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Solace. As far as anyone knows, it's a new (and rather quickly-built) outpost not too massively far from Chiaroscuro... but it has the look of a place that's been there for decades. The actual city is protected by high walls, and the port is rigged (via highly-visible hull-ruining metal pylons) to funnel ships into a single lane... that has numerous firedust cannons trained on it. A pirate vessel simply would not get through in one piece.
#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOneDarkheartOne/LogOneOne/IdeaDump]]
Even then, numerous watchmen, all armed with longbarrel firewands, patrol the walls. Each bears the markings of the Guild, and they intentionally stand out---the better to keep people honest. There is much more to this city, but the focus falls instead on five arriving individuals.
Rio and Tian's trip has ended (praised be the Gods), and West and Seran are left to see about properly registering the ship. Laranth and Deis arrive as well; Grass-Eater promptly becomes a tern and flies off into the distance before Laranth can even say goodbye, while Aeyria and Chisana pretty much herd Deis along like the youngster he is.
Dyna, along with Gallant's circus, actually set up shop just outside the city walls. But no matter the point of arrival, or the time... it appears that the Guild is searching for help. Immediate help in countless areas, from labor to bookkeeping. Flyers are everywhere, and the offered prices are nothing short of amazing. There's even a notice of 'work for unique individuals'.
It all leads to the main operation spot; incidentally, it's the immense slave auction block (presently unused) in the middle of Solace's market square. Surrounded by booths and small shops built into a multi-tiered structure similar to the town's walls... the place is packed to the gills with people.
It stinks a tad.
One has to wonder how these five odd folks are managing...
Rio, once Tian finally got off the ship, promptly barked a few orders to the men (West and Seran are thus away to do their duty). Only about half her crew is on board... and she herself wandered to explore the town, whistling a bit. The posters make her curious... perhaps a ship is needed for a while. Other than that... well, she's exploring, and frowning a bit at the slave auction block.
Tian makes his way into the square after getting off the ship, setting aside rest and relaxation for opportunity. He's dressed in his usual simple fashion: a dark purple hooded coat over his shirt and trousers, both functional and light grey. His hood's down, and he seems to be wearing smoked-glass spectacles, a neat little trinket he picked up in Chiaroscuro.
Deis wrinkles his nose, swaying a bit as he's assaulted with new, and not too pleasant olfactory love, looking back to Chisana with a 'you'll pay for this' kind of glance. His attention immediatly turns to the slave auction block and his frown intensifies
Dyna wearing her usual non-descript travelling gear, plus a small backpack with her staff secured to the side of it. Her curiosity showing as she rubbernecks a bit while she walks. Breon isn't with her, at the moment.
Laranth is standing in the square, reading one of the posters with a thoughtful expression. He's ridiculously easy to spot in a crowd: a huge man, easily seven feet tall, and attractive in the pale-and-blond Northern mold. He's also dressed in what a rich Northerner would probably take as good traveling clothes, which is to say he's overdressed and wearing more white than may be wise.
Thankfully, no slaves are actually up <b>for</b> auction, but the actual dias and holding pen's there. Presently, a few Western louts are tossing dice there.
Rio is dressed somewhat less formally than she was on the ship, favoring a blue top and long pants... and her greatsword is on her back, as usual.
Dyna also frowns a bit at the sign of the auction block and slave pens, but keeps going, deciding not to dwell on it for the moment, as there are no slaves to be found at present.
There's a bit of grumbling to be heard; people are getting somewhat restless. Nonetheless, things quiet as a throng of Guild toughs with hatchets in hand and flamepieces firmly tucked in their belts arrive. Amongst them... is a smallish, slightly plump young lady in fine cream silks who's presently finishing off some pastry. As soon as she's done, she climbs (sort-of; one of the guards helps her up with a hand on her ass) onto the dias and clears her throat. She's the look of someone who's pretty... but loves fattening food; dimples, curly blonde hair and warm blue eyes. "SO!"
Rio blinks, looking towards the woman.
Laranth turns to look. "Hm?
