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== Crimson Lips ==
'''Gennadi: ''' Morning seems rather brighter than the previous day, something of a calm after the storm evident in the quiet on the ship. Unfortunately, it isn't to last, cheery whistling echoing down the hallways and growing louder and louder, odd echoes until Gennadi turns the corner and literally runs into Ryshy.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa (wearing a lovely kimono of pale green embroidered with honeysuckle) is suitably startled, caught mid-yawn with her hand pressed demurely against her mouth. She lurches back immediately, eyes wide open, and reaches her hands out to steady whoever-it-was-just-ran-into-her.
"Wh... oh, Gennadi!" she blurts. Takes a moment to compose herself enough, increase the distance between them respectfully, drop a small polite bow. "Good morning. I hope you slept soundly," she offers, as she straightens.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Solid." He grins a little unevenly, short sketchy bow. "I'm beginning to think Calisaera just enjoys watching my pratfalls... At least I'm having them here instead of on the battlefield. Do you have a moment to speak in private? I have something serious to ask you."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Amusement registers in Ryshassa's pale expression; her lips quirk upward in a smile that could have been a chuckle if she let it. "I have a feeling all of us on board provide our good hostess with hours of entertainment, one way or another."
At the request, the mirth fades into something more curious and subdued. "Why... of course you may," she says, a note of caution creeping into her voice, though she remains cordial enough in manner. "Did you have somewhere in particular in mind?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Someplace private. Hopefully nearby... I've got a playdate with cedric later, and really, little to no idea what to do with it." He chuckles. "I'll figure something out... know a good place? It won't be a long talk, unless I misread you and you know less than I think about the Starchosen."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa shrugs lightly. "I know mostly what I've experienced living with Alexsei, and you and he are very different men. But as for privacy --"
The healer gestures at one of the rooms nearby, branching from the hall in which they stand. An empty cabin, perhaps? In any case, no one was in there. "If it is quick, this should do, unless you would prefer somewhere off-board."
She looks ready to step right in, but something about what Gennadi said in passing makes her double-take, and she pins him with a considering stare. "...Did you say you're going to spend time with Cedric? Why, that's..." She wants to say "sweet," but it also seems very weird to her to call him that. After all, she would not have pegged him as the type to like children.
Maybe to have FATHERED them...
'''Gennadi: ''' "Cal already knows what I'm going to say. It is what it is, nothing more and nothing less." He bows, gesturing to the door. "Ladies first. Two stories, both short, and then you can be on your way."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Figuring it was much too rude to keep staring, Ryshassa does step in first, sweeping past him in a rush of heavy silks and dark, scented hair. She turns to face him once more, not particularly inclined to keep her back to him for long, when he enters the room behind her.
"Hmph. In any case, I do envy you, in a way. I've been so busy with healing at the camp I've not had much pleasure to spend time with the younger Prince. I am satisfied enough he is well and healthy, though."
Her posture shifts to something more questioning and expectant, her hands falling to her hips. "So what is this about?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, that's too bad... perhaps you'd like to come along later. You can distract them while I vanish." He can't help but grin at her motherly posture. "Business, then. It is about Shaliya. I assume you already know how our Familiars are enhanced, becoming spirits. Shaliya started from a winter rose. Well, not so much a winter rose as THE winter rose." He leans back against the door, pausing. "Need I explain further?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' The suggestion that she accompany him actually makes her smile for a bit. Even in Gennadi's company she would be thrilled to see Cedric again.
The smile fades to a pensive frown, though, as he starts to explain his "business." Of course she doesn't know what he means! It wasn't like Alexsei took her to Yu Shan often (the few times certainly made for uncomfortable situations!) and her beloved has no Familiar to speak of. It strikes her that she isn't particularly happy about admitting to Gennadi she simply does not know. But she'd rather not risk the potential difficulties of trying to cover that up.
