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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Obsidian Fall ==
'''Obsidian: ''' The sky turns a dusky shade of blue, as the maidens begin to appear. Now, only a thin orange line can be seen on faraway mountains showing the last remmants of the day. They came after the day was gone, but only now, night falls over the Boil.
The Brander comes closer to Obsidian. Around his bullwark, the five remnants stand.
"'''You are good... '''" He growls, at Kanti.
"'''Took me better part of a century to pick them. To train them. To make them the weapon that has put so many gods to rest. And you do... this. '''" He turns to his subordinates, a ghostly aura emanating from him like an anima.
"'''If she strikes you, she will send you away. She will destroy your soul. Fight not with abandon. Fight as seriously as you ever have. '''"
"'''And ''kill'' the Dragon-Blooded bitch and her friends. '''"
Only then he looks up, his eyes narrowing at Alex and Days.
The Soulhunters readied their blades.<br>
Under the maidens, under their Lord, they would fight against the blasphemies of angel and saint.
'''Alexander: ''' She just kissed him!<br>
Er, ''he'' just kissed him!
And the prince could only blink, and try to gather his wits - and his blade, enough to turn his gaze down.
He had to do it.He could not let his Saint be hurt. His Savior be hurt.
"A... absolutely!"
'''Kanti: ''' "I did not destroy thier souls." she says calmly to the mountain before him, the saint educating the sinner before her, the rudy heat of her anima lighting the world "I have merely ensured that they rejoined the cycle. They will be reborn, into whatever life they deserve. As will you."
And then she grips the spear and prepares for the next steps in the dance she lives.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "In any event!" The Child grins, crouching low and tail twitching as he prepares to move. Definitely smaller than his previous female form, he is nonetheless a masterpiece of muscle and sinew, tanned skin rippling as he tenses. The white, fur-lined vest remains, as do the boots; the Cyst Binder on his right arm pulses momentarilly, the four lights of Snow Monkey's defensive trick swirling there in a manic, prismatic dance. "It's time to dance, dead things! And this is a dance..."
He '''LEAPS''', a flowing wave of gold and white, bearing down on the closest Soulhunter. "... that I take seriously!" He brings Owl and Serpent down like a spear at the attacker's head... only to use the force to move to a second, gving him the same treatment! With a final roar and a powerful shove, Snow Monkey sends himself hurtling backwards, flipping back to his perch with easy, almost lazy grace.
'''SoulHunters: ''' The Soulhunter reinforces his flesh, the ground whirling about him to keep him from harm...
But the Snow Monkey's prowess is enough to cut through the elemental barrier, and strike true!
The Soulhunter takes a step backward, still standing.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Hah! Not bad! I think I shall have fun after all!" Landing in a low crouch, the Child sneers down at the hunter. "Now then! Come! Heaven watches our battle!"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti watched the strange ...new snow monkey, watched her move with such grace and strike at one of the hunters. Strike but not make him fall ...
Her eyes fall back to the mountain and the ghost, the one with the weapons of pain and the skin of stone, and she raised her spear up into the maelstrom of flames around her, and as it shines with a viridian light, the flames still just for a moment, as Kanti waits.
The first strike is a line of solid green, so fast the flames are drawn out behind her, the eastern hunter striking with a hardwood spear.
She leaps before the second strike, the flames she left behind dragging towards her on the garda bird's wings, the southern princess with a glass-tipped spear.
Her body flows from the landing, strength and suppleness from the tribesman from the west, the boned tipped spear biting deep on the third.
The flames bank on the fourth strike, the chill night air allowed to blow for a moment, the chill accompanying the attack, following the ickwalker's spear to the ghost.
The fifth, final strike is firm and solid as the earth itself, the steady and sure strike of a legionaire.
''Fivefold Creation Kata''
She drops back into a defensive pose, the flames washing out once more, engulfing the ghosts around her, as she waits for the mountain's reply.
'''Obsidian: ''' The Saint strikes Obsidian... and he growls.
The impact on him could destroy a castle.<br>
The impact on him could move mountains.<br>
Kanti's saintlyness, Kanti's divine understanding, was enough to move a dead Behemoth.
He growls, as all of this impact is channelled from his skin, with the flames... scorching the ground beneath him, turning the earth into glass. Breaking the glass, as the impact sends waves of earth to all sides around him, crashing the edifices on the streets around them, the sound deafening.
And Obsidian Still Stands.
'''SoulBranders: ''' The last remaining Soulbrander is out of his league.
The flames lap at is feet, and he feels the earth under him turn to glass. He feels it breaking, and suddenly, all around them there is sand, as being on ashore during a storm... as if they were in the middle of raging oceans, with the earth as waves, sand everywhere...
