, not how to set or remove them. I am of no use in that respect..."
Jurgen and Anne's entrance, as surprising as it comes, is of a great relief to Alexsei.
<i>Good. With us not scattered to the four winds, we have a better chance to organize our defense... </i>
He bows to the god, managing a soft smile despite the tension of the moment. "I apologize for the mess, my lord... But we are in a critical situation - Glamour is coming, Wards have been broken and we all are in danger. Ten minutes, at most, until vines break in and emprison us all. We must act quickly."
<b>Cael: </b> "I know little of wards and protections, I am afraid." he speaks regretfully to the god studded with diamonds.
Cael turns as the god enters, relief showing on his face as he sees that Anne is with him and that she is alright smiling at her. As he notes Ryshyssa's movement towards Anne, he nods at her gratefully.
<i>Thank you for protecting her.</i>
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> Falling Dusk smiles as the Thaumathurge God of the Boil comes in.
God of Thaumathurges, of wards, alchemy, formulae, of the forbidden sciences practiced by man. He knew the boy would save them one day. He knew. His white toga fluttering as he turns to Jungen, he makes a sweeping gesture, "Jungen, Alexsei has seen a threat in our future. There is a work of glamour coming straight towards us... and our Wards have been breached in three places. We lack for Iron as well. We have been sabotaged... can you create a ward in short notice? If it comes and we are defenseless..."
<b>Jungen: </b> The thaumaturgic spirit takes the news with a start, jerking backwards and upwards into the air. "That... that's impossible!" he snaps at the Alexsei, giving the Chosen of Endings a look caught between fear and indignation. "I set those wards myself. They were crafted and set with the utmost care. Master works of the art!"
Halting his ramble, he peers down at the elder god. "Yes yes I <i>suppose</i> I could. It would not last long, but I could craft one strong enough to halt the enchantment from at least reaching those in this room. It will be shoddy though"
<b>Alexander: </b> "Whatever you <i>can</i> do... if at least we are protected, we can fight back! You said stasis, right, Alexsei? That means they will not die... if you cannot protect them all, then at least us! Time is running out, do it now!" He says, voice commanding of a Zenith, as he turns to the window... and sees.
On the distance, clouds begin to twist in the shape of tentacles. the ground, as well. Like a hundred thousand vines, like the world was taken by vines...
<b>Alexsei: </b> Gazing apologetically at the thaumathurge God, Alexsei inclines his head slightly. "I do wish to insult your work, kind sir. I only sensed the incoming danger... And Lord Falling Dusk has determined from where it would come..."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa glances in the direction Alexander now stares, her lips set in a grim line. "It comes. Whatever we will be doing, we must do it immediately."
Her words are not as loud or insistent as the Prince's, but they are urgent nonetheless. Uneasy, she rests a hand upon the serpentine curves of her orichalcum staff, hovering now between and slightly in front of herself and Anne. <i>If only the Caduceus could bring me some insight now, but glamour seems... beyond its expertise... </i>
<b>Jungen: </b> Only nodding to answer Alexsei and Falling Dusk, his face becomes a mask of resolve and focus. Jungen hold’s his hand outwards, palm towards the earth, and the huge tome chained to his belt lifts upwards, straining on the metal tether. Locks snap unbolt and the Secret Way opens with a rattle of dancing paper as the pages hurriedly flip themselves to the section he desires. Higher into the air, Jungen rises, revolving in place as he brushes the ceiling. The thaumaturgic god seems vibrate softly, a corona of midnight blue rippling around him. With a deft motion, he draws the blade of copper and basalt from his hip, emerald flame igniting across it’s length.
”<i>For unto thy eternal-self, let it be carved!</i>” The sword cuts through the dark radiance around him, coloring the edge of the flame in indigo. The passage of the blade carves characters into the air, holes through the darkness where pale light shines through. “<i>Ye who would oppress and make feast of our colored feelings, halt upon this threshold!</i>” A silent wind of Essence stirs through the air, rousing his clothing and hair to motion. “<i>Seek you passage here and through body and soul shall ye be torn <b>ASUNDER!</b></i>”
Thrusting upwards, the tip of Jungen’s blade crashes into the center of the ceiling and a howling torrent of blue-green lightening crackles across the walls as the dark radiance around him shatters like glass. Words of protection written in Essence-light on every shard, the pieces of blue energy strike and snatched by fingers of lightening arching off the walls and snapped into place against every doorway and window.
<b>Cael:</b> As jurgen's wards come down around the room Cael makes a dismissive gesture and a frown crosses his face, accompanied by a swirl of emerald essence. There is something of a glow around him, though none who bear him goodwill see more than than that.
When the attacker, whoever he or she or it was saw him it would be a different matter...