Dyna raises the rim of her hat up a bit, and straighens her glasses as she tilts her head up towards the woman.
Tian idly nudges the taller man in front of him out of the way to get a better view, hands clasping behind his back. He's of above-average height, but still needs to lean forward a bit to see.
At least her voice is strong... if nasal. "My, this is alot more than Old Steel had expected! In any event, to all the newcomers... welcome to Solace! I'm going to state the few rules that govern this little slice of Heaven in the South. First!" She ticks off her thumb. "No fighting without a very good reason! If you cause too much trouble, you will be escorted out, either willingly or otherwise. "Second!" Out goes the pointer finger. "Messing with trade here is a good way to ensure your quick and certain trip to the hereafter! If you want to play jade baron, that's what the bazaar in Thousand Canvas is for. Third, and most important!" And out comes the middle finger. "Remember that this is Guild territory, and act accordingly."
Rio rolls her eyes at the last one.
Laranth looks a little underwhelmed, truth be told.
She puts on a winning smile. "Abide by those, and I'm sure things will be grand! Otherwise... well, you don't want to know. That said..." She starts to scan the crowd; that cute, flighty look gives way to an eagle's focus.
Tian just waits, expression placid and unhurried.
Dyna pulls the rim of her hat back down, inconspicuously, hoping not to be noticed.
Deis looks to the two people responsible for dragging him into this mess. "So... what do we do now? Where do we go? And is there someplace less crowded?"
Chisana shrugs lightly, while Aeyria looks at the lady for a moment. "I suppose we could find something to d---" She's cut off as the Guild rep starts to point. "Him. Her. Her. Him. Him. Her. Her. Him. Oh, he's cute. Him. And that beastman over there." She most definitely pointed at Rio, Laranth, Tian, Deis and Dyna, as well as five others. That said, Guild toughs make their way through the crowd.
<Dyna> ... eh?
Dyna looks up, blinking in surprise.
<Laranth> ... excuse me?
Rio ... tilts her head to the side.
Deis blinks and turns to Aeriya and Chisana, then to the one pointing. "Umm... miss... is something wrong?"
"Don't panic! I just want to have a quick talk with you all personally! Trust me, this is a good thing." She giggles into her hand, then slips back down off the dais, swishing along towards what looks to be a rickshaw. "Gentlemen, be quick about this, we're on a deadline." In she goes, and thus... those chosen ten are given little yellow squares of folded paper. The toughs leave as quickly as they arrive.
Tian nods once, deftly taking the paper before it's even offered, slipping it into a pocket.
Laranth takes the paper and unfolds it to read.
Rio ... stares at the piece of paper as she takes it.
"Chisana?" "Yes, sister?" "She passed me over for... him?" "She did say he was cute." Aeyria promptly slaps Chisana upside the head. "Ow! What was that for?"
Dyna looks at the paper she was given curiously.
Those bothering to read it notice that it's a map; directions lead to what's labeled as 'the Scalded Dog'. A little handwritten note in High Realm, Low Realm and Riverspeak note 'arrive as soon as possible'.
Deis scratches his head, moving the map from side to side, slowly making sense of it, then looking to his two charges. "Shou... hey what did I say about being mean to Chisana?"
Laranth refolds and pockets the paper, shrugs, and heads in the indicated direction. No use dallying.
Dyna looks around at the others and tucks her paper into her pocket. "Hmm..."
Tian turns and goes back the way he came, giving the occasional 'nudge' to ensure a clear path. Once out of the oppressive throng, he opens the note, reads, and walks for the.. whatever.
Aeyria sighs, shrugging defensively. "Not to do it again. I'll try to hit her harder---" "Hey!" "... try harder nexttime." Chisana sticks her tongue out as her twin, then leans down to peer over Deis' shoulder. "So... going?"
<Dyna> ... strange.
Rio looks at the directions... and tilts her head to the side. "... huh. Go figure." With that, she pockets it... and after poking one of her exploring men in the shoulder and whispering that she'll be going to see what that's about, she heads off.
Deis grimaces and hops from one foot to the other, curiosity clear on his face. "Well, I want to, but I really don't want to leave you here alone, especially with Aeriya being a bully."
