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She gained her nickname because she is known to be able to somehow see in pure darkness, though no one knows if that is by charm, artifact, or the touch of Oniboshi.  (Many rumors have accumulated about what she was doing during the month of Resplendant Earth when she was 14.  She left as a pale-skinned, skinny young lady and returned looking much the same as she does now, having Exalted during her vacation.  Only her aunt Arana knows for sure what really happened, though there are rumors of some trip into Oniboshi.)
She gained her nickname because she is known to be able to somehow see in pure darkness, though no one knows if that is by charm, artifact, or the touch of Oniboshi.  (Many rumors have accumulated about what she was doing during the month of Resplendant Earth when she was 14.  She left as a pale-skinned, skinny young lady and returned looking much the same as she does now, having Exalted during her vacation.  Only her aunt Arana knows for sure what really happened, though there are rumors of some trip into Oniboshi.)
== The Vomit Legion, Legion 28 ==
The Vomit Legion is where all those who fail are shuffled off to either redeem themselves or DIE.  Many chose the latter, voluntarily or not.  It is made up of people who have made themselves expendible through drinking, failure, addiction to bingo, or other crimes.  It is full of hard-cases and incompetents and crazies and cross-dressers and Shriners.
In recent times, however, under the command of the Pitchblack, it has begun to clean up its act and become a more effective fighting force.  It remains, however, very eccentric, prone to black humor and alcohol, and more than a little crazy. 
A deadly kind of crazy.
The Vomit Legion will follow the Pitchblack into hell, which is good, as they likely need to be preparing to go there...
The First Troupe has been busy building fortifications and helping to assemble and repair ships; it's hard to use heavy infantry safely against pirates.  They ache for some action.  It has one fully functional warstrider and three more which have been cobbled together from fifteen or so distinct destroyed ones; they are...quirky.
The Second Troupe has been doing most of the fighting, attacking pirate bases and responding to raids.
The Third Troupe is a force of archers, sailors, and cavalry assembled from the Southwestern tributaries, backing up the Second Troupe and providing scouting and local intelligence.  They are somewhat dismayed to be part of the Vomit Legion now, but loyal to the Pitchblack. 
In entertainment, the Vomit Legion specializes in burlesque, black humor, and vaudeville.

Revision as of 08:01, 3 May 2006

Tepes Eclavdra, the Pitchblack

Tepes Eclavdra, "the Pitchblack", is the greatest surviving military leader in house Tepes, not counting her aunt, Tepes "the Spider Queen" Arana, who is now retired to a monastery in disgruntlement. However, she's also in bad favor with her house leadership, who have exiled her to the Southwest and given her the job of wiping out the Luffy Family and its flunkies, which they hope will get her killed so they can replace her as commander of Legion 28, the Vomit Legion. This coincides with the desire of various enemies of Tepes who want to see her die so that Tepes will lose its last legion and be impotent. The cranky jealous rivals within Tepes might have realized this if they weren't too busy sabotaging each other's parties and trying to make better vampire and ghost costumes.

She, however, has no intention of dying. Instead, she plans to force them into submission, and if necessary, use them in order to return triumphantly to the Realm at the head of an invasion force. She does not intend to go quietly into the good night, even if she operates pretty well in the dark.

Tepes Eclavdra affects the image of a dark elf, surrounding herself with cave themes, spiders, webs, and submissive dark elf men (harems are good for you, you know), and wears an odd suit of armor which gives the protection of Black Jade Articulated Plate while resembling a web-themed black metal bikini. She is an Earth Aspect with pitch black skin and dark eyes and bright red hair which tends to look somewhat like it got lost; she wears it long. She is noted for fighting with a semi-intelligent flail whose strands can move independently and grapple people.

She gained her nickname because she is known to be able to somehow see in pure darkness, though no one knows if that is by charm, artifact, or the touch of Oniboshi. (Many rumors have accumulated about what she was doing during the month of Resplendant Earth when she was 14. She left as a pale-skinned, skinny young lady and returned looking much the same as she does now, having Exalted during her vacation. Only her aunt Arana knows for sure what really happened, though there are rumors of some trip into Oniboshi.)