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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Winds of Fate ==
Shara came back a day later.
She had no less than seven fish-sticks between her fingers, and two bags under her arm filled with all sorts of shiney and fishey things she could steal on the way home. To decorate her place in the ship. Which she demanded to be shown to at once!
Oh yes, and she also proudly proclaimed to know what the Hanslans were seeking in the Great Forks.
The first item on the list, was debauchery. All of the diplomats sent have a thing for God-Blooded, Elementals, and Drugs of all sorts. They clearly did their best to be chosen for it, and were enjoying every moment to its fullest! ... even garnering them quite a bit of ill repute. And hopefully not their country.
The second reason, more to the point, was a deal with Talespinner. They wish its help, and all of its Blessings, in three great stories. Plans wild enough to work with the right blessings. They involve an expedition to the far north, annexing foreign countries... and something else, which they need the help of Dreamweaver for - they found some insteresting, unique plants, which they believe can be made into the right substances with the psychadelic dream-god's knowledge, one which they can contraband into enemy territory and use to desetablize enemy countries before conquest....
She laid the information at his feet, and then scampered off to finish her fishy sticks, tail held high.
Leaving Cael to work with the information...
'''Cael: ''' Cael thanks her of course, with pettings and strokings and her own bit of fresh koi from the pond, letting Calisara take her off to her room whilst he settles down in his study to consider what she had told him.
''Debauch ... hmmm ... well, that has potential as an in to the group ... also something to remember later. ''
''As to what they wish for help with .... ''<br>
''Curious, but perhaps he could discover more. ''<br>
''Concerning, but perhaps they could be induced to expand the correct way''<br>
''Concerning, though perhaps the knowledge could be used as well .... or perhaps it was related to the lizards. ''<br>
''...this would definately need some thought, and he would need to get closer to them ... he'd have to ask shara to describe them later.... ''
And thinking such thoughts Cael settled down for the moment to do some work, spinning out a gleaming matrix of golden numbers from the binds, twisting and turning, watching the numbers flow ... troop numbers, grain supplies, funds, investments, building materials ... all these and a thousand other things, needing to be organised, directed, co-ordinated so that they would be greater than the whole. <br>
And so the night wore on, sipping his wine, changing numbers, watching the gold gleam brighter and then fall apart ... changing another number ...<br>
''I'll stop soon ... Cal has been waiting a while...but''<br>
More numbers flicker and change.
'''Narrator: ''' And it goes on.... until quite late into the night...
... until, like a vision brought by wine, a horse made of light, shimmering in all colors like oil on water, like a strange ephemeral creature of a dream was on the same room as Cael, its rider, wearing well-worn clothes of a southern messengers, body almost fully covered, dismounted, leaving a few packages over the horse, and pushing down his hood to show the face of Cian Huang, his golden hair and shining yellow eyes.... "You wished to speak to me, Cael? I am sory if I took so long, and I must excuse myself in advance that I do not have much time... you have no idea how busy I have been lately." He says, touching his nose and the corner of his eyes with thumb and forefinger, massaging a tired sight... "I am sorry for the intrusion, as well, now that I think of it. Just trying to use the quickest route..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael blinks just once, before accertaining the vision before him was real. The figures for whiteshield and windia vanish with a wave of his hand and a faint smile on his face.
"I think I can forgive your entrance, Cian. It was quite impressive." He gestures for the man to take a seat if he so desires. "It seems you are always busy, but never the less, I thank you for taking the time to see me. Wine, this time?" He asks with a tilt of his head, a small joke to the fact that the previous time he had been too busy for wine.
"But yes, I did wish to speak with you. When I sent that message to you, I was more than a little concerned. Someone had killed themselves, you see, rather than face the possibility I might return to the North."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "Plese. Red, I hope. I need something to relax." He says as he takes a seat, and gestures for the horse to vanish into nothing but an aurora about the air. "This is a busy world we live in. Too much happening at once, Cael... and makes me wonder wether it will make me lose my mind. Or already has."
"Someone has committed suicide, you say? Who...?"
'''Cael: ''' "Red, yes." He pours the sidereal a large glass of the wine he was drinking. "Quite a good local vintage ... I'm going to have to take some with me when we leave." He hands the glass over. "Well, you seem as sane as the rest of us to me, at least. What have they gotten you doing recently?"
"But yes, a seer by the name of Nabu. The doctor I sought out to help Millia was friends with him, and would consult him before taking on cases with a new client. Mine was the last such consulation..."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "Souvenirs from all accross the globe... it is no wonder the Maiden of Journeys smiles on you as well, Windwraith. I believe we are kin." He says, raising his glass for a toast, his mien becoming somber as he hears the news... "... Nabu. Damn, he was a great seer. I used his services from time to time... the Twins must be devastated..."