Dyna heads for the location indicated on the little map, pulling it out of her pocket, just incase she needs it for something.
The remaining five are leaving at their own pace; one little man's practically running along. More grumbles pass through the group, but those Guild toughs are lurking about and it goes no further.
"Pffft. I can handle her. Do what you have to do... it'll be fine. I'll even check up on your later, young man. Alright?" Chisana pats Deis on the back, rising back to her full height. "You heard him, Ria. Be nice." Aeyria snorts.
"Well.....if you're sure you'll be okay..." Deis begins to walk away hestiantly, swallowing audibly at the overwhelming sight that is the city
Overwhelming, indeed. It's not large... but for someone like Deis, it might as well be. Thus, with Chisana waving him off, the chosen ten arrive quickly at this 'Scalded Dog'. Of note, on the way there, is the sight of the half-finished stone-and-onyx tower of a laboratory being built somewhat to the east of the market square, teeming with workers like a mound teems with ants.
As for the location... it seems to be a small, quaint little eatery, presently empty and quite heavily guarded. Those there are paying attention, checking to see if the arrivals are carrying the maps and stopping those who don't have theirs readily out, demanding to see it.
Laranth glances at the laboratory. "Not finished yet. I should have suspected." With that apparently settled, he heads into the Dog.
Rio flicks her map out and shows it at the guards, looking somewhat annoyed, before heading in.
Deis steps towards the door, a little wary of the whole thing, like a kitten in a new home. He looks to the others, waving a bit sheepisly before stepping into the Scalded Dog with a sigh.
Dyna briefly shows the guards her map before she heads inside, looking around curiously as she makes her way in.
Tian holds out his unfolded piece of paper, folding it up once more and returning it to his coat pocket. He steps inside, a little after the other nine, eyes scanning his surroundings methodically.
Laranth looks for the woman who apparently called them or, well, any other indicated path from here.
Rio pauses for a moment... and then her head turns in Tian's direction.
Inside, it's as homey at it looks on the inside; wood, cloth, gentle lighting and the smell of an actual homecooked meal. There, the normal tables have been cleared out to make room for one large table with twelve chairs. Sitting at one is the woman, who's nibbling at another pastry. Next to her is a decidedly wide-bodied fellow with large cheeks, small dark-brown eyes and messy brown hair. He's presently helping himself to a plate loaded with cookies.
Dyna looks around as well, taking in the other nine faces...
Tian flashes a faint, mocking smile at Rio before walking past her at a decent clip.
Laranth strides over to the twelve-seated table and takes a seat.
Rio scowls. >_<
"Come, sit! Please, relax... I'll promise I'll be quick. But first... introductions. I am Henpin Bogsley, your liason with the Guild, and this is my associate Barata." Barata looks up from his snack and... goes back to eating.
Tian follows in the massive Northern man's wake, nodding almost imperceptibly to the woman from before, sliding his own chair out and sitting down.
Dyna takes a seat next to Laranth, giving him a polite smile and nod as she does so.
Laranth nods to Henpin and the woman who's just sat next to him.
Rio sits down as well, next to Dyna, and nods at the two people there slightly.
The remainder sit as well, and introduce themselves. Two women (not twins, but dressed alike in Eastern garb; Nala and Alan), one elkman (Brou of Pine), a bruiser with more scars than the table (Lead Fist) and a thin fellow who looks too prim for hard work (amusingly enough, Ledaal Calou).
Dyna figures she may as well go next, clears her throat, and gives the room in general a warm smile. "I'm here with the circus, my name's Dyna but my stage name is The Living Abacus. It's nice to meet you all."
Deis takes a seat, still fidgeting a little bit and idly toying with a tendril of hair, totally nervous in the current situation as he looks to Henpin.
Laranth nods to the table, his expression pleasant if not particularly outgoing. "Laranth Karsosen, of Whitewall. A pleasure to meet you all."
Rio uncrosses her arms and smiles a bit. "Rio Storm, captain of the Serpent."
<Tian> Tianyu.