After some deliberation she goes with the most direct answer. "...Yes," she replies simply, the expectant look never leaving her face.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, well. I will be brief. Once, long ago, a Solar crafted beautiful flowers of ice as a gift to his young Lunar mate. Of course, they got interrupted and slain, blood mingling to feed the flowers, gift's purpose unfulfilled. As you can imagine, such an event has repercussions, and to this day patches of winter roses roam the north, still seeking to find that long-ago solar's beloved. They do this by hunting down patches of warmth, slicing open what is there with razor-sharp petals, and feeding." He shrugs. "I always thought it was a depressing story, and set about changing that. I found the original, wove nets of essence and song, and managed to awaken the spirit dwelling within, dragging Shaliya into existance. New form, new powers... a newfound love of dancing, and a pair of old, rather strong urges. Are you with me so far?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa takes a moment to process all this. The story itself is sad and bittersweet; the fact he actually felt touched enough by it to try to change it surprises her. A man of many layers -- that is the impression Gennadi gives her. Intriguing.
"So Shaliya needs blood... and... love? Perhaps a particular love, but that is beside the point." Her eyes examine Gennadi more closely now, the healer coming to the forefront of her demeanor, as the pieces of the puzzle connect. "Your blood, then? Where are you hurt?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm not. Yet." He wags a finger at her. "I am not so foolish as to leave myself needing to find a healer after the fact, stumbling around weaker than a newborn kitten and attracting attention to what, given the recent events in the area, is certainly a delicate matter."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa laughs demurely at the chastizing... the healer mentality ebbing, for now. Regretfully, even. "An agreement, then?" She crosses her arms under her bosom, tilting her head at him contemplatively. Paranoid, was he?
"I would have aided you no matter if you prepared me for it before hand or not. When it comes to injury I ask questions after the damage is healed. But I do appreciate you telling me," she says with what looks now to be a pleasant, even satisfied smile.
* Gennadi shrugs. "Good. It was more a matter of keeping tongues form wagging. Speaking of which..." He raises a second finger. "Story two. Has your husband told you why he knows me by sight and name?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh... that? I have no idea," Ryshassa admits earnestly. ''Definitely paranoid. '' "It must be something to do with his work that I was not present for. He did say you were colleagues, so I knew you are Starchosen, but that is about it."
The healer gives a small, apologetic shrug. "But how does that lead to a story?" she prompts curiously, eyebrows arching. "I dare hope there is no kissing involved in it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, there is. And more than that. Reason one: I held the modern record for being an independant in yushan, owing allegiance to neither idealogical faction. Reason two: I once threw one of his bureaumates, a fellow endings, out of my home. And my bed. I believe the tale goes crying, naked, and heartbroken..." He shrugs. "Like all tales, the truth is less interesting. Still, it perhaps gives you an idea as to how he recognized someone like me." He smiles at her.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa falls silent for a long moment after he reveals all this to her. She is actually stunned speechless, though it does not outwardly show but for the way her eyes regard him as if he has just grown a second head on top of his first one, and she is trying to figure out how to mention it tactfully.
"...Why are you telling me this?" she finally asks. "It doesn't particularly raise the bar on my opinion of you, at least not the second part. Though being out and honest about it, I suppose, earns you some respect. Not that I thought my opinion would matter to you." The last comment elicits another smile from her, as well.
"And... someone like you, hmm?" There is a trace of a chuckle in her voice. "What sort of opinion did you expect me to have?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I didn't. It is not about opinion, it is about honesty and understanding, two things you will find truly rare as time passes. I tell you this because you'd learn it eventually, and because really, my day isn't complete without confusing someone just a bit." He chuckles at her. "Good day, Ryshassa. I'll be seeing Cedric after lunch, and likely need that bit of help tonight. You'll know when. Nice dress, by the way. Pleasantly evocative of spring." He reaches back and opens the door, stepping through and heading down the corridor, turning a corner and... gone.
'''Ryshassa: ''' ''What an infuriatingly '''interesting''' man'', is all Ryshassa can think as she watches Gennadi leave, her hands brushing self-consciously at her kimono.
=== Much Later... ===
'''Gennadi: ''' Sandara, when she arrives in response to Gennadi's call, finds rather an odd sight. Shaliya pressed tightly to his chest, face hidden against his neck and shoulder as she almost seems to purr, deep rumble in the back of her throat. He bleeds from an upheld wrist, slow trick of red contrasting against slowly lightening skin and the flare of his lit cigarette. "Uh... oh, yes. Sandara, would you get Ryshassa for me? Ryshy, you know... solar girl, nice kimonos. Bring her here... careful, Shal... errr." He takes a deep breath, drag from the cigarette. "She knows what it's about."
'''Sandara: ''' First, she is terrified.<br>
Then, she is scared.<br>
Then, she is embarassed.<br>
Then, scared again.