<b>Alexsei: </b> Watching silently as the God places the wards on the room around them, Alexsei grips Epilogue slightly tighter, glancing at the faces around him. "Here is our chance to fight back... We must not let this thing creep in, at any cost."
<i>They already suspect what I am, I can tell in the looks they gave me... And after this, there will be no guessing left. Let them know an agent of Fate stands on their side on this day...</i>
Diving in the patterns of Destiny, Alexsei focuses his attention to the vines creeping towards them. With a deep breath and a gesture, he calls on the blessings of the Maiden he serves, envelopping his form into their protective embrace, weaving their treads about himself in a protective web...
Taking on a stance similar to Falling Dusk's, Epilogue, his staff, breaking down in seven smaller sections that he coils around himself, Alexsei stands between the coing vines and the room, his violet eyes shining with added vigor.
Saturn, grant me your power and blessings... This madness ends NOW.
<b>Ryshassa:</b>Ryshassa is noticeably impressed by the god's show of power. Surely they should have at least some advantage now.
She grits her teeth -- <i>here and now, I will not be taken as a liability!</i> The determination of her will infuses with her Essence and further strengthens her slender, silk-robed frame, allowing her to at least partially absorb attacks that would pierce and rend her vulnerable flesh.
<b>Narration:</b> The room warded just in time, it came.
The darkly-colored vines, at blinding speed, taking the air, taking the clouds... the clouds becoming them, coming out of the earth, coming out the mount... they see everything be overrun by them, the view before them becoming as a great entwined bush... they her it coming in all other places of the Theather, trapping people, almost breaking door and window... and then, it stops. Leaving them there, surrounded by it... the sky in front of them through the glass now a labyinth of vines, forming paths, lights shining within... the room is secure. But they are now within some strange bush, a makeshift nest... right within it, and the only ones moving.
<b>Cael: </b> Cael looks out through the wards and the vines and the ... nest within the centre.
"Thank you, Jurgen for your timely warding, though unless we wish to be trapped here, we will have to deal with the vines. Which I think means going out ...there." He points towards the nest.
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "You are correct, Cael, but we must be careful not to bring harm to those ensnared." Her tone is particularly firm and uncompromising in relation to this point.
She gazes worriedly at the people trapped within--sleeping soundly, but nonetheless victims to this dark tangle of vines that has imprisoned them. A pang of guilt rises in her throat -- she had not even thought of the danger to the other inhabitants of the Theater. For these helpless individuals to pay when it is the rest of them who are the true targets of this attack -- no. It would be unforgivable to allow any of them to come to greater harm under her watch.
"These vines are but the distraction, though -- or, more accurately, the trap. Our enemy, I believe, has not yet arrived. Be wary..." <i>For these people would be easy prey to whatever will come...</I>
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei glances about, peering at the massive vines surrounding them, and the sleep-inducing effect it apparently had on the denizen of the theater...
He tries to peer between the branches of this grotesque caricature of a nest, adjusting his spectacles to see beyond the mass of tangles...
"This... The spell has apparently put these people to sleep... Or at least dulled their senses. But I have the feeling something is trying to put a stop to us - permanently. And that means these vines... might be only the way to put us down before the big kill..."
He nods to his wife, then continues to stare at the vines.
<i>Something is out there... Trying to get to us... </i>
<b>Merun:</b> And then, it hits the glass, from somewhere up, out of nowhere. The great round window was as great as the hall. And the creature... a frog of ice and snow, vapor coming out of it even in the cold of the North. The Frog’s limbs stick to the window, and begin to break it... its big eyes looking to everyone within... and on its back, a frog-man, clad in darkly, fluid silver, a Daiklave of bog water on his hand.
The glass shatters, splinters falling over all...
The frog-man stands atop the giant frog, the broken table beneath its gigantic bulk, the frog-man's skin horribly full of dots and growing things, his visage terrifying, like some slimy creature from deep within a bog... “Riiillo. Cael Pattona, Falling Dusk, Alexander Holysword..... cccompanionsss?” He says, speaking on a gurgled voice.. “Merun. Heeeerrrreeee to kill you.”
<b>Alexsei: </b> Covering his head with the sleeve of his robes as the strange, monstrous creature falls down in the room, Alexsei falls back instinctively before shaking off the shards of glass and risking a good glance at the one there to slay them.
<i>So, you finally show yourself. At last.</i>
Flipping his hair behind him, Alexsei resumes his stance, this time closing his eyes and tapping into the essence of fate once more, forcing the strands to dance around his weapon. When he opens his eyes again, a strange symbol is visible on his forehead... And he is now surrounded by a soft violet glow, wrapping his form like a halo.
<i>We will not fall here. This future will End before it comes to be.</i>
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa turns immediately to Anne, using her body to shield her from any shards of glass that may spray in her direction. The Caduceus hovers, as always, vigilantly close, ready to intercept any attack that comes their way. As the rain of glass shivers to a halt, she gazes apologetically at the girl for any unintentioned rough handling, before whirling to face the abomination before them.
