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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Fair Exchange ==
'''Fiona: ''' They had the eyes of all workers on them.
Of course, when a transcendently beautiful lady of Jade, a sexy monkey girl and a cutely submissive little Solar argue incomprehensible things with sexual undertones here and there, one can't help but think it a spetacle.
But the lady of Jade had to be a killjoy. She left, a barrier in her way, one even the puissant monkey-girl could not breach... and left, leaving an awkward silence between the Solar and the Raksha, in front of the Blacksmiths and at the shadow of the mighty Chains of Duty...
Fiona leans against a wall, thinking... and then turns to Days, "Oh... well. You really got into her nerves..."
She fights between curiosity and manners for an infinite moment, until biting her lip and deciding to ask finally... "Was it true, what she said of you?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Snow Monkey, still flexing her fingers, turns back to look at the much smaller Sunchild, a bit preplexed by her question. Another rolling flex of fingers, and her characteristic lazy grin settles into place, and her posture relaxes. "I'm good at that with some sorts, it seems. And... what specifically do you mean? Truth's a relative thing, but I might be able to give you an answer anyway..."
''Any inroad is an inroad I'll take... and it might not hurt to have at least one person on my side, should things go poorly. '' "And seeing that you've been such a fair-minded person, I suppose I can answer you truthfully."
'''Fiona: ''' The savant hops from the wall, beggining to walk away from the eyes... her dark green cape about her, touching one of the eye-like broochs of the cape as she walks.... and thinks how to word things. "The thing about feelings... about only feigning them when you have need for food."
"I ''have'' heard many contradictory things about your people..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child purses her lips, and her tail pats against her thigh as she herself pauses to figure out how to answer that. For a moment, she simply thinks and rocks to and fro a little... before her ears perk and she 'ah!'s as it comes to her. That done, she crouches down, forearms on her knees and brass eyes shining dimly.
"We are beings of contradiction. Since... this fixed world, in and of itself, is contradiction. Those of us who take and borrow from Creation take what exists here and bends it to... extremes. Or perhaps into ideal forms? It can be either, both or none. I have seen fellow Fair who profess undying love... and it is often real! But love is more than just sex and walks in the forest... it is the pain, the joy, the hate, the passion... living and dying. We feel; some do put on false airs, yes. But those that are genuine are... I suppose you could say they are potentially more dangerous than any faerie liar. For there is the Wyld in their truth."
'''Fiona: ''' She blinks, watching Days... trying to make sense of her words.<bR>
Trying to ''understand... ''<br>
Even if understanding would make her mad. That is what she craves...
"And... you?" She says, her symbol gleaming on her forehead, her eyes taking a strange sheen of sapphire, emerald and glass as she turns, "You sound like you truly feel, Days. That makes you ''very'' dangerous, right?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child of Wyld Days widens her smile.
It is the smile of a flushed lover, just finished with the romp of a thousand lifetimes.
It is the smile of a picky eater having just finished the perfect feast.
It is the smile of a wolf bearing down on a lost foal.
"I have to be dangerous, Fiona. I have to feel. I have to know what love tastes like, smells like. I have to know what sound broken bones and torn flesh make. I have to give prominence to my Graces, for they are the core of my self. If I am not dangerous, if I am not enticing, if I am not '''''IMPORTANT..." '''''
Snow Monkey relaxes her countenance. "... then, as raksha, I am doomed to be slain or worse."
'''Fiona: ''' "So, it is... all about interesting, isn't it?"
"And danger..."
She sighs, "Your world seems to be the same one of those Exalted... I could survive just fine, before. Just gathering knowledge, just learning... but here, I am so outclassed. I have to be deadly."
"And I know I am not..."
She ends her own introspection, and sees the Child. Ice... Snow... no, Air. Air elemental essence. Four objects, or the signature of them, orbiting around her.... she is a mass of essence.
With terrible fanged maws.
Fiona blinks, closing her eyes for a moment... and returning her eyes to normal. "You are interesting Days... least to me!"
"And my, what big teeth you have in those two maws..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She cannot help but try to figure out what Fiona alludes to, but as soon as it dawns to her she lets loose a hearty chuckle. "Now, now... it's not fair to peek behind the curtain without permission... but I suppose I could not stop you. And... no, no, Fiona. Creation, the life of you empowered mortals is far different from my home. I could explain in greater detail, but some secrets must remain. Some things I simply should not just blurt out."
