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Hefting her swords up onto her back, Henara gets up and heads out of the door. "I have some magic that will get us to Othakaar before nightfall," she says, fishing a long multi-coloured rod from a pocket of her long jacket and manipulating it carefully.
Hefting her swords up onto her back, Henara gets up and heads out of the door. "I have some magic that will get us to Othakaar before nightfall," she says, fishing a long multi-coloured rod from a pocket of her long jacket and manipulating it carefully.
[[IceAndWave/SomethingRottenParadise3|Read part 3 here..]]
IceAndWave/SomethingRottenParadise3|Read part 3 here..]]

Revision as of 20:49, 19 June 2005

Something is Rotten in Paradise - part 2

In which a monster is uncovered, a tale is told and assistance arrives from an unusual place...

The 19th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763

The crowd around the domed underground palace continues to thin out, those humans and others in it slowly precessing inside in what appears to be a ritual fashion. The other buildings in this subterranean city stand empty, with crowds of hungry ghosts shoaling between them, their bodies glowing in the pale green light emitted by the stones themselves.

The air carries the scent of decay to the two Chosen, and the low moaning sounds of the ghosts of the underground city as they search mindlessly for prey.

Sian tries to ignore the stench. "Well. Not exactly what I expected."

Kerzoro is aghast. "This thing... in the Isle?"

"Yeah. I thought the Dead were pretty well contained here, and by that I mean completely." He takes in the view. "Apparently, this is not the case."

Kerzoro nods, frowning. "How can they not have noticed this?"

"Either they're amazingly dense, or they have, but haven't dont anything about it. I'm not sure which is more worrying."

The swarms of hungry ghosts mill back and forth, hunting for food in this lifeless place, ignoring the obviously alive humans outside the palace at the centre.

"So, the question is... what shall we do about this?"

"Hrm." Sian tries to judge numbers.

"So, what do you say... 100? 500? Enough to conquer Lookshy?"

"You ever been to Lookshy? The Realm has tried, what, three times? You'd need a million of these to take that city." He gazes down at them. "We're not Lookshy, however, and this is more than enough to pose a problem."

"Well, I'd be concerned if there were enough to conquer Lookshy."

"Mmm." He moves back a little. "Whoever this Biruz is, he's got some power. And we can't go running to the Immaculates..."

"If I could get a message to my sister... she might be able to help."

"Your sister?"

Kerzoro holds his shoulder and rolls his neck. "Ragara Vina. She's certainly easier to deal with than the immaculates here. And she's not an outcaste, like your servitor here."

"Where is she?"

"Maybe a day or two away. She tends to gravitate to where I am when I am in the Blessed Isle."

"Hmm. You think it's worth it? This Biruz does seem pretty firmly settled here in Othakaar, but he might decide to leave."

"Well, we can also take the undead by storm. Or we could try to appeal to miss 'You have to leave and never come back.'"

Sian offers a wry smile. "Whilst that last option does sound almost as appealing as the one before it, I think calling your sister is the better option."

"So then, shall we?"


The pair, faced with insurmountable odds, turn back and return the way they came, slowly climbing up the tunnel and out into the street above. The houses all around glow with lights, their occupants unaware of the undead horror lurking below their feet.

"Very well, let us get going... and let's try to keep out of the way of the guard, hmm?"

"Mhmm. We'll need a new inn, I suspect."

"It might be better to leave now."

"What, the city?" Sian frowns.

"Well, the sooner we leave... the sooner we can tell Vina about this."

"Mmm, fair point. Off we go, then."

Kerzoro nods. "Besides, the roads are much safer than in the Threshold..."


The last letter that Kerzoro recieved from his sister said that she would be touring Chanos Prefecture as part of her "education" in the ways becoming a productive member of her family. The itinerary puts her currently in the small town of Ghoan, famous for not much and not even slightly noteworthy, apart from being placed on the point where two significant roads cross inside the Blessed Isle.

Leaving Othakaar to enter the Blessed Isle proper is easy. The guards are all moderately corrupt, and it takes only a small bribe to be allowed out without Kerzoro and Sian having their (non-existent) travel papers checked.

After almost a full day of marching along the road out of Othakaar, the pair reach the small town of Ghoan. On a moderately fertile plain, some distance from any major towns, it's only real purpose is to serve as a stopping-off point for trade convoys heading towards or away from the Northern coast of the Blessed Isle. It is also where Ragara Vina, sister to Kerzoro, is at the present moment.

"Aah... quaint," Kerzoro grins

"I was going to phrase it differently, but quaint will do," Sian replies.

Kerzoro shrugs, and steps forward quickly. "Now then, where would Vina be..."

Sian follows behind, not commenting.

