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== Maze of Mysteries ==
The 23rd of Resplendent Air.
The link between Whiteshield, a country mostly grounded, and Windia, a country in the clouds.
And it did show.
The Palace of Timeless Winters, a First Age building that serves as its political center, shows it very well. Its end consistently hidden above the clouds at the wake of winter, its many aerie-style ends at the end of its ‘branches’, the many balconies that may as well be a front door, its great halls and corridors making sure no one feels enclosed within. All shows how it was made with the winged in mind.
The feeling within it is solemn. It is old, grand, and everything within seems to have some sort of purpose. All engraved symbols part of some greater circuit, of some broken seal. A feeling of winter fills the place, a feeling of a rainy day, of memories, longing, of warmth before a fireplace. And in its library, a feeling of knowledge, of standing between the legs of some great behemoth of words...
... helped by the fact all of the shelves are higher than one could think possible, and the library itself has four floors alone. It is still practical for those without wings – and in fact some sessions deeper in barely let a Windian walk through with wings close by – but is still made with them in mind. And still makes one feel like the sheer body of knowledge there could make the city tremble, if it deigned to shrug.
And the walls are all very finely cut marble... women with long hair, blank eyes and no other features fills some of the walls, representing Myria, and under her gaze the studies are conducted. Yet other images fill the Library... the flaming birds of the Phoenix Queen, a great loresmaster of old... symbols of Yozis of knowledge... and of course, the symbol of Jupiter. Safeguarding the secrets that fill the room...
... and there, one of the Librarians, Cida, a child of the Cat-God Arian – Northern God of Cats, one of the illustrious gods to live in Spire – lounges about, spetacles over her slitted, feline irises as she reads some moldy old tome...
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''The pursuit of wisdom and knowledge is a road hard travelled and difficult to attain. After all, true wisdom stems from admitting that one knows very little about the world - an ironic statement for one who dedicates his life to the graces of teaching and learning. ''
The exquisite library is a marvel in and of itself, even before one can even peruse the rich tomes of learning that adorn its many shelves and walls. Dedication to past and present symbols of the arts of knowledge remind one of the ever-continuing task that is education; as the scholars of old have captured their findings in writing and in word for the future generations, so are the present-day savants responsible to push the researched further.
''The pursuit of knowledge is a long collaboration, and it is our responsibility to ensure it's continuation and progression. ''
The Gatekeeper is like a wraith in the halls of this hall of wisdom. Silent and solemn, he is nonetheless very impressed both by the structure itself and the wellspring of information it contains. The chance to pore over the work of windian scholars of present and old is much too tempting to pass, and Alexsei Krauser intends to take advantage of this opportunity to its fullest extent.
Silent steps guide him through the pristine halls of the library, carrying a bundle of heavy tomes with him as he scans for a table at which to begin his studies. Finding a comfortable area in which to immerse himself in the chosen subject - namely, the nature of Adjoran and what connection might exist between the demon and Iselsis, as he had promised the demon-girl he would research - the Gatekeeper sits down as quietly as possible, careful not to disrupt the aura of calm that permeates the library.
At the view of the librarian, he smiles and nods politely, gently acknowledging her presence as he announces his.
'''Narrator: ''' Cida gives a gentle smile to Alexsei as he looks for a tabel... and finds a few of them mostly empty. In fact, the number of people there could be counted in the fingers of one hand. One was an old man with a slight military gait to himself, and hair slightly like ice... someone Alexsei had never seen before, pouring over some books trying to... find something. Leonas, still in his Black Jade armor, was somewhere down the hall, pouring his attention over some sorcerous tome or another, idly manipulating rings of emerald essence at his fingertips. A man dressed in a very dark lavender, sporting small silver horns was also trying to find something there.... and an elemental of rain poured all of her attention in a book, amazingly not leaving it wet after her touches.
And someone behind him...
A voice he had heard somewhere or another before.
