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Her mother once told her, in her death-throws, that Reckless would find an early death, and be forever cursed to reap what she sewed. I guess Luna din't like Reckless' Mother much either, because that was the night she was chosen as one of the lunars. The only thing was... Luna was kinda vague in what she wanted... This left Reckless with a feeling of "what do I do now?" Since she didn't know what she was doing or where she was going she traveled. It came second nature to her she discovered and kinda grew to like it. But a year or two went by and still she didn't really feel a calling. Yeah she met up with some of those other lunars. They unfortunately sufftered from the same affliction many other peple had... a giant stick up their respecive butts. So she took off after they bothered tattoing her. She didn't take to the whole Lunar way of life and couldn't stay away from civilization, let alone hate it. She frequents towns often, and blends in with them. She proclaims she has no goals nor wants in life. She's the type that has made a living off wandering and doing nothing. Luna probably isn't pleased with this but she has yet to set this young lunar on any set path. Perhaps she is pleased that this child understands the fullness of a changing moon.
===== The Crunch =====
Name: Reckless Endangerment<br>
Name: Reckless Endangerment<br>
Nickname: Reckless, Enola (her mortal name. She hates it!)<br>
Version: 1.0<br>
Version: 1.0<br>
Type: Lunar!<br>
Type: Lunar!<br>
Caste: Changing Moon<br>
Caste: Changing Moon<br>
Concept: Professional Wanderer<br>
Concept: "Unhinged Lunar" Wanderer<br>
Nature: Hedonist<br>
Nature: Hedonist<br>
Totem: Badger<br>
Totem: Badger<br>
Line 13: Line 13:
1/1 Strength<br>
4/8 Strength<br>
1/1 Dexterity<br>
5/8 Dexterity<br>
1/1 Stamina<br>
3/7 Stamina<br>
1 Charisma<br>
2 Charisma<br>
1 Manipulation<br>
3 Manipulation<br>
1 Appearance<br>
3 Appearance<br>
1 Perception<br>
3 Perception<br>
1 Intelligence<br>
2 Intelligence<br>
1 Wits<br>
5 Wits<br>
ABILITIES - Indicate caste/favored with * after the ability name<br>
ABILITIES - Indicate caste/favored with * after the ability name<br>
0 Archery<br>
0 Archery<br>
0 Athletics<br>
2 Athletics*<br>
0 Awareness<br>
2 Awareness<br>
0 Brawl<br>
4 Brawl*<br>
0 Dodge<br>
3 Dodge*<br>
0 Endurance<br>
0 Endurance<br>
0 Martial Arts<br>
0 Martial Arts<br>
0 Melee<br>
0 Melee<br>
0 Resistance<br>
1 Resistance<br>
0 Thrown<br>
3 Thrown<br>
0 Crafts<br>
0 Crafts<br>
0 Larceny<br>
1 Larceny<br>
0 Linguistics<br>
2 Linguistics<br>
0 Performance<br>
2 Performance*<br>
0 Presence<br>
0 Presence<br>
0 Ride<br>
0 Ride<br>
0 Sail<br>
0 Sail<br>
0 Socialize<br>
2 Socialize*<br>
0 Stealth<br>
1 Stealth<br>
0 Survival<br>
3 Survival*<br>
0 Bureaucracy<br>
0 Bureaucracy<br>
0 Investigation<br>
2 Investigation<br>
0 Lore<br>
0 Lore<br>
0 Medicine<br>
1 Medicine<br>
0 Occult<br>
1 Occult<br>
<i>River Speak</i>
Tribal Tongues
:(Ten Tribes, Ice Walkers)
Heart's Blood 2(animals)
:(Yeddim, Lepoard, Dog, Sea Lion, Rat)
Heart's Blood 3(men)
:(The Librarian, The Priest, The Bum, The Soldier)
Mentor 1
:(Some stuffy changing moon who taught her the ropes. She's still young and doesn't appreciate his help. He understands this and doesn't summon her exept when it's important.)
Artifact 1
:(She got lucky and beat the snot out of some puddle aspect with a sling.)
1 Compassion<br>
2 Compassion<br>
1 Conviction<br>
(Succor 4)<br>
3 Conviction<br>
(Mettle 6)<br>
1 Temperance<br>
1 Temperance<br>
1 Valor<br>
(Cunning 5)<br>
Virtue Flaw:<br>
2 Valor<br>
(Glory 5)<br>
Virtue Flaw: <b>Curse of The Heartless Weasle</b><br>
2 Willpower<br>
5 Willpower<br>
02 Essence<br>
●●● Essence<br>
00 Personal<br>
13 Personal<br>
00 Peripheral<br>
31(34) Peripheral<br>
00 Committed<br>
03 Committed<br>
Line 78: Line 96:
MERITS -<br>
MERITS -<br>
Daredevil 4pt<br>
FLAWS -<br>
FLAWS -<br>
Callous 2pt<br>
Limited Forms 2pts (mammals)
CHARMS - Include reference book and page. Mark starting charms with an * and separate them by ability.<br>
CHARMS - Include page.<br>
:Finging the Spirit's Shape - 1m ((pg.124))
:Deadly Beastman Transformation x3 - 5m ((pg.124))
:Humble Mouse Form - none ((pg.128))
:Towering Beast Form - none ((pg.125))
:Shaping The Ideal Form - 1m ((pg.128))
:Many-Faced Moon Trasformation - 3m ((pg.128))
:Prey's Skin Disguise - 5m 1w ((pg.129))
COMBOS - include what each charms type is; Sim, Sup, Ref, EA or Spc and the minimum ability.<br>
GIFTS - <br>
Horrifying Might
SORCERY - Include reference book and page. Please starting spells with an *.<br>