The question of Vina's location is quickly made moot when, not long after he walks into Ghoan, he is ambushed by a tall, curvy young woman with a bluish-tint to her long hair and a loud laugh, "Hey there, brother!"

Kerzoro starts a bit as he's ambushed. "Ah! A monster!"

"Who's a monster?!?" There's an outraged shriek as the presumed Vina starts thumping her brother, "Do I look like a monster to you?"

Kerzoro is neatly thumped. Which is odd, because he's nearly twice as large as she is. "Ow! Owowowowow!"

Sian takes a few cautious steps back.

The woman eventually stops beating on the much larger Kerzoro and smiles, "I've missed you!" then turns and looks at Sian, "Oh, hello."

"Hi." He offers a careful smile.

Kerzoro doesn't look terribly hurt by the severe thumping, and pats Vina on the shoulder. "Well! You have gotten stronger... Vina! This is Sian, a companion of adventure (and sometimes employer)!"

"Well, pleased to meet you, Sian," Vina steps forwards and, in complete opposition to her roughness with her older and much larger brother, takes Sian's hand and shakes it slightly.

Sian shakes in return. "Nice to meet you."

"Well, sister... I'd love this to be a mere social visit, but I'm afraid there is an urgent matter to discuss."

She sighs, "I thought that might be the case. Let's go inside where it's less public - I don't think either of us would want Father to find out about this meeting."

Kerzoro rolls his eyes a bit, and nods. "Indeed."

Inside, in a large suite of rooms in Ghoan's finest (and only) inn that caters to the Dragon-blooded, Vina gestures for Kerzoro and Sian to take a seat and, all business now, asks, "So, what can I help you with?"

Kerzoro sits down. "I told you I was going to Othakar, right? Well... there is plenty of trouble brewing there."

Sian sits quietly and lets Kerzoro explain.

"Trouble? In Othakaar? Othakaar has been dying for 60 years."

"More that you would believe, sister," Kerzoro smiles grimly, "When we arrived, we found our contact had been killed. After... some trouble with the immaculate monks there (which is why we came to you, by the way), we set to investigate this murder... we were attacked by would-be-assasins, who were more than happy to reveal what they knew after we were through with them."

Kerzoro leans forward, resting an arm of the table. "We followed the trail they gave us to the underground, and... Vina, that place is packed full with undead."

Vina starts, "The undead? On the Blessed Isle?"

"More than you would believe."

"I wouldn't believe even one. And you say it was packed? I know you, Kerzoro, you exaggerate - twenty, thirty at most, yes?"

"Try several hundred," Sian interjects.

Kerzoro nods at his words. "If there had been so few, I would have dealt with them myself."

Kerzoro leans back, and crosses his arms. "I cannot believe such a thing has escaped the notice of the Immaculates, or the Realm in general."

"Great Dragons!" Vina's face, already pale, whitens, "But if what you say is true, then what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Unlike us, sister, you can try to warn the Immaculates and the Realm... we are Outcaste, and they would likely not believe our words... those assains mentioned some names, didn't they? Lord... "

Sian offers, "Lord Biruz. And something called He Who Wanders The Night."

"Such an abomination cannot be allowed to remain on the Blessed Isle. It must be stopped." Vina's brow crinkles as she thinks, "I don't recognise either of those names, but you are right, something must be done about this. Either everyone in power in Othakaar is incompetent or they're corrupt."

"And neither is good." Sian grimaces.

"I'm worried that more cities in the isle share their fate. I'm certainly hoping not... but, Vina.. if you raise this alarm, and in the end find nothing... feel entirely free to blame me for tricking you."

"I shall muster what influence I have to try and root out this poison. Such an affront to the order of things cannot be allowed to remain!" Vina rings a bell and a servant boy emerges from the shadows, taking a hastily-brushed message away, "I'll see what I can do about this. In the meantime, would the two of you care to stay here overnight? I'm sure that it's far more comfortable than sleeping outside."

"That would be most appreciated."

Kerzoro nods, "Thank you, Vina."

"I'll send for some food, the pair of you look very hungry."

"Thanks. Your brother has eaten most of our supplies." He grins at Kerzoro.

"They were scarce! A mere two wagons? pshaw!" Kerzoro grins nontheless.

A few short minutes later, several maids carrying a variety of cooked meats, bread, fruits and other foodstuffs enter from the side and lay out all of the food on the table before Kerzoro and Sian.

Sian nods gratefully to each of them, and starts to eat.

"Hmm! Fast service."

Vina watches the pair demolish the food set before them and stands up, hugging the hulking form of Kerzoro as he wolfs down half a chicken. "It is good to see you again, my brother," and then slinks off to her bedroom.

Kerzoro gulps down, and smiles at his sister. "Indeed. I hope the next meeting is more pleasant."

The food vanishes rapidly from the trays, Kerzoro consuming twice what Sian does, but at twice the speed, so it works out even in the end.

