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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== A Gift of Knowledge ==
* Ryshassa stands in the sun lounge, facing one of the broad window panels, gazing thoughtfully at the view outside as the sun continues its descent below the horizon. Day fading gradually into night... the dominion of twilight. The sight makes her feel strangely energized, yet calm. Contemplative.<br><br>She raises a hand, touching the cool surface of the windowpane. The lengthy sleeve of her royal purple kimono, laden with imagery of rose-shaded orchids in bloom, slithers down her arm at the motion, revealing the delicate curve of her wrist. Her reflection on the glass is ghostly in the dying light; dark, finely-textured hair framing a complexion creamy pale, robes of silk and linen and floral embroidery enveloping her petite form.<br><br>The finger she places against the windowpane absentmindedly traces the reflected contours of her cheek. Deep in her meandering thoughts, she hardly notices the image of a second figure slowly approaching the interior of the lounge.
'''Cael: ''' After finding out where Ryshassa was in the Zephyr, Cael looked the small volume in his hands over once more, running a finger down the spine, at the delicate golden writing there. Then he picked himself up and smoothed his shirt and set out of his study, and up to the lounge.
He pauses at the door as he sees Ryshassa standing there, looking out into the the twilight, letting her have a few minutes of calm contemplation, before he starts to approach her quietly, standing at the window beside her and looking out. He lets her get used to his presence, before he speaks softy.
"A beautiful sight."
* Ryshassa tenses slightly when she finally takes notice of Cael's proximity. Her hand reflexively lifts from the glass, hovering there uselessly for a moment before she lowers her arm to her side. She does not turn to face him, not yet, but her voice is both friendly and inviting as she murmurs her reply.<br><br>"Yes, it is. The winter is appealing in that sense... on those rare days the sky is liberated of its thick veil of clouds, the details seem so much crisper and sharper... it is beauty crystallized to near perfection. A sight to behold."<br><br>The words flow as if conjured from a daydream, her voice soft, almost breathy. A slight blush colors her cheeks, the contrast unmistakable on her complexion, as she offers her companion a gentle smile. "And how are you this evening, Cael?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael's smile at her words is warm in the half-light, his voice quiet, not wanting to disturb the silence of the moment more than he has already
"The evening finds me very well, thank you." he tilts his head "And yourself?"
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I am well enough, thank you. With events of such importance on the horizon, I am doing my best to take what time I can to relax..."
Ryshassa turns to Cael fully now, a touch of worry creasing her brow. "But I am relieved to see you in good health. Though I can imagine you have much on your mind to consider, as well..." She does not deign to bring up what she had seen, delving into his mind to aid him, and how it must color his impressions of her husband now. Still, her voice hints at it -- a touch of hesitation, a question unspoken amidst the pleasantries.
'''Cael: ''' "Of course. The next few days, and then the days beyond promise to be ...excitement." A slight twist on the words suggesting that the excitement of the sort the war promises isn't entirely what Cael wants.
"As to my mind, yes ... I have a lot to consider."<br>
''So much about your husband too. That I have to think much more deeply on. ''<br>
"Though that is why I came to find you." Cael says, a grin lighting his features.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Excitement, indeed," Ryshassa echoes with a touch of regret. War would never be a cause of jubilance in her heart, though she saw without a doubt the necessity of her presence within it.
She returns Cael's subsequent grin with a shy one of her own, and a questioning glance in his direction. The object in her hand piques her interest, but she falls silent, allowing him to explain, if he would...
'''Cael: ''' Without his hands appearing to move, suddenly they are holding a small leatherbound book, obviously of some antiquity. Written in gold, in an elaborate southern-
eastern based old realm script is the title ''"Melek's Medicinal Botany." '', two lavender flowers, coiled around each other in a manner reminisant of a caduceus. He hands it to her without further comment.
* Ryshassa blinks as the volume is presented to her. "But what is this...?" Her voice trails away as she gazes down at the the title of the volume, her fingers tracing the spirals of lavender in wonder. "For me?" she asks incredulously -- uselessly, as well, for he had personally handed it to her himself.<br><Br>She wants to say "You shouldn't have," or "You didn't have to..." but she finds herself transfixed by the beautiful, accurately drawn depictions of flora inside. Her eyes sparkle with newfound excitement as she flips experimentally through the pages. Though her abilities as a Chosen granted her healing powers above and beyond that of nature, she was still deeply intrigued by the subject of botany. Combined with her passion for all forms of medicine, the book was... without a doubt, a gift custom chosen for her.<br><br>After a moment she lifts her gaze to him, somewhat sheepish and self-conscious at her eagerness, and expresses her heartfelt thanks. "I am deeply touched, Cael, but what inspired this moment of generosity?"
