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*House Scion
*House Scion
*House Allies
*House Allies

Revision as of 14:53, 28 August 2003

House Mnemon

  • House Scion
    • Mnemon
  • House Allies
    • House Mnemon is very publicly devout with almost all of its members emmulating the earth dragon. As such they have significant influence with the immaculate order.
  • House Founder/ Founded When?
    • Mnemon is born in RY 369 she founds the house and rules it to this day (rumour says that she continues to survive through various sorcerous arts that draw on the power of the Earth itself).
  • House History
  • House Rivals
    • House Iselsi is deeply opposed to house Mnemon gaining the throne as Mnemon would seek to move the immaculte order into the heart of the imperial city. This would lead to the Iselsi losing their last sanctuary and being massacred. As of yet the Iselsi do not publicly move against the house Mnemon but rather lend their support to other houses.
  • Political Opinions
    • Mnemon believes herself vastly superior to all the other house leaders, through dint of her sorcerous skills. After all the leaders of the other houses are all her young nices and nephews. This arrogance has cost her and many of the houses bear her ill will only the power of her house and the purity of their bloodline forces the others to treat her respectfully.
  • Outstanding Members of the House/household
    • Mnemon Nepel
    • Mnemon Timaro

  • Household Land holdings (Blessed Isle and Abroad)
  • Satrapies (Collections)
    • Paragon
  • Legions
    • No Imperial Legions Supported.
    • Supports serveral private household Legions.
  • Additional Notes

Household Darow, Military Family

  • Household Leader
    • Mnemon Darrow, who married a House Cathak General
  • Relationships (Which Major households spawned which minor households)
    • The household has strong ties with House Cathak through marriage.
  • Prestigious realm positions and connections ( 1000 scales, Legion, Immaculate Order)
    • This Household fields many generaly and stratigists, and has a high rating in "Legion"
  • Power Focus within the house
    • Military Power

Household Caras, Devout Family

  • Household Leader
    • Mnemon Caras
  • Political Opinions
    • Through the our faith in the Immaculate Order we shall remain in power.
  • Prestigious realm positions and connections ( 1000 scales, Legion, Immaculate Order)
    • Household Caras sends many young Dragon-Blooded to the Immaculate Order. This affords them much pull in the Order, as does the House in general.
  • Power Focus within the house.
    • The Household focuses on its faith in the Immaculate Order.