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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SeventhMovement|Seventh Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Seneschal ==
Amber Post...
It had been quite a ride.
Going through poison, nightmares, meeting masters and pupils, old friends and old enemies on the way...
But now, it was finally over. They were into the fortress, and deSiri's men might give them some shelter.
Those loyal enough not to try and claim the bounty for themselves, of course.
In a dull stone hall, with Guild functionaires running up and down, the Angels meet one another again, flanked by apprentice and lieutenant...
'''Aghar: ''' The son of giants, quite a giant himself for human standards, steps into the room, his presence and strength seeming to fill it... and one could see how intimidating that man could be, or how that presence could become merry when he was to be happy and drunk(two things that always went together well with Aghar). He steps into the room with the Pale Angel over his shoulder, her belly over his shoulder, her head facing towards his back, one large hand over her back... she was tired, she was drained, and the Son of Giants would not take no for an answer. And so, she received the ''royal-class transport'' into Amber Post!
"'ey there! You!" He waves to the Dark Angel with his free hand... which holds his rather... ''large''... hammer. "Yeah, you with the swimsuit! Yer the Loudmouth Tarwing, 'rite?"
'''Vorpal: ''' "Oi, oi..." drifts Vorpal's dry voice up from behind him. The Pale Angel's prone form shifts a little - perhaps she just propped her elbow against Aghar's muscular back and rested her chin against the palm of her hand. "Don't call her that. She'll get miffed."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The what?" Selina asks without much bite to her voice. After everything that happened to her today, she is a bit drained. "Oh, right. That's why. Nevermind!"
'''Aghar: ''' "'rite, rite, 'the very pretty lady with looonnngggg hair and black wings?" He grins, a big one. "Seems to be ya!"
'''Vorpal: ''' The Dark Angel's lack of enthusiasm is... puzzling, Vorpal notes, fuzzily.
"Oi." One white hand rises over the giant's bull-neck and waves a lazy hello. "You've been having trouble, too?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "She fought ''me'', of course she had trouble!" Bronze Butterfly calls out, waving her scythe around. "But we made a deal. She's going to teach me now. I'm on your side!" She nods. The Dark Angel was very cold after she woke up, however... as if she had been hurt, so bad, on the inside...
* Ellena stays quiet, at the Dark Angel's side...
'''Vorpal: ''' "Eh?"
Vorpal frowns at the sound of the new voice. Finally she decides to muster enough energy to push herself upwards on her hands, far enough to crane over her shoulder and take a look at who else is in the room with them. "''You''? You had trouble with ''her'', Aine?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Um, some, yes." She lies. It wouldn't do to start an apprenticeship with humiliation of the apprentice, afterall. "Especially at the end."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Hm", Vorpal says mystically, a little uncertain whether she should believe them or not. Better not to ask, she finally decides.
"Well, meet Aghar, the Son of Giants", she states, slapping the man's powerful shoulder with her hand. "Formerly of the Pale Angel Brigade and a survivor of the Angel's End. We go a long way back."
'''Aghar: ''' "Pleased to meetcha." He bows deeply, setting Vorpal on the ground, finally.
"She told me to get out of the north, then chased me aaallll the way here after I spent ages to walk here, go past the river... ah, go figure, aye? Least I gots to be here when she needed."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Aye, I was missing the stench of your armpits", Vorpal responds sourly. "Now let me down already before I'm made the laughing stock of -- wait a second."
Pushing herself a little further up, she turns her head around, towards Aghar's blonde mane. "This reminds me. You've carried me like this before, haven't you? The siege of Everbridge, wasn't it? I always wondered if you carried me with my backside up front so that all the other soldiers could enjoy the view."
'''Aghar: ''' "Bah, You know you love 'um." He chuckles, scratching his beard at her question, nostalgia washing over him... "'Course I did. Gotta give the boys some fun, right? All that fire around, we were all burnin', might as well give 'um a last view of paradise before dey went!"
"Or you'd say it's hell? It is hot..."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Lemme down already." Vorpal slaps the giant's head with the back of her hand. Weaker men might be knocked down by the strike, but to the Son of Giants, it must be like an irritated bat of cat's paw.
'''Aghar: ''' And of course, he does so. "See? Heart of ice! No compassion for the poor guys...." He shakes his head as he bows down to place the Pale Angel on the ground.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Alot of the people Selina would have gone a long way back with were dead. But then, she supposes that it is not too much different with her counterpart.
"So you only found one? I found two."
'''Vorpal: ''' "With the size of three", Vorpal finishes, lifting a hand to knock Aghar's chest with her knuckles, much the same way as one could do with a tree trunk. "So I'm still ahead of you."
Taking a moment to smoothen her hair and clothing after her royal-class ride, the Pale Angel then plants her hands onto her hips and gives the Dark Angel's recruits her look-over. "You're not going to use these for the garrison-duty, are you?" It is a statement, not a question.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "''No. ''." Selina replies pointedly, shaking her head in a curt manner. "Iria is not going to get them."
'''Chibi-Iria: ''' *Pops in out of thin air* I wouldn't want them anyway. They're second hand and smell like patchouli oil. *Vanishes*
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Unfortunately for you, I am worth of ten!" A smug smile flashes her lips.
"You saw the Angel vouch for my skill!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sighs. "She is worth quite a few, yes."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''So they are for your personal harem then'', Vorpal nods to herself, only half-jokingly. "I see you two have much in common."
"And you?" she asks next, turning to Ellena. "How did you come by all this?"
'''Ellena: ''' "... I sold Aine off. We poisoned Aine. She bounced back."
"The Goddess protects her..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Pffft." Selina says, patting Elenna on the head lightly. "But I forgave you. Sullivan got what was coming to him, in any event."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal raises a weary eyebrow at that. "Sullivan? Who's that?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "A no-name, in my head now!" Selina says with a knowing nod. And he was in there...now. Someday perhaps she'd use him. "And what happened to '''you'''?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "Wow, the time while I was out was eventful..."
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal exchanges glances with Aghar before replying with a nonchalant shrug: "Just reminiscing about the past."
It must have been some tough nostalgizing. Although the Pale Angel is doing her best to act cocky and not show her weariness, she is rather worse for the wear. Her clothing is not quite straight, loose strands of her hair refuse to stay in place and faint dark circles have begun to make an appearance around her eyes. "Arriving to decisions about some important things as well. But enough about that. We should make the preparations for the tournament right away and then get some rest. We need to be fresh and ready when the rough and tumble begins!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, so we can defeat them, one after another, until they finally see the futility of opposing us." Selina replies sadly, having noted Vorpal's appearance. "Or in teams or whatever fool thing they decide to do."
Then she nods to Aghar. "What'll you do with him?"
'''Aghar: ''' "I'll do what I always did, girl. I protect the lady." He nods.
