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== Revelations of Gold, Sorrow and Pain ==
<b>Cael:</b> Cael gently lifts the unconcious woman, craddling her in his arms and carrying her over to the next 'bed', then laying her out carefully, checking her over with his limited medical knowledge, trying to discern what made her pass out ... was it the wounds on her back, or something more?
Cael can not quite discern what is up with her, but she is not even very cold... still very warm, almost as if asleep... though pehaps... too warm? Not like a burning fever, but a little bit *too* warm...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael frowns softly, then walked over to the basin in the room, wetting a clean cloth and placing it on her forehead, trying to cool her down somewhat ... he would loosen her clothes too, but really, they couldn't get that much looser...
He takes some time alternating between tending to her, and checking on the prince.
The hours pass.... tending to both, Cael feels a little of the wonder of the situation... of tending to both like this. In a room of calming incense like he never felt before, calming him, relaxing him... tending to a princess of the earth, as elemental of nature as she is human, crimson tatoo shining on her forehead, clad in a dress that seems made of a great flower... and the prince... so perfect. A face that would seem the perfect charming prince, before the magic he carries with him made of him a faerie prince. And as Cael looks at him, he can still feel the Zenith majesty he saw on the first day, and remember, on a corner of his mind, of that majesty, so long before... of a voice to always be followed, a gaze that could pierce the blackest darkness. And between those two unconscious demigods, on a room made of a little wonder, time passes....
Until she mumbles something, Scarlet, lifting her hand... trying to speak.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael leans in close, to listen to what she has to say
<b>Orchid:</b> "C-Cael...?" She says, her voice weakened... "I-I need... get me... third shelf... blue... dehydrated..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael inwardly curses himself, but nods, "lie back, I'll get it for you."
He goes over to the shelf, bringing over the blue vial, and a small cup.
"How much do you need?"
<b>Orchid:</b> Inside the vial stand some dehydrated, blue flower petals....orchids, ironically enough.
"Three of them... in hot water, for a few minutes. Please..."
"I underestimated the poison... idiot, idiot, I was such an idiot..."
"Just rest." he says softly, his voice free of all reproach. He gently strokes her forehead, then goes over, preparing the flowers as she directed, offering her the heated concotion once the time is up.
<b>Orchid:</b> She tries to sit up on the bed... takes a little time, quite a while... pained. Then she takes it with both hands, taking it up to her lips... drinking. "Life Flowers... Orchids, like me. They will help me enough... I don't think this could take me, as I am now... but he could certainly put me in bed for quite awhile. Damn him."
Cael sits and watches her drink.
"I'm sorry for getting you involved." he says apologetically. "Is there anything more I do for you or the boy?"
<b>Orchid:</b> She looks upon the boy... takes a moment looking... closing her eyes, but still looking.... "You anathema... heal fast..."
She whispers in amazement. "I had no idea you could heal so fast..."
She sips the rest of it, then falls down again on the bed, with a sigh of relief. "I told you, he has been here before. I would be sorry for getting the boy involved in our struggles... and you, of course."
"Since you were close to getting pierced just like him..."
<b>Cael:</b> "We can, when the need presses, yes."
He gives a small smile "We can do a lot when the need presses."
"And the boy, it was not the first time he had met him, I'm sure." he gives another small smile "As to myself and the killer ... we were very evenly matched. It would be a long fight between us, had you not arrived when you did."
<b>Orchid:</b> "I worry... but, you know... part of me would like to see that. What I saw of you two moving... was like..."
She shakes her head slightly, embarassed, "Ah... nevermind."
"The boy... he is a Holysword, isn't he? Hard to mistake hair of snow and eyes of amethyst... and if that blade is Ainerach, he is probably a royal... Alexander?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael raises an amused eyebrow "Was like?"
He nods once "He is, yes. He's the reason I'm here at all."
<b>Orchid:</b> "Like poetry. It was unlike a battle... as much a battle as leaves clashing as the wind take them under sunlight is a battle. It was unreal."
"And I have seen anathema fight before... and it had been nothing like it."
"Oh? Should... have guessed... that you would be together with those from Whiteshield while trying to stop the undead..."