Tian doesn't seem inclined to offer anything more.
Henpen nods a few times, then looks to Deis. "And your name, sweetheart?" She giggles at the end, all smiles.
Deis blushes profusely. "De... Deis Vaelsti o-of the Rathess forest area, miss."
Ooooh, Rathess! That's some dangerous territory! You must be a wily fellow... oh, anyway! On to business. I have... hrm. How should I put it. I have an eye for talent." Henpin scans the room slowly. "And I see ten talented individuals. If the lot of you are willing to make a pretty coin for not much work, we might be able to work something out... however."
<Dyna> However?
<Laranth> Go on.
"I have a special task that I will need five of you for. The remainder will stay behind with Barata here, and he'll take good care of you in my stead. So... I hate to sound like I'm doing this on a whim, but in a way I am. Would you all like to say something on your behalf before I have another look and decide?" Henpin leans back, popping the last of her snack into her mouth.
Dyna just leans forward a bit, listening intently.
<Rio> ... could we know what this special task is first?
<Laranth> I would like to know this, yes.
"Ah, of course! Dock-minding for when some important things come in tomorrow. It shouldn't be dangerous, but we have some very important, rare items coming in, and even the threat of castration wouldn't shake some thieves." She sighs dramatically. Barata finishes his cookies and pushes the plate away while his jaws work.
<Dyna> That being said, I'm more formidable than I look.  And I have good, trustworthy help.
<Laranth> .. well, I'd like to think I'm imposing. And I can handle myself in a fight.
Rio waves her hand idly. "Well, my weapon is not for show only, and I deal with pirates well enough when at seas."
Henpin nods now and then, obviously listening. The remaining five speak their piece (typical 'I'm more than capable' stuff) as well.
<Tian> I can fight and have experience with this sort of thing.
Deis looks to the others, waiting to see what they say, still unsure of this whole ordeal. "I... I'd like to but I promised my time to two others, miss."
"I... see. Well. Hrm." Henpin presses a finger to her lips, deep in thought. "Now, then. Decisions, decisions. Barata, could you get me another---" Barata shoots Henpin a look, and she quickly cuts herself off. "Right, right. Decisions." She goes quiet, looking over the group time and again... and then, without a pause between actions, she points out the Eastern ladies, the outcaste, the brawler and the elkman. "You five! I'll need you to report to the docks tomorrow at daybreak. Bring your arms and... don't forget to smile. The crewmen like smiles. Anyway, off you go!" She proceeds to 'shoo!' wave them off.
Laranth looks mildly disappointed, but not massively so. He leans back a little in his chair. "And for us, ma'am?"
Rio gives a little shrugh as the others get chosen. "Ah, well..."
Tian just smiles and sits back.
As the chosen five... leave, looking mildly confused, Henpin waits. She doesn't say anything just yet, instead steeping her fingers. Barata... does nothing as well, aside from picking his teeth.
Dyna steeples her fingers, looking at Henpin and waiting...
Deis is still kind of there, a bit confused as to what he should be doing, but honestly considering the offer.
"... alright, then. Now that they're gone, I suppose I could give the lot of you the real job." Henpin's smile turns a tad bit mischevious. "First... would you like something to eat? A drink maybe?"
<Dyna> Well, I am a little hungry...
<Laranth> I wouldn't refuse your hospitality.
<Tian> I'm fine.
<Rio> ... yeah, sure
Henpin nonetheless starts to yell for orders of tea and such. While she does as much... Barata cracks his neck and looks at the group. "... Henpin. Do you---" "Of course I do! Have I failed you yet, sir?" "Mn." ... thus, Barata smooths his hair back and coughs. "First off, I'd like to thank you all for coming to Solace. As you can see, we're a tad... swamped. This sort of response wasn't expected, and there isn't much specialized talent to be had from the lot of them."
Rio refrains from making the 'I didn't come here on my own choice' comment.
Laranth leans forward again and nods, apparently listening attentively.
Dyna nods and smiles politely.