The raksha pauses... then grins. "... now, however, it is only fair that I have a little peek within you as well." Her own brass eyes glimmer and flicker, the Snow Monkey opening her own perceptions to Fiona's Virtue-Gates. "Besides, I am curious..."
'''Fiona: ''' "Not much different than what is within anyone else...?"
She says, somewhat startled by the gaze, her arms protectively to her chest, the golden chains tingling. "I... think so, anyway?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Ah, not so... not so. All things that can feel differ greatly." Days scans slowly, beholding the four vivid, prismatic halos of light that only she can see emanating from Fiona's body. Those at sternum and stomach--Compassion and Conviction, Heart and Drive, glow vividly, quite strong in their own right. Those resting upon Fiona's head and in the general area of her groin are much dimmer, but still evident. Days' glance, as much as she would like to continue looking, does not linger. "... you are a thing of emotion. Of determination. I imagine you would be most devoted to that which you love."
'''Fiona: ''' She looks up at Days, still startled...
"I... am."
The white hair of a beautiful prince. The golden hair of a winged queen. The great blade of a just king. The purple eyes of a young boy.. the scars upon fire's flesh... so many things she has loved. She still wondered what she felt for the black wings, and the sheltering silver light...
"But that devotion was not enough. I have failed them, each and every time..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' The Child pauses, then takes a few fateful steps towards Fiona, until she's quite close. A quick crouch later, she beholds the young lady before her, expression intrigued. "... I can smell despair on you. Fear. A bit of pain. But I hope there is also determination there. Tell me, girl..." She reaches out, placing a finger to Fiona's chin, and for a moment she looks deathly serious about the moment.This close, Fiona can see herself perfectly in the Wyld Child's eyes.
"Are you going to surrender to the flow of fate, then? Or will you keep fighting? Keep trying?"
'''Fiona: ''' Fiona almost backs away... almost.
But she does not. She just stand there... listening...
Taking a moment to take all the words in.
"I will keep trying." She says finally. "I cannot give up, Days."
"I have failed them... I have been hurt by her... broken by her... but without me, Kanti is alone with Moon and Selina. Even though I could not foresee Rain, even though I could barely help the Heaven House girls... I have to keep trying."
"I ''have'' to!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Your heart is strong for one so young. That is not the Sun's power that I heard speaking."
Snow Monkey taps Fiona on the lips for a moment, then withdraws her hand; nonetheless, she remains crouched, looking at Fiona with a sort of respect. "No matter who you are, not matter what you seek, you must never give in. One can be hurt and heal. One can be broken and fixed. But to surrender is to die, and only the gods among gods return from that grave."
Another pause... and then the Child smiles, warmly. "While I am this close, I must say that you are a very beautiful woman... you bear yourself and your burden well, unlike certain women." She nods to the barrier not too far off, then chuckles deeply.
'''Fiona: ''' She smiles. An open, warm smile then.
"Thank you..."
"Thank you!"
"You know, you are ''nothing'' like Rain."
Her smile continues as she chuckles, holding Days' hand... "You know... only three days ago, I was broken... afraid... afraid of Mistress. I saw her when I closed my eyes. I was afraid of asking Moon and Selina about Alex on fear Kanti would hurt me like she did with Sarah... I was so afraid. So broken. Could only think of mistress..." She looks down, her voice wavering. As if she wished to punch something, to hurt something... "... Kanti took me out of that abyss. She helped me up... even though she can't help herself. I have to, Days. If I think of all she did to me... if I think of all that..."
"I need to keep walking..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Be wary of me still, Fiona. I am still fae, wild-thing, raksha. That will never change. I pray that I shan't do something too unsettling so long as I am alongside you and the others, but there is no telling what the future holds." Grinning nonetheless, Wyld Days gives Fiona's hand a light squeeze. "... still. You know the path. It is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other now. The only thing that will stop you is yourself."
There is a pause, and then Snow Monkey sits down on the bare ground, tail sweeping the ground and eyes shining with amusement. "Still, there is always time for a detour here and there. And I do so need a bit of information from you... regarding the other chosen here. What are their demeanors?"
'''Fiona: ''' She holds Days' hand, still smiling, happy.
Differently than Opal, or Moon, or even Kanti... this was so... free. Not stiff. Not hard. Not strange or awkward or sexual. It just... was.
