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== Silent Awakening ==
Time went by, days by days, and Iselsis did not wake up.
Time passed, the clinic was slowly patched up, the room she had exploded was barricaded, the Windians - and the now-organized survivors of Spire - did their best to get the clinic back to its feet. And throughout all this time, Iselsis was there, unconscious... and all avoided her, knowing that whatever lay within her, is very, very dangerous.
But it has been too long, too long without Ryshassa feeling even the slightest hint of conscience on her.
It was time for harsher measures...
'''Ryshassa: ''' In fact Ryshassa has been vacillating over her options for every one of those days that have passed, hoping that Iselsis would awaken on her own in the meantime. At least they have been relatively quiet days, since Prince Alexander, his sister and the others have dealt with the ritual threatening Spire. After that it has mostly been aiding the wounded in the aftermath -- and a few more amusing interludes -- while the clinic is repaired of the damage done by Iselsis's heroic explosion.
Now she looks down over Iselsis' sleeping face. On the outside it still does look much like her, but for the hair -- which had suddenly grown long and flowing, after the demon had taken over her body. Or was it truly as the demonic presence had said, that the body had always been hers, and Iselsis just a figment of the real host's psyche, an alternate but ultimately temporary personality? The thought of it troubles her, but nowhere in the ample stores of information in the Spire's library had she found anything more than vague hints and implications of what could have happened to Ise -- or what could be done about it.
Ryshassa fears now it could very well be permanent. And with Ise asleep so long... could it be the sign of an ongoing mental struggle between the demon and the girl? Or could it be that the girl has long since faded and the demon only awaits the next opportunity to wake again? When she told Lady Aine she would not delve into her sister's mind again -- and earlier than that, to her own husband -- she had not been jesting. But this seems too important, too urgent to just leave to chance.
Nothing has changed. Physically the girl is whole and hale. Mentally... unresponsive.
"Forgive me," Ryshassa whispers, not sure whom she is speaking to, but speaking anyway, as she pulls back the pale green sleeve of her kimono and reaches out to touch Iselsis' forehead. And beyond that, her spirit...
''Where are you, Izabella de Windia? ''
* Ryshassa walks into her mind... and feels a blasted ground under her feet. She feels something warm. It might be flame, but it was hard to know - nothing made a sound. A bird went past her, and into the nothingness. And it did not made a sound. There was almost no sound there... and if she was surrounded by flame, past all the shadows that surrounded her like being in a dark room, she had no way to know. But it was like a sauna.<br><br>Difficult to breathe, almost.... and all she could see, was the blasted, war-thorn ground in front of her.<br><br>And she did not have to walk much - right in front of her, back turned, curled on the ground, was Iselsis...
'''Iselsis: ''' Nothing is visible in the pitch black but Izabella, facing away from the healer lady. She's somehow visible while all else isn't, sitting in the middle of the sea of pitch black, hugging her knees. She's whimpering, and shivering, not quite like crying, and not quite like pained moaning of someone tortured for too long. The sounds resonate eerily within the confines of Izabella's psyche, as if the darkness around them expands into an infinately large space, like the confines of the room had fallen away the minute she stepped inside.
'''Ryshassa: ''' The first emotion that hits Ryshassa upon seeing Iselsis like this is guilt. Pure, raw, scathing guilt. She falls to her hands and knees before Iselsis's curled up, shuddering form, letting out a moan of despair swallowed up by the silence all around her.
''I left her here too long. ''
''I left her like this too long! ''
And for an instant she feels panic rise. Panic and shame at her own failings, for letting warnings prevent her from doing what is her true and most beloved of duties. To heal -- to save!
But no. No, she cannot let such feelings overwhelm her here. Not now!
''Iselsis -- Izabella needs my strength. ''
And so Ryshassa shoves it down, her own instinctive reaction to the sight of suffering she could very well have alleviated earlier. Much as her physical form reached out, she now reaches mentally, with the utmost gentleness and care, to touch the curve of Iselsis' back.
"Izabella," she begins, both speaking and thinking the words now; the silence may not carry them, but her spirit would. "Can you hear me? Can you ''feel'' me? It is I, the healer Ryshassa."
'''Iselsis: ''' The whimpering ceases.
"I heard you... you said I was a real person... I heard you..."
She whimpers again.
"I-I tried... I came back... I honestly tried... But it's black...", a pained sob intersperses her speech, "I walked and walked, but I can't get out... I can't get out..."
She turns around to regard Ryshy, only for Ryshy to find two gaping holes where should have been eyes staring at her.
