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::Golden Essence Block
::Golden Essence Block
::Dipping Swallow Defense
::Dipping Swallow Defense
::Heavenly Guardian
::Bulwark Stance
::Bulwark Stance
::Fivefold Bulwark Stance
::Fivefold Bulwark Stance

Revision as of 05:22, 28 July 2005


"Trust me to watch your back, and I'll watch it. Trust me to bail you out more than twice in one day, you're rolling the dice..."



Pyhrra was born in a quaint little nameless fishing village on the islands' western coast, one of the last before Creation gives way and the endless ocean begins. The youngest of three children, most of Pyhrra's days were spent trying to impress her parents and older siblings as the 'smallest' children usually do. Her mother died when Pyhrra was ten years old, and the death caused the grieving family to come apart, her father withdrawing from reality and her sister Myrna leaving for the mainland. Parn, the elder brother, however, joined the coastguard. The coastguard wasn't much more than a paltry group of armed fishermen and simple boats, but it made the town feel just that little bit safer.

Pyhrra idolised her older brother, and frequently 'borrowed' his equipment to practice with, an occurance which Parn did not find amusing at all. As years passed, Pyhrra matured, working as a librarian's assistant in one of the nearby larger ports on the opposite side of the island, taking a small sailboat there daily. She read many books in her time there, and became a repository of fairly useless and trivial facts.

One day Pyhrra returned home one evening finding the signs of battle, sunken boats, small fires and a host of injuries. She raced through the town desperately trying to find Parn. The villagers seemed... reluctant to discuss events. Eventually she was able to discover that her brother had saved the village almost single-handedly, but at the cost of his soul. Parn had made a dark pact and become a dreaded Anathema. After the battle he had fled the town he had saved full of frightened family and friends.

Struck with tragedy a second time, Pyhrra and her father were left alone. She continued her life in sorrow, growing more and more frustrated as months passed. After a year she could stand it no more. Demon prince or not, she would find her brother and bring him home! That night she left a note for her father, packed food and supplies, and took her brother's only remaining possession - his old practice sword Memoir. Without another word to anyone she disappeared into the night.

Things were tough in the start, the wandering warrior's lifestyle did not come naturally - she found herself running from more battles than fighting them. One unfortunate retreat blew her deep into the western sea. For many days she drifted, knowing that she could never repair the shredded sail. Pyhrra resigned herself to the quiet death of starvation and dehydration. In reality, fate had a far quicker end for her - a hungry Wyld beast decided to sate its starvation upon her, both with her flesh and her mind. She fought poorly... at the start. Suddenly she was filled with newfound strength, and she battled the horrendous beast lit by golden light as the rising sun caressed her.

When she regained her senses, she stood in her boat, drifting in a sea of torn flesh and purple ichor. Using a gargantuan rib, and the beast's own tongue (one of many), she fashioned herself an oar and with it, she rowed back to land tirelessly before collapsing unconscious on the sandy shore...


During the first few months since leaving home, Pyhrra worked mostly as a 'helper'. She would work under various merchants and professionals for food and a place to sleep. Bakers, smiths, clothiers, chefs, etc. She ran simple errands for them, delivering messages, stock, products, collecting water, and other tasks. Occasionally she was able to hire herself out as a night guard for places (and got beat up occasionally, and occasionally fled). Life was tough. Eventually she resorted to highway robbery, robbing people at swordpoint for clothing, food and money. She soon started to rob ships at night, sneaking on board, pillaging the supplies she could carry and sneaking out under the cover of darkness. She only managed two before she was caught and was forced to run from a ship of privateers that kept a better watch for such stunts than most. (This is the part where Pyhrra gets lost at sea)

After her exaltation, theft, both grand and petty became infinitely easier, and she often was able to scare her victims away with her Anathema heritage. After a short time she went 'honest' again, working for her food and bed. At least for a while. Soon she began to pull stunts. Beforehand, few would hire a young woman as a guard, and few would now, but she had things planned. Each town she went to, she would find out the 'head' gang of bandits in the region and strike a deal. She would go to a place they had their eye on and offer herself as a guard. Then before the owner could send her away, the bandits would 'attack', and she would 'defeat' them, proving her worth. Later that evening, she would allow the bandits in, they would loot, and both parties would walk away with the loot. It was an excellent deal, except that when the bandits came back she would betray them and kill them all. She would do this from town to town, making the deal, getting the guard job, and dispatching troublesome bandits. Soon she had enough experience and reputation that she no longer needed to stage the bandit attacks. Eventually, she went to them, rather than the bandits coming to her. Life was good, but she was no closer to finding Parn...


Pyhrra is of average build, with a short athletic build closer to stocky than to trim. She has an angelic face with ocean green eyes and an easy vibrant smile. She has long blonde hair that she wears in a simple braid that hangs to halfway down her back. Her dress is simple, a ruddy brown tunic belted around the waist with many pouches and compartments. Her sword and shield hang from a strap around her shoulder, and she wears simple work gloves. Around the opposite shoulder is a book bag: inside is a calligraphy brush with ink and a small locked diary. Her knee-high boots are far newer, and she refuses to explain how she came about owning them. Because of the heat of the day and temperate nights in the western oceans, Pyhrra abstains from wearing slacks or a cloak, preferring comfort to dramatic appearance.