'''Cael: ''' "Well, there seems little point travelling the world if one doesn't explore the local culture at least a little...." He smiles, raising his glass in a toast, before lowering it as the man's expression changed.
"They ... were not too happy when I visited today with my donative for their service. I wished them luck and said what I could. I think I left them a little brighter, but I can see what he meant to them."
He gestures then, and from his fingertips flow new words, ones not penned in a precise hand, nor penned in Cael's, the fluidity of the ink obvious....
''The Zephyr comes... ''<br>
''It binds? ''<br>
''It binds! ''<br>
''The Wind... ''<br>
''The Falcon... ''<br>
''The falcon flies south. ''<br>
''And if he flies north again, all is over. ''<br>
''All is death. ''<br>
''The falcon will fly north to bring suffering. ''<br>
''A wraith creating more wraiths. ''<br>
''So much suffering, so much suffering... ''<br>
''Too much to bear! ''<br>
''I cannot be... ''<br>
''I cannot stay... ''<br>
''I am sorry. ''<br>
''I am too scared...  ''<br>
'''Cian Huang: ''' Something shines in a sinister way within yellow eyes as he sees that...
"That is... worrying, Cael."
'''Cael: ''' "Just so." He nods.
'''Cian Huang: ''' Red wine to his lips, and thoughts, many thoughts... his expression thoughtful, but strangely, not tired anymore. Like thoughts racing around his mind, not excited, no... but at least, his soul was more awake now. "And what do you intend to do about it, Windwraith? This does come from a reliable source..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes a sip of his own wine, as interested in what Cian doesn't say as what he asks of him.
"I am not yet sure. As tempting as holidaying in Great Forks sounds ..." he holds up a hand to show that for the joke it is, "... I cannot stay down here indefinately, and I will be returning North, probably within the next few days. I cannot even think how I would go about creating more wraiths, literal or figuratively. But yet I do not want to ignore the prophesy ... it seemed ... foolish, to ignore something that cost a man's life."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "Ah, such a Solar... and I hope it is literal, I would rather fight an army of dead wraiths than an army of clones of yours'." He winks, laying back on the chair, a little more relaxed. "I will see about this prophecy as well. When I have time. You asked what has been taking my time... well, you would not believe if I told you."
'''Cael: ''' Cael tilts his head as he considers this.
"The clones would be more pleasing to set eye on, but yes ... wraiths would probably be easier to fight. Still, I have no intent of releasing either..." He sighs alittle. "I suppose I will just have to watch myself."<br>
''Unless of course, it's one of those self-fulfilling prophesies one reads of in books, but that would be digression... ''
"Try me, Cian." He says with a grin. "I've seen the child of a god wield his weapons beyond his death, seduced the shard of a long dead behemoth, lied to a prince in a garden where the plants mirror your every emotion, seen an elemental that is the fusion of several and managed to break a girls heart and make it, all in one gesture. And that's just since I landed."
"So try me."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "A demon made of shards of redwood held sway over much of the countryside in Linowan. Lucien, Guardian of Sleep has manifested in the world and helped the Perfect's totalitarian rule in the south; A Wretched Anathema had been terrorizing primary schools on the Realm, committing horrible acts that had to be stopped. Strange lights in the sky had been driving people insane in the outskirts of Linowan. Pillars written in an unknown language appeared all over Atraysa, and children have begun to disappear; A whole kingdom's populace has turned into toads overnight; A rogue god of commerce has shifted the wording of all contracts not too far from Hanslanti; Among other things..." He sighs. "I believe you word it more poetically than I would, of course."
"But I am no poet, simply a messenger, so forgive me for being concise."
'''Cael: ''' "It appears that were you a poet, we might be here all night as you listed them." He grins, "So there are definate benefits to your briefness. Still, I can quite see why you have been busy ... it makes my budgetting and warfighting seem rather simple in comparision.."
"Though tell me more of those contracts if you would, and of the strange langauge..."
'''Cian Huang: ''' Cian laughs. "Well, that is the reason why I do so, yes. But if you wish to hear about them..."
He gets up, his hand going into the aurora in the air, shuffling through an invisible bag...
"But say, can you see it on the way? I got an appointment not too far from here, we could walk there."
'''Cael: ''' "As long as it won't take overly long. I did make a promise to Cal tonight and, well, I would like to have breakfast cooked for me in the morning...." He gestures to the door though.
"If it won't take all night, please, lead on."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "It will not take too long, no. Those I am going to meet are busy as well... but I think you would benefit from meeting them. Maybe they could even have time to teach you a few things, in time." He nods, walking towards the door, and handling Cael some contracts... stating things like a house owning a man, a woman belonging to a dog, that a lampost cost no less than twenty jade talents to be placed, and emphatically stating how a swath of land belongs to none but a single toad. "Speaking of teaching, pehaps I could do some on the way, as well. After all, there is no better teacher than the Road."
