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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Requiem to a Wild Soul ==
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> It had been easier last time. Getting in. Getting out. He still knew his city better than the Bishop's people could ever hope to, but they were getting better
Moon had passed the lump of silvery metal on to one of Iron Tear's servants, sending him on to take it to the pale lady, Opal, then asked another to take him to the girls. He was half-hoping they'd be in different places when he came back. There was a vibe around the three of them when they were together that made him nervous now. Same sort of feminine shit that turned up when they first met.
But he was out of luck when the little spirit bowed out of his way and left him at the chamber the three women had retreated to. Moon didn't intrude at first, standing quietly in the doorway and watching them do whatever the hell it was they were doing. His gaze flickered across each in turn until he settled on Selina, drawing up her form and watching her face. His lady kinda.
<b>Kanti:</b> Kanti reclines on some cushions in the room, a slightly dreamy, totally calm look on her face, watching her mistress and Fiona as they practice ... whatever it is that they are doing.
<b>Fiona:</b> Her hands trace the air... the symbols she knew already. The Old Realm unlocks Emerald Sorcery, charging her with power, making reality as clay. Now she could touch the strands of essence, and mold them. Mold them by sheer force of will, mold them like an essence sculpture into a configuration that would bring about the desired result.... a configuration she barely understood the formula of. Selina told her how, again and again, and yet... it required practice. her hands moved, and hshe begun to make it...
And then... not!
in an implosion in front of her, essence roaring, it vanishes... making snowflakes rain on the room. Fiona lets the air out as she realises she is still awake, and shakes her head. "Damn it. I almost had it this time, I swear!"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Her coat isn't on, right now. It lies on the cushions next to Kanti, who is currently making Selina wonder (or would, if she wasn't so busy) if the girl is addicted. She hoped not, it wouldn't be pleasant to go cold on something like that. With no side effects at all.
"Don't be frustrated." She says levelly. "Your touch must be firm and commanding, but not overreaching. You can kill yourself with this spell if you wrench it around too much -- the spikes could fly into your stomach instead of at your enemy."
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she notices Moon, and her head turns toward him. "Ah, done already?" She had sent her message, before showing Fiona how to work the current spell. Hopefully summoning would work better -- at the least, they were not trying demons.
<b>Fiona:</b> The image was not a pretty one. She nodded again, letting herself just a moment of indulgence to pick one of the snowflakes....
Wondering how it was made, how she could make one, how the conjuring had gone wrong for it. Who would know... that even warfare magic would be so fascinating!
And then... Moon comes back. She had been worried...
"Moon! So, did you get it? Was it ok out there?!?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah," he answered her after a moment. "Done already..."
So, what was it gonna be? In or out? Maybe just neither, same as always. Moon stayed in the doorway, watching. He stuffed a hand into his coat pocket and leaned heavily on the frame. Fished around inside his coat with the other until he pulled out the extra prize he'd taken on his trip out. The joint was rolled in age-yellowed paper and the scent of the leaf was painfully bitter even before he lit it.
"The old crazy says hello," he goes on conversationally, smiling a bit around the joint as he breathed in a harsh smoke. "Wants ya ta know that Tess's been pining for ya."
"You kiddin'?" he grinned at Fiona, gesturing with his hand. "It was easy darlin'. Garrisons a buncha fuck-wits if they're livin' or dead."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Great!", She breaks into a smile, "I have no idea what we would do if you vanished..."
She walks towards him, placing the snowflake on his hand, "Here, a gift from a screwup student!" She nods to Selina, "She... is teaching me to fight with what wek now. Sorcery."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Lazy in life, lazy in death." Selina demures, stepping away from the recent hail of snowflakes and moving up to Moon. Not slinking against him or anything, she could do that later. For now she was curious. About a few things. "What's that there? Some sort of missive from him?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "She is, huh?" he looked down at the snowflake and smiled. Probably the last gift anyone wanted in the north. As the grime on his hands started to darken the edges, he reached over and deposited it on the tip of Fiona's nose. "Maybe I oughta teach ya how ta bust someone's head open with'a pool cue later, then. Or a few ways ta make a guy ball up and cry. That's the kinda thing any girl should know."
He glanced up at Selina, then plucked the joint from his lips and dashed the first ashes off against the door. "Kinda more like a bill. Old fucker wasn't as easy ta talk inta helpin', this time." His eyes unfocused for a moment and his voice softened. "Had ta make a trade or two."
<b>Fiona:</b> "Hmmm.... I would like if the head was still whole, but the conscience was gone. Can you teach just this much?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina frowns at that, looking at the paper, blinking a bit, wings twitching. A bill. That didn't sound good. She didn't want to have to go and...piss him off again, or whatever it was she'd done. "What...kind of trade?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Moon stared through the haze of smoke at Selina, pondering. Hot words and flared tempers were easy to describe, but not what had just happened. "Work for parts." He finally said with a shrug, as if that explained it all. Breathing in the burning smoke again, he let it's numbing rot flow through his nerves. "He made the shit is what mattered."
After a moment, his eyes down at Fiona. He'd only been half serious with the offer, but she made it sound dire. Given what they were about to do, it might not be a bad idea anyway. Fuck knows if anyone would be around to keep an eye on the kid and she was better off if she could keep an eye on herself. "Bleedin's easier than brusin' hun. Better ta start off all out and learn ta hold back than the other way around... we'll see what we can do. Think ya got enough lessons ta worry about right now though, doncha?"
<b>Fiona:</b> "Right now, I do!"
"But I will hold you to that later!" She winks... and turns to Selina, "I... I am not interrupting anything, right?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Sometimes I wonder if he's some kind of necromancer." The Windian answers after a pause, wondering still what the document says. "So he wants 'parts'? His little helper seemed all hot on me once he found out I was part one thing and part another. They want pieces of people? He should know better."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Naw, he already got peices'a people darlin'." He chuckled back, rasping faintly. "Big fuckin' bloody chunks of 'um."
His hand twisted, offering out the smoldering twist of paper to her. Smoke buzzed in his blood faintly, his eyes hooded and simmering like the tip of the joint. "Don't matter none. Just shit ain't no one gonna miss, y'know? Lotta shit ta worry about right now, this ain't one of 'um."
