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== Second Nature ==
'''Gennadi: ''' Moonlight. Sweet perfume and the sound of nightbirds calling from the trees. The faint taste of fruity wine on the tongue, the feather-light brush of lips on lips moments before still fresh on the mind. Gennadi holds her arm and walks with her, his recent grandiose posturing vanished.... it'd be worrisome how he moves from cynical manipulator to arrogant warrior to quiet romantic if he wasn't so very good at the last part. As they get closer to the center of the garden, he reaches across to touch her cheek, drawing her eyes to his. "You know, there's something I've been putting off for some time now... and I think it's time."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Long, graceful fingers gently brush the slender line of Gennadi's arm. He was quite the puzzle to her, even to her quicksilver mind and falcon-sharp perceptions. However, the Exalted were nothing if not complex. The petals of her lips, the faint badge hue of them slightly darker thanthe alabaster of her face, curl upward in a slender smile. "Ah, time to confess your undying love for me, and take me away from all this?" She laughed softly to herself, and squeezed his arm gently, "No... no, its obviously something you think I shall be angered over." She considers his manner for a time, and a small clucking sound can be heard in her throat. "Well, you are nothing if not mysterious, Master Gennadi," she said, softly. "And I am flattered that you would fret so over my moods."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I had simply thought you'd appreciate the moment before you meet what could be considered my other women." His eyes twinkle with merriment. "Though I have this feeling you are not one of those who holds the possessive mindset."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I would have thought that one of your talents would appreciate the fact that perceptive observation of events to come can color events that are," she countered, before sighing softly, "I very much doubted, Master Gennadi, that a man of your social aplumb would be a hermit, dispite the interesting way other seem to misremember you. Whom am I to meet then?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "My familiar and a demon currently under my service. Shaliya and Sandara, the winter rose and the firey heart." He leads Opal a few more steps to where the two women sit and wait, immaculately clad for this meeting. "You'll see much of them, I suspect."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' A feathery brow arches, slender and quizzicle at the Sidereal, and as they come into their pressence, she puts on a neutral smile, and a polite demenor. ''Aren't demons banned from heaven? ''
'''Gennadi: ''' "You're probably thinking demons can't enter heaven. That's true for now, but she's a special case... and there will be times you'll need to be as down to earth as I." He winks
'''Sandara: ''' She smiles as they come, serene, jet-black features hiding so much of her mien, but her full rose lips show the smile well enough. "Exceedingly Sublime Opal? I am Sandara. It is a pleasure to meet you."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She smirks at him, probably closer to the Essence of Earth than most Earth Aspected Terrestrials.
She turned her face toward Sandara, and inclined her head with great diplomacy, "A pleasure enhanced not only by your warmth, but great manner, Madamme Sandara. My our meeting be joyous and relationship fruitful."
'''Shaliya: ''' A rose thrown on Gennadi's head, one she had been playing with, petals filling his vision for a moment. "You are ''late''! What took you so long? I was starving here!" She nods, non-chalatantly, before doing a hurried wave of her hand "Oh, and hi, Opal. Nice to meet you!"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She turned her eyes toward Shaliya, and gave her a similar nod, "I do apologize for keeping good Lord Blue detained, but he was making an attempted to guard my deliciousy at meeting such a charming creature," she said, smiling softly at Shaliya.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Anticipation is at least half the joy of any act. Besides, you don't really eat, you've just gotten used to the taste of all these fine foods." He chuckles. "I know so many who'd kill to be able to ignore what they eat and keep that figure."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Does it change you are late? No, it does '''not'''!" She crosses her arms.
And begins to chuckle.
"Why, yes, I don't really eat, but only the poor and the mortal eat to keep themselves alive."
'''Sandara: ''' "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Opal." Absynthe-colored eyes open and close as she nods, softly.
"I hear you are an artisan?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You can see why I've been lax in introducing you. they are as different as night and day, summer and winter."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She looks to Shaliya and tilts her head gently to the side, "How can one be late for something if the appointed time of one's arrival is unknown? And even if you were to divine such a time, such divination would be rather a confirmation of his arrival, and thus, Master Gennadi would be perfectly on time."
She smiles softly at Sandara, "And yes, both is caste and profession."
She looks toward Gennadi for a moment, and laughs softly, "I'm told I have my moodswings, you know. Besides, its rude to speak so infront of them."
'''Gennadi: ''' "One of them can read my mind, and there must be some few beings in existance for whom I speak the truth." He shrugs.
'''Shaliya: ''' Steel-Grey eyes smile at Opal, delicate fingers touching a rose in her dress as she speaks...
"Better have tried, Opal. And believe me, there was a set time!"
"Master only forgot to make it... ah well, this is my cue." She says as she gets up, planting a kiss on Gennadi's cheek. "So, which do I get?"
