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(In which payment is in kind, a daring costume is entered, and social preparations are made...)
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"Asura's attentions, and intentions, are variable, one has noted. One would be most interested to learn what occurs this evening..." she leaves it hanging there.
"Asura's attentions, and intentions, are variable, one has noted. One would be most interested to learn what occurs this evening..." she leaves it hanging there.
"If you would like, I could return tomorrow. Just to thank you properly, you understand." He accepts the bait willingly.
"If you would like, I could return tomorrow. Just to thank you properly, you understand." He accepts the bait willingly.
"If you would like, I could return tomorrow. Just to thank you properly, you understand." He accepts the bait willingly.

Revision as of 21:54, 1 July 2005

Interlude for Two

In which payment is in kind, a daring costume is entered, and social preparations are made...

The 28th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763

Early morning, the day after Sian helped to dispose of a body from Fallen Descant's inn - a ruffian who chose the wrong Dragon-blood to mess with. It is also the morning before the party at the Iceflower Palce, which judging from the invitation, will be far smaller and, possibly, more intimate than the last one Sian attended.

Sian is not particularly sure he wants to go to this, given Asura's unsubtle displays last time he met her. But, his diplomatic instinct is practically kicking him in the face with its message of "don't piss off the satrap!", and thus, he is getting his clothes ready to be cleaned.

Descant knocks on Sian's door, a worried look on his face. "This... appeared for you, just now," he holds out his hand, a small silver box inside it. Carved on top of the box is the mon of Cora'Esh.

Sian frowns lightly at it, handing him the folded clothes. "Thanks... would you mind having these cleaned?" He says this distractedly, eyeing the box.

"Of course, Lord Sian. How quickly will you need them back?"

"By this evening?" He looks up from the box. "If it's not too much trouble."

"It shouldn't be, my Lord. I'll get right on it," Descant departs with Sian's clothes.

Sian looks at the box from a few angles as he sits on the bed, then carefully opens it.

The box opens smoothly and silently, revealing a small blue crystal spinning on its point. As the sunlight hits it an image appears in the air above the crystal, it is Cora'Esh. She speaks, "One hopes that this message finds you in acceptable health, Sian Nerivus. One wishes to meet with you to discuss remuneration for your recent excursion into Marama's Fell."

Sian lifts an eyebrow at this, but settles back to let the crystal continue its message."

Cora'Esh' image continues, "If this is acceptable to you one is prepared to meet you, this afternoon, one's home. This crystal will point you in the correct direction once one's message is completed. Simply place the crystal in your hand, feed a mote to it, and it will lead you directly here. One looks forward to meeting you again." The image wavers and then fades.

Sian hrms at this, closing the lid of the box and placing it to the side, thinking. Well, she didn't �seem� like she was lying, but still.

Sian shrugs to himself. Got nothing better to do.

The sun rises to its zenith and then begins the long downward trek to the western horizon. Outside, in the streets of Tideholme, Sian stands with the blue crystal in his palm.

Indeed. He has his jacket with him, just in case, but is otherwise content to feed the item the required mote and follow it along.

The crystal glows brightly once fed and begins to spin and twirl in Sian's hand, before eventually hopping up into the air an inch above his palm and pointing off down the main avenue.

Sian heads in that direction quietly.

The crystal points down streets and boulevards, changing direction as Sian follows it through Tideholme. Eventually it leads him to a relatively non-descript building on a little-used street, the only notable feature is the varicoloured light shining out from the windows of the garret above.

Sian lifts his eyebrow at this too, then returns the crstal to its case, stepping up to the door and knocking lightly.

The door is opened by a pale-skinned child, probably no older than twelve. Dressed in a long white robe, he moves says in a voice that seems far older than his years, "My mistress is expecting you. If you would follow me?" and walks back and up some stairs.

Sian does so, ever so carefully shutting the door behind him.

The child leads Sian up the stairs and towards Cora'Esh. Her proximity is betrayed by the static in the air, making the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand up as he gets closer. Another door is opened, and there in the centre of a room that looks like a First Age arsenal that collided with a large pile of junk, stands Cora'Esh.