As he waited to see if she'd take the joint, Moon tipped his head to the side against the door frame, looking over the Windian's shoulder at Kanti. He watched her, looking listless and twice as high as he was ever bound to get anymore, and sighed, clucking his tongue. "How's the kid doin'?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> She didn't smoke much -- it wasn't a habit she really needed, given how blood actually seemed attractive from time to time. That, and some things stained teeth. But she took it anyway, and inhaled a bit, deeply, before blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Right. Still curious though." She looks back to Kanti. "She's....ok. Yeah. Looks like she's high on something, though..."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona looked at them, curiously.... "How does that feel?"
She had never smoked. She hated the smell. Though that wasn't half as bad...
"And Kanti is fine... I... gave her something to relax. An anesthesiac I can make naturally out of essence... I can give you some if you wish, but it lasts for hours, not good when you have to do something... it feels like joy!"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Tch..." He half-laughed with a ghost of a grin. "Lucky thing..."
He lulled his head back to Selina and watched her inhale; her throat moving subtly and chest expanding outward. Beautiful to see a lady do that. Not even some of the Pack girls would take a toke that long
As the cloud of smoke began to drift out of her lips, he closed his eyes and leaned towards her. Almost inches from her face, he breathed back in the smoke almost as soon as it waft out of her. Prying open slowly, bloodshot eyes, red swirling through the normal silver, regarded her calmly but conernedly. "How about you? How you holdin' up?"
He glanced down at Fiona's question, then looked back at Selina. With a grin and a shrug, he tipped his head towards the young Solar. "Pass it along, darlin. Thats the rule, y'know?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Good, usually. Burns a bit." Selina shrugs at Fiona, then looks back to Moon, one wing moving up, as she holds out her hand for Fiona to try the stuff. She wouldn't normally offer a kid anything like this, but Fiona was a kid who knew sorcery. Power had its privledges. "I'm fine. At least I'm not in some sewer somewhere, sleeping in a crack or something, waiting for some patrol to find me."
<b>Fiona:</b> Fiona takes it up... looking at it for one long moment... trying to hold it on her fingers as if it was a cigarette, remembering how some people looked so... nice, with those on hands. "So, I just... inhale? And then hold?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Naw..." he shook his head at her answer. The look in his eyes were searching for something else. "Could say if you were anywhere. I mean, how you <i>really</i> doin'?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "How I feel?" Selina asks with some faint amusement. "You mean, given all the shit that's happened so far? Ok...or do you mean some of the problems that came up in the past few days?"
Past few days? Two weeks ago, roughly, Selina had still been in Windia. Part of her wanted to go back. It bothered her -- usually she avoided the city.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Moon shrugged and nodded at the same time, as if asking her to decide what he meant for him.
He'd still be pissed this morning. Pride bruised, lusts unsated, frustrated with the world even for the victory he had won in the halls of Kadel's home. Then he'd seen the sign and for a moment it hadn't mattered anymore. He'd left some of the most powerful figures in the Boil seated at a table with only a slamming door to tell them he was leaving. He scaled a wall ready to kill a god to get her out of there. Of course, then he had seen her and heard the real story and for a little while he let his pride speak for him again.
Seemed about time to stop being a ass about it
"Yeah" he agreed finally. "That shit."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "So that's what it is." Selina says more quietly, brow furrowing a bit as she looks at him. Looks him over. "I wasn't happy about it, no. But I can see why you weren't, now. That kind of thing happens." She shrugs and replies 'yes' to Fiona.
"You thought I was in danger?" A simple question, nothing more. No amusement.
<b>Fiona:</b> She does so then... feeling very awkward. It wasn't her place there... she inhales... holds... and then feels it. She coughs as she lets it out, sounding her age, the coughs so juvenile as she passes it up to Moon... then excuses herself to go practice more sorcery. "I... will be over there if you need... anything..." A little more coughs, and she turns her supernal awareness to see better. At least she felt more relaxed now... a slight tinge of lethargy.
But when she turns her sight on, she sees... and gasps.
She sees the hole in his soul. The gaping wound in his being. What... what happened to him...
...would be something she would bring up later. They needed to talk now.
And she needed to practice.
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah, but don't breath too deep your first toke," Moon agreed before Selina's question. "Fuck yourself silly that way. Hack a lung out..."
Moon never turned away from Selina's face even as he instructed Fiona. She hadn't been happy. Did it mean she'd been hurt or just pissed? Her expression made him think, maybe both. Fuck knows he knew the feeling.
"Said as much before, didn't I?" Back on the balcony, when he had been moments away from assaulting Iron Tears from behind. And even after hearing her voice, he was still ready to do just that until he had seen her. "Thought maybe he'd hurt ya bad couldn't think of anything else that might slow ya up."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "He didn't hurt me." She replies slowly, wondering what exactly to say. "I don't put up with that kind of shit anymore. But we know why that sign was there, aye? I shouldn't have let the faery follow me. Next time..."
"But that's something else. Besides that, just a bit of cabin fever, I guess."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> Moon nodded slowly.
"I'a killed him if he had." The answer he gave was as simple as the question she had asked him moments before. Not a passionate oath or even his typical male bravado. Just a statement, plan as simple fact.
"Kinda know the feeling fuckin' edged ta get shit started. Feel's like takin' a tumble and stoppin' when you're only half-in, y'know?" He lifted the joint Fiona had passed back to him and puffed on it thoughtfully for a moment. Suddenly, he leaned off the doorframe and pulled his hand from his pocket, reaching over and grabbing her hand, tugging gently. "C'mon for a bit"
Looking past her, he raised his voice as he waved to Fiona and Kanti. "You two too ain't fuckin' good ta be cooped up in this place all day."
*Fiona smiles at him, and eyes him.... looking inside his soul.... letting him know she <i>knows.</i>
"Nah, I will stay and practice some more. How did you think I learned sorcery? I love practicing this surrounded by books, Moon!"
"You go with Selina. And see if you guys manage to smile a bit, right?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Sorry about last night. Probably didn't feel too good to get your show stolen by someone else, especially like...that." She puts in suddenly, in the same low tone as before. Not quite grudging, more ashamed. Faintly, anyway. "Will try not to do that again. Probably pissed off the Pale Angel too, though it was deliberate with her."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> His hand freezes in mid-air, smoke curling off the joint as if he were making it an offering to heaven. That look in her eyes... she knew.
At least she wasn't saying anything about it. "Sure kid... just make sure ya don't do it all night, a'ite?"
"Yeah, well..." he sighed, looking away from her. Even the faint shame in her voice made him feel doubly so. For all his pride had been knocked around by it, she <i>had</i> just been trying to help. "I shoulda said somethin' before we ever went in 'bout how I wanted ta work it. Or after ya stepped in or somethin'. Whatever... just that it, aw fuck."