And he uses it to his advantage. He was trained to fight in his Lord's earth.
His chains come, essence about them gathering pieces of glass... and with the cover of the sand, he appears before Kanti, the glass reflecting the Garda Bird's own flames and blinding her as the chain wraps around her neck...
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti almost doesn;t see the brander coming, almost doesn't see the chains of glass, almost fooled by the dust and the smoke, so focused is she on Obsidean.
The garda bird acts for her, twisting the smoke and the dust and the shards of glass around her even tighter than the ghost anticipated, briefly filling the streets with smoke and confusion, and in the cloud the chain of metal and glass is misdirected.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Eyes follow the dancing red dragon, eyes that gleam with madness and joy and hunger. He grins, and the wind is at Kanti's back, aiding her movement, herding the attacker into position. Creation, for a moment, knows Snow Monkey's name...
... and then the memory fades, and he is raksha again.
'''SoulHunters: ''' The attack is redirected, and one of the hurt Soulhunters can only turn around before the Chains come around him, pushing him around and against the glass floor, the sound of a window breaking as he comes down... having to call upon most of his essence not to be broken by the impact and the strangling. After he shakes it all off, he looks up at the confused Soulbrander. "Idiot."
'''Obsidian: ''' Something shines within Obsidian's eyes.
Standing in the middle of the maelstrom, watching the smoke fill the air...
"'''The air is filled with it. The air is dark. It is all smoke and glass and death. '''"<br>
"'''And not a light to be found. '''"<br>
"'''It reminds me of the Labyrinth, little red dragon, so it does. '''"
The monster crossed his arms, Abyssbreaker and Voidcrusher in front of his chest.<br>
"'''There, from two warring brothers, Nephwracks who fought for so long they forgot why, I took each of those. '''"
"'''There, from the skulls of predators born of Malfean will and nightmares, I distilled the wisdom written in my bones, and the souls in my armor. '''"
"'''There, you shall find beauty and truth. '''"<br>
"'''There, is where you are going now. '''"
In a single gesture, he sent his Goremauls upward... and launched foward with bare hands, hands bigger than Kanti's torso, able to hold her in his grasp so easily... his eyes did not mind the smoke. He could see. He could see in the darkness of the Labyrinth, and he could see in the middle of her smoke. He jumped to the eye of the tornado of smoke, with the howl of a predator, sand and glass forming his shadow, the size of a behemoth, lunging upon Kanti.
Like an anima, turning their fight in a theather of shadows.<br>
Where he is monster, and she is but an ant... ready to be crushed underfoot.
'''Kanti: ''' "There is no wisdom in the Void."<br>
Kanti states, and then she is not there.<br>
"There is no beauty in the Void."<br>
Kanti states, and then she is before him.<br>
"There is no truth in the Void."<br>
Kanti states, and in that moment, she understands him fully, after all he had told her.<br>
That understanding, that perfected understanding is what she uses to drive her attack.<br>
''Coruscating Vengeance Strike! ''<br>
She looks up at him, at the mountain about to fall, her spear impaled through him, and she asks of him a question.<br>
The question is short.<br>
The question is brief.<br>
The question consumes him.<br>
The question is no more answerable than it was so long ago.<br>
She asks the King of Wu's Question.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' From his perch, he watches her move, watches her speak, watches the unanswerable being asked. Even he feels a sort of pain in his chest simply from watchiing, but nonetheless, his not-soul tugs at the strings of Creation. The dust and smoke dances, and faces appear within it, asking the ghost mountain questions of their own.
''What can the End do against Everything? What can mere death do against infinite life? What can the darkness do against something that surpasses light? Embracing Creation, can the Void withstand the Wyld? Perhaps... but you shall not! ''
The faces laugh, they smile, they mock with the voices of the winds. And in the end... Snow Monkey smiles.
'''Obsidian: ''' And she moved like he did. She was on him, and he spear went through him, breaking the ground...
Great gashes appearing on the ground, on the wall, as the ground gives way beneath Obsidian, breaking down, making the monster appear smaller and smaller before the Fire Aspect... even as, Spear striking his armor, she asks the question. His eyes shine in the smoke with dark knowledge.
He knew of the Labyrinth, he heard the Malfeans.<br>
He would answer her question!
... and he does it!<br>
He answers!<br>
He '''knows! '''
And sure in this knowledge, he steps foward, and...!
... and realises his own ignorance.
He goes blank.
On the theather of shadows, the monster stops.