"Hey. Alexsei Krauser, right?" The young woman says, her voice hushed. As Alexsei turns, he sees Fiona, dressed in a white, pearly dress, the golden chains not dangling from her as before, but he could see them crossing over her bust... "I... um, hi.."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' Turning around at the sound of the voice behind him, Alexsei puts down the volumes on the table before bowing his head to the newly arrived lady, a smile playing on his lips. "Indeed I am, my lady. And you are... Miss Fiona, if my memory serves me well, yes?"
He smiles once more, crossing his hands behing his back as he smiles at the younger woman. "I am pleased to finally be able to meet you - we have met in passing a few times, of course, but it is an honor to be able to properly introduce myself." He signals her to take a seat, awaiting for her to do so first before sitting himself.
"Was there a particular reason for you to seek me out? Perhaps there is something I can do for you?"
'''Fiona: ''' She smiles, her smile filled with the same dreams Alexsei had felt before... and takes her seat, her pearlescent cape seeming to become one with the white seats as she does so, setting down her load of books - which looked almost ridiculous with her lithe frame holding all those many tomes. "Well, um, first... I'd like to apologize for last time we met. I had found physical contact was the best way to pass my light to another... I didn't mean to make anything awkward."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Ah... well." He pushes his spectacles up the bridge of his nose, smiling softly as he takes a seat in front of her and folds his hands together on the table in front of him. "It ''was'' a tad surprising, I must admit. It took me a few moments to realize what was going on, and I wondered what brought it about... But it was a battlefield, and I believe I understand the reasons for your actions, lady Fiona." He nods once, smiling brightly once again.
"Do not worry, there is no ill will."
'''Fiona: ''' "Good!" She says... and as the word comes out of her lips, the room seems a little bit brighter, dreams of knowledge and creativity coming out of her lips and covering her in innocence and beauty. "And I like to think that helped us win any... you did get good shots at that bastard." She says in passing, memories of the lights, the sounds, the screams of that day flooding in, even in their triumph, and she realised she ought to move on. "And... well, curious! I hadn't seen you around here yet, even if you do look like one of us!" - by which she means library rats, of course! - "What are you looking into?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Ah, I see." He responds, a smile playing on his lips as he leans back in his chair. "Well, curiosity is the mother of discovery, yes?" He smiles once more, than pats a few of the tomes sitting on the table. "A few books of historical and occult research. I promised a friend I would look into some particular inquiries she had. And so I tried to start up on it now, before I leave - I will certainly arrange a time to look into the libraries once I have arrived, but I think my trip will also be very packed. I wish to have a certain basis in my research before I arrive there, to make the most of my time."
'''Fiona: ''' "Always!" She says on the terms of curiosity. Oh, she knew of curiosity.
"Anything you can tell me? I am just studying mostly aimlessly here..." ''My only true aim right now is to be able to fight. To be of more service during this. '' "... would enjoy a little bit of focus, if it is in anything I could possibly help you with..."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He ponders for a moment, tapping a finger silently atop the table as he muses silently.
"Hmm." He finally says, turning his gaze to the girls sitting opposite him. "Well, I suppose this might be in your line of work." He peers over the books for a moment, uncovering them for Fiona to see. "I am actually conducting research on Adjoran. My cirrent line of search is as follow: I am trying to establish a link between actions in the past and Adjoran's behavior today. The events that are currently unfolding are, according to my research, very similar in nature to events that occured in the First Age, in this particular geographical region."
"As such, I believe I can find much information on Adjoran's nature if I can somehow find links of its manifestation in the First Age - if that is documented at all. I think I could narrow down important behavior patterns this way."
'''Fiona: ''' "Oooh. Adjordan. The Silent Wind. You want to know what she is up to? Why? Outside of her well-known relationship with the Maiden of Endings and insurgences on Creation when the Rising Smoke is ascendant..." Smug sparkles shining behind her eyes "... that is? And yes, I know. It is not like you made a secret out of that. What is puzzling in and of itself..."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He smiles, glad at the wellspring of knowledge emanating from Fiona, nodding at all of her affirmations. "Yes indeed, outside of that. What I am trying to find are connections to people that were present in the First Age, and the possible implications it might have on the things she would want ''now''."
