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= Noris, the Token DB =
= Noris, the Token DB =
Line 18: Line 18:
Linguistics *** Awareness *** Athletics
Linguistics *** Awareness *** Athletics
[[/Lore]]/ **** Craft ** Dodge **
[[CrownedSun/Noris/Lore]]/ **** Craft ** Dodge **
Occult Endurance ** [[/Melee]]/ ***
Occult Endurance ** [[CrownedSun/Noris/Melee]]/ ***
Stealth Martial Arts [[/Presence]]/ ****
Stealth Martial Arts [[CrownedSun/Noris/Presence]]/ ****
Thrown Resistance ** Socialize
Thrown Resistance ** Socialize
Brawl Archery Presence: Leading
Brawl Archery Presence: Leading
Bureaucracy Medicine **** Melee: Two Weapons
Bureaucracy Medicine **** Melee: Two Weapons
Line 48: Line 48:
Inituative: 6 Soak (L[[/B]]): (1/3) Mobility: -0
Inituative: 6 Soak ([[LCrownedSun/Noris/B]]): (1/3) Mobility: -0
ARMOR: Starmetal Breastplate       w/ Armor (7/7) Fatigue: 0
ARMOR: Starmetal Breastplate       w/ Armor (7/7) Fatigue: 0
Line 71: Line 71:
Strength of Stone Technique DB.200 Simple 2 motes per person
Strength of Stone Technique DB.200 Simple 2 motes per person
Stoking Bonfire Style DB.208 Supplemental 1 mote per 2 dice
Stoking Bonfire Style DB.208 Supplemental 1 mote per 2 dice
Ox-Body Technique DB.195 Special N[[/A]] (permanent)
Ox-Body Technique DB.195 Special [[NCrownedSun/Noris/A]] (permanent)
Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde DB.209 Supplemental 1 mote per 2 dice
Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde DB.209 Supplemental 1 mote per 2 dice

Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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Noris, the Token DB

Noris				Outcaste			Wood
People-Grower			Leader				Ancient Oak

Strength	4		Charisma	3		Perception	3
Dexterity	3		Manipulation	2		Intelligence	3
Stamina		3		Appearance	2		Wits		3

Linguistics	***		Awareness	***		Athletics	
[[CrownedSun/Noris/Lore]]/		****		Craft		**		Dodge		**
Occult				Endurance	**		[[CrownedSun/Noris/Melee]]/		***
Stealth				Martial Arts			[[CrownedSun/Noris/Presence]]/	****
Thrown				Resistance	**		Socialize	

WATER				[[CrownedSun/Noris/WOOD]]/				SPECIALITIES
Brawl				Archery				Presence: Leading
Bureaucracy			Medicine	****		Melee: Two Weapons
Investigation	**		Performance			
Larceny				Ride		**	
Sail				Survival	***	

Languages: Firetongue (Native), High Realm, Rohan, Old Realm
Willpower	9		Personal:	16		Compassion	****
x x x x x | x x x x -						Conviction	**
				Peripheral:	27	
Spent-->	0		Committed:			Temperance	*
History-->	1		0/16 Pers; 10/37 Peri		Valor		*****

Limit Break: Valor		When taken by the Curse, you seek out extreme and
				dangerous experiances no matter the jeopardy to
				your life.

Inituative:	6		Soak ([[LCrownedSun/Noris/B]]):	(1/3)	Mobility:	-0
ARMOR:	Starmetal Breastplate	       w/ Armor (7/7)	Fatigue:	0

HEALTH LEVELS	0	1	2	5	Incapacitated
 		/	///	///	/	/
Short Daiklave		9L(+4L)		+2 (11)	+3 (12)		+4 (10)
Charms					page #	type		cost
Wild-Wandering Forester Charm		DB.232	Supplemental	1 mote per 2 dice
Hostile Enviroment Preperation		DB.233	Simple		3 +1 per companion
Infection-Banishing Prana		BB.226	Simple		1 mote

NON-ASPECT CHARMS			These Charms require a 1 mote surcharge per turn!
Charms					page #	type		cost
Precision Oberservation Method		DB.190	Reflexive	1 mote per 2 dice
Strength of Stone Technique		DB.200	Simple		2 motes per person
Stoking Bonfire Style			DB.208	Supplemental	1 mote per 2 dice
Ox-Body Technique			DB.195	Special		[[NCrownedSun/Noris/A]] (permanent)
Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde		DB.209	Supplemental	1 mote per 2 dice