'''Cael: ''' Cael flicks through the contracts.
"Most odd." "Singular." "...Hmmm." Are just some of the comments that pass his lips as he reads over the letters. "The god does appear to be quite mad. Or malicious."
"Other starchosen like yourself then? I'm sure they will be interesting to meet. You do seem to lead curiously frentic lives."
"As to your offer of teaching .... that intrigues me, though I wonder what lessons I might learn from the Road. It is important to consider such things, to keep an open mind."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "My vote is on mad, if only because I am extremely hopeful. In this crazy world, sometimes it doesn't hurt to hope for the best." He says as they walk around the Zephyr, towards the exit... and then, he takes a detour, walking deeper into the ship, towards the storage rooms... "You wonder what you can learn from the road? Everything! As you walk in this ship, for example... do you not feel it? What the ship is. What you learn. Its flow... its... breathing. You know, me and this ship go way back... and its signature is something only its road can tell you."
"It is also unnerving to hear you talk of starchosen so casually. I believe I have to spank mr. Krauser when I have the chance."
'''Cael: ''' Cael smiles an inscrutable smile and gives a small shake of his head.
"Cian, Cian, have you no knowledge of me? Do you think were I bothered, I would talk to you any differently?" He grins.
"Learning everything does sound rather tempting though. If a little time consuming." He winks as he follows the man deeper into the Zephyr.
'''Cian Huang: '''"... I suppose you have a point. You do remind me of an old friend of mine...."
He trails off, looking at the empty places for storage, breathing... "You feel it in the air? You feel her?" He smiles. "There is a little trick I possess... and I believe you are ready for it. For those that are ready, knowledge comes easier, Windwraith..." And as he walks, his hands trail circles, forming a road of essence, a trail of light behind him... his every word with an undertone, part of an incantation. Around them, air flows, as if the Zephyr was breathing... "Feel, Breathe. Walk."
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches, rapt, at the magic that courses around him, listening to the carefully chosen words.
"I feel..."
And then he trails off, as he feels the knowledge crystallising around him, crystallising within him, feeling the greater understanding it gave him, of the air he breathed, the roads he walked, the Zephyr and of Calisara.
"I feel." He repeats himself in a soft voice.
"I breathe." He draws in a breath of air that somehow tastes different to every breath he has taken before.
"I walk." He steps forward, and as he steps, he feels something alter inside, and he knows now that sometimes his kanji will be rimmed with frost, sometimes he will write with a crystal clarity of ice.
"Thank you Cian, for this ... ''Understanding''"
''The Wind is so much closer now. ''
'''Cian Huang: ''' They seem to go throuh the air.
The world blurs, and seems to disappears. Around them, a gallery... a gallery of clouds, of Calisaras. So many of them, in so many different dresses, expressions, faces... so many of her, in all of the clouds, everywhere... as they walk the clouds, as they feel the clouds... they never stop walking, as all the words of light from Cian, in all colors, make them walk, make them see broken rainbows in solar winds.... and then, they are at the door to come out of the Zephyr. "You are welcome."
The older man touches his neck, makes it click. "Aaah, this was a long one. We spent a long time in that trance, but I believe it was worth it. You are in the North... and understanding the Wind is needed, there." And thus, he steps out of the Zephyr, into the high night of the Great Forks... watching the crescent moon overhead "Hmmm. Auspicious night."
"But tell me, Cael, you said you lied to a prince?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael steps down lightly on to the grass, looking around him, feeling the cool breeze on his cheek and welcoming the sensation of reality once more, even as his head swam with the new understanding, the insights it gave him into the Air itself, smiling a little.
"If you say so. Auspicious signs were never my strong point." He gives a little shake of his head and starts to walk from the Zephyr.
"More by omission than anything else, though the garden I was in made that rather uncomfortable. I could hardly leave him distressed and dispondant though, so I gave him Hope instead."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "Which prince was it? Cedric?"
"I care a great deal for the Holyswords, Cael. I would like to hear what goes with them."
"All of them have been... obscured, as of late."
'''Cael: ''' "Obscured?" He asks, with genuine curiousity, not sure by what means Cian would be observing them.
And just why are you interested in them?
"Cedric, yes. Since I was travelling this way anyway, I said I would take him away from the war in the North, to the Empyrean Stair here in the city."
'''Cian Huang: ''' Why is he interested in them? It is there on his words... he cares about them because they are a long running project of his. They are his bonsai, which he has been pruning for millennia. He is Whiteshield's Guardian Angel, chief responsible for most of its existence... one who always sees the royal family as his own extended family, as his grandchildren of sorts. The oath he had made to safeguard that land, its teachings...