"It is because you warn me like this, Days, that I know you are nothing like Rain."
She sits down on the ground too, not minding the dirt of the Industrial District on her. Dirt could never, ever, cling to her, in any event. "The others? Hmmm... Miss... I mean, the '''Dark Angel''' is... terrifying. Alluring. She is sexyness incarnate. It is hard to think straight around her... even though..." She lets go of Days' hand, to hold herself... "... she is terrifying. She scares me. She is a monster. She scares Kanti, too, even though she has us both. She is... not really sane, either, I think. She eats people... she seems to go so... strange, at times."
"I have seen what was probably the cause of it two days ago, but still. She scares me. As much as she makes me want her. As much as I feel safe with her... as she teaches me things... I don't even know wether I like her or not..."
She blinks, looking back at Days from a sort of reverie. "Errr... sorry. That made absolute no sense whatsoever, did it?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' ''This... Dark Angel. She sounds almost like Xia I know. Killers, lovers, beasts, passions. To hold someone both with lust and fear is a difficult thing... and that a mortal, even one probably tainted by darker forces, can do so is no small matter. Still... ''
"It made far more sense than you could ever know. Past experience is showing me that perhaps some madness exists freely here in the fixed world after all..." She offers a broad smile. "This Rain must have been a conniving little whore, how you speak of her. I would not put it past a faerie to be as such, but I imagine you and your allies had no idea in the first place."
''I do believe I enjoy your company, Fiona of the Sun. Your emotions are pure, sweet even in pain. And I will probably find the time and place to claim your body, but that can wait. For now, knowing the mind is enough. '' "Anything more you have to say?"
'''Fiona: ''' "It... is like that in the Wyld? Makes sense..."
"Like I said, your world is much like this one. Not... mine, but the one of Moon, Dark Angel, Kanti... ''that'' world."
"It is all interest, power and lust, Rain."
She realises her mistake, then blinks, noticing she confounded both topics... "Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! You are NOT Rain! And... oh, she was. The bitch turned the Heaven House in a Yozi temple. Almost drove the Dark Angel insane. And rattled us all for the undead, calling them on our heads... she almost made this revolution a stillborn."
Hatred burns in her eyes as she thinks so...
''I should have known... ''
''I should have realised that on the Heaven House! ''
Child of Wyld Days: She does not react at the misnaming, save for a flick of an ear. "Trust you me, I can feel your fury." It is absolutely tempting. "And it is most justified." ''So very tempting... "And that si indeed what one of the far can do if they are not dealt with. We are... troublemakers without peer." ... but you are both my ally and too strong for me to dare sup on your dreams directly. '' "But now, Fiona... you must clear your head."
Her arms reach out, and come to rest on Fiona's shoulders; Days' immense strength and fluidity becomes all the more evident, even in her silk-soft touch."There is the past, and the here-and-now. You must live now first, and remember the past when it is needed."
'''Fiona: ''' She holds Days' hand, but her amber eyes still seethe with hatred.
"I wish I could strangle Rain for placing the Heaven House girls... us... all of the Boil in trouble."
"I wish I could put Mistress... the Vestal... in chains, and watch her hurt"
"That is better than to try and remember Alex, Cedric, Millia, Carina... and Adrianna, Days. Much better, much easier." She sighs. "Anyway... who can I talk about next? Moon?" She says, half-heartedly.
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Mn..." For a moment, she ponders pressing the issue, but a pang of legitimate empathy shoves that aside. "If you so desire! And if it helps you calm your soul, so much the better."
Days waits patiently, tail flicking along lazily and posture slouched and at ease. "We have emough time to take things slowly, I suppose."
'''Fiona: ''' "Moon is... nice. Sometimes, he feels like he is... like me. Sometimes, he feels like he is like the Dark Angel. He did cut through Kiri, kill her like a monster... and yet, now... he is.... hard to describe, really. He is like a normal gang-boy from here, but seems like there is much more to him. And little of that is good."
"He... cares, however. For the Heaven House. For the Pack. For the Boil... for me and Kanti."
''I feel so safe around him. ''
"I wish he was like that all the time. He is like... an older brother, you know? Someone you know will be there to protect you, to care for you. Someone you can only look up to..."
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "I understand the concept of family, but I... do not have genuine experience to be able to properly agree. Still... I can understand protection ahd caring. I can understand having a better guiding you..." ''One is guiding me right now, if only loosely... '' "And it does not hurt to care for that which you fight for. In fact, there is strength in concern. Devotion. Love. These things are powers in and of themselves... I should know."