"Wether she wants to or not. Been awhile since I got to serve a commander worth her salt."
'''deSiri: ''' The captain walks into the room, Jalek in tow. "... you girls made quite a ruckus outside, you know. But you were good for the bets. Unfortunately, you made the odds against you lower! Couldn't you pretend to sweat a little more, my girls?" he winks.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I dunno." Selina says with some amount of skepticism, looking him over. "Can you do that now? Times've changed since back then." An echo of the hollow feeling that had played through her before ripples through Selina's gut. Oh, it had changed.
"I sweated against Butterfly." Selina replies with a shrug.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Well", Vorpal grunts after throwing Aghar a long and hard stare, "Since going against my direct orders to get the hell out of North isn't stopping you, I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you. Keep you close so that you'll stay alive. Commander's responsibility."
She is fairly certain that he isn't buying it. But she doesn't care, since this is how he's expecting her to behave in any case. Idly she wonders if he, too, is having that warm feeling deep down in his belly, the very same warmth that she is sensing even now.
"I don't know", she throws, a bit irritated at deSiri's timely intervention. "Charge money from people who want to come to watch or something."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' His voice is like glass breaking.
It is cold. Inhuman, almost.
"Oh. We will."
"After all, ''someone'' has to pay for this ruckus. Production is down. Offices ruined."
He walks into the room, and it is like iron fills the air. The man has something of the Hierophant in him - the stale is pale, cold. Filled with the cruelty, the screams and deaths he inflicts daily. His gray leather dress feels nothing if not like the cold of a blade.
"And I am told you are the ones responsible."
'''deSiri: ''' ''Arguin Cesta''
One of the most ruthless men in the Guild.
The reason deSiri was doing so well, as the man's paranoia and ruthless means more than tripled the output of mernaries in Amber Post. Militaricstic, merciless, and a gold mine for those like him who stay on his good side. And so, deSiri stood at his good side, as he took a step to the side... closer to Cesta, not to the Angels. He would help the Pale Angel, but his loyalty lied with the one who was paying exorbitant bills.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'll pay a fair price for this, you need not worry." Selina says in a confident tone, then she glares at the slave-lord. "Though honestly, I should not. Tell me, Cesta, is Amber Post not a place of business?"
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Cesta. ''
Vorpal folds her hand over her chest, taking her measurement of the man.
''He looks more like an Abyssal Exalted than many others I have known. ''
"Besides", she adds, "We are as responsible about this ruckus as a lone traveller on the road is responsible for a bandit attack."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' "I would hope you do, my dear. But the fair price does not take into account the extra profit lost from all the ruckus, does it?" He smiles. Why was his smile so much more frightening. "But of course, I believe you angels will be able to pay for it and... much more, no?"
"And yes, it is, dear Dark Angel. What of it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "The ruckus ''you'' could not prevent." She points an accusing finger at Cesta. "We came here to do business, and look at all the troubles we have run into. Or is it acceptable policy to let your customers suffer these kinds of attacks?"
She lowers the finger, still not smiling. "I hope that you are not also thinking of cashing in on our bounties, by the way. I would then have to raze this entire place to the ground as an object lesson -- it has been far too long since I have done one of those. And in so doing, probably create a shadowland of such potency that it would reach directly into the Labyrinth."
'''Vorpal: ''' ''Nice insinuation'', Vorpal decides in the background. ''The girl's beginning to learn. ''
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' "Why would I prevent you? If you are able to deal all you say you are, you would damn well better do it without getting into even ''more'' trouble, would you not?" He says, shaking his head, "Ah, the ever bolsterous Dark Angel. So you are all I have heard of you. In power and pride."
"But no, you rest assured. I have no desire to take sides in this."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "And conveniently, have to pay for any damages I am forced to make."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' "You can leave - you are not being forced, Dark Angel. I will not be in your way, either way."
"And as long as you pay... we can talk. After all, I believe we can be very lucrative to each other."
'''Vorpal: ''' "If this matter has been finished", Vorpal puts in, shifting her gaze from Cesta to deSiri and then back again. "Let us talk about business. I'm sure you already know what we need. A large space for the tournament, secure enough that we don't need to worry about sneak attacks overmuch. The profits you'll reap from people who come to watch the show should cover the renting costs."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' He watches the Pale Angel with a cold, pale stare, before slowly turning to deSiri... "... tournament?"
'''Vorpal: ''' Vorpal raises an eyebrow, feeling half-sorry for the captain.
''Tut tut. ''
'''deSiri: ''' ... and his gaze brings deSiri to attention. "Yes, sir! I agreed with the Pale Angel to set a tournament in the Post, sir! We believe it will keep the destruction to a minimum in a countained area and make for a great profit for us in Dreamstones and bets, sir!" He says in short order, his mind kicking into a lower-rank soldier mindset, even if Cesta is in no way a military authority. "I am sorry if this displeases you, my lord." He says, calmer now, able to use the proper title. "But I believed it would bring us much in profits, and pehaps even many as free slaves..."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' Arguin heard it all with the same pale eyes, the same cold stare.... and Vorpal can see he ponders every word. Carefully. Very, very carefully. And then he turns to the angels, and that cold, terrifying smile returns. "Oh yes. I do believe I will endorse this idea."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Hmm. That is good to know." Selina muses, then smirks a bit herself.
"I also have a matter to deal with here, but that will wait until after the tournament."
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' "Another matter...?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Like I said, it will have to wait until after." Selina says smoothly.
'''Vorpal: ''' "Oh. One more thing", the Pale Angel puts in, raising one finger and favoring Arguin Casta with a flint-hard gaze. "We'll have you detain the defeated bounty hunters for us, but you won't touch them without our permission. We can negotiate about which of them could be turned over to you later."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Yes, we can negotiate later." Selina adds, intending to give none. She is not going through all this trouble to give a slaver more warm bodies. Certainly not a king vulture as this.
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' He meets Vorpal's gaze evenly... and if it was a great effort, he hid it welll. "I see. I can agree with those terms, of course, Pale Angel. But I would be pleased if I could keep at least some as merchandise. Knowing the sort you will be up against, some might even be kept as personal merchandise."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Like I said, we'll negotiate about it then", Vorpal replies, nodding gravely. Something in the tone of her voice gives the words a trace of finality. She is finished with this conversation.
'''Arguin Cesta: ''' "Very well, then." He turns around, men moving with him as he moves to walk out...
"We will discuss the details of this... tournament... later, then."
And so, Vorpal's wish is granted - and the conversation is over.