"You can call me Barata if you wish, but I tend to go by Old Steel. It's a very long story that I'd not like to get into at the moment. In any event... let's start with questions, which I'm sure you have." The tea arrives; green tea, with a small amount of cream and sugar, with a bit of crushed mint on top. It's served with buttery scones and cooked shrimp. Mounds of shrimp.
Deis blinks at the shrimp, poking it with a little bit of caution. "What are these?"
<Dyna> Alright, shrimp!
Tian glances over at Deis, suppresses the urge to snort, and returns his attention to Barata. "What's the job?"
Old Steel chuckles. "They're shrimp. Shellfish from the sea. We have a surprisingly large amount of them here... go on, try one. As for the job... Henpin, the map?"
Dyna smiles cheerfully and helps herself to some tea and scones, putting a little shrimp on her plate, as well.
Laranth helps himself fairly liberally to shrimp, scones, and tea. "A map?"
"Shrimp?" Deis pokes it again. "Well... they are small, but what are they?"
<Tian> Just eat them.
<Laranth> Best to experience rather than question, yes.
Henpin produces a fresh roll of parchment, and spreads it out, then points to a small mark about 20 miles north of Solace. "This little island once belonged to a Dynast who took a liking to the sea. Built a manor on it, but soon left, saying the island was haunted." Steel nods. "We purchased the island and performed a few initial expeditions. There's a good chance that it's an undisturbed cache."
<Laranth> A cache of what? First Age relics?
<Dyna> Well... I think I can definitely help you with that...
Rio 's eyes light up a bit at that.
Steel nods, then snags a scone and chews on it.
Laranth begins to work on the shrimp as he leans over for a better look at the map. "I see. Well, I'm no excavation expert..."
Tian nods slowly. "And our payment?"
Deis decides not to eat any of the strange steaming bug critters, and instead goes for something a little more known to him, grabbing a scone and chewing quietly.
"I'll handle the workers. You will assist. And your payment will be either in jade, Guild credit or a portion of the recovered items, whichever suits your desires." Steel chews a bit, then bolts down his tea. "You. Rio. We will need your ship. I don't want to alert certain parties."
Rio waves her hand. "If the pay's good, can do."
"Oh, you'll be well-paid! Guild's honor!" Henpin works on... yet another pastry. It's easy to see why she's so chubby.
<Laranth> I suppose it's worth a look.
Deis hmmms. "Well... can I ask that... most of whatever I get be in goods for my friends?"
Old Steel seems content with the replies. "Miss Aeyria and her sister will be taken care of, even moreso than they are now, should you pull your load."
Deis cocks his head a bit. "Promise?"
<Tian> I'm fine with that arrangement.
"I am a man of my word." Steel looks at Deis for a moment. "Just do well, and I will fulfill it. But... enough of that. Tell me... aside from work, why are the lot of you here?"
<Dyna> Well, being a scholar and having heard about the lab, here... I thought I might find work, or at least something interesting.
<Laranth> Like I believe I said, I have an interest in firedust. Also... I have been blessed with the wealth to follow my whims in the world, and I enjoy travel.
Henpin looks to Steel for a moment before speaking, sipping at her tea from time to time. "Well! The lab is progressing quickly. We estimate that it will take about a month to finish construction, and a week after for all the geomantic forces to properly reconfigure. Some minor geomancy's being done to energize the area, and that takes time. Afterwards... I'm sure you'll find what you seek!"
<Rio> ... Me? I guess it's just luck I was around the East... but a forming trade town is not a bad place for a ship.
<Tian> I'm just looking for extended employment with the Guild. This seems like the right place to be.
Henpin smiles, faintly, at Tian, but says nothing. 'Barata' seems to miss the exchange, instead eating a handful of shrimp.
Deis pauses to swallow his scone. "Well. I was dragged here by my friends; they felt I needed some... umm... exposure to city life."
<Dyna> That reminds me... do you have any libraries, here?
Dyna sips her tea, after downing a few shrimp.
Laranth starts in on the shrimp in earnest.
"Mmm-hmm. There are a few places for research, miss..." Henpin pauses, then digs around for some scraps of paper. "Damn, I don't have any town maps. I'll get one to you as soon as possible, but they're generally clustered around the laboratory site."