:(+2 attribute points.)
Terrible Beast Claws
:(Claws: spd +3, acc +1, dmg +3L, Pry +1,)
:(Bite: spd +0, acc +2, dmg +5L, Pry +0) ((because who wants to parry with your mouth?!))
Resiliance of Nature
:(Heal a bashing a turn, a leathal an hour.)
Wound-Knitting Power
:(Heal all bashing and a lethal a turn.)
ARTIFACTS - Include reference book and page and stats in the case of weapons and armor.<br>
ARTIFACTS - Include reference book and page and stats in the case of weapons and armor.<br>
:Sling of Deadly Prowess (pg.79 night)
HEARTHSTONES - Include reference book and page. Also include the weapons ratings.<br>
:acc +1, dmg +4L, rate 2, range 150
GEAR - Include reference book and page.<br>
GEAR - Include reference book and page.<br>
She stole the clothes on her back and just enough food to eat. She's not very good at it, but most people just let her take what she needs and be off.
:(+2 callous, +2 limited forms, -4 daredevil, -10 essence, -5 abilities)
=== Reckless Endangerment ===
Why take everything so seriously? I mean you show up, you live, you die. Sometimes people do some nifty stuff in between, but generally, not many are that lucky. Y'know... Birth is the #1 cause of death... I'm #2...
I wasn't considered a fotunate child. My real parents dumped me when I was a wee babe into the life of a poor dying old woman. Kata is whas she was called, or Spinster, depending on who you talked to. She raised me. I use the term loosely because as much time she spent 'teaching me' and 'raising me' an equal ammount of my time was spent misbehaving and running away from home. But she claimed me, and got me out of trouble when athority brought me back. So I guess I could have been nicer to her.
=== Appearance ===
She is average looking in most respects. Her ancestry is obviously southern. Her skin is dark, her hair is darker, her eyes are bright and amber colored. She keeps her hair short, and relatively crazy. Her skin is a miriad of scars, and tattoos. Her moon silver tattoos are plainly seen on her sides and back. Her arms and legs are heavily scared from minor injuries, and she has a long scar that runs from her right ear to her collar bone. Her scars are a pinkish contrast to her dark brown skin. She wears simple clothes that allow her to fit in easily just about anywhere. She wears a black colored sling on her head as a headband, it's tied so it can be used in an instant, and all her other belongings are carried on her or in a smallish pouch that's tethered to her waist and thigh.
=== Exaltation ===
What a lonely time that was.<br>
My curs'd guardian and I were having another fight and I took off. I couldn't have been more than 15 summers. It was something stupid, It always was. And well, like I said I took off. Ran away to play in the trees like I always did. I came home about three days after the fact, it wasn't a happy time. Some royal dynastic twit stick aspect wanted something from Kata. Don't ask me what, but I saw him and his stupid gang around my house. I told them to get lost and went inside. They had already been there though, they trashed the place. Kata was inside, under some broken furniture, she was badly beaten. My heart nearly stopped. I went to her side, as if I were some obediant good little child, and she looked at me like I wasn't there. She told me I would find myself an early death... that I would be forever cursed to reap what I have sewn... Stupid old hag didn't know what she was talking about. Because it was that moment as she died not looking at me that I heard someone speaking to me from over my shoulder. I turned around ready for a fight, but it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! This... man... or maybe a woman, dressed in silver with white skin and awesome long hair was standing, and weeping for Kata... the woman who hated everyone, was nice to no one, surely no one would mourn her passing, not even her heir. But there this person was, cryin. I felt kinda awkward really, I didn't know what to say or do. I did what my gut told me to do and I kinda reached out to comfort this... man or was it a woman? Either way this person looked me in the eyes when we touched, this person called me his daughter-badger. He explained that he was Luna, my god, savior, and patron. That I was his chosen, I would walk in the light of the moon and be blessed. I foolishly asked "What about Kata". He didn't blink an eye when he told me that the terrestrial raped and killed her. That only got my angry... I thanked Luna for the gift to revenge Kata, and left. The stupid stick aspect was gone already. So I snuck in at night and killed him. It was much easier and much more fufilling than I thought.<br>