'''Selina de Windia: '''"Well...that's that." Selina says to Vorpal, looking at the people they have collected. Then she looks to Bronze Butterfly. "It's probably a good thing you didn't wait till the tournament to fight me."
'''Aghar: ''' "... creepy guy. Lucky I didn't sign for Amber Post security."
'''Vorpal: ''' "More Abyssal than many Abyssals I have met", Vorpal admits, shaking her head, her eyes firmly on the doorway through which Arguin Cesta and his lackeys have gone.
Then she turns away, allowing a trace of her earlier weariness to return to her posture. The tip of her long blade scrapes the floor as she scans the long hallway they stand in. "Now, we will find a place to spend the time while Captain deSiri organizes everything. We will rest in shifts, with at least one of us on guard at all times. No sense to not be prepared in case more assassins want their heads to be severed."
She pauses, raising her gaze towards the ceiling.
"No, wait. Their heads to be clobbered. We want as many of them alive as possible. Must not forget that."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Ha, you forgot this time." Selina prods her verbally, then shrugs. "I'm not going to kill anymore. They're far more useful alive than dead."
"As for him...he's a vulture. We are eagles. He dives for the forest when we pass."
'''Vorpal: ''' "He's too used to dealing with Lions of the Snow", Vorpal replies as she pauses by a doorway and takes a peek in. The hallway they are in is an intersection between offices, so it is not very surprising that she finds little else than desks and file cabinets. "It is a shame that eagles do not leave carcasses behind, the way lions do."
She slaps the doorframe with a palm of her hand and turns to stomp away. "Bah. Where the hell are all the beds when you need them?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Bed, what?" Selina asks curiously. No curiosity for whether Vorpal was going to use it for what they did the night before evident in her tone, though. "That tired already?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "I can knock people out just fine," She nods. "I will just ask Ellena here to make me some narcotic...'
"Gotta hope you can pay their healing bills, of course."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Are you suggesting we should go sight-seeing then?" Vorpal asks from Selina wearily, looking over her cloak-clad shoulder. "Or sit on the cold floor? I'm feeling like lounging a bit."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Um, a couch would do just as fine." Then she looks at their new followers. "What about ''them''?"
'''Bronze Butterfly: ''' "What about me? Wherever you are going, ''I'm'' going! ... after some sleep."
'''Aghar: ''' "If ya wanna some time alone, jus' say so. Been itching for an excuse to hit the bar."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina squints at Elenna.
'''Ellena: ''' "... wha? I go where you tell me to."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Then Selina makes a belated realization.
"Fucking hell. Moon is going to want to sleep with both of them...and maybe that Deceiver too." She finishes darkly.
"And before you think it," She turns to Vorpal suddenly, as if to head her off. "I am '''not''' trailing them around like some little harem!"
'''Vorpal: ''' "It ''never'' even entered my mind", the Pale Angel responds with a voice that just ''might'' break a little from a withheld and sarcastic chuckle. "Go ahead, Aghar, but you'll have to bring me a bottle when you get back. Be careful. That goes to the rest of you as well."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I'm not that tired." Selina pouts. Well, she kind of was, but her troubles during the day had tired her out less than Vorpal's, it seems. "But I am hungry. And not for poisoned food, again."
'''Aghar: ''' "A'rite. Come on, ladies, let's leave the Angels to their own devices here..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Where will they know where to find us?" Selina wonders out loud. And wonders if she should get an answer out loud...but there are fewer would be bounty-claimers in this place than outside.
"Wouldn't do to wander all over the place for hours."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Simple", Vorpal answers. "They'll just head towards the greatest source of commotion. Angels tend to be awfully noisy when left to their own devices."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "How unflattering." Selina replies grumpily.
'''Vorpal: ''' "We bring it on ourselves."
=== A Little While Later... ===
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The room is not bare...but it is not too heavily furnished either. Obviously made so that the numerous clerks only take breaks in shifts, so someone is always managing some records, but Selina has negotiated with them to remain at their desks for the time being. Not for much...but that little bit is silver. There is but one window, and that window is cracked open a bit to allow the chill winter air to waft in enough to keep the atmosphere of the room from becoming stale.
Selina lounges on one couch on her back, one wing touching the floor, and the other going up over the back of the thing. Her greatcoat is on the other end of the couch, but her weapons remain belted and ready. Just in case.
"This is a horrible day." She says without much effort in her voice. "Bloody poison."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Tell me about it", Vorpal mumbles from her own couch. Completely wrapped up in her cloak, its hood pulled low so that only her white chin and mouth stick out from beneath black velvet, the Ghost-Blooded lies still like a corpse in her own funeral. The hilt of her black sword just over the backrest of the couch, easily within her hand's reach. "Perhaps we are getting too old for this?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "That's why I have an apprentice now. Soon she'll go and do all the dangerous stuff while I sit at home and read books and putter around in my garden." Selina says, not quite even half-serious, but still serious enough. She yawns, and then curls up on one side of the couch a bit. "I hope those snotty idiots get a kick out of watching old ladies fight."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Oh, they shall", Vorpal replies with a dead-pan and determined tone. "They shall enjoy it, or they shall cry and enjoy it. The two old curmudgeons like us won't let them hear the end of it if they don't."
There is a thoughtful pause.
"What would you grow in that garden?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina thinks for a moment, then comes to her decision, fairly easily. "Roses." She says, smirking a little. "The thorniest breeds I could find."
"Some of them might cry for other reasons."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Hmm?" She murmurs, drowsily. "There's something worse to cry about than our displeasure? I can't imagine it."
There is another pause.
"What colors?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Some people cry when they see lots of sexy things." Selina says with a bit of mystified, puzzled curiousity in her voice. Why they do it, she never figured out. "If we also hit them, they'd probably do it even harder, and not because we're hitting them."
"Red, blue, white, black, lots of colors!" Selina says with some animated-ness evident in her manner, despite the tiredness. "Just a few is kind of dull. Ow." She hugs herself, wishing those two hadn't poisoned her food.
'''Vorpal: ''' Although the Dark Angel likely has no chance to see it, Vorpal winces under her hood at the pained sound. "What?" she says to distract the other Abyssal's attention away from the paint and weariness, "Are you saying we should wear those lingeries in the tournament? How about some bunny-ears to go with them?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina coughs out a laugh, caught in the middle of breathing deeply. "Ah ha... Don't we already? Near enough? They may not be shiny and lacy and frilly, but they expose enough skin, and leave the rest outlined."
