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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Truth or Dare ==
<b>Cael: </b> Cael is standing outside the Zephyr when Alexsei and Ryshassa approach the vessel. The ship is made of graceful lines of silver and blue, shimmering in the sunlight atop the mountain, the windows on the roof sparkling. It seems to radiate a sense of peace and tranquility, the open door next to Cael lit from within with a welcoming glow.
Next to him there is a tall woman. Her large eyes are quicksilver within beautifully-rounded pearls. Her lips, like glittering gems. Her body is pale like the fairiest, most sheltered child of the north, milky white. A generous body covered only in swirling paintings of silver, like sharp clouds in a windy day. She hovers a few inches off the ground.
"Welcome to my ship, Alexsei and Ryshassa Krauser. This is Calisara, the spirit of the Quicksilver Zephyr. Please, won't you come in?"
<b>Calisara: </b> "Well met, lord Alexsei,"
"Well met, lady Ryshassa!" She bows, as polite as one can be. "It will be an honor to have you aboard. It has been a long time since one such as you graced the Zephyr, Alexsei, I hope you feel safe inside!"
<b>Alexsei: </b> Stopping for a moment, Alexsei again observes the fascinating artifact from the First Age that is Cael's airship. <i>Such a magnificiently preserved remnant of the Age of Wonders... perfectly functionnal still. It is amazing to behold. </i>
Bowing politely to Cael and Calisara's invitation, he graces them with a friendly smile. "Many thanks to you, dear hosts. It's a pleasure to be allowed to go on board of this magnificient vessel... And I have no doubt I will feel as safe as can be, milady." He chuckles slightly, taking one more moment to observe the magnificient craft.
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa gazes appreciatively upon the elegant vessel. The sight of this veritable First Age wonder still fills her with a sense of awe and admiration. And... to a certain extent... remembrance. For the Caduceus indeed held memories of such craft, streamlined curves riding high on the wind, parting through the clouds above like a knife through silk...
To Calisara, she curtsies deeply, as she is the soul of the ship and more than worthy of such respect, in her eyes. She smiles widely, her stance relaxing at the spirit's easy, welcoming manner. "Thank you, I am sure we will feel most welcome, and secure." Her head dips again, towards Cael now, prompting him to lead them further inside.
<b>Cael: </b> Cael smiles and leads them inside, and through a corridoor, up a flight of stairs to the sunlounge on the upper deck. It's spread about with comfortable seats and cushions, with several glass cabinets about the room, filled mostly with currios, from all over creation, though mostly from the North and East. The many large and crystal clear windows have spectacular views of the snow-capped mountains.
"Please, take a seat." His gesture encompasses the whole room "I thought it best if we conversed somewhere comfortable for talking. If you would like a drink, I'm sure Calisara would love to get it for you. While I can't offer everything, I do try to make sure I have a little of a great many things on board."
<b>Alexander: </b> The Prince comes in, looking respledent in a white cloth, given to him by Melody... his wings gone, but no less majestic because of it. He still looks like an angel, an appation of glory. Especially when he smiles. "Sorry if I am late! How did it the night go for you all? I had some nice talks with Melody and Falling Dusk... oh, and do not mind the wings, Mel gave me a silver piece that makes me retract them... will be useful, according to her."
He says, taking his seat, "Cal, can you get me some honeyed wine?"
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa sweeps inside after Cael and Calisara, alongside her husband, lifting the hems of her kimono as they proceed up the stairs. She has chosen, for this occasion, a light green kimono sprinkled with honeysuckle blossoms with petals arched like butterfly wings, fastened at the waist with an elaborately knotted sash of violet silk embroidered with a golden pattern of whirlpool-like whorls. Over that is layered her violet over-robe of belladonna and butterflies, the generous sleeves covering all but the tips of her slender fingers.
At Cael's direction, she settles herself down on a plush seat directly across from Alexander, arranging the folds of her robes so that she can recline comfortably. With hands folded neatly in her lap, she inclines her head graciously to Calisara. "Tea for me, please, if you would... with a bit of honey."
<b>Alexsei: </b> Smiling and bowing his head to Cael, Alexsei glances about the room, visibly impressed with the airship's design. "Thank you kindly, Cael, and you too, Calisara." He turns, bowing deeply to salute the young prince's arrival. "Good to see you, majesty. The night was somewhat... agitated, but I still managed to get a good amount of rest."
He adjusts his glasses, then takes a seat besides Ryshassa, smiling warmly at Calisara. "Tea for me also... If you do not mind."
<b>Calisara: </b> "But of course, my dear guests." She says with a flourish, "Tea, and honeyed wine. Anything for you, master Cael?"
So different from her when relaxed, she is now Calisara, servant and host of the Zephyr...
<b>Cael: </b> Cael settles himself on a seat of his own as his guests seat themselves about the room.
"Some wine for me please, dear." He smiles after her as she departs, and then turns back to the others.
<b>Alexsei: </b> He smiles softly at the gracious Calisara, his eyes momentarily shifting to the mountainous background visible through the airship's spacious windows. Concern creases his brow once more, and he places his right hand fingers on his right temples. trying to formulate the many thoughts in his mind.
"Well... I hope you will pardon me for being so... hasty, perhaps. But I believe we have much to discuss, and the matters at hand have are of utmost importance, if you choose to put weight in my understanding of the situation..." He presses his hands together against his mouth, gazing at the other people in the room.
"I hope you will not mind me commencing this by asking a couple question... You are free not to answer if you are not comfortable doing so. But I ask before it will help flesh out my understanding of things...”
”First, you majesty... Have you experienced the overflow of memories as soon as Exaltation has found you? Or has it started later on, perhaps after getting in touch with Ainerach? And as for you, Cael... might I ask, this... power of yours, writing in the air. Did you have this gift for a long time? And might I ask how you came to find it, also?"