He sighed again, facing her this time. He hated to say it. It was probably the least used word he knew, but sometimes you had it. Even though he looked almost like it was physically painful to do it. "I'm sorry darlin', for shittin' on it, like I did and," he paused. Probably the second most unused word. "Thanks. Y'know, fer tryin' ta help."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> <i>What is <b>up</b> with him?</i> She wonders. Not the apology, but that odd sense of...tiredness? he was showing. Maybe the old bastard did something to him. She'd have to check on that -- soon.
"Well, I didn't exactly give you advance warning of what I'd be doing either." She replies slowly. "Rain probably took the chance to mess with him then, while everyone was...uh, confused."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>Confused?</i>
That made him smiled.
"Yeah, could see how the fae-bitch coulda gotten away with somethin' like that. It was a pretty confusin' moment." His smile slanted a bit, a teasing little grin. "Almost as confusin' as when ya danced for me..."
Yeah, he knew that's what she had done on the balcony. Not until later and on a damn bigger scale as when she'd done it to him, but well, fuck if he was gonna forget the sensation after the first time.
He began to tug at her hand again, backing up slowly out the door. "Let's go get some air darlin'. So damn warm in here, I'm startin' ta feel confused again."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Next time, the veils have to be included in that." She says with a chuckle, then thinks for a moment. "Yeah, fresh air would be nice."
She'd left her greatcoat behind, of course, but the elemental was on guard outside the door, and Fiona and Kanti were inside...
"That kind of confusion will do a bit later, I take it."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Only if somethin' happens ta make my head spin worse." He smiled as he walked with her out of the room, giving one last wave to Fiona and Kanti before they vanished out of sight. As soon as they were, he let go of her hand and slipped his arm around hers instead, pulling her closer. A touch of the playfulness vanished from his grin, his voice lowering slightly. "Can't say I'd mind just some company though, y'know? Rough night 'n shit."
They were heading for the front door. He'd rather have hit the roof, but the place was like a maze and didn't want to bother to ask one of Iron Tear's servants or women how to get up there. The hills around the manse were good enough, anyway, as long as they kept out of sight of the city bellow.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Oh?" She asks, moving up against him slightly, though not in her more usual sultry manner, the one she used when she indicated she was ready for something else entirely. "Did he do something to you?" Selina looks at him oddly while they walk down the hall, curious and confused. "You seem pretty out of sorts. He started saying he won't do more than sit on his arse again?"
Seventh Moon: She felt nice against him, warmer than the pot smoke. A lot more real...
<i>Blood. Blood everywhere. Ground and sky. Pain, like someone snuck into his skin and was stabbing outward from the inside. The only thing that wasn't red was black. A shadow that stood upright, that loomed over him.</i>
<i>"More and more and more you demand and nothing you return... never ever the way. Tit for tat. Give and take. A bargain is not a demand, ungrateful impudent child." Fingers stroked his chest, dry as bone and cold as ice. They stopped above his heart. "Six moons before you and they never learned. Perhaps the seventh should."</i>
<i>The fingers pressed in, through skin and muscle and bone and into his soul itself. The hound howled in agony. The man screamed.</i>
" naw, just made a trade, darlin'. Parts for labor, like I said" he shrugged, releasing her a moment as he opened the door to the manse and motioned her out. "Just hard work gettin' what he wanted."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Huh. What he wanted." She didn't sound too sure at that, but she lets it go for the moment. "I hope...not too hard."
The way he was talking almost reminded her of herself, sometimes. When she told people about why she sold her name to the Malfeans...
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Naw, not too hard..." His arm found it's way back around hers as they stepped into the night. The air up by the manse was cool and almost sweet compared to the city itself. Moon guided her as they walked, though not to anywhere in particular, leaning into her slightly as they went. He said nothing for a few minutes, before breaking the silence suddenly. "Whata ya gonna? When shit starts goin' down, I mean."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> The night air was a welcome change...the manse was comfortable, but not quite what she wanted. This was...better. More free. She was still a creature of the winds, afterall. Hopefully no one would see them.
"Already has...it's just the eye of the storm now. We're waiting to see which wall of the cyclone hits us...or whether we dive in." She in turn, puts her arm closer to his. "I'm not really sure what'll happen. Hopefully no one dies...but you can never tell."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Yeah... guess ya never tell" He agreed wistfully. The tips of his fingers touched her own, then slide between them, curling up around her hand. "Kinda funny how fast everythin' can go from feelin' so easy ta been so damn uncertain, y'know? Keepin' on wonderin' what the hell's gonna happen when the place starts ta burn. Keepin' on hopin' it just don't burn too bad"
Moon paused as they crested the top of a small incline and looked upward. The smog cloud had cleared a little, letting in a few stars and a yellow-stained moon. The Lunar blinked at the sight, then turned to Selina. "If this shit goes wrong, gets too hot, you're gonna be smart and get out, right? Cause it ain't even what ya got paid ta do, is it? So, you'd just grab the girls, hit the sky, and fly out?" His tone kept it a question, almost a rhetorical one, as if he expected no other answer. His eyes made it a plea.
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina's eyebrows raise at him...well, one does anyway. Raises in curiosity, at the suggestion. "I'm way past what I was paid to do, Moon. Way past." She grips his hand firmly. "My contract said I was to take Alex to Red Ice. Instead, I'm out here fighting a war with the Pale Angel and you and Alex and Cael and god knows who else. If the Boil gets torched, they pay for it."
She slows her words down, lowers the eyebrow to normal. "If it goes wrong, I'll try to get them out. Then I'll come back, and this lot will learn why <i>Nexus</i> pisses itself at me, and why their old fart of a sorcerer got cut down years ago. If smart money is against that...well it better not be."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> His face, his entire body relaxes with her quite promise. He knew she was past what she'd been paid for, but it was the only way he could ask. The city was shit, but it was his shit and he'd go down with it, but he wasn't about to see the three of them roast too.
"Wouldn't bet against it..." he smiled, squeezing her hand back. "I seen ya when you're pissed darlin'. Can be damn scary enough even when you're not. Sheeyit... I'd almost feel sorry for 'um."
Gradually, the smile fades as he looks at her, though not into a face of unhappiness. Worn and stained as they are, his eyes are still warm. "Y'wanna stay out a bit more? Can probably take a seat and lay out. Ground looks pretty soft"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Sure...I guess so. Hope no one comes around, though. The wards'll probably stop em, we better lay out of sight so no one sees I ain't chained up."