Then she looks at Vorpal. "You know, I never figured out why you dress like that."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Psychology", she sighs. "Beautiful and terrible, deadly and distant, dressed in an armor that would make a succubus blush. It is a lethal combination for some people, as you have seen by now." Drawing a deep breath, she shifts her position a little and rolls to rest on her side, her hooded face towards the Dark Angel's couch. "It's an old habit, really. I don't even think about it anymore."
"And what is the story behind your leotard?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "There's no great story." Selina says a bit too quickly, then thinks for a moment before continuing. "I guess you could say I wear it - for reasons other then vanity and my magic defense - because you do. And Valencia does."
'''Vorpal: ''' Now there's another thing where the legend often strays away from the truth. The Pale Angel never wore the leotard quite as much as the stories seem to claim she did. Unless there is plenty of magic involved, a leotard is actually a damnably inconvenient piece of clothing to wear. It does not warm you in winter nor does it protect you from incoming blows. On battlefield the Pale Angel wore armor just like everyone else.
Vorpal lets the matter lie, however.
"Have you ever regretted it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina grins toothily at her, wondering why Vorpal said nothing about that. But she doesn't ask for now. "No. They called me a slut and a whore and a fool, but I never did. I chose to do that, it was not a mistake."
"They can't crush my aspirations, afterall." She says smugly, coughing again.
'''Vorpal: ''' The Pale Angel lets out a small and wicked chuckle at that. "And what about in private? Never caught a cold with it? Never had it slip between your buttocks just at the wrong moment?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina colors just a bit at the last question, then shakes her head slowly. "No, when it does I fix that. And usually I don't get that exposed...it's why I have that coat afterall. And even before I was a sodding Chosen, Mela's blood flowed in me to an extent...cold doesn't bother me too much."
"I imagine you never need to worry about colds, though."
"But I'm curious..." She begins, not looking at Vorpal not, just the ground in front of the couch. "Does the fact that I look up to you surprise you? It affected how I worked with you alot..."
'''Chibi-Vorpy: ''' (("Flowed in me to an extent", she sez. Modest, modest, lady Breeding 5...))
'''Vorpal: ''' "I didn't expect it." Vorpal admits this honestly. "But I'm used to it. I've spent much of my life trampling over people who looked up to me either in love or hatred, remember? Now, the problem is that you are also an Exalted of the same standing who insists of being equal to me on all things. It was..."
She cuts short and opens her eyes in the darkness under her hood. She spends a moment searching for the correct words. "Both annoying and disarming. How am I supposed to react to that?"
'''Selina de Windia: '''Selina giggles, just a bit, at that last admission. So it was as she suspected, when she realized that she had been trying for that at last. "The way we...met, affected me. Without even really consciously realizing it, I attempted to get under your skin...it was a mix of admiration, desire, and that need to put you as off balance as you put me. I'm...sorry I did that, though." She finishes with some manner of unsteadiness in her voice. "I probably should have left you alone."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Hrmm."
It is difficult to say what to make of that particular reponse. It is a low sound, half-growl, half-snort. It does not seem to be a particularly pleased sound, but on the other hand, it does not seem to be an irritated one, either. Perhaps Vorpal makes it difficult to interpret because, just the way she admitted only a moment ago, she does not know how to react to Selina's words.
"Probably", she finally says with a shrug. "But then again, I'd probably still be a real bitch had you not tried to crawl under my skin all the time. I suppose..." She chuckles, lightly. "I suppose I also returned the favor, hmm?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I felt dismissed by you, sometimes. Like everything I was, had done, was nothing in your eyes..." She says, still not looking at the other woman. "So I guess you could say that. But it turned to something else soon enough."
"But I messed that up too, it seems." She says. "I hope he stopped with his self-indulgent whining, at least. I never had people back me up, like he does. Or people to tell me just how dark the shadow was."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Or people tell you how certain love triangles would never work the way they are?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "People never told him or me, it seems."
Selina pauses for a moment, then looks at Vorpal, gaze more serious now, along with her tone. "Our mistress must not get him. She must not."
'''Vorpal: '''"She won't."
She says it so easily, drops the words so calmly. It is an insult to the enormity of the task it implies, the impossible odds against which they will have to struggle.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "He will need to stand against her temptations by himself, in the end, though. Neither of us -- no one -- will be able to deflect her." She curls up tighter, thinking of being forced to wait through that. Thinking of the horrendous fury that would well up inside her at that.
"But perhaps he can, now. More because of you than me."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Because of us both, I think", Vorpal says, her words sounding strange as she is yawning while she speaks. "No matter how well you build a castle wall, it won't hold without a keystone. You provided him with that."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina looks at Vorpal strangely, regretfully. "I'm...sorry I did what I did, though I said that this morning. Despite whatever I may have done for the good of things, I should have asked you to do it, instead of doing it myself. It probably affected him to a degree as well..."
'''Vorpal: ''' "You are forgiven."
Lifting her hand from the folds of her cloak and taking a hold of her hood, she slides the velvet back far enough to reveal her eyes. The gaze she gives Selina is steady and serious. "Now before you get me wrong, listen to me. I am still angry with you. Fury wells within me whenever I think about it. I cannot help it. As a matter of fact, I won't help it. I have every right to be angry with what you did. But what is done is done and there is no point wondering what could have been. But this you already knew, didn't you?" She tilts her head, continuing: "Down there on the yard, when you and Bronze Butterfly crashed inside that office, I was reminded about some things by a kind stranger. I shouldn't have tried to reserve both of you as my own. The boy needs to see some other women as well. He needed to be taught by the best. I'm still angry with you, but this knowledge is a bit of cold water to douse the flame. We shall figure this out how to make this work once more."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina wasn't really expecting that. And now she wonders what exactly happened down there, while she was toying with Butterfly and angering her out of her wits. Her eyes are wide in surprise. "Oh...ok..." She says in a baffled tone, still regarding the other woman, but more in confusion now. "I guess it's odd to be fought over, isn't it? It always feels odd for me..."
'''Vorpal: ''' "Odd?"
She thinks about it for a breath or two.
"Odd. That's the word, yes. It does feel odd to be fought over. I'm not used to it." Vorpal shakes her head. When she speaks again, her voice is slightly louder, more authorative. "But you know what? As a career warrior, I can tell you this with certainty: the only way to make a fight end the way you want it is to take control of the battle. One way or another, we will figure out how to make it work."
As if to signal that she has said her final word about the matter, Vorpal pulls the hood back over her eyes and settles back into silence. Her lips, visible under her cloak, waver in a slight smile for a long while afterwards.
''Damn, that was a hard thing to do. ''
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SeventhMovement|Seventh Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 20:38, 4 March 2007