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa gazes carefully at her husband as he speaks. With the unexpected arrival of the Lunar assailant, and the time spent afterwards to clean up the mess in his wake, she had had very little time to glean anything from what Alexsei had seen in his vision, herself. She imagines, though, that it had much less to do with her than the two sitting before them. After all -- what significance could <i>she</i> be to the others, isolated as she has been for so long?
<b>Alexander: </b> "I got in touch with Ainerach as soon as I Exalted, Alexsei...."
His hand goes for the blade, as it usually does. His pillar, his protection, his identity.
"I was taken by memories then. Buried in a rush of them. ISo many fragments, and I knew my body was moving, but it was not me. When I came to my senses, I had already burned the bodies, saved Fiona..."
"Since then, it has been every night, pretty much... and most times I meet someone like me..."
<b>Cael: </b> Cael nods his head towards the priest. He doesn't answer for a time before he starts to unbutton the sleave of his shirt. As he rolls it up his arm, there is a bracer of frozen sunlight, chased with Orichalcum. Below it, and continuing off up his arms and below his shirt, a complex scrollwork in Orichalcum is visible on his arms, tattooed into his skin.
"These tattooes appeared as I slept, the night after I piloted the Zephyr to my manse, scant few days after I Exalted. They are called the Empyrean Binds, though I still do not know how I know that, and it is they that let me write my words upon the air."
Cael does not mention, for the moment, the disturbing dreams of the winged woman inscribing the dreams on his soul.
<b>Alexsei: </b> He nods to the both of them, closing his eyes for a moment. <i>As I feared... They already have contact with their weapons, which is hastening the process... </i>
He turns to Ryshassa for a moment, plunging his eyes into hers before sending her a few thoughts... <i>Ryshassa... I fear for the future, and many a step are already taken towards the fullfilling of a great tragedy of the past - perhaps it is fate that we are here, like that great prophecy I once saw. As arbiters, perhaps, since our essence is not pulled by the memories of this past conflict. What I know is that I need you with me, Ryshassa... I have to have enough weigh that my words will be heard and believed, and I need your help to make sure this tragedy does not unfold again...</i>
Closing his eyes once more, he takes a deep breath. "Now. Has any of you heard the story of the great war that opposed the Solar emperor Fintan and Moranine, the Mother of Destruction?" He pauses, waiting to see if any of his words will trigger a flash of insight or a shard of rememberance.
<b>Alexander: </b> The words hit him... and in his face, there lies recognition... so much recognition....
"I know the names, yes! Whiteshield has legends about them... says Fintan used Ainerach on ancient times to destroy Moranine, a creature of darkne..."
He stops them. As if he knew what he was saying was not... fully right.
<b>Cael: </b> Cael's eyes flicker as his own memories hit him, another disquieting burst of the past...
<i>A dance of blades that defied the imagination and his ability to describe ...</i>
<i>That woman, the one with translucant wings ... they had been close, towards the begining of the end at least.</i>
<i>Vast armies, the extent of the battle only visible to him through some magic. Oynx warring with Gold. What side was I on?</i>
Beyond the blink though, there is no outward sign of the visions that hit. "I've had ...flashes ... vague memories of it. They do not make much sense. There is little context to vision, beyond that name, Moranine."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa watches closely as Cael rolls up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the bracer shimmering upon his arm, the golden tattoos inscribed into his skin. <i>Ainerach and the Empyrean Binds... each Chosen of the Sun with his own iconic artifact...</i> She, too, has the Caduceus, so recently fallen into her hands -- or perhaps, more accurately, returned to her ownership. The golden staff does not float, for now, but rests inclined beside her on her seat, its tip touching the floor. Without touching it, through her Essence-bound connection to its stored memories, she recalls a hint of the very same lore that her husband speaks of. Fintan and Moranine, the latter's descent into the secrets of Necromancy, the inevitable and disastrous clash of their weapons, forged respectively in light and darkness...
...but little more than that. What connection Alexsei has intuited between that event and the pair that sit before them now, she has no recollection of. She knows, however, that the blade Prince Alexander now bears is the very same one that Fintan had taken into his hands when he deigned to punish his former comrade for her darker deeds... a conflict that led to terrible and irrevocable destruction in the North.
As the long-buried memories of the Caduceus filter into her mind, Alexsei turns to her, locking eyes with her -- reassuring her of her place in this dance of ancient souls reborn anew. If not as participants, then as mediators, if must be, to prevent its otherwise inevitable conclusion. Her own eyes are resolute, all but the most minute traces of doubt and confusion banished, when she replies to him with thought of her own. I understand, beloved, is all she says, for now.
<i>But if Prince Alexander is Fintan... then who must Moranine be?</i> She continues to listen with interest as Alexsei continues to explain what she could not possibly know.
<b>Alexsei: </b> He nods at the Prince's intervention, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yes, you have a part of the tale there, majesty. But I fear the actual story is... a little more complicated than it seems."
He leans back in his seat, joining his hands together as he ponders how to continue. "Once, in the Glory of the First age, was a Circle that accomplished much for Creation - Fintan the Zenith, Sati the Dawn, Myria the Twilight, Bastian the Eclipse... Ofasiel the Silver Hawk, the No-Moon who was Myria's mate. "
"Along with her mate, Myria devised the Windians. Ofasiel gave them their wings, and she made them the beautiful magic creatures they are known as today. She was a resplendant woman, who crafted aurora borealis onto her own wings, six shards of light surrounding her..."
"She is the one that forged Ainerach, your Majesty. To combat a creation of the Malfeans such as no one had seen before. One that neither Ofasiel nor Sati could even scratch. Myria made the blade of Gold out of sunlight from the Northern Skies, a sword consecrated by the Unconquered Sun itself. It is the bane of the Underworld, my Prince. The weapon of Emperor Fintan..."
He gazes deeply into Alexander's eyes, his face a mask of seriousness. "The one you have inherited memories from, your Majesty."
<b>Alexander: </b> Alex listens, silent.
"The symbol of Twilight... a half-full circle..."
"The Dark Angel..."
"It was <i>her</i> who made Ainerach...?"
<b>Cael: </b> <i>Myria with six wings of light?</i>
<i>But Moranine....</i>