Sian bows deeply to her, though she might not notice. "You called for me, my lady?"

"Ah, Sian Nerivus. One is pleased to meet you again. One tried to contact you earlier, but one could not find you. Were you, perchance, not within the bounds of Tideholme until recently?"

"Yes, my lady. I was not here until yesterday morning."

"That explains much. One was most gratified to recieve the item that you and your comrades retrieved from Marama's Fell. However, one has been remiss is providing adequate compensation for the risk you took on one's behalf. One apologises."

"None needed, my lady. It was good to get away and take my mind off of things." He offers a small smile.

"Nonetheless, one promised payment and one always keeps one's promises," she turns and continues to speak, "If one's sources are correct your weapon of choice is the javelin. Is this the case?"

"Indeed. Much easier to carry than most other weapons."

Cora'Esh turns back, "Then one thinks that you should find this most useful." She holds a fine leather javelin sheath, finely traced with blue lines all over, "One calls it the Hailstorm Sheath, an enchanted quiver for your javelins to reside within. It grants them the power of cold, greatly increasing their efficacy."

Sian takes it from her with great care, turning it slowly to inspect it, though mostly to marvel at the workmanship. "This... I can't accept this, my lady. It is far too valuable."

"One insists. It is adequate payment for the task you performed for one," she smiles slightly, the edges of her lips curving up, "You must take it, or face one's wrath."

Sian manages another small smile in return. "Well, I would not want to anger such a beautiful lady. But I truly did not do much... the other two should be rewarded, not I."

"Your comrades will be rewarded also, and this is a small thing, truly. One asks that you accept it."

Sian nods after a moment, accepting this with a slight sigh. "Yes, my lady. I accept."

"One is gratified," she bows slightly, "One has heard that you have been invited to the Palace this evening."

"Unfortunately. Asura has decided to grace herself with my presence, it seems." He says this somewhat wryly.

"Asura's attentions, and intentions, are variable, one has noted. One would be most interested to learn what occurs this evening..." she leaves it hanging there.

"If you would like, I could return tomorrow. Just to thank you properly, you understand." He accepts the bait willingly.

"If you would like, I could return tomorrow. Just to thank you properly, you understand." He accepts the bait willingly.

"One would be most gratified if you could return," she nods politely.

Sian nods back again, and carefully reaches out to take her hand.

Sian kisses it lightly, if no resistance is offered, ignoring the slight bolt of electricity that runs through him. "Thank you for the sheath, Lady Cora'Esh. It is most appreciated."

The sorceress' eyes open wide and she smiles again, this time more broadly, "You are most welcome, Sian Nerivus. One hopes that further arrangements can be made in the future."

Sian smiles back, pleased with this reaction. "As do I." He slips the strap of the sheath over his shoulder, surprised by how well it fits. "Until tomorrow?"

"Until then," the sorceress nods and turns back to her work. The child-servant that greeted Sian appears and ushers him back down the stairs and out.

Sian exits silently, much as he entered. He pulls the sheath around to look at it in the light; it looks just as good as it did indoors.

The door opens again and the child is still there, holding a bundle that is far too large for him, "My mistress said to give you these," and hands it over before closing the door once more. The bundle contains 10 finely-crafted javelins, each one perfectly balanced for throwing.

Sian tests them carefully, noting this, then feeds them one by one into the sheath. He makes a mental note to study this when he returns to his room... he's never attuned an artifact before.

The Sheath is made from a very fine leather, so smooth to the touch it's almost like soft glass, tanned black and so shiny it is almost a mirror. The blue wires that cover it form strange patterns, that to look at evoke the sensations of ice and snow in Sian's mind. Within is a honeycomb structure with ten carefully arranged spaces, each large enough to hold a single javelin.

The strap, while cut from a single piece of leather, without buckle or loop, adjusts itself naturally to fit perfectly to its wearer, and it is always out of the way except when needed.

Sian is rather impressed by all of this, yes. The javelin spikes look fairly intimidating sticking out of the top of the object, too.