BACKGROUNDS	value	notes
Artifact	****	A sturdy Starmetal Breastplate (level 1) and a pair of Green Jade Daiklaves (level 3).
Breeding	****	The bastard son of one of Chiaroscuro's Dynastic saviors, and an Outcaste mother you are highly in-tune with
			your Aspect, which grants you 4 extra Personal and 7 extra Peripheral Essence as well as reducing the cost of
			your Anima power by 1 and raising your Banner by 1 level.
Familiar	****	Temper, a small female Sandswimmer, is your friend and companion. Shortly after you Exalted, Temper found her
			way to you and has stayed with you since. She is quite intelligent, and you are able to borrow one of her
			senses when she is close by and when in contact with her, you can draw on 5 additional motes of Essence.
Followers	**	Acting as foreman of the expeditions and digs made by your Circle you have gained a number of loyal workers,
			happy to follow orders and do the tasks set to them. One of them, Kander, acts as your assistant, helping to
			organize the men and deal with any small problems that arise.
Manse		***	Attuned to a trio of manses, one a small Fire Manse built into the side of a now-extinct volcano's main lava
			tube, a slightly more powerful Air Manse, located on one of the mountains overlooking the Sacred Forest
			and the last, a squat Earth Manse uncovered in what remained of Dala'Varia. Between them, the manses have
			provided you four Hearthstones.

	Breastplate - Level 1 Starmetal Artifact
	A sturdy breastplate of Starmetal etched with Dragons. This treasure was your first major discovery. Located in the tomb of an ancient Earth
Aspected Dragon-Blood, a gift from his  Sidereal lover according to the tomb's inscriptions, it took weeks of digging to remove, but you think the
investment was well worth it. The armor commits for 4 motes.

	Valeren Swords - Level 3 Green Jade Artifacts
	A pair of Green Jade short Daiklaves, forged by the best Orile craftsmen, the Valeren Swords were a gift to you from the Dragonlord
Illhousen at the founding of the Silas Familiy and the leading Circle. While attuned to the pair of swords, you heal damage faster.  Lethal damage
heals as if it were bashing, and bashing damage is healed completely every scene. The pair of swords commit for 6 motes. It is impossible to commit
one without commiting the other.

(Hearthstones and Manses)
	The Deadheart Room (Level 1, Fire Manse) is a barracks and drilling area cut into the Eastern Mountain Chain not far from the pass leading
into the Eastern Reaches of the Rohan Empire.  Not much of a fortification, the Manse build into the main lava tube of a long extinct Volcano none
the less offers a good look at traffic up and down the routes and a spectucular view of the Tower of Light.
	The Stone of Passion is a dark purple stone causes the bearer's voice to take on an appealing tinge of passion when he speaks on a matter of
emotional import to him. This zeal gives him two extra dice on Charisma- or Manipulation-based rolls that have to do with such topics. In an Amulet.

	The Central Manse of what was once the First Age Mecca of Dala`Varia, the Pyramid of the Stars (Level 3, Earth Manse) was nearly leveled
during the Invasion of the city by the Deliberative in the dim past and then rebuilt via Sorcery -- that, at least, being what the Silas were able
to uncover.  Over the ages, the Manse had fallen into something of a state of disrepair, but still enough remained to be attuned to, though finding
the Hearthstone was a bit more work.  The fact that, after nearly a week of searching, Noris is the one who unearthed it was the main reason he was
allowed to keep it.  Nobody told Schuyler.
	Gemstone of the White Jade Tree is a blue-violet stone glows with an inner light. Any damage suffered by the possessor is halved, rounded
up. At the same time, the possessor's Dexterity pool and movement rates are halved, rounding down. In an Amulet.

	Flying Tower (Level 2, Air Manse) was erected by the Orile before their spree of construction in NRY 26 due to the particularly Wyld-tint of
the Demense.  Some of the people living near it developed mutations, and Balthasar worried that they might become dependent on the Site if the
Demense was not constructed.  Thus, the Orile went to work -- constructing this tall and austere tower that juts into the sky, raising high above
the rest of the skyline.  Broadest at the base, that is where most of the living space is located and where you stay when you are in Nei`Roh.  The
actual Hearthstone forms at the apex, however.
	Jewel of the Flying Heart (level-1 stone) is a blood-red stone has a number of sharp facets. It grants the owner a bonus to Dodge rolls
equal to one-half his Conviction, rounded up. In addition, if set into a bladed weapon, it adds a one-die bonus to attacks with that weapon. Set in
your right Valeren Sword.
	Stone of Quick Thought (level-1 stone) is banded with red and dark silver. When the owner concentrates, time seems to slow down for him, but
in reality, his thoughts speed up. It gives him time to think in tense situations and increases his reflexes. This gives the stone's bearer one
extra die for Wits and Dexterity rolls. Set in your left Valeren Sword.

	A magnifying glass, attached to an armband that lets him use both hands while looking through it, a pack of archaeology tools, desert survival gear, a few changes of clothes, a pouch-covered belt and drafting tools.