<b>Cael:</b> "Ah...that is how I fight...since I Exalted, I have known no other way. It was ...pleasant in some ways to meet someone who could move as I do, even if he was a murderer ... if you can understand that?" he says, not entirely sure himself about the man he fought, and the thing he said...
"I was more refering to the specifity of my being here at this Inn, than being involved at all ... if the Pale Angel were not accompanying him, I doubt I would be here."
<b>Orchid:</b> "I... suppose I can, yes. I have met people who made me glad others were... same as me, and yet..."
She stops, looking around, to the ceiling... "Well, the Dragon-Blooded are known for their... excesses."
"Suppose we should be thankful she was, then? Things might have been so much worse today if you weren't here..."
<b>Cael:</b> "I am not sure." He shrugs "I try not to think on such things. If it was fate, then I think on the balance of things I thank it, and if it is not..." he shrugs again.
"Can I bring you anything to eat?"
<b>Orchid:</b> "Please... I would like that." She smiles, "Something with fruits, preferarbly..."
<b>Cael:</b> He smiles at her "I'll be back shortly."
The he descends into the main room of the inn, easily navigating his way to the bar and catching the eyes of the barmaid, his smile bringing her over.
"Could I have a ... oh whatever you have thats warm for me, and a plate of fruits too. And a bottle of red wine and some fruitjuice, please." he smiles warmly at her "And could you please bring it up to Scarlet Orchid's room when it's ready?"
<b>Hourglass:</b> "Of course, sir, we will bring it there in a few!" She nods, and Cael can just know it will be done swiftly, then, for him.
"Warm and fruits... we have a duck with peaches and oranges... warm and exotic, an eastern delicacy, that our cook can make... would you like that?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Mmmm...I've not had duck in a while. That sounds excellent. Enough for two and a little more, then please." he says with a smile.
"About how long do you think it will be?"
<b>Hourglass:</b> "Oh, no more than forty minutes or so, sir. You will not regret asking for it!"
<b>Cael:</b> "Ah, that is good. Could I have the wine and juice now then?"
When they are brought, he offers the appropriate amount of coin, and a small tip
"Thank you." Then he makes his way upstairs, and knocks lightly on the door, before entering.
<b>Hourglass:</b> She leaves a smile of admiration to Cael as he goes, his first impression still lingering on her as she dreams of him while awake, eyes losing themselves in his form... yet, she takes the drinks, eager to please, and sighs as he goes...
...and then, Cael comes into the room... to see Orchid, knelt on the bed besides Alex, running her hand over his wound...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael gives her another warm smile as he takes the drinks.
"How is he?" He asks, and sets the fruit juice down near her, pouring himself a small glass of wine.
<b>Orchid:</b> She takes her hands off him, taking the juice and drinking it, eager...
"Better than I had hoped... I managed to take away all the poison and wounds in his body, leaving him just to recover from the shock - which was still like being beaten almost to death with a blunt weapon. And yet... I would not be surprised if he was good as new tomorrow..."
She looks down on him, mussing his diamond-silverly hair, glinting almost like flame under the candlelights... "Cute as a buttom, isn't he? Almost inhumanly so... I have never seen royalty so... well, like it should be. Every bit what nobility should be when people think of them..."
<b>Cael:</b> "I wouldn't be overly suprised, either, no. And Whiteshield was, and will be again, one of the special places in Creation, and I guess the Holyswords embodied that." Cael grins "He is pretty cute, too."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"Hmmm, thank you..."
The voice comes, one eye opening...
<b>Orchid:</b> "Already..."
She leaves her drink down at her side, her hand once again on his chest, sensing his wounds...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael looks over at him, with a smile "I'd ask how you felt, but I think I know.."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"I would.... begin with ...'trying not to remembers the worst pain I have ever felt'... some of those Dead Hand Nemessaries... cut me real deep... but nothing... like this...."
His eyes open slowly... as if taking everything to his mind.... then open wide, "What... happened? Where is he?!?"
<b>Cael:</b> "We fought. Neither of us could touch the other. He left when Orchid here, and more guards arrived." he tilts his head "I think I will see him again."
<b>Orchid:</b> "He hit us all pretty badly... don't think we could have done much if Cael wasn't around. Those days, not even Rika..."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"He got away..."