From there I burned the last of Kata's house, gave Kata a propper burial and struck out on my own.
=== Religeous Life ===
I do as Luna tells me. It's not like she talks much, but when she does I listen. Beyond that I know I have a place next to Luna for all eternity. Who gives a rat's ass what other gods and religeons think of me and what I do?
=== Romantic Life ===
"Romance...? What's that? Is is edible?"
=== Mortals ===
Mortals are great. They make the world go round. Doesn't mean they like me one stitch. Sometimes the other lunars have the right idea. Just take a bunch of people aside and teach them that lunars rock... Barbarians are neat sometimes. They give you free stuff just for not eating them. You don't get that kind of love and dedication from people in civilization. Yeah, just because you eat one, the others get all froggy. I've had my share of humans, they taste funny but they're the ultimate tool to getting your way. Oh, don't look at me that way, they're fated to die. I'm just helping a little to get Luna's edge in, okay?
=== Other Lunar Exalted ===
Lunars have the same problem a lot of people have. A giant stick up their butts. They're old and stiff and are afraid of change. They're not all bad, just most of them don't approve of city folk, and some even go out of their way to kill city folk. I hate that personally.
=== Other Exalted ===
Pasty Boys = Sucky.<br>
DB's = Almost hate em.<br>
Solars = big effin deal?<br>
I haven't encountered many other exalts. I've heard plenty from some older lunars though. From their opinion Solars and Lunars are like peas and carrots and should work together, get along, have tea and make babies. Then you have some lunars that think Solars are nothing special and should earn their right to be our breeding stock. I don't really care. I haven't met one yet. I'll decide later.<br>
I have heard of the pasty boys that come from the underworld. They're death nuts and are generally unhappy people. For all I care they can keep to themselves. I'll have none of their depressed gothic poetry thank you.<br>
Terrestrials... Elemental Aspected Dynastic Twits... Those guys are so annoying and pompus. Granted, not all are that way. There was a few freaks that were tolerable. But any that want to cross blows with me, I have no problems letting them meet their dragons early.<br>
=== Respect ===
Respect. Now this is something the other lunars and I agree upon. It's not something given lightly, and not something that is to be ignored. Few people have earned my respect. Luna & my mentor. That's about it. It's not like I'm willing to give people respect, but respect comes with showing me you deserve it. Usually that means show me you can whip me, and I'll respect that. Sometimes you actually have to be willin to try it though.
=== Motovations ===
One has got to be strong. Strong of body and will so that when Luna calls, you'll be ready for it.<br>
Luna wasn't exactly clear in giving me chores to do, so I take it at my own pace. I'm sure something will come up and I'll be the one for the job. Sometimes I think she's cool with me just learning and sight seeing for now. I think someday I'll have a real big important job to do. And I want to be ready when it comes up.
===== The Fluff =====
Her mother once told her, in her death-throws, that Reckless would find an early death, and be forever cursed to reap what she sewed. I guess Luna din't like Reckless' Mother much either, because that was the night she was chosen as one of the lunars. The only thing was... Luna was kinda vague in what she wanted... This left Reckless with a feeling of "what do I do now?" Since she didn't know what she was doing or where she was going she traveled. It came second nature to her she discovered and kinda grew to like it. But a year or two went by and still she didn't really feel a calling. Yeah she met up with some of those other lunars. They unfortunately sufftered from the same affliction many other peple had... a giant stick up their respecive butts. So she took off after they bothered tattoing her. She didn't take to the whole Lunar way of life and couldn't stay away from civilization, let alone hate it. She frequents towns often, and blends in with them. She proclaims she has no goals nor wants in life. She's the type that has made a living off wandering and doing nothing. Luna probably isn't pleased with this but she has yet to set this young lunar on any set path. Perhaps she is pleased that this child understands the fullness of a changing moon.