Sian rather enjoys it. "Better than trail rations, anyway."

Kerzoro leans back, and lets out a deep sigh. "... much better."

"Oh yes."

Maids arrive after an hour to clear away the empty trays, and show the two to smaller rooms elsewhere in the guest-house, warm beds and hot-rocks keep the otherwise chilly air at bay.

The 20th Day of Resplendent Wood, Realm Year 763

The next morning dawns brightly in the small crossroads town of Ghoan, Sian and Kerzoro are roused from their beds by polite maids and a large breakfast table is laid out in the main room where Ragara Vina waits for them. "Good morning, brother. Sian."

Sian offers a yawn, then a good morning, before tucking into the food.

"Good morning, Vina! Any news?" Kerzoro seems to have awoken in good spirits, but that's hardly unusual for him

"I have sent messages to some people I know," Vina begins, "Empress willing, we'll have the undead abominations exterminated before the week is out."

"Hmm, I certainly hope that is soon enough..."

"It took some talking, but I have managed to get a Magistrate to visit Othakaar in a day or so - she was in the area anyway."

"I just can't believe that there are undead on the Blessed Isle," she turns quickly, "No offence to either of you, but I was taught to believe such things were impossible. The very idea is horrifying."

Sian shrugs slightly, pausing for a moment as he swallows a mouthful of eggs. "Horrifying it may be, but they are there."

"Indeed. I wonder how is it that the Immaculate monks there missed them...?" Kerzoro asks

"I do not know. I hope that the Mouth of Peace has some hard questions for the monks there. Such things cannot be borne!"

"Mhmm." Sian munches on some toast for a bit, before looking at Kerzoro. "So, what are we going to do until those things are cleared out?"

"Well, I was personally hoping to help in the clearing out... if you know what I mean."

"As do I, but the Magistrate won't be here until tomorrow, at least."

Vina glances at Kerzoro, "You always were eager for a fight." She sighs, "But I think that Henara would appreciate any help you could give her."

"Henara... would that be her name?"

"The Magistrate? Yes, Cathak Henara. We went to school together. Even after the... unpleasantness we've stayed friends." Vina sighs, "I never believed what the Cynis said about her afterwards. But they manipulated events somehow..."

Sian arches an eyebrow mildly at this, but doesn't comment.

"Hmm... I understand. Well then, where would we meet her?"

"I asked her to come here first. That way she could talk to you two before heading into Othakaar to see what is going on there."

"Excellent," Kerzoro grins.

Sian nods. "Out of curiousity, who would have more authority in a situation like this? A Magistrate, or the Immaculates?"

Vina shrugs, "Magistrates have near-absolute authority, since they act in the name of the Scarlet Empress and report directly to her. But the Dead are also a spiritual matter, which involves the Immaculate Order." She gives a wry smile, "Like so many other facets of life here, it gets... fluid."

"Hmm." He considers for a bit, then shrugs. "Just wondering. The Immaculates might not be too happy to see us again, so it's nice to know if your Magistrate friend can protect us."

"Hmm, yes, that woman... what was her name again?"

"Kerzoro, always causing trouble." Vina smiles and shakes her head.

Kerzoro ... pouts. Yes, pouts. "Aw, come on, it wasn't even my fault."

"The Immaculate Order is very unforgiving of failure in its own, or so I have been told. Even a dwindling monastery like the one in Othakaar retains some responsibilities," notes Vina.

Sian recalls, "The woman's name was Mnemon Oyoni, in any case. And whether or not her monastery has any power left, she herself will not be pleased to see us."

"We will speak to Henara when she arrives. She may be able to help you."

"Very well."

Sian nods silently in acceptance.

Vina leans back in her seat, curling up slightly and stretching, "In the meantime, Kerzoro, why don't you and your friend tell me about your exciting adventures elsewhere? I don't hear nearly enough about like outside the Blessed Isle."

"Well! Let me see... any place you'd like to hear of?"

"Where have you been of late?"

Kerzoro thinks, "Well! Let me see... Nexus, but everybody ends up in Nexus, I pased through Great Forks... a fun city that one. Avoided Lookshy like the plague... hmm, ran into some trouble in Port Calin..."

Sian settles back and listens.

"I've heard about Great Forks. They say that gods and elementals and Anathema walk the streets openly there, is it true?"

"Pah! Anathema? Never saw any... now, gods, yes. And Fair Folk too! Would you believe some of them actually don't just eat dreams?"

"Really? The people just talk to them? How can that be?"

"Well, I mostly assume that the Fair Folk acting insane as they usually are would get the gods of the city angry at them."