"He killed..."
"And there was nothing I could do.... once again...."
<b>Cael:</b> "Then you will have to get better." he says, his voice filling with reassurance and a hint of command.
"Retreating in self pity will do nothing for you, or the people you wish to protect. You stopped him from killing more. Though next time you think of doing a damn fool thing like taking on a deathknight all on your own, don't. You have friends and allies in Creation for a reason." He smiles at the prince to take the edge of the rebuke.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"I had to try to fight him... to kill him." The prince says, sitting in the bed without much effort. The poison's debilitation took Orchid by surprise, and she was still under the effect of the wounds... but the prince was free of the poison thanks to her, and his own wounds seemed to vanish at a tremendously fast pace.... "He killed my father, ou know. The king. I wanted to try, to see if I could do something against him... being Exalted, now." He hugs himself "But I couldn't do any more than Fiona could..."
<b>Cael:</b> "Must you try to ... no, this isn't the time." He smiles at the boy "Your heart is in the right place, and it's all well and good trying to avenge your father, but for Sun's sake, tell someone next time. Okay?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>He smiles. Yes, he had people caring for him now...
"I shall. Next time, I will call you. Next time... we do it together." He nods. "Oh, and pardon my rudeness, milady... you are Scarlet Orchid, right? I must owe my life to you... and for that, you shall always have my gratitude." He says, nodding solemnly, eyes closed, a bang of silverly-diamond hair falling over his perfect face...
<b>Orchid:</b> "My, aren't you a gentleman!" She giggles, "The pleasure's all mine, my prince. And even though you are so ~cute~..." She says, her hand tracing a line down his cheeks.. "I am sad to say I will be charging you for this. It is my job, as you know... but I do appreciate the gratitude immensely... even if you did so much of the job by yourself, here! Never one of my patients healed himself so fast!"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiled down at the beautiful face.
<i>Together they could defeat the Disciple...though...did he really want that?</i>
<i>How would he know who was better, then?</i>
<i>And how any boy of his age could look as he did....another few years to wait, yet...</i>
"And of course, Orchid. I would not dream of trying to talk you out of payment, I merely thought it would be polite to wait until you were feeling better, and then talk it over while we enjoyed a meal ..together." the merest emphasis on the last word.
<b>Orchid:</b> "Hmmm, I would like that... and we will see if you will be able to afford my price... or be in my debt."
She picks his words in the incense, as if drinking in them.. before taking another drink of her own cup. "Since I am damning myself consorting with anathema anyway, I could think a few favors I would want of one like you..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael raises an eyebrow at this "Oh?" he says with a soft smile "What kind of favours might those be?" his voice contrives to fill the sentance with possibility.
<b>Orchid:</b> She smiles back at him, her face becoming more... distant, then, as if to evade her earlier confidence completely. Like someone who just happened to give an impression she did not meant to in the least. "Oh, I <i>could</i> think of a few uses for someone with the biggest and fastest skyship in the North..."
"As I could find a few uses for an anathema able to fight against a deathknight like that..."
"And there are some uses, my dear..." She says, and suddenly, she is intimate again, the air of distance dimming... "That I could never say in the presence of the boy." a wave of her hand, and two leaves fall over Alex's eyes...
<i>Even if he inspires me the same feelings... fifteen years old, is he? I was about that age as well...</i>
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>The prince blushes, listening intently, then making a face, "What, I should just faint again or something?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael laughs softly "If you wouldn't mind..." his voice amused and joking.
He turns back to Orchid "Well, I shall look forward to our meal, then. Very much so."
Alex Holysword: The prince sighs, looking upward and back on the bed, trying to avoid them, "Well, being that breathing still hurts a bit, I would not mind inconscience..."
<b>Orchid:</b> "As do I. I am starving... used too much essence trying to fix all of us. That always leaves me... <i>hungry</i>" She says as she gets up, "But all sweaty and dirty as well. You mind waiting here as I go change and take a bath, dearie?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course not, though there is some food on the way, and I would not want it to go cold." he gives a shrug "I will ask the maid to bring it through to you."