Cael looks over to the prince as he utters his words, his eyes widening just a fraction.
<i><b>She</b> was the one who wrapped the words around my soul?</i>
<b>Alexsei: </b> He pauses a moment before continuing. "Eventually... Myria started her slow but steady progression into darkness. As she was perhaps the greatest sorceress and crafter of her time... So, in time did she also become perhaps the greatest necromancer of her age - she brought necromancy to the world. She gave her name to the Malfeans... And became the one known in history as Moranine, the Lady of Eternal Night. The Mother of All Darkness."
"With the Help of the one known only as Ten Thousand Virtues, she gained much power, eventually forging the Blade of Onyx you saw both saw in your visions... A blade of pure Darkness, made of a part of her onw essence... And a Dead Primordial, contained in the blade. It's name is never spoken, but it is the counterpart of Ainerach in any way, the tool Moranine used to bring Darkness and Necromancy to the North, effectively breaking the Circle."
Alexsei rubs his temples, making sure all the information he is supplying comes out clearly. "This is when the war started. A war between former friends... And one that shook the North to its very core."
<b>Ryshassa:</b> Ryshassa nods gravely. "I do not know even half as much as my husband does of this subject, but I do know this. That war damaged the North in ways that are still felt today, in the very weave of the threads of fate that hold this region together. If those events are to repeat themselves, it could very well destroy all of the North for good, and cause repercussions felt throughout all of Creation."
<b>Alexander: </b> "The wyld, the underworld.... weakened fate indeed..." He says, listening... "What about this war? Do you know much of it? How did it end?"
<b>Cael: </b> Cael raises his eyebrows at that.
<i>Destroy the North for good?</i>
<i>Then it cannot be allowed to happen.</i>
"And yes, please do tell us more of the War, if you could."
<b>Alexsei: </b> Nodding to his wife, a faint smile tugs at Alexsei's lips. <i>So you know, then. I knew you would understand the repercussions, Belladonna... And why it must be prevented at all costs. </i>
"As for the reason of my asking where you ended up with your weapon, Cael... It has to do with your former self. I have reasons to believe that you have inherited soul of Bastian, the Circle's Eclipse."
"And if my deductions are true... The weapon, in its first age incarnation, was crafted by Bastian and Moranine... With knowledge taken from the Malfeans, and perhaps beyond, I am afraid. At its peak... The Binds of Heaven were held in the same regard as the Realm Defense Grid."
He pauses again, nodding gravely to the two men before gathering his thoughts on the war.
"Fintan decided to rise against Moranine. From what I can gather... The circle broke, each taking one of the sides, either Moranine's or Fintan. Ofasiel never strayed from Moranine's side, even after her... change. She was also joined by Bastian's wife, Tahira, and her main ally, Ten Thousand Virtues. Fintan was joined by Bastian and Sati... who died during this war, in service of her emperor, if my memory serves me well. Bastian killed Tahira, and eventually Fintan managed to put a stop to Moranine's advance, and he locked her away... He then became the Emperor figure most people know of from history, the ruler with an unswerving will."
<b>Alexander: </b> "I see... he locked her away? How? Where?"
"And... Ten Thousand Virtues? He is one like us? I do not remember the name... not on Whiteshield religion, nor anywhere else."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> <i>Yes... I do know, some of it. And only from what the Caduceus could show me.</i> Ryshassa squeezes her husband's hand gently as he pauses in his lecture, allowing Alexander and Cael some time to react to what he has imparted. But I only deduced a fraction of what you now speak of. And you absorbed all this in a mere instant? No wonder you reacted the way you did, before.
<i>And it IS a great deal of information to absorb, even for an outsider to such events. </i>Ryshassa's thoughts turn inward as she glances from the Prince to Cael in turn, her delicate features both solemn and pensive. <i>We Chosen... possess within us the potential to do great good or great harm to the world. We must strive to wield our powers responsibly, despite what the past might entice us to continue...</i>
<b>Calisara: </b> "Sorry about the delay!" She dances through the air, and yet, not a drop is spilled. She tip-toes on the ground, Quicksilver lines on her shimmering, her body being pleasing to the sight and her smile warming the air. The plate comes down on the table both fast and gently, carried by a hand that is almost a cloud to the ground, and tea and wine poured, one cup honeyed... She smiles at them in all in turn, then moves to Cael's back, listening to it with him. She seems surprised by Alexsei's words as she comes in... but not too surprised.
<b>Cael: </b> <i>Regarded as the Realm Defence Grid?</i>
It is only Cael's self control that prevents him from looking at his arms and the tattooes that cover them in something that resembles horrified amazement, but he does, accepting the news with merely a polite nod to Alexsei as he contines his brief summary of the War.
<i>... Tahira!</i>
<i>.... I killed her, then.</i>
<i>How many lives has she lived since then, I wonder?</i>
<i>She still seems to follow the ideas that lead me to ...kill her. Alone thoughm surely ... none can have survived since that Age ... can they?</i>
<i>She spoke of the powers gathering again though ...</i>
<i>Is there another group, beyond Alex, myself and the Dark Angel that gathers elsewere?</i>
"I have met Tahira recently, or who she became after she was reborn. ... She still believes in the same darkness, it seems." He lets a hint of regret fill his voice at this.
<i>I don't think I want to kill her again.</i>
He turns and brightens as Calisara sets the drinks down before them, waiting until the others have picked their drink up before he takes a sip of his own wine.
"Thank you, Calisara." he says, warmth on his voice, before he turns back to the others...
<b>Alexsei: </b> <i>Indeed, Ryshassa. Power corrupts, both the wielder and his entourage, in many cases... It is rare that those that find it use it to benefit interests of the masses rather than their own... But all is not lost, for there are those who will sacrifice much for the greater good...</i>
He turns his gaze to the Prince, nodding silently to his questions.
"Well, majesty... Moranine has been bound and locked away... Under what is now known as modern Windia. The process that Fintan used is still hazy, however."
