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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Coming out of the Closet ==
Iselsis is in her room, not doing a whole lot, in fact just sprawled out on her bed staring at the ceiling.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina enters with just a little imperceptable knock on the door. Back in Nexus, she occasionally did such cloak and dagger things as meet with people secretly. Knocking quietly was one thing she sometimes did to announce her presence then, though some people picked up even on that. But visiting her sister is not playing assassin games in a slum, so mostly she does it out of force of habit.
"Hello!" She says with some amount of cheerfulness, heavy greatcoat wrapped and buttoned shut around her. "You look bored!"
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'm not bored, I'm just very experienced at not doing anything for large extended periods of time."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You're bored." The older Windian says, walking up to the bed and poking her sister's forehead lightly.
'''Iselsis: ''' "If you say so.", she glances at her sister, "I'm sure you came with a cure for my alleged boredom, too."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I did!" She says with a sly grin, bending down to hold her face close to Izabella's own as she does. "Come on!"
* Iselsis groans and sits up "And you're not gonna tell me what you have in mind before we're there, are you?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Nope." Selina says with a shake of her head, standing back up straight as Izabella sits up. "But it's better than letting the day go to waste like that!"
'''Iselsis: ''' She just rolls her eyes a bit "Alright then. Whatever you want. I'm guessing you won't tell me because I'll protest.", and gets up.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Maybe you will," Selina says confidently. "Maybe you won't!" She moves to walk out of the room, waiting for her sister to follow her.
''Oh, no letting me go off and staying without me noticing. ''
* Iselsis trudges sullenly behind her sister who obviously has something planned for her which she won't like.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The pair go from the building Izabella's room is in, to another building. Not quite abandoned, the mansion is being used by a higher ranking officer in the army and some of her local staff. However, Selina gets a free ticket in, and so does her sister. They go down to the basement, and through the first section into another, past a door replate with sigils and magical symbols. A door that, until very recently, was locked and sealed. Now it is not.
The room inside has more sigils and arcane runes, some still alight. It also contains some quantity of wealth, mostly in the form of old art pieces, miscellanious artifacts of amusing, slightly practical, and incidental design and function, and clothing. Evidentally, some noble or rich person's hoard of things. Evidentally the dead could not be bothered to loot the place.
"Interesting, no?" She asks her sister, turning to look at her.
'''Iselsis: ''' "You found hidden treasure. What exactly are we supposed to do with it?"
She seems kinda nonplussed by it all. She had no use for any of this stuff, especially not when it was a war and she had no intention of dragging it all around.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Eh?" Selina asks incredulously, waving a hand to indicate the room with its shelves and boxes, some half-opened and with things piled alongside on the floor -- evidentally ones Selina had been looking inside. The place is lit pretty well by magical lamps that glow softly at regular intervals along the walls. "Isn't any of it...I don't know, interesting? Look at it! Who knows what kind of weird things are in here! And no boring weapons or armor or whatnot to take space from the interesting things!"
"Besides," She says with a little less enthusiasm, more seriously. "Your wardrobe could use some expansion."
'''Iselsis: ''' "If there were boring weapons or armor I might be more enthusiastic. My guns could use an upgrade, and I still need to scavenge one or two workable firewands for Acelia's training."
She glances at Selina "What's wrong with my wardrobe? It's practical. We're at war you know."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You know, I haven't looked in all of the boxes. For all I know some legendary yozi-killing sword out of the First Age is sitting in one of them." She says with a shrug, wings shrugging along with her, then moves away, going behind a couple stacks of crates to see something. Her voice comes from where she is still. "I bet you wear that everywhere, no? Wartime or not."
'''Iselsis: ''' "It's not like it particularly matters what I look like, and it's comfortable. What's your point?"
She pokes a bit at some of the boxes ... with the toes of her heavy iron toed boots, trying to find some actually useful items.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "So you do?" Comes the bemused voice from behind the crates, sound of rummaging apparant, which then stops. "''Sometimes'' that stuff blends in, other times not! If you stand around in that people will notice you so easily unless it's the kind of place where many people stand around in that!" A hearthstone amulet of red jade flies over the boxes to land next to Izabella's feet. "There, that's functional."
