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= Bishonen Endurance Tree =
= Bishonen Performance Tree =
* Resoundingly Pretty Body Method 1/1
* Graceful Bishonen Performance          1/1
** Superior Bishonen Performance        2/2
*** Unfailing Bishonen Performance          3/3
**** Invariant Bishonen Excellence of Performance        4/4
** Artistic Mastery 2/1
*** Inspire Performance 3/2
**** Master Thespian Training Technique 4/3
**** Tiger-Warrior Training Technique 5/3 (as Solar charm)
** Theme Music 3/1
*** Illusionary Set Design Prana 4/2
*** Karaoke 4/2
**** Mob-Motivating Oratory Method 5/3
* Graceful Bishonen Endurance            1/1
Artistic Mastery
** Superior Bishonen Endurance        2/2
* <b>Cost: </b>  2 motes
*** Unfailing Bishonen Endurance          3/3
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Scene
**** Invariant Bishonen Excellence of Endurance          4/4
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
** Armor Mastery 2/1
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  2
*** Armor Summoning Technique 3/3
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  1  
** Essence Gathering Temper 2/1 (as the Solar charm)
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Graceful Bishonen Performance
*** Willpower-Enhancing Spirit 3/2 (as the Solar charm)
**** Battle Fury Focus 3/2 (as the Solar charm)
***** Bloodthirsty Sworddancer Spirit 4/2 (as the Solar charm)
Bishonen are entertaining in and of themselves.  This grants you a three die specialty in some subset of performance for the rest of the scene. 
Inspire Performance
* <b>Cost: </b>  3 motes +1 mote/person
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Scene
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  3
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  2
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Artistic Mastery
The advice and urgings of the Bishonen to a group of performers drives them to excellence.  He can empower up to his Performance + Moe targets with a 3 dice specialty in some sub-set of the Performance skill, for the duration of the scene.
Master Thespian Training Technique
* <b>Cost: </b>  10 motes, 2 WP
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Week
* <b>Type: </b>  Speech
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  4
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  3
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Inspire Performance
Resoundingly Pretty Body Method
The Bishonen can train up to Moe * 100 performers to a high level of skill in a week. Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance rise to 3, as does their Performance and Presence skills. They gain one 3 dice Performance specialty. It has no impact on virtues.  
* <b>Cost: </b> None
* <b>Duration: </b> Permanent
* <b>Type: </b> Permanent
* <b>Minimum Endurance: </b> 1
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b> 1
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> None
This charm allows the Bishonen to gain either a -0, 2 -1, or (1 -1 and 2 -2) health levels.  He can take it once for each point of Endurance he has.
Armor Mastery
Theme Music
* <b>Cost: </b>  5 motes / 1 point of Fatigue and Mobility negated
* <b>Cost: </b>  4 motes
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Day
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Scene
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Minimum Endurance: </b>  2
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  3
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  1  
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  1  
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Graceful Bishonen Endurance
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Graceful Bishonen Performance
The Bishonen learns to harden himself to the burden of armorFor every 5 motes he spends, he can reduce the fatigue and mobility penalties of a suit of armor by oneThis reduction can be bought up to a maximum of his Moe.  (So at Moe 2, he could spend 10 and lower both by 2, at Moe 3, he could spend 15 and lower both by 3, and so on.)
The Bishonen can weave together whatever sort of music he desires to accompany a performance without needing any musicians or instruments.  He may choose a 'theme' for the music (love, war, peace, sandwiches); any actions by his allies which match the theme gain one bonus die.   
Illusionary Set Design
* <b>Cost: </b>  5 motes
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Scene
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  4
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  2
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Theme Music
As the Bishonen performs, an illusionary set arises around him, depicting the setting of whatever performance he is givingIn addition to saving money on sets and hiding the worst features of whatever eyesore he is performing in, everyone performing with him on the set gains bonus dice to Performance equal to his Moe.
* <b>Cost: </b>  8 motes
* <b>Duration: </b>  Performance
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b> 4
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  2  
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Theme Music
When the Bishonen sings, the whole world sings along.  The Bishonen begins to perform, drawing others into the performance.  Anyone witnessing his performance must roll willpower with a difficulty of his Performance to resist singing and dancing along, so long as no one is otherwise messing with them.  (People who are attacked may fight back.)  The Bishonen may use other social charms and defend himself, but may not do anything else but perform, or this will stop.
Armor Summoning Technique
Mob-Motivating Oratory Method
* <b>Cost: </b>  5 motes  
* <b>Cost: </b>  12 motes, 1 WP
* <b>Duration: </b>  Instant
* <b>Duration: </b>  One Scene
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Type: </b> Speech
* <b>Minimum Endurance: </b>  3
* <b>Minimum Performance: </b>  5
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  3  
* <b>Minimum Moe:</b>  3  
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Armor Mastery
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Karaoke
With a gesture, the Exalted can summon his armor out of Elsewhere, store it in Elsewhere, or summon it from up to 100 * Moe yards awayIt appears on his body, fully donned.
The Bishonen can now whip a mob of up to Moe * 100 people into an emotional frenzy.  He must roll Manipulation + Performance with a difficulty of the highest Moe member of the mob; those of Moe superior to himself can ignore this charmThe mob will carry out one simple action chosen by him-- 'Burn this town to the ground', 'Lynch the king's ministers', 'Steal all the food'.  The mob then executes the goal in accordance with the personality of its members.  This charm can also be used to disperse a mob by giving the command 'go home'.