She looks down toward the rest of the city. And wonders where the dead are, and whether they're going to attack soon. Better not be tonight.
<i>Better not.</i>
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Don't think we got anything ta worry about tonight. Even if somethin' got in, Rusty's kids are probably humpin' the walls at this point waitin' ta start roughin' shit up."
Letting go of her arm, Moon emptied his pockets, piling smashfists and feathers on the ground before he shrugged off his long coat and spread it out over the damp earth. It didn't really look soft or warm or even very comfortable, but it was as good an excuse as any to keep alone for a while.
"Y'know, we keep talkin' about shit goin' wrong like it's bound ta happen" Stepping onto the coat, Moon dropped to the ground with an undignified thump and twisted around to offer her a hand. "Kinda gotta wonder what if shit goes right? What if we pull this off? You were talkin' about jumpin' on that other asshole who was here, but fuck. Until the kid shows up, there ain't gonna be anyone really in charge."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> Selina -- surprisingly -- takes his hand as she sits down, and then hugs her booted knees to herself, wings relaxing to either side behind her. "We should...at least <i>us.</i> I already told them to expect the General waiting for em, but the faster all this shit is ultimately over, the faster we can do what we want after."
She looks over to him with a slight smirk. "I may just take a vacation. Except for beating on some Nexian salt god's temple every month or so to tell him that the salt rate's gone up and that he either lowers the sacrifices he's squeezing outta people or I get nasty."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>Faster we can do what we want...</i>
Moon mused over that to himself for a moment, laying back on the ground beside her, hands folded behind his head. The clouds had moved again and blotted out the tainted-moon, but the darkness was plesant tonight in it's own way. "Ain't sure what I'd wanna do, after this shit is over." He said after a moments reflection, frowning slightly. Sadly. "... don't think I could really stick around here anymore, y'know? Go back ta the Pack and the alley and shit..."
He trailed off, letting that path go, then turned his head, looking at her back. "Vacation sounds kinda nice. Where'd ya head?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Maybe back down the Nexus." She lets go of her legs and leans back, bracing on one arm. "Maybe up to Windia. Decade of work now...but there's shit everywhere. Always shit. Heaven fucked up good, and can't get in the Realm cause of the whole anathema thing...same with An-Teng."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> An-Teng wasn't a name he knew. The Realm and Nexus were just names attached to places so far away, they may as well not have been there at all. Even Windia, close as it was, had always felt a world away. But hearing her talk so casually about going to any of them, as if it were no different than walking to the end of the street, stirred something in him.
"Think maybe ya'd want some company?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Maybe." She looks to him, puzzled a bit. "But who's going to look after your gang?"
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Kinny, Wes, bet even Simma would if I asked her..." He shrugged at her, then shifted settling closer to her warmth. "Ain't like ain't anyone around ta take over. Just no one will long as I'm still here. They're mine just like the city, but sooner or later they're gonna get hurt bad if they keep followin' me around, y'know?"
"Can only gonna ask 'um ta stand in front'a so many armies before I start askin' too much..."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Oh, I know the feeling." She smiles a bit, remembering the people she has back at her manse in Nexus. They weren't there for her to use as an army. "Someone should be able to stand in for you, if you take a break for a bit. But it's always nice to come back to something familiar."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> <i>But what if it don't feel so familiar any more?</i>
He didn't want to say it, didn't even like the thought, but it had been harrowing him since he came back. The Boil was still his. The Pack was still his. But much as it felt like they still belonged to him, it barely felt like he fit into them anymore. Home was a pile of ashes and fuck knew how many other places in the city he knew would still be around when they were done
"Yeah, guess you're right" he smiled back at her, sincere in the smile even if doubting inwardly, sliding his hand across the coat and covering her own. "That's a bad fuckin' habit you got, y'know?"
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> She blinks for a moment. "What habit?" She wasn't doing anything odd. Well, maybe he was trying to be funny. "Leaning back like this, or smiling? I don't smile often."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> He gave her a side-long stare for a moment, then burst into laughter. Louder than he should have, maybe. But he couldn't stop once he started. Just letting something loud out felt too nice.
"Naw." He grinned as he quieted into softer chuckles, eyes twinkling up at her. "Bein' right."
"Kinda noticed though," he went on, fingers brushing her hand. "'bout the other thing. Wouldn't mind seein' ya smile bit more often, looks good on ya..."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> "Hah." Selina chuckles, then lids her eyes half-way. "But you don't get all prickly about it like the Pale Angel does. She doesn't like it when I'm right. Much, anyway. Some of that sloughed off in the last few days I was around her..."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> "Hey, who said <i>I</i> like it?" Moon shot back, arching his brows. "Y'know what it's like goin' around with a lady, knowin' you ain't never gonna win one damn argument with her? Sheeyit. Might as well hope I get stabbed in the next few days. Gotta be a lot less painful in the long run."
<b>Selina de Windia:</b> She giggles sultrily, covering her mouth with a gloved hand as she does, half-way through in an attempt to block the noise. "Never said that. And I'm not always right. I shouldn't have barged in like that, as I said before. But it's worth it, yes?"
"As for the rest," Selina says smoothly. "I bet there's an easy way to let some of that pent up frustration out." Leaning back further, she lays flat on her back, raising one leg at the knee, foot on the ground. "Howabout we try some of that."
<b>Seventh Moon:</b> It wasn't really what he brought her out here for. That was hard for even him to believe, even if it was the truth. He <i>had</i> just wanted to be with her for a little while. Make amends, talk, whatever... he wasn't sure. Tumbling her, for once, hadn't been at the forefront of his mind.
But it really didn't take a whole lot to change that.
Moon rolled onto his side beside her and looked down, eyes growing from mirthful warmth to gleaming heat in seconds. His hand rose, finger tips touching her throat, then sliding slowly down the length of her body. She was silk and velvet. Even after only a couple of days, he'd forgot that she was that soft. That warm his palm flattened on her belly. The scar was under there. Now that he knew, he could feel it pulsing faintly. But he didn't care. Everyone had their scars. He'd just earned himself a new one tonight.
Still holding her fingers in his other hand, he slide his palm off onto her hip as he leaned over her, kissing her neck, her cheek, her lips with a warm, rumbling in his throat, he nuzzled at her neck while the hand upon her hip began to explore further.
"Hey if you wanna y'know I'm easy"
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 12:21, 13 August 2005

