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**Mettan-A-Korren leaves his new followers in Albin'Shar and hands them into Kalara's care, to begin military training.
**Mettan-A-Korren leaves his new followers in Albin'Shar and hands them into Kalara's care, to begin military training.
=== Road of Steam ===
*20th :
**The Dragon-Bloods Ragara Jinel, Ragara Nekuna, V'neef Aron and Ledaal Korvan arrive in Gem
**They surprise the Ragaran Factor in the city by being some three months earlier than expected.
** They offer to help get the supplies ready and are introduced to Terek Duhok, a local Outcaste hunter and trader.
** Expedition to hunt down Furnace Rhinos planned.
*21st - 28th :
** Expedition leaves before dawn.
** V'neef Aron caught out by Ragara Jinel eating chicken meat and cautioned to repent and meditate upon his sins.
** They track the bizarre beasts for several days, enjoying the company of the amicable Terek Duhok.
** The expedition manages to herd a small family of Furnace Rhinos into a dead-end valley and dispatch them with little difficulty.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Revision as of 09:51, 14 May 2009

Ascending Wood, 769

City of Gold

  • 3rd :
    • Scar awakens from his poisoned coma.
    • He is a bit upset that Naz'Shiar is gone.
    • Yari and Mettan-A-Korren inform him of the state of the City and other recent events, including the dire prophecy of doomliness.
    • Mettan-A-Korren shows Scar the nearness of the encroaching Shadowland of Watcher-In-The-Visible-Tower.
    • Jocelyn arrives back in the City after her Sabbatical in her Manse in the Wyld just north of Albin'Shar. She is wearing some phenomenal Orichalcum Super-Heavy Plate armour [Or is it smaller than that? - nik], adorned with many fins and slender spikes that crackle and spark with essence.
    • Scar is impressed with her skills, and requests she manufacture a pair of fighting gauntlets for him.
    • Jocelyn agrees and trudges back to her Manse.
    • Scar asks Mettan-A-Korren to lend him 'Soulban's Law', to which Mettan agrees.
    • Somehow they learn of 'the Ancient', a seer located two weeks to the north, hidden deep within some hills, from whom they may be able to get some clues as to the whereabouts of Naz'Shiar.
    • Yari, Scar and Mettan-A-Korren agree to make the journey after Acturius arrives back in the City from his Guild Caravan jaunt to Stromberg and back.
    • Mettan-A-Korren and Scar spar.
  • 4th :
    • Arcturius arrives back in Albin'Shar.
    • Mettan-A-Korren and Arcturius swap places on the Guiding Council [Actually, it must have been Karess, as Acturius is forbidden a seat on the coucil due to Guild Interests - nik].
    • Scar, Yari and Mettan begin walking to the Village of the Ancient.
  • 12th :
    • Jocelyn arrives at her Manse and makes ready to journey further into the Wyld.
  • 14th :
    • Mettan-A-Korren spots bandits waiting to ambush the party as they travel through a rough part of the hills, he warns the others without much subtlety, and the Bandits decide not to attack at this time.
    • Rather than letting them depart and remain a menace to travellers, Scar and Mettan-A-Korren decide to deal with them...
    • Mettan-A-Korren leaps some thirty feet [Yards! - nik] straight up and looses a fowling arrow at each of the two obvious leaders, who are promptly rendered unconscious (and one dead, unfortunately!) and cries for their immediate surrender.
    • They do.
    • Scar arrives at the top of the scree slope, looking somewhat crestfallen...
    • Scar and Mettan herd the Bandits down to the waiting Yari, where Yari preaches at them about the error of their ways and the glory of the Unconquered Sun.
    • The Bandits convert.
    • Mettan-A-Korren offers them a chance to join him (and the rest...) and they do, submitting to his leadership.
    • Yay! Mettan gains 24 followers, skilled in thuggery! Huzzah! B-)
    • Jocelyn becomes aware of a growing Fae presence as she journeys deeper into the Wyld, deciding caution was better than death, she turns back and heads towards Albin'Shar.
  • 17th :
    • Scar etc. arrive in a small hidden vale that appears to be a Shadowland inhabited by surprisingly animate Zombies, and a multitude of ghosts. Unlike a 'normal' Shadowland, it does not appear foreboding, as such, merely dead.
    • They are taken to 'The Ancient'; a wizened, old, yet very much alive, man.
    • After some questioning, the Solars learn that The Ancient is somewhere around 6000 - 10000 years old, cursed by the Unconquered Sun to never die just after the Primordial War for some un-remembered deed.
    • They also learn of a connection between Naz'Shiar, The-Watcher-Who-Stands-In-The-Visible-Tower, Janil D'vough and Deathlord nature...
    • They discover two possible means to recover (at least the whereabouts of) Naz'Shiar - Plentimon, God of Gambling, and Madame Marthesine of the Lost... and how to find them.
    • They attempt to lay The Ancient to rest, but fail. (Unsurprisingly!).
    • They begin journeying back to Albin'Shar.
  • 28th :
    • Scar, Yari and Mettan-A-Korren arrive back in Albin'Shar, coincidently, so does Jocelyn, meeting them at the gates.
    • A decision is made to try Plentimon first, and thus to travel to Nexus and enter one of Plentimon's favourite Gambling Houses.
    • Scar, Yari, Jocelyn and Mettan-A-Korren make preparations and set out the next day.
    • Mettan-A-Korren leaves his new followers in Albin'Shar and hands them into Kalara's care, to begin military training.