Revision as of 18:21, 13 July 2006

The Crunch

Name: Reckless Endangerment
Nickname: Reckless, Enola (her mortal name. She hates it!)
Version: 1.0
Type: Lunar!
Caste: Changing Moon
Concept: "Unhinged Lunar" Wanderer
Nature: Hedonist
Totem: Badger
Tell : Black & White face
Renoun: 20

4/8 Strength
5/8 Dexterity
3/7 Stamina
2 Charisma
3 Manipulation
3 Appearance
3 Perception
2 Intelligence
5 Wits

ABILITIES - Indicate caste/favored with * after the ability name
0 Archery
2 Athletics*
2 Awareness
4 Brawl*
3 Dodge*
0 Endurance
0 Martial Arts
0 Melee
1 Resistance
3 Thrown
0 Crafts
1 Larceny
2 Linguistics
2 Performance*
0 Presence
0 Ride
0 Sail
2 Socialize*
1 Stealth
3 Survival*
0 Bureaucracy
2 Investigation
0 Lore
1 Medicine
1 Occult



River Speak
Tribal Tongues
(Ten Tribes, Ice Walkers)


Heart's Blood 2(animals)
(Yeddim, Lepoard, Dog, Sea Lion, Rat)
Heart's Blood 3(men)
(The Librarian, The Priest, The Bum, The Soldier)
Mentor 1
(Some stuffy changing moon who taught her the ropes. She's still young and doesn't appreciate his help. He understands this and doesn't summon her exept when it's important.)
Artifact 1
(She got lucky and beat the snot out of some puddle aspect with a sling.)

2 Compassion
(Succor 4)
3 Conviction
(Mettle 6)
1 Temperance
(Cunning 5)
2 Valor
(Glory 5)
Virtue Flaw: Curse of The Heartless Weasle

5 Willpower

●●● Essence
13 Personal
31(34) Peripheral
03 Committed

0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 X

Daredevil 4pt
Callous 2pt
Limited Forms 2pts (mammals)

CHARMS - Include page.