"It's so dark Ryshassa... it's so dark... I can't see..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "And you ''are'' real," Ryshassa says firmly, kneeling down to grasp Ise gently by the arms. She does not flinch, seeing the empty eyes -- not because she has seen such atrocities before, but because she refuses to give into the urge to pity her. She is deserving of far more than that.
"However you may have been birthed, Izabella, it makes no difference. Your hopes, fears, loves, hates, dreams and desires, your very self-awareness, these make you real, these make you alive!"
Now Ryshassa lets her hands slide downward, to clasp Ise's hands in her own, to let her feel the warmth, the vitality in them.
"You have lost sight of what it means to have a sense of self. Your heart doubts. You have experienced what it is like to fully lose control, when the demon took this body for her own."
"But you are still ''here'', Izabella. You still persist despite all the effort to eradicate you. And I have reached you, I have reached out to the core that is you." Ryshassa squeezes her hands comfortingly. Even if it is a mental contact, it is still just as reassuring as if it had been physical. "Here, now, is the proof. You are here, and I believe in you. I can touch you, and now I will lead you out."
She makes to stand, now, to help Iselsis up with her. Behind the healer, stretching into the gloom, is that glittering cord of essence that connects her back into the conscious world.
'''Iselsis: ''' The sightless Izabella takes all this in in silence. She doesn't react much, save for shivering involuntarily every now and again. And after a good long time she simply nods, and stands, though she leans against Ryshassa, for guidance as much as support.
She had been alone in the dark, unable to see for so long. Lesser minds would have snapped. Who knows how close she had been to giving in to despair, and fading from existance forever.
She's still shivering, clutching the other woman's kimono and leaning against her sideways, apparantly not at all sure about how steady her own feet are.
"The darkness in here has no end.", she warns.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "It must have an end," Ryshassa says confidently enough, "if I have come from the outside in."
And there is little more to do than walk. Walk, and walk, holding Izabella's hand so she might have a guide in the darkness that, for her, is both without and within.
Traversing these blasted lands together, following the golden trail she can clearly see and feel, back to the world of light.
* As she helps Iselsis up, it comes... cutting the string, wisps of searing light, burning silently, slithering around them like serpents propelled by burning air, and although they do not make a sound, their minds almost add the hissing of a serpent there. they twist around Ryshassa and Iselsis... ''angry''
'''Iselsis: ''' "She's not happy you're here...", is all the weakened Izabella helpfully offers, shivering involuntarily again.
* There is sound, then. Like a shout. Chiding them. Cursing them.<br><br>Searing currents of wind come closer, whipping nothingness about them, scarring it.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You think to trap me here as well?" Ryshassa says, uncharacteristically sharply, at the angry, serpentine presence that reveals itself around them. "Three souls are too much for one body. And you will not eradicate us both."
''Now, escape will not be so easy. But not impossible. ''
Ryshassa's anima flares in response, stained-glass butterfly wings scintillating with the colors of sunset, shielding her and Iselsis from the heat. And in her hands, crafted itself of Essence and want, her own mental weaponry, a perfect duplicate of her lyre. It defies the darkness, its ivory body shining with violet petals and the seven golden strings across its body, strings that respond as easily as thought as her fingers stroke across them. Soothing melodies challenge the silence, somewhat muting the demon's roar, and wash over Iselsis, easing for a blessed moment her pains and fears.
"Izabella, I will need your help. It is not much. You have memories of before the demon's influence transformed you. Remember them. If you can remember but a sliver of your childhood, free of tragedy, free of what terrible circumstance has made you, my music will bring you there."
Her fingers are poised on the strings, to weave a melody... a memory of a girl called Izabella de Windia, that demons have not yet touched.
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods her head slowly. "I'll try...", is all she says before going over her life.
The images flick before the eyes she currently doesn't possess, one after the other, as if counting backwards. So much pain, so little joy. And as the images pass her by, so do they appear to Ryshassa.
