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The Religion of the Mist Realm


In the early days of the world, not long after it was created, a great darkness spread across the land. At its head was the Golden Demon, the Dark Lord who used his demonic might to enslave the world. Under his yoke, all suffered, and the people cried out for salvation.
Their prayers were heard by the Six Divine Gods, who descended from Heaven with their heavenly armies to do battle with the Golden Demon's forces. The fighting was long and hard, but they ultimately managed to destroy the Demon's forces, and engaged him in single combat. Enraged, he struck out, breaking the world. The gods did everything they could, but most of the world was destroyed; only a portion of it survived the devastation.
Horrorstruck at what had occured, the gods swore that they would stay in the world, forever to guard it against the Chaos demons and servants of the Dark Lord that would forever spread out of the Mist. With them, the world entered a new age; smaller, but stronger. Ready to face whatever would come its way. Pure, and pious.

The Six Gods

Caralak, God of War

Caralak is the patron of war, justice, and generally battle. He is praised primarily by soldiers and guards, who consider war to be fought for the just and won in the name of the greater good. Caralak's worships take place at high noon, and his priests extoll the virtues of living a lawful and just existance. Caralak is not worshipped strongly in Taranel, despite the war that currently threatens the nation.

Sharr, Goddess of Love

Sharr is the patron of love, family, mothers, and hope. In her name, most people in the eastern kingdoms greet people ("Sharr preserve you" is the normal greeting and goodbye). Sharr is praised by the common folk, who hope that she will grant joy and blessings upon them. She lives in the city of Ralonel, where she holds her Festival once a year to determine who will become her acolytes for the year; being blessed by Sharr is a great gift for most people. Sharr holds her worships at noon, and her priests remind people to love one another and be good.

Denegia, Goddess of Magic

The patron of thaumaturges, scholars, and learning, Denegia is a quiet, reserved goddess. She is respected by all nations, and is considered the negotiator of the gods. It is said that those who are worthy, and who make long treks into the northern mountains, will be accepted as an acolyte of Denegia and become blessed with her knowledge. Denegia's worships are held at dusk, and her priests suggest curiousity and learning to be the highest goals that anyone can aspire to.

Saren, God of Nature

Saren is the patron of nature, farming, hunting, and the Mistwalkers, and is the wanderer on the edge of the world. His blessings are required to hunt, trap, or log the western woods, and can mean the difference between a successful hunt and a horrible mauling at the hands of enraged woodland creatures. Saren is a reclusive god, and has not physically appeared before his worshippers in many years, although his priests continue to hear his voice from time to time. His worship takes place at dawn, and his priests command his followers to live in balance with the world.

Teswen, Goddess of Death

The patron of the dead, the sick, and the injured, Teswen is the goddess prayed to to guard the deceased and heal the living. It is said that her blessings can heal the sick and grant a second chance at life, and that her tears help guide the dead into a new life. Teswen is also prayed to when there are ghosts that must be put to rest. Her services are held at midnight, and although sparesly attended, implore people to live their lives to the fullest, in order for death to hold no fear.

Tyrius, God of Luck

The most fickle of the gods, Tyrius has no temples or priests, and he abhors worship. Instead, he prefers for people to take his name whenever they prepare to do something risky, take a chance, or generally buck the status quo. He has been known to appear to anyone, from the lowest peasant to the highest king, and grant his blessings for the mildest of things which amuse him, or level curses out of boredom. Of the six gods, he is the least consistant and the least well-liked. Those who wish to petition him pray to him at dusk, but this is a rare event.