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== [[BuzzChild]]'s Campaigns ==
== BuzzChild's Campaigns ==
My group only have first edition, and i dont think were going to be switching over to 2nd edition, so all of these campaigns are first edition. In addition the Gms of our campaigns are affectionately called God and so some references to god on the following pages refer to the gm not some deity.
<br> Currently we only have two people running games so i will post updates on both games that are currently running. we dont always run the same games so if play somethign else ill llevae the previous update up and post an update on the new game.
I only have first ed. and i dotn think my group is goign to be switching over to 2nd ed. any time soon, so all of these campaigns are first edition.
<br>At some point i intend to post character sketches for all pcs in these games,
<br>Go back to [[BuzzChild | BuzzChilds User Page]].
=== Games I Run (right now) ===
These are the games im running right now.
=== Playable Campaigns ===
Here is where im goign to put complete campaigns, for lazy and new GMs. Working on 1 so far hope u enjoy!
MirrorsOfWyld : a simple hack and slash/puzzle adventure campaign that brings a group of pcs throughout all creation and and a wyld pocket similar to creation. designed(hopefully) to be fast paced and loaded with opportunity to gain experience no matter what type of character your group decides to play(as long as they are a little combat oriented). Plenty of opportunity for GM to develop or introduce, Npc characters and sideplots.
note: tattoed Lunar characters might not be able to gain some of the campaign benefits
=== Campaigns I Play ===
These are campaigns where i play a character, most of these games are played with between 2-4 pc characters dont realy know what else 2 say except that im not going to post all of them and the ones i do post im probably not goign to go into great detail describing them because we dont play all of them that often and i have a bad memory.
Mortal Game: We started off as mortals (had to take destiny or breeding to exalt), and exalted in combat while searching for a bunch of different 1st age artifacts that we were told to retrieve by our new boss who payed well. We havent played this game in a while, but it was fun.
KaiserGame : theres way too much goign on in the Kaiser game to place here so i'll give it a page of its own.
Out West Game:  Anathema hiding at sea trying to survive the elements, pirates, deathknights, the wyld(and its minions), and the realm. it was pretty fun but we stopped running it
Gangs of Nexus: 12 gangs of various size, all vying for dominance of the firewander under the watchful eye of a disgusting, but very powerful, kingpin. Obviously the idea came from gangs of new york but you can imagine the exalted twist. The gangs exist at the mercy of the kingpin, an earth elemental tied to filth, but he lets them exist because they are ultimately useful, and even united would only pose a minimal threat to his criminal empire. When every gang has its share of secrets and exalts you can imagine the crazy stuff that goes on when they get together, even when they're not fighting. None of the pc characters, chose to start off at the head of a gang, although one is starting his own shortly, and none of us are in the same gang. I'm thinking that due to the complex nature of the game and my new fondness for the concept(i really didnt like the idea at first and it took them 8 months to browbeat me into making a character) that i will post more on this game on its own page.
Artimore game: My character, a former noble form the north, chased out of his home after exaltation as solar, ends up joining forces with a few other pc characters, one of which is called artimore, to help an ancient god(i think it was  get his power back
The new old pirates game: an old game come again with new characters because we missed our serious pirates game. Take what u want! Give nothing back!
Kaz and Jerek Game:  
<br> Update!
=== Campaigns I Run ===
<br> The guys finally made it back charted waters (after 2 years, and 5 ships lol), and Captain Blood Beard plans to Raid and Recruit in Antang!
I run a few now but im really tired of updating the wiki right now so ill post more on this later
<br> I could say more but ill leave it there for now because i want to describe the pcs in this game they are fun! and i dont want to devote too much time to this section!
<br>more to come...
the lunar game: a pack of young lunars(pc characters), finds an extremely powerful manse that was built specifically for them on the outskirts of creation in secret by a 1st age lunar prophet during the usurpation. The prophet, who is still alive(wasn't part of her plan), saw in a wyld-vision a great war in the future, where the true enemy, grew stronger with every death, and all were oblivious to it's coming. She also saw no united Solar front to stop the impending tide of darkness and so planned, to do as Lunars always do when the Solars are sitting on their thumbs, EVERYTHING.  She prepared the great manse with that unknown enemy in mind, hoping that one day the gift's she left behind for the re-incarnations of the pack she knew so well, would be put to use to stave off the flow of the hidden tide of darkness. After its completion she left her mortal servants as guardian to it's secret, telling them that one day a pack of Lunar's would find it and to guard its secret from all until then. After that she joined her full moon lover and began readying herself for battle against the terrestrial scum, only to be knocked unconscience by her lover, and stored peacefully at rest under veils that hold back time within the manse she created. For he knew that the mortals alone, would not be able to guard the secret of this manse. And he also knew that though he and his lover would wreak havoc among the armies of the pathetic terrestrials, that they would be brought down eventually, just like the stronghold they just finished building would if they left the secret of it in the hands of a couple hundred well trained servants. And so then it became his task to mold the servants into fierce protecters to guard the secret absolutely even after his demise. To his everlasting credit the full moon managed to swallow his pride and eventually the histories stated that he and his lover had perished in the usurpation. The full moon did his job well, and the secret was kept safe after his passing, centuries later, by the now fierce tribe of protecters, descendants of their remaining faithful servants. In modern day, the Immaculate Order (with the help of the bronze faction) has taken control of the warring factions of the realm in the absence of the empress, and has launched a massive crusade all over creation attempting to re-unite all of creation under the rule of the immaculate order. As battles rage all throughtout creation the underworld readies itself under a New Rule, amassing all the dead from the wars that rage in creation, waiting for their new master's signal to rise up agianst creation in their weakest hour and crush them.
=== Games I (currently) Play ===
The guys really like this game, the manse gives them each a stone that gives them the abilities of the charm Brotherhood Of Lake and River i think its called, and has a 1st age workshop and many other powerful trinkets. They don't know half as much as what i typed up there, although they have awoken and tattoed the prophet who is now learning about deathknights. The manse is north of resplendent peak and all of Halta is currently under siege by the realm. The extenuating circumstances have brought many Lunars together for monthly t'laks where they discuss the enemy, although there is hardly a unified front within the Silver Pact. The pc characters pack has a lot npc (lunars, solars, Dbs, mortals) associated with it right now and they haven't joined in any major battles, even though menodix the no moon child defeated a small terrestrial encampment of 500 troops with a tune. They are currently attending court in Halta, by invitation of the queen, and are about to meet with the generals about battle tactics. I used the current haltan setting from the halta book as guidelines for the queen and the size of the haltan army. There are over 100 000 realm troops attacking halta, and thats just the preliminary wave, as many men are being sent north and south of the blessed isle in the preliminary wave, and the bronze faction has slowed Lookshy's bureacracy to halt, preventing assistance to anyone from them anytime soon. This is a really fun, but very complex campaign as there are many political factions(the realm,halta, the silver pact, bronze faction, gold faction, etc..) and many armies and many powerful entitities playing a role (Luna, Bloody Sky, Harmonious Jade, Slulura , a billion others). I may update the posts on this game next time we play a session but maybe not, depends on the interest i guess.
These are campaigns where i play a character, most of these games are played with between 2-4 pcs
Bounty hunters Game: A small bounty hunting unit loaded with exalts and questionable morality works out of nexus and for the Cult of the Illuminated.
the hero game: new reputable blacksmiths in the nighthammer by day, solar heroes by night trying to unravel an evil plot hatched by unknown forces in nexus. The criminal underworld i designed for this game in nexus is staggering and they have only skimmed the surface of it. muahahaha
<br> Update!
<br> I took my team south via riverboat and fooled one lookshy inspector on the way, only to have him come back and chase us after one of us flared scaring off some pirates, we ended the game during a fight in which we ambushed the lookshy strike force which was about to ambush us!
<br> more to come...
The Mirrors of Wyld: check above
=== Old Games ===
[[/OldGames | Old Games ]]
For whatever the reason, these are games we dont play anymore. ill have the current game rotation posted here and a description of some old favourites and characters.
== Comments ==
===== Comments Section =====
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Revision as of 21:19, 8 April 2006