'''Kanti: ''' He stops.<br>
The mountain stops.<br>
Above, the Garda Bird cries in triumph, the dark chains shrinking on its wings, just for the moment.<br>
Then where Kanti stands there are the twins.<br>
One soul in two bodies.<br>
Two lives in one life.<br>
One purpose, and two to act on it.<br>
He sweeps around to the left and up, twisting through the cloud of smoke to land a blow on the mountains back.<br>
She curves low and to the right, her blows aiming for his legs, before joining her brother, joining herself on his back.<br>
Together once more, the twins embrace and then they are gone and kanti is there once more.
'''SoulHunters: ''' In the middle of it, they do not forget their mission.
Four Soulhunters, two hurt, one of them getting up from the ground...
And in their midst, the Snow Monkey.
Two blades flash with essence, two blades come with simple speed and skill between them...<br>
From four directions, the Snow Monkey is assaulted.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "My name is the Child of Wyld Days."
His eyes glint dangerously, and for a moment, the Sword ripples through his being. For a second, those attackers see in the eyes of the raksha... not a return to Lethe, but complete and total devouring, massive, fanged maws of Essence and Lie clasping around their souls and gulping them down hungrily. They see an End... not in service to their dark masters, but merely as a meal to a monster that would merely metaphysically shit out useless shreds of unwanted dream and hope.
"I am raksha."
He is in motion, a sudden and horrific whirlwind of action---a twist of the body, before both hands clasp the ends of Owl and Serpent, bending the staff in a full circle after bringing it to its full length. The lights of his defenses swirl around the gossamer ring in a dazzling display, meeting those four strikes with a spray of sparks and Essence. Even still, the Snow Monkey fortifies himself, calling forth the will to win, the unwillingness to fail, to toughen his flesh until it is like the densest of Northern ice.
"... and I will not be beaten by mere dead illusions."
'''Obsidian: ''' As the twins strike Obsidian, and as the Child of Wyld Days deflects, effortlessly, the strikes of four assailants, something happens.
Obsidian is hurt, and channels his hurt beneath him.
A hurt that can break the world.<br>
A hurt that can break what cannot be broken.<br>
And then, on the theather of shadows, the monster disappears. As Obsidian is caught in a landslide... towards a dark abyss on the ground. Something broken by the force of their combat, a gash sucking all the earth in the street like quicksand. The monster loses his footing, losing his armor... grasping desperately to hold to Kanti's spear and pushes her with him... but she is twins, she is both and none, and he cannot touch her.
But that makes little difference, because as he screams and falls in the slide towards the hole far down, the Soulhunters and Soulbrander follow, and Kanti and the Child of Wyld Days are caught in the very same situation, as the ground beneath them gives way...
'''Alexander: ''' ... but the prince soars down, quickly changing his path, instead of attacking, he has his blade disappear.... as he holds to Days' arm, in the middle of the vanishing smoke and earth, and flies towards Kanti, crashing into her and charging to as far away as he can, falling together with the Fae and the Dragoness on the cold earth of the street a fair distance away....
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' He is tugged, even though he was more than ready to leap away on legs powerful beyond even the comprehension of some Exalted. Instead... the youthful angel grasps his arm, and he practically yanked off of his feet, yelping in mind surprise all the while.
"I can... understand that you're eager to speak to me again, Sunchild, but you could be a bit less aggressive about it!"
''Bah! I was having fun, too... such is Essence, it seems. ''
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti turns as the ground cracks and Obsidean grasps at her and she leaps with a burst of flame, and then she sees the ball of sunlight and great wings wings that is her prince barreling towards her and she fears ...<br>
''No my prince...! ''<br>
''No...no don't do this... ''<br>
''I will burn you... ''<br>
''I don't want to burn you... ''<br>
Kanti desperately tries to bank her flames, pulling them into her, grounding them in her body, anything to save her prince.<br>
And then she is away, lying on the cool street, looking up at her prince ... and the .... fae.
'''Alexander: ''' It does not do much good, as her fire burns through his clothes, turning his skin red...
".... ow."
"Next time, remind me not to tackle you when you are burning like a bonfire..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "That would be wise, Sunchild."
Rolling around onto his back, Snow Monkey... laughs, and laughs loudly. It is a rich, deep laugh, full of obvious enjoyment. "Oh, that it had to end so soon! But that cannot be changed, so no point in thinking too hard about it!" Propping himself up onto his elbows, he looks at his two allies, all grins---heh, even his hair's longer now.
"So... as I was saying. I brought presents."
'''Alexander: ''' "It... it is you, Days?"
"You are... are... different."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti bows her head, apologetically and speaks with a guilty tone.
"I am sorry, my prince."
She remains head bowed, though he eyes flick over to the snow monkey, and she shivers alittle at the cold, now that so much of her warmth has gone.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I'd like to think it's me!" Another chuckle, his tail patting the street lazily. "You should know by now, Alex... I can change looks as you change suits of armor. This is merely a shell. A convenient one, but... oh!" He sits fully, looking to Kanti.