<b>Orchid:</b> "In the bath? Nah, I wouldn't like my food to get soaked." She says, getting up with some pause, her loose-fitting flower robes trying to fall, but never falling off her pale self... "I will be back soon. Not <i>all</i> women take forever in a bath, and I am not well enough to properly enjoy a lengthy one, anyway... not while such wonderful tastes wait for me." She smiles, blowing Cael and Alex a kiss... "I will be right back."
<b>Cael:</b> "Ah, but it doesn't <i>have</i> to get wet..." his eyes sparkle a little "Enjoy your bath, brief as it might be. Baths should always be enjoyed."
He blows her a soft kiss in return, then sips his wine.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"See you, Orchid. Come back soon..." Alex waves a little...
And then, she was gone... and he was there with Cael. One of the few Solars he had met so far... made him remember Fiona, as well.
The pain was on his chest. So fitting...
Seeing Ivory again... reminding him of his father... of his mother... Carina... Fiona...
<i>The Vestal asked me to tell that Fiona still dreams about you.</i>
Somehow, that gave the prince shivers... to imagine her alive, on their hands... on <i>her</i> hands...
He didn't knew what to do... or eve what to say to the Solar, there, so close to him. All he could do was think how, once again, he could do so little...
<b>Cael:</b> "You really shouldn't feel so bad, you know. You're young, you're beautiful, and you have a whole lot of life ahead of you."
He smiles down at him, and takes a sip of his wine, then catches the prince's eyes.
"You got beaten today, I know. And you're still hurting from that, probably from other things too, but feeling sorry for yourself won't solve any of that. You were Exalted to be a Pillar of Heaven, not to mope and feel useless. I know it's a big load for someone your age to carry, but trust me, you can."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>When their eyes meet... Cael sees strength. Chained in doubts, but still strength... one to be expected of a Pillar.
He takes a deep breath, trying to clean his mind out of all that, and to let the compliments sink... Alexander had never been a stranger to compliments - being a prince, and one like him, he heard them... often. But yet, they came differently from Fiona, and now from Cael... from the Exalted, from his equals? Like receiving compliments from his siblings...
His siblings...
He sits on the bed again, shaking his head... everything wanting to come out. Carina, Fiona, Cedric, Millia, the Abyssals, Whiteshield, his parents, himself... so much, so much, so much to dam inside himself. More every moment... so much more.
"What do you do... when there is so much... you don't even know where to begin?"
<b>Cael:</b> "I tend to find starting at the beginning helps." He says with a grin and a sip of his wine.
"Just start with what you think is most important, and it will all flow from there." He shrugs "Or don't. We can have this discussion another day."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"I don't even know what is important anymore..."
His voice trails off in memories and sadness,
"I want to clean Whiteshield. The Sun told me... to clean the north. To atone for my sins. To wield the light against the darkness again... the sun told me. But I want to save my sister... and I want to save Fiona. I want to run around trying to find a way to make Cedric wake up. I want to kill Ivory and the Vestal."
He muses... "And I want to clean Aine and Lilith. I know them, Cael. I know them... I knew them once. They are supposed to be... like us. Were supposed to be..."
"...Just as I knew you."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael plays the princes conversation back... "Fiona? I do not know that name. Cedric is your brother..what has happened to him?"
"And next time we meet, we will fight, the Disciple and I." <i>And what was that that the disciple said to him before they parted...</i> the though rising again, distracting.
Cael frowns "The deathknights were Solar once? And ...you knew me? What did you know of me?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"Fiona is a Solar, like us... a child of Twilight. My mother was from the Windian magic academy, Cael... she was versed in the Emerald Circle. Fiona was... beyond that. Far beyond. It even scared my mother a little... and she was about my age, a little younger... and cute. So cute. She was nice to Cedric, to Millia.. to everyone. And brave... she is the only reason I am here. The only reason I escaped. I last saw her urging me to go, shoving me away and throwing a rain of dark butterflies at the undeadwhile the air was full of golden smoke and souls ascending to heaven..."
"She was one of the bravest people I have ever met, on that moment. Granted... she told me she didn't know fear..." Alex holds himself, shivering... "I wish I knew... she had ever dreamed about me, before."
Alex says nothing to Cael, only understanding his determination... and trying to understand... something more. Why it was so important and why...