'''Sandara: ''' "Oh? This is wonderful!" She claps. "I want some tea, Shaliya, if you please..."
"What is your specialty, oh Sublime?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Mostly my talents revolve around Artifice, though I am well versed in Astrology, Geomancy, Alchemy, Caligraphy, Bookbinding, History, Tactics of Warfare, Hobby Gaming, Spiritual Diplomacy, Exorcism, Warding, and several forms of Horriculture."
"To name a few," she adds.
* Gennadi wags a finger at her. "Presumptous as always... tea should already be made and waiting. At least let the poor woman chat about her expertise before you get greedy." He kisses her cheek in return.
'''Sandara: ''' "Horticulture? Really? I have been in a project to create a new type of plant... I promised it to someone. We, Neomahs, tend to use our gifts to create children from animals... but I am trying to stretch it to flora. Not much successful so far... " She bites her lip.
'''Shaliya: ''' "Tea coming up~" She nods, a making a short pirouette before walking away, every step one of dance in the garden....
* Gennadi just smiles and takes a seat. "The same was true of the Sidereal, until I invented or rediscovered an interesting technique. She just dance out of here. I have faith in your ability, especially with some help..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Ah, now, that is entirely possible. However, the melding of flesh is different than the melding of plant. Being that is strongly alligned with the element of Wood, it tends to resist attempts to alter it. The key, I thiink, would be attempting such on a Wood Aspected Demanse, as to take advantaged of the stronger reality in such a place."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You see?"
'''Sandara: ''' "Oooh, a demesne? I had not thought of it! Thank you, Opal... do you know where we can find any?"
She asks, before... Gennadi speaks. "... see what?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "mrm... I guess you wouldn't..." He shakes his head. "I do forget that. Just remarking that Opal may provide the missing key."
'''Sandara: ''' "Oh, I see..." She closes her eyes again, suddenly feeling not all that smart. "Well, of course she might... she is all smart, after all.... I can't even imagine how long it takes to learn so much about so many things." her absynthe-colored eyes gaze Opal, quizzically, impressed
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Well, I have knowledge of certain techniques that allow me to invest knowledge into a supplicant, but alas, I still need to refine them. Perhaps you would be desiring of such?" She saidly, softly. "The desire of knowledge is the first step in obtaining it, after all." She looked over at Gennadi, "And she would have come to it on her own, I am satisfied."
* Gennadi shrugs. "You have not to worry at all, my touch with her is light as falling snow."
'''Sandara: ''' "I would desire such, yes, Opal... please. I need to do this... I promised to Ryshassa...." ''I would desire''... For some reason, that phrase had a different connotation. And she notices it, notices where her gaze has strayed, and closes her eyes, trying to shut that down, those damn instincts she wanted to cut out of herself with a rusty knife. ".... touch? Genn, you are making no sense today." She says a little irritated, wishing to punch something - preferarbly her unconscious - but making do.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Ah, a worthy goal then, and I shall help you with it." She looked back to Gennadi, "Shall we be seated?" She saidly, gracefully taking a place before one of the chairs.
* Gennadi waves almost regally at the two of them. of course, there are only three chairs, and Gennadi is already in one of them. He seems to have blended many of his roles now, a somehow benevolent if obvious tester, seeing how opal reacts to the many facets of his world. "Touch, influence... I mean to say that I force nothing.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "But isn't the act of subtle influence in itself a kind of force, even if its a passive one?" She gently calls upon the power of her heritage, and causes to rise a sedan of sculpted, flowing stone. Once done, she has a seat. She arches an eyebrow at him, "After all, is it the woman who gives into the man, or the man who seduces her to blame?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Fate takes the blame where I'm from. I want her to be happy, and it seems the gentle way is best. At least for now... I worry as to calibration. But then, that's part of why you're here."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Oh? What a tantilizing, dreadfully obtuse reference as to my purpose. And here I thought I was to look beautiful and create toys."
'''Sandara: ''' "Yes. It is... but then, I am sure you will be able to do something." She nods.
"And the woman is to blame, Opal..." She holds her hand to her chest. Feeling th beast. If she gave in... it would only be her fault. It is the demoness that wants in the first place... and if she was weak enough to give in, she would anyway, even with provocation.... right?
"Can she... prevent me from going back to Malfeas?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I prefer to think of myself as cute instead, m'dear... and maybe. Rules are made to be broken by those with the finesse to do it right. Between the knowledge of Heaven and the artifice of one whose patron helped create it...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Well..." She began, the gears in her head beginning to churn as she considered the possibilites. "There might be a way. Did I ever tell you what I did with Ecstacy?"
'''Sandara: ''' "...Ecstasy?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "The half blooded child of the Weaver of Voice who accended to become a First Circle Demon. Her physical form was recently dissolved by the Dark Angel in a fit of pique."
