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Willpower 7
Willpower 7
<br>Essence 4; 14/34
<br>Essence 4
<br>Pers/Peri 14/34

Revision as of 05:07, 24 April 2006

As a girl, Datura Bloodwind loved to hear tales of ancient heroism and high nobility. Knights as fierce on the plain as they were genteel at court, a grateful populace protected and reverent, virtue and prosperity engendered throughout the land. And, her nurses told her after every story, that life would be hers as well, once she was old enough to emerge as a proud lady of the Bloodwind line.

Datura's long since shed her girlhood -- left it caught in some bramble she was exploring, no doubt -- but she still holds on to her youthful idealism. Regal in bearing, plainspoken and kind, and firmly committed to the mutual obligations of ruler and ruled, she could be termed an "ethical feudalist." She believes in honesty and responsibility. She dreams of beauty and purity.

Unfortunately, she finds herself disempowered in a corrupt, decadent world. Her branch of the Bloodwind family has dwindled in wealth and influence. She's been forced to watch her crass cousin Sirocco rise in stature, dragging her heritage through the mud with his cruelty and fecklessness. Sirocco, to whom she had nearly been betrothed, since he was the only cousin around her age and certainly had an impeccable pedigree to recommend him. She decided, however, that she'd rather risk the end of her line than guarantee the continuation of his, and left home to spend a decade abroad. She has returned only on the news that the battle approaches that will decide whether Sirocco gains unchallenged dominance in the region, or falls into the rubble in which he belongs. She intends to ensure the latter outcome.

Datura is a huntress and woodswoman -- appropriate, given her aspect. She's often joked that she's more comfortable with her horse and her prey than among other people, "because nature doesn't lie or cheat." Though she has a natural geniality that makes people warm to her and does genuinely want to trust people and engage with them, she keeps people at a distance with formal charm and impeccable manners, and is always on guard for dissembling. And for her own rash behavior, as she has been known to launch into immoderate tirades with minimal provocation. Her truest joy is found alone, on the hunt or the battlefield, where she can let her brashness rule the day. She throws herself headlong into such pursuits, and makes up for her lack of skill at or patience for strategy with energy and determination. With the joy of the feel of the singing sword, the perfectly arcing arrow, the pulsing mount beneath her.

An extremely beautiful woman, Datura has an olive complexion, deep brown eyes, and a cascade of sleek brown hair that falls down her back like a shock of silk. There's a sensuousness to her wide cheekbones and full lips that contrasts the hard, lean lines of her body. She's tall, of erect stance and economy of movement -- grace that comes from natural elegance and childhood training. Her clothes are of fine leathers and embroidered woold, usually in the fashion of a riding habit: high boots, breeches, duster, hat.

Aspect: Wood
Nature: Traditionalist
Concept: Well-bred huntress

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Linguistics 1, Lore 2, Stealth 3, Thrown 3
Awareness 4*, Endurance 2, Martial Arts 1, Resistance 2
Athletics 3, Dodge 4*, Melee 5*, Presence 2, Socialize 2
Archery 5*, Medicine 1*, Performance 1*, Ride 4*, Survival 4*

Breeding 3, Artifact 3, Manse 2, Influence 1, Resources 3

Willpower 7
Essence 4
Pers/Peri 14/34

Compassion 2, Temperance 2, Convinction 2, Valor 4

Elemental Bolt Attack
Feeling-the-Air Technique
Whirlwind Shield
Precision Observation Method
All-Encompassing Earth Sense
Feeling the Dragon's Bones
Sight-Riding Technique
Ox-Body x2
Effortlessly Rising Flame
Falling Star Method
Flickering Candle
Safety Among Enemies
Stoking Bonfire Style
Threshing Floor
Ringing Anvil Onslaught
Spring Follows Winter
Swallows Defend the Nest
Scattered Pearl Hoof Falls
Ebony Spur Technique
Charge of 100 Generals

Myriad Perfect Strikes: Ringing + Stoking + Falling

Health Levels
0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap

Jade Daiklave: Spd 13, Acc 11, Dam 8L, Def 7, 5 motes committed
Jade Short Powerbow: Spd 7, Acc 11, Dam 7L (Broadhead) 9L (Frog Crotch), Rate 3, Range 300, 4 motes committed
Lance: Spd 17, Acc 9, Dam 5L (riding) 11L (charging), Def 6
Throwing Knives: Spd 9, Acc 9 (hand-to-hand) 7 (thrown), Dam 4L (hand-to-hand) 5L (thrown), Def 7, Rate 3, Range 15
Jade Breastplate: Soak 6/4, Fat 0, Mob -1, 2 motes committed

Jade Amulet
Stone of Healing (+3 to Medicine)
Stone of Blood Inviolate (cannot bleed)