'''Cael: ''' "For you."
Cael watches her reactions with delight, glad that the gift had provided the response he wanted, one of honest pleasure.
"A gift of knowledge, for a gift of mind." His voice momentarily warmer than the fading sun as it flows from his mouth.
'''Ryshassa: ''' "Ah..." Ryshassa's reaction to the words, and his warmth, is anything but what she would have expected from herself. If anything, she only flushes deeper at his attention, and that makes her vaguely guilty, inside, that little bit of pleasure that is all for Cael and not at all for her absent husband. But it cannot be helped.
Of course, such pleasure is harmless -- an innocent expression of joy and gratitude, nothing more. Easily explainable given the circumstances, after all. In any case, she bows her head deeply at his sentiment, gracing him with another shy but genuine smile before managing to put her thoughts into words.
"I see. You are a man who pays his debts," Ryshassa observes respectfully. "But I am also a woman who heals others with no expectation of payment. On the other hand, one cannot live without means, so a gift is always welcome. Thank you, again."
"And do keep in mind... that... no matter what you may think of my husband... I will not hesitate to help you."
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches the blush play over her face, smiling to himself on the inside, very very pleased with the reaction. His face doesn't spread quite so wide in a grin, and it is certainly lacking the devilish gleam to it. Most of it, anyway.
''And that, Rhysassa, is why I do not pay you with money. ''
"Some things are important." he says, an acknowledgement of what she says about him, and about her.
"I thank you for your offer, he gave me much to think on though." ''And I won't be asking any questions until I can answer those in my head. ''
'''Ryshassa: ''' "I understand," Ryshassa replies gently, as soon as some of the color in her cheeks begins to drain to a normal shade. "I would gladly answer any questions about him, but it is something between the two of you."
Her thoughts wander somewhat, though, as she observes him. Can it be that he is ''enjoying'' this? The thought, strangely enough, nearly gives rise to a giggle, an urge which she quickly stifles. Perhaps he realized that she would not be offended, but... flattered, and even amused. She shakes her head minutely, as if chastizing him, but the smile never leaves her face.
"Working with you will be an intriguing experience, I can see," the healer remarks none too casually. She gathers the book close to her chest, tucking it underneath her now-folded arms. "Have you given thought, though, to your plans for the future? After the war?"
'''Cael: ''' "It would not seem right to ask such questions about him, any more than it would be for me to ask him about you ..." he says with a small shrug, almost an apology.
The grin returns as she speaks again though "It pleases me that you think so. I saw have to see about maintaining my air of intrigue then." he tilts his head, the black hair shimmering in the light."Though I suppose I must spoil it a little now. I think in the most immediate future, I will be in Whiteshield with the Prince. It will not remain in the dark."
'''Ryshassa: ''' Ryshassa's soft, melodic laughter fills the chamber. "Oh, you DO enjoy this," she finally says aloud, a tone of mock incredulity coloring her voice. "Keeping people guessing just enough that their curiosity is piqued, gauging their reactions as they draw ever closer... well then. I will be around to find out more, so I suppose that will do," she acquieses with a wink.
"There will be much to rebuild afterward... and that job is more suited for my skills, I would admit. But whether in strife or in peace, there is always a place for healing to be done..." She takes a deep breath and exhales deliberately slowly, turning back towards their view of the darkening sky. Even darkness has its place in this world... if only to give those such as herself a cause to live for.
'''Cael: ''' Cael's grin grows "Of course ... why else would I do it?" he shakes his head, the fine black hair waving in the light. "And, well, I look forward to your questions ... I hope the answers interest you as much as they will."
He nods "There will always be a place for your arts, no matter what else can be done for the world. Though we can still lighten the world somewhat."
Cael turns to the darkened window once more "Though I have intruded on your evening contemplation for long enough I fear, and so I bid you good night, and pleasant dreams."
Cael turns from the window, and starts to walk back towards his cabin, pleased.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/ThirdMovement|Third Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 05:15, 20 October 2005