<Dyna> Thanks.  I'd really appreciate that.  As for the cache... well, I'm pretty sure I can make at least some sense of most anything you're likely to find there.
... Old Steel suddenly slams his teacup down with a small smile. "... now, then, I suppose I should go ahead and get matters settled. You," he points to Rio, "should have your vessel ready by sunrise. The rest of you need to be there and ready. I will have workers and such there as well. Come armed. The last time I did this sort of thing, half of those who went never came back."
<Laranth> Any particular preparations you would considere necessary?
"None that comes to mind." Old Steel shrugs, then resumes eating. "You were chosen for a reason... and Henpin has a very keen eye for potential, so I trust she... and you all, will not disappoint."
<Rio> ... heh.
<Dyna> Well, fighting isn't my best subject... but I can manage, and I have an excellent bodyguard.
<Laranth> As I said before, I can more than handle myself in trouble. I should be all right.
"Oh, the tiger?!" Henpin squeals like a little girl, looking most excited. "Such a beast! I simply have to see him up close... is he well-trained?"
Rio ... blinks at that. "Tiger?"
<Laranth> .. a <b>tiger</b>?
<Dyna> Ah... yes, he's very well-trained.  But ah... y-yes, I have a tiger.  His name is Breon.
<Tian> That's fascinating. Are we done?
Old Steel gives Tian a tired look. "If you expect to hold a place among us, boy, you would do well to learn some patience."
<Dyna> And I suppose it couldn't hurt to introduce you to him.
Tian returns Steel's look with a guileless gaze. "I was just wondering if there was anything else. We seemed to be going off-track."
Dyna turns to Henpin. "But you'll have to be respectful to him. He doesn't like being poked and prodded."
Henpin's gleeful look deflates. "... oh. R-right. Of course! I knew that. Eh-heh." Steel... shrugs, and finishes his tea. "Nothing more. You are free to go."
<Laranth> .. It'd probably be a bad idea to go out in my good clothes. To the market, then.
<Rio> I'll go give my crew the news.
Old Steel chuckles. "A suggestion, young man... less white. You'll attract less undue attention."
<Dyna> Hm... could you get me one of those maps?  I've got some time to kill.
Laranth nods, smiling a little ruefully. "The white seemed such a good idea when I was going out."
Deis looks to Henpin. "Miss... is there anything else you need of me?"
Tian adjusts his glasses, glancing over at Rio. "It's good that I haven't packed yet, then." He smiles maddeningly, standing up and heading for the exit.
Rio twitches juuuust slightly.
Henpin just reaches over and ruffles Deis' hair. "Just look cute, dear. And do your best out there, alright?" ^^
Laranth glances at Rio and whispers. ".. is he trouble?"
Dyna giggles at Henpin and Deis.
Deis sinks his head and blushes again, mumbling, "Why does everyone do that?"
<Henpin> Because it's true. Now go along and get some rest. Go on, now!
<Rio> ... oh yes.
Deis nods, still blushing, and dashes off.
Rio sighs a bit, and then steps out. "I hope you'll have a chart ready for my navigator."
<Laranth> He rather looks it. But... ah, well.
Laranth stands up.
Henpin sits back down... and Old Steel just gives her a slightly disapproving look. "What?! He is cute! It's not like that... and we will, miss Rio!"
Dyna stands and walks over to Old Steel, smiling a bit at Henpin.
<Dyna> So, tell me... this job aside, do you have any job openings for that lab?
"There may well be, miss." Henpin waves to Laranth as he stands. "We'll see when the time comes, dear."
Laranth bows and makes his way out of the Dog. "First order of business: new clothes..."
<Dyna> I'll get you a copy of my resume.
Tian pauses in the doorway, listening in on the conversation. And then, he's gone, as though disappearing into thin air.
Dyna smiles cheerfully, and heads out the door. "Let me know when you find a map for me, okay?"
Henpin nods. "I await your submission!" Old Steel's staying quiet on this one, looking in the direction of where Tian once was.
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010