Finging the Spirit's Shape - 1m ((pg.124))
Deadly Beastman Transformation x3 - 5m ((pg.124))
Humble Mouse Form - none ((pg.128))
Towering Beast Form - none ((pg.125))
Shaping The Ideal Form - 1m ((pg.128))
Many-Faced Moon Trasformation - 3m ((pg.128))
Prey's Skin Disguise - 5m 1w ((pg.129))


Horrifying Might
(+2 attribute points.)
Terrible Beast Claws
(Claws: spd +3, acc +1, dmg +3L, Pry +1,)
(Bite: spd +0, acc +2, dmg +5L, Pry +0) ((because who wants to parry with your mouth?!))
Resiliance of Nature
(Heal a bashing a turn, a leathal an hour.)
Wound-Knitting Power
(Heal all bashing and a lethal a turn.)

ARTIFACTS - Include reference book and page and stats in the case of weapons and armor.

Sling of Deadly Prowess (pg.79 night)
acc +1, dmg +4L, rate 2, range 150

GEAR - Include reference book and page.
She stole the clothes on her back and just enough food to eat. She's not very good at it, but most people just let her take what she needs and be off.


(+2 callous, +2 limited forms, -4 daredevil, -10 essence, -5 abilities)


Reckless Endangerment

Why take everything so seriously? I mean you show up, you live, you die. Sometimes people do some nifty stuff in between, but generally, not many are that lucky. Y'know... Birth is the #1 cause of death... I'm #2...

I wasn't considered a fotunate child. My real parents dumped me when I was a wee babe into the life of a poor dying old woman. Kata is whas she was called, or Spinster, depending on who you talked to. She raised me. I use the term loosely because as much time she spent 'teaching me' and 'raising me' an equal ammount of my time was spent misbehaving and running away from home. But she claimed me, and got me out of trouble when athority brought me back. So I guess I could have been nicer to her.


She is average looking in most respects. Her ancestry is obviously southern. Her skin is dark, her hair is darker, her eyes are bright and amber colored. She keeps her hair short, and relatively crazy. Her skin is a miriad of scars, and tattoos. Her moon silver tattoos are plainly seen on her sides and back. Her arms and legs are heavily scared from minor injuries, and she has a long scar that runs from her right ear to her collar bone. Her scars are a pinkish contrast to her dark brown skin. She wears simple clothes that allow her to fit in easily just about anywhere. She wears a black colored sling on her head as a headband, it's tied so it can be used in an instant, and all her other belongings are carried on her or in a smallish pouch that's tethered to her waist and thigh.


What a lonely time that was.
My curs'd guardian and I were having another fight and I took off. I couldn't have been more than 15 summers. It was something stupid, It always was. And well, like I said I took off. Ran away to play in the trees like I always did. I came home about three days after the fact, it wasn't a happy time. Some royal dynastic twit stick aspect wanted something from Kata. Don't ask me what, but I saw him and his stupid gang around my house. I told them to get lost and went inside. They had already been there though, they trashed the place. Kata was inside, under some broken furniture, she was badly beaten. My heart nearly stopped. I went to her side, as if I were some obediant good little child, and she looked at me like I wasn't there. She told me I would find myself an early death... that I would be forever cursed to reap what I have sewn... Stupid old hag didn't know what she was talking about. Because it was that moment as she died not looking at me that I heard someone speaking to me from over my shoulder. I turned around ready for a fight, but it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! This... man... or maybe a woman, dressed in silver with white skin and awesome long hair was standing, and weeping for Kata... the woman who hated everyone, was nice to no one, surely no one would mourn her passing, not even her heir. But there this person was, cryin. I felt kinda awkward really, I didn't know what to say or do. I did what my gut told me to do and I kinda reached out to comfort this... man or was it a woman? Either way this person looked me in the eyes when we touched, this person called me his daughter-badger. He explained that he was Luna, my god, savior, and patron. That I was his chosen, I would walk in the light of the moon and be blessed. I foolishly asked "What about Kata". He didn't blink an eye when he told me that the terrestrial raped and killed her. That only got my angry... I thanked Luna for the gift to revenge Kata, and left. The stupid stick aspect was gone already. So I snuck in at night and killed him. It was much easier and much more fufilling than I thought.
From there I burned the last of Kata's house, gave Kata a propper burial and struck out on my own.