''A disturbing monochrome, frayed at the edges. Alexsei's voice muffled in the background. The picture is upside down. It is Cathak Marr, consumed by her sister. ''
''A roof, dust, and a man. Seventh Moon. ''
''A ship, the Zephyr, Cael, Gennadi... Green winds. ''
''Izabella dancing awkward in the snow with a wood aspected woman. She is beautiful. It is Faina. ''
''A kiss. The floor, a letter of asignment drifting towards it. ''
''Her master. His face weeping blood through prayer strips. Mangled. The young red girl weeps as the man leaves. ''
''An inferno in her master's manse, then black. ''
''The girl younger still. She exalts during training, the woman with flowers in her hair is there. A tree explodes into fire as it is struck by the mad lashings of a newborn anima. ''
''A view from Ise's perspective, whimpering, the sensation of tears rolling down her cheeks, she sees her own hands, which are not her own. ''
''... ''
''Izabella is younger still. She is living with other Windians, though they are not her family. Her hair is long and pretty, but obscures her face. Her skin is normal, a pale alabaster, and her wings are feathered. An overwhelming sense of melancholy. ''
''Blood. Blood on her face and dress. Her parents blood. The young child clutching an even younger sibling to her chest. To spare her from seeing what wide trembling eyes cannot look away from. ''
''The images focus finally, for any length of time. The rolling green hills of Windia in what few days of summer it gets. A meadow, pleasant smells. She is running, playing. Someone calls her name. Then a fall. The little girl had fallen and hurt her knee, she is crying. An older girl, with black wings comes rushing in, to pick the young Izabella up. She wraps her arms around her older sisters neck. The older girl strokes her hair, and tells her it'll all be okay. ''
''It'll all be okay... ''
''I'm here now... ''
It is Selina de Windia, before the fall. So much younger, so much better times, but unmistakably her.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa delves into the performance, ''becomes'' the performance, the conduit for a struggle that is not hers to fight, but to aid. This is Izabella's song, Izabella's story. Ryshassa is merely the interpreter, though a deft one at that, turning memories into soundscapes that coalesce all the more real and sharp with detail as time turns backwards.
She weeps at the memories wrought into song. Weeps so that her tears themselves are woven into the music, raining down upon the golden strings not simply with sorrow for the tragedies laid bare, but with a profound, indescribable joy. For buried beneath the tragedy is a pure and simple beauty, the very roots of innocence, where Izabella first understood the meaning of love.
It pleases her, somehow, to see Selina there, at the end -- the beginning -- of it all.
* It is so pure. The demon stops, as that fills the world....<br><br>Something the Demon did not know, because it did not care to.<br><br>Something the demon did not know, and thus, it could not touch.<br><br>It is a moment with such light, that it eclipses the searing light from beyond... and leaves only them there, the real world a step away... but for a figure, which is still shadows even in the light, with orange eyes. Watching them, and smiling.
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella could see again. She doesn't try to understand how or why. But she can. She smiles wearily at Ryshy for a moment.
"I... I can see again."
And then she notices the smiling demon, with the orange eyes. He had been there before. He was not this other entity trying to usurp her life.
''Who are you? ''
She peers at the demon, though unspoken this was her own mindscape. It and Ryshassa could hear her question clear as if she had spoken the words aloud.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles through her tears, her fingers still at last. The magic of the music still lingers, though, outlining clearly the way back to consciousness. "I'm glad, Izabella... I'm glad."
She, too, sees the figure, recognizing him. Those striking, orange eyes -- that one was there when she first delved into Iselsis' dreams.
''Who, indeed? ''
'''????: ''' The figure does not come closer, as if her purity harmed him as well. "I must admit, that was touching. I would cry if I could... but trust me, you would not like to see me cry. Makes me wonder wether that is stubborness or just good friends you have there." He says with a sideways smile, teeth glinting in the shadows of his body.
"Either way, girl, you would be better off not waking up."
'''Iselsis: ''' A sidereal the pair of them know only all too well appears, summoned by some sparking recognition within Izabella's mind. It is Gennadi, or Izabella's memory of him at least.
"If you cannot compose yourself and take responsibility you're never going to escape your curse.", he says. He looks ready to say more, but quickly fades before a witty encore passes his lips.
She thumbs over at the fading figment of a sidereal.
"What he said."
"I'm not afraid. Not anymore. I'm tired of sleep. Tired of not knowing."
She takes a deep breath, to fix her resolve.
"It's time I composed myself and took some responsibility. This is ''my'' story, this is ''my'' life, and nothing you say can scare me from taking it back anymore!"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "And she will not be alone, when she wakes." Ryshassa says with a firm and confident nod. The lyre is gone now, vanished into a cloud of petal wings that fade into mist. "One cannot blame her, to desire the truth after a long time in darkness."
"''I'' know she will be able to make it." Spoken as if her sentiment is a truth of the world.
'''????: ''' A razored grin as he looks over them... and claps. "Now, ''that'' is the spirit. Pehaps you are ready for the truth after all. Forgive me if I don't introduce myself, but this place here... well, it is not safe. Same reason why I can't say much, I'm sure you'll understand." He steps back, two great black wings flexing against the light. "It is your story. And you have no idea how many are caught within it, Iselsis."
"I'm sure you'd like to know, then? To take responsibility for what you are?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She simply nods grimly in response.
"I need to know."