"As for Ten Thousand Virtues..." He represses a shudder at the name, an instinctual reaction that was yet another part of the mystery he still had to figure out. "He... he is a Chosen, yes." <i>The test I conducted has proven to be what I suspected... The fact neither Cael nor the Prince seemed to recall anything at my mention of the existence of Chosen of the Maidens prove one thing... They do not remember him.</i> "An accursed one, however. He... he helped Moranine in her endeavour. He helped her to gain the Dark knowledge she acquired, and helped her forge the Onyx Blade. When Moranine was defeated by Fintan, he stayed with the Emperor for a while, in penitence for his actions... However, when the Solars reign was brought to an end, he went to the Malfeans' side, where he damaged Heaven in ways that can hardly be described."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Yes, thank you, Calisara," Ryshassa echoes earnestly, a smile briefly crossing her lips at the lovely spirit's exuberance. She takes up her own cup of steaming, honey-sweetened tea and drinks slowly, silently gauging Cael's reaction to Alexsei's latest revelation.
<i>Tahira, Bastian's wife. In a past life, Cael... slayed his own beloved?</i> An ache of sympathy grips her heart for a moment, though she can feel, from what little she has observed of Cael so far, that he would not have done so unless he truly believed it was for the best... for all concerned. <i>To be forced to oppose those you once loved...</i>
She, too, represses a shudder of her own. As the layers of mystery surrounding this Circle are slowly but surely unfurled, how many tragedies and betrayals would be revealed in their wake?
<b>Alexsei: </b> Smiling to Calisara as she brings his drink, Alexsei grabs the cup she extends to him. "Thank you kindly, lady Calisara."
Turning back to Cael, the Chosen of Ending's eyes fill with what seem to be some great sadness. "I am afraid I cannot say much about Tahira. She... is a mystery. During the First Age, she and Bastian traveled everywhere possible - Creation, the Wyld, The Underworld... They were explorers, as well as forgers of pacts. Together, they even created kingdoms, ruling as king and queen in strangers' lands..."
"She sided with Moranine during Her Crusade of Death. This is where Bastian apparently put an end to her. But... She is also still around. She is a harbinger of the Wyld and the Underworld in the elemental pole of Air... She has fought many times with Chosen, and has won many fights. But there are also many reports of her certain death. She is truly an enigma, Cael. No one knows for sure what she represents, or want."
<b>Alexander: </b> "Within.... Windia?"
"Moranine is within Windia. I did feel something amiss when I was there..."
<i>The Mother of Darkness forged my blade. And Cael's binds...</i>
<i>They were regarded like the... no... cannot be... </i>
"And this... Ten Thousand Virtues... if he has sided with the Underworld as well, does this mean the strike on Whiteshield has anything to do with him? Did he want to avenge on what Fintan has left? To kill the Holyswords, Whiteshield, and the blade that fell his Mistress?"
And then, of course... Tahira.
"She was also here a week or so ago. She hurt Anne, badly..."
<b>Alexsei: </b> "I am afraid I do not have the answers concerning Ten Thousand Virtue's exact intentions... I do not know what his goals are, or what he is after. But one thing can be supposed, however. If the Circle has reawakened, then it is safe to assume Myria has awaken again, also. And if so, he will most probably try to contact her... And help her to become Moranine once more. This... should be prevented, if at all possible..."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "Hurt Anne?" Despite her regrettable reaction to Anne's irritation earlier on, the last thing Ryshassa wants is for the girl to be harmed -- for anyone, Chosen or otherwise, to be harmed.
"She seemed otherwise fine when I examined her -- I am relieved she was sufficiently healed. Though if there is any other way I can aid either of you as a healer by profession, I urge you to let me know. I know it may seem a... meager contribution, in light of these new revelations, but whenever and wherever I can help, I would be glad to."
Once again her head dips briefly in respect, locks of fine, dark hair sweeping forward to momentarily obscure her pale cheeks.
<b>Alexander: </b> "Cedric..."
"There might be... my little brother, he was hurt by the ghosts in the siege... pieces of corpus going through his soul then. He has never woken up again. He is now safe with Domiel, a friend of mine... do you think you could try making him wake up?"
<b>Cael: </b> "I ...see, Alexsei. I did not imagine her so strange when I met her. But then I have met few Chosen of the Moon."
Cael allows a mixture of feelings to play across his face as Alex mentions the hurt to Anne. He would still have to ... talk with Tahira about that. When they next met. Assuming she would listen.
"She drank some ... most of her blood, so that she could appear for me in the bath. When she left ... Calisara found Anne ... Alex healed her."
<b>Alexsei:</b> Alexsei leans back in his seat, removing his glasses temporarily before replacing them on his nose. "I know this is a lot to accept, and much information to process at the moment... But, I am genuinely concerned as to the state of affairs, with the facts we know now... We do not intend to let the North be torn asunder, and if there is anything we can do to prevent it..."
<b>Ryshassa: </b> "That is truly grave news, Alexander," Ryshassa says soberly, straightening to meet his questioning gaze. "I can certainly try, and will do everything in my power to awaken him. Have we the time to visit him now, though? What of meeting with the Pale Angel?"
<i>This is a matter I would rather not put aside for long, though. The longer Prince Cedric remains in a coma... who knows how difficult it will be to pull him out...?</i>
To Alexsei's comments, she nods slowly, and murmurs, "We must have solidarity in our determination to prevent these events. I trust that all of us here who have heard the knowledge my husband has imparted trust that he speaks the truth, and are devoted to thwarting a potentially disastrous end for the North. Am I correct?"
<b>Alexander: </b> "I believe we have time, yes! He is not very far. Outskirts of Windia, really..."
"I think I know who Moranine is, though. And it might be too late, already."
"But first, we have to stop this. But we do have enough time to heal my brother - we have to. Each one of us that survives is a defiance to our enemy, I imagine."
<b>Alexsei:</b> "As long as we keep working against these tides against us, we stand a chance, majesty. And... knowledge is a very powerful weapon indeed, one that we now have on our side. Understanding the inner workings of this prophecy might grant us an edge in thwarting it... And perhaps, breaking this cycle once and for all."
Alexsei rubs his forehead, then smiles faintly at the others present in the room. "But it is true, we have much to do for now. And you have my whole suport in the coming days, Cael and Prince Alexander. We will help you fight against the dark days to come."
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 09:59, 12 August 2005