<i>Why are they... so much alike? The hairstyle, the skin color... if Cael was paler, he would be.. just like him.</i>
And to his last question... Alexander lets his mind dwell.... in dreams, in visions... "They were. They were our friends, once. Companions... and you... you were there." Alex's eyes lose focus... becoming older... stronger... resonanting with something deep within his soul... "Covered in the same. The Empyrean Binds were new then. Your hair was longer... and you... we all... were stronger. I remember seeing you covered in those words... golden words. There was something before us, then... like birds... like words... dark words, around all of it. Just like the Empyrean Binds."
"And it was.. grader than the world."
<b>Cael:</b> "I know something of the Emerald Circle ... I've heard the tales of what lies beyond it. If Fiona has mastered those magics ... that is most impressive." he says, admiration in his voice.
"So, the Binds were wrapped about me before, were they? I suspected they might have been ... though I was not sure until now. I have none of these memories, you see..." <i>and you saw words in them, too. That is something else I have never seen.</i>
<i>Dark words at that? Not entirely unexpected, either...</i>
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"Sapphire." He says, after a pause. "There is one above it. That is what terrified my mother. Sapphire."
"I saw... you can send messages... my mother did, too. What else can you do?"
"Yes, they were. They have always been part of you.. part of the same you that was before. It is her doing... just like the sword."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods "I knew it's name, and little else." <i>And your mother was a wise woman, if even half the stories were correct.</i>
"Not much. I can make myself shine so brightly it is hard to see me, and harder to hit me." <i>And I shall not tell you of the last spell I know, because that would only serve to enhance your doubts.</i> "I would like to learn more, given time."
"I'm vaguely aware of the idea we were once people before, yes. Who is this she you talk of?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"Moranine."
The name goes through Cael like a white-hot brand. He sees only the sillhoette... dark under the midnight... the Midnight itself on her hand on a night where the Moon and Maidens could not be seen. The Blade of the First Void. And when Cael once looked at her... he understood what had been done to himself.
His skin crawls. A slight desire to tear the skin and the Binds off. And yet, he feels them sticking to it, feeling that more than ever before... almost as if it spoke to him. As if in its words were spelled some malevolent mind...
A second. The prince speaks again.
"I would as well... Whiteshield... is one of the places. Windia is another. I felt it when I was there... there are others.Ainerach, the Empyrean Binds... they are all part of something, Cael. Of something... we all are. Even Moon... rough as he is. I remember how he once was. Glorious."
Ainerach. Ainerach hits the blade of darkness. The world shatters.
"And Cedric... they tried to do... something with his mind, when they took over Whiteshield. He hasn't waken up since... don't know... if he ever will. I left him with a friend, Domiel... he swore an oath to me. Sanctfied it like a Solar Wind can do, that he would keep him safe. But... I don't know if he has woken up yet..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael winces as the name hits him, tensing in the chair.
<i>Must get them off...</i> or not, as they coil themselves tighter about him, feeling more a part of him than ever before.
Reality returns.
<i>All linked were they ... all part of some grand game? Well, it would be an interesting game to play, if the opening moves were anything to go by...</i>
The world departs again, pure light hitting pure darkness ... one moment that lasts for an eternity ... and then it all falls to pieces.
Cael gasps, gripping the chair he sits on, the wineglass in his other hand shattering as it is held far too tight. Pain brings the real Creation back, in time for the Prince's last words.
"I ...ah... see."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b>"Sometimes I feel I could remember more... if I tried... but then I feel like... it would open a box within my soul to something so horrible... so great... that it would drown me on it."
"Grander than the world... my mind told me that. While it tried to hide from me what really was there..."
The prince looks at Cael.... noticing how he is... "Are you alright?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods slowly "That is probably wise ... Now, could you pass me that bandage over there?" He gestures with one hand as he looks down at the other hand.
<b>Hourglass:</b> Alex passes them to Cael... and then, they hear a knock on the door.
"Excuse me... sir? Madam? Your food..."
<b>Cael:</b> "The door is open, come in, please." Cael says, keeping the pain from his voice, covering the hand with the bandage for now, not tightening it until he can pull the few shards out.
<b>Hourglass:</b> The waitress comes in with the food plate... smiling at Cael, the food steaming, the steam mixing together with all the incense... "Where do I place these?"