Days laughs heartily, squeezing Fiona's shoulders a little. "Ah... you may continue as you fsee fit, dear Sunchild..."
'''Fiona: ''' "No experience? How so? What is a Fair one's life like...?" She turns, losing the string of thought, more worried about the curiosity that takes her over now!
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "We are... made things, as you may or may not know. Some are made by other raksha, some are self-generated... of course, we can take shape like mortals, and we can even breed with them! But we naturally are made. Life... it is a battle. Imagine being thrust into a dangerous world full-grown, with only the memories of Creation to guide you and no experience of your own." Days smiles, just a bit. "It's quite scary, at first."
'''Fiona: ''' "That... seems very scary, yes..." She says, this time being her to hold Days' hand. "And where were you created. Days? And which memories did you have...? The person who created you... would that be your mother? Or are you self... generated?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Ah, there's quite a story in that!" She holds Fiona's hand between both of hers, grinning impishly. "The seeds of what made me started with a somewhat... careless Sunchild who took a liking to the Courts of the Fair. Information of her finding were leaked to the local lord, and he overran and slew her. I arose from her dying place a short while after and... memories? All that I have done upon being born, I know, but before that... I only know what Creation is willing to share with me. Thankfully, I have just the miracle for that."
'''Fiona: ''' "A... Solar? Like me?" She blinks... looking at Days incredulously... "How long ago was this, Days? Since you have shown up like that...?"
"So you are... her memories? The memories of that battle?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Oh, no. I am more... a ghost of her dreams to explore and understand. Only I look towards Creation, while she chose the Marches. And yes, a solar. It... has been quite some time. Approaching a decade, perhaps a bit more. Time is something of a blur to me sometimes." Days pauses, looking to Fiona. Her tail idly pats along the Solar's leg while she sits.
"Might I ask why you wanted to know?"
'''Fiona: ''' "I...."
"I don't know." She shakes her head. "It just reminded me of something.... "
She looks out in the distance, and tries to focus her attention on the here with anything, anything at all... and finds it. "Wait, wait... so you are... less than ten years old?!?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She nods, obviously amused. "A bit unusual, isn't it? Yes, I'm quite young for my kind... elders are usually hundreds of years old... those that remember the Crusade are even older. I'm... part of a new generation, I guess you could say. Some wish to see Creation boiled down into chaos. Me... I like it. It is barren, but enjoyable in places."
"It is odd to talk to someone younger timewise than yourself like this, isn't it?" Days' grin reaches its full, curled width, and she watches Fiona's expression closely.
'''Fiona: ''' "Yes, it is.... so, you were born of this Writ of Wyld Days, right? Is anything of it left?"
"You know, you seemed so puissant, so knowledgeable so..."
''naughty.. ''
"That I just can't see you as a child younger than even me!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Ah, the Writ! I have it stored away, but I cannot call it forth here... Creation bars my attempts to call my possessions, and I lack the tricks to break that rule. And... well, as I said, it is like being born fully-grown and with some basic knowledge in your head. And, if it pleases you, simply see me as I appear to you."
''That glimmer in your eye... I wonder what you were thinking about. '' "Should we return to my home, I will gladly show you the Writ."
'''Fiona: ''' "I would love that!" She says, finally getting up... needing to walk more. "Where is your home, anyway?"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' "Far to the North, close to the Court of Jet." She herself smoothly pops to her feet, looking down at Fiona. "It is a place of ice and beauty and mystery... and refuge, in a way. I imagine that if you all chose to come, safety would not be an issue." Her hand returns to Fiona's shoulder, and her smirk falls back into place as she... surreptiously looks Fiona over intently. "Getting there, however..."
'''Fiona: ''' "... would probably be ''fun''!"
She says, as she starts walking intently towards... somewhere.
"After facing deathknights and all this, Days, I bet that would be... fun!"
'''Child of Wyld Days: ''' She can only laugh loudly, and follows Fiona, all smiles.
"Fun... is one word for it!" ''Fun, indeed. But all things in time, Wyld Child... ''
''All things in time. ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/FourthMovement|Fourth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 21:30, 8 January 2006