With Anne slightly behind her -- she waits. Her continuing training in combat defense, under Alexsei's careful tutelage, keeps her stance alert and ready, but it is not she who possesses the expertise -- or the nature -- to commence the attack.
<b>Cael: </b> Cael stands stock still, the shards of glass phasing through his dreamlike body as the window shatters, moving away from the others, trying to draw the frog thing away from them as his hands trace out arcane twists on the air, kanji formed into golden, killing words on his hands.
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> His hands explode in red light of the Maiden of Battles, as he narrows his eyes to the frog-monster.
"Lunar Exalted. A slayer of gods. Our enemy chose well."
<b>Alexsei:</b> His eyes narrowing, Alexsei stares at the Chosen of Luna, his stance shifting slightly in order to bring the his balance to his right leg.
Crouching slightly to gain momentum, Alexsei sprints forward, epilogue coiled around his waist and shoulders like a great snake. a few steps before his target, he jumps, uncoiling the Serpent-Sting staff in a great arc and aiming for the frog's rider.
<i>May Saturn have mercy upon your soul, Chosen.</i>
<b>Merun: </b> The Lunar's great round eyes look down on the Sidereal... and smile. Moonlight trails down his oily-black blade as it shifts down, to parry one, two of his strikes. In each parry, a slimy mud comes out of the blade, oily-black, and guiding his blade.... so the third parry flows through the air, through fat like oil through water, intending to stop Alexsei's strike and hit him all in one move.... and failing.
The frog groans, and screams. Hit by the staff, slimy blood falls to the ground... and it gets angry. It explodes in light then, a darkening silver light, like of the last corona of the Moon.... and moving in an unrelenting fashion, not stopping his strikes until the chosen is dead, dead, dead!
<b>Alexsei: </b> He feels his blows going through the Chosen of Luna's defenses, the staff beating on the slimy skin and sending the Frog humanoid backwards... Only for him to utter an ugly sream and launch himself forward, counterattacking with blazing speed.
<i>Danger. Now.</i>
The attack comes towards him, breaking the wards of fate that he set in place, setting his senses on alert, screaming at him, urging him to be mindful of the counterattack...
<i>I cannot let this go through... I cannot!</i>
Letting his essence take control of his movement, the Chosen of Endings prepare to meet up the attacks, dancing in order to evade those he can, and letting his hands parry those he cannot...
<b>Cael: </b> Cael watches the strange man dance amongst the frog's hail of blows, miraculoulsy emerging unscathed, though glowing more ... that attack cost him dearly.
Cael spins the kanji around his fingers then lets them fly towards the man and the frog he rode in on, one slicing toward the man, two cutting into the frog.
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Alexsei..." The healer's eyes widen as her husband's amphibian opponent counters with an impossibly fast flurry of strikes. Equally swift, he manages to evade all but two of the blows. He is vividly violet now, the mark of Saturn shining distinctively on his brow.
She glances toward Anne -- <i>the gods will protect her just as well. I must now follow my heart.</i> As Cael hurls his golden calligraphy towards their foe, she makes her way towards Alexsei, her staff drifting close in front of her. She presses close to him from behind, briefly, almost indulgently, stroking his cheek and the sweat from his brow. "Not yet," she murmurs in his ear, the words echoing as soothing thoughts in his mind, through their rings. "You must not falter yet, beloved. Not while I still stand."
Through the contact of her fingertips on his features, golden motes of Essence glitter from her skin and are absorbed into his as darkly pulsing violet.
<b>Ryshassa: </b> As Ryshassa continues to feed Alexsei with Essence -- her Caste mark shimmering but minutely on her pale forehead -- the Caduceus arcs forward to catch the tongue before it seizes her.
<b>Falling Dusk: </b> The god of the Theather of Falling Dusk closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them... and smiles.
"I know where it is."
Is all he says, then turns to the Exalts, "I will take care of the Glamour. Good luck here."
And with those words, he shines like a burning sunset, and goes through a wall, which accepts him as part of the structure, his flare preventing the glamour from touching him...
<b>Alexander: </b> "You leave her ALONE!" Alexander says, his wings fluttering once as he goes towards the frog, "Jungen, look after Anne!"
A sweep of golden light, and he strikes the frog's mouth, intending to save Ryshassa from it... And barely makes it feel a thing, hitting little more than hard ice.
"What is this thing..."
<b>Frozen Frog: </b> The frog's tongue moves too fast, taking Ryshy from her position and moving its head like a pendulum, throwing her through the table where they were dining, scattering the plants and silverware, and bashing her against the wall with enough force to crush it!
But its tongue does not feel a thing.