He ponders for a moment more, then his expression becomes more serious. "You are a supporter of the Prince, yes? Adjoran is, apparently, a rogue card in the whole equation. And I am afraid either someone wanted to introduce this rogue card in the formula, or the events have placed themselves as such. That is why... I am trying to figure the puzzle out, before the solution just explodes before we are ready to deal with it."
''The Past is the key, as always. Voices call for the people and things they have seen long ago... And if I can find what it is they loged for -then-, I can trace parrallels as to what they want -now-.''
'''Fiona: ''' "I am. I gave my soul to protect him. To keep him safe. I am just getting it back now..." Her face darkens a bit as she says so, and the dreams calcify a little bit, little butterflies on the corner of Alexsei's vision as he looks at her.... "So, yes, I can help you. This is our arena, after all, right? Where we win our war."
"And Adjordan... hmmm..."
She goes thoughtful, now, one of the essence-butterflies becoming solid enough to land on her hand, so she can be lost on thought as it flaps wings... green and golden wings. "You were there with Leonas' team too, weren't you? When we looked at Spire? I... well, we split then. You know why I decided to take the group you weren't in... but I noticed something, here. All the symbols here are... well, have you ever noticed? Everything here has some Yozi style to it. All the seals, they are to Yozis. Those things... I think they were Behemoths. Like they locked all Behemoths of an Yozi here. And..." she places her finger to her lips, trying to come to the logical conclusion in her opinion... "... they should be very well learned in Yozi matters, then, right? But... have you found that many tomes about it here?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He gets a thoughtful expression for a moment, reflecting over Fiona's words slowly as he hears them pronunced. "Sealed Yozi behemoths, hmm. Indeed, the would represent immense knowledge - but the seal would have been there for a reason, yes? Perhaps this should be investigated further, then... Perhaps this place can teach us some missing parts of the grand picture."
"I have mostly been able to find historical tomes, which is what I am aiming for. I want to see if people have actually recorded a manifestation of Adjoran in this particular era of time. It is a bet, but if it happened, and it was recorded - it must have been during a significant event. And that is what I am trying to find..."
'''Fiona: ''' "We should... we have not made much of a head start in this yet..." She banishes the butterfly, listening to his words, thinking... "Something like an Yozi came by, it would be recorded. But you did not find any evidence in it? Anything at all?"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "I haven't looked everywhere yet. But you'd think something like that would have had implications..." He muses over the words, then shake his head. "Let us try this, if you will, Lady Fiona. Let us each look for this occurance, each on our side. One of us is bound to find something about it, if it happened. And if not... It leaves only two possibilities."
"Either it was not recorded, which is somewhat perplexing considering the event... Or it was censored, for a reason or another."
''And if it was censored... I want to find out why. ''
'''Fiona: ''' "Alright! Bring on the books... we will be done with those sweethearts before you can say 'She Who Lives in Her Name!'" She says, rising her fist in the air... with a voice higher than it should have been, blushing, then, and lowering her fist... "Oh, err... or something like that..." she says in a far more hushed tone....
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' The sorcerer places the tome down, gliding slowly to where the Gatekeeper and the Enchantress sit, face curious.. "I could not help but overhear..." ''And of course, I did not spy on you for the Winlandian army by having the wind carry your voices to me. Of course not, right? '' ".. you are looking for yozi manifestations? I could give you a hand if you wish... a little bit of lighting to stimulate the eyes, and us dragon can just chew through books."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He expresses his surprise as Leonas approaches them, but eases a bit as the man explains his reasons for being there - as well as his desire to help. "Well then... It seems like we are in agreement... And have a common goal to focus on. If we harnsess that efficiently, I am certain we can come to a conclusion in no time."