"But, er, um, but, you, blood, er, oh, blood... wha...how..."
She stands there, shocked, before deciciding to run, knocking frantically at the healer's doors. "Ryshassa! Rysshassa! Healer!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa starts at the sudden flurry of knocks. Her hands are up in her hair, with which she had been fussing with the gold and ivory hairsticks holding up her compact bun.
"Coming!" she calls to the voice -- which she just vaguely recognizes -- and rushes to the door to see... the neomah, from before. The demon-girl looks terribly frantic to the healer's eyes, so she pats her gently on the arm, and says "Please lead on, I will follow. Is Gennadi injured?"
'''Sandara: ''' "Yes, yes, he is bleeding, he is bleeding, she is, she is, she... she.... I... she's drinking... she's biting..."
"So red, so red, he is so pale..."
She sttutters and repeats, almost falling down due to her robes as she rushes towards Gennadi's room...
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Yes... yes. He told me this would happen. I know it does not seem reassuring, but it will be all right."
''I'm... reassuring a demon. This is very strange. ''
As Ryshassa speaks, she follows Sandara on sandaled feet at a slower, but not sedate pace, not wanting to be left behind. She gathers her plum and crimson kimono above her ankles, so as not to trip herself as well.
'''Sandara: ''' And Sandara nearly falls, opening the door to the room by tripping, trying to steady herself, but then, then... falling as she reveals the scene within...
* Gennadi seems done with his cigarette, pondering for a moment before rubbing the glowing ember out along that shallow wrist slash, flinching. "Well, that answers that question... oh, you're here. I expected you earlier." He pulls himself up a little straighter with the good arm, surprisingly regal despite being, well, naked, in his bed, and covered with minor cuts while confronting a demon and a Solar.
'''Shaliya: ''' The rose's hand, smeared with blood leaves his chest then, and she brings it to her lips, licking it...
Licking it out of every finger, coming closer to his chest again, and licking the blood... thorns appear on her fingers to cut just a little more...
'''Gennadi: ''' He flicks the cigarette butt carefully into the trash can, bringing the now empty hand down to cup her face and pull her chin up to look into her eyes. "Enough, Shaliya."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Oh...!" Ryshassa's exclamation is not for any surprise at the scene thus revealed, but for the fact Sandara just fell to the ground before her, nearly tripping her up as well (despite her valiant attempts to prevent such.) She does manage to stay upright though, her hand catching herself before she teeters over the neomah's prone form. "Are you all right?" she asks the demoness worriedly.
Her instinct is to help Sandara up -- and she does, when she sees Gennadi looks relatively relaxed, despite the cuts and the paleness. That done, she emerges into the room fully, already producing from her obi two silken cords, with which she deftly ties back the pendulous sleeves of her kimono. At closer observation, it can be seen that the garment is embroidered on the plum-hued side with plum blossoms that morph into stylized butterflies as the hue shifts to crimson towards her right.
She does not bow, but nods courteously at Gennadi's acknowledgment of her, coming closer, to the side of the bed. "Sooner?" she queries curiously. "I came as quickly as Sandara called me here. I do hope the wait was not an inconvenience."
The healer glances from Shaliya back to Gennadi, relatively unperturbed. From what Gennadi told her before she expected this much.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I suppose I simply expected a little less falling. Nice choice on the colors... just right to hide any accidental bloodstains." He blinks, breaking the gaze into Shaliya's eyes. "Close the door, please?"
'''Shaliya: ''' The rose backs away a bit, looking a little guilty even as she savors more of the blood...
"Sorry, got carried away... and, hello, Ryshassa." She finally realises the Healer is there.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa laughs softly, reassured; Gennadi seems his usual self, at least. Naked, but that's what sheets are for. Though she does entertain the very short-lived thought of peeking, just for a bit of payback.
"Oh, blood is not a concern -- could I dress this way as a healer unless I had a surefire way to remove bloodstains?"
She turns back, pondering whether Sandara will close the door, then shrugs and does it herself. At Shaliya's greeting she smiles, and inclines her head once more.