Requiem to a Wild Soul

Seventh Moon: It had been easier last time. Getting in. Getting out. He still knew his city better than the Bishop's people could ever hope to, but they were getting better

Moon had passed the lump of silvery metal on to one of Iron Tear's servants, sending him on to take it to the pale lady, Opal, then asked another to take him to the girls. He was half-hoping they'd be in different places when he came back. There was a vibe around the three of them when they were together that made him nervous now. Same sort of feminine shit that turned up when they first met.

But he was out of luck when the little spirit bowed out of his way and left him at the chamber the three women had retreated to. Moon didn't intrude at first, standing quietly in the doorway and watching them do whatever the hell it was they were doing. His gaze flickered across each in turn until he settled on Selina, drawing up her form and watching her face. His lady kinda.

Kanti: Kanti reclines on some cushions in the room, a slightly dreamy, totally calm look on her face, watching her mistress and Fiona as they practice ... whatever it is that they are doing.

Fiona: Her hands trace the air... the symbols she knew already. The Old Realm unlocks Emerald Sorcery, charging her with power, making reality as clay. Now she could touch the strands of essence, and mold them. Mold them by sheer force of will, mold them like an essence sculpture into a configuration that would bring about the desired result.... a configuration she barely understood the formula of. Selina told her how, again and again, and yet... it required practice. her hands moved, and hshe begun to make it...

And then... not!

in an implosion in front of her, essence roaring, it vanishes... making snowflakes rain on the room. Fiona lets the air out as she realises she is still awake, and shakes her head. "Damn it. I almost had it this time, I swear!"

Selina de Windia: Her coat isn't on, right now. It lies on the cushions next to Kanti, who is currently making Selina wonder (or would, if she wasn't so busy) if the girl is addicted. She hoped not, it wouldn't be pleasant to go cold on something like that. With no side effects at all.

"Don't be frustrated." She says levelly. "Your touch must be firm and commanding, but not overreaching. You can kill yourself with this spell if you wrench it around too much -- the spikes could fly into your stomach instead of at your enemy."

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she notices Moon, and her head turns toward him. "Ah, done already?" She had sent her message, before showing Fiona how to work the current spell. Hopefully summoning would work better -- at the least, they were not trying demons.

Fiona: The image was not a pretty one. She nodded again, letting herself just a moment of indulgence to pick one of the snowflakes....

Wondering how it was made, how she could make one, how the conjuring had gone wrong for it. Who would know... that even warfare magic would be so fascinating!

And then... Moon comes back. She had been worried...

"Moon! So, did you get it? Was it ok out there?!?"

Seventh Moon: "Yeah," he answered her after a moment. "Done already..."

So, what was it gonna be? In or out? Maybe just neither, same as always. Moon stayed in the doorway, watching. He stuffed a hand into his coat pocket and leaned heavily on the frame. Fished around inside his coat with the other until he pulled out the extra prize he'd taken on his trip out. The joint was rolled in age-yellowed paper and the scent of the leaf was painfully bitter even before he lit it.

"The old crazy says hello," he goes on conversationally, smiling a bit around the joint as he breathed in a harsh smoke. "Wants ya ta know that Tess's been pining for ya."

"You kiddin'?" he grinned at Fiona, gesturing with his hand. "It was easy darlin'. Garrisons a buncha fuck-wits if they're livin' or dead."

Fiona: "Great!", She breaks into a smile, "I have no idea what we would do if you vanished..."

She walks towards him, placing the snowflake on his hand, "Here, a gift from a screwup student!" She nods to Selina, "She... is teaching me to fight with what wek now. Sorcery."

Selina de Windia: "Lazy in life, lazy in death." Selina demures, stepping away from the recent hail of snowflakes and moving up to Moon. Not slinking against him or anything, she could do that later. For now she was curious. About a few things. "What's that there? Some sort of missive from him?"

Seventh Moon: "She is, huh?" he looked down at the snowflake and smiled. Probably the last gift anyone wanted in the north. As the grime on his hands started to darken the edges, he reached over and deposited it on the tip of Fiona's nose. "Maybe I oughta teach ya how ta bust someone's head open with'a pool cue later, then. Or a few ways ta make a guy ball up and cry. That's the kinda thing any girl should know."

He glanced up at Selina, then plucked the joint from his lips and dashed the first ashes off against the door. "Kinda more like a bill. Old fucker wasn't as easy ta talk inta helpin', this time." His eyes unfocused for a moment and his voice softened. "Had ta make a trade or two."

Fiona: "Hmmm.... I would like if the head was still whole, but the conscience was gone. Can you teach just this much?"

Selina de Windia: Selina frowns at that, looking at the paper, blinking a bit, wings twitching. A bill. That didn't sound good. She didn't want to have to go and...piss him off again, or whatever it was she'd done. "What...kind of trade?"

Seventh Moon: Moon stared through the haze of smoke at Selina, pondering. Hot words and flared tempers were easy to describe, but not what had just happened. "Work for parts." He finally said with a shrug, as if that explained it all. Breathing in the burning smoke again, he let it's numbing rot flow through his nerves. "He made the shit is what mattered."

After a moment, his eyes down at Fiona. He'd only been half serious with the offer, but she made it sound dire. Given what they were about to do, it might not be a bad idea anyway. Fuck knows if anyone would be around to keep an eye on the kid and she was better off if she could keep an eye on herself. "Bleedin's easier than brusin' hun. Better ta start off all out and learn ta hold back than the other way around... we'll see what we can do. Think ya got enough lessons ta worry about right now though, doncha?"

Fiona: "Right now, I do!"

"But I will hold you to that later!" She winks... and turns to Selina, "I... I am not interrupting anything, right?"

Selina de Windia: "Sometimes I wonder if he's some kind of necromancer." The Windian answers after a pause, wondering still what the document says. "So he wants 'parts'? His little helper seemed all hot on me once he found out I was part one thing and part another. They want pieces of people? He should know better."

Seventh Moon: "Naw, he already got peices'a people darlin'." He chuckled back, rasping faintly. "Big fuckin' bloody chunks of 'um."

His hand twisted, offering out the smoldering twist of paper to her. Smoke buzzed in his blood faintly, his eyes hooded and simmering like the tip of the joint. "Don't matter none. Just shit ain't no one gonna miss, y'know? Lotta shit ta worry about right now, this ain't one of 'um."

As he waited to see if she'd take the joint, Moon tipped his head to the side against the door frame, looking over the Windian's shoulder at Kanti. He watched her, looking listless and twice as high as he was ever bound to get anymore, and sighed, clucking his tongue. "How's the kid doin'?"

Selina de Windia: She didn't smoke much -- it wasn't a habit she really needed, given how blood actually seemed attractive from time to time. That, and some things stained teeth. But she took it anyway, and inhaled a bit, deeply, before blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Right. Still curious though." She looks back to Kanti. "She's....ok. Yeah. Looks like she's high on something, though..."