Amber Post...

It had been quite a ride.

Going through poison, nightmares, meeting masters and pupils, old friends and old enemies on the way...

But now, it was finally over. They were into the fortress, and deSiri's men might give them some shelter.

Those loyal enough not to try and claim the bounty for themselves, of course.

In a dull stone hall, with Guild functionaires running up and down, the Angels meet one another again, flanked by apprentice and lieutenant...

Aghar: The son of giants, quite a giant himself for human standards, steps into the room, his presence and strength seeming to fill it... and one could see how intimidating that man could be, or how that presence could become merry when he was to be happy and drunk(two things that always went together well with Aghar). He steps into the room with the Pale Angel over his shoulder, her belly over his shoulder, her head facing towards his back, one large hand over her back... she was tired, she was drained, and the Son of Giants would not take no for an answer. And so, she received the royal-class transport into Amber Post!

"'ey there! You!" He waves to the Dark Angel with his free hand... which holds his rather... large... hammer. "Yeah, you with the swimsuit! Yer the Loudmouth Tarwing, 'rite?"

Vorpal: "Oi, oi..." drifts Vorpal's dry voice up from behind him. The Pale Angel's prone form shifts a little - perhaps she just propped her elbow against Aghar's muscular back and rested her chin against the palm of her hand. "Don't call her that. She'll get miffed."

Selina de Windia: "The what?" Selina asks without much bite to her voice. After everything that happened to her today, she is a bit drained. "Oh, right. That's why. Nevermind!"

Aghar: "'rite, rite, 'the very pretty lady with looonnngggg hair and black wings?" He grins, a big one. "Seems to be ya!"

Vorpal: The Dark Angel's lack of enthusiasm is... puzzling, Vorpal notes, fuzzily.

"Oi." One white hand rises over the giant's bull-neck and waves a lazy hello. "You've been having trouble, too?"

Bronze Butterfly: "She fought me, of course she had trouble!" Bronze Butterfly calls out, waving her scythe around. "But we made a deal. She's going to teach me now. I'm on your side!" She nods. The Dark Angel was very cold after she woke up, however... as if she had been hurt, so bad, on the inside...

  • Ellena stays quiet, at the Dark Angel's side...

Vorpal: "Eh?"

Vorpal frowns at the sound of the new voice. Finally she decides to muster enough energy to push herself upwards on her hands, far enough to crane over her shoulder and take a look at who else is in the room with them. "You? You had trouble with her, Aine?"

Selina de Windia: "Um, some, yes." She lies. It wouldn't do to start an apprenticeship with humiliation of the apprentice, afterall. "Especially at the end."

Vorpal: "Hm", Vorpal says mystically, a little uncertain whether she should believe them or not. Better not to ask, she finally decides.

"Well, meet Aghar, the Son of Giants", she states, slapping the man's powerful shoulder with her hand. "Formerly of the Pale Angel Brigade and a survivor of the Angel's End. We go a long way back."

Aghar: "Pleased to meetcha." He bows deeply, setting Vorpal on the ground, finally.

"She told me to get out of the north, then chased me aaallll the way here after I spent ages to walk here, go past the river... ah, go figure, aye? Least I gots to be here when she needed."

Vorpal: "Aye, I was missing the stench of your armpits", Vorpal responds sourly. "Now let me down already before I'm made the laughing stock of -- wait a second."

Pushing herself a little further up, she turns her head around, towards Aghar's blonde mane. "This reminds me. You've carried me like this before, haven't you? The siege of Everbridge, wasn't it? I always wondered if you carried me with my backside up front so that all the other soldiers could enjoy the view."

Aghar: "Bah, You know you love 'um." He chuckles, scratching his beard at her question, nostalgia washing over him... "'Course I did. Gotta give the boys some fun, right? All that fire around, we were all burnin', might as well give 'um a last view of paradise before dey went!"

"Or you'd say it's hell? It is hot..."

Vorpal: "Lemme down already." Vorpal slaps the giant's head with the back of her hand. Weaker men might be knocked down by the strike, but to the Son of Giants, it must be like an irritated bat of cat's paw.

Aghar: And of course, he does so. "See? Heart of ice! No compassion for the poor guys...." He shakes his head as he bows down to place the Pale Angel on the ground.

Selina de Windia: Alot of the people Selina would have gone a long way back with were dead. But then, she supposes that it is not too much different with her counterpart.

"So you only found one? I found two."

Vorpal: "With the size of three", Vorpal finishes, lifting a hand to knock Aghar's chest with her knuckles, much the same way as one could do with a tree trunk. "So I'm still ahead of you."

Taking a moment to smoothen her hair and clothing after her royal-class ride, the Pale Angel then plants her hands onto her hips and gives the Dark Angel's recruits her look-over. "You're not going to use these for the garrison-duty, are you?" It is a statement, not a question.

Selina de Windia: "No. ." Selina replies pointedly, shaking her head in a curt manner. "Iria is not going to get them."

Chibi-Iria: *Pops in out of thin air* I wouldn't want them anyway. They're second hand and smell like patchouli oil. *Vanishes*

Bronze Butterfly: "Unfortunately for you, I am worth of ten!" A smug smile flashes her lips.

"You saw the Angel vouch for my skill!"

Selina de Windia: Selina sighs. "She is worth quite a few, yes."

Vorpal: So they are for your personal harem then, Vorpal nods to herself, only half-jokingly. "I see you two have much in common."

"And you?" she asks next, turning to Ellena. "How did you come by all this?"

Ellena: "... I sold Aine off. We poisoned Aine. She bounced back."

"The Goddess protects her..."

Selina de Windia: "Pffft." Selina says, patting Elenna on the head lightly. "But I forgave you. Sullivan got what was coming to him, in any event."

Vorpal: Vorpal raises a weary eyebrow at that. "Sullivan? Who's that?"

Selina de Windia: "A no-name, in my head now!" Selina says with a knowing nod. And he was in there...now. Someday perhaps she'd use him. "And what happened to you?"

Bronze Butterfly: "Wow, the time while I was out was eventful..."

Vorpal: Vorpal exchanges glances with Aghar before replying with a nonchalant shrug: "Just reminiscing about the past."

It must have been some tough nostalgizing. Although the Pale Angel is doing her best to act cocky and not show her weariness, she is rather worse for the wear. Her clothing is not quite straight, loose strands of her hair refuse to stay in place and faint dark circles have begun to make an appearance around her eyes. "Arriving to decisions about some important things as well. But enough about that. We should make the preparations for the tournament right away and then get some rest. We need to be fresh and ready when the rough and tumble begins!"

Selina de Windia: "Yes, so we can defeat them, one after another, until they finally see the futility of opposing us." Selina replies sadly, having noted Vorpal's appearance. "Or in teams or whatever fool thing they decide to do."

Then she nods to Aghar. "What'll you do with him?"

Aghar: "I'll do what I always did, girl. I protect the lady." He nods.