Fair Exchange

Fiona: They had the eyes of all workers on them.

Of course, when a transcendently beautiful lady of Jade, a sexy monkey girl and a cutely submissive little Solar argue incomprehensible things with sexual undertones here and there, one can't help but think it a spetacle.

But the lady of Jade had to be a killjoy. She left, a barrier in her way, one even the puissant monkey-girl could not breach... and left, leaving an awkward silence between the Solar and the Raksha, in front of the Blacksmiths and at the shadow of the mighty Chains of Duty...

Fiona leans against a wall, thinking... and then turns to Days, "Oh... well. You really got into her nerves..."

She fights between curiosity and manners for an infinite moment, until biting her lip and deciding to ask finally... "Was it true, what she said of you?"

Child of Wyld Days: The Snow Monkey, still flexing her fingers, turns back to look at the much smaller Sunchild, a bit preplexed by her question. Another rolling flex of fingers, and her characteristic lazy grin settles into place, and her posture relaxes. "I'm good at that with some sorts, it seems. And... what specifically do you mean? Truth's a relative thing, but I might be able to give you an answer anyway..."

Any inroad is an inroad I'll take... and it might not hurt to have at least one person on my side, should things go poorly. "And seeing that you've been such a fair-minded person, I suppose I can answer you truthfully."

Fiona: The savant hops from the wall, beggining to walk away from the eyes... her dark green cape about her, touching one of the eye-like broochs of the cape as she walks.... and thinks how to word things. "The thing about feelings... about only feigning them when you have need for food."

"I have heard many contradictory things about your people..."

Child of Wyld Days: The Child purses her lips, and her tail pats against her thigh as she herself pauses to figure out how to answer that. For a moment, she simply thinks and rocks to and fro a little... before her ears perk and she 'ah!'s as it comes to her. That done, she crouches down, forearms on her knees and brass eyes shining dimly.

"We are beings of contradiction. Since... this fixed world, in and of itself, is contradiction. Those of us who take and borrow from Creation take what exists here and bends it to... extremes. Or perhaps into ideal forms? It can be either, both or none. I have seen fellow Fair who profess undying love... and it is often real! But love is more than just sex and walks in the forest... it is the pain, the joy, the hate, the passion... living and dying. We feel; some do put on false airs, yes. But those that are genuine are... I suppose you could say they are potentially more dangerous than any faerie liar. For there is the Wyld in their truth."

Fiona: She blinks, watching Days... trying to make sense of her words.
Trying to understand...
Even if understanding would make her mad. That is what she craves...

"And... you?" She says, her symbol gleaming on her forehead, her eyes taking a strange sheen of sapphire, emerald and glass as she turns, "You sound like you truly feel, Days. That makes you very dangerous, right?"

Child of Wyld Days: The Child of Wyld Days widens her smile.

It is the smile of a flushed lover, just finished with the romp of a thousand lifetimes.

It is the smile of a picky eater having just finished the perfect feast.

It is the smile of a wolf bearing down on a lost foal.

"I have to be dangerous, Fiona. I have to feel. I have to know what love tastes like, smells like. I have to know what sound broken bones and torn flesh make. I have to give prominence to my Graces, for they are the core of my self. If I am not dangerous, if I am not enticing, if I am not IMPORTANT..."

Snow Monkey relaxes her countenance. "... then, as raksha, I am doomed to be slain or worse."

Fiona: "So, it is... all about interesting, isn't it?"

"And danger..."

She sighs, "Your world seems to be the same one of those Exalted... I could survive just fine, before. Just gathering knowledge, just learning... but here, I am so outclassed. I have to be deadly."

"And I know I am not..."

She ends her own introspection, and sees the Child. Ice... Snow... no, Air. Air elemental essence. Four objects, or the signature of them, orbiting around her.... she is a mass of essence.

With terrible fanged maws.

Fiona blinks, closing her eyes for a moment... and returning her eyes to normal. "You are interesting Days... least to me!"

"And my, what big teeth you have in those two maws..."

