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=== '''18th Resplendent Air''' ===
=== '''18th Resplendent Air''' ===
At about 10pm the group sees the outskirts of the village. It is at this point they become a little nervous about the visibility of their Artifacts and Lunars. After a small discussion they come to agree that Jade Wisdom should enter first, as he can pass for a Dragon-Blood, and Savvy can escort him as she can hide her moonsilver tattoos.
A few minutes later the pair are entering the village and Scarred smacks himself on the forehead with the remembering he can turn invisible, sneak in and steal whatever we needed. A bit late...
Savvy and Jade Wisdom find a small cottage with residents still awake. The Artisan knocks gently on the sturdy wooden door and soon the door is answered by a very beautiful young lady. She seems a little nervous. Jade Wisdom asks her for some help with lodgings for the group, and maybe some clothes or even rags if she could spare them. Savvy offers to repay with any services they can provide. At this the young woman perks up a bit, and says they do have a task that the village requires help with and invites them inside. On the way in the Lunar and Jadeborn introduce themselves and learn that the girls name is Lisda.
There is an old man inside; he looks about fifty after a hard life. Lisda introduces him as her father, Gare. The Jadeborn explains their situation again while Lisda goes off to organise some shelter in the stables. Jade Wisdom chitchats pleasantly to the old man in a friendly manner, which Gare seems to appreciate.
Meanwhile, Scarred keeps drinking and Phinnae attempts to fletch an arrow or two. The mortals huddle together in the cold night air to stay warm...
Some ten minutes later Lisda comes back in with the good news that she has a stable big enough for the entire party. She then leads Savvy and the Jadeborn outside and a small walk through the cold night air to a well kept, if rustic barn. She explains that she will be back in the morning to tell of the task that must be done to repay this generosity, and bids the duo goodnight. Savvy and Jade Wisdom quickly walk to the others and lead them all to the barn. Once there, Phinnae becomes a mouse to sleep the night under the hay, and Scarred buries himself and the Golden Bow of the East within a haystack.

Revision as of 01:43, 3 July 2009

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18th Resplendent Air

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