Selina chuckles, then emerges from behind the stack of crates, greatcoat still on, but the feet peeking out the bottom have golden open-toed high-heeled sandals, and her gloves are missing. Mostly. She's also holding an odd crown with an empty fitting for a hearthstone, silvery feathers sticking out the sides of the thing.
Then she opens the greatcoat, tossing it lightly to one side, revealing the rest of what was underneath: that two-piece, glittering gold showgirl's outfit, dangling fine linked chains going from her shoulders to her middle finger on each hand, the iridescent rainbow 'feathers' of light behind her like a massive peacock's tail, contrasting with her real feathers. She puts the crown on and grins.
"Isn't it neat?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She reaches down and picks it up. "A hearthstone amulet? Are you kidding me? That's what realmites wear when they want to be gaudy. Any exalt worth their salt has better things to do with a hearthstone than put it in a gaudy amulet for all to see."
Of course considering the weapons she used, and her coat, she ''would'' have a superiority complex about such things.
"I'll make this a gift to Acelia, then."
"As for what I wear, I do have a work out outfit at home for when I'm in my dojo doing training.", she shrugs. Then Selina reveals the showgirl outfit and looks at her like she's gone mad.
"Nobody is going to respect you if you go around dressed like that."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina chuckles at the hearthstone comment. "I once saw a Dragon-Blooded Dynast on business in Nexus," She says cheerfully, almost in keeping with the outfit she's wearing right now. "He had a big daiklave -- real big." She stretches her arms out to indicate how long, unable to get them far enough, the movement making her outfit's chains tinkle. "With three slots for hearthstones. And what looked like nice armor. And so many hearthstones that the daiklave sockets were taken up, and the armor sockets. He had a little arty, kinda like that," She points to the amulet Izabella is holding. "Just to hold his last one."
* Iselsis sneers derisively "Sounds like a dynast alright. So proud of their little baubles and trinkets."<br><br>And then she flops down in between a bunch of boxes and looks surprisingly more bored than she did back in her room.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hee." Selina giggles, shaking her head. "Having that many can be useful. But I guess badass motherfuckers like you don't need six or seven."
"As for respect, you really think so? I thought people respect you on how you act too, not just whether you dress to look like a ganger or not." She snaps a finger on one hand, and a pinhead of Void-energy appears over the open upward turned palm, growing larger than her head instantly, thrumming fairly audibly in the quiet room. It grows so fast, and to such a size, that the lights in the room -- sigils and lamps both -- flicker twice before their design readjusts to the change in ambient essence. Selina grins at her sister, but her tone is more serious. "And, of course, this. You think someone's going to fuck with me if I can do this? Doubt it."
'''Iselsis: ''' She crosses her arms over her knees and watches as her sister once again shows off her void tricks.
"Well you show it off enough for people to know you can do it, so I guess most won't."
"And as for dressing like a gangster, you do realize agents like me have a reputation to hold up back in the dear old motherland don't you? Plus, most of it is because I just don't like much of me to be seen in public. It makes people not look at me like I'm a freak or talk behind my back when I walk by."
"And you could do with a little less sarcasm towards me. You know I'm skilled now, so you can stop being so condescending just because I'm terrestrial."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And your condenscending tones toward people who don't do as you do are much different? And when did I indicate ''you'', anyway?" Selina asks cheerfully, reabsorbing the ball of Void back into her arm, the shadow energy flickering like dark lightning just a bit as it disperses up the naked length of the limb. "I meant good for nothing thugs in Nexus. Besides, you can do the same thing with elemental energy, and it looks just as impressive and more flashy."
"As for the rest -- poo, we're all freaks."
'''Iselsis: ''' "There's a difference in being a freak in Nexus or a warzone where everyone needs you and being a freak in Winlandia when you're a former de Windia."
"Find any guns yet?", she perks up a bit. If there was one useful item there might be more.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Don't you ever get out of the city?" Selina asks curiously, walking to one side to one of the open crates, rooting around in it, her rainbow feathers moving about in the air as she does. "Or go to border towns, or Haslanti towns, or anything? Besides, you aren't a blonde anymore, and you have the red skin and horns. Even with your facial structure I don't think most people would realize you're one at first glance."
"Didn't find any guns yet," Selina says, straightening up and walking back to stand in front of her sister. "But I did find this." She tosses the younger Windian an odd black garment, somewhat similar to the leotard Selina usually wears, but different in design. More fanciful. "That ought to be your size, I think. Black on red would go nice, I think."
'''Iselsis: ''' She holds it up and looks it over.
"Is this like, some sort of bathing suit?"