'''????: ''' "Good girl. Well, just go back home, then. I gather from all the images I have seen flowing around - sorry for being the voyeur - that you are going there anyway, right? So it won't be much of a problem. There are a few safe places there. Then I can tell you. I will wait for you in your home, seems fitting enough." He turns around, to walk out... "Oh, and... good job with the light. That was pretty, I'll give you that."
'''Iselsis: ''' And he leaves Izabella with a rather quizical look on her face, which she shoots at Ryshassa in that '''is this as weird as I think it is? ''' kind of fashion, before looking at the portal to the real world. Her way out of the little hell she'd been trapped in for too long.
"Can we get out of here now, please?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "So then... everything will be made clear in Windia. Or so we hope."
And sometimes, hope is all you have.
Ryshassa nods to Iselsis encouragingly, at her request. "Of course. Right this way..." And even before the words are finished forming, there a portal appears before them, opening out to a clinic green and lush with healing blossoms...
...and, in a strange, sudden twist of awareness, the healer's face, gazing down at from where Ise lies stretched out in bed, her body stiff and weary from the long sleep.
'''Archren: ''' And Izabella de Windia opens her eyes... to the real world, feeling the light sting her eyes, the smell of flowers take her scent... and sees the blonde geomancer in front of her, eyes that overflow with power gazing on the waking terrestrial... almost contemptuously.
"Why are you still here, miss?"
'''Iselsis: ''' Her eyes focus slowly, blearily on the woman in front of her. And then it registers.
"I don't know.", she retorts as she slowly sits up, feeling really quite physically well, "Why hasn't your face run away after seeing itself in the mirror?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa smiles, clad in her customary kimono, this one pale green with honeysuckle blooms. "We really should stop meeting this way," she says to Iselsis, relief flooding her with warmth and satisfaction, before turning a gaze quite irritable in Archren's direction.
"I could say the same for you. Lady Archren. What occasion brings you visiting the clinic today? I will not have you harassing my patients, unless you have some other purpose."
'''Archren: ''' "It tries hard not to go green with envy of me, my dear. Unlike you, I see you went red with anger already, the way the mirror has been mistreating you. I imagine truth hurts." She says with a harpish smile, shrugging as Ryshassa speaks. "I felt a disturbance, and came to look. It was apparently just this. And you cannot blame a lady for feeling curious."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Well, if you're done being curious, then the spectacle is over," Ryshassa says in her best crisp, professional doctor sort of voice. "Though I would not say it is 'just' anything. Your boredom may well be another's profundity."
''And your bedside manners are absolutely '''atrocious. ''' ''
'''Iselsis: ''' Izabella gives the mean spirited lady a blank look.
"See this? This face? This is my 'being the better person and not strangling the rude stranger who's trying my patience' look."
'''Archren: ''' She giggles, waving dismissively at Iselsis. "Like you would have a chance, little pepper."
"But if our dear host wishes me gone, I suppose there is no harm in it. I will be seeing you."
She says, turning around and walking out...
'''Iselsis: ''' And Ise gives Ryshy a confused look.
"Who the hell was that?", and then as she sits up seems to realize her hair is cascading down her shoulders, rather far down her shoulders, "And what the hell is this? Exactly ''how long'' was I out for?", she blinks a few times.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa makes a face of her own. One of utter disgust. She has to rein herself in not to stick her tongue out at Archren's retreating back.
"I'm sorry, Iz... Iselsis," she switches to the code name now, not wanting to use the real unless given leave to. "I would not have chosen that viper of a woman to greet you when you wake, if I could help it."
"She is Archren, a reknowned thaumaturgist, seeing as she has a talent with seeing the flows and patterns of essence. She was called here originally to help Fiona, actually..." Fiona herself had left the clinic days before, as fixed as she could be after her encounter and subsequent posession by the Virdynn. "Why she remains here even afterward, I have no clue."
Ryshassa's gaze loses its trace of annoyance as she thinks on the time that has passed since Iselsis has slept. "I... I would say it has been about a week," she says apologetically. "As for the hair, it seems to be a result of the demon's posession of your body, which occurred after you... er... blew up part of the clinic. The fight took enough of a toll out of you that the demon took control."
"I take it you do not remember much at all of that. Though I can say that whatever being it may be, it is not Adorjan herself... but some progeny of hers, perhaps."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Pretty face, shame about the personality. Or lack thereof.", she comments on Archren.
"You'll have the fill me in on the specifics of the demon in question later. Don't forget details. The devil is in the details, quite literally so."
She peers around the room.
"I assume I stopped the... whatever it was? I'd hate to think I set myself on fire for nothing... plus if it had gotten into this place..."