Child of Wyld Days: She cannot help but try to figure out what Fiona alludes to, but as soon as it dawns to her she lets loose a hearty chuckle. "Now, now... it's not fair to peek behind the curtain without permission... but I suppose I could not stop you. And... no, no, Fiona. Creation, the life of you empowered mortals is far different from my home. I could explain in greater detail, but some secrets must remain. Some things I simply should not just blurt out."

The raksha pauses... then grins. "... now, however, it is only fair that I have a little peek within you as well." Her own brass eyes glimmer and flicker, the Snow Monkey opening her own perceptions to Fiona's Virtue-Gates. "Besides, I am curious..."

Fiona: "Not much different than what is within anyone else...?"

She says, somewhat startled by the gaze, her arms protectively to her chest, the golden chains tingling. "I... think so, anyway?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, not so... not so. All things that can feel differ greatly." Days scans slowly, beholding the four vivid, prismatic halos of light that only she can see emanating from Fiona's body. Those at sternum and stomach--Compassion and Conviction, Heart and Drive, glow vividly, quite strong in their own right. Those resting upon Fiona's head and in the general area of her groin are much dimmer, but still evident. Days' glance, as much as she would like to continue looking, does not linger. "... you are a thing of emotion. Of determination. I imagine you would be most devoted to that which you love."

Fiona: She looks up at Days, still startled...

"I... am."

The white hair of a beautiful prince. The golden hair of a winged queen. The great blade of a just king. The purple eyes of a young boy.. the scars upon fire's flesh... so many things she has loved. She still wondered what she felt for the black wings, and the sheltering silver light...

"But that devotion was not enough. I have failed them, each and every time..."

Child of Wyld Days: The Child pauses, then takes a few fateful steps towards Fiona, until she's quite close. A quick crouch later, she beholds the young lady before her, expression intrigued. "... I can smell despair on you. Fear. A bit of pain. But I hope there is also determination there. Tell me, girl..." She reaches out, placing a finger to Fiona's chin, and for a moment she looks deathly serious about the moment.This close, Fiona can see herself perfectly in the Wyld Child's eyes.

"Are you going to surrender to the flow of fate, then? Or will you keep fighting? Keep trying?"

Fiona: Fiona almost backs away... almost.

But she does not. She just stand there... listening...

Taking a moment to take all the words in.

"I will keep trying." She says finally. "I cannot give up, Days."

"I have failed them... I have been hurt by her... broken by her... but without me, Kanti is alone with Moon and Selina. Even though I could not foresee Rain, even though I could barely help the Heaven House girls... I have to keep trying."

"I have to!"

Child of Wyld Days: "Your heart is strong for one so young. That is not the Sun's power that I heard speaking."

Snow Monkey taps Fiona on the lips for a moment, then withdraws her hand; nonetheless, she remains crouched, looking at Fiona with a sort of respect. "No matter who you are, not matter what you seek, you must never give in. One can be hurt and heal. One can be broken and fixed. But to surrender is to die, and only the gods among gods return from that grave."

Another pause... and then the Child smiles, warmly. "While I am this close, I must say that you are a very beautiful woman... you bear yourself and your burden well, unlike certain women." She nods to the barrier not too far off, then chuckles deeply.

Fiona: She smiles. An open, warm smile then.

"Thank you..."

"Thank you!"

"You know, you are nothing like Rain."

Her smile continues as she chuckles, holding Days' hand... "You know... only three days ago, I was broken... afraid... afraid of Mistress. I saw her when I closed my eyes. I was afraid of asking Moon and Selina about Alex on fear Kanti would hurt me like she did with Sarah... I was so afraid. So broken. Could only think of mistress..." She looks down, her voice wavering. As if she wished to punch something, to hurt something... "... Kanti took me out of that abyss. She helped me up... even though she can't help herself. I have to, Days. If I think of all she did to me... if I think of all that..."

"I need to keep walking..."

Child of Wyld Days: "Be wary of me still, Fiona. I am still fae, wild-thing, raksha. That will never change. I pray that I shan't do something too unsettling so long as I am alongside you and the others, but there is no telling what the future holds." Grinning nonetheless, Wyld Days gives Fiona's hand a light squeeze. "... still. You know the path. It is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other now. The only thing that will stop you is yourself."

There is a pause, and then Snow Monkey sits down on the bare ground, tail sweeping the ground and eyes shining with amusement. "Still, there is always time for a detour here and there. And I do so need a bit of information from you... regarding the other chosen here. What are their demeanors?"