BuzzChild's Campaigns

I only have first ed. and i dotn think my group is goign to be switching over to 2nd ed. any time soon, so all of these campaigns are first edition.

Playable Campaigns

Here is where im goign to put complete campaigns, for lazy and new GMs. Working on 1 so far hope u enjoy!

MirrorsOfWyld : a simple hack and slash/puzzle adventure campaign that brings a group of pcs throughout all creation and and a wyld pocket similar to creation. designed(hopefully) to be fast paced and loaded with opportunity to gain experience no matter what type of character your group decides to play(as long as they are a little combat oriented). Plenty of opportunity for GM to develop or introduce, Npc characters and sideplots. note: tattoed Lunar characters might not be able to gain some of the campaign benefits

Campaigns I Play

These are campaigns where i play a character, most of these games are played with between 2-4 pc characters dont realy know what else 2 say except that im not going to post all of them and the ones i do post im probably not goign to go into great detail describing them because we dont play all of them that often and i have a bad memory.

Mortal Game: We started off as mortals (had to take destiny or breeding to exalt), and exalted in combat while searching for a bunch of different 1st age artifacts that we were told to retrieve by our new boss who payed well. We havent played this game in a while, but it was fun.

KaiserGame : theres way too much goign on in the Kaiser game to place here so i'll give it a page of its own.