Religeous Life

I do as Luna tells me. It's not like she talks much, but when she does I listen. Beyond that I know I have a place next to Luna for all eternity. Who gives a rat's ass what other gods and religeons think of me and what I do?

Romantic Life

"Romance...? What's that? Is is edible?"


Mortals are great. They make the world go round. Doesn't mean they like me one stitch. Sometimes the other lunars have the right idea. Just take a bunch of people aside and teach them that lunars rock... Barbarians are neat sometimes. They give you free stuff just for not eating them. You don't get that kind of love and dedication from people in civilization. Yeah, just because you eat one, the others get all froggy. I've had my share of humans, they taste funny but they're the ultimate tool to getting your way. Oh, don't look at me that way, they're fated to die. I'm just helping a little to get Luna's edge in, okay?

Other Lunar Exalted

Lunars have the same problem a lot of people have. A giant stick up their butts. They're old and stiff and are afraid of change. They're not all bad, just most of them don't approve of city folk, and some even go out of their way to kill city folk. I hate that personally.

Other Exalted

Pasty Boys = Sucky.
DB's = Almost hate em.
Solars = big effin deal?

I haven't encountered many other exalts. I've heard plenty from some older lunars though. From their opinion Solars and Lunars are like peas and carrots and should work together, get along, have tea and make babies. Then you have some lunars that think Solars are nothing special and should earn their right to be our breeding stock. I don't really care. I haven't met one yet. I'll decide later.
I have heard of the pasty boys that come from the underworld. They're death nuts and are generally unhappy people. For all I care they can keep to themselves. I'll have none of their depressed gothic poetry thank you.
Terrestrials... Elemental Aspected Dynastic Twits... Those guys are so annoying and pompus. Granted, not all are that way. There was a few freaks that were tolerable. But any that want to cross blows with me, I have no problems letting them meet their dragons early.


Respect. Now this is something the other lunars and I agree upon. It's not something given lightly, and not something that is to be ignored. Few people have earned my respect. Luna & my mentor. That's about it. It's not like I'm willing to give people respect, but respect comes with showing me you deserve it. Usually that means show me you can whip me, and I'll respect that. Sometimes you actually have to be willin to try it though.


One has got to be strong. Strong of body and will so that when Luna calls, you'll be ready for it.
Luna wasn't exactly clear in giving me chores to do, so I take it at my own pace. I'm sure something will come up and I'll be the one for the job. Sometimes I think she's cool with me just learning and sight seeing for now. I think someday I'll have a real big important job to do. And I want to be ready when it comes up.

The Fluff

Her mother once told her, in her death-throws, that Reckless would find an early death, and be forever cursed to reap what she sewed. I guess Luna din't like Reckless' Mother much either, because that was the night she was chosen as one of the lunars. The only thing was... Luna was kinda vague in what she wanted... This left Reckless with a feeling of "what do I do now?" Since she didn't know what she was doing or where she was going she traveled. It came second nature to her she discovered and kinda grew to like it. But a year or two went by and still she didn't really feel a calling. Yeah she met up with some of those other lunars. They unfortunately sufftered from the same affliction many other peple had... a giant stick up their respecive butts. So she took off after they bothered tattoing her. She didn't take to the whole Lunar way of life and couldn't stay away from civilization, let alone hate it. She frequents towns often, and blends in with them. She proclaims she has no goals nor wants in life. She's the type that has made a living off wandering and doing nothing. Luna probably isn't pleased with this but she has yet to set this young lunar on any set path. Perhaps she is pleased that this child understands the fullness of a changing moon.