It simply squeezes.
<b>Ryshassa: </b> Wrenched from Alexsei's side by the frog's sticky appendage, she is immediately launched into the air before she can even take another breath, smashing through furniture and cutlery. She lets out a *whuff* of pain and surprise when the tongue smashes her into the wall.
<i>Have... to get free…</i> Half dazed from the violent course of her trajectory, the tongue squeezing against her ribs, her back crushed against the wall, her fingers scrabble for purchase on the constricting loops of tongue. <i>This won't work... not strong enough...</i> Not knowing what else to try, she begins to wriggle, attempting to free herself out of all but her lowest layer of silken robes.
<i>If I can't force my way out.. I'll have to slip out...</i> She forces away her thoughts of decency, and works stubbornly, methodically at her task, no matter how uselessly foolish it seems -- refusing to believe she will have to remain captured and be saved yet again.
<b>Alexsei: </b> Somehow... he managed to come unscathed.
<i>This was too close. Way too close for comfort.</i>
Still shaken at the notion that he managed to survive such a destructive assault, Alexsei steps back only to fee a familiar presence behind his back...
Ryshassa's words comfort him, bring him more strength for the next assault. He stares intently at his target... Until a far too unpleasant sound brings his attention to the back of the room, where Ryshassa is being swung wildly across the room by the giant frog's tongue...
<i>No. Oh no.</i>
The newly renewed essence wells inside him, feeding his violet aura and surrounding his weapon in dncing purple flames.
"Release her, monster. Now!"
His aura flashes once, and he spins around, swinging the staff in a circular motion to give it momentum. Using the flailing end like a whip, he brings the weapon on the monstrous tongue, using the opposite end section of Epilogue to jab twice in precise strokes.
<b>Frozen Frog:</b> The Chosen of Endings' staff comes at the frog's tongue, the violet flames burning it, the strength and the crimson glow servering it like the Battle Maiden's blade. The tongue is cut, the tongue snaps, making Ryshassa fall, making the great Frozen Frog fall back, his tongue writhing madly, copious ammounts of blood coming from it, staining the ground and the walls with red, as the Frog wails... a strange croaking different from a sound any of them had ever heard....
<b>Merun: </b> He hurts.
His mascot hurts more
All from a.... staff. A simple staff. The man shone in the violet light of endings. Quick, strong... it was time to finish it.
His mascot almost throws the frog up, but in a nimble step, he moves out of the the writhin Frozen Frog... and prepares himself. “Yyyyooouuuu sssshaaalll <i>pppayaa</i> chosen!” he croaks, as his anima explodes in a silver-hued dirty water, many frogs appearing behind him, each lashing its tongue at Alexsei, stopping his legs, stopping his arms, leaving him <i>open</i>! His armor explodes in living appendages, eyes and hands of frogs, and his blade become... not a blade.
He holds a hilt, and above it, just a swirling whirlwind of oil and mud, of the things of the bog. It sharpens, and then, he strikes the Exalt... each rotation of the whirlwind a strike, each strike a torrent of something dark, dirty, infectious and poisonous going through the Sidereal’s fate to an end!
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa lets out a cry of dismay as the severed tongue uncoils around her body, dumping her unceremoniously to the ground, only partially disrobed. She shakes her head, momentarily disoriented -- but she still manages, with a single mental command, to send the Caduceus to aid her husband in blocking the attack coming straight for him.
<i>I would have rather -- no, but he was worried about me. I can't hold it against him if he <b>saved</b> me. I only hope that I can aid him, in return.</i>
Meanwhile, she begins to struggle to her feet, holding together the sash of her kimono with one hand, a single pale shoulder peeking from the layers of silk.
<b>Alexsei: </b> Breathing slowly, Alexsei looks with determination as the frozen tongue that was holding Ryshassa is severed, sending her back to the ground. He lets out the air contained in his lungs, relieved to see his wife free of the monster ensnaring her. HIs breath, however, is labored, hurried.
<i>I am spreading myself much to thin... This is not like me to rush to recklessly into battle... What I thinking?</i>
The reflection is not maintained for long. With a scream of rage, the Lunar Slayer rushes at him, invoking a storm of dirtiness and inky darkness, chilling him to the very core. He is caught within the whirlwind of essence, already anticipating the wounds from the Chosen of Luna's weapon, their sting tearing his being apart...
<i>N... No.... must... hold on...</i>
Drawing from the reserves of strength Ryshassa granted him, he forces himself to meet the attacks of his agressor, feeling the strains on the strands of fate surrounding him each time he is hit...
<b>Merun: </b> The strikes almost go through. Almost.
But that damned staff... kept getting on the way! Stopping the tongues, stopping the whirlwind. The healer's staff. He would need to knock her out first. He would need to do it if he was to win....