Truth or Dare

Cael: Cael is standing outside the Zephyr when Alexsei and Ryshassa approach the vessel. The ship is made of graceful lines of silver and blue, shimmering in the sunlight atop the mountain, the windows on the roof sparkling. It seems to radiate a sense of peace and tranquility, the open door next to Cael lit from within with a welcoming glow.

Next to him there is a tall woman. Her large eyes are quicksilver within beautifully-rounded pearls. Her lips, like glittering gems. Her body is pale like the fairiest, most sheltered child of the north, milky white. A generous body covered only in swirling paintings of silver, like sharp clouds in a windy day. She hovers a few inches off the ground.

"Welcome to my ship, Alexsei and Ryshassa Krauser. This is Calisara, the spirit of the Quicksilver Zephyr. Please, won't you come in?"

Calisara: "Well met, lord Alexsei,"

"Well met, lady Ryshassa!" She bows, as polite as one can be. "It will be an honor to have you aboard. It has been a long time since one such as you graced the Zephyr, Alexsei, I hope you feel safe inside!"

Alexsei: Stopping for a moment, Alexsei again observes the fascinating artifact from the First Age that is Cael's airship. Such a magnificiently preserved remnant of the Age of Wonders... perfectly functionnal still. It is amazing to behold.

Bowing politely to Cael and Calisara's invitation, he graces them with a friendly smile. "Many thanks to you, dear hosts. It's a pleasure to be allowed to go on board of this magnificient vessel... And I have no doubt I will feel as safe as can be, milady." He chuckles slightly, taking one more moment to observe the magnificient craft.

Ryshassa: Ryshassa gazes appreciatively upon the elegant vessel. The sight of this veritable First Age wonder still fills her with a sense of awe and admiration. And... to a certain extent... remembrance. For the Caduceus indeed held memories of such craft, streamlined curves riding high on the wind, parting through the clouds above like a knife through silk...

To Calisara, she curtsies deeply, as she is the soul of the ship and more than worthy of such respect, in her eyes. She smiles widely, her stance relaxing at the spirit's easy, welcoming manner. "Thank you, I am sure we will feel most welcome, and secure." Her head dips again, towards Cael now, prompting him to lead them further inside.

Cael: Cael smiles and leads them inside, and through a corridoor, up a flight of stairs to the sunlounge on the upper deck. It's spread about with comfortable seats and cushions, with several glass cabinets about the room, filled mostly with currios, from all over creation, though mostly from the North and East. The many large and crystal clear windows have spectacular views of the snow-capped mountains.

"Please, take a seat." His gesture encompasses the whole room "I thought it best if we conversed somewhere comfortable for talking. If you would like a drink, I'm sure Calisara would love to get it for you. While I can't offer everything, I do try to make sure I have a little of a great many things on board."

Alexander: The Prince comes in, looking respledent in a white cloth, given to him by Melody... his wings gone, but no less majestic because of it. He still looks like an angel, an appation of glory. Especially when he smiles. "Sorry if I am late! How did it the night go for you all? I had some nice talks with Melody and Falling Dusk... oh, and do not mind the wings, Mel gave me a silver piece that makes me retract them... will be useful, according to her."

He says, taking his seat, "Cal, can you get me some honeyed wine?"

Ryshassa: Ryshassa sweeps inside after Cael and Calisara, alongside her husband, lifting the hems of her kimono as they proceed up the stairs. She has chosen, for this occasion, a light green kimono sprinkled with honeysuckle blossoms with petals arched like butterfly wings, fastened at the waist with an elaborately knotted sash of violet silk embroidered with a golden pattern of whirlpool-like whorls. Over that is layered her violet over-robe of belladonna and butterflies, the generous sleeves covering all but the tips of her slender fingers.

At Cael's direction, she settles herself down on a plush seat directly across from Alexander, arranging the folds of her robes so that she can recline comfortably. With hands folded neatly in her lap, she inclines her head graciously to Calisara. "Tea for me, please, if you would... with a bit of honey."

Alexsei: Smiling and bowing his head to Cael, Alexsei glances about the room, visibly impressed with the airship's design. "Thank you kindly, Cael, and you too, Calisara." He turns, bowing deeply to salute the young prince's arrival. "Good to see you, majesty. The night was somewhat... agitated, but I still managed to get a good amount of rest."

He adjusts his glasses, then takes a seat besides Ryshassa, smiling warmly at Calisara. "Tea for me also... If you do not mind."

Calisara: "But of course, my dear guests." She says with a flourish, "Tea, and honeyed wine. Anything for you, master Cael?"

So different from her when relaxed, she is now Calisara, servant and host of the Zephyr...

Cael: Cael settles himself on a seat of his own as his guests seat themselves about the room.

"Some wine for me please, dear." He smiles after her as she departs, and then turns back to the others.

Alexsei: He smiles softly at the gracious Calisara, his eyes momentarily shifting to the mountainous background visible through the airship's spacious windows. Concern creases his brow once more, and he places his right hand fingers on his right temples. trying to formulate the many thoughts in his mind.

"Well... I hope you will pardon me for being so... hasty, perhaps. But I believe we have much to discuss, and the matters at hand have are of utmost importance, if you choose to put weight in my understanding of the situation..." He presses his hands together against his mouth, gazing at the other people in the room.

"I hope you will not mind me commencing this by asking a couple question... You are free not to answer if you are not comfortable doing so. But I ask before it will help flesh out my understanding of things...”

