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<ST`> The wood elemental nods absently.
<ST`> The wood elemental nods absently.

Revision as of 09:05, 3 April 2010

<ST`> "Master...I found this young lady while I was...out. I think she may need some help."

<ST`> Forge is carrying a copper-haired young woman draped across his back. She seems unconscious.

Malic rouses himself from his pleasant nap on the over-stuffed sofa in his house. Blinking sand from his eyes, he rises and quickly strides over to his Familiar. "Where did you find her?" Malic helps Forge carry the girl to the bed and put her down

<ST`> Forge explains that there is a Demesne in the southern desert where the furnace rhinos like to graze.

<ST`> "I'm not certain how she got there. It isn't very close to any setttlenents."

Quits: Malic (~incanablu@user-0ce2bba.cable.mindspring.com) (Ping timeout)

Joins: Telgar (~incanablu@user-0ce2bba.cable.mindspring.com)

Telgar is now known as Malic

<ST`> <reposts>

<ST`> Forge explains that there is a Demesne in the southern desert where the furnace rhinos like to graze.

<ST`> "I'm not certain how she got there. It isn't very close to any setttlenents."

Malic nods. Catching the attention of one of his minor servant elementals, Malic sends it hurrying to the Office of Maladies and Injuries with a proper fee and bribe to get a healer for the girl, she looks badly sunburned and he isn't sure about heat stroke or some other unhealtful condition

Malic studies the young woman while he waits for the healer-god, doing the little bit he knows to do from years of South-bound life.

<ST`> An elemental servitor scurries in soon with cool water, saying that a healer will be along shortly. The infusion of water should be enough to revive her for the moment, though.

<Ember> Water sputters from cracked lips after a few moments, and Ember sits up slightly, propping herself on her arm. "Where am I? Who are you?" Her voice is edged, but weak.

Malic tries to get her to drink the water, also applying a wet cloth to her head. "My name is Malic and you're in my home. My..friend brought you here when he found you."

<Malic> "I've sent for a healer. What's your name?"

<ST`> Forge has politely withdrawn to a corner of the room. To assuage any alarm the girl might have, several of the room's doors are open.

<Ember> "My name is Ember. I am a mighty warrior." She seems to try and muster an air of serious dignity, which is difficult. "Where is this place? I've seen nowhere like it."

<Malic> "This is a Manse. Why were you in the deep desert? That's no place for a young woman to be wandering alone."

<Ember> "I was on my Fire Quest, to become a warrior. And I did. I have power you could not believe. I even tamed a large Flame-Rhino before I... fell asleep." She has yet to notice Forge, believe it or not.

<Malic> "The Furnace Rhino that brought you here is my Familiar, Ember." he grins, guesturing to the Rhino

Ember glances over at Forge, obviously startled, and perhaps a little scared. Her face darkens with embarassment as she realizes he was already tamed, and then her eyes narrow in realization. "What are you?"

<ST`> Forge takes a few steps forward and bows.

<ST`> "Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Forge."

Malic smiles. "I'm Exalted. So are you, I think. You didn't have that color skin before, did you?" he taps her arm, noticably unnatural in shade

Ember glances down, surprised that the near-black of her skin was replaced with a noticeably lighter tan that seemed to shift color like candlelight. "I told you, I am a mighty warrior. Fire is a part of me." She shifts, slightly more comfortable. "And it's nice to meet you.. Forge."

<Malic> "You are a Dragon-Blooded. But you still might have died, wandering into the desert like that, so far from civilization. You're lucky you found Forge."

<ST`> Forge snuffles and turns to a servitor who is waiting by the door, carrying trays of food. "Enter."

<Ember> Her voice is edged again, but it seems like more of a gentle whine than true indignance. "I have wandered in the desert many times. My tribe simply did not understand my destiny, and wished to keep me from the questing lands."

<Malic> "Seeing as destiny is my buissness, I won't keep you from it. Food?"

Ember was already halfway through a leg of mutton when he offered it. "Thank you," she said, her mouth half-full. "I'm going to be strong, strong enough to make many people bow at my feet. My tribe and my enemies, and everyone else will know my strength."

<Malic> "In time, I'm sure you will be."

<Ember> She smiled suddenly, as if surprised by something pleasant. "You believe me." Ember took a thoughtful bite of food and swallowed it quickly. "That's good. Very good."

<Malic> "You can stay here until you recover. It's not a problem, I don't get many beautiful young women rescued from firey death to visit very often."

<ST`> An elemental healer arrives in a gust of herbal fragrances. "You summoned, Chosen Malik?"

<Ember> She smiles again, blushing a little, and looks around the manse-- obviously more than a little impressed. "Thank you very much. I think I will accept your offer."

<Malic> "There are plenty of rooms. The Manse is called the Bazaar of Heaven. You can stay at any of the small houses around the square. I mostly live in this one."

Ember blinks, wide-eyed. "Houses?"

Malic nods. "Houses. They're small little things though."

<Ember> "How could I have missed seeing houses? My tribe is widespread, and I have never heard of such a place as this."

<Malic> "This place is far away. Forge brought you here while you slept."

Ember eyes the beast somewhat warily, but with marked admiration. "You must be quite swift."

<ST`> "I have my methods," the rhino replies.

<Ember> She seems to ponder this for a moment, and ultimately a girlish affection for luxery and an adolescent irritation at being discounted by her tribe made up her mind not to ask too many questions. "I am grateful for this, Malic. Thank you."

Malic gives her a friendly smile. "You're welcome to stay as long as you want."

Malic nods to the Healer that has been waiting. "Apologies Healer. This woman was recovered from the desert. I'd appreciate you checking on her for me."

<Ember> The girl looks excited, but exhausted. "I'll stay out of your way until I get my strength back."

<ST`> The wood elemental nods absently.
