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#REDIRECT [[Artifacts/Seraph]]
= Level One Artifacts =
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War Horns (Artifact •)
War horns were used in the first age and are still used today to rally troops and announce the beginning of battle. Many war horns were crafted to the specification of exalts of many different types in the war, and others were created in the First Age. Most war horns were buried with their owners, but a few are still in circulation. Some ancient war horns have specific powers that exceed the ones listed here, but they are almost always family heirlooms or grave goods.
All war horns have one ability in common. When their attuned bearer lifts them to his lips and blows, the tone they produce can be heard for miles around; at least one mile per point of the bearer’s essence, perhaps more if he gains many succeesses on a Stamina + Performance roll. In addition, minor magic ensures that all who hear the tone and have a basic context – knowledge of the bearer’s name or commonly used titles and the fact that he carries a horn – will know that it is the bearer’s horn that sounds. In addition, most of those who hear the horn’s tone will be able to easily follow it to the bearer’s location. This ability effects friends and foes alike. War horns have other abilities based on the magical material used in their construction. All war horns must be attuned to function, at a cost of 3 motes.
<b>Orichalcum:</b> Orichalcum war horns are usually made from the horns of bulls, rams, and other animals associated with strength and power and are decorated with solar imagery and scenes of battle and victory. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers – those who can be honsetly said to fight for and beneath the bearer and in his name, not the bearer’s allies, friends, or equals – are filled with hope at the horn’s clear tone and gain an extra dot of valor until the end of the battle.
<b>Moonsilver:</b> Moonsilver horns are made from curving ram’s horns or the straight, ribbed horns of the gazelle. Unlike other war horns, which are often heavily worked, moonsilver horns are usually left in as unchanged a state as possible, with moonsilver filagree flowing over its surface in ways that accent, rather than submerge, the horn’s natural patterns. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers are filled with the strength and cunning of wild beasts at the horn’s warbling tone, and gain an extra dot to their highest combat skill for the duration of the battle.
<b>Jade:</b> Jade horns are the most heavily worked; some are made entierly of jade and contain no actual horn at all! All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s simple, braying note are pushed to run faster to do their master’s bidding, adding one to their initiatives until the end of the battle.
<b>Starmetal:</b> Starmetal horns are made from the horns of mystical and elusive animals, like unicorns, re’em, and white bulls, and they contain as little starmetal as possible, owing to the material’s rarity. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s high, piercing tone become fearless in the face of death, knowing that their ends will come at its appointed time and not a moment sooner, and gain a point of conviction until the end of the battle.
<b>Soulsteel:</b> Soulsteel horns are most often made out of stark white bone and decorated with scenes of death and suffering. Their deep, reverberating tone fills all but the bearer’s servants and allies with terror, subracting one from their valor for the duration of the battle.

Revision as of 20:35, 20 April 2004

Level One Artifacts

Return to Seraph's Artifacts

War Horns (Artifact •)

War horns were used in the first age and are still used today to rally troops and announce the beginning of battle. Many war horns were crafted to the specification of exalts of many different types in the war, and others were created in the First Age. Most war horns were buried with their owners, but a few are still in circulation. Some ancient war horns have specific powers that exceed the ones listed here, but they are almost always family heirlooms or grave goods.

All war horns have one ability in common. When their attuned bearer lifts them to his lips and blows, the tone they produce can be heard for miles around; at least one mile per point of the bearer’s essence, perhaps more if he gains many succeesses on a Stamina + Performance roll. In addition, minor magic ensures that all who hear the tone and have a basic context – knowledge of the bearer’s name or commonly used titles and the fact that he carries a horn – will know that it is the bearer’s horn that sounds. In addition, most of those who hear the horn’s tone will be able to easily follow it to the bearer’s location. This ability effects friends and foes alike. War horns have other abilities based on the magical material used in their construction. All war horns must be attuned to function, at a cost of 3 motes.

Orichalcum: Orichalcum war horns are usually made from the horns of bulls, rams, and other animals associated with strength and power and are decorated with solar imagery and scenes of battle and victory. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers – those who can be honsetly said to fight for and beneath the bearer and in his name, not the bearer’s allies, friends, or equals – are filled with hope at the horn’s clear tone and gain an extra dot of valor until the end of the battle.

Moonsilver: Moonsilver horns are made from curving ram’s horns or the straight, ribbed horns of the gazelle. Unlike other war horns, which are often heavily worked, moonsilver horns are usually left in as unchanged a state as possible, with moonsilver filagree flowing over its surface in ways that accent, rather than submerge, the horn’s natural patterns. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers are filled with the strength and cunning of wild beasts at the horn’s warbling tone, and gain an extra dot to their highest combat skill for the duration of the battle.

Jade: Jade horns are the most heavily worked; some are made entierly of jade and contain no actual horn at all! All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s simple, braying note are pushed to run faster to do their master’s bidding, adding one to their initiatives until the end of the battle.

Starmetal: Starmetal horns are made from the horns of mystical and elusive animals, like unicorns, re’em, and white bulls, and they contain as little starmetal as possible, owing to the material’s rarity. All the bearer’s servants and soldiers who hear the horn’s high, piercing tone become fearless in the face of death, knowing that their ends will come at its appointed time and not a moment sooner, and gain a point of conviction until the end of the battle.

Soulsteel: Soulsteel horns are most often made out of stark white bone and decorated with scenes of death and suffering. Their deep, reverberating tone fills all but the bearer’s servants and allies with terror, subracting one from their valor for the duration of the battle.