<b>Cael: </b> Cael watches the husband and wife team that has recently joined their side defend against the whirlwind of blows that the strange, frog shapped lunar that had come to kill him had unleashed on the enigmatic man surrounded by a violet halo.
His hands trace out patterns on the air, kanji written in ice realm, each one delicately formed like a blossom of ice. It is these that he releases ...<br>
Cutting through the rapidly cooling air in the meeting room.<br>
Cutting through the armour sheathing the frog man.<br>
Cutting through his coldblooded flesh.
<b>Alexsei: </b> ... They should have hit.
He foresaw it. He felt the blade running through his skin, through his muscles and his bones. He felt his body torn apart, falling battered and broken on the floor of the theather, his arms and legs twisted in strange angles...
And yet, none of the strikes touched him. None.
His chest on fire, he forces his senses to focus on the blows before him, and on the sound of metal that seem to come from the deflecting of each attack ...
The Caduceus Curatoris. Floating near him. Brushing away the blows that should have torn him down. Ryshassa, once again, was saving his life... Protecting him from harm and keeping him alive, even from her restrained position...
<i>Thank you, beloved... I owe you my life, once again...</i>
She obviously spent a lot of power in order to help him... And now, they needed to make sure this sacrifice would not be in vain.
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Alexsei dodges -- but not quickly enough. Much to the Lunar's frustration, the Caduceus takes on the slack, each parried blow punctuated by a flare of golden Essence at the impact. Ryshassa herself stands transfixed, phantasmal butterfly wings filtering jewel toned light bursting forth from behind her, filling the chamber with glorious sunset hues. They shudder with each blow, as if she herself holds the staff that swiftly parries each attack in turn.
<b>Merun: </b> And of course, the Windwraith.
He needed to kill his allies <i>first</i> - he needed the windwraith. A pity, since his bounty would be so delicious to claim... but oaths are oaths. The great globe-eyes look at the incoming kanji, and the whirlwind of mud that is his blade explodes in a storm around him,
To stop the pure golden snowflakes.<br>
To cover them in dirty and mud, in decomposing light.<br>
Trying stop them all...
<b>Alexander: </b> Alexander saw it too.
How the blows went past his defenses. How the blows almost connected. He couldn't even count! So many, so many of them! How could he... how could he move so fast?!?
There were four chosen on that room, one of him. He seemed quite confident... and yet he would not fall!
And he almost... almost...
And Ryshassa. She was like Fiona... same mark...
Bound, by tongue or chain, bound as she had been... when he could do <b>nothing</b>!
"<i>Get the <b>hell</b> away from them!</i>"
The zenith symbol explodes on his forehead, as the blade goes through the mud, through things dark and unclean. Always immaculate, always pure, bringing purity to his unclean heart.
<b>Merun: </b> And he had almost forgotten the prince.
He had been told to kill him as well. All around the Windwraith. But too many... and the boy was <i>good</i>!
He was beggining to get second thoughts... but those who attack Merun like that <b>die</b>!
The slime moves around Ainerach, the slime moves through the light, the whirlwind encircling his blade and going straight to the boy's pure heart....
<b>Alexander: </b> He sees the counterstrike coming.
Through his blade. Through his light. Sliding through it like oil... towards his heart.
"You disgusting thing..."
His sword moves up. His light shines, explodes, sending his slime to the walls, leaving him naked, his blade normal again. Alexander looks at him with a majestic, powerful presence, the ice of the north on his eyes.
And a single, simple word.
<b>Daom:</b> Then, the door comes off its hingers, exploding. Earthly spikes all around the elemental that steps out, his body made of smooth granite, growing a myriad of weapons and sharp ends....
Cael knows him. Daom serves the Deep Soil Sleeper... one of his most trusted lieutenants.
the Iron that could not be found trickles from him.
"So, they are still alive. I am sorry, sirs and madam... I am really, really sorry for what I must do. I hope you forgive me."
And with a stomp to the earth, a sharply-cracked hand produces a lance of basalt... "But an Exalt has ordered me to kill all those who join the windwraith. Merun, the gods were yours, remember."
The lance burns with earthly essence, and the elemental jumps... jumping, and holding himself aloft with the mud whirlwind through the air... touching it with his essence, to keep himself aloft, and coming down straightly over Cael!
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa quickly tightens her sash with a makeshift knot, shrugging her kimono back into place. Though worry lines her features, her normally gentle gaze is surprisingly hard as she moves closer to her husband, addressing him in a loud but quavering tone.
"You need to be more careful, beloved. You could have died without my staff to aid you. What are you thinking -- why --" She takes a deep breath, summoning calm. It would not do to yell. It would not do at all to be so upset. But it had been so close.