Revision as of 03:32, 12 April 2006

Bishonen Performance Tree

  • Graceful Bishonen Performance 1/1
    • Superior Bishonen Performance 2/2
      • Unfailing Bishonen Performance 3/3
        • Invariant Bishonen Excellence of Performance 4/4
    • Artistic Mastery 2/1
      • Inspire Performance 3/2
        • Master Thespian Training Technique 4/3
        • Tiger-Warrior Training Technique 5/3 (as Solar charm)
    • Theme Music 3/1
      • Illusionary Set Design Prana 4/2
      • Karaoke 4/2
        • Mob-Motivating Oratory Method 5/3

Artistic Mastery

  • Cost: 2 motes
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Performance

Bishonen are entertaining in and of themselves. This grants you a three die specialty in some subset of performance for the rest of the scene.

Inspire Performance

  • Cost: 3 motes +1 mote/person
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Artistic Mastery

The advice and urgings of the Bishonen to a group of performers drives them to excellence. He can empower up to his Performance + Moe targets with a 3 dice specialty in some sub-set of the Performance skill, for the duration of the scene.

Master Thespian Training Technique

  • Cost: 10 motes, 2 WP
  • Duration: One Week
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Inspire Performance

The Bishonen can train up to Moe * 100 performers to a high level of skill in a week. Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance rise to 3, as does their Performance and Presence skills. They gain one 3 dice Performance specialty. It has no impact on virtues.

Theme Music

  • Cost: 4 motes
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Performance

The Bishonen can weave together whatever sort of music he desires to accompany a performance without needing any musicians or instruments. He may choose a 'theme' for the music (love, war, peace, sandwiches); any actions by his allies which match the theme gain one bonus die.

Illusionary Set Design

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Theme Music

As the Bishonen performs, an illusionary set arises around him, depicting the setting of whatever performance he is giving. In addition to saving money on sets and hiding the worst features of whatever eyesore he is performing in, everyone performing with him on the set gains bonus dice to Performance equal to his Moe.


  • Cost: 8 motes
  • Duration: Performance
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Theme Music

When the Bishonen sings, the whole world sings along. The Bishonen begins to perform, drawing others into the performance. Anyone witnessing his performance must roll willpower with a difficulty of his Performance to resist singing and dancing along, so long as no one is otherwise messing with them. (People who are attacked may fight back.) The Bishonen may use other social charms and defend himself, but may not do anything else but perform, or this will stop.

Mob-Motivating Oratory Method

  • Cost: 12 motes, 1 WP
  • Duration: One Scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Performance: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Karaoke

The Bishonen can now whip a mob of up to Moe * 100 people into an emotional frenzy. He must roll Manipulation + Performance with a difficulty of the highest Moe member of the mob; those of Moe superior to himself can ignore this charm. The mob will carry out one simple action chosen by him-- 'Burn this town to the ground', 'Lynch the king's ministers', 'Steal all the food'. The mob then executes the goal in accordance with the personality of its members. This charm can also be used to disperse a mob by giving the command 'go home'.