"I see. That was a good initiative, Cael. And always from the fae, he is more easy to see... although his caretaker also blurs me."
"As for the others... well. The presence of too many entities that blurs our sight, you see. It is hard to look past their whims."
'''Cael: ''' "The angels, Pale and Dark, I would imagine." He hazards a guess, floats something to wait for a correction that might be even more informative, if it happened at least.
"Millia would do, of course. She is Cetari's daughter, though she knows it not. Though, no plan is perfect and ... well, I am worried for Elizabeth and what she may or may not have done to the Dayshield's son. Still, I did persaude the goddess away from genocide."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "And the Faerie-Blooded. And something that feels Terrestrial, but is not. And a Terrestrial, that feels like she is not. And Millia... being child of a God does not do it. But something in her does. I knew it, when I assigned her to him... so he would be hidden." ''from my brethren'' "It seems to be a theme, that our own schemes will come back to haunt us. You should remember this when spinning your own webs, Cael."
'''Cael: ''' ''His weapons. ''
''Unless Shara has been riding her for a very long time ... ''
"The fairy-blooded?" He tilts his head to ask with no small amount of curiousity evident in his voice, having mapped the others to their owners, he thinks.<br>
''Fiona? ''
"I spin no webs though. I write plays, and hope the actors will move upon the stage and that all will not be sound and fury, signifying nothing." He grins. "Still, your advice is good, but the night draws on ... and despite, or perhaps because of, my new understanding of Calisara she will not take my being too late, too well."
"That and I'm really rather curious."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "The ministrel. The one who saved his sister, and hid him during the time he was incapacitated."
He nods, as they walk through streets that never sleep, but are nevertheless much, much more empty than they were at daylight... or even evening... "Cael, Cael. You must learn to follow the road. Do not take the worst traits of your namesake."
He stops then, finally, in front of another great Manse... "They are here. Do try to be a nice boy, it will reflect badly on me otherwise."
And then he rings the gates... and waits.
'''Cael: ''' ''Cian, don't you see? ''
''I follow my own route, one that I write day by day. ''
''roads are things I see from above''
"Ah, I met him but briefly. I had a prior engagement and a gift to deliver at the time, a debt to repay." He looks up at the manse then, trying to guess what manner of people would call here home.
"I shall endevour to be on my best behavior." He says, a touch of facaeciousness in his voice.
'''Narrator: ''' A moment later, the gate opens... opened by a figure not unlike a fox beastwoman in a kimono... but one that glows, her form seemingly made of pure yellow essence. Her eyes are like coins, shining at them in strange ways. "My lord Cian Huang. It has been a long time. And who is the one with you?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael studies the fox ... spirit? with polite curiousity as she speaks with Cian, making no move to introduce himself. After all, the polite guest waits until he is introduced.
'''Cian Huang: ''' "This is Cael Pattonna, Dandara, the most infamous Windwraith. I brought him to meet your mistresses." He nods most politely, stepping inside. "They have been warned I was coming, already... I hope they don't mind."
'''Dandara: ''' "Do not think they would. Any friend of yours' is welcome in their Manse, lord Huang. Come with me if you please..." And she begins to walk, her steps dreamlike, moving faster than she possibly could... and bringing them throughout the large garden of the Manse, with little hedges forming strange formations, great stone circles on the grounds, observatories to the stars, crystal gazebos... and into the Manse, one that seemed cloaked by night and lit by stars.
'''Cael: ''' "A pleasure to meet you, Dandara." He says smoothly, with accompanied with a Great Forks gesture of politle respect, a pleasant smile on his face.
''mistresses...still curious... ''
Cael walks behind her at an easy pace that neverless puts him not that far behind her, studying the garden and the astrological pariphenalia built into the garden, before coming to the manse of stars, feeling the essence of the place taught accross his skin, just feeling how it differed from the other manses he knew ...
'''Dandara: ''' The essence is... completely different. It feels like mystery. It feels more ordained, a certain order, like the very air was part of gears of a giant clock. As they walk in, it is more lit, but Cael cannot escape the thought that there is something in the shadows, whispers, mysteries. On the walls, Varangian clocks and some older still, their clicking adding together into a ethereal symphony. Dandara leaves them on a great living room, motioning for the couches... all of them covered in exotic tapestries, all colorful, and yet, all colors are muted. All seems so... night-time. "The mistresses will come down in a moment. Is there anything either of you would like to drink?"
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes off his coat, stark white and gold in the half-light of the manse, drapping it over the back of the sofa on which he settles himself and relaxes.