Fiona: Fiona looked at them, curiously.... "How does that feel?"

She had never smoked. She hated the smell. Though that wasn't half as bad...

"And Kanti is fine... I... gave her something to relax. An anesthesiac I can make naturally out of essence... I can give you some if you wish, but it lasts for hours, not good when you have to do something... it feels like joy!"

Seventh Moon: "Tch..." He half-laughed with a ghost of a grin. "Lucky thing..."

He lulled his head back to Selina and watched her inhale; her throat moving subtly and chest expanding outward. Beautiful to see a lady do that. Not even some of the Pack girls would take a toke that long

As the cloud of smoke began to drift out of her lips, he closed his eyes and leaned towards her. Almost inches from her face, he breathed back in the smoke almost as soon as it waft out of her. Prying open slowly, bloodshot eyes, red swirling through the normal silver, regarded her calmly but conernedly. "How about you? How you holdin' up?"

He glanced down at Fiona's question, then looked back at Selina. With a grin and a shrug, he tipped his head towards the young Solar. "Pass it along, darlin. Thats the rule, y'know?"

Selina de Windia: "Good, usually. Burns a bit." Selina shrugs at Fiona, then looks back to Moon, one wing moving up, as she holds out her hand for Fiona to try the stuff. She wouldn't normally offer a kid anything like this, but Fiona was a kid who knew sorcery. Power had its privledges. "I'm fine. At least I'm not in some sewer somewhere, sleeping in a crack or something, waiting for some patrol to find me."

Fiona: Fiona takes it up... looking at it for one long moment... trying to hold it on her fingers as if it was a cigarette, remembering how some people looked so... nice, with those on hands. "So, I just... inhale? And then hold?"

Seventh Moon: "Naw..." he shook his head at her answer. The look in his eyes were searching for something else. "Could say if you were anywhere. I mean, how you really doin'?"

Selina de Windia: "How I feel?" Selina asks with some faint amusement. "You mean, given all the shit that's happened so far? Ok...or do you mean some of the problems that came up in the past few days?"

Past few days? Two weeks ago, roughly, Selina had still been in Windia. Part of her wanted to go back. It bothered her -- usually she avoided the city.

Seventh Moon: Moon shrugged and nodded at the same time, as if asking her to decide what he meant for him.

He'd still be pissed this morning. Pride bruised, lusts unsated, frustrated with the world even for the victory he had won in the halls of Kadel's home. Then he'd seen the sign and for a moment it hadn't mattered anymore. He'd left some of the most powerful figures in the Boil seated at a table with only a slamming door to tell them he was leaving. He scaled a wall ready to kill a god to get her out of there. Of course, then he had seen her and heard the real story and for a little while he let his pride speak for him again.

Seemed about time to stop being a ass about it

"Yeah" he agreed finally. "That shit."

Selina de Windia: "So that's what it is." Selina says more quietly, brow furrowing a bit as she looks at him. Looks him over. "I wasn't happy about it, no. But I can see why you weren't, now. That kind of thing happens." She shrugs and replies 'yes' to Fiona.

"You thought I was in danger?" A simple question, nothing more. No amusement.

Fiona: She does so then... feeling very awkward. It wasn't her place there... she inhales... holds... and then feels it. She coughs as she lets it out, sounding her age, the coughs so juvenile as she passes it up to Moon... then excuses herself to go practice more sorcery. "I... will be over there if you need... anything..." A little more coughs, and she turns her supernal awareness to see better. At least she felt more relaxed now... a slight tinge of lethargy.

But when she turns her sight on, she sees... and gasps.


She sees the hole in his soul. The gaping wound in his being. What... what happened to him...

...would be something she would bring up later. They needed to talk now.

And she needed to practice.

Seventh Moon: "Yeah, but don't breath too deep your first toke," Moon agreed before Selina's question. "Fuck yourself silly that way. Hack a lung out..."

Moon never turned away from Selina's face even as he instructed Fiona. She hadn't been happy. Did it mean she'd been hurt or just pissed? Her expression made him think, maybe both. Fuck knows he knew the feeling.

"Said as much before, didn't I?" Back on the balcony, when he had been moments away from assaulting Iron Tears from behind. And even after hearing her voice, he was still ready to do just that until he had seen her. "Thought maybe he'd hurt ya bad couldn't think of anything else that might slow ya up."

Selina de Windia: "He didn't hurt me." She replies slowly, wondering what exactly to say. "I don't put up with that kind of shit anymore. But we know why that sign was there, aye? I shouldn't have let the faery follow me. Next time..."

"But that's something else. Besides that, just a bit of cabin fever, I guess."

Seventh Moon: Moon nodded slowly.

"I'a killed him if he had." The answer he gave was as simple as the question she had asked him moments before. Not a passionate oath or even his typical male bravado. Just a statement, plan as simple fact.

"Kinda know the feeling fuckin' edged ta get shit started. Feel's like takin' a tumble and stoppin' when you're only half-in, y'know?" He lifted the joint Fiona had passed back to him and puffed on it thoughtfully for a moment. Suddenly, he leaned off the doorframe and pulled his hand from his pocket, reaching over and grabbing her hand, tugging gently. "C'mon for a bit"

Looking past her, he raised his voice as he waved to Fiona and Kanti. "You two too ain't fuckin' good ta be cooped up in this place all day."

  • Fiona smiles at him, and eyes him.... looking inside his soul.... letting him know she knows.

"Nah, I will stay and practice some more. How did you think I learned sorcery? I love practicing this surrounded by books, Moon!"

"You go with Selina. And see if you guys manage to smile a bit, right?"

Selina de Windia: "Sorry about last night. Probably didn't feel too good to get your show stolen by someone else, especially like...that." She puts in suddenly, in the same low tone as before. Not quite grudging, more ashamed. Faintly, anyway. "Will try not to do that again. Probably pissed off the Pale Angel too, though it was deliberate with her."

Seventh Moon: His hand freezes in mid-air, smoke curling off the joint as if he were making it an offering to heaven. That look in her eyes... she knew.


At least she wasn't saying anything about it. "Sure kid... just make sure ya don't do it all night, a'ite?"

"Yeah, well..." he sighed, looking away from her. Even the faint shame in her voice made him feel doubly so. For all his pride had been knocked around by it, she had just been trying to help. "I shoulda said somethin' before we ever went in 'bout how I wanted ta work it. Or after ya stepped in or somethin'. Whatever... just that it, aw fuck."