'''Monev: ''' "They did. Calobis lies dead, and I did not believe such a thing possible. Together with each and every Bloody Hand they could find, and my mistress." A figure gets up from a nearby bed... a figure of feathers held together by shimmering essence-laden wings, silver avian eyes and beak, the face of a powerful bird looking at her... "The Hound and the Prince brought me to the light, as well. I am sorry for having hurt you, warrior." He says, as he kneels, slowly, painfully, still horribly burnt by her flames... but yet, he knelt, to honor her.
"In this crisis, you were the bravest of souls. Every bit a knight."
'''Iselsis: ''' She blinks and peers over.
And says the first thing that comes to mind.
She takes what the bird man says in for a while, looking rather dumbstruck really, as much at the gesture as at the fact that he's kneeling beside her bed in the first place and not smoldering dead in a ditch somewhere.
"Not that I'm not glad and all, but the plan was for you to be dead, so I think I'm getting a bit rusty."
She blinks a few more times.
"And for yu-shan's sake get up. People aren't supposed to kneel for me, that's just..."
"... awkward."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa had just opened up her mouth to respond when Monev did the job for her. Closing her mouth suddenly, she gives Ise another sheepishly apologetic look, even though the whole thing had nothing to do with her.
At least she didn't seem to be mad!
"He is not dead, but those burns have taken quite some time to heal, and I've had my hands quite busy," Ryshassa points out.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Yeah, tends to be when you do something that typically makes people be quite dead."
"Hell, it's a miracle I survived."
'''Monev: ''' "You have hurt me worse than I have ever been hurt, Knight of Silence. But I am stronger than you know. I am The Hunter of Avia, and I am not one to be taken lightly. I would have had you consumed by your own fire in my anger... and you have the monkey to thank for your survival."
"But still, you defeated me."
He finally gets up, walking towards her...
And touching his neck, A collar is there, green gems inlaid in Moonsilver and Black Jade. it flows out of his neck, into his hand... and he leaves it over Iselsis belly. "This is Pledge of Allegiance. This is the Hunter's Charm. My badge of office." He says, his voice suntuous, singing of birds in hsi body repeating an oath that has no equivalent in the tongues of humans.
"Keep it. You deserve it more than I do."
'''Iselsis: ''' At this gesture Ise contorts her face into a state of confusion not previously thought possible by even the most learned of scholars.
And gives Ryshy a pleading look for some guidance in a situation like this.
After all, she was used to getting a pat on the back, if that, and then going off to whatever her next assignment was. Not getting honored by avian hunter gods.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa chuckles gently, and turns to Monev, resting a finger on her chin thoughtfully. "Let me see... you feel you owe Iselsis something appropriately important and meaningful to you, since you attacked her wrongly, and only afterwards learned the right of it, after she had nearly extinguished herself trying to prevent you from entering the clinic."
"And Iselsis, in defense of those you feared would be threatened by sir knight, you bathed him in fire, leaving him scars and a shameful memory that will likely persist for a long while."
"I would say that by now you are both already quite even," the healer pronounces. "Now Iselsis, it is not so much the symbol he offers as it is the apology it represents. As a knight, the badge of his office is one of the highest honors you could possibly give up to another. Take it or not, but what he really wants is for you to know that his apology is sincere."
'''Iselsis: ''' ...
It takes a while for her brain to reach it's inevitable conclusion, but then she nods.
"For a minute there I thought he wanted me to do his job, or something. Heh!", she scratches the back of her head and chuckles awkwardly before taking the collar into her hands and nodding at Monev.
"Thank you very much, it's an honor."
'''Monev: ''' "And that I recognize her own skill is respectable and true, Ryshassa, indeed." He nods, his dignified, powerful form seeming to crumble as he turns to make way to his bed. "You are welcome, Iselsis. It is nothing more than what you deserved. What you have earned."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Well, now that that is over and done with," Ryshassa continues smoothly, hoping that the gesture has been satisfactory for both of them, "I ought to address another important piece of business... namely clothing."
"Your coat and the rest of it were all consumed in the flames. And I'm sure you aren't thrilled at the idea of keeping the hospital gown?"
She gestures to the white gown Iselsis is now wearing -- clean, plain, and fortunately, not the sort that doesn't cover the behind.
'''Iselsis: ''' Ise blanches. Well, being a bright red, she goes more of a - for her - very unhealthy looking pinkish color.
A cry echoes across the Spire. A mile away a flock of birds is disturbed from their reverie by it's echoes and scatters to the winds.