<i>Just don't push yourself so hard next time,</i> her voice murmurs in his mind, more softly now, as her hand gently strokes his arm. A brief touch, in all of this danger and madness. <i>Please... certainly not for me. I could have handled myself -- better than you would think.</i>
Any further words she may have imparted to him are drowned out by the arrival of the newcomer. <i>Another foe?! Now?</i> Her eyes widen in alarm as the venerable being of Earth lunges straight for Cael.
<i>We need to survive this!</i>
<b>Cael: </b> Cael doesn't even look up as the Elemental leaps over him, and then as the lance descends, suddenly he is not below it as he flows away from the tripple strike, the floor below him shattering, the edges of his roobe dematerialising briefly into golden words.
<b>Alexsei:</b>Alexsei gazes as Cael lauches a strike upon the monster, followed by the young prince...
The Prince. The aura, the sword...
<i>Yes. It has to be <b>him</b>. There is no mistake. </i>
Alexsei frown slightly, keeping his gaze on the threats surrounding them, but sending his thoughts to Ryshassa...
"I am sorry, belladonna. I did not mean to worry you so much... I... I overreacted. I admit I am a bit distraught, what with all the revelations and opponents falling upon us... I apologize. I will be more careful now. I must focus..."
Gripping Epilogue more tightly, the Chosen of Endings prepares himself for the following of this engagement...
<i>There are endings coming. This is unevitable. But by Saturn... </i>
<i>They shall not be ours. </i>
<b>Daom: </b> The elemental makes a courtesey with his lance. He fought with all the finesse of the earth...
The Prophet of the Ashen Book had made him understand, how all he followed was corrupt. He still followed that. His master would have known and prevented sorcerous incursion - but not the powers of the void. they spoke within his soul, and he understood. He understood what he had to do.
"I hold no enmty to you, windwraith... but all I have followed is a lie. And I must destroy that lie."
With those words, he fills his lance with the essence of the five elements,
The air that sorrounds Cael.<br>
The earth that traps his feet.<br>
The fire that goes for his heart.<br>
The water freezing his veins.<br>
The wood stopping his body.
With the five dragons giving blessing and force to his blow, he strikes!
<b>Cael: </b> Cael channels a mote of essence, the twin rings of his castemark appearing on his forehead as the Elemental's blow comes down on him, marking him as diplomat to the spirit courts and fully protected by treaties far older than the elemental himself.
"I would urge you to reconsider your rash actions, Daom, Son of the Earth. Heaven itself takes vengance on those would attack a Crowned Sun and his companions on diplomatic business. Perhaps since you have yet to cut me, they might forgive you yet."
Then he is lost a twisting column of golden letters and words, the texts of the ancient treaties there for Doam to read and consider as the blow shatters the floor.
Then Cael reappears.
<b>Daom: </b> He still believed in the Prophet's words.
He still did.
But... but he couldn't do that... could he?
This was a Chosen of the Unconquered Sun.<br>
A Quicksilver Falcon.<br>
Protected by oaths older, far older than Daom.<br>
He was not part of heaven anymore, he was not part of heaven anymore, he didn't <b>want</b> to be part of heaven anymore...
And yet, he could not ignore it. He just... could... not!
The spear lowers. His head lowers. "I am sorry, Chosen of the Sun. This shall not happen again."
<b>Cael: </b> "You will stay here and do nothing until the judgement of heaven then? Do you agree?"
Cael says to the penintant spirt in a deceptively calm voice.
<b>Daom: </b> The Elemental nods, eyes closed. "No. I may not have broken the treaties, but I do not believe in heaven anymore."
<b>Merun: </b> Merun's anima flared still, exploding in darkened silver light. He looked around. That was not a place to be. He was weakening... his ally had deserted him... he had not enough power remaining to destroy the gods even if he was at close range. He had failed. For a moment, Merun looks around.... and does the only sensible thing he can. He leaps. Well, well away, through the window he came in, to the labyrinth of vines, leaving his mascot, fleeing for his life... the wrath of dead gods would be preferable to his undoing.
<b>Alexander: </b> He had.... run? Jumped away, like a frog... Alex could not let him escape, not like that....he could throw his blade that far... he /could/, but the beast was right in front of him!
For a moment, he wished he could talk with Cael's mind, to see which could get which.... but there was no time! No time at all!
And the bleeding monstruosity was ready to act again. He had to protect his new companions... pursuing the fugitive came later.
Decisively, Alex moved foward, placing all his strength on a blow to the Frozen Frog, golden essence shining through his blade as he went into the bleeding mouth, straight to the thing's brain....
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa blinks slowly, glancing from Cael to the elemental and back during their brief exchange. She nods. This is... as it should be. Oaths older than even the memories of the Caduceus.