A Gift of Knowledge

  • Ryshassa stands in the sun lounge, facing one of the broad window panels, gazing thoughtfully at the view outside as the sun continues its descent below the horizon. Day fading gradually into night... the dominion of twilight. The sight makes her feel strangely energized, yet calm. Contemplative.

    She raises a hand, touching the cool surface of the windowpane. The lengthy sleeve of her royal purple kimono, laden with imagery of rose-shaded orchids in bloom, slithers down her arm at the motion, revealing the delicate curve of her wrist. Her reflection on the glass is ghostly in the dying light; dark, finely-textured hair framing a complexion creamy pale, robes of silk and linen and floral embroidery enveloping her petite form.

    The finger she places against the windowpane absentmindedly traces the reflected contours of her cheek. Deep in her meandering thoughts, she hardly notices the image of a second figure slowly approaching the interior of the lounge.

Cael: After finding out where Ryshassa was in the Zephyr, Cael looked the small volume in his hands over once more, running a finger down the spine, at the delicate golden writing there. Then he picked himself up and smoothed his shirt and set out of his study, and up to the lounge.

He pauses at the door as he sees Ryshassa standing there, looking out into the the twilight, letting her have a few minutes of calm contemplation, before he starts to approach her quietly, standing at the window beside her and looking out. He lets her get used to his presence, before he speaks softy.

"A beautiful sight."

  • Ryshassa tenses slightly when she finally takes notice of Cael's proximity. Her hand reflexively lifts from the glass, hovering there uselessly for a moment before she lowers her arm to her side. She does not turn to face him, not yet, but her voice is both friendly and inviting as she murmurs her reply.

    "Yes, it is. The winter is appealing in that sense... on those rare days the sky is liberated of its thick veil of clouds, the details seem so much crisper and sharper... it is beauty crystallized to near perfection. A sight to behold."

    The words flow as if conjured from a daydream, her voice soft, almost breathy. A slight blush colors her cheeks, the contrast unmistakable on her complexion, as she offers her companion a gentle smile. "And how are you this evening, Cael?"

Cael: Cael's smile at her words is warm in the half-light, his voice quiet, not wanting to disturb the silence of the moment more than he has already

"The evening finds me very well, thank you." he tilts his head "And yourself?"

Ryshassa: "I am well enough, thank you. With events of such importance on the horizon, I am doing my best to take what time I can to relax..."

Ryshassa turns to Cael fully now, a touch of worry creasing her brow. "But I am relieved to see you in good health. Though I can imagine you have much on your mind to consider, as well..." She does not deign to bring up what she had seen, delving into his mind to aid him, and how it must color his impressions of her husband now. Still, her voice hints at it -- a touch of hesitation, a question unspoken amidst the pleasantries.

Cael: "Of course. The next few days, and then the days beyond promise to be ...excitement." A slight twist on the words suggesting that the excitement of the sort the war promises isn't entirely what Cael wants.

"As to my mind, yes ... I have a lot to consider."
So much about your husband too. That I have to think much more deeply on.
"Though that is why I came to find you." Cael says, a grin lighting his features.

Ryshassa: "Excitement, indeed," Ryshassa echoes with a touch of regret. War would never be a cause of jubilance in her heart, though she saw without a doubt the necessity of her presence within it.

She returns Cael's subsequent grin with a shy one of her own, and a questioning glance in his direction. The object in her hand piques her interest, but she falls silent, allowing him to explain, if he would...

Cael: Without his hands appearing to move, suddenly they are holding a small leatherbound book, obviously of some antiquity. Written in gold, in an elaborate southern- eastern based old realm script is the title "Melek's Medicinal Botany." , two lavender flowers, coiled around each other in a manner reminisant of a caduceus. He hands it to her without further comment.

  • Ryshassa blinks as the volume is presented to her. "But what is this...?" Her voice trails away as she gazes down at the the title of the volume, her fingers tracing the spirals of lavender in wonder. "For me?" she asks incredulously -- uselessly, as well, for he had personally handed it to her himself.