"Wether she wants to or not. Been awhile since I got to serve a commander worth her salt."

deSiri: The captain walks into the room, Jalek in tow. "... you girls made quite a ruckus outside, you know. But you were good for the bets. Unfortunately, you made the odds against you lower! Couldn't you pretend to sweat a little more, my girls?" he winks.

Selina de Windia: "I dunno." Selina says with some amount of skepticism, looking him over. "Can you do that now? Times've changed since back then." An echo of the hollow feeling that had played through her before ripples through Selina's gut. Oh, it had changed.

"I sweated against Butterfly." Selina replies with a shrug.

Vorpal: "Well", Vorpal grunts after throwing Aghar a long and hard stare, "Since going against my direct orders to get the hell out of North isn't stopping you, I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you. Keep you close so that you'll stay alive. Commander's responsibility."

She is fairly certain that he isn't buying it. But she doesn't care, since this is how he's expecting her to behave in any case. Idly she wonders if he, too, is having that warm feeling deep down in his belly, the very same warmth that she is sensing even now.

"I don't know", she throws, a bit irritated at deSiri's timely intervention. "Charge money from people who want to come to watch or something."

Arguin Cesta: His voice is like glass breaking.

It is cold. Inhuman, almost.

"Oh. We will."

"After all, someone has to pay for this ruckus. Production is down. Offices ruined."

He walks into the room, and it is like iron fills the air. The man has something of the Hierophant in him - the stale is pale, cold. Filled with the cruelty, the screams and deaths he inflicts daily. His gray leather dress feels nothing if not like the cold of a blade.

"And I am told you are the ones responsible."

deSiri: Arguin Cesta

One of the most ruthless men in the Guild.

The reason deSiri was doing so well, as the man's paranoia and ruthless means more than tripled the output of mernaries in Amber Post. Militaricstic, merciless, and a gold mine for those like him who stay on his good side. And so, deSiri stood at his good side, as he took a step to the side... closer to Cesta, not to the Angels. He would help the Pale Angel, but his loyalty lied with the one who was paying exorbitant bills.

Selina de Windia: "I'll pay a fair price for this, you need not worry." Selina says in a confident tone, then she glares at the slave-lord. "Though honestly, I should not. Tell me, Cesta, is Amber Post not a place of business?"

Vorpal: Cesta.

Vorpal folds her hand over her chest, taking her measurement of the man.

He looks more like an Abyssal Exalted than many others I have known.

"Besides", she adds, "We are as responsible about this ruckus as a lone traveller on the road is responsible for a bandit attack."

Arguin Cesta: "I would hope you do, my dear. But the fair price does not take into account the extra profit lost from all the ruckus, does it?" He smiles. Why was his smile so much more frightening. "But of course, I believe you angels will be able to pay for it and... much more, no?"

"And yes, it is, dear Dark Angel. What of it?"

Selina de Windia: "The ruckus you could not prevent." She points an accusing finger at Cesta. "We came here to do business, and look at all the troubles we have run into. Or is it acceptable policy to let your customers suffer these kinds of attacks?"

She lowers the finger, still not smiling. "I hope that you are not also thinking of cashing in on our bounties, by the way. I would then have to raze this entire place to the ground as an object lesson -- it has been far too long since I have done one of those. And in so doing, probably create a shadowland of such potency that it would reach directly into the Labyrinth."

Vorpal: Nice insinuation, Vorpal decides in the background. The girl's beginning to learn.

Arguin Cesta: "Why would I prevent you? If you are able to deal all you say you are, you would damn well better do it without getting into even more trouble, would you not?" He says, shaking his head, "Ah, the ever bolsterous Dark Angel. So you are all I have heard of you. In power and pride."

"But no, you rest assured. I have no desire to take sides in this."

Selina de Windia: "And conveniently, have to pay for any damages I am forced to make."

Arguin Cesta: "You can leave - you are not being forced, Dark Angel. I will not be in your way, either way."

"And as long as you pay... we can talk. After all, I believe we can be very lucrative to each other."

Vorpal: "If this matter has been finished", Vorpal puts in, shifting her gaze from Cesta to deSiri and then back again. "Let us talk about business. I'm sure you already know what we need. A large space for the tournament, secure enough that we don't need to worry about sneak attacks overmuch. The profits you'll reap from people who come to watch the show should cover the renting costs."

Arguin Cesta: He watches the Pale Angel with a cold, pale stare, before slowly turning to deSiri... "... tournament?"

Vorpal: Vorpal raises an eyebrow, feeling half-sorry for the captain.

Tut tut.

deSiri: ... and his gaze brings deSiri to attention. "Yes, sir! I agreed with the Pale Angel to set a tournament in the Post, sir! We believe it will keep the destruction to a minimum in a countained area and make for a great profit for us in Dreamstones and bets, sir!" He says in short order, his mind kicking into a lower-rank soldier mindset, even if Cesta is in no way a military authority. "I am sorry if this displeases you, my lord." He says, calmer now, able to use the proper title. "But I believed it would bring us much in profits, and pehaps even many as free slaves..."

Arguin Cesta: Arguin heard it all with the same pale eyes, the same cold stare.... and Vorpal can see he ponders every word. Carefully. Very, very carefully. And then he turns to the angels, and that cold, terrifying smile returns. "Oh yes. I do believe I will endorse this idea."

Selina de Windia: "Hmm. That is good to know." Selina muses, then smirks a bit herself.

"I also have a matter to deal with here, but that will wait until after the tournament."

Arguin Cesta: "Another matter...?"

Selina de Windia: "Like I said, it will have to wait until after." Selina says smoothly.

Vorpal: "Oh. One more thing", the Pale Angel puts in, raising one finger and favoring Arguin Casta with a flint-hard gaze. "We'll have you detain the defeated bounty hunters for us, but you won't touch them without our permission. We can negotiate about which of them could be turned over to you later."

Selina de Windia: "Yes, we can negotiate later." Selina adds, intending to give none. She is not going through all this trouble to give a slaver more warm bodies. Certainly not a king vulture as this.

Arguin Cesta: He meets Vorpal's gaze evenly... and if it was a great effort, he hid it welll. "I see. I can agree with those terms, of course, Pale Angel. But I would be pleased if I could keep at least some as merchandise. Knowing the sort you will be up against, some might even be kept as personal merchandise."

Vorpal: "Like I said, we'll negotiate about it then", Vorpal replies, nodding gravely. Something in the tone of her voice gives the words a trace of finality. She is finished with this conversation.

Arguin Cesta: "Very well, then." He turns around, men moving with him as he moves to walk out...

"We will discuss the details of this... tournament... later, then."

And so, Vorpal's wish is granted - and the conversation is over.