"And I barely leave my manse. This has been my first time out of town, let alone out of the country, for a very, very long time.", she shrugs a little, "I don't mind anyway. Home is comfortable. And it's still Windia, even if I do have to hide from people."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Looks like it." Selina says with a shrug. "Though unless you find a good hot spring, a warm bathhouse, or go south where the water won't freeze your sensitive bits, it wouldn't be of much use. White Sea ain't too good for sunbathing or swimming unless you're a fatass Wyld God. Though who knows, it may be magical."
"Home may be comfortable, but doesn't it ever get dull?"
'''Iselsis: ''' She shrugs again.
"After a while you develop a zen like attitude to having nothing to do. Hence why I said I'm very good at it. I've had a lot of practice."
She glances at the thing in her hands again before putting it down "This would be way too cold to wear out in the north."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Isn't it kind of wasting time?" Selina asks curiously. "I mean, wouldn't you want to do other things as well?"
She picks up the garment, sitting on one of the sturdy crates next to Izabella. "It would be unless it has some kind of enchantment on it, but then you do have a coat."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I do research. I spent a lot of time pouring through my library trying to find something I missed that would give me a cure. I train. And I have a garden, so I read in the gazebo sometimes."
She glances at the garment "Isn't it a little useless to get something like that enchanted? It's just some piece of vanity thing."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "It might be already. I haven't poked at it yet, so who knows." She looks at it, turning it around. Well, could always be adjusted for her if her sister didn't want it.
''Don't really need it though. ''
"I'm surprised you didn't get into sorcery. That seems right up your alley."
'''Iselsis: ''' She starts shuffling through some nearby boxes, throwing all sorts of hopelessly uninteresting things in the 'do not want' pile.
"What makes you say that?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh ho, well, you're an exorcist, yes?" Selina asks, then goes onto her continuation without waiting for an answer. "Sorcery is also the study of the occult, and dealing with it. Only you learn to control it on a much deeper level than the simple magic of the Chosen. You know any mortal sorcery? Some of the principles are the same."
"For example, there is a spell in the First Circle that lets you banish demons back to Malfeas."
'''Iselsis: ''' "P'shaw. That's not what an exorcist does. We deal with the problems that occur when things that shouldn't have been left in this world are still here."
"Usually things get a little heavy handed, spells are nice, but by the time I get to casting them, the problem tends to have been resolved already."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You mean like stuff that crosses into the world during calibration?" Selina thinks for a moment, then puts the garment down on another nearby crate. "Or do you go after behemoths and leftover First Age things?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Malevolant spirits, mostly. Anyway, what you're saying is the neat and graceful way to do it. It also tends to leave you open and requires backup. My way is the quick and dirty way, and I can actually fight and defend myself while dealing with a multiple spirit infestation."
"So basically they trained me to do this alone. Like Alexsei. Just, gifted with a little less impressive powers."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You're a Terrestrial, are you not? You can defend yourself with your magics while using sorcery, I would think." Selina chuckles, then takes the crown off and looks over it. Her hearthstone ought to fit in there. "Dealing with spirits of the dead all the time? How dull. At least demons live in a more exciting place."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I'd beg to differ.", she says rather bitterly.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Oh?" Selina asks curiously, raising an eyebrow at her sister. "I guess you got some knowledge of that, eh?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well does it ''look'' like I'm having tons of fun to you?"
She starts idly digging through another box, and pulls out a pair of pretty goody boots and gloves.
"Wonder what anyone would do with ''these''. Aside from walk along with a carnival."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Exciting doesn't necessarily mean fun, mind." Selina replies with a shrug, then looks at the accessories. "Probably go to a really ridiculous costume party. But hey, it's made of expensive materials, so of course it has some fashion value. However dubious."
"Say, what do you think of all the others?"
'''Iselsis: ''' "Frauds, charletans, broken toys, thugs, assassins, liars and murderers."
She nods.
"The north is in big trouble unless the prince manages to actually properly fill his role as leader."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The Windian snickers. "Oh, ''all'' of them? Surely some must be better."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Well I like the Krausers. And Moon is nice, despite being a common thug."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Nicer than me?" Selina demures, then purses her lips. "He really needs to brush up on his manners though."
'''Iselsis: ''' "I like that he doesn't have good manners. He seems more down to earth than most people here."
"And you're not so bad, when you're not acting all creepy.", she nods.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 20:54, 18 August 2006