He sighed again, facing her this time. He hated to say it. It was probably the least used word he knew, but sometimes you had it. Even though he looked almost like it was physically painful to do it. "I'm sorry darlin', for shittin' on it, like I did and," he paused. Probably the second most unused word. "Thanks. Y'know, fer tryin' ta help."

Selina de Windia: What is up with him? She wonders. Not the apology, but that odd sense of...tiredness? he was showing. Maybe the old bastard did something to him. She'd have to check on that -- soon.

"Well, I didn't exactly give you advance warning of what I'd be doing either." She replies slowly. "Rain probably took the chance to mess with him then, while everyone was...uh, confused."

Seventh Moon: Confused?

That made him smiled.

"Yeah, could see how the fae-bitch coulda gotten away with somethin' like that. It was a pretty confusin' moment." His smile slanted a bit, a teasing little grin. "Almost as confusin' as when ya danced for me..."

Yeah, he knew that's what she had done on the balcony. Not until later and on a damn bigger scale as when she'd done it to him, but well, fuck if he was gonna forget the sensation after the first time.

He began to tug at her hand again, backing up slowly out the door. "Let's go get some air darlin'. So damn warm in here, I'm startin' ta feel confused again."

Selina de Windia: "Next time, the veils have to be included in that." She says with a chuckle, then thinks for a moment. "Yeah, fresh air would be nice."

She'd left her greatcoat behind, of course, but the elemental was on guard outside the door, and Fiona and Kanti were inside...

"That kind of confusion will do a bit later, I take it."

Seventh Moon: "Only if somethin' happens ta make my head spin worse." He smiled as he walked with her out of the room, giving one last wave to Fiona and Kanti before they vanished out of sight. As soon as they were, he let go of her hand and slipped his arm around hers instead, pulling her closer. A touch of the playfulness vanished from his grin, his voice lowering slightly. "Can't say I'd mind just some company though, y'know? Rough night 'n shit."

They were heading for the front door. He'd rather have hit the roof, but the place was like a maze and didn't want to bother to ask one of Iron Tear's servants or women how to get up there. The hills around the manse were good enough, anyway, as long as they kept out of sight of the city bellow.

Selina de Windia: "Oh?" She asks, moving up against him slightly, though not in her more usual sultry manner, the one she used when she indicated she was ready for something else entirely. "Did he do something to you?" Selina looks at him oddly while they walk down the hall, curious and confused. "You seem pretty out of sorts. He started saying he won't do more than sit on his arse again?"

Seventh Moon: She felt nice against him, warmer than the pot smoke. A lot more real...

Blood. Blood everywhere. Ground and sky. Pain, like someone snuck into his skin and was stabbing outward from the inside. The only thing that wasn't red was black. A shadow that stood upright, that loomed over him.

"More and more and more you demand and nothing you return... never ever the way. Tit for tat. Give and take. A bargain is not a demand, ungrateful impudent child." Fingers stroked his chest, dry as bone and cold as ice. They stopped above his heart. "Six moons before you and they never learned. Perhaps the seventh should."

The fingers pressed in, through skin and muscle and bone and into his soul itself. The hound howled in agony. The man screamed.

" naw, just made a trade, darlin'. Parts for labor, like I said" he shrugged, releasing her a moment as he opened the door to the manse and motioned her out. "Just hard work gettin' what he wanted."

Selina de Windia: "Huh. What he wanted." She didn't sound too sure at that, but she lets it go for the moment. "I hope...not too hard."

The way he was talking almost reminded her of herself, sometimes. When she told people about why she sold her name to the Malfeans...

Seventh Moon: "Naw, not too hard..." His arm found it's way back around hers as they stepped into the night. The air up by the manse was cool and almost sweet compared to the city itself. Moon guided her as they walked, though not to anywhere in particular, leaning into her slightly as they went. He said nothing for a few minutes, before breaking the silence suddenly. "Whata ya gonna? When shit starts goin' down, I mean."

Selina de Windia: The night air was a welcome change...the manse was comfortable, but not quite what she wanted. This was...better. More free. She was still a creature of the winds, afterall. Hopefully no one would see them.

"Already has...it's just the eye of the storm now. We're waiting to see which wall of the cyclone hits us...or whether we dive in." She in turn, puts her arm closer to his. "I'm not really sure what'll happen. Hopefully no one dies...but you can never tell."

Seventh Moon: "Yeah... guess ya never tell" He agreed wistfully. The tips of his fingers touched her own, then slide between them, curling up around her hand. "Kinda funny how fast everythin' can go from feelin' so easy ta been so damn uncertain, y'know? Keepin' on wonderin' what the hell's gonna happen when the place starts ta burn. Keepin' on hopin' it just don't burn too bad"

Moon paused as they crested the top of a small incline and looked upward. The smog cloud had cleared a little, letting in a few stars and a yellow-stained moon. The Lunar blinked at the sight, then turned to Selina. "If this shit goes wrong, gets too hot, you're gonna be smart and get out, right? Cause it ain't even what ya got paid ta do, is it? So, you'd just grab the girls, hit the sky, and fly out?" His tone kept it a question, almost a rhetorical one, as if he expected no other answer. His eyes made it a plea.

Selina de Windia: Selina's eyebrows raise at him...well, one does anyway. Raises in curiosity, at the suggestion. "I'm way past what I was paid to do, Moon. Way past." She grips his hand firmly. "My contract said I was to take Alex to Red Ice. Instead, I'm out here fighting a war with the Pale Angel and you and Alex and Cael and god knows who else. If the Boil gets torched, they pay for it."

She slows her words down, lowers the eyebrow to normal. "If it goes wrong, I'll try to get them out. Then I'll come back, and this lot will learn why Nexus pisses itself at me, and why their old fart of a sorcerer got cut down years ago. If smart money is against that...well it better not be."

Seventh Moon: His face, his entire body relaxes with her quite promise. He knew she was past what she'd been paid for, but it was the only way he could ask. The city was shit, but it was his shit and he'd go down with it, but he wasn't about to see the three of them roast too.

"Wouldn't bet against it..." he smiled, squeezing her hand back. "I seen ya when you're pissed darlin'. Can be damn scary enough even when you're not. Sheeyit... I'd almost feel sorry for 'um."

Gradually, the smile fades as he looks at her, though not into a face of unhappiness. Worn and stained as they are, his eyes are still warm. "Y'wanna stay out a bit more? Can probably take a seat and lay out. Ground looks pretty soft"

Selina de Windia: "Sure...I guess so. Hope no one comes around, though. The wards'll probably stop em, we better lay out of sight so no one sees I ain't chained up."