”First, you majesty... Have you experienced the overflow of memories as soon as Exaltation has found you? Or has it started later on, perhaps after getting in touch with Ainerach? And as for you, Cael... might I ask, this... power of yours, writing in the air. Did you have this gift for a long time? And might I ask how you came to find it, also?"

Ryshassa: Ryshassa gazes carefully at her husband as he speaks. With the unexpected arrival of the Lunar assailant, and the time spent afterwards to clean up the mess in his wake, she had had very little time to glean anything from what Alexsei had seen in his vision, herself. She imagines, though, that it had much less to do with her than the two sitting before them. After all -- what significance could she be to the others, isolated as she has been for so long?

Alexander: "I got in touch with Ainerach as soon as I Exalted, Alexsei...."

His hand goes for the blade, as it usually does. His pillar, his protection, his identity.

"I was taken by memories then. Buried in a rush of them. ISo many fragments, and I knew my body was moving, but it was not me. When I came to my senses, I had already burned the bodies, saved Fiona..."

"Since then, it has been every night, pretty much... and most times I meet someone like me..."

Cael: Cael nods his head towards the priest. He doesn't answer for a time before he starts to unbutton the sleave of his shirt. As he rolls it up his arm, there is a bracer of frozen sunlight, chased with Orichalcum. Below it, and continuing off up his arms and below his shirt, a complex scrollwork in Orichalcum is visible on his arms, tattooed into his skin.

"These tattooes appeared as I slept, the night after I piloted the Zephyr to my manse, scant few days after I Exalted. They are called the Empyrean Binds, though I still do not know how I know that, and it is they that let me write my words upon the air."

Cael does not mention, for the moment, the disturbing dreams of the winged woman inscribing the dreams on his soul.

Alexsei: He nods to the both of them, closing his eyes for a moment. As I feared... They already have contact with their weapons, which is hastening the process...

He turns to Ryshassa for a moment, plunging his eyes into hers before sending her a few thoughts... Ryshassa... I fear for the future, and many a step are already taken towards the fullfilling of a great tragedy of the past - perhaps it is fate that we are here, like that great prophecy I once saw. As arbiters, perhaps, since our essence is not pulled by the memories of this past conflict. What I know is that I need you with me, Ryshassa... I have to have enough weigh that my words will be heard and believed, and I need your help to make sure this tragedy does not unfold again...

Closing his eyes once more, he takes a deep breath. "Now. Has any of you heard the story of the great war that opposed the Solar emperor Fintan and Moranine, the Mother of Destruction?" He pauses, waiting to see if any of his words will trigger a flash of insight or a shard of rememberance.

Alexander: The words hit him... and in his face, there lies recognition... so much recognition....

"I know the names, yes! Whiteshield has legends about them... says Fintan used Ainerach on ancient times to destroy Moranine, a creature of darkne..."

He stops them. As if he knew what he was saying was not... fully right.

Cael: Cael's eyes flicker as his own memories hit him, another disquieting burst of the past...

A dance of blades that defied the imagination and his ability to describe ...

That woman, the one with translucant wings ... they had been close, towards the begining of the end at least.

Vast armies, the extent of the battle only visible to him through some magic. Oynx warring with Gold. What side was I on?

Beyond the blink though, there is no outward sign of the visions that hit. "I've had ...flashes ... vague memories of it. They do not make much sense. There is little context to vision, beyond that name, Moranine."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa watches closely as Cael rolls up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing the bracer shimmering upon his arm, the golden tattoos inscribed into his skin. Ainerach and the Empyrean Binds... each Chosen of the Sun with his own iconic artifact... She, too, has the Caduceus, so recently fallen into her hands -- or perhaps, more accurately, returned to her ownership. The golden staff does not float, for now, but rests inclined beside her on her seat, its tip touching the floor. Without touching it, through her Essence-bound connection to its stored memories, she recalls a hint of the very same lore that her husband speaks of. Fintan and Moranine, the latter's descent into the secrets of Necromancy, the inevitable and disastrous clash of their weapons, forged respectively in light and darkness...

...but little more than that. What connection Alexsei has intuited between that event and the pair that sit before them now, she has no recollection of. She knows, however, that the blade Prince Alexander now bears is the very same one that Fintan had taken into his hands when he deigned to punish his former comrade for her darker deeds... a conflict that led to terrible and irrevocable destruction in the North.

As the long-buried memories of the Caduceus filter into her mind, Alexsei turns to her, locking eyes with her -- reassuring her of her place in this dance of ancient souls reborn anew. If not as participants, then as mediators, if must be, to prevent its otherwise inevitable conclusion. Her own eyes are resolute, all but the most minute traces of doubt and confusion banished, when she replies to him with thought of her own. I understand, beloved, is all she says, for now.

But if Prince Alexander is Fintan... then who must Moranine be? She continues to listen with interest as Alexsei continues to explain what she could not possibly know.

Alexsei: He nods at the Prince's intervention, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yes, you have a part of the tale there, majesty. But I fear the actual story is... a little more complicated than it seems."

He leans back in his seat, joining his hands together as he ponders how to continue. "Once, in the Glory of the First age, was a Circle that accomplished much for Creation - Fintan the Zenith, Sati the Dawn, Myria the Twilight, Bastian the Eclipse... Ofasiel the Silver Hawk, the No-Moon who was Myria's mate. "

"Along with her mate, Myria devised the Windians. Ofasiel gave them their wings, and she made them the beautiful magic creatures they are known as today. She was a resplendant woman, who crafted aurora borealis onto her own wings, six shards of light surrounding her..."

"She is the one that forged Ainerach, your Majesty. To combat a creation of the Malfeans such as no one had seen before. One that neither Ofasiel nor Sati could even scratch. Myria made the blade of Gold out of sunlight from the Northern Skies, a sword consecrated by the Unconquered Sun itself. It is the bane of the Underworld, my Prince. The weapon of Emperor Fintan..."

He gazes deeply into Alexander's eyes, his face a mask of seriousness. "The one you have inherited memories from, your Majesty."