"''NoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO'''OOOOOOOOOOOOO! '''''"
=== Later... ===
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa opens the door into her chambers in the Palace of Timeless Winters. Hers and Alexsei's -- but her husband is still away in Heaven, training with his master, Laisdach. She pushes aside the pang that often fills her as she enters this room recently, knowing that she must still sleep alone on that bed, take her meals alone on that table. It would not do to be so melancholy; after all, Iselsis's awakening should be a cause for celebration!
She gestures to Iselsis, inviting her to step inside first. The room is as she remembered it last: the sofa and bedspread in ice blue and winter roses, the small round table with its set of chairs around it, the glass-paned cabinet and matching armoire. It is the latter that Ryshassa guides her towards, opening the gilt-edged wooden doors to reveal the recently rearranged wardrobe inside.
"Now let us see what we can find for you," the healer says, her voice slightly muffled as she leans into the armoire. Oddly enough, the compartment inside seems much larger than it did from the outside -- an enchantment, or a trick of the light? Given the nature of Spire and its Palace, one would more likely assume the former.
A few moments of rustling and Ryshassa has disappeared almost completely inside the wardrobe, only the back of her pale green kimono dotted with honeysuckle blooms showing outside.
"Any preferences?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Something I can hide in?", she shrugs a little. She felt a little naked without her usual get-up. In fact, she always felt like that without it outside of her manse.
Though there was that one time with Faina, but that didn't count at all.
"I'm not much for fashion.", she says as she glances idly across the things in there, before deciding instead to let Ryshy pick something, wandering over to the couch and sitting down instead to watch.
'''Ryshassa: ''' It takes her some time to poke around in the armoire's interior. Fortunately she has kept the more... racy outfits far to the back of the wardrobe; she had little use for them without her husband to see her in them, anyway. ''But when he gets back... '' A faint blush creeps onto her cheeks as her fingers brush against something very brief and lacy, unseen of course by Iselsis who awaits outside.
Thinking on her husband does bring to mind a few ideas on what Iselsis may prefer, though. Ryshassa bypasses the intricate and flowery designs of her usual kimono, knowing that those would likely make her feel too overdressed. She presses onward, looking for something in a darker shade, something elegant yet simple...
After a moment Ryshassa returns, somewhat from the the exertion, with a few robes on her arm. All of them are solid colors, unpatterned, the cut seeming almost... masculine rather than fitted to a woman's contours. She lays them across the chairs surrounding the table. One is solid crimson; another predominantly black; another a deep purple with black lining. There are waist ties too, color coordinated for the robes.
"I wasn't sure my kimono or gowns would suit you --" or any of ''those'' outfits, Ryshassa adds mentally "-- but perhaps these would be more your style?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She gets up again and goes over to look them over. Kind of picking at them listlessly. She seemed a bit glum after hearing her coat... well, blew up.
"I don't suppose they come with hoods?", she asks, not paying much attention to the red one at all and seeming to wafer between the black and the purple robes.
"The red one is a bit too overt for my liking."
"... These aren't yours, huh?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "No, actually, they are Alexsei's. So they might fit you a bit awkwardly, he is a tall man," Ryshassa points out, a small, wistful smile crossing her face as she remembers his presence, his visage... "They don't have hoods, no, but they'll be big enough to hide... whatever you might want to hide."
The healer considers Iselsis' demeanor... she seems... worn out? Disappointed? ''Perhaps the struggle with the demon has drained her... that would be understandable... ''
"Care to try on?" Ryshassa suggests, wondering if the possibility of a new look might cheer the younger de Windia, at least a little bit. The inside of the armoire doors are full-length mirrors, and she gestures to them helpfully. "I can leave for a bit if you'd rather... maybe I can find you something to wear underneath, if it's too baggy."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I thought they seemed a bit like something he'd wear. Oh well, people used to mistake me for a guy, so I might as well carry on the legacy to some degree now that events have forced me into getting a makeover."
She lifts it up and holds it up in front of her. "If it's not a second skin it's best to go with baggy, else it just impedes your movement too much."
She shrugs at the offer to leave "I'll try it on if you turn around for a minute. You're married and a woman so... yanno, not that intimidated."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa nods, and politely turns away to look towards the other end of the room. "I suppose the coat you had before could have made your gender... more questionable. I hope the robes will suit you just as well!" She hasn't forgotten Ise's reaction when she discovered her coat had been completely destroyed in fire.
"Your new hair might just swing things the other way, though, in terms of impressions... How do you feel about it?" she asks, keeping her eyes carefully fixed the other way as Ise begins to change. "It's... much, much longer than your former style. May take some getting used to, if you aren't planning on just chopping it off again."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I have a sneaking suspicion that thanks to the demon popping up to say hi it'd just grow back long again. Besides, Selina hated my short hair. Maybe Faina will like it long, too."