"Little red dragon... I have seen your art! And there is a fearsome beast inside you! I would have never known! So stunning, so breathtaking! Certainly, you are an ally to be feared and respected." He nods, as if to give his own words weight.
'''Alexander: ''' For the first few moments, he is swatting at his clothes, ruined now, trying to take out the fire. But then... then he looks at the Fire Aspect... and his hand touches her face, a caress, an encouragingly smile. "It is alright, Kanti. I am fine."
"So you went away so you could... change, Days?" He asks... and then, a rumble on the street, as some more of it gives way to the hole. "Are they... gone?"
'''Kanti: ''' ''it's talking to me! ''<br>
Kanti trembles somewhat, and then Alex's hand touches her face, and she calms once more.
"Thank you, Child Of Wyld Days." she says, though there is still something within her dark eyes.
"I ... do not know, my prince. I shall go and look, with your leave."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "More than that, actually. I had some dreamstuff I badly needed, and I went about attempting to secure some help for our little battle... sadly, Gaul is as slow as a faerie, so I would be shocked if he arrives with the Brigade in a month." He snorts, idly collapsing Owl and Serpent before stuffing it under the belt of his loincloth.
"Do be careful, dancer. I'd hate to have brought your gift only to have to place it on your headstone." He does not smile---he sounds quite serious about that.
''Poor girl. She's still afraid of me. ''
'''Alexander: ''' "''no! ''" Alex answers immediatly. He had to watch from afar as she was hurt... hurled through the air... he could not see her in the middle of the earth and smoke... he did not want to see her hurt... "Let me. I can fly. I... I do not want to see you hurt."
He gets up, then, slowly, still swatting at his cloth to put out a few last embers...
'''Kanti: ''' "As you wish, my prince." She says with a bow. "Please...be careful ... especially of the Hunters, and their arrows ... and when you return ... may I see to your wounds?"
'''Alexander: ''' He flaps his wings, higher, higher... and there is just the caved-in street, the earth closing... whatever it was, the hole.
A few more flaps of his wings, and he touches back down... "Well, they are gone. Somewhere down the Boil. We could organize a party to look for them later, but for now..." He lets it in the air, "Please, Kanti. Go ahead. And, Days... an army, is it? You got us reinforcements?" He smiles, hopefully. Things were looking up!
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"They'll take time in getting here, sadly. We... ah... take time in doing things, us fae. Well, most of us, anyway. Nonetheless, I told the old ugly bastard to send a runner when he was on the march. So I'm waiting for them to arrive." He stands tall, looking mildly miffed. ''Would have loved to marched into town and cleaned house... beh! ''
"Nonetheless, Alex, do be careful."
'''Alexander: ''' "But, but they are coming right?"
The prince lets out a sigh, looking exausted. His light begins to die down, the knight disappearing, leaving a boy, dirtied with earth, soot and blood, his clothing burned and dirtied. He was still otherworldly beautiful, shining even through that appearance, but his exaustion was showing through. "Kanti... and you? Are you... are you alright?" His hand reaches to her again. "I was worried... and you... when you brought me back... I was lost."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Barring someone crushing Gaul's will, they're coming. My... ally agreed to it, with some caveats." ''The fucker. '' "Odds are good, Alex. Relax, relax, everything will work out in time." He nonetheless eyes Alex... before suddenly striking a stance, stompng the ground with force enough to crack the stone beneath. However... a momentary rippling of the ground spits out a rather large red-silk bag, which Days catches with his off-arm. The ripple fades a moment later... and Snow Monkey begins to rummage around inside it, humming to himself.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti took a small breath, and then whispered another prayer on the wind, filling her prince with more of the blessed peace and tranquility, restoring his soul, at least a little.
She knelt before him then, and pressed her hands up to his clothing, and more viridian essence flowed from her, not so brilliant and bright as the light from before, the light that sent ghosts onwards, this simply filled her prince with a little more light, the cuts of the Hunters fading to merest bruises.
"I am quite alright, my prince. Do not worry for me. My bruises will fade quickly."
And then she closes her eyes, and presses her hands to her own wounds, the ones made by fear and pain as it roiled towards her, and then they were bruises too.
'''Alexander: ''' He feels the tranquility, the peace... and the tips of his fingers stop shaking.
She blesses him again. Making him find himself, giving him confidence, making everything alright. And he does all he can... he wished he could push her up and hold her, but she was considerably taller than him. So he just keeps her knelt, his fingers touching her hair, her back, as he holds her close to him. She still had her light about her, as he did. Crimson fire mingling with white fire, so warm...
Basking in this warmth, this tranquility, the prince said nothing as he waited on Days....