Fiona: She holds Days' hand, still smiling, happy.

Differently than Opal, or Moon, or even Kanti... this was so... free. Not stiff. Not hard. Not strange or awkward or sexual. It just... was.

"It is because you warn me like this, Days, that I know you are nothing like Rain."

She sits down on the ground too, not minding the dirt of the Industrial District on her. Dirt could never, ever, cling to her, in any event. "The others? Hmmm... Miss... I mean, the Dark Angel is... terrifying. Alluring. She is sexyness incarnate. It is hard to think straight around her... even though..." She lets go of Days' hand, to hold herself... "... she is terrifying. She scares me. She is a monster. She scares Kanti, too, even though she has us both. She is... not really sane, either, I think. She eats people... she seems to go so... strange, at times."

"I have seen what was probably the cause of it two days ago, but still. She scares me. As much as she makes me want her. As much as I feel safe with her... as she teaches me things... I don't even know wether I like her or not..."

She blinks, looking back at Days from a sort of reverie. "Errr... sorry. That made absolute no sense whatsoever, did it?"

Child of Wyld Days: This... Dark Angel. She sounds almost like Xia I know. Killers, lovers, beasts, passions. To hold someone both with lust and fear is a difficult thing... and that a mortal, even one probably tainted by darker forces, can do so is no small matter. Still...

"It made far more sense than you could ever know. Past experience is showing me that perhaps some madness exists freely here in the fixed world after all..." She offers a broad smile. "This Rain must have been a conniving little whore, how you speak of her. I would not put it past a faerie to be as such, but I imagine you and your allies had no idea in the first place."

I do believe I enjoy your company, Fiona of the Sun. Your emotions are pure, sweet even in pain. And I will probably find the time and place to claim your body, but that can wait. For now, knowing the mind is enough. "Anything more you have to say?"

Fiona: "It... is like that in the Wyld? Makes sense..."

"Like I said, your world is much like this one. Not... mine, but the one of Moon, Dark Angel, Kanti... that world."

"It is all interest, power and lust, Rain."

She realises her mistake, then blinks, noticing she confounded both topics... "Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! You are NOT Rain! And... oh, she was. The bitch turned the Heaven House in a Yozi temple. Almost drove the Dark Angel insane. And rattled us all for the undead, calling them on our heads... she almost made this revolution a stillborn."

Hatred burns in her eyes as she thinks so...

I should have known...

I should have realised that on the Heaven House!

Child of Wyld Days: She does not react at the misnaming, save for a flick of an ear. "Trust you me, I can feel your fury." It is absolutely tempting. "And it is most justified." So very tempting... "And that si indeed what one of the far can do if they are not dealt with. We are... troublemakers without peer." ... but you are both my ally and too strong for me to dare sup on your dreams directly. "But now, Fiona... you must clear your head."

Her arms reach out, and come to rest on Fiona's shoulders; Days' immense strength and fluidity becomes all the more evident, even in her silk-soft touch."There is the past, and the here-and-now. You must live now first, and remember the past when it is needed."

Fiona: She holds Days' hand, but her amber eyes still seethe with hatred.

"I wish I could strangle Rain for placing the Heaven House girls... us... all of the Boil in trouble."

"I wish I could put Mistress... the Vestal... in chains, and watch her hurt"

"That is better than to try and remember Alex, Cedric, Millia, Carina... and Adrianna, Days. Much better, much easier." She sighs. "Anyway... who can I talk about next? Moon?" She says, half-heartedly.

Child of Wyld Days: "Mn..." For a moment, she ponders pressing the issue, but a pang of legitimate empathy shoves that aside. "If you so desire! And if it helps you calm your soul, so much the better."

Days waits patiently, tail flicking along lazily and posture slouched and at ease. "We have emough time to take things slowly, I suppose."

Fiona: "Moon is... nice. Sometimes, he feels like he is... like me. Sometimes, he feels like he is like the Dark Angel. He did cut through Kiri, kill her like a monster... and yet, now... he is.... hard to describe, really. He is like a normal gang-boy from here, but seems like there is much more to him. And little of that is good."

"He... cares, however. For the Heaven House. For the Pack. For the Boil... for me and Kanti."

I feel so safe around him.

"I wish he was like that all the time. He is like... an older brother, you know? Someone you know will be there to protect you, to care for you. Someone you can only look up to..."

