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== Avani, The Man-Island ==
== Avani, The Man-Island ==
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use Mother bog stats.
use Mother bog stats.
Shamblers-Made from Hard Stone (e.g. Granite)<br>
Shamblers-Made from Hard Stone (e.g. Granite)
Daughters-Made from Crystal.  Redscribe powers as light-based/illusions<br>
Daughters-Made from Crystal.  Redscribe powers as light-based/illusions
Shamblers-Made from Earth[[/Sand]].  Turn themselves into mandalas/sand paintings to cast spells.  Blend well with earthen terrain.
Shamblers-Made from Earth/Sand.  Turn themselves into mandalas/sand paintings to cast spells.  Blend well with earthen terrain.
Takes Avatar Form when hostiles get near it's Brain.  Once it's Avatar form has been killed, it lies dormant for 10 years, but it figures that's better than being dead.
Takes Avatar Form when hostiles get near it's Brain.  Once it's Avatar form has been killed, it lies dormant for 10 years, but it figures that's better than being dead.
Only plant on island are some apple trees near secret entrance.
Only plant on island are some apple trees near secret entrance.
Minions are connected similarly to Mokrelus's splinters, except more direct.
Have free will, subject to certain limits. 
While the Children of Avani usually spend their time engaged in artistic, scholastic, magical, or military practices, such as crafting sand sculptures, working adamant, creating new spells, or fighting practice, Avani occassionally sends out a few to find out more about the outside world.  This is usually a Crystal masqurading as a Sorcerer, with magic provided by a Sandman and two or more Boulders pretending to be earth elemental body guards. 
The Boulders are the strong backs of Avani's Children.  They generally handle the heavy lifting, large construction, and hand to hand combat.  They look like large humanoids built by piling rocks on top of each other.
The Crystals are the social diplomats of Avani's Children.  With their knowledge of humans and control over light, they are invaluable in dealing with contact with others.  When not cutting deals with visitors, they practice their light sculptures, make crystaline objects, and act as essence collectors for their Father.  They appear as humans made from various types of crystals.
The Sandmen are the wise scholars of Avani's Children.  They explore the mystic connections between all kinds of earth and stone, enchant the constructions of the others, and develop new Spells.  They appear to be small humanoids made from variously colored sand.
Avani and all of his children share an occult link that binds them together.  Avani knows everything that his Children know, and through him, his Children can know anything that he or any of the others know.  As the Children lack Avani's limitless intellect and memory, it is impossible for them to retain all of the information they have potential access to.  However, by making an effort of will they may momentarily access Avani's mind and receive any information they may need.
(In game terms, they all effectvely have the Whispers Background to represent this connection.  They can only use the Third function of the background, but they may use it as many times per day as they want.  It does still require a perception+whispers roll, cost 1 wp, and take a dice action though.)
Avani's children retain the knowledge of forging adamant.
Charms should focus on innate powers of their bodies, like Alchemical or Lunar charms.
Boulder Charms:
Focus on Strength, Combat, and Large scale Crafting
Crystal Charms:
Focus on Light, Illusion and convincing people.  Some small scale crafting.
Sandman charms:
Focus on Occult, Artificing, and Sorcery.
Boulder charms
Stalagmite Grip - Immune to knockdown
Stalactite Fist - Improves stats of fist
Avalanch Blow - Doubles attack successes for damage
Language of stones - can shape stone by talking/singing to it
Granite Armor - further improves soak/hardness
Crystal Charms
Change Self - use illusion to appear human
Dancing Lights - enthrall others into thinking you really are human and pretty
Mirror Image - Illusions appear in lots of places
Solar Beam - beam of damaging sunlight (does an additional 3L to creatures of darkness)
Crystal Construction - easily make things from glass and crystal
Sandman Charms
Spirit Glass - can see dematrerialised elementals and/or use a crystal to see other spirits and ghosts
Sand Circle - Can cast terrestrial spells
Loose Sand - like flow like blood
Enchant Glass - converts a piece of glass into adamant
Enchant Crystal - creates a crystal artifact of levels 1-3
Enchant Rock - control over earth
Hidden on this island is a secret pirate catch.
Hidden on this island is a secret pirate catch.
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This base is guarded by several Gate Hounds.
This base is guarded by several Gate Hounds.
Outer Door- only opens for solars. Doesn't even appear to be a door until a Solar gets with in 10 yds.
Outer Door- only opens for solars. Doesn't even appear to be a door until a Solar gets with in 10 yds.<br>
Dock- has basic facilities for working on ships.<br>
Dock- has basic facilities for working on ships.
Living quarters- basic accomidations for 20 men and 1 exalt. <br>
Living quarters- basic accomidations for 20 men and 1 exalt.
Storage- large storage room for supplies and non-sensitive loot. Has a level 3 Cargo Preservation Spindle (powered by the hearthstone) attached to the wall, protecting everything from the ravages of time.  Contains provisions, extra nautical supplies, and perfect arms and armor for his men (Slashing Swords and Buff Jackets).<br>
Storage- large storage room for supplies and non-sensitive loot. Has a level 3 Cargo Preservation Spindle (powered by the hearthstone) attached to the wall, protecting everything from the ravages of time.  Contains provisions, extra nautical supplies, and perfect arms and armor for his men (Slashing Swords and Buff Jackets).<br>
Vault- For sensitive loot. Currently contains several suits of basic oricalcum armor and basic oricalcum daiklaves.  Also has activation panel that opens up the secret panel to his warstrider from the dock area. Has power system to provide nourishment for the hounds and power to the rest of the cache.  Uses a Battle Fire Ruby for power.  When a Solar approaches, it will cause a holographic message to play from the stone and reset the map to point to the next island.
Vault- For sensitive loot. Currently contains several suits of basic oricalcum armor and basic oricalcum daiklaves.  Also has activation panel that opens up the secret panel to his warstrider from the dock area. Has power system to provide nourishment for the hounds and power to the rest of the cache.  Uses a Battle Fire Ruby for power.  When a Solar approaches, it will cause a holographic message to play from the stone and reset the map to point to the next island.