Alexander: Alex listens, silent.

"The symbol of Twilight... a half-full circle..."

"The Dark Angel..."

"It was her who made Ainerach...?"

Cael: Myria with six wings of light?

But Moranine....

Cael looks over to the prince as he utters his words, his eyes widening just a fraction.

She was the one who wrapped the words around my soul?

Alexsei: He pauses a moment before continuing. "Eventually... Myria started her slow but steady progression into darkness. As she was perhaps the greatest sorceress and crafter of her time... So, in time did she also become perhaps the greatest necromancer of her age - she brought necromancy to the world. She gave her name to the Malfeans... And became the one known in history as Moranine, the Lady of Eternal Night. The Mother of All Darkness."

"With the Help of the one known only as Ten Thousand Virtues, she gained much power, eventually forging the Blade of Onyx you saw both saw in your visions... A blade of pure Darkness, made of a part of her onw essence... And a Dead Primordial, contained in the blade. It's name is never spoken, but it is the counterpart of Ainerach in any way, the tool Moranine used to bring Darkness and Necromancy to the North, effectively breaking the Circle."

Alexsei rubs his temples, making sure all the information he is supplying comes out clearly. "This is when the war started. A war between former friends... And one that shook the North to its very core."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa nods gravely. "I do not know even half as much as my husband does of this subject, but I do know this. That war damaged the North in ways that are still felt today, in the very weave of the threads of fate that hold this region together. If those events are to repeat themselves, it could very well destroy all of the North for good, and cause repercussions felt throughout all of Creation."

Alexander: "The wyld, the underworld.... weakened fate indeed..." He says, listening... "What about this war? Do you know much of it? How did it end?"

Cael: Cael raises his eyebrows at that.

Destroy the North for good?

Then it cannot be allowed to happen.

"And yes, please do tell us more of the War, if you could."

Alexsei: Nodding to his wife, a faint smile tugs at Alexsei's lips. So you know, then. I knew you would understand the repercussions, Belladonna... And why it must be prevented at all costs.

"As for the reason of my asking where you ended up with your weapon, Cael... It has to do with your former self. I have reasons to believe that you have inherited soul of Bastian, the Circle's Eclipse."

"And if my deductions are true... The weapon, in its first age incarnation, was crafted by Bastian and Moranine... With knowledge taken from the Malfeans, and perhaps beyond, I am afraid. At its peak... The Binds of Heaven were held in the same regard as the Realm Defense Grid."

He pauses again, nodding gravely to the two men before gathering his thoughts on the war.

"Fintan decided to rise against Moranine. From what I can gather... The circle broke, each taking one of the sides, either Moranine's or Fintan. Ofasiel never strayed from Moranine's side, even after her... change. She was also joined by Bastian's wife, Tahira, and her main ally, Ten Thousand Virtues. Fintan was joined by Bastian and Sati... who died during this war, in service of her emperor, if my memory serves me well. Bastian killed Tahira, and eventually Fintan managed to put a stop to Moranine's advance, and he locked her away... He then became the Emperor figure most people know of from history, the ruler with an unswerving will."

Alexander: "I see... he locked her away? How? Where?"

"And... Ten Thousand Virtues? He is one like us? I do not remember the name... not on Whiteshield religion, nor anywhere else."

Ryshassa: Yes... I do know, some of it. And only from what the Caduceus could show me. Ryshassa squeezes her husband's hand gently as he pauses in his lecture, allowing Alexander and Cael some time to react to what he has imparted. But I only deduced a fraction of what you now speak of. And you absorbed all this in a mere instant? No wonder you reacted the way you did, before.

And it IS a great deal of information to absorb, even for an outsider to such events. Ryshassa's thoughts turn inward as she glances from the Prince to Cael in turn, her delicate features both solemn and pensive. We Chosen... possess within us the potential to do great good or great harm to the world. We must strive to wield our powers responsibly, despite what the past might entice us to continue...

Calisara: "Sorry about the delay!" She dances through the air, and yet, not a drop is spilled. She tip-toes on the ground, Quicksilver lines on her shimmering, her body being pleasing to the sight and her smile warming the air. The plate comes down on the table both fast and gently, carried by a hand that is almost a cloud to the ground, and tea and wine poured, one cup honeyed... She smiles at them in all in turn, then moves to Cael's back, listening to it with him. She seems surprised by Alexsei's words as she comes in... but not too surprised.

Cael: Regarded as the Realm Defence Grid?

It is only Cael's self control that prevents him from looking at his arms and the tattooes that cover them in something that resembles horrified amazement, but he does, accepting the news with merely a polite nod to Alexsei as he contines his brief summary of the War.

... Tahira!

.... I killed her, then.

How many lives has she lived since then, I wonder?

She still seems to follow the ideas that lead me to ...kill her. Alone thoughm surely ... none can have survived since that Age ... can they?

She spoke of the powers gathering again though ...

Is there another group, beyond Alex, myself and the Dark Angel that gathers elsewere?

"I have met Tahira recently, or who she became after she was reborn. ... She still believes in the same darkness, it seems." He lets a hint of regret fill his voice at this.

I don't think I want to kill her again.

He turns and brightens as Calisara sets the drinks down before them, waiting until the others have picked their drink up before he takes a sip of his own wine.

"Thank you, Calisara." he says, warmth on his voice, before he turns back to the others...

Alexsei: Indeed, Ryshassa. Power corrupts, both the wielder and his entourage, in many cases... It is rare that those that find it use it to benefit interests of the masses rather than their own... But all is not lost, for there are those who will sacrifice much for the greater good...

He turns his gaze to the Prince, nodding silently to his questions.

"Well, majesty... Moranine has been bound and locked away... Under what is now known as modern Windia. The process that Fintan used is still hazy, however."