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "First thing's first... Sunchild Alex. Glorious man-angel, I did not have to think long when figuring out what to give you. It was simply a matter of getting back on this side of reality."
A bit more rummaging, and Snow Monkey 'ah!'s, steadily withdrawing his hand from the large silk sack. Out come two things; the first is a simple little band of clearest dream, almost invisible save for how it seems to react to Days' essence, glowing a dim, iridescent non-color. That he sets on Alex' forehead like a circlet---in moments, it becomes a warm, golden glow, almost an angel's halo. encircling Alexander's head as the band itself seems to vanish. "Something fitting for an angel... and something fitting for a young man." The other object is a decent-sized black bottle, stoppered and covered with wax. "I hope you drink."
'''Alexander: '''Hands still on Kanti's hair and back, he let Days touch him... and watches as it becomes a halo around his hair, its light reflecting on the silver of his hair... "A... a halo... Days... this is ... but I am not one of the Angels... I...." He does not know what to say. It feels like a compliment, an honor, a... he does not know what to say.
Until Days handles him the bottle, which he takes his hand out of Kanti's back to hold. Then he can just smile, shake his head, and say, "Thank you."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "You are an angel to me, Alexander Holysword."
Snow Monkey simply smiles. Any more words would ruin the moment. "And Kanti... I have something for you as well!"
'''Kanti: ''' ''....a halo.... ''<br>
''....a halo for my prince... '''<br>
Kanti looks up at him in wonder, at the light shining around his forehead.<br>
And then the monkey addressed her.<br>
"...A gift, for me...?"<br>
She glanced fearfully up at Alex, before she looks back to him.
'''Alexander: ''' Amethyst eyes meet void-black ones, and he sees her fear. And he sees her aprehension. And he sees...
In response, his hand tightens around her. He lets her know he is there. That it is alright.
"They better be as nice as they were for me, Days..."<br>
"Be nice to my Dragoness, alright?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "For you." Into the bag Days' hand goes, and he rummages around once more. "Something fitting your activities and nature, little red dragon... child of Hesiesh. But there is one thing I ask of you, Kanti. I ask for your trust. I am what I am, but we are allies and compatriots in the defense of the Boil. Allies do not harm allies. And the time will come when my life may lay in your hands... I would want for you to hold tightly, not let go. If you can do as much for me, I would appreciate it. Even without your word, I shall do likewise. Your story is strong here, even as understated as it is."
He then... flashes Alex a teasing smile. "I tried my best, golden prince. I hope not to dissapoint." Out comes a bundle of finest crimson... no, not silk. Gossamer.
He gives the bundle a flick, and two lengths of black metal fly upward, while the rest of the long scarf unfolds---as it does so, images of the Five Immaculate Dragons race along its length in a kind of dance; more than likely, some little wyld trick imprinted into the scarf. He catches the twin shafts... and unfurls them. Fans, of the same material... and as the dragons vanish from the scarf, they dance and intertwine from fan to fan before continuing their endless trek.
These three things... he holds out to Kanti, with both hands. "Please... accept my simple gift to you."
'''Kanti: '''Kanti looked up at the faerie as he ... she ... it talked to her.<br>
''it wants my trust. ''<br>
''they always want your trust... ''<br>
''it hungers for me. ''<br>
''that is what I was made for. ''<br>
''it fought for my prince. ''<br>
''and he will not let me be hurt''
"I ...will try, Child of Wyld Days ... but ... your kind's hunger is ..." she trails off.<br>
''my soul is too fragile to bear that now. ''
"I ... thank you for your gifts though ... they are beautiful..."<br>
Her eyes look up at days with happiness in them, beside the fear. And the sorrow.<br>
''So close to the gifts of home. ''
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "You are most welcome, little red dragon. And... yes. Our hunger is pain and joy and gain and loss, I know. And it is a thing I cannot escape. But..."
He takes a deep, deep breath, readying his Heart.
"If it will soothe your soul, I swear upon my very Heart to never feed from you, or to even let the thought do more than cross my mind." Another noose around his being... but one he can accept.
"It is done."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex lets go of Kanti, "Pick your gifts, Kanti... hold them."<br>
''I am here for you, Kanti... do not be afraid... ''
"And thank you, Days, from the bottom of my heart. I loved the gifts."
"In fact, Kanti should test them tonight... after we are done looking for the Dead Ones."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Certainly! I would love to see her dance once again!" He smiles, and it is a genuine one... insomuch as one of the Fair can be genuine. "But first thing's indeed first."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks up at the Child, and then she speaks, in the oldest and most formal mode of the tongue of the old realm.
"I thank you, Child of Wyld Days, Eshu, Hero Spawn and Transforming Passion, for your word. I will .. hold it close to me.." her voice faltering somewhat at the end, the she finishes the ritual phrase, and takes the gifts from him, spreading the fans with a flick, before closing them once more.