He smiles then, gazing at both of them in turn. "My... I haven't had help in research in forever. This is certainly new... And while it last, let us make the best of it, shall we?" He smiles softly, then nods to Fiona and Leonas before folding his hands together.
"New, let us get to work."
Scholarly pursuit is, for most, a boring pastime in which old boring men indulge to fill up some vacant space in their dreary existence.
To some, they are as exihilarating as a full scale battle.
One often overlooks the effort needed to uncover obscure and arcane truths - to pry them away from lies, to separate it from fiction, to find the core behind the veil of misconceptions... It is not unlike a game of chess in which one must outsmart the pitfalls called "history", "points of view", and "subjectivity." And that is as such that the Gatekeeper embarks on his crusade to find the information he is looking for - information that might, later on, prove vital to the Future of the North.
''Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets and truths locked and chained, shine your eye onto me, that the world may lose it's veil of lies. ''
And as he researches, that is exaclty how Alexsei operates. He directs the others as a general would direct his army, but his opponents are not flesh and blood, or the cursed undead roaming the Elemental Pole of Air. His enemies are misdirection, false meanings, censorship, and misinterpretation. But Alexsei Krauser has fought those enemies for a long time... And has managed to recognize their patterns, with time.
Carefully, he peels the strands of Fate that are lying in his way, moving them away from his sight, away from the truth, like a rook or a bishop upon the squared board. It is a game between him and Truth, to determine who will concede before the other, and who will have to submit. Truth play her game harshly, layering obscure meanings and questionable sources in the way of victory, but the Scholar will not be so easily beaten .
Each layer of untruth he removes from the strands of Fate becomes a hint, a possible root of truth, upon which his strategy becomes based. His opponent soon finds that every move she makes to ahmper him is used against her, and with every more layer of uncertainties she is giving more ground, her web of lies collapsing around her, leaving her defenseless, open - and caught in a web made of her own strands, now ensnaring her.
''Checkmate. ''
'''Fiona: ''' "Of course we will. We are the best!" She almost shouts, but catches her voice in mid-stride, making it sound very, very strange, as the volume wobbles as she speaks. And then, she gets up, the dreams more clear and translucent than ever about her pearlescent self, as she rushes to the shelves... and to secrets!
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' Crimson eyes sparkle as Alexsei speaks, and the curious, scholarly lieutenant and sorcerer-engineer of the Winlandian armies brings the lighting of air to his eyes, his white hair moving with the wind.... as the speed of his thoughts increases tenfold. As he picks up the books, he rushes through the pages as the wind... tryng to find any of the facts the little prodigy and the mysterious priest are after...
'''Narrator: ''' Alexsei Krauser, not as the Black Wing of Conclusion, or the Gatekeeper, but the scholar, goes through his many enemies on the books... cutting right through, to find the truth. And what truth is there...
Adjordan had fought many times with Fintan and Myria. Ofaniel was known was 'He Who Hunts Silence' in Malfeas. The Full Moon had clashed with her many times before... and she wished to destroy all humans who dared to take the Skies, like he, his creations, Fintan, Moranine, Kian, and many other humans had.
Something deeper happened, however. Hatred for something they did.<br>
Something not in the books.
But cross-referencing between him and his assistants was managed to go through the censorship... and pin points that... it had something to do with the creation of Spire itself.
Something to do with the Yozi...
And with even more cross-referencing, something about a Theather. Library on a Theater, a place of drama, that apparently has knowledge about the Yozis, as its dramaturge god, Bretsch, had quite an interest on it... 'as the dramas of titans in the past mirror the struggles of men and gods today, and that is where we should base our drama'
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' ''Ah, there it is. We '''are''' getting somewhere. ''
He nods slowly, and a smile finally displays on his lips as he peers back up at Fiona and Leonas, adjusting his spectacles in the process. "I think, sir and madam, that we have managed to find something." He explains his findings to them, carefully mentionning the details to his companions.