Child of Wyld Days: "I understand the concept of family, but I... do not have genuine experience to be able to properly agree. Still... I can understand protection ahd caring. I can understand having a better guiding you..." One is guiding me right now, if only loosely... "And it does not hurt to care for that which you fight for. In fact, there is strength in concern. Devotion. Love. These things are powers in and of themselves... I should know."

Days laughs heartily, squeezing Fiona's shoulders a little. "Ah... you may continue as you fsee fit, dear Sunchild..."

Fiona: "No experience? How so? What is a Fair one's life like...?" She turns, losing the string of thought, more worried about the curiosity that takes her over now!

Child of Wyld Days: "We are... made things, as you may or may not know. Some are made by other raksha, some are self-generated... of course, we can take shape like mortals, and we can even breed with them! But we naturally are made. Life... it is a battle. Imagine being thrust into a dangerous world full-grown, with only the memories of Creation to guide you and no experience of your own." Days smiles, just a bit. "It's quite scary, at first."

Fiona: "That... seems very scary, yes..." She says, this time being her to hold Days' hand. "And where were you created. Days? And which memories did you have...? The person who created you... would that be your mother? Or are you self... generated?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, there's quite a story in that!" She holds Fiona's hand between both of hers, grinning impishly. "The seeds of what made me started with a somewhat... careless Sunchild who took a liking to the Courts of the Fair. Information of her finding were leaked to the local lord, and he overran and slew her. I arose from her dying place a short while after and... memories? All that I have done upon being born, I know, but before that... I only know what Creation is willing to share with me. Thankfully, I have just the miracle for that."

Fiona: "A... Solar? Like me?" She blinks... looking at Days incredulously... "How long ago was this, Days? Since you have shown up like that...?"

"So you are... her memories? The memories of that battle?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Oh, no. I am more... a ghost of her dreams to explore and understand. Only I look towards Creation, while she chose the Marches. And yes, a solar. It... has been quite some time. Approaching a decade, perhaps a bit more. Time is something of a blur to me sometimes." Days pauses, looking to Fiona. Her tail idly pats along the Solar's leg while she sits.

"Might I ask why you wanted to know?"

Fiona: "I...."

"I don't know." She shakes her head. "It just reminded me of something.... "

She looks out in the distance, and tries to focus her attention on the here with anything, anything at all... and finds it. "Wait, wait... so you are... less than ten years old?!?"

Child of Wyld Days: She nods, obviously amused. "A bit unusual, isn't it? Yes, I'm quite young for my kind... elders are usually hundreds of years old... those that remember the Crusade are even older. I'm... part of a new generation, I guess you could say. Some wish to see Creation boiled down into chaos. Me... I like it. It is barren, but enjoyable in places."

"It is odd to talk to someone younger timewise than yourself like this, isn't it?" Days' grin reaches its full, curled width, and she watches Fiona's expression closely.

Fiona: "Yes, it is.... so, you were born of this Writ of Wyld Days, right? Is anything of it left?"

"You know, you seemed so puissant, so knowledgeable so..."


"That I just can't see you as a child younger than even me!"

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, the Writ! I have it stored away, but I cannot call it forth here... Creation bars my attempts to call my possessions, and I lack the tricks to break that rule. And... well, as I said, it is like being born fully-grown and with some basic knowledge in your head. And, if it pleases you, simply see me as I appear to you."

That glimmer in your eye... I wonder what you were thinking about. "Should we return to my home, I will gladly show you the Writ."

Fiona: "I would love that!" She says, finally getting up... needing to walk more. "Where is your home, anyway?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Far to the North, close to the Court of Jet." She herself smoothly pops to her feet, looking down at Fiona. "It is a place of ice and beauty and mystery... and refuge, in a way. I imagine that if you all chose to come, safety would not be an issue." Her hand returns to Fiona's shoulder, and her smirk falls back into place as she... surreptiously looks Fiona over intently. "Getting there, however..."

Fiona: "... would probably be fun!"

She says, as she starts walking intently towards... somewhere.

"After facing deathknights and all this, Days, I bet that would be... fun!"

Child of Wyld Days: She can only laugh loudly, and follows Fiona, all smiles.

"Fun... is one word for it!" Fun, indeed. But all things in time, Wyld Child...

All things in time.