"...Thank you, Snow Monkey."
'''Iron Tears: ''' "No need to worry, little prince." Comes the voice from nowhere and everywhere.
"They will not return." The voice, now with a clear source, comes from the dust of iron in one of the leveled houses, slowly rising into form. "There are things beneath the Boil, prince; Things that should remain in the shadows, things that should never see the light; Things spawned from beasts of another age. No, I do not think those ghosts could survive. Pehaps one such as you or the Deathknights... but not them."
"So be at ease, our only concern is that the hole be properly fixed and warded. But I already called the ''best'' for it."
The figure steps foward, smiling at the gift-giver. "And hello again, Child of Wyld Days."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Snow Monkey looks intensely at Kanti for a moment, and then breaks into the Old Tongue as well, bowing deeply.
"Long life and good health be unto you, Princess of the Earth." The bow done, he grins... and wheels around to salute Iron Tears lazily.
"Yo! Nice to see you're find and well again, my friend... I take it things have been interesting?" Without even looking, the Child calmly places another bottle of liquor before Kanti... using his tail. Versatile thing, really.
'''Alexander: ''' Alex looks... consterned, at the words. "Wait, below... the Boil? Here? Something like ''that''?"
'''Iron Tears: '''"Nice to see you again, Child. And no, it was a very boring day, actually... you got here in time for the action."
The steel-sand statue looks past them, to the razed buildings, gate and streets... "Well, for what your kind finds interesting, at least. Me, I see all the rebuildings that will have to be done... that was a mighty fine gate he punched down there."
"Does it surprise you?" The prince's words almost make the god chuckle. "We have Olde Home only a few miles away from Whiteshield, do we not? This is the price of Whiteshield, prince... the price the Boil, the capital, the Spire, that all of us have to pay. It has always been a place so full of light, to drown such shadows beneath it."
'''Child of Wyld Days: '''"And darkness does not sit quietly and just let you do whatever without trying to occasionally spoiling the fun. Creation and the Dead... the Wyld and the Fomorians... it's all the same, really. Destruction not for a greater goal, but destruction for its own sake. That is what irks me so much about the dead things... they are as much of a lie as I am, and refuse to admit as much." Days nonetheless shrugs. "It's easier to remain ignorant, I suppose."
"But where's the fun in that?"
'''Iron Tears: ''' The god looks around... "You have strange definitions of 'fun', Child."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Naturally! But I see it this way... it's easier to accept you're a bit player in a grand play than to be convinced that the play's real and so is your character. So it's simpler to enjoy the show if you can keep a certain sort of... detachment? No, distance from what quite isn't, and knowledge of what is." Days smiles again, and it is an amused one. Raksha are so odd.
'''Alexander: ''' The prince watches Kanti taking the fans, already imagining her dance... taken into a reverie... until the Child speaks. "Must be easy for you. Life is like a play for you, right? You do not feel pain, action is for the fun of it... must be nice, to never feel pain, never care..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' Days... promptly takes his right index finger and bends it backwards at the second knuckle until it snaps, bone jutting out from the skin. He visibly winces, teeth gritted.
"I feel pain. I care. Because pain reminds me that I exist. And caring is required for me to bother with Creation. On the outside, I may seem aimless... but I am not too different from you. I love to act, to dare, to test... but it will avail me nothing if I die for nothing, if I destroy what I care for, if I break what can't be replaced."
"Only the truly mad of our kind do not care."
'''Alexander: ''' The prince winces, averting his eyes from the gesture, the light from his halo casting shadows in his face as he does so. ''Always stumbling on your own words... '' "I am sorry, Days. I did not think..."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti looks up past the faerie to the god who stands there.
"Hello once more, my lord Iron Tears." she says with a bow of her head, then remaining quiet, studying the closed fans and the ... not silken wrap.
'''Spookies: ''' Then, from behind where Iron Tears stood, a door opened. This, by itself, might not have been cause for interest had it not been that there was no door to open. There was not even a building left, only the crumbled remains of a portion of wall.
A thin streak of light pierced out from between the edge where the stonework met the street, inching its way upwards through the maze of rock and mortar until it had cut the image of a rough rectangle into the wall. A door. Stone grated across stone as the entire section that had outlined jutted forward, then softly swung open. Light poured forth with a gust of stale, howling wind that whipped over the hair and clothing of the Exalted and their companions.
It was blinding. It was beautiful. At least until it vanished. Shadows suddenly filled the doorway, a trio of figures standing that the edge beyond the doorway. They seemed oddly without depth, like paper cut-outs propped up against the light. But as they each stepped through in turn, that illusions (it ''had'' to have been an illusion) vanished.