The healer allows herself to relax slightly, as the amphibian Lunar leaps through the broken window, drained of much power and outnumbered. So this Daom had been the betrayer that Falling Dusk warned of. He wrecked the wards, stole away the iron that would have cast this glamour aside. Because he no longer believes in heaven? Because this Prophet of the Ashen Book whispered deception into his ear? She near pitied the elemental now, who stood stooped, repentant, inwardly conflicted despite his agreement to stand down. They would have to deal with him later.
She beckons the Caduceus back towards her side, steeling herself to defend against further attacks. She and her husband together had weathered the best the frog-man and his mount could deliver, and still remained standing, relatively unscathed. The odds were much, much better now, and the gigantic frog the Lunar rode upon could not possibly last long, with the four of them fighting.
Or could it? Ryshassa winces as Alexander's well placed strike glances off the frog's warty skin, but stands her ground nonetheless. She gives her husband a reassuring nod as he prepares himself to act.
<b>Alexsei: </b> Catching Ryshassa's nod in his direction, Alexsei gives a slight nod back to her, turning his gaze to the wounded monster that still stood in the middle of the room. Cael... had subdued the elemantal with the very Oaths his people had forged, all these years ago... Which was confirming one more douibt in his mind.
<i>And Cael... Yes. There is no doubt about who he was now. </i>
Taking a deep breath to shake the effects of having come close to death one two many times in this engagement, Alexsei strides forward the behemoth, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"The time has come, monster... Soon the pain will end... Your ties with creation end here, poor creature... But I will make this as painless as possible."
Calling to him the strength of Endings, Alexsei touches the mark of Saturn upon his forehead as he utters a short prayer to Saturn - he jumps towards the creature, his aura encircling like a violet shroud as he twirls, a whirlwind of essence that fills the room with the cold feeling of departures.
<b>Frozen Frog: </b> And, enshrouded in the violet light, the frog croaks once, hit in a myriad of pressure points by Alexsei's touch... and then quiets down, feeling no pain anymore, simply succumbing to a cold slumber... a cold, final slumber.
<b>Alexander: </b> ".... wow."
Alexander looks at his blade, at how he had been unable to even <i>scratch</i> his enemy...
"I stand impressed, Alexsei."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> As soon as the frog draws its last painful breath, Ryshassa is already looking out towards the web of vines still surrounding the chamber -- and the people slumbering, embedded within.
"Is there any way we can dispel this glamour, now, without putting the people trapped within in danger?"
<b>Cael: </b> "Alexsei, if you would watch Daom?"
And then he runs to the window, fingers already twisting around his fingers, hurling them through the vines and snow to cut the frog as he flees from the room.
<b>Alexsei: </b> The different sections of Epilogue merging back to a whole, unbroken shaft of starmetal, Alexsei comes closer to the monster's carcass, the rings on the black staff chiming softly.
"Rest easy, now that no one can control you anymore. You are free...."
He utters a prayer of thanks to Saturn, waving the staf around the great corpse, sendeing its soul away on its final great travel...
He turns to Alexander's intervention, his pale skin taking on a bright red hue at the compliment. "Ah... well, it is nothing your majesty. I got a bit carried away, and all the power I have expanded it left me open for attacks... If not for Ryshassa's intervention, I fear it would be my own body that would be lying on the ground at this very moment..."
The Chosen of Endings turns suddenly at Cael's sudden request. "Yes, I will, Cael. I will keep vigil here."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Cael!" Ryshassa shouts worriedly as he rushes past, leaping out the broken window, through the gaps in the vines. "Be careful!"
<i>Is this really necessary --?</I> Of course, so the would-be killer never returns if bid to by his master... or employer... but there would only be more to replace him, greater and greater challenges to hinder them until they can bring the fight to the source.
More and more death. More and more... Endings.
Meanwhile, her eyes never stray from the vines, and the creases remain on her brow, concerns from multiple sources vying for her attention.
<b>Alexander: </b> Alexander looks, but he was too far away already... too far to try anything on.
<i>So now... what?</i>
Was a bit obvious, as he turned his blade to Daom. "Don't you dare."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael looks slightly put out as the leaping frog evades two the kanji and the last strikes without effect.
He nods to Ryshyssa then sweeps his hands back, two great quills blooming on the night air, scribbing out the sigils around his hands. When they are done, he hurls them on a swinging course through the trees. The two split, each into identical apirs of words that slice through the lunar's limbs in ways that cripple as much as they kill.
<b>Merun: </b> Merun tries to run. he Kanji comes, and at every turn, his blade tries to stop them, guided by silver light, without him thinking about it. But now... his power is gone. The Kanji comes into him, burning, cutting, making it so he falls down.... and is not able to get up. Joints servered, soul servered, spent of all his energies, he clings to the vines... unable to move.
<b>Cael: </b> Cael looks out at the temorarily crippled lunar, then turns back to the room, the curtains fading in the bonfire around him, the symbol of the eclipse burning like brand on his forehead.