Then, she notices his hand... "Oh, dear... what happened with you want me to send for someone is there anything I can do?!?" she says, a little too fast and exasperated for her own tongue to follow...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles at her reassuringly, "Just put them on the table, please." He nods in that direction.
"It's fine. I was just a little ..clumsey with the wine glass. No need to send for anyone, though if you could bring me another glass ... and something for you, Alex?" His voice just a little strained by the pain.
<b>Hourglass:</b> "O... ok..." She says, leaving it on the table, but keeping her gaze in his hand, at the blood... "W-want me to call a healer?"
"You don't need to call, Dara. You have one here, remember?" Scarlet says, walking into the room on her bathrobe and sandals... her hair still wet, the flowers like covered by morning dew, she walks to the table.... "And I doubt that flesh wound needs a healer. Just a few shards of glass... hmmm, one nice meal you asked for us, Cael!"
The prince brightens, nodding at Cael, and looking at the waitress... and as she graps the sight of such a perfect boy, with his shirt... she blushes, once again, even him being so young... "I could use some honeyed wine... and some sweets! If you have any strawberries, preferarbly..."
<b>Cael:</b> "I'm so glad it meets with your approval." He smiles with only a slight hint of grimace.
"Please then, some honeyed wine, some strawberry sweets, and another one of those strawberry ..concotions for you, Orchid?" He asks
When the Waitress leaves, he carefully pulls the shards of glass from the wound. "Could you bandage this please, so much easier than trying to fix it myself.."
<b>Orchid:</b> She walks up to Cael, her bathrobe as red as her loose flower-robes, but fluffy as a towel... holding his hand and plucking the glasses out, using transcendent medical skill but no essence-charged ability.... "You silly, silly man." She says, smiling and touching his forehead with a wink, "Are anathema so strong you can barely contain it?" She says as her hand runs over the muscles and veins of his hand... so softly... "Must be in need of a release, all that tense strength...."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael lets out a soft sigh as her oh so warm hands trace over his skin.
"Alex told me something ...surprising, that is all. It was just unfortunate that the glass was in my hand at the time."
He gives her a subtle smile "I'm quite capable of waiting for a release, I assure you." he moves his hand to stroke hers.
<i>Not that one would be unwelcome</i> his eyes tell her.
<b>Orchid:</b> "Oh, how much? You seemed to be waiting for a release that would only come when you fought the Disciple again." She shakes her head,
"I have seen much of such foolishness... if you let the desire for battle consume you, you will just become blind, tense... people jump so easily in bloody-minded vendettas like that and forget to... relax..." She says, her fingers beggining to entwine with his' like the roots of a large tree... maneuvering along the ground...
<b>Cael:</b> "I was calm when I fought the Disciple, there was no room for anything but calm..."
<i>Which was what was so wonderful about it</i>
<i>So why can't I be wholely calm about him now?</i>
"There is nothing bloody-minded about my ..vendetta. I merely made a promise to him, one that I intend to keep."
He lets his fingers entwine with hers, letting the sensation draw him in somewhat.
"I do not seek bloody battle with him."
<b>Orchid:</b> "Yes, I saw it... but I know enough of Rika Sanjuro to know how someone can be very angry or driven and not show it... you always look calm, Cael. Always so.. smooth." She says, pressing her palm to his'. "But I can feel thre is warmth here, when I touch you. Warm... heating for battle? What do you seek, then?"
<b>Cael:</b> Cael presses back against her palm.
"I want to know." He says, simply.
<b>Orchid:</b> "Now, isn't that a funny thing..." Scarlett says, feeling the warmth of Cael's palm against her own... "This is exactly what I want as well. Many things I saw today.. opened many doubts, to me."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Now, what I would want is to know if you are eating your food... otherwise, I could use a bit of that duck. It smells nice... and it's better than watching you two flirt so shamelessly, you know." The prince says, sat on bed, arms over his knees. "Not that I take offense of being forgotten here and all, but.."
<b>Cael:</b> "My apologies Alex. By all means, have some of the duck" he says, turning from Orchid briefly.
He looks back, "Perhaps we should stop our shameless flirting and let you eat, too." he speaks with a soft grin.