Coming out of the Closet

Iselsis is in her room, not doing a whole lot, in fact just sprawled out on her bed staring at the ceiling.

Selina de Windia: Selina enters with just a little imperceptable knock on the door. Back in Nexus, she occasionally did such cloak and dagger things as meet with people secretly. Knocking quietly was one thing she sometimes did to announce her presence then, though some people picked up even on that. But visiting her sister is not playing assassin games in a slum, so mostly she does it out of force of habit.

"Hello!" She says with some amount of cheerfulness, heavy greatcoat wrapped and buttoned shut around her. "You look bored!"

Iselsis: "I'm not bored, I'm just very experienced at not doing anything for large extended periods of time."

Selina de Windia: "You're bored." The older Windian says, walking up to the bed and poking her sister's forehead lightly.

Iselsis: "If you say so.", she glances at her sister, "I'm sure you came with a cure for my alleged boredom, too."

Selina de Windia: "I did!" She says with a sly grin, bending down to hold her face close to Izabella's own as she does. "Come on!"

  • Iselsis groans and sits up "And you're not gonna tell me what you have in mind before we're there, are you?"

Selina de Windia: "Nope." Selina says with a shake of her head, standing back up straight as Izabella sits up. "But it's better than letting the day go to waste like that!"

Iselsis: She just rolls her eyes a bit "Alright then. Whatever you want. I'm guessing you won't tell me because I'll protest.", and gets up.

Selina de Windia: "Maybe you will," Selina says confidently. "Maybe you won't!" She moves to walk out of the room, waiting for her sister to follow her.

Oh, no letting me go off and staying without me noticing.

  • Iselsis trudges sullenly behind her sister who obviously has something planned for her which she won't like.

Selina de Windia: The pair go from the building Izabella's room is in, to another building. Not quite abandoned, the mansion is being used by a higher ranking officer in the army and some of her local staff. However, Selina gets a free ticket in, and so does her sister. They go down to the basement, and through the first section into another, past a door replate with sigils and magical symbols. A door that, until very recently, was locked and sealed. Now it is not.

The room inside has more sigils and arcane runes, some still alight. It also contains some quantity of wealth, mostly in the form of old art pieces, miscellanious artifacts of amusing, slightly practical, and incidental design and function, and clothing. Evidentally, some noble or rich person's hoard of things. Evidentally the dead could not be bothered to loot the place.

"Interesting, no?" She asks her sister, turning to look at her.

Iselsis: "You found hidden treasure. What exactly are we supposed to do with it?"

She seems kinda nonplussed by it all. She had no use for any of this stuff, especially not when it was a war and she had no intention of dragging it all around.

Selina de Windia: "Eh?" Selina asks incredulously, waving a hand to indicate the room with its shelves and boxes, some half-opened and with things piled alongside on the floor -- evidentally ones Selina had been looking inside. The place is lit pretty well by magical lamps that glow softly at regular intervals along the walls. "Isn't any of it...I don't know, interesting? Look at it! Who knows what kind of weird things are in here! And no boring weapons or armor or whatnot to take space from the interesting things!"

"Besides," She says with a little less enthusiasm, more seriously. "Your wardrobe could use some expansion."

Iselsis: "If there were boring weapons or armor I might be more enthusiastic. My guns could use an upgrade, and I still need to scavenge one or two workable firewands for Acelia's training."

She glances at Selina "What's wrong with my wardrobe? It's practical. We're at war you know."

Selina de Windia: "You know, I haven't looked in all of the boxes. For all I know some legendary yozi-killing sword out of the First Age is sitting in one of them." She says with a shrug, wings shrugging along with her, then moves away, going behind a couple stacks of crates to see something. Her voice comes from where she is still. "I bet you wear that everywhere, no? Wartime or not."

Iselsis: "It's not like it particularly matters what I look like, and it's comfortable. What's your point?"

She pokes a bit at some of the boxes ... with the toes of her heavy iron toed boots, trying to find some actually useful items.

Selina de Windia: "So you do?" Comes the bemused voice from behind the crates, sound of rummaging apparant, which then stops. "Sometimes that stuff blends in, other times not! If you stand around in that people will notice you so easily unless it's the kind of place where many people stand around in that!" A hearthstone amulet of red jade flies over the boxes to land next to Izabella's feet. "There, that's functional."

Selina chuckles, then emerges from behind the stack of crates, greatcoat still on, but the feet peeking out the bottom have golden open-toed high-heeled sandals, and her gloves are missing. Mostly. She's also holding an odd crown with an empty fitting for a hearthstone, silvery feathers sticking out the sides of the thing.