Selina de Windia: "Well...that's that." Selina says to Vorpal, looking at the people they have collected. Then she looks to Bronze Butterfly. "It's probably a good thing you didn't wait till the tournament to fight me."

Aghar: "... creepy guy. Lucky I didn't sign for Amber Post security."

Vorpal: "More Abyssal than many Abyssals I have met", Vorpal admits, shaking her head, her eyes firmly on the doorway through which Arguin Cesta and his lackeys have gone.

Then she turns away, allowing a trace of her earlier weariness to return to her posture. The tip of her long blade scrapes the floor as she scans the long hallway they stand in. "Now, we will find a place to spend the time while Captain deSiri organizes everything. We will rest in shifts, with at least one of us on guard at all times. No sense to not be prepared in case more assassins want their heads to be severed."

She pauses, raising her gaze towards the ceiling.

"No, wait. Their heads to be clobbered. We want as many of them alive as possible. Must not forget that."

Selina de Windia: "Ha, you forgot this time." Selina prods her verbally, then shrugs. "I'm not going to kill anymore. They're far more useful alive than dead."

"As for him...he's a vulture. We are eagles. He dives for the forest when we pass."

Vorpal: "He's too used to dealing with Lions of the Snow", Vorpal replies as she pauses by a doorway and takes a peek in. The hallway they are in is an intersection between offices, so it is not very surprising that she finds little else than desks and file cabinets. "It is a shame that eagles do not leave carcasses behind, the way lions do."

She slaps the doorframe with a palm of her hand and turns to stomp away. "Bah. Where the hell are all the beds when you need them?"

Selina de Windia: "Bed, what?" Selina asks curiously. No curiosity for whether Vorpal was going to use it for what they did the night before evident in her tone, though. "That tired already?"

Bronze Butterfly: "I can knock people out just fine," She nods. "I will just ask Ellena here to make me some narcotic...'

"Gotta hope you can pay their healing bills, of course."

Vorpal: "Are you suggesting we should go sight-seeing then?" Vorpal asks from Selina wearily, looking over her cloak-clad shoulder. "Or sit on the cold floor? I'm feeling like lounging a bit."

Selina de Windia: "Um, a couch would do just as fine." Then she looks at their new followers. "What about them?"

Bronze Butterfly: "What about me? Wherever you are going, I'm going! ... after some sleep."

Aghar: "If ya wanna some time alone, jus' say so. Been itching for an excuse to hit the bar."

Selina de Windia: Selina squints at Elenna.

Ellena: "... wha? I go where you tell me to."

Selina de Windia: Then Selina makes a belated realization.

"Fucking hell. Moon is going to want to sleep with both of them...and maybe that Deceiver too." She finishes darkly.

"And before you think it," She turns to Vorpal suddenly, as if to head her off. "I am not trailing them around like some little harem!"

Vorpal: "It never even entered my mind", the Pale Angel responds with a voice that just might break a little from a withheld and sarcastic chuckle. "Go ahead, Aghar, but you'll have to bring me a bottle when you get back. Be careful. That goes to the rest of you as well."

Selina de Windia: "I'm not that tired." Selina pouts. Well, she kind of was, but her troubles during the day had tired her out less than Vorpal's, it seems. "But I am hungry. And not for poisoned food, again."

Aghar: "A'rite. Come on, ladies, let's leave the Angels to their own devices here..."

Selina de Windia: "Where will they know where to find us?" Selina wonders out loud. And wonders if she should get an answer out loud...but there are fewer would be bounty-claimers in this place than outside.

"Wouldn't do to wander all over the place for hours."

Vorpal: "Simple", Vorpal answers. "They'll just head towards the greatest source of commotion. Angels tend to be awfully noisy when left to their own devices."

Selina de Windia: "How unflattering." Selina replies grumpily.

Vorpal: "We bring it on ourselves."

A Little While Later...

Selina de Windia: The room is not bare...but it is not too heavily furnished either. Obviously made so that the numerous clerks only take breaks in shifts, so someone is always managing some records, but Selina has negotiated with them to remain at their desks for the time being. Not for much...but that little bit is silver. There is but one window, and that window is cracked open a bit to allow the chill winter air to waft in enough to keep the atmosphere of the room from becoming stale.

Selina lounges on one couch on her back, one wing touching the floor, and the other going up over the back of the thing. Her greatcoat is on the other end of the couch, but her weapons remain belted and ready. Just in case.

"This is a horrible day." She says without much effort in her voice. "Bloody poison."

Vorpal: "Tell me about it", Vorpal mumbles from her own couch. Completely wrapped up in her cloak, its hood pulled low so that only her white chin and mouth stick out from beneath black velvet, the Ghost-Blooded lies still like a corpse in her own funeral. The hilt of her black sword just over the backrest of the couch, easily within her hand's reach. "Perhaps we are getting too old for this?"

Selina de Windia: "That's why I have an apprentice now. Soon she'll go and do all the dangerous stuff while I sit at home and read books and putter around in my garden." Selina says, not quite even half-serious, but still serious enough. She yawns, and then curls up on one side of the couch a bit. "I hope those snotty idiots get a kick out of watching old ladies fight."

Vorpal: "Oh, they shall", Vorpal replies with a dead-pan and determined tone. "They shall enjoy it, or they shall cry and enjoy it. The two old curmudgeons like us won't let them hear the end of it if they don't."

There is a thoughtful pause.

"What would you grow in that garden?"

Selina de Windia: Selina thinks for a moment, then comes to her decision, fairly easily. "Roses." She says, smirking a little. "The thorniest breeds I could find."

"Some of them might cry for other reasons."

Vorpal: "Hmm?" She murmurs, drowsily. "There's something worse to cry about than our displeasure? I can't imagine it."

There is another pause.

"What colors?"

Selina de Windia: "Some people cry when they see lots of sexy things." Selina says with a bit of mystified, puzzled curiousity in her voice. Why they do it, she never figured out. "If we also hit them, they'd probably do it even harder, and not because we're hitting them."

"Red, blue, white, black, lots of colors!" Selina says with some animated-ness evident in her manner, despite the tiredness. "Just a few is kind of dull. Ow." She hugs herself, wishing those two hadn't poisoned her food.

Vorpal: Although the Dark Angel likely has no chance to see it, Vorpal winces under her hood at the pained sound. "What?" she says to distract the other Abyssal's attention away from the paint and weariness, "Are you saying we should wear those lingeries in the tournament? How about some bunny-ears to go with them?"

Selina de Windia: Selina coughs out a laugh, caught in the middle of breathing deeply. "Ah ha... Don't we already? Near enough? They may not be shiny and lacy and frilly, but they expose enough skin, and leave the rest outlined."

Then she looks at Vorpal. "You know, I never figured out why you dress like that."

