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   <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  5
   <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  5
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Any 10 Resistance Charms, including at least 1 each from Essence 1-5
   <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Any 10 Resistance Charms, including at least 1 each from Essence 1-5
This is the Facet Attunement Charm (see [[DragonBloodedInvestigation/IsawaBrian]] under Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details) for Resistance. Taking this Charm Attunes the character to the Resilient Facet of the Earth Dragon, and thus negates the one mote surcharge for non-Earth Blooded Terrestrials using Resistance Charms. The Resilient Face of the Earth Dragon represents the both the impregnable armor hide of the Earth Dragon, and the Earth's resistance to change of any kind, withstanding the whims and disasters of the world. This Charm may not be taken by Earth Blooded Terrestrials, Eclipse Caste Solars, or Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. Its use counts against the number of attunements active on a character, which may cause the Dragon-Blooded's anima and aspect markings to alter (See Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details).
This is the Facet Attunement Charm (see [[DragonBloodedInvestigationDragonBloodedResistance/IsawaBrian/IsawaBrian]] under Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details) for Resistance. Taking this Charm Attunes the character to the Resilient Facet of the Earth Dragon, and thus negates the one mote surcharge for non-Earth Blooded Terrestrials using Resistance Charms. The Resilient Face of the Earth Dragon represents the both the impregnable armor hide of the Earth Dragon, and the Earth's resistance to change of any kind, withstanding the whims and disasters of the world. This Charm may not be taken by Earth Blooded Terrestrials, Eclipse Caste Solars, or Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. Its use counts against the number of attunements active on a character, which may cause the Dragon-Blooded's anima and aspect markings to alter (See Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details).
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

Internalized (Element) Dragon Protection</b>
 <b>Cost:   None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  The corresponding (Element) Protection Form

Another development of the five (Element) Protection Forms, Internalized (Element) Dragon Protection makes small, subtle changes in the Dragon-blooded's Essence, permanently granting a measure of some protection against an element. The Terrestrial's body becomes a reflection of these Essence changes, adapting to both direct damage and harsh environmental conditions almost as though the Dragon-blooded was native to them. Permanently add +1L/+1B to the character's soak against attacks or environmental conditions that spring from the element of choice (as per (Element) Protection Form), as well as +2 dice to Resistance rolls against such conditions. This Charm may only be purchased once per element.

Granite Wall Meditation</b>
 <b>Cost:   3 motes
 Duration: One Turn
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Endurance:  3
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Armor-Hardening Concentration

Focusing her essence into a rigid shield, the Terrestrial raises a secondary line of defense to absorb impacts that might otherwise smash past her armor. The character gains Hardness 5 or adds 2 to any existing source of hardness she has for one turn. This Charm may only be invoked once per turn.

Stonewarden Shield</b>
 <b>Cost:   1 mote per 2 dice
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Endurance:  2
 Minimum Essence:  1
 Prerequisite Charms:  None

Like a marble shield raised before the harshness of the world, the Earth-blood raises his Essence and becomes strong. Add 2 dice to the character's resistance roll for every 1 mote spent. This bonus cannot more than double the character's base Ability + Relevant Specialty; any excess dice are lost.

Earthly Protection Aegis</b>
 <b>Cost:   1 mote, plus one mote per 2 dice and 1 mote per person
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  4
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms: Stonewarden Shield 

A development of Stonewarden Shield, Earthly Protection Aegis allows the character to spread her granite defense against the harshness of Creation to her allies. Through the Dynast's elemental connection, the life-essence within the bodies of the Dynast and her companions becomes rigid and unyielding, flexing back against the toxins and hazards of the world. The Terrestrial spends 1 mote in order to invoke this Charm upon herself, and may spend an additional one mote per person up to a number of people equal to her Resistance score to protect. Then, for every further 1 mote spent, add two dice to every covered person's Resistance rolls. The Dynast may not grant more dice than she has in Resistance, nor may any one ally more than double their effective Resistance. Any excess dice are wasted

This particular Charm is considered highly important by both the Legions of the Realm and Lookshy. As a part of a tradition going back to the Shogunate, and possibly even the rule of the Anathema, Earth Dragon-Blooded with this Charm would be leaders of the first teams to enter devastated or twisted areas. Coupled with their martial arts abilities and Awareness Charms, the Earth-Blooded would secure these dangerous zones or clear them of actively hostile remnants, and then some would return to escort medics and sorcerers into the zone when it was clear. Of course, some would stay behind to guard, and often, many heroes of the Shogunate and its descendents would remain behind as victims of whatever terrible forces they found, giving their brethren time to summon the rest of the Legion. Such heroes are considered to be extremely important karmic ancestors and are honored every year during Ascending Earth.