"There is definitely a lead... And something all of us could profit in knowing. Now..." He stands up, crossing his arms behind his back as he is visibly in deep thoughts. "We all have access to different sources of information - we should use it as efficiently as we can. Perhaps then, we could solve this mystery in time to prevent any sort of lasting repercussions to the North."
He ponders a bit more, then continues on. "We should all pursue the research on this Theater, and this god named Bretsch, as well as the connections to the Spire and the Yozi phenomenon. We should meet again... After I come back from my trip, and compare our findings then."
He turns towards them, nodding to them in turn with a faint smile on his lips. "What say you, Lady Fiona, Sir Leonas?"
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' The sorcerer takes out his reading glasses, the effects of the elemental concentration leaving him. Piles of books laid before him on the table, and for a moment, he had to sigh and pity the poor librarians that would have to put all that together again. Oh, Cida and her friends would need to get a compensation for it. He would have to arrange it soon... "Well, that was a very instructive and enlightening day, I must say. Thank you very much for it, lord Krauser." He bows. "And yes, I believe we can go pursue this in depth when you return. Got a date for that yet?"
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona finishes her reading, almost collapsing over the books, making twin towers around her collapse on her head with a wincing 'ouch'! "Well... it was. But tiring, too... I do need a big nap now. And to process all this... this Theather is here in Spire, however. I will see about taking Opal and maybe someone else and see in what state it's in...."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Hmm. Well, ten days is what it is supposed to be, all in all. So we can set a day after that, depending on the happenings between here and there..."
He ponders once more, then smiles at the both of them. "I thank you deeply for your efforts, lady Fiona, Sir Leonas. This could not have been done without the both of you - and perhaps there is much more we can accomplish. I would gladly meet with you once all this is over to see if we can uncover anything more about this matter..."
''And, Jupiter willing, perhaps we will be able to have some foreknowledge ahead of time, this time around. ''
'''Fiona: ''' "Like I said, I will see about this theather. Pehaps when you are back I will have even more to toss on this!" She says with a smile, her eyes perking up like a cat's... "Now..." She stretches, and yawns. "Who wants some ice cream? I'm ''starving! ''"
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' He ponders for a moment... Then nods to Fiona as he mulls over her offering. "Perhaps you should then, lady Fiona. I will, on my side, try to conduct some research in libraries I know of - I am bound to uncover something important in those records... At least, I hope." He smiles softly, then folds his hands in his lap.
"But by all means, lady Fiona, please be careful, if you are to go into this 'Theater'... I would advise that you do take the help you need. Not because I doubt your capabilities, far from it, but becasue precautions are always a good thing to think about - it would truly sadden me to learn that something has happened to you there."
'''Fiona: ''' "I will be careful. I always am, nowdays."
''Last time I did some crazy selfless thing, it nearly cost my soul... ''<br>
''... would I do it again? ''
"But we will meet here, then. In ten days, to compare notes!" She nods, striking the table. It was easier to be upbeat now, that everyone else in the library had long gone, leaving it only to them.
'''Leonas Du Mistlav: ''' "Ten days it is." He says calmly as his hand touches over hers'.
"And we will get to the bottom of this mystery."
'''Alexsei Krauser: ''' "Then it is settled." He says, standing up and bowing his head low at them. "You have my sincerest thanks, friends. This was a most unexpected stroke of luck - and now I have two fellow researchers alongside me. This is decidely a pleasant surprise."
He smiles, then looks back at the tomes on the table. "In ten days then. We shall speak again here, and compare our findings - I have no doubt will produce different results, but that is all the more encouraging. The truth is, after all, comprised of more than one facet." He inclines his head again, humbly picking up the books on the table as he does so.
''Truth comes from more than one source - it is the mesh of all the viewpoints assembled, all of the observations of those involved... It is a mix of different opinions and feelings - and together, perhaps, we can put it back together, and uncover what lies beneath these dark omens... ''
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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