"Hello, Shaliya. Will you allow me to aid your master, now? He will be good as new soon enough," she informs her with a pleasant wink. Her almond-shaped eyes seem... surprisingly bright, at the prospect of healing again. Already she is back at the bedside, though not quite wanting to reach around Shaliya's body to touch Gennadi, thinking it a bit... well, awkward.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Could. Wouldn't be smart, but honestly, when has that really ever mattered to those who wield essence?" He closes his eyes, content to let the women handle themselves without any more suggestions for the moment.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Of course... go ahead... sorry master, did not mean to get carried away..."
''But it was so warm, so warm, tasted so passionate... ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods, still smiling, but sighs inwardly -- ''well, fine. She probably will move about as much as I would, wrapped in my beloved's embrace. '' Her pale arm, unfettered by her sleeve, stretches over, and she rests her hand -- fingers splayed open -- on Gennadi's bare chest.
Perhaps she should blush, and she might have, but right now she is in her best professional mode, and healing is foremost on her mind. Her eyes slip shut for a moment as her Essence flows outward, through her fingertips. Probing through Gennadi's form, feeling for the places that hurt, the vitality of his life force a slow, thrumming rhythm through the life-link forged between them.
It tingles, for him, as the cuts upon his flesh close themselves and the pain flows backward through the link. Ryshassa does not flinch, but her lips tighten slightly as her eyes reopen once more, the violet pupils at once intense and beatific as she takes in his wounds, leaving no mark on his flesh but the brief sensation of having been touched.
It takes mere seconds, and she is already withdrawing her hand, her own slender wrist blotched with bruises where Gennadi's had been bled.
* Gennadi brushes the ashes away from his wrist as an excuse to look away from her eyes. "You did not tell me you healed that way, Rysh. I would have found some other way had I known."
'''Ryshassa: ''' The intensity fades as quickly as the link as Ryshassa presses her hand close to herself, self-conscious at his words. "I'm sorry -- truly I am! It never occured to me to tell you. I usually do, but..." She seems terribly flustered now at her omission, her almond-shaped eyes wide and much more vulnerable than the heated gaze of the self-sacrificing healer he had witnessed but moments before.
"I suppose if it displeases you that much, you may want to find another way," she finishes more softly, as her interest in propriety calms her demeanor somewhat. Her fingers tug at the cords she had produced, allowing the plum and crimson sleeves to drape down and cover her arms once more. "But this is how I have always been. I heal by taking in the pain and suffering of others. It is my calling. And I... am pleased by it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Masochist, eh... Kinky." He winks at her, eyes twinkling... then leans in, striking like a snake as she blushes and lowers her eyes, a soft, quick kiss that in those moments, melts the new aches away, leaving her oddly pleased. "There. Now you and your husband are even... and I owe you a medium-sized favor."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa blinks. The kiss, swift as it was, had been more than just a kiss. She feels plesaantly warm and bolstered by it.
Her fingers touch her lips, but briefly. And she glares at him... before bursting out in laughter. "Oh, Gennadi, you fiend!" she says, giggling softly, almost demure in her embarrassment. She takes a breath or two to work out of the flusteredness, then crosses her arms willfully. "Then I dare hope you are done with the kissing, for both myself and my beloved. As much as you adore to soak in our reactions, it's not the same after the first time."
"Silly man," she chastizes, raising a sleeve to brush at her lips, just so. "And please, you need not feel like you owe me, unless it reassures you to do so."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Of course it isn't the same. Don't think that's the best I can do with my lips. As for that, owing you a favor might be useful in the future." He brushes his hair back, momentarily a crown of spiked horns before it falls into place, a deep shimmering red. "Fiend indeed. In what, two days, I've already lured you to my bed. And you, a married woman." He shakes his head.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I seem to be standing over it, not lying in it," Ryshassa points out dryly. "It would take much, much more for me to offer you more than healing in bed."
"And I can guarantee Alexsei would be just as difficult to convince. If not more so. Really!" She is smiling as she speaks, almost chuckling right through the words. "Are all Chosen of Venus so greedy for attention? You already have much to occupy your time as it is." Her gaze falls to Shaliya; she needs not point out the neomah near the door, either.
"Anyway--I suppose, then, I simply must tuck away your favor for an opportune moment." The professionalism briefly returns, and she bows deeply and elegantly.
