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----<b><i>Cutting Beyond the Veil</b></i>
----<b><i>Cutting Beyond the Veil</b></i>

Revision as of 09:03, 3 April 2010

Cutting Beyond the Veil</b>
 <b>Cost:  5 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Occult:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Ghost-Eating Technique

The character energizes her aura, and that of her weapon’s, with her Solar Shard. As a result, until the end of the scene, she may attack unmanifested spirits as though they were manifested normally. If the Solar does not have Spirit-Detecting Glance, All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight, or a similar method of perceiving spirits, she will be at a +2 difficulty to hit (Transcendent Occult Prowess does not affect this difficulty, but Transcendent Archery, Brawl, Martial Arts, Melee, and Thrown Prowesses will, depending on the attack used). Spirits killed by Cutting Beyond the Veil suffer similar fates to those killed by Spirit-Cutting Attack; they may regenerate, but the process is very long (potentially decades) and very painful.

In Second Edition, this Charm functions differently.

 Cost: --; Mins: Occult 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Ghost-Eating Technique

One of the provinces of a Lawgiver is to maintain control over the interactions between the spiritual and the physical planes of reality, both to adjudicate between spirits and mortals, and to bring Order and Holiness to the darkness and the unholy. Often, this requires that a Solar be able to attack incorporeal foes, sometimes in great multitudes. Solars can develop their own personal control of essence to the point that attacking the non-physical is second nature. By spending two non-committed motes, the character may use Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique, and similar Instant-duration Charms that permit her to interact with dematerilalized entities as non-Charm actions for a number of DV refreshes equal to her permanent Essence. This does not in any way grant the ability to see these spirits.

Demon-Slaying Practice</b>
 <b>Cost:  8 Motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration:  One Scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Occult:  5
 Minimum Essence:  4
 Prerequisite Charms:  Cutting Beyond the Veil

This deadly Charm was developed, as the name implies, during the First Age to deal permanently with escaped demons. It was not often used; demons were simply seen as being too valuable to destroy completely. Nevertheless, the effects of powerful rogue demons who could not be tamed necessitated the development of a more sophisticated version of Ghost-Eating Technique. This Charm actually decreased in use with the decadence of the Solars- demons were now seen as the tools of preference, to be stolen from enemies, not destroyed.

Effectively, until the end of the scene, the character becomes a hungry vortex for spirit Essence. The Solar’s “event horizon” does not extend far beyond his own Essence-aura, although it can be taken to an enemy by means of an arrow or thrown weapon. Any blow struck by the character while under the effects of this Charm deal aggravated damage to unmaterialized spirits and drains away motes of the spirit’s Essence equal to twice the character’s permanent Essence, which are added to the character’s own store of motes. Drained motes that would take the character above his normal maximum are still drained but dissipate without benefit to the Solar. A dematerialized spirit killed by a blow made while under the effects of this Charm is dead forever; this will turn a Yozi into a Malfean. Materialized entities are no longer vulnerable to these effects. Just like its precursor, spirits recognize this Charm and hate and fear it.

In Second Edition, this Charm functions differently.

 Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Occult 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
 Keywords: Combo-Basic
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Ghost-Eating Technique, Spirit-Repelling Diagram

This deadly Charm was developed, as the name implies, during the First Age to deal permanently with escaped demons. It was not often used; demons were simply seen as being too valuable to destroy completely. Nevertheless, the effects of powerful rogue demons who could not be tamed necessitated the development of sophisticated ways of managing non-corporeal Essence. For the rest of the scene, the character gains a discount to all uses of Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique, and similar Instant-duration Occult charms permitting interaction with dematerialized beings equal to the Solar's permanent Essence per DV refresh. For example, if a Solar has Essence 3, he may make a flurry of 3 free Spirit-Cutting Attacks, or one free Ghost-Eating Technique, one free Spirit-Cutting Attack and one full price Ghost-Eating technique, etc., between each DV refresh.

Spirit-Warding Ban</b>
 <b>Cost: 15m, 1 wp; Mins: Occult 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
 Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Repelling Diagram

This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on p CB: T 74.