Revision as of 01:31, 12 November 2006

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Avani, The Man-Island

Long ago, One of the Primordials experimented with silicon-based life and built a behemoth made from Stone, Earth and Crystal. During the Primordial War it was accidentally fused with an island. It's crystal brain allows it to control the earth & stone of the island and animate it to become semi-autonomus beings.

use Mother bog stats.

Shamblers-Made from Hard Stone (e.g. Granite) Daughters-Made from Crystal. Redscribe powers as light-based/illusions Shamblers-Made from Earth/Sand. Turn themselves into mandalas/sand paintings to cast spells. Blend well with earthen terrain.

Takes Avatar Form when hostiles get near it's Brain. Once it's Avatar form has been killed, it lies dormant for 10 years, but it figures that's better than being dead.

Only plant on island are some apple trees near secret entrance.

Hidden on this island is a secret pirate catch.

This base is guarded by several Gate Hounds.

Outer Door- only opens for solars. Doesn't even appear to be a door until a Solar gets with in 10 yds.
Dock- has basic facilities for working on ships.
Living quarters- basic accomidations for 20 men and 1 exalt.
Storage- large storage room for supplies and non-sensitive loot. Has a level 3 Cargo Preservation Spindle (powered by the hearthstone) attached to the wall, protecting everything from the ravages of time. Contains provisions, extra nautical supplies, and perfect arms and armor for his men (Slashing Swords and Buff Jackets).
Vault- For sensitive loot. Currently contains several suits of basic oricalcum armor and basic oricalcum daiklaves. Also has activation panel that opens up the secret panel to his warstrider from the dock area. Has power system to provide nourishment for the hounds and power to the rest of the cache. Uses a Battle Fire Ruby for power. When a Solar approaches, it will cause a holographic message to play from the stone and reset the map to point to the next island.