"We can talk about your doubts later after all, but the duck is cooling fast."
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Do not mind if I do..." The prince gets up, stretching and going to the table... passing to where there is a little pool with fragrant water to clean his hands, then sitting down. "Well, as I can have some of the Duck you two can continue, I can focus my attention on tastier things now!"
<b>Orchid:</b> She lets go of his hand, smiling... "Well, yes, we have time, don't we?" She turns around, running her hands over her bathrobe, "Though it might be best if I put on some clothes... but I guess I will just have some of the duck first!"
She walks up to the table, making a mock-pouty face Alex, "Oh, you wound me, dear prince... and I thought I looked at least remotely tasty..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael grins softly as he walks over behind her, dipping his hands in the scented water to clean them.
"I assure you, you look quite tasty." he speaks with an amused whisper to her ear, before he moves from beside her to sit by the Prince.
"Not the best way to woo a woman, young Prince" he speaks in a stage whisper, obviously intending her to hear
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "I... uh... errr..." Pink takes over his cheeks, and he looks down in embarassment.
<i>Way to go... Liza was right in saying I still had much to go to know how to treat a woman...</i>
<i>And even Millia...</i>
"I... am sorry, milady... you do look stunning. Beautiful... I did not realise what I had said... sorry."
<b>Orchid:</b> She brings her finger to her mouth, giggling slightly, "Oh, thank you, Cael... you are a flatterer." She smiles, "And you too, prince, relax... and let us enjoy our meal, shall we?" She says, picking some of the plate for her, some of the rice, potatoes, and the duck... all juicy with fruits, looking so tasty...
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course, the other important thing is to know when they are joking and relax, as she advises." He says, his voice holding no reproach, and a warmth to lift Alex's spirits.
He starts to reach out to take items to his plate, picking sparringly, sampling it too with his unbandaged hand. "Mmm, this <i>is</i> good."
Yes, tasty, so tasty... so wonderfully tasty.... the hot taste of the duck, the juice of its well-done meat, the exotic tastes of peaches with it... so juicy in it... and then, in the end... at the very end of it... it begins to burn. A cold burn within Cael, and it <i>hurts!</i>
.... it is... Poison!
Orchid gets up, clutching her mouth, falling to the ground... Alex runs to her before tripping himself, under the flare of the poison, but visibly better than her....
And then the window explodes inward, and the shuriken fly through the veils and incense....
<b>Ninjas:</b> Dressed wholly in black, black as the night behind them, they come in... three of them.... shuriken in hand, rippling the veils, stars going straight to Cael...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael doubles over, spitting the food out over the table, then standing, shaking himself, throwing himself back and away from the shuriken, leaping for his coat under the sword, grabbing it after they fly underneath him...
He jerks on the coat, the sword spinning in midair as he pulls it free, slipping his arms into the sleaves, before he leaps again, carrying the sword over to the prince, landing in a crouch before him.
"Protect her." he says, and then he rises, eyes flashing with a dangerous light, vengeful motes trickling off his tattoos...
His hand flickers once, and the man in the middle falls to the floor, clutching his leg.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> Alex almost falls, rolling with his dizzyness, using it to approach Orchid, taking the sword from Cael just as he lands near her. Cold Sweat comes from his brow, the poison on his veins... but his sturdy Zenith constituition fights it in even terms. He touches Orchid... full sun appearing on hsi forehead...and it comes out of her, sickly and dark green, the poison comes out of her, and into his hand... and into his body....
<b>Ninjas:</b> One falls to the ground, and the others spread, one for each side, trying to take Cael blindsided.
From left and right, comes the sharp death, from left and right come the shuriken...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael leaps, a lot less gracefully than he would like, up and over the shuriken, his caste mark blazing as quills slip from his sleaves, enscribing brilliant golden kanji on the air, flicks of his wrist sending the lethal works towards the two people on either side of him.
He lands with a slight thump on the ground, gasping as his hand protests the treatment.
Just as both the black-dressed men fall into the furniture, breaking the room, a chain comes from the shadows outside of the wall... rippling through the air, breaking the air, a green, foul chain coming towards Cael... like a snake, turning around in mid-air, trying twice to strike at him.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael lands, and then he sees the chain, the room slowing as he twists, bending over backwards, the chain swishing over his head once, twice, before he snaps up to his feet, the glow of the quills fading from his arms as he does.