"There are so many wonders outside the Blessed Isle. Wonders that I shall never see, I fear." Vina sighs, and gets up from the couch, walking over to the window. "There are strange rumours going about in the Imperial City, you know. People are dreaming about demons, the Anathema, and more. The Palace says that everything is normal, but there are always rumours..."


"Strange, dark omens in the stars. Ill-favoured births among the Great Houses. Assassination and manoeuvering in the Deliberative. Father doesn't let me get too involved in things, but I hear from the servants."


"There are strange and difficult times before us, I fear. With the Empress to guide us, however, I feel that the Realm can meet any challenge and triumph."

There is a quiet knock at the door and Vina moves over to open it. There is a whispered conversation and she says aloud, "Already?" followed by another quiet interchange. "Well, send her up then."

"Henara is already here," Vina announces, "I wasn't expecting her until tomorrow."

Kerzoro looks up, "Ah, already? Excellent."

The door opens again, and in steps a short stocky woman, her short black hair spiky and wind-tossed, dust literally spilling off her onto the floor as she evinces some recent expenditure of Essence. "Vina," she smiles, the expression changing her previously harsh expression, "So good to see you!" The two hug warmly.

She breaks the hug and steps over to the others, "You must be Kerzoro," she says, "I've heard a great deal about you over the years." She winks.

Kerzoro stands up with a grin. "I am certain you have heard of my misadventures from my sister. Pleased to meet you, milady!" he gives a somewhat extravagant bow.

Henara turns and looks at Sian, "That makes you Sian. I'm sorry, but Vina's message was brief so she couldn't tell me much beyond your name."

"That's all I've really said. I'm an emissary of the Whitewall Syndics."

"Really?" Henara takes a step back, "And what interest do those gods have on the Realm's soil?"

"Long story. Roughly, I was supposed to meet someone here and get something from them, which has apparently been stolen by this group. So, I want to get it back."

She eyes Sian warily for a moment, "Can I have your word that you intend no harm to the Realm or the Scarlet Empress?"

"Of course." He frowns. "Why would I? It keeps the world stable."

Henara relaxes, "I apologise, we Magistrates have a great many responsibilities to the people of the Realm, and an Outcaste causes certain... grey areas to emerge. Your word is good enough for me, although it wouldn't be for some of my colleagues."

Sian nods a little. "It's appreciated."

"Vina wouldn't trust her message to me to the air enough to say what it was about, just that the matter was extremely urgent and that she needed my help. So I came as quickly as I could, much to the chagrin of my archons - who won't get here for another day at least." She sits down, unhooking the twin daiklaves from her back and setting them down on the floor, "So... what is it that is so important that a Magistrate of the Realm is required?"

Sian explains the situation, not pausing to give her time to speak. He simply gives all the facts and waits for a response.

Henara's face pales as Sian's tale is told, not even breathing as it continues. "Sacred Heshiesh!" she curses when he is done, "How can this be?"

"My guess would be... they had help from somebody," Kerzoro says

Sian nods. "Possibly the Immaculates. The one we talked to, whilst admittedly short-tempered, seemed in a hurry to get us away from the matter."

"The monks?" She stands up and paces around the room, finally kicking a large wooden chair, which explodes into splinters under the assault, "This is a pretty mess you have brought to me, gentlemen. A pretty mess, indeed. And one that I am bound to resolve, no matter the cost."

"I find it most hard to believe the immaculates are involved, and yet..."

Sian shrugs. "It is merely a suspicion."

"Othakaar is a dying town, yes. Corrupt too, from what I have heard. But this? It's unconscionable!" she shrugs and grits her teeth, "Unfortunately, while I am empowered by the Empress herself, the Immaculate monastery is beyond my jurisdiction. I will have to send for one of their investigators to clear up what is going on within the monastery walls."

"I would much rather get into those catacombs. Whatever it is I have been sent to find is down there, presumably."

"Also, it's hard to tell how long those things will remain there," Kerzoro points out.

Sian nods. "I would much rather not have to track the item down."

"Well, gentlemen," Henara sits down again, "If I am to take that as an offer of help then I accept. And, any problems you may have with the Othakaar authorities can be safely ignored - as a Magistrate I can take whomever I wish with me, up to and including condemned criminals."

Sian manages a wry smile. "We're not quite criminals, but thanks."

Henara turns to Vina and shrugs, "You were right to call me. This needs to be dealt with. I am sorry that this will be such an abbreviated visit," and she leans in to kiss Vina lightly on the cheek. "Another time?"

Vina nods, "Of course."

"Well then... shall we get going then?"

"No time like the present."

Hefting her swords up onto her back, Henara gets up and heads out of the door. "I have some magic that will get us to Othakaar before nightfall," she says, fishing a long multi-coloured rod from a pocket of her long jacket and manipulating it carefully.

IceAndWave/SomethingRottenParadise3|Read part 3 here..]]