"Now we just have to wait for Falling Dusk."
<b>Alexander: </b> "Yes, we do. And while we wait, I would like a couple of answers." He looks at Alexsei, "To begin with... what <b>are</b> you, Alexsei?"
<b>Cael: </b> Cael takes a moment to look at Anne, to see how she is coping with all this.
<b>Anne: </b> Cheeks cut by the exploding glass, Anne stands on a corner, her eyes wide... all her confidence shattered amidst the battle of titanic animas she had just seen. A pleasant evening, totally... ruined, in a matter of moments, turned into a battleground... she looks up as Cael comes in, hopeful, "I-is he... gone?"
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "As long as the others trapped are unharmed," Ryshassa reiterates insistently, frowning. She turns to Cael, mirroring Anne's question. "You took care of him?"
She looks over him, intently, checking for signs of injury. No -- in fact, of them all, she had been the only one to sustain any damage, though the pain was not at all noticeable. She has borne wounds much more crippling and agonizing than this, and willingly.
Instead, Ryshassa turns to Anne, smiling gently, summoning an air of gentle benevolence she genuinely feels in her heart for the bewildered, shaken girl. At least she had managed to find a place out of the way to hide during the conflict...
"I am relieved you are safe, Anne," she says softly, coming gradually closer, allowing the Caduceus to trail placidly behind her. "But these cuts..." She stops short of touching the girl's cheek, her almond-shaped eyes radiating sympathy. "I can treat these easily, if you wish. Or play you a song, to calm your heart. I wish that our situation was not such that we must attract such violence in our wake."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael writes one last message one the air, delicate traceries of gold forming shimmering ice tongue words. A short poem is the result, flying silently through the night, slicing the last of the lunar's viens open, bleeding him out onto the vines, sending him on to his next life.
"He is gone now, yes." He smiles at Anne, then to Ryshyssa who is comforting her "And you, lady Ryshyssa, are you alright?"
<b>Alexsei: </b> He nods at Cael's reappearance, having felt the Chosen's kanji cut some of the threads in the Pattern... Alexsei turns his gaze to his wife, full of concern for the wellbeing of the innocents trapped through no fault of their own.
<i>Dear Ryshassa... Always so concerned and compassionate, willing to take on the pains of the many...</i>
<i>Just like... back... then ?</i>
He shakes his head slightly. Memories of Gethamane, and her time as a healer there, most probably. So much had happened, that his thoughts were hazy in this very moment.
His thoughts are halted by the young Prince's question, the one he knew would come, and the one he knew he would have to answer sooner or later. Smiling softly, he closes his eyes before turning to the heir of Whiteshield, the mark of Saturn still burning on his forehead.
"Your majesty... the gods here have told you to expect two Chosen, did they not? And before I say more, my young Prince, you must ask yourself if what I am is truly as important as what I have pledged to help accomplish..."
He pauses a moment, the silver rings adorning the tip of his starmetal chiming softly in an unseen breeze. The Chosen pushes up his glasses softly against the bridge of his nose, his smile still playing on his lips."I will not lie to you, however. It is pointless to do so, after what you have seen here. I am a Reckoner, Prince Alexander."
"I am a Servant of Saturn. A Chosen of Endings."
<b>Anne: </b> She makes a face. "Yes. If you can treat it, please do."
<i>Just stop talking to me like I was an unimportant child!</i>
<b>Merun: </b> The chosen of Luna falls to his death, then... through a maze of a thousand vines, to the ground, so far below....
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa inclines her head to Cael, grateful for his concern. "Do not worry for me. I was injured but lightly. I fear the damage to the furniture and walls is much, much greater." She laughs somewhat embarrassingly, knowing it was her body hurtling into the aforementioned objects that caused such damage, though it was no fault of her own.
She turns to Anne, her face taking a much more serious, clinical cast. "All right then," she says shortly. She seems, in fact, near offended by her sudden bluntness after the rest of them had made sure to keep her safe. But she keeps her silence, treating the wounds not with her Essence, but with her expertise in medicine, alone. The scratches are minor and nothing for her to worry about, but the antiseptic she uses upon them stings. **
<b>Alexander: </b> Alex blinks.
"Saturn doesn't have Cho..."
<i>Or doesn't she?</i>
<i>This light... violet... I saw it before, didn't I?</i>
<b>Falling Dusk:</b> The god returns then, an emerald frog on his hands.
He looks Daom over.
A rare sight indeed... Falling Dusk... the calmest of the Seven Sages... is not happy. At all.
He throws the frog-idol up, and with a slice of the blade of the battle maiden shining crimson on his hand, shatters it, xploing it in pieces and jeweldust, unmaking the glamour, bringing everything back to how it was.
"There. Now, Daom, I do think we have <i>much</i> to talk about."
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