Out West Game: Anathema hiding at sea trying to survive the elements, pirates, deathknights, the wyld(and its minions), and the realm. it was pretty fun but we stopped running it

Gangs of Nexus: 12 gangs of various size, all vying for dominance of the firewander under the watchful eye of a disgusting, but very powerful, kingpin. Obviously the idea came from gangs of new york but you can imagine the exalted twist. The gangs exist at the mercy of the kingpin, an earth elemental tied to filth, but he lets them exist because they are ultimately useful, and even united would only pose a minimal threat to his criminal empire. When every gang has its share of secrets and exalts you can imagine the crazy stuff that goes on when they get together, even when they're not fighting. None of the pc characters, chose to start off at the head of a gang, although one is starting his own shortly, and none of us are in the same gang. I'm thinking that due to the complex nature of the game and my new fondness for the concept(i really didnt like the idea at first and it took them 8 months to browbeat me into making a character) that i will post more on this game on its own page.

Artimore game: My character, a former noble form the north, chased out of his home after exaltation as solar, ends up joining forces with a few other pc characters, one of which is called artimore, to help an ancient god(i think it was get his power back

Kaz and Jerek Game:

Campaigns I Run

I run a few now but im really tired of updating the wiki right now so ill post more on this later

the lunar game: a pack of young lunars(pc characters), finds an extremely powerful manse that was built specifically for them on the outskirts of creation in secret by a 1st age lunar prophet during the usurpation. The prophet, who is still alive(wasn't part of her plan), saw in a wyld-vision a great war in the future, where the true enemy, grew stronger with every death, and all were oblivious to it's coming. She also saw no united Solar front to stop the impending tide of darkness and so planned, to do as Lunars always do when the Solars are sitting on their thumbs, EVERYTHING. She prepared the great manse with that unknown enemy in mind, hoping that one day the gift's she left behind for the re-incarnations of the pack she knew so well, would be put to use to stave off the flow of the hidden tide of darkness. After its completion she left her mortal servants as guardian to it's secret, telling them that one day a pack of Lunar's would find it and to guard its secret from all until then. After that she joined her full moon lover and began readying herself for battle against the terrestrial scum, only to be knocked unconscience by her lover, and stored peacefully at rest under veils that hold back time within the manse she created. For he knew that the mortals alone, would not be able to guard the secret of this manse. And he also knew that though he and his lover would wreak havoc among the armies of the pathetic terrestrials, that they would be brought down eventually, just like the stronghold they just finished building would if they left the secret of it in the hands of a couple hundred well trained servants. And so then it became his task to mold the servants into fierce protecters to guard the secret absolutely even after his demise. To his everlasting credit the full moon managed to swallow his pride and eventually the histories stated that he and his lover had perished in the usurpation. The full moon did his job well, and the secret was kept safe after his passing, centuries later, by the now fierce tribe of protecters, descendants of their remaining faithful servants. In modern day, the Immaculate Order (with the help of the bronze faction) has taken control of the warring factions of the realm in the absence of the empress, and has launched a massive crusade all over creation attempting to re-unite all of creation under the rule of the immaculate order. As battles rage all throughtout creation the underworld readies itself under a New Rule, amassing all the dead from the wars that rage in creation, waiting for their new master's signal to rise up agianst creation in their weakest hour and crush them.

The guys really like this game, the manse gives them each a stone that gives them the abilities of the charm Brotherhood Of Lake and River i think its called, and has a 1st age workshop and many other powerful trinkets. They don't know half as much as what i typed up there, although they have awoken and tattoed the prophet who is now learning about deathknights. The manse is north of resplendent peak and all of Halta is currently under siege by the realm. The extenuating circumstances have brought many Lunars together for monthly t'laks where they discuss the enemy, although there is hardly a unified front within the Silver Pact. The pc characters pack has a lot npc (lunars, solars, Dbs, mortals) associated with it right now and they haven't joined in any major battles, even though menodix the no moon child defeated a small terrestrial encampment of 500 troops with a tune. They are currently attending court in Halta, by invitation of the queen, and are about to meet with the generals about battle tactics. I used the current haltan setting from the halta book as guidelines for the queen and the size of the haltan army. There are over 100 000 realm troops attacking halta, and thats just the preliminary wave, as many men are being sent north and south of the blessed isle in the preliminary wave, and the bronze faction has slowed Lookshy's bureacracy to halt, preventing assistance to anyone from them anytime soon. This is a really fun, but very complex campaign as there are many political factions(the realm,halta, the silver pact, bronze faction, gold faction, etc..) and many armies and many powerful entitities playing a role (Luna, Bloody Sky, Harmonious Jade, Slulura , a billion others). I may update the posts on this game next time we play a session but maybe not, depends on the interest i guess.

the hero game: new reputable blacksmiths in the nighthammer by day, solar heroes by night trying to unravel an evil plot hatched by unknown forces in nexus. The criminal underworld i designed for this game in nexus is staggering and they have only skimmed the surface of it. muahahaha

The Mirrors of Wyld: check above


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