<b>Raran:</b> The creature is covered as if in a dozen scarves of inky darkness... ragged, swooshing on a nonexistent wind. Its skin is like the darkest hue of red, almost brown, its eyes burning green. The green chain comes back to its hands as it hops out of the window and into the room, breaking a drawer under the window, pots and glasses falling and splitting the ground into a thousand strange oils and shards of glass. The creature narrows its eyes at you.... "A Solar alright... you are... resistant."
Cael recognizes the thing... a First Circle Demon, Raran, the Green Chain. Progeny of the Guardian of Sleep, an assassin used by those foolhardly enough to pact with demons to terminate their rivalries.
As he comes in, light pours from behind Cael. screeching, a bird of sunlight crosses the room in a blink, exploding against the demon's face, splashing in vengeanceful sunlight...
<b>Cael:</b> "Of ... course." he says, inclining his head in what might be a bow, watching the holy fire burn the demon.
"I...suppose you are not at liberty to say who sent you?"
<b>Raran:</b> "I am forbidden from doing so, by my creator, by Malfeas itself." The demon says, standing upright, letting the chain down... dangling at his side.
"No whisper might come from my mouth, to reveal of my contractor." The very end of the chain begins to burn... like a red star.
"Not until Cecelyne runs over the world, covering an ocean in its sands, shall we whisper names." The chain swirls in its hand again... blurring. The red star explodes in space, rippling the world and sending numerous illusions against Cael, numerous red stars... but only four chains which have any substance.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods ... and then he dissolves into a thousand shimmering characters, the red tipped chains passing through them like air..,
Golden quills start to dance within the shinning cloud, words of light, words of life, words of purity, and it is these words that scythe towards the demon, wrapping it in a world of pain
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> As the demon screams inside the shining words, Alexander staggers...
Holding his blade with all the strength he can muster, he realises he can not reach the demon, wounded as he is... but he focuses... concentrates... and then, wreathing his blade in bright white light, sends it against the demon... covered in light, it becomes a hawk, screeching as it flies towards its prey...
<b>Raran:</b> Nailed by the blade, the demon is hammered against the wall, almost breaking it, screaming as the golden blade renders the essence construct of its body, screaming as it is consumed in green flame, leaving the wall scorched....
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> The sword stuck on the wall in front of him as the green flame and the pure light consume the demon's body, Alexander falls to the ground, breathing with difficulty.... "... There..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael takes several deep breaths himself, forcing himself over to the window, and casting his light out into the orchard behind the building, looking for more threats.
And he sees.... nothing. None other was there aside from the three assassins he took out and the demon...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael sighs his shoulders then turns away from the window, running over to Orchid, falling to his knees as the poison twists his muscles, looking her over, checking for a pulse.
"Alex, are ... you ... okay?"
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> She is alive... mostly. Still warm, only... unconscious, once again.
Alex is breathing heavily, with difficulty, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.... "Sort... of... her poison... is way weaker when I pass it to my body.... but still..."
<b>Cael:</b> He nods
"Good...thank you...for burning the demon."
He sits on the floor for a few moments, before he crawls over to the man that dropped, proping himself up on his elbow as he frisks the man.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "Thank you... for allowing me to hit him...."
Alex grits his teeth, trying not to pass out... "Too dizzy, too hurt... that was too clumsy a strike... Otieno... would never forgive me for attacking like that."
<b>Cael:</b> "Poison ... It's a foul thing..." his words slurred alittle by that selfsame substance "...no-one has tried ..." he coughs "...poison before..."
<b>Ninjas:</b> On the man's robes... knives, shurikens... and of course, the silver pieces. Nothing that is readily indentifiable in him...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael sighs softly and slums himself against the wall, the floor and the wall slowly bleaching in the light of his anima.
<b>Alex Holysword:</b> "I will... try to take the poison out of you... as soon as I can..."
Alex coughs blood out, his vision blurring... "I... just... need... some... res..."
And then, consciousness vanishes from him.
<b>Cael:</b> "..Damn...I was planning on doing that..."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SecondMovement|Second Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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