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== Colossus of Death ==
<i>The creature that lurks close by can’t be human. It has two legs, two arms, and a torso, but it just... can’t be human. Its body is hulkingly large, arms and legs like tree logs. Its surface seems more ossific than flesh, covered in a articulated plate  of Soulsteel where the souls of strong animals wail. Its face is a skull, a gigantic skull, going far to the back and far to the front, with dead-flesh eyes inside its ossific sockets, and large ivory teeth. In its hands, there are two large Goremauls, made of soulsteel and black jade, pale diamonds for their eyes, like wicked stars in a tortured night sky... it growls at the sight of flesh, feigning animalism while its eyes shine in intelligent recognition... older than civilizations, wilder than barbarians.</i>
The Lord Enforcer of the Dead Hand was once known as Sizard the Mountain, once a wild creature, barely human, wrestling down creatures on the white sea. After more than a century of wild life, he was beaten and ‘domesticated’, becoming one of the prime bodyguards and enforcers of Whitewall. He died along with Alabaster during the crusades, but remained as a ghost, and honed his prowess to the best uses he could, going deep into the Labyrinth and wrestling down many horrors he found there. There, Obsidian forsook his humanity.
Much like his god, he remembers little what it is to be human, and moliated his body into something... else. He looks much like the mixture between a human and a Mosok, covered in bones and a heavy armor of Soulsteel, where strong animals he has wrestled down with bare hands scream for blood. In each hand he has a great mace of Black Jade and Soulsteel, shaped like the skulls of fierce creatures long gone. He leads the Dead Hand when they have to strike hard, to put out revolts, and to place the fear of the Shining One in all those they meet.
<b>Nature :</b> Bravo (<i>Gain willpower every time you make someone back down</i>)<br>
<b>Merits :</b> Legendary Attribute(Strength, Stamina), Large Size, Pain Tolerance<br>
Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6<br>
Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0<br>
Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4</tt>
<b>War:</b><br>Awareness 4, Athletics 5, Dodge 3, Endurance 5, Resistance 5, Martial Arts 5(Clinches +3), Melee 5(Goremauls +2)<br><br>
<b>Life</b><br>Linguistics 3, Stealth 1, Survival 5, Presence 3(Intimidation+2), Socialize 1, Performance 4, Craft (Moliation) 4.<br><br> <b>Wisdom</b><br>Medicine 1, Occult 3, Lore 3( Bishop’s Scriptures +2)<br><br><br><br>
<b>Virtues:</b><br>Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 5</tt><br>
<b>Backgrounds:</b><tt><br>Abyssal Command 4, Artifact 5, Ancestor Cult 4, Underworld Cult 2, Manse 5</tt><br>
<b>Willpower:</b> 9<br>
<b>Health:</b> -0, -0, -1, -1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2, -2, -2, -4,Incap<br>
<b>Essence:</b> 5<br>
<b>Essence pool:</b> 95
Stringless Pupeteer Arts : <i>Eye Technique, Soul-Whispering Empathy Discipline, Mortal-Shadowing Technique, Nemessary’s Ride.</i><br>
Shifting Ghost-Clay Path : <i>Waxing Ghost Flesh, Nine Terrors Visage, Yielding Spirit Form, Steeling the Spirit, Ghost Devil Form, Weighted With the Anchor of Flesh</i><br>
Jade Mountain Style: <i>Pillar of Marble Stance, Fortress of One, Boulder-Crushing Grasp, Sliding Glacier Grip, Jade Mountain Form, Pasiap Still Stands, Falling Rockside Onslaught.</i><br><br>
<nowiki>SoulHide</nowiki>( Blue Jade and Soulsteel Armor : Artifact ****)<br>
<i>Obsidian himself hunted, wrestled down, and crushed the lives of every creature whose soul wails in Soulhide. Some of those are natural animals, some of those are rare, mystical races, some of those are creatures from the Labyrinth. All woven in this Soulsteel Articulated Plate, which gives Obsidian all of 12L/14B soak. The souls of the creatures resonate with him, the spirit of monsters, the spirit of predators, of beasts. They add +1 to his Dexterity and Perception, making him swifter, better a predator. </i><br><br>
<nowiki>Abyssbreaker/Voidcrusher</nowiki>(Goremauls : Artifact **)<br>
<i>Twin Goremauls, shaped in the skulls of strange beasts long since extinct, both are pale Ivory and Black Soulsteel, laid with their very souls, pale diamonds for their eyes... </i><br><br>
Predator’s Epiphany (Perfected Kata Bracers : Artifact ****)<br>
<i>Coiling around his large arms, stretched to the limit around the Bone, those prayer strips are made of soft ivory and written with the blood of predators mixed with earth, to perfectly match Obsidian’s style, attuning him to the earth, to Jade, and to his own predatory soul.</i><br><br>
<b>Base initiative</b>: 7<br>
<b>Soak</b>: 25B/23L/12A (Soulhide)<br>
<b>Dodge</b>: 6<br>
<nowiki>Abyssbreaker/Voidcrusher:</nowiki> Spd 7, Acc 14, Dmg 22L(P), Def 14, Rate 4<br> <br>
* Obsidian suffers no wound penalties. At all.
* You do not want to be clinched by Obsidian. You just... don’t.
* Obsidian can use Pasiap Still Stands to send 2B or 1L of damage straight to the ground for 1 mote.
* His combat status take into account Jade Mountain Form up( For a Strength and Stamina of 11, -1 to Dexterity, offset by the armor’s bonus, and a +5 on accuracy, defense and damage granted by his Perfected Kata Bracers, Preadator’s Epiphany. If any of those are not up, readjust the costs accordingly.)
* In the Underworld, he is even more frightening in his Nine-Terrors Visage. It adds +2L/+2B to his soak, making it a total of 27B/25L.

Revision as of 20:03, 27 February 2009