'''Gennadi: ''' He snaps his fingers. "Curses, foiled again. Still, you are not only a rather attractive woman, with a pleasing blush, which I am known to approve of, but if memory serves, you are Cynis as well. I'd imagine you'd be insulted if I didn't give at least a half-hearted shot at adding you into my little blue book."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's expression turns a notch more severe at the mention of the 'little blue book'. She lifts her chin, just a bit, arms still firmly crossed. "Hmph. I suppose I am flattered, Starchosen, but you don't have what it takes to win me, anyway. I prefer exclusivity over these little dalliances everyone else around me seems to be having."
"At least," she adds after a moment of consideration, "I like my men to be devoted -- to me, and me alone." The veil of saintly decency slips, just a bit, and Ryshassa's eyes show a hint of the possessiveness she reserves for her beloved. But once again it is quickly gone, and soon enough, so is she, offering one last, parting bow to all in the room before making her way to the door.
"Good day, Gennadi, and you as well, Shaliya, and Sandara." As she touches the door handle she nods to the unusually demure neomah, then leans over and whispers in her ear. "Don't give into him so easily!"
A last smile, and all that is left of her presence in the room is a vague scent of lavender and jasmine.
'''Gennadi: ''' He watches her go, chuckling. As usual, the prize doesn't think of the trouble winning it would cause. "Sandara? Would you mind coming here for just a moment? I'd like to speak with you about this, and it'd be nice if you weren't hiding in the doorway."
'''Sandara: ''' The Neomah comes closer, slowly, scared... her eyes returning to Shaliya every few moments... angling away from the Winter Rose as she comes closer, on the opposite angle of the bed from the familiar. "I wasn't hiding..."
'''Gennadi: ''' He strikes again, catching the belt of her robe and spinning her down into his arms. "Doesn't matter now. Look, I would have told you, but it's not my place. I trust her to make her own decisions... and it's nothing you really need to worry about. She has needs just like I do, or you do. Plants need sun, people need food and drink, she, every so often, needs blood. It'd been too long since last time, so things were a bit hurried. I'm sorry if it frightened you." He leans over his shoulder, a quick check of her body. "You ok? Nothing hurt when you fell?"
'''Sandara: ''' She yelps as Gennadi pushes her, all surprised... "Sun and food don't hurt people.."
She looks at Shaliya, in fear... "No, nothing did... and you? It hurt? Did it hurt much...?"
'''Gennadi: ''' He shrugs. "Not really. I've been through worse, and this time, it actually helped someone I care about. Just a few little cuts... looks a lot worse than it feels."
'''Sandara: ''' She looks up at him in... admiration? "You... did this for her? All for her..."
"I.. I think I misjudged you..." she blushes. "I had no idea you were so kind..."
* Gennadi can't help but chuckle a little. "You're still misjudging me a bit... and her. Trust me on this one, she doesn't bite unless the other person lets her. No need to be afraid."
'''Sandara: ''' She listens... and turns to Shaliya, "I... sorry, I did not mean to..."
'''Shaliya: ''' The familiar turns her face, still a little embarassed, "... it's fine. I am more sensitive about that than I should be, too..."
She attempts a smile, "I feel ashamed of myself, mostly."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Good. Kiss and make up?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "If you insist..."
She comes closer, close to Gennadi, on the bed, her face closer and closer to Sandara's.. her lips parting....
'''Sandara: ''' ... and the Neomah is out of the way, across the room in a blink "H.. hey, what are you doing?!?"
"No.. not like that! I never kissed like this before!" she says, her dark cheeks darkened even more with pink, as Shaliya giggles...
'''Gennadi: ''' "See, isn't that better than being all frightened?" He tosses the belt of her robe over to her. "We joke a lot about that sort of thing, because of where I work. You'll get used to it."
'''Sandara: ''' Embarassed. Then, even more. Then, angry. "You.. you... perverts!"
Is all she says before she lives the room... leaving Shaliya there, close to Gennadi, giggling madly.
* Gennadi shakes his head again. "She certainly gets a lot of use out of that word... She'll calm down soon." He turns to Shaliya. "Feeling better?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Much!" The familiar says, falling over Gennadi... "I feel all... right, now. Thank you, master..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I think you should get into the habit of calling me Gennadi. I'm getting enough odd looks around here. Glad to hear you're doing better, though."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Right! Now... I just need a nice nap. Hmmm, soft pillow..." She says on his chest... "Nice perfume too..." as she feels the scent of blood...
...and lets a contented sleep come over her...
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