She takes off the yucky hospital robe and attempts to get into the big floppy robes, which works to a point, cinching it with a dark grey/shadow colored sash. Except it's too floppy and won't hang off her shoulders.
"Um, well its nice and comfortable as far as movement goes.", she turns around, "But uh, the shoulders won't really stay up.", she says as she actively holds the bunched up fabric up around her shoulders.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Well, I think the hair looks lovely on you. Even with the differences in coloration, you... resemble your sister, more, in a way. Perhaps you can ask her how she copes with long hair in combat... as for myself, I usually keep mine bound up. Though I do have a wonderful recipe for an herbal shampoo, if you're interested. It helps to keep the hair manageable."
Ryshassa turns around as soon as she can surmise Iselsis is done. "It looks great!" she says enthusiastically. "Good thing you chose the darker color -- the red would have just been... too much red," she muses, shaking her head for not having considered that before.
"Though, the shoulders..." She tilts her head curiously as she looks Ise over. "Perhaps something more skin tight underneath? If it bothers you to show that much skin, I might have something you could use until you find something better..."
"Honestly, though, it doesn't look bad at all. It looks... stylish!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well even if it does I can't go everywhere clutching my robe so it doesn't fall down around my shoulders.", she frowns a bit.
"As for the hair, I'll just uh, figure out some trick to get out of grooming it so much, I suppose. Keeping my hair short before was mostly convenience, anyhow."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Well, I'm not sure -- I could find you some pins, to keep it closed more tightly, but ...that could be inconvenient. Or maybe..."
Ryshassa ducks back into the armoire, pushing inward to her more sparse selection of... leggings, form fitting tops, bodysuits... the sort she usually layers under her kimono for extra warmth during expeditions in the snow. She picks out a matte black bodysuit that covers the legs entirely, while resembling something like a leotard above the waist, covering the chest and neck but leaving shoulders and arms bare.
"Something like this? I probably have something that covers the arms, too, if you'd rather."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a bit before wandering over to the couch and slumping down on it.
"Maybe I shouldn't hide from the world anymore behind a thick layer of various fabrics, some of which magical? After all who's going to listen to someone who can't even accept her own situation."
She sighs.
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa crosses over to the couch and sits on the other side of it, folding the bodysuit onto her lap. ''So this isn't about showing skin. At least... not in the way I thought. ''
"I think that there will always be some people who are prejudiced. Who will judge you for looking 'different' rather than getting to know your personality, your heart."
"But there are at least as many who will look upon you and see what I do: a lovely young woman, courageous and strong-willed, true to her own heart, willing to put herself on the line to protect those who cannot protect themselves. You are far from hideous, Izabella... and there is much in that heart of yours to love. I do not think you need to hide, if you believe yourself ready to... come out of your shell."
"And I think it is even more important now, even." The healer nods firmly in emphasis. "Now that the demon inside you has shown herself, openly, tried to take control of your body -- she will want to try again. She will wait for when you are weak again. The stronger you can hold on to your own personality, the better. And what better way than to be yourself both inward and out?"
"I promise you... people will be thrilled by it. The robe is a great change! Or a great start, at least."
'''Iselsis: ''' She sighs and lets go of the robe, which kind of droops around her shoulders, but there's enough material to bunch up and allow it to not droop far enough to expose any vital parts.
"To be fair, this ''isn't'' me. Not really anyway... I know you people try to humor me and that I'm just fine the way I am. But I'm not, I'm a freak... Normal people run away from me. Even Valencia's soldiers kind of veer off when I pass by..."
"I'm a monster. Even Faina knows it. She never said it but I could tell from the look in her eyes..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa closes her eyes briefly... remembering the girl she had seen in Iselsis' memories. The one that had looked up to her sister, wanting her comfort. "I'm sorry. I'm being so thoughtless... you're right. You cannot truly be your original self -- not yet. Still, this is as close as you can get for now. You are still under control... even if your body has been... changed."
"But I am not just humoring you. Please believe that. Yes, ordinary people will have that sort of gut reaction, but if they take the time to get used to it... to get to know the kind of person you are beyond it... they may very well come to understand what I see. What Faina no doubt sees, too, when she professed her love to you."
"I know it's not easy. But... people should be able to face the truth about you. And those who you can count among your friends will not simply run away. Those are the people who will be thrilled, to see the woman underneath the clothes."