Then she opens the greatcoat, tossing it lightly to one side, revealing the rest of what was underneath: that two-piece, glittering gold showgirl's outfit, dangling fine linked chains going from her shoulders to her middle finger on each hand, the iridescent rainbow 'feathers' of light behind her like a massive peacock's tail, contrasting with her real feathers. She puts the crown on and grins.

"Isn't it neat?"

Iselsis: She reaches down and picks it up. "A hearthstone amulet? Are you kidding me? That's what realmites wear when they want to be gaudy. Any exalt worth their salt has better things to do with a hearthstone than put it in a gaudy amulet for all to see."

Of course considering the weapons she used, and her coat, she would have a superiority complex about such things.

"I'll make this a gift to Acelia, then."

"As for what I wear, I do have a work out outfit at home for when I'm in my dojo doing training.", she shrugs. Then Selina reveals the showgirl outfit and looks at her like she's gone mad.

"Nobody is going to respect you if you go around dressed like that."

Selina de Windia: Selina chuckles at the hearthstone comment. "I once saw a Dragon-Blooded Dynast on business in Nexus," She says cheerfully, almost in keeping with the outfit she's wearing right now. "He had a big daiklave -- real big." She stretches her arms out to indicate how long, unable to get them far enough, the movement making her outfit's chains tinkle. "With three slots for hearthstones. And what looked like nice armor. And so many hearthstones that the daiklave sockets were taken up, and the armor sockets. He had a little arty, kinda like that," She points to the amulet Izabella is holding. "Just to hold his last one."

  • Iselsis sneers derisively "Sounds like a dynast alright. So proud of their little baubles and trinkets."

    And then she flops down in between a bunch of boxes and looks surprisingly more bored than she did back in her room.

Selina de Windia: "Hee." Selina giggles, shaking her head. "Having that many can be useful. But I guess badass motherfuckers like you don't need six or seven."

"As for respect, you really think so? I thought people respect you on how you act too, not just whether you dress to look like a ganger or not." She snaps a finger on one hand, and a pinhead of Void-energy appears over the open upward turned palm, growing larger than her head instantly, thrumming fairly audibly in the quiet room. It grows so fast, and to such a size, that the lights in the room -- sigils and lamps both -- flicker twice before their design readjusts to the change in ambient essence. Selina grins at her sister, but her tone is more serious. "And, of course, this. You think someone's going to fuck with me if I can do this? Doubt it."

Iselsis: She crosses her arms over her knees and watches as her sister once again shows off her void tricks.

"Well you show it off enough for people to know you can do it, so I guess most won't."

"And as for dressing like a gangster, you do realize agents like me have a reputation to hold up back in the dear old motherland don't you? Plus, most of it is because I just don't like much of me to be seen in public. It makes people not look at me like I'm a freak or talk behind my back when I walk by."

"And you could do with a little less sarcasm towards me. You know I'm skilled now, so you can stop being so condescending just because I'm terrestrial."

Selina de Windia: "And your condenscending tones toward people who don't do as you do are much different? And when did I indicate you, anyway?" Selina asks cheerfully, reabsorbing the ball of Void back into her arm, the shadow energy flickering like dark lightning just a bit as it disperses up the naked length of the limb. "I meant good for nothing thugs in Nexus. Besides, you can do the same thing with elemental energy, and it looks just as impressive and more flashy."

"As for the rest -- poo, we're all freaks."

Iselsis: "There's a difference in being a freak in Nexus or a warzone where everyone needs you and being a freak in Winlandia when you're a former de Windia."

"Find any guns yet?", she perks up a bit. If there was one useful item there might be more.

Selina de Windia: "Don't you ever get out of the city?" Selina asks curiously, walking to one side to one of the open crates, rooting around in it, her rainbow feathers moving about in the air as she does. "Or go to border towns, or Haslanti towns, or anything? Besides, you aren't a blonde anymore, and you have the red skin and horns. Even with your facial structure I don't think most people would realize you're one at first glance."

"Didn't find any guns yet," Selina says, straightening up and walking back to stand in front of her sister. "But I did find this." She tosses the younger Windian an odd black garment, somewhat similar to the leotard Selina usually wears, but different in design. More fanciful. "That ought to be your size, I think. Black on red would go nice, I think."

Iselsis: She holds it up and looks it over.

"Is this like, some sort of bathing suit?"

"And I barely leave my manse. This has been my first time out of town, let alone out of the country, for a very, very long time.", she shrugs a little, "I don't mind anyway. Home is comfortable. And it's still Windia, even if I do have to hide from people."