Weapons and Armor

Pyhrra's shield was crafted by herself during a short stint as a blacksmith's assistant. The Siren Shield is battered and poorly made, sporting an engraving of a winged centaur on its face that looks more like a child's scratchings than a smith's mark. Memoir is Pyhrra's brothers Parn's old sword that he wielded when he first joined the town's coast guard. It is battered and chipped in places, its steel is worn and stained. The sweat-stained leather braiding on the grip is frayed and coming loose, and the scabbard is little more than a sheet of cloth tied with leather straps. Down the blade is written an old saying: "Destroy this shell and I will merely find a new one, of our strongest steel or your darkest nightmares." The engraving is new, possibly carved by Parn after he exalted and left the town.

Character Sheet

Name: Pyhrra
Caste: Dawn
Nature: Explorer
Concept: Lady Achilles
Anima: Wings of faith. A pair of golden dove's wings that curl around her protectively.
Weapon: Gladius and Buckler (Memoir and Siren Shield)
Family:Enk (Father; Mother taken by sickness; Parn (Missing Older Brother); Myrna (Older Sister)

Strength        oooo    Charisma        ooo     Perception      oo
Dexterity       ooooo   Manipulation    o       Intelligence    o
Stamina         oo      Appearance      ooooo   Wits            oooo


Dawn                    Twilight                Eclipse
Archery         oo      Craft                   Bureacracy
Brawl           oooo    Investigation           Linguistics     o
Martial Arts            Lore            o       Ride            o
Melee           oooo    Medicine                Sail            oo
Thrown                  Occult                  Socialise       o

Zenith                  Night                   Other
Endurance       ooo     Athletics       ooo
Performance     oo      Awareness       o
Presence                Dodge
Resistance      ooo     Larceny
Survival        o       Stealth


Resources       oo
Artifact        ooo
Contacts        oo
Allies          o

Compassion      00
Conviction      0000
Temperance      0
Valor           0000

Willpower       00000000
Essence         000
Personal        17
Peripheral      40
Dodge Pool      8

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc.

Virtue Flaw:    (Valor) Cowardice
Break Condition
Any combat situation where the odds are stacked against the character and she chooses to fight, or if threatened by an obviously more powerful foe.
Break Effect
For a number of days equal to the character's Valor, she will shy away from combat, either retreating outright from an overwhelming fight or fighting at a -4 penalty in a battle that she is clearly the superior. The character will refuse to enter any challenges, and will try her utmost to persuade her comrades to avoid a fight if one is threatened.


Ferocious Jab
Fists of Iron Technique
Thunder Clap Rush Attack
Ox Stunning Blow
Dragon Coil Technique
Sledgehammer Fist Punch
Overbearing Bull Rush
Ox Body Technique (x2) (two -1 Levels) (two -1 Levels)
Essence Gathering Temper
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defense
Bulwark Stance
Fivefold Bulwark Stance
Respect Commanding Attitude
Durability of Oak Meditation
Iron Skin Concentration


Angel's Rush (10 Experience Points)
Thunderclap Rush + Ox Stunning Blow + Ferocious Jab + Overbearing Bull Rush
Adds STR in dice to single attack's dice pool (4)
Automatically win initiative over one foe.
Successes with bashing (stamina soak only) become negative modifiers.
Double damage successes
Fallen Angel Lament (? Experience Points)
Iron Skin Concentration (PC) + Essence Gathering Temper + Will Enhancing Spirit
Reduce damage to minimum (usually essence)
Regain 3 motes of Essence per successful roll against pre-soak damage
Regain 1 Willpower on a successful roll per lost HLs
Keelbreaker (8 Experience Points)
Thunderclap Rush + Ferocious Jab + Sledgehammer Fist Punch
Win initiative over any one foe
Double extra successes
Double Damage+Successes before soak when attacking objects
Seraphim Embracer (12 Experience Points)
Hammer on Iron Technique + Ferocious Jab + Fist of Iron + Dragon Coil
Essence additional attacks (+3)
+1 accuracy
+2L damage
+Ess(3) to Accuracy
+2L Damage
Successes doubled for damage bonus

Bonus Points [15]
Valor 3
Conviction 3
Brawl 1
Essence 7
? (Background) 1

Weapons and Armor:

The values in parenthesis are the proper values for the weapon.

               Spd     Acc     Dam     Def     Rate    Min

Memoir         +3(4)   +3      +2L(3)  +0(1)   3       Str 2
SirenShield    +0      +1      +3B     +3      2       Str 2


Missing. The weapons once wielded by Pyhrra's Solar self have been and still are lost - stolen or merely forgotten.

Other Comments

- Character sheet made pretty. On the downside, it now also looks like gibberish. -A&L