"As for Ten Thousand Virtues..." He represses a shudder at the name, an instinctual reaction that was yet another part of the mystery he still had to figure out. "He... he is a Chosen, yes." The test I conducted has proven to be what I suspected... The fact neither Cael nor the Prince seemed to recall anything at my mention of the existence of Chosen of the Maidens prove one thing... They do not remember him. "An accursed one, however. He... he helped Moranine in her endeavour. He helped her to gain the Dark knowledge she acquired, and helped her forge the Onyx Blade. When Moranine was defeated by Fintan, he stayed with the Emperor for a while, in penitence for his actions... However, when the Solars reign was brought to an end, he went to the Malfeans' side, where he damaged Heaven in ways that can hardly be described."

Ryshassa: "Yes, thank you, Calisara," Ryshassa echoes earnestly, a smile briefly crossing her lips at the lovely spirit's exuberance. She takes up her own cup of steaming, honey-sweetened tea and drinks slowly, silently gauging Cael's reaction to Alexsei's latest revelation.

Tahira, Bastian's wife. In a past life, Cael... slayed his own beloved? An ache of sympathy grips her heart for a moment, though she can feel, from what little she has observed of Cael so far, that he would not have done so unless he truly believed it was for the best... for all concerned. To be forced to oppose those you once loved...

She, too, represses a shudder of her own. As the layers of mystery surrounding this Circle are slowly but surely unfurled, how many tragedies and betrayals would be revealed in their wake?

Alexsei: Smiling to Calisara as she brings his drink, Alexsei grabs the cup she extends to him. "Thank you kindly, lady Calisara."

Turning back to Cael, the Chosen of Ending's eyes fill with what seem to be some great sadness. "I am afraid I cannot say much about Tahira. She... is a mystery. During the First Age, she and Bastian traveled everywhere possible - Creation, the Wyld, The Underworld... They were explorers, as well as forgers of pacts. Together, they even created kingdoms, ruling as king and queen in strangers' lands..."

"She sided with Moranine during Her Crusade of Death. This is where Bastian apparently put an end to her. But... She is also still around. She is a harbinger of the Wyld and the Underworld in the elemental pole of Air... She has fought many times with Chosen, and has won many fights. But there are also many reports of her certain death. She is truly an enigma, Cael. No one knows for sure what she represents, or want."

Alexander: "Within.... Windia?"

"Moranine is within Windia. I did feel something amiss when I was there..."

The Mother of Darkness forged my blade. And Cael's binds...

They were regarded like the... no... cannot be...

"And this... Ten Thousand Virtues... if he has sided with the Underworld as well, does this mean the strike on Whiteshield has anything to do with him? Did he want to avenge on what Fintan has left? To kill the Holyswords, Whiteshield, and the blade that fell his Mistress?"

And then, of course... Tahira.

"She was also here a week or so ago. She hurt Anne, badly..."

Alexsei: "I am afraid I do not have the answers concerning Ten Thousand Virtue's exact intentions... I do not know what his goals are, or what he is after. But one thing can be supposed, however. If the Circle has reawakened, then it is safe to assume Myria has awaken again, also. And if so, he will most probably try to contact her... And help her to become Moranine once more. This... should be prevented, if at all possible..."

Ryshassa: "Hurt Anne?" Despite her regrettable reaction to Anne's irritation earlier on, the last thing Ryshassa wants is for the girl to be harmed -- for anyone, Chosen or otherwise, to be harmed.

"She seemed otherwise fine when I examined her -- I am relieved she was sufficiently healed. Though if there is any other way I can aid either of you as a healer by profession, I urge you to let me know. I know it may seem a... meager contribution, in light of these new revelations, but whenever and wherever I can help, I would be glad to."

Once again her head dips briefly in respect, locks of fine, dark hair sweeping forward to momentarily obscure her pale cheeks.

Alexander: "Cedric..."

"There might be... my little brother, he was hurt by the ghosts in the siege... pieces of corpus going through his soul then. He has never woken up again. He is now safe with Domiel, a friend of mine... do you think you could try making him wake up?"

Cael: "I ...see, Alexsei. I did not imagine her so strange when I met her. But then I have met few Chosen of the Moon."

Cael allows a mixture of feelings to play across his face as Alex mentions the hurt to Anne. He would still have to ... talk with Tahira about that. When they next met. Assuming she would listen.

"She drank some ... most of her blood, so that she could appear for me in the bath. When she left ... Calisara found Anne ... Alex healed her."

Alexsei: Alexsei leans back in his seat, removing his glasses temporarily before replacing them on his nose. "I know this is a lot to accept, and much information to process at the moment... But, I am genuinely concerned as to the state of affairs, with the facts we know now... We do not intend to let the North be torn asunder, and if there is anything we can do to prevent it..."

Ryshassa: "That is truly grave news, Alexander," Ryshassa says soberly, straightening to meet his questioning gaze. "I can certainly try, and will do everything in my power to awaken him. Have we the time to visit him now, though? What of meeting with the Pale Angel?"

This is a matter I would rather not put aside for long, though. The longer Prince Cedric remains in a coma... who knows how difficult it will be to pull him out...?

To Alexsei's comments, she nods slowly, and murmurs, "We must have solidarity in our determination to prevent these events. I trust that all of us here who have heard the knowledge my husband has imparted trust that he speaks the truth, and are devoted to thwarting a potentially disastrous end for the North. Am I correct?"

Alexander: "I believe we have time, yes! He is not very far. Outskirts of Windia, really..."

"I think I know who Moranine is, though. And it might be too late, already."

"But first, we have to stop this. But we do have enough time to heal my brother - we have to. Each one of us that survives is a defiance to our enemy, I imagine."

Alexsei: "As long as we keep working against these tides against us, we stand a chance, majesty. And... knowledge is a very powerful weapon indeed, one that we now have on our side. Understanding the inner workings of this prophecy might grant us an edge in thwarting it... And perhaps, breaking this cycle once and for all."

Alexsei rubs his forehead, then smiles faintly at the others present in the room. "But it is true, we have much to do for now. And you have my whole suport in the coming days, Cael and Prince Alexander. We will help you fight against the dark days to come."