"A glass of white wine, if you would be so kind." He says, momentarilly wondering why he did not ask for red. ''the chill is important'', he concludes.
After she has left, he studies the room with curiousity, eyes flicking from clock to clock.
'''Narrator: ''' Cian asks for some drink with pineapples Cael does not quite catches the name of, and Dandara bows, going to fetch said drinks... as Cian lays back, relaxing a little. Then, almost suddenly, he speaks. "They are twins. Entwined not just in body and lives, but in soul and destiny, from before their conception. And very, very resourceful..."
'''Cael: ''' Cael raises an eyebrow at this.
''Twins? ''
"Entwined in soul and destiny?" Cael asks, genuinely curious, and curious enough to let it be seen that he is.
''And resourceful in the persuit of what ends....? ''
'''Narrator: ''' "Yes." That is all he says...
And then Cael hears the heels touching the staircase. And sees them walking down... one dressed in white and yellow dress that drapes down on her like curtains, covered in a fur coat of the same colors, an intricate and sharp, intricate version of a butterfly mask covers her face, hiding almost all but golden lips and golden, white-freckled eyes. Little flames swirls about her, and shining bracers coil around her arms, gems gleaming on the back of each of her hands. Another is dressed in a heavy viridian dress, threads hangin from many parts of it and tipped in diamond, her face is covered in a Jade mask, a sharp, intricate version of a butterfly mask covers her face, hiding all but green, white-freckled eyes. Little silver bells hang from her hands and in her hair, covered with some plant Cael had never seen or heard of. Their bodies are the same, lithe, tall, shapely. Their hair is the same, honey-brown in color. Stars shine in a variety of colors, the tinge of starmetal in both their dresses, the golden one having images of foxes, of plains, of hunts in the plains, the viridian one having images of forests, of webs and spiders.
They smile down as they walk, and Cian smiles. "Cael Pattonna, meet Golden Fox, Huntress in the Endless Field, and Jade Silk. Mistres of a Thousand and One Veils. Jade Silk, Golden Fox, meet Cael Pattonna, the Windwraith."
'''Cael: ''' Cael watches their descent with an interest that remains just within the bounds of propriety, a faint smile on his face as the pair of lithe beauties descend the stairs, watching the way their bodies shift beneath the dresses, the way their eyes shift behind the masks.
He flows smoothly to his feet, drifting across the room to greet them, raising one of their hands in turn, kissing it softly, as was the current fashion in the Great Forks.
"Greetings, Golden Fox" ... "Jade Silk." ... "It is my honour and pleasure to meet you." His voice is warm and full and rich, the slightltest undercurrent on the word 'pleasure', so slight anyone might imagine they heard it. He straightens himself after the kisses, stepping backwards and back to the sofa, settling himself with comfort once more.
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' They smile to Cael, each in turn. "Greetings, Windwraith. It is auspicious to see you today." They say, their voices the same. "Have you been served well? We hope you did not have to wait much." They speak, at the same time, with the same voice, the same intonation. "What brings you to our home at this time?"
'''Cael: ''' "I have no complaints with the service nor with the time I was waiting, certainly" He says as he finishes settling himself comfortably into the sofa.
"Though what brings me here is a mixture of concidence and curiousity." He makes a gesture to indicate Cian.
'''Cian Huang: ''' Cian smiles, picking his package, so many documents coming from within it, handling it to the twins... "Oh, I have come to deliver you those documents and ask for your help in a few things. Cael is here just to meet you. I figure he could use friends when I am gone, and I trust you." Cian passes them to Golden Fox, who snatches them smiling mischievously to Cian, who meets her gaze with an irreverent face.
"Well, at the very least, I am certain the only side you are on is your own."
Dandara returns, the glowing fox's tail holding a bottle of wine, the plate in her hand holding all the glasses and Cian's drink. She places them on a table between them, making a crystalline sound as Cael sees the glass the plate is set on wave like a disturbed pond, little moons and stars floating in the air about it like droplets of water after a crashing wave.... Cian picks his drink, bringing it to his lips, and adding... "That alone is a trustworthy trait these days."
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' "If he wishes help, it has its price." They say, each picking their glass as Dandara fills it.
"If he wish friendship, it has to be earned."
"But who knows? The Sun, Silver and Air shine about him. He is interesting, at least."
Their voices finally break the choir as Golden Fox sips on her wine, passing the papers to Silk, who speaks on her own...<br>
"Those are... worrying, Cian."
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes a sip of the wine after he plucks it from the table, trying to move with enough finesse that he creates no more ripples though without success, taking a drawn out sip of the wine, feeling the icecold liquid pour across his tongue.
As they speak he idly reads the backs of the papers, should they have any text upon them, the same gem that lets him see for a hundred miles easily letting him read across the room.
"Ah well, I am glad I am interesting at least." says his mouth, as his body and face say ''a challenge. good. ''