Sterile Soil Immunity Method</b>
 <b>Cost:   3 motes, 1 willpower, plus 2 motes per additional person protected
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Earthly Protection Aegis

Like barren earth or naked stone, the Terrestrial makes himself and his allies proof against unhealthy growth. This Charm automatically affects the Terrestrial, and he may pay 2 motes per additional person up to his Resistance to protect some of his companions-- this cannot be done without their consent, although such consent is instantaneous. For the rest of the scene, all affected people are immune to all non-magical diseases. Magical diseases, including the Great Contagion and the Charms of Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style, bypass this protection entirely. This Charm has a rarely-discussed secondary effect; while it is active, affected individuals are sterile. Because this is a perfected Charm over thousands of years, this has never become permanent, but it has occasional uses when 'wearing the pillow' might be insufficient social protection against embarrassment.

Crystal Health Benediction</b>
 <b>Cost:   3 motes, 1 willpower, plus 2 motes per additional person protected
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Earthly Protection Aegis

The Dynast uses Essence-resonance similar to that of some rare crystals within the earth to create a protective aura that covers herself and her companions, protecting them from the ravages of toxins. The Terrestrial may pay 2 motes per additional person protected, up to a number of people equal to her Resistance. For the rest of the scene, those protected have total immunity to non-magical poisons. Any magical poison will bypass this protection.

Total Earth-Body Soldiers Meditation</b>
 <b>Cost:   5 motes, 1 willpower, plus 3 motes per additional person protected
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Crystal Health Benediction, Sterile Soil Immunity Method

The ultimate development of the charms used by those Earth-Blooded with the honor and bravery to explore devastated zones, Total Earth-Body Soldiers Meditation concentrates the protective aura of the Earth, radiating it over the Terrestrial and his companions to shield them from the hazards of the world. The Terrestrial activating this Charm is automatically protected, as are a number of his companions that he may select, for 3 motes each, up to his Resistance ability. Those so protected are immune to all poisons, diseases, and environmental damage for one scene. This Charm is somewhat fragile; it does not grant immunity to magical effects. Instead, either add the character's Essence in dice to any Resistance rolls made (Maximum of either the Terrestrial's Resistance Ability or the protected individual's, whichever is less), or to soak against environmental hazards only.

The Mountain Remains</b>
 <b>Cost:   2 motes
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Endurance:  2
 Minimum Essence:  1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

It takes centuries of destruction to destroy a mountain. Only the most powerful and terrible disasters can truly shatter a mountain in one go, and even they will usually leave some remains of what the mountain once was. So, too, will an Earth-blood who knows this charm resist the corrosion of poison or hostile environments. As whatever hazard besets him rises up to overwhelm, the Exalt can realign his body-chakras to imitate the immovable essence of the mountain. Unfortunately, this process is not always successful, and may sometimes prove deleterious if done improperly. The character may reroll any Resistance roll once, but must accept the second roll.

Mountainous Body Redoubt</b>
 <b>Cost:   6 motes
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Endurance:  3
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Mountain Remains, Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation

The character further develops her ability to modify her body-chakras to take on a mountain-like essence. Instead of the hasty rearrangement of the Mountain Remains, the Mountainous Body Redoubt allows the Terrestrial to form her body into a solid wall under the force of some impact, giving the character a chance to throw off the deadly effects of an unblocked blade or crushing boulder. This Charm is invoked after an attack has been soaked but before damage has been rolled. The attacker rolls twice for damage, and the lowest amount is applied to the Dragon-blooded.

The Mountain Does Not Move</b>
 <b>Cost:   5 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms: Mountainous Body Redoubt

An intensely difficult Resistance Charm, The Mountain Does Not Move calls upon the inherent durability and elemental nature of the Earth-Blooded to create an incredibly durable form of stone for a brief moment-- often just long enough to ward off the most vicious of attacks. The Earth-Blooded Terrestrial must have his hardened stone elemental anima activated in order to use this Charm, or even his inherent connection to the Earth will be insufficient. In any turn when The Mountain Does Not Move has been activated, the character gains +12B/+12L/+12A and 12 Hardness. Except for the ability to soak aggravated damage, the soak from this Charm counts as natural soak.