Silver Peacock arrived at the Iceflower Palace at about half-past two in the afternoon, a slave carrying a large, yet thin, box over his shoulder. Asura claps her hands delightedly upon this news reaching her and turns to Cassia, "It looks like Silver Peacock is early."

Cassia smiles at Asura, unsure of quiet how to ask her for this... "I wonder what she will have come up with for my dress."

"I am sure it will be fabulous, her dresses always are. You'd stop traffic in the street, were you to wear it outside." Asura's eyes are bright.

Cassia smiles softly "Having seen some of her creations on you, shortly before I froze solid." she bites her lip, and looks at Asura with questioning eyes "I was wondering.."

Asura blushes prettily and then turns, "Yes?"

"Would you leave the room while Silver Peacock is dressing me...I've seen her dress you on occasion" she pauses, "While you do still look stunning when she has finished, I think the final effect is lessened a little by watching the process, and I would like you to see me at my best."

Asura blinks and then ponders the question, "I don't know. I do so love watching the process myself." She smiles, "But I will accede to your request."

Cassia smiles. "Thank you." Without her rather letcherous gaze it will be easier, and really, she does want to look good for Asura. She wants her to be proud.

Asura stands up as Silver Peacock comes in. "You had better make me want to take you right there on the floor, my lovely sweet Cassia," she grins before sashaying out of the chamber.

...haven't you been wanting that for the past year? "Hello, Silver Peacock."

The elderly woman curtseys politely, "Lady Cassia. I have your outfit for tonight's event ready."

"Thank you." she smiles "..I'm looking forward to it." She is a little nervous at this point, but not much.

"That's good," Peacock smiles in a motherly fashion, "Would you like to see it before you're wearing it?"

"Yes, please."

Peacock gestures for the slave to bring the case up and open it. Within, resting on fine black satin, is a dress composed of red and orange silken strips, "It will look better once you're sewn into it, of course, but you should get the idea..."

Cassia looks the dress up and down, suprised "..I'm sure it will..it looks very..." she pauses to think of the word "Daring."

"That was the idea," Peacock smiles, "Lady Asura likes to explore the edges of good taste."

Peacock reaches into one of her many pockets and pulls out a fine needle and a roll of red thread, "Now, if my Lady would kindly remove her clothes we can begin to dress her for this evening."

Cassia hesitates just briefly, then disrobes. "What is the thread for, if I might ask?" as she steps to where she is directed.

"The dress is too form-fitting for you to simply wear it. You must be sewn into it," she retrieves the dress from the box and holds it out, "Please step into it. Carefully."

"Oh." She does as directed, carefully stepping into the dress and lifting it up her until directed to stop.

"Hold it there," Peacock says, and then turns to her slave, "Pull it closed over her buttocks, so that I can finish up." The man's hands delicately pull the fabric together, so perfectly-cut is the dress that this simple action makes it cling to Cassia's body like paint.

Cassia tries to look at herself in the mirror, then holds up the next section, and so on, until the dress is attached to her.

Peacock's practiced hands sew the dress on tightly, while her slave assists expertly, with nary a finger out of place on Cassia's young skin. Eventually, the old woman stands up, "And it's finished!"

Cassia smiles widely, and turns to look in the mirror. She gasps "...this is amazing." she turns to view all of herself in the mirrors. "Thank you, Peacock."

Cassia takes several careful steps as she works out what the dress will allow her, and what would rip it, and the she walks over to the doors Asura walked through, and knocks politely. "I'm dressed now, Asura."

Asura steps in almost instantly, as if she had been hovering outside the doors the whole time, something that is surely unthinkable! "My word, you look simply beautiful Cassia. Truly amazing. Silver Peacock, you have outdone yourself this time." The elderly lady just bows in response.

Cassia smiles at Asura and does a small twirl for her "Thank you!"

Asura smiles, "I can't wait to see the effect you have on our guests this evening, sweet Cassia."

"Who is coming tonight, if I might ask?"

"Two people you already know, Sian and Venia."

Cassia seems a little suprised, having expected a slightly larger event, though this does make things easier...perhaps "I see." She smiles.