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' Cael reads papers of dispatched Wyld Hunts.<br>
Cael sees the mentions to Abyssals having stolen something important.<br>
Cael sees the contracts twisted by the mad god of commerce.
All but the mad god being in the River Province...
They both smile. Strangely, they never trade glances - it is as if they did not need to. Sometimes, diamonds flare, or the foxes seem to run all that much faster on the golden dress. Sometimes, motes of viridian shine over the Jade Mask like stars, and over the Golden Mask like coins. But no glances. "Of course you are. Windwraith. Wanted. Idealist. Immoral. Possessor of the Binds, of the Zephyr, of a Social Contract with the Reaper of the Camelia."
"All that, my dear, is quite interesting. Without even going to how you are a bridge to Cian's beloved."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "You love your projects just as much, my dears, no need to be snide. Of course, I should kill you just for knowing that." His smile becomes razored, with quite an edge to it... that disappears as he produces another package with a multihued flare, motes of each color darting to different sections of the room. "Do not fret, my dears, I trust you with that information. As I trust Cael... but Cael, it is a... sensitive topic. You would do well to remember that."
"Well... at least the 'beloved' part."
'''Cael: ''' ''Perhaps it is not safety I have given the Prince, given Anne here, but merely a different flavour of danger. ''
''But then, that is all I could ever hope to do. ''
''And she had to leave me for a time. ''
"Of course Cian, your sordid secrets are safe with me." He says, his face wholely irreverent as he takes another sip of the wine in his hand, though his eyes reveal he treats such confidences more seriously than his words and demeanor suggest.
He begins to read the contents of the second package as he carries on speaking.
"It does appear that Great Forks is the place I must travel to find my adoring fans. So many people seem to watch me from here." He wears a cheeky smile on his face as he says this.
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' Cian is amused. The Twins, however, are not.
"Do not flatter yourself." They say in their calm voice... and then, they begin to, strangely... shift.<br>
Each speaking a different sentence...
"We know all about people of power and notoriety such as you."<br>
"You have never tried to conceal yourself, fool that you are."<br>
"It would be an insult to us to think we did not know."<br>
"In our line of work, Windwraith..."<br>
"... not being known is the virtue."
'''Cael: ''' Cael gives a small shrug, somewhere between an apology and an acceptance he had annoyed them, though obviously he was not overly bothered by the fact.
"Of course." He nods his head in accquiessence of their self-evident skills in that arena.
''The other way to hide one's self is to tell people what they want to know, that way, they will know the image and not you''
"But then everyone knows the Windwraith, or at least has heard stories of him. Many people have known Cael Pattona, or at least have met him. Yet there are few who know me. Though you have seen deeper than many I have met, and so I must salute you." He raises his glass to the pair.
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' "We have long learned to read between the lines. Of every report, of every sighting."
"About the Dark Angel."<br>
"About the Pale Angel."<br>
"About the Holyswords."<br>
"About Alexsei Krauser and Gennadi Ilkov."<br>
They smile, and raise their glasses, together with Cian. All touch, little motes of all their essences filling the air... "To us, then. We accept your salutations, Windwraith. May you ''not'' see beyond color-coded twins and the Messenger Angel of All Colors."
'''Cael: ''' Cael inclines his head.
"I do believe that was a challenge." he says, his face painted with mischief.
''Not one to worry me over much. ''
"I look forward to unwrapping your secrets." ''and, of course, you're mistaken if you think you know all of me. ''
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' "And our coats and veils, I am sure. But like those, it will remain wishful thinking." They say right after sipping from their wine, both legs crossing, laying back on their couch in unison, passing the documents from one to another. And then Silk speaks, alone "We shall have all your secrets, however. And in time, sell you some you are still unaware of."
'''Cian Huang: ''' "Ah..." Cian sighs irreverently... "To be young and with such an ego. You all amuse me so."
'''Cael: ''' Cael takes a sip of his own wine.
"And yet I will still be. When ''I'' know all of yours, were will you be?" He poses the question, then gives a small shake of his head. He isn't interested in the answer right now.
"Still, we should not be so rude as to exclude Cian from our discussion. However amusing we may be to him...."
'''Sidereal Twins: ''' "Indeed... we are being very rude, sister." Said the Golden Fox.<br>
"Indeed we are, my lord, and we are sorry." Said the Jade Silk.<br>
"Well, then, shall we go on to the more pressing matters?" Said both in unison.
And then, they begun to talk Talk about the plans of the Guild, of the Assassin Organizations, of the Council, of the Emissary, of Chaya, of this or that Kingdom, of Talespinner... making Cael see so many layers upon layers of entwining plots... and know they are but the tip of the iceberg. One of the many hidden masks of Creation...
He heard them, their talks, as they went on and on....
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SeventhMovement|Seventh Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 01:16, 9 April 2007