TMDNM is dedicated to years of playing Legend of the Five Rings. I may be Phoenix Clan forever, but the Crab will always have a place in my heart. I'd make The Mountain Does Not Fall, but that's pretty much, alas, Lunar Fortitude.

Touch of Jade Innervation</b>
 <b>Cost:   4 motes, possibly also 1 Willpower (committed)
 Duration:  One day
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  4
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Armor-Hardening Concentration

Although it is highly unusual, sometimes a Terrestrial may be forced to rely on non-Jade armor. Perhaps the Dragon-blooded wishes to fit in amongst bandits or perhaps she is an outcaste who must use whatever she can find. Perhaps the Terrestrial simply has allocated her resources such that her artifacts are of different types. In these situations, such a Terrestrial who has developed her innate talents for resistance can use another innate ability-- the Dragon-blooded shard's harmony with Jade-- to grant some of that material's energetics and hardiness to her armor.

Once activated, this Charm grants the basic abilities of Jade armor to whatever armor the character is wearing. The armor will have no fatigue rating, and nonmagical armor gains the same resistance to destruction from overwhelming attacks, though it gains no soak. Heavy and superheavy non-magical armors gain the same hardness their magical equivalents would have. This Charm has no effect on Jade. It can be used on armors primarily comprised of other Magical Materials (although this is extremely rare) by expending and committing a point of Willpower. For the duration, although the character still gains the Magical Material benefits of the armor's material, he gains the Jade removal of fatigue and neither must make a roll to force attunement nor commit double essence. This Charm may be reflexively renewed an hour before it is due to expire with a new 4 motes (and possibly 1 willpower), at which point the original motes/willpower may be replenished as normal.

Thousand Terra Cotta Warriors Emulation Method</b>
 <b>Cost:   3 motes per fang, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  A number of days equal to the character's permanent essence
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms: Strength of Stone Technique, Armor-Hardening Concentration

Using his inherent position as a commander in the Immaculate Order to link himself to his men, the Terrestrial energizes and heartens his troops, hardening them against their foes, using Essence to reinforce and strengthen their armor. So long as the troops have any armor at all, they gain +1L/+1B soak for the duration of the Charm. The Terrestrial may only designate a number of fangs equal to his permanent Essence +2, but this Charm is synergistic.

Right-Wrought Fortress</b>
 <b>Cost:   3 motes per success
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Supplemental
 Minimum Endurance:  3
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Any 3 Resistance Charms

Any student of siegecraft knows that there is no one, single best way to make a fortification. It must be designed to suit both local needs and local threats; a fortress in the crags of the frozen North, designed to counter aerial invaders, must be built quite different from one in the South designed to withstand sandswimmer attacks and the light. The same holds true of Dynasts who choose to modify their Essence to better resist the hazards of the world. Some configurations of chakras and Essence are simply more efficient than others at resisting certain hazards and ailments Right-Wrought Fortress allows the Earth-Blooded to exploit this efficiency to produce greater defense. The character may spend 3 motes per success to convert a number of dice equal to her relevant specialty into automatic successes.

Resilient Earth Dragon Attunement</b>
 <b>Cost:   None
 Duration:  Permanent
 Type:  Special
 Minimum Endurance:  5
 Minimum Essence:  5
 Prerequisite Charms:  Any 10 Resistance Charms, including at least 1 each from Essence 1-5

This is the Facet Attunement Charm (see DragonBloodedInvestigationDragonBloodedResistance/IsawaBrian/IsawaBrian under Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details) for Resistance. Taking this Charm Attunes the character to the Resilient Facet of the Earth Dragon, and thus negates the one mote surcharge for non-Earth Blooded Terrestrials using Resistance Charms. The Resilient Face of the Earth Dragon represents the both the impregnable armor hide of the Earth Dragon, and the Earth's resistance to change of any kind, withstanding the whims and disasters of the world. This Charm may not be taken by Earth Blooded Terrestrials, Eclipse Caste Solars, or Moonshadow Caste Abyssals. Its use counts against the number of attunements active on a character, which may cause the Dragon-Blooded's anima and aspect markings to alter (See Insightful Water Dragon Attunement for details).