She looks down toward the rest of the city. And wonders where the dead are, and whether they're going to attack soon. Better not be tonight.

Better not.

Seventh Moon: "Don't think we got anything ta worry about tonight. Even if somethin' got in, Rusty's kids are probably humpin' the walls at this point waitin' ta start roughin' shit up."

Letting go of her arm, Moon emptied his pockets, piling smashfists and feathers on the ground before he shrugged off his long coat and spread it out over the damp earth. It didn't really look soft or warm or even very comfortable, but it was as good an excuse as any to keep alone for a while.

"Y'know, we keep talkin' about shit goin' wrong like it's bound ta happen" Stepping onto the coat, Moon dropped to the ground with an undignified thump and twisted around to offer her a hand. "Kinda gotta wonder what if shit goes right? What if we pull this off? You were talkin' about jumpin' on that other asshole who was here, but fuck. Until the kid shows up, there ain't gonna be anyone really in charge."

Selina de Windia: Selina -- surprisingly -- takes his hand as she sits down, and then hugs her booted knees to herself, wings relaxing to either side behind her. "We should...at least us. I already told them to expect the General waiting for em, but the faster all this shit is ultimately over, the faster we can do what we want after."

She looks over to him with a slight smirk. "I may just take a vacation. Except for beating on some Nexian salt god's temple every month or so to tell him that the salt rate's gone up and that he either lowers the sacrifices he's squeezing outta people or I get nasty."

Seventh Moon: Faster we can do what we want...

Moon mused over that to himself for a moment, laying back on the ground beside her, hands folded behind his head. The clouds had moved again and blotted out the tainted-moon, but the darkness was plesant tonight in it's own way. "Ain't sure what I'd wanna do, after this shit is over." He said after a moments reflection, frowning slightly. Sadly. "... don't think I could really stick around here anymore, y'know? Go back ta the Pack and the alley and shit..."

He trailed off, letting that path go, then turned his head, looking at her back. "Vacation sounds kinda nice. Where'd ya head?"

Selina de Windia: "Maybe back down the Nexus." She lets go of her legs and leans back, bracing on one arm. "Maybe up to Windia. Decade of work now...but there's shit everywhere. Always shit. Heaven fucked up good, and can't get in the Realm cause of the whole anathema thing...same with An-Teng."

Seventh Moon: An-Teng wasn't a name he knew. The Realm and Nexus were just names attached to places so far away, they may as well not have been there at all. Even Windia, close as it was, had always felt a world away. But hearing her talk so casually about going to any of them, as if it were no different than walking to the end of the street, stirred something in him.

"Think maybe ya'd want some company?"

Selina de Windia: "Maybe." She looks to him, puzzled a bit. "But who's going to look after your gang?"

Seventh Moon: "Kinny, Wes, bet even Simma would if I asked her..." He shrugged at her, then shifted settling closer to her warmth. "Ain't like ain't anyone around ta take over. Just no one will long as I'm still here. They're mine just like the city, but sooner or later they're gonna get hurt bad if they keep followin' me around, y'know?"

"Can only gonna ask 'um ta stand in front'a so many armies before I start askin' too much..."

Selina de Windia: "Oh, I know the feeling." She smiles a bit, remembering the people she has back at her manse in Nexus. They weren't there for her to use as an army. "Someone should be able to stand in for you, if you take a break for a bit. But it's always nice to come back to something familiar."

Seventh Moon: But what if it don't feel so familiar any more?

He didn't want to say it, didn't even like the thought, but it had been harrowing him since he came back. The Boil was still his. The Pack was still his. But much as it felt like they still belonged to him, it barely felt like he fit into them anymore. Home was a pile of ashes and fuck knew how many other places in the city he knew would still be around when they were done

"Yeah, guess you're right" he smiled back at her, sincere in the smile even if doubting inwardly, sliding his hand across the coat and covering her own. "That's a bad fuckin' habit you got, y'know?"

Selina de Windia: She blinks for a moment. "What habit?" She wasn't doing anything odd. Well, maybe he was trying to be funny. "Leaning back like this, or smiling? I don't smile often."

Seventh Moon: He gave her a side-long stare for a moment, then burst into laughter. Louder than he should have, maybe. But he couldn't stop once he started. Just letting something loud out felt too nice.

"Naw." He grinned as he quieted into softer chuckles, eyes twinkling up at her. "Bein' right."

"Kinda noticed though," he went on, fingers brushing her hand. "'bout the other thing. Wouldn't mind seein' ya smile bit more often, looks good on ya..."

Selina de Windia: "Hah." Selina chuckles, then lids her eyes half-way. "But you don't get all prickly about it like the Pale Angel does. She doesn't like it when I'm right. Much, anyway. Some of that sloughed off in the last few days I was around her..."

Seventh Moon: "Hey, who said I like it?" Moon shot back, arching his brows. "Y'know what it's like goin' around with a lady, knowin' you ain't never gonna win one damn argument with her? Sheeyit. Might as well hope I get stabbed in the next few days. Gotta be a lot less painful in the long run."

Selina de Windia: She giggles sultrily, covering her mouth with a gloved hand as she does, half-way through in an attempt to block the noise. "Never said that. And I'm not always right. I shouldn't have barged in like that, as I said before. But it's worth it, yes?"

"As for the rest," Selina says smoothly. "I bet there's an easy way to let some of that pent up frustration out." Leaning back further, she lays flat on her back, raising one leg at the knee, foot on the ground. "Howabout we try some of that."

Seventh Moon: It wasn't really what he brought her out here for. That was hard for even him to believe, even if it was the truth. He had just wanted to be with her for a little while. Make amends, talk, whatever... he wasn't sure. Tumbling her, for once, hadn't been at the forefront of his mind.

But it really didn't take a whole lot to change that.

Moon rolled onto his side beside her and looked down, eyes growing from mirthful warmth to gleaming heat in seconds. His hand rose, finger tips touching her throat, then sliding slowly down the length of her body. She was silk and velvet. Even after only a couple of days, he'd forgot that she was that soft. That warm his palm flattened on her belly. The scar was under there. Now that he knew, he could feel it pulsing faintly. But he didn't care. Everyone had their scars. He'd just earned himself a new one tonight.

Still holding her fingers in his other hand, he slide his palm off onto her hip as he leaned over her, kissing her neck, her cheek, her lips with a warm, rumbling in his throat, he nuzzled at her neck while the hand upon her hip began to explore further.

"Hey if you wanna y'know I'm easy"