Winds of Fate

Shara came back a day later.

She had no less than seven fish-sticks between her fingers, and two bags under her arm filled with all sorts of shiney and fishey things she could steal on the way home. To decorate her place in the ship. Which she demanded to be shown to at once!

Oh yes, and she also proudly proclaimed to know what the Hanslans were seeking in the Great Forks.

The first item on the list, was debauchery. All of the diplomats sent have a thing for God-Blooded, Elementals, and Drugs of all sorts. They clearly did their best to be chosen for it, and were enjoying every moment to its fullest! ... even garnering them quite a bit of ill repute. And hopefully not their country.

The second reason, more to the point, was a deal with Talespinner. They wish its help, and all of its Blessings, in three great stories. Plans wild enough to work with the right blessings. They involve an expedition to the far north, annexing foreign countries... and something else, which they need the help of Dreamweaver for - they found some insteresting, unique plants, which they believe can be made into the right substances with the psychadelic dream-god's knowledge, one which they can contraband into enemy territory and use to desetablize enemy countries before conquest....

She laid the information at his feet, and then scampered off to finish her fishy sticks, tail held high.

Leaving Cael to work with the information...

Cael: Cael thanks her of course, with pettings and strokings and her own bit of fresh koi from the pond, letting Calisara take her off to her room whilst he settles down in his study to consider what she had told him.

Debauch ... hmmm ... well, that has potential as an in to the group ... also something to remember later.

As to what they wish for help with ....
Curious, but perhaps he could discover more.
Concerning, but perhaps they could be induced to expand the correct way
Concerning, though perhaps the knowledge could be used as well .... or perhaps it was related to the lizards.
...this would definately need some thought, and he would need to get closer to them ... he'd have to ask shara to describe them later....

And thinking such thoughts Cael settled down for the moment to do some work, spinning out a gleaming matrix of golden numbers from the binds, twisting and turning, watching the numbers flow ... troop numbers, grain supplies, funds, investments, building materials ... all these and a thousand other things, needing to be organised, directed, co-ordinated so that they would be greater than the whole.
And so the night wore on, sipping his wine, changing numbers, watching the gold gleam brighter and then fall apart ... changing another number ...
I'll stop soon ... Cal has been waiting a while...but
More numbers flicker and change.

Narrator: And it goes on.... until quite late into the night...

... until, like a vision brought by wine, a horse made of light, shimmering in all colors like oil on water, like a strange ephemeral creature of a dream was on the same room as Cael, its rider, wearing well-worn clothes of a southern messengers, body almost fully covered, dismounted, leaving a few packages over the horse, and pushing down his hood to show the face of Cian Huang, his golden hair and shining yellow eyes.... "You wished to speak to me, Cael? I am sory if I took so long, and I must excuse myself in advance that I do not have much time... you have no idea how busy I have been lately." He says, touching his nose and the corner of his eyes with thumb and forefinger, massaging a tired sight... "I am sorry for the intrusion, as well, now that I think of it. Just trying to use the quickest route..."

Cael: Cael blinks just once, before accertaining the vision before him was real. The figures for whiteshield and windia vanish with a wave of his hand and a faint smile on his face.

"I think I can forgive your entrance, Cian. It was quite impressive." He gestures for the man to take a seat if he so desires. "It seems you are always busy, but never the less, I thank you for taking the time to see me. Wine, this time?" He asks with a tilt of his head, a small joke to the fact that the previous time he had been too busy for wine.

"But yes, I did wish to speak with you. When I sent that message to you, I was more than a little concerned. Someone had killed themselves, you see, rather than face the possibility I might return to the North."

Cian Huang: "Plese. Red, I hope. I need something to relax." He says as he takes a seat, and gestures for the horse to vanish into nothing but an aurora about the air. "This is a busy world we live in. Too much happening at once, Cael... and makes me wonder wether it will make me lose my mind. Or already has."

"Someone has committed suicide, you say? Who...?"

