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== Introduction ==
<i>Once there was a child of the dragon, brave in battle, glorious in deeds, who didst slay a childe of Luna. Claiming the panapoly of the slain exalt as wargild for those who had fallen in the slaying of the childe of Luna, this Dragonblooded returned to the Realm.</i>
<i>In time, he grew old and died. His children grew up, emplowered by the blood that flowed within them, but this is not their story.</i>
<i>Once upon a time, there was an ermine, and she did espy a curiousity, trophies in a dragon's home, rightfully belonging to the moon. This should not be, she decided.</i>
<i>The children of the long dead dragonblooded hero woke up one day to find the moonsilver trophies of their ancestor missing.</i>
<i>It was much better all around, the ermine decided. After all, she reasoned, the moonsilver suited her much better then the children of the dragons and had they not enough jade to play with?</i>
== Symbolism ==
<i>In Renaissance emblem books, the ermine was a symbol of purity, sometimes supplied with the motto Malo Mori Quam Foedari which could mean "Rather a bad death than defilement," for the ermine was reported to suffer death rather than soil its fur. In 15th and 16th century allegorical portraiture, the ermine accompanies unwed ladies, as in Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic Lady with an Ermine to represent his patron's chaste mistress, Cecilia Gallerani. The allegorical ermine realistically represented by Nicholas Hilliard as the virgin Queen Elizabeth's pet, has been painted unrealistically as furred ermine, heraldically.</i><br>
- [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermine Wikipedia entry]
== Sample Character ==
[[Haku/Ouka| Sesus Ouka]] is a character I designed with the thought that lunars don't need to be all barbaric and need not come from the threshold. After all, exaltation can happen anywhere and anyone who meets the critial.
She's designed to be not hideously geared for combat at this point. In short, she's not twinked out. The upside is that she can survive just about anywhere she wants. And since her tell isn't been amplified by lots of DBT, people will have trouble spotting her.

Revision as of 00:42, 21 September 2005