'''Sandara: ''' "... the Dark Angel dissolves demons... people... during her fits?"<br>
Sandara really feels the urge to hold her legs to her, and never, ever, meet this Dark Angel...
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "She was understandably abashed at the time, though I think it was inappropriate." She shrugs fainly, and continues, "As chance should have it, I was able to preserve her in a bit of yasal crystal. Then, I was able to infuse her Essence in an appropriately aspected Fire Demanse that I had capped in the Boil. Perhaps if we gave you the hearthstone, it would give you a connection to Creation and thus, prevent you from slipping back."
* Gennadi closes his eyes. "An interesting theory... but it is likely to remain a theory for now. We must leave soon for Heaven, and the war is starting strong again."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Yes, sadly." She frowns a little bit at that, and begins to gently tap the point of her chin as she considers.
'''Sandara: ''' ".... that is... interesting... maybe! We can try! But... would it influence me?"
''If she is... Ecstasy... ''
'''Shaliya: ''' And she returns, a big plate holding the tea... "Heeere..." She smiles, as she moves closer, her walk a sinuous swing, letting her voice come that closer to the crystalline song... "Who wants it firs... !" ... but her sinuous walk steps on a pebble... and the tea comes crashing down, over the table, and mostly over Opal....!
"... eeeep."
* Gennadi is there with her wrist, swinging Shaliya up away from the floor and around, winding up with her in his arms and twisted around his body. H carefully sets her in his seat before turning to check on Opal.
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' Opal just sits there for a moment, before gently gently flicking away some of the broken porselin which had shattered upon her skin's resistance to the impact. The spilt tea flows from her like raindrops off a ducks back, leaving her completely unmussed by the misstep, save for the shards of broken dishes in her lap. She smiles faintly at Shaliya, "Are you alright?" She said, gently dusting the fragments from their resting place.
'''Shaliya: ''' "... kinda. Sorry... sorry sorry sorry..." She winces. "Reaaaaalllyyyy didn't mean to..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "She'll be fine soon. It always hurts her pride worse than it ever does her body."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "No harm done, dearest. You just really must learn to try to aim away from people when doing that." She flicks a few more pieces from her hair, the virtue of her robes causing them to easily flicked out. "Now, where were we?"
'''Shaliya: ''' "Shush. This almost ''never'' happens!"
* Sandara giggled, quite a bit, then removes her fingers from covering her lips... "I wondered wether the crystal would influence me..."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Most possibly. You see, Ecstacy hungers for the screams of the lustful. I invited the courtisans of Boil to take up residence there in to feed this hunger, so she would be sated. I am most curious as to what effect the hearthstone would have."
* Gennadi raises an eyebrow. "It is best we wait, then..."
'''Sandara: ''' "I..." She shrinks in her seat, her voice lower... "I am not sure if that is a good idea, then..."
'''Shaliya: ''' Shaliya goes to Sandara, holding... "Relax, Sandy. See, Opal, she... has some problems. With Neomah urges..."
* Gennadi notably doesn't, settling down beside Opal. "I neglected to mention she's likely the only virgin neomah to be alive."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Oh my, such is at great discordance to the purpose with which she was created, it seems."
'''Gennadi: ''' "That point is very arguable..."
* Sandara looks up from Shaliya's embrace, curious
'''Gennadi: ''' "It seems to me that such discordance might be her purpose, or that her purpose conflicts with her nature, or at least the world's expectations of her. Of course, it hardly matters right now, where the point is to keep her Sandara, and not so much another sex-drenched demoness."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "I'll consider the problem. See if I cannot give her some more permanate solution to her problem," she turns toward Gennadi, "When are we departing for Yu Shan?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Within the week. You'll have a workshop and assistants when we go, and that should include for research."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Hrm, excellent. I should probably start with prior commissions first, though I had thought of something to give to the young prince once I had gathered the materials for it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Which young prince, hrm?"
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Prince Alexander, of coruse. That Solar whom we recently made the aquaintence of."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Ah, not the littler prince."
'''Shaliya: ''' "You ''could'' get her to do something for Cedric, no? He's ~cute~!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Perhaps."
* Gennadi ahs a thought, grins, and then immediately dismisses it. "Still, perhaps I should leave you ladies alone to speak more rfreely, less of projects and more of personality."
'''Shaliya: ''' "Going to go bug someone else now?" She winks
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' "Probably to leave us to pine over his absence in order to fluff up his ego, no doubt."
* Gennadi tsks at them. "I am direly wounded. Perhaps I shall find a balm in another's embrace."
'''Exceedingly Sublime Opal: ''' She gently smacked Gennadi over the back of his head again, "I'm sure you will. But, come, I desire to know more of my new friends, and it makes it dreadfully inconvienent to talk about you behind your back while you are present."
* Gennadi simply laughs, a quick and silent vanishing trick performed within mere moments.
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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