Two men. One woman. All three dressed in nearly identical black and white clothing. The elder of the two men, his clothing disarrayed and his chin unshaved in the lazy fashion of one not overly concerned with appearances, clutched a toothpick between his lips as he peered over the four individuals standing in the street. The younger, far more clean-cut and straightened than his companion, seemed far more disoriented, rubbing his eyes with one hand while tightly clutching the large satchel over his shoulder with the other.
The woman, ''girl'' actually, was the last to step through the door. She barely favored the Exalts with a glance, peeking at them shyly through a length of dirty-blond bands, before turning back to the portal they had just stepped through. A touch of her fingers sent the stone door swinging back into place, ending the whistle of the wind with a hard, definitive thump and returning the street to silence.
The "best" had arrived.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "It's alright. It's easy to think of me as alien... because I am. Such is my existance. I daresay I will become moreso as time progresses. I hope that I do not worry you all overmuch." He inspects his broken finger, frowning a tad. "... pain. Heh. I shall be around. I wish to have some time to think."
Thus, bag on shoulder and eyes on his broken finger, the Child of Wyld Days walks off, apparently losing himself in thought.
'''Iron Tears: ''' "That is quite impressive. I did not expect you to do such things to come so quickly."
The swirl of iron dust seems to smile, proudly, "Alexander Holysword... allow me to Introduce you to the Office of Unusual Occurrences."
"The best on my city to clean such messes."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex watches... "Hmmm... hello." Is all he can say, watching them... "You all seem so... mortal.. How did you do that?"
'''Eciarde: ''' "Spookies." The elder man corrected the god quickly, though quietly. There was a mindful presence to him as he faced the two Exalts and the god. Confidence, without flippancy.
Though, he did choose to answer Alex's question with little more than an enigmatic smile.
"Highness. My name is Eciarde, these are my companions - Noel and Tasya." He tilted his head to the young man near by, who'd slowly managed to blink his way back into enough coherency to nod at the prince, and then to the young girl in turn, who suddenly seemed to huddle up into her oversized coat at even the possibility of the prince's regard, ducking behind Eciarde and peeking out silently. "Here on behalf of whats left of the city government to help however we can."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti nods her head in greeting, staying silent until she was spoken too, watching the three ... apparent mortals with interest.
'''Alexander: ''' "It is a pleasure, Eciarde. and Noel and Tasya." He nods to each of the three in turn, "The Iron God had mentioned you three days ago, but the days have been busy with celebrations and parties and wars, and we could not pay your headquarters a visit, much as we would like to." And it would have helped if he knew people so able were around, before. "And as for the help... our good deity tells me you should seal any entrances to... whatever under this part of the city?"
'''Eciarde: ''' Eciarde smiled again, the toothpick twisting in his mouth. "We've been a bit busy ourselves, highness. Cleaning up the mess. Bits of ghosts, whole ghosts, others things. It's amazing what guests sometimes leave behind..."
Something shifted at Eciarde's feet. Until it had moved, it would have been difficult to notice. After all, how often do you really bother to look at another man's shadow? That his had been exceptionally dark could have been just a trick of the eye, an oddity in perception easily dismissed. But when it suddenly bends ''against'' the light, it's harder not to take notice.
"But the under-city, thats ''always'' here. Sort of what keeps us in business." Stretching outwards like a black carpet, his shadow crawled up to Kanti's feet, then suddenly peeled up off the ground. Flat at first, it ballooned into some semblance of shape and depth. Roughly mortal, though certainly not matching the shape of the man it came from. An empty face peered curiously at her a moment, as Eciarde went on. "Most people are happier not knowing it's even there at all."
The darkness of the shadow's head suddenly pulled back across the middle, a crescent slash that was almost a smile. A hand without texture or temperature took the Terrestrial's hand as an empty face dipped down to kiss the top of it.
'''Alexander: ''' The Pillar of the Sun watched the shadow-play with curiosity. He had seen much those past few months, and he wondered now if all it took was a strong enough wind to drop all those strange, essence-using fruits from the tree.It was a strange world... "I imagine. We have gone on for ur share of problems, ourselves. Mostly having to do with not being at each other's throats and trying to be together long enough to stop... something like this."
"Of course, Kanti alone able to stop them single-handedly, so as long as we are here..."
He cannot help but smile as Kanti's hand is kissed. Like he had done before, like she deserved to be treated.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti blinked at the shadow as it extended towards her, watching it's progress as it slowly extended out and up to a ... full shadow.
She smiles up at it, at the unexpected and undeserved courtesy as he took her hand with his own strange one, and kissed it.
"Thank you." she says, surprised.