Ryshassa tucks her knees under her on the couch, turning so she can see Iselsis fully, adjusting the robe a bit so the shoulders fall symmetrically. "You're not even ugly. I know you think so. But there's nothing ''wrong'' with your looks as they are now -- not your face, your skin, your hair. It's just that ordinary people will look at those traits and the way you carry yourself, and are ''more likely'' to think you are a threat."
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs again, blankly staring at the floor.
"Doesn't matter what I look like or how I carry myself. I'm not right and everyone feels it..."
"Even Acelia. I saved her from rapists, and she thought I was going to cut her open and eat her spleen... it took her days to really stop being scared of me..."
She pulls her legs up, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin on her knees, "I didn't ask to be this way... didn't want it. I didn't want the power either, I never wanted to be responsible. I never wanted to have to see what I've seen..."
"And everyone feels like that. Everyone pretends they know what they're doing. But we don't. We might all be dead soon, or we might somehow manage to win... and then what? All the people that wanted us to save them, and we couldn't? I never asked for any of it, not the responsibility ''or'' to be made into a freak..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa takes a deep breath, wishing silently that Alexsei had been here after all... he has lived more decades than she, has seen so many more terrifying things, so many kinds of people... and led so many of them, no matter their looks, their station, their personality, onto the peaceful end of Lethe. ''He of all people would know how to say that under it all, Exalt or ordinary, we who live and breathe are all mortals... we all live, strive and go the same way. ''
Still, she collects her thoughts, considering what she might say to soothe Iselsis, much as Alexsei would have done for her...
"I know it's unfair. You are this way by no fault of your own. You were wronged -- used for some purpose I am unsure of, but it has taken so much from you. Including... the freedom to decide what you might have done with your life otherwise, because so few places would accept what you've become."
"But you have worn the burden well. Yes, it is tiring... yes, it is lonely. But you have survived. You have retained at least spiritually the essence of who you are. It's something to be proud of."
Ryshassa shifts closer to Ise on the couch. Not quite close enough to touch, but closer like a friend would come, a friend unafraid, unrepelled. "Izabella, we ''will'' cure you. This is not going to be permanent. And when that time comes, you will be able to choose a different course of life, if you wish. Until then... I just want you to know... you should not have to feel so alone. ''I'' know that people pretend -- I have seen some of their fears and worries underneath the surface, as I have seen yours. Sometimes it's the only way to remain sane in times and circumstances like these."
"But you don't have to pretend with me, at least. Let some of it go. All those feelings pent up in you... the frustration, the rejection, the anxiety... I'll listen to you, I'll bear it with you, whenever you need."
'''Iselsis: ''' She rests her forehead against her knees and mumbles...
"I'm afraid if I stop pretending... I'll stop being altogether..."
'''Ryshassa: ''' "You don't have to say anything now," Ryshassa continues gently, soothingly. "It is simply an offer... if you ever wish to unburden your heart. It is not my desire to make you uncomfortable..."
"But I will do everything to ensure you remain. I will protect your spirit, I promise. As long as I am near, I promise." And Ryshassa does not promise lightly. Particularly not when the promise has to do with the well-being of another.
She offers a tentative smile, settling back onto her side of the couch... "Will you be keeping the robe?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs a little. Apparantly recent events had taken a lot out of her. She seems grateful enough for the chance of topic though.
"I suppose so... it doesn't look stupid with the shoulders hanging down like this?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "No, no, not at all! It looks... striking. You cut an appealing silhouette." Whatever she means by this, Iselsis can at least tell that it is a compliment. "Don't worry... people will probably give you double-takes, since they are used to you being covered up. But they'll get used to it... they had better!" Ryshassa nods firmly.
"And no more of that silly hospital gown, either. You probably should take some time to walk around now, though. You've been bedridden for quite a while, and you should give your muscles some exercise. Perhaps some training," the healer suggests. "I suspect we will be parting for Windia soon... you should take advantage of the time we have."
'''Iselsis: ''' She nods.
"Thank you for all the help you've given me lately. It's really... more friendship and support than anyone's showed me in a very long time.", she smiles thinly, obviously saying that made her a little sad, and then gets up.
"I suppose I'll go take a walk around in town, and maybe grab something to eat on the way. Need to get my strength back, huh?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I'm happy I can offer you some help and comfort." Ryshassa replies genuinely, feeling that warm flush of accomplishment in her heart. It is one of her greatest joys to know that her efforts are appreciated.
''Perhaps I cannot cure her, but I can still be here for her, and that will be enough. For now. ''
"And yes, food would definitely help, as well. You are an Exalt, so it should not take very long to be back to your full strength... but try not to push it too much. Just relax, take your time. I'm sure we'll speak again soon."
She rises from the couch, to see Iselsis to the door.
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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