Vorpal: "Psychology", she sighs. "Beautiful and terrible, deadly and distant, dressed in an armor that would make a succubus blush. It is a lethal combination for some people, as you have seen by now." Drawing a deep breath, she shifts her position a little and rolls to rest on her side, her hooded face towards the Dark Angel's couch. "It's an old habit, really. I don't even think about it anymore."

"And what is the story behind your leotard?"

Selina de Windia: "There's no great story." Selina says a bit too quickly, then thinks for a moment before continuing. "I guess you could say I wear it - for reasons other then vanity and my magic defense - because you do. And Valencia does."

Vorpal: Now there's another thing where the legend often strays away from the truth. The Pale Angel never wore the leotard quite as much as the stories seem to claim she did. Unless there is plenty of magic involved, a leotard is actually a damnably inconvenient piece of clothing to wear. It does not warm you in winter nor does it protect you from incoming blows. On battlefield the Pale Angel wore armor just like everyone else.

Vorpal lets the matter lie, however.

"Have you ever regretted it?"

Selina de Windia: Selina grins toothily at her, wondering why Vorpal said nothing about that. But she doesn't ask for now. "No. They called me a slut and a whore and a fool, but I never did. I chose to do that, it was not a mistake."

"They can't crush my aspirations, afterall." She says smugly, coughing again.

Vorpal: The Pale Angel lets out a small and wicked chuckle at that. "And what about in private? Never caught a cold with it? Never had it slip between your buttocks just at the wrong moment?"

Selina de Windia: Selina colors just a bit at the last question, then shakes her head slowly. "No, when it does I fix that. And usually I don't get that exposed...it's why I have that coat afterall. And even before I was a sodding Chosen, Mela's blood flowed in me to an extent...cold doesn't bother me too much."

"I imagine you never need to worry about colds, though."

"But I'm curious..." She begins, not looking at Vorpal not, just the ground in front of the couch. "Does the fact that I look up to you surprise you? It affected how I worked with you alot..."

Chibi-Vorpy: (("Flowed in me to an extent", she sez. Modest, modest, lady Breeding 5...))

Vorpal: "I didn't expect it." Vorpal admits this honestly. "But I'm used to it. I've spent much of my life trampling over people who looked up to me either in love or hatred, remember? Now, the problem is that you are also an Exalted of the same standing who insists of being equal to me on all things. It was..."

She cuts short and opens her eyes in the darkness under her hood. She spends a moment searching for the correct words. "Both annoying and disarming. How am I supposed to react to that?"

Selina de Windia: Selina giggles, just a bit, at that last admission. So it was as she suspected, when she realized that she had been trying for that at last. "The way we...met, affected me. Without even really consciously realizing it, I attempted to get under your skin...it was a mix of admiration, desire, and that need to put you as off balance as you put me. I'm...sorry I did that, though." She finishes with some manner of unsteadiness in her voice. "I probably should have left you alone."

Vorpal: "Hrmm."

It is difficult to say what to make of that particular reponse. It is a low sound, half-growl, half-snort. It does not seem to be a particularly pleased sound, but on the other hand, it does not seem to be an irritated one, either. Perhaps Vorpal makes it difficult to interpret because, just the way she admitted only a moment ago, she does not know how to react to Selina's words.

"Probably", she finally says with a shrug. "But then again, I'd probably still be a real bitch had you not tried to crawl under my skin all the time. I suppose..." She chuckles, lightly. "I suppose I also returned the favor, hmm?"

Selina de Windia: "I felt dismissed by you, sometimes. Like everything I was, had done, was nothing in your eyes..." She says, still not looking at the other woman. "So I guess you could say that. But it turned to something else soon enough."

"But I messed that up too, it seems." She says. "I hope he stopped with his self-indulgent whining, at least. I never had people back me up, like he does. Or people to tell me just how dark the shadow was."

Vorpal: "Or people tell you how certain love triangles would never work the way they are?"

Selina de Windia: "People never told him or me, it seems."

Selina pauses for a moment, then looks at Vorpal, gaze more serious now, along with her tone. "Our mistress must not get him. She must not."

Vorpal: "She won't."

She says it so easily, drops the words so calmly. It is an insult to the enormity of the task it implies, the impossible odds against which they will have to struggle.

Selina de Windia: "He will need to stand against her temptations by himself, in the end, though. Neither of us -- no one -- will be able to deflect her." She curls up tighter, thinking of being forced to wait through that. Thinking of the horrendous fury that would well up inside her at that.

"But perhaps he can, now. More because of you than me."

Vorpal: "Because of us both, I think", Vorpal says, her words sounding strange as she is yawning while she speaks. "No matter how well you build a castle wall, it won't hold without a keystone. You provided him with that."

Selina de Windia: Selina looks at Vorpal strangely, regretfully. "I'm...sorry I did what I did, though I said that this morning. Despite whatever I may have done for the good of things, I should have asked you to do it, instead of doing it myself. It probably affected him to a degree as well..."

Vorpal: "You are forgiven."

Lifting her hand from the folds of her cloak and taking a hold of her hood, she slides the velvet back far enough to reveal her eyes. The gaze she gives Selina is steady and serious. "Now before you get me wrong, listen to me. I am still angry with you. Fury wells within me whenever I think about it. I cannot help it. As a matter of fact, I won't help it. I have every right to be angry with what you did. But what is done is done and there is no point wondering what could have been. But this you already knew, didn't you?" She tilts her head, continuing: "Down there on the yard, when you and Bronze Butterfly crashed inside that office, I was reminded about some things by a kind stranger. I shouldn't have tried to reserve both of you as my own. The boy needs to see some other women as well. He needed to be taught by the best. I'm still angry with you, but this knowledge is a bit of cold water to douse the flame. We shall figure this out how to make this work once more."

Selina de Windia: Selina wasn't really expecting that. And now she wonders what exactly happened down there, while she was toying with Butterfly and angering her out of her wits. Her eyes are wide in surprise. "Oh...ok..." She says in a baffled tone, still regarding the other woman, but more in confusion now. "I guess it's odd to be fought over, isn't it? It always feels odd for me..."

Vorpal: "Odd?"

She thinks about it for a breath or two.

"Odd. That's the word, yes. It does feel odd to be fought over. I'm not used to it." Vorpal shakes her head. When she speaks again, her voice is slightly louder, more authorative. "But you know what? As a career warrior, I can tell you this with certainty: the only way to make a fight end the way you want it is to take control of the battle. One way or another, we will figure out how to make it work."

As if to signal that she has said her final word about the matter, Vorpal pulls the hood back over her eyes and settles back into silence. Her lips, visible under her cloak, waver in a slight smile for a long while afterwards.

Damn, that was a hard thing to do.