'''Noel: ''' As he senior did the talking, the younger man began to wander off slowly towards the hole Obsidian had created into the street ahead. Business like and precise, he crouched by the edge and set his satchel near by, opening the flap and digging out scraps of paper and measuring instruments. He paced slowly around the hole, methodically measuring every chipped paving stone at the edge and scribbling notes onto the paper with a shard of lead.
Tasya had her doors. Eciarde had his shadow. But this? This was Noel's job. Someone had to actually work if they were going to convince the prince to continue funding them, after all.
'''Eciarde: ''' "Yes, we heard about the problems you'd been having before. Someone even had the brilliant notion of trying to get us to solve the issue..." Eciarde chuckled at the very thought. "We informed them we were happier breathing for the time being."
Releasing Kanti's hand, the shadow performed something of a cheerful salute, then melted back into the round, shrinking swiftly to it's place at Eciarde's feet and coiling up around his legs. Eciarde himself showed no sign of noticing, turning his attention towards Kanti with a respectful curiosity. "All on her own? I'm impressed, Prince of the Earth. We'd heard there were no small number of them."
'''Alexander: ''' "So, he does the shadows, she does the doors, and you do... the wards? What are their limits?" He had to know. There were few of them there, specially until Moon recovered, so he had to know... "And think we need to stay around here, in case more come? Or do you think we can go back..?"
"More than thirty. Well-trained, very, very good... and she took them faster and easier than deathknights did."
''My first time meeting them was against those very same forces, after all... ''
'''Noel: ''' Noel looked up from his work. He'd slipped on a pair of peculiar glasses, elaborate brass ones that clutched to multiple lenses spread out like a peacocks tail around his face. Peering at the prince through the largest of the lenses, giant brown eyes blinked rapidly as he tried to focus on what the young Exalt was asking.
"Oh, um... I do this and that, your eminence... er, highness." It was one of those, wasn't it? Noel shook his head and went on. "If I've got the time I need, I should be able to restrain whatever is down there from getting back out again. It's not a matter of limitations on what they can do as it is limitations on how long I've got to make them do it." The young man pauses a moment, his mouth moving silently as he respoke what he'd just said, confirming that it had made sense with a nod.
"I think perhaps you're better off leaving though. We don't really need people hovering around here..."
'''Eciarde: ''' "What he ''means''," Eciarde quickly cut in, glancing at Noel just long enough for a glare. "Is that we don't want a crowd gathering on account of your presence. The few bodies in the way, the easier things will go. Don't worry, highness. We can clean up here just fine. And if things get bad enough, we'll send Tasya out to find you."
The shadow peeled itself off his legs and swept up behind the young girl, giving her a shove that brought forth a small squeak of surprise, the first sound she'd made at all, as she stumbled forward into Eciarde's waiting arm. Shrinking deeply into her coat, her pale hands twisted together in front of her as she silently nodded in agreement.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes, ''Highness. ''" He lets out, nearly outraged. If he was to act his servant, might as well do it right! But then he shakes his head as the girl squeaks, smiling. "Very well, I will be waiting, Tasya. I think your ability - all of your abilities - will be very useful for us. And I will see about taking some of us to your headquarters later. But for now..." He looks down, at his own burnt, dirty clothes. "I need to look presentable. So, Kanti, let us go...?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti nods, and rises to her feet with elegance and impossible fluidity.
"As you wish, my prince."
She courtsey'd then, to the three 'spookies' and to the God.
"Good bye, my lord Iron Tears. Goodbye, Eciarde, Noel, Tasya."
'''Noel: ''' The young man looked more than a little taken back by Alex's sudden burst of anger. But the surprise turns quickly into infuriation as he nodded and turned away to get back to work. Well... shit man. He had only been trying to be polite. Not like he knew anything about courtly manners.
The sound of irritated muttered joined the rattle of measuring tools and the constant scratch of lead on paper.
'''Eciarde: ''' "Good bye your highness. Good by, Prince of the Earth." The elder Spookie tipped his head to Alex and Kanti in turn, as his shadow loomed up over his shoulder and offered Kanti a cheerful wave.
'''Alexander: ''' Alex took a step closer to Kanti...taking her waist once again, fluttering up... his light dimming to nothing now, as he looks down with his halo shining over his head. "See you, Noel, Eciarde. I look foward for meeting you again. And you can come by anytime, Tasya - keep us up to date!" He gives her an encouraging smile... and takes to the skies.
'''Tasya: ''' She shifts, rocking back and forth from foot to foot. Her hands shake, so badly she finally pushes them into her pockets in embarrassment. She peeks, eyes stealing glances through the curtain of hair falling over her face.
And only after Alex had turned away, a sound almost lost among the rustle of his feathers touched his ear. "Bye..."
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