    She wants to say "You shouldn't have," or "You didn't have to..." but she finds herself transfixed by the beautiful, accurately drawn depictions of flora inside. Her eyes sparkle with newfound excitement as she flips experimentally through the pages. Though her abilities as a Chosen granted her healing powers above and beyond that of nature, she was still deeply intrigued by the subject of botany. Combined with her passion for all forms of medicine, the book was... without a doubt, a gift custom chosen for her.

    After a moment she lifts her gaze to him, somewhat sheepish and self-conscious at her eagerness, and expresses her heartfelt thanks. "I am deeply touched, Cael, but what inspired this moment of generosity?"

Cael: "For you."

Cael watches her reactions with delight, glad that the gift had provided the response he wanted, one of honest pleasure.

"A gift of knowledge, for a gift of mind." His voice momentarily warmer than the fading sun as it flows from his mouth.

Ryshassa: "Ah..." Ryshassa's reaction to the words, and his warmth, is anything but what she would have expected from herself. If anything, she only flushes deeper at his attention, and that makes her vaguely guilty, inside, that little bit of pleasure that is all for Cael and not at all for her absent husband. But it cannot be helped.

Of course, such pleasure is harmless -- an innocent expression of joy and gratitude, nothing more. Easily explainable given the circumstances, after all. In any case, she bows her head deeply at his sentiment, gracing him with another shy but genuine smile before managing to put her thoughts into words.

"I see. You are a man who pays his debts," Ryshassa observes respectfully. "But I am also a woman who heals others with no expectation of payment. On the other hand, one cannot live without means, so a gift is always welcome. Thank you, again."

"And do keep in mind... that... no matter what you may think of my husband... I will not hesitate to help you."

Cael: Cael watches the blush play over her face, smiling to himself on the inside, very very pleased with the reaction. His face doesn't spread quite so wide in a grin, and it is certainly lacking the devilish gleam to it. Most of it, anyway.

And that, Rhysassa, is why I do not pay you with money.

"Some things are important." he says, an acknowledgement of what she says about him, and about her.

"I thank you for your offer, he gave me much to think on though." And I won't be asking any questions until I can answer those in my head.

Ryshassa: "I understand," Ryshassa replies gently, as soon as some of the color in her cheeks begins to drain to a normal shade. "I would gladly answer any questions about him, but it is something between the two of you."

Her thoughts wander somewhat, though, as she observes him. Can it be that he is enjoying this? The thought, strangely enough, nearly gives rise to a giggle, an urge which she quickly stifles. Perhaps he realized that she would not be offended, but... flattered, and even amused. She shakes her head minutely, as if chastizing him, but the smile never leaves her face.

"Working with you will be an intriguing experience, I can see," the healer remarks none too casually. She gathers the book close to her chest, tucking it underneath her now-folded arms. "Have you given thought, though, to your plans for the future? After the war?"

Cael: "It would not seem right to ask such questions about him, any more than it would be for me to ask him about you ..." he says with a small shrug, almost an apology.

The grin returns as she speaks again though "It pleases me that you think so. I saw have to see about maintaining my air of intrigue then." he tilts his head, the black hair shimmering in the light."Though I suppose I must spoil it a little now. I think in the most immediate future, I will be in Whiteshield with the Prince. It will not remain in the dark."

Ryshassa: Ryshassa's soft, melodic laughter fills the chamber. "Oh, you DO enjoy this," she finally says aloud, a tone of mock incredulity coloring her voice. "Keeping people guessing just enough that their curiosity is piqued, gauging their reactions as they draw ever closer... well then. I will be around to find out more, so I suppose that will do," she acquieses with a wink.

"There will be much to rebuild afterward... and that job is more suited for my skills, I would admit. But whether in strife or in peace, there is always a place for healing to be done..." She takes a deep breath and exhales deliberately slowly, turning back towards their view of the darkening sky. Even darkness has its place in this world... if only to give those such as herself a cause to live for.

Cael: Cael's grin grows "Of course ... why else would I do it?" he shakes his head, the fine black hair waving in the light. "And, well, I look forward to your questions ... I hope the answers interest you as much as they will."

He nods "There will always be a place for your arts, no matter what else can be done for the world. Though we can still lighten the world somewhat."

Cael turns to the darkened window once more "Though I have intruded on your evening contemplation for long enough I fear, and so I bid you good night, and pleasant dreams."

Cael turns from the window, and starts to walk back towards his cabin, pleased.