Selina de Windia: "Looks like it." Selina says with a shrug. "Though unless you find a good hot spring, a warm bathhouse, or go south where the water won't freeze your sensitive bits, it wouldn't be of much use. White Sea ain't too good for sunbathing or swimming unless you're a fatass Wyld God. Though who knows, it may be magical."

"Home may be comfortable, but doesn't it ever get dull?"

Iselsis: She shrugs again.

"After a while you develop a zen like attitude to having nothing to do. Hence why I said I'm very good at it. I've had a lot of practice."

She glances at the thing in her hands again before putting it down "This would be way too cold to wear out in the north."

Selina de Windia: "Isn't it kind of wasting time?" Selina asks curiously. "I mean, wouldn't you want to do other things as well?"

She picks up the garment, sitting on one of the sturdy crates next to Izabella. "It would be unless it has some kind of enchantment on it, but then you do have a coat."

Iselsis: "I do research. I spent a lot of time pouring through my library trying to find something I missed that would give me a cure. I train. And I have a garden, so I read in the gazebo sometimes."

She glances at the garment "Isn't it a little useless to get something like that enchanted? It's just some piece of vanity thing."

Selina de Windia: "It might be already. I haven't poked at it yet, so who knows." She looks at it, turning it around. Well, could always be adjusted for her if her sister didn't want it.

Don't really need it though.

"I'm surprised you didn't get into sorcery. That seems right up your alley."

Iselsis: She starts shuffling through some nearby boxes, throwing all sorts of hopelessly uninteresting things in the 'do not want' pile.

"What makes you say that?"

Selina de Windia: "Oh ho, well, you're an exorcist, yes?" Selina asks, then goes onto her continuation without waiting for an answer. "Sorcery is also the study of the occult, and dealing with it. Only you learn to control it on a much deeper level than the simple magic of the Chosen. You know any mortal sorcery? Some of the principles are the same."

"For example, there is a spell in the First Circle that lets you banish demons back to Malfeas."

Iselsis: "P'shaw. That's not what an exorcist does. We deal with the problems that occur when things that shouldn't have been left in this world are still here."

"Usually things get a little heavy handed, spells are nice, but by the time I get to casting them, the problem tends to have been resolved already."

Selina de Windia: "You mean like stuff that crosses into the world during calibration?" Selina thinks for a moment, then puts the garment down on another nearby crate. "Or do you go after behemoths and leftover First Age things?"

Iselsis: "Malevolant spirits, mostly. Anyway, what you're saying is the neat and graceful way to do it. It also tends to leave you open and requires backup. My way is the quick and dirty way, and I can actually fight and defend myself while dealing with a multiple spirit infestation."

"So basically they trained me to do this alone. Like Alexsei. Just, gifted with a little less impressive powers."

Selina de Windia: "You're a Terrestrial, are you not? You can defend yourself with your magics while using sorcery, I would think." Selina chuckles, then takes the crown off and looks over it. Her hearthstone ought to fit in there. "Dealing with spirits of the dead all the time? How dull. At least demons live in a more exciting place."

Iselsis: "I'd beg to differ.", she says rather bitterly.

Selina de Windia: "Oh?" Selina asks curiously, raising an eyebrow at her sister. "I guess you got some knowledge of that, eh?"

Iselsis: "Well does it look like I'm having tons of fun to you?"

She starts idly digging through another box, and pulls out a pair of pretty goody boots and gloves.

"Wonder what anyone would do with these. Aside from walk along with a carnival."

Selina de Windia: "Exciting doesn't necessarily mean fun, mind." Selina replies with a shrug, then looks at the accessories. "Probably go to a really ridiculous costume party. But hey, it's made of expensive materials, so of course it has some fashion value. However dubious."

"Say, what do you think of all the others?"

Iselsis: "Frauds, charletans, broken toys, thugs, assassins, liars and murderers."

She nods.

"The north is in big trouble unless the prince manages to actually properly fill his role as leader."

Selina de Windia: The Windian snickers. "Oh, all of them? Surely some must be better."

Iselsis: "Well I like the Krausers. And Moon is nice, despite being a common thug."

Selina de Windia: "Nicer than me?" Selina demures, then purses her lips. "He really needs to brush up on his manners though."

Iselsis: "I like that he doesn't have good manners. He seems more down to earth than most people here."

"And you're not so bad, when you're not acting all creepy.", she nods.