Cael: "Red, yes." He pours the sidereal a large glass of the wine he was drinking. "Quite a good local vintage ... I'm going to have to take some with me when we leave." He hands the glass over. "Well, you seem as sane as the rest of us to me, at least. What have they gotten you doing recently?"

"But yes, a seer by the name of Nabu. The doctor I sought out to help Millia was friends with him, and would consult him before taking on cases with a new client. Mine was the last such consulation..."

Cian Huang: "Souvenirs from all accross the globe... it is no wonder the Maiden of Journeys smiles on you as well, Windwraith. I believe we are kin." He says, raising his glass for a toast, his mien becoming somber as he hears the news... "... Nabu. Damn, he was a great seer. I used his services from time to time... the Twins must be devastated..."

Cael: "Well, there seems little point travelling the world if one doesn't explore the local culture at least a little...." He smiles, raising his glass in a toast, before lowering it as the man's expression changed.

"They ... were not too happy when I visited today with my donative for their service. I wished them luck and said what I could. I think I left them a little brighter, but I can see what he meant to them."

He gestures then, and from his fingertips flow new words, ones not penned in a precise hand, nor penned in Cael's, the fluidity of the ink obvious....

The Zephyr comes...
It binds?
It binds!
The Wind...
The Falcon...
The falcon flies south.
And if he flies north again, all is over.
All is death.
The falcon will fly north to bring suffering.
A wraith creating more wraiths.
So much suffering, so much suffering...
Too much to bear!
I cannot be...
I cannot stay...
I am sorry.
I am too scared...

Cian Huang: Something shines in a sinister way within yellow eyes as he sees that...

"That is... worrying, Cael."

Cael: "Just so." He nods.

Cian Huang: Red wine to his lips, and thoughts, many thoughts... his expression thoughtful, but strangely, not tired anymore. Like thoughts racing around his mind, not excited, no... but at least, his soul was more awake now. "And what do you intend to do about it, Windwraith? This does come from a reliable source..."

Cael: Cael takes a sip of his own wine, as interested in what Cian doesn't say as what he asks of him.

"I am not yet sure. As tempting as holidaying in Great Forks sounds ..." he holds up a hand to show that for the joke it is, "... I cannot stay down here indefinately, and I will be returning North, probably within the next few days. I cannot even think how I would go about creating more wraiths, literal or figuratively. But yet I do not want to ignore the prophesy ... it seemed ... foolish, to ignore something that cost a man's life."

Cian Huang: "Ah, such a Solar... and I hope it is literal, I would rather fight an army of dead wraiths than an army of clones of yours'." He winks, laying back on the chair, a little more relaxed. "I will see about this prophecy as well. When I have time. You asked what has been taking my time... well, you would not believe if I told you."

Cael: Cael tilts his head as he considers this.

"The clones would be more pleasing to set eye on, but yes ... wraiths would probably be easier to fight. Still, I have no intent of releasing either..." He sighs alittle. "I suppose I will just have to watch myself."
Unless of course, it's one of those self-fulfilling prophesies one reads of in books, but that would be digression...

"Try me, Cian." He says with a grin. "I've seen the child of a god wield his weapons beyond his death, seduced the shard of a long dead behemoth, lied to a prince in a garden where the plants mirror your every emotion, seen an elemental that is the fusion of several and managed to break a girls heart and make it, all in one gesture. And that's just since I landed."

"So try me."

Cian Huang: "A demon made of shards of redwood held sway over much of the countryside in Linowan. Lucien, Guardian of Sleep has manifested in the world and helped the Perfect's totalitarian rule in the south; A Wretched Anathema had been terrorizing primary schools on the Realm, committing horrible acts that had to be stopped. Strange lights in the sky had been driving people insane in the outskirts of Linowan. Pillars written in an unknown language appeared all over Atraysa, and children have begun to disappear; A whole kingdom's populace has turned into toads overnight; A rogue god of commerce has shifted the wording of all contracts not too far from Hanslanti; Among other things..." He sighs. "I believe you word it more poetically than I would, of course."

"But I am no poet, simply a messenger, so forgive me for being concise."

Cael: "It appears that were you a poet, we might be here all night as you listed them." He grins, "So there are definate benefits to your briefness. Still, I can quite see why you have been busy ... it makes my budgetting and warfighting seem rather simple in comparision.."

"Though tell me more of those contracts if you would, and of the strange langauge..."

Cian Huang: Cian laughs. "Well, that is the reason why I do so, yes. But if you wish to hear about them..."

He gets up, his hand going into the aurora in the air, shuffling through an invisible bag...

"But say, can you see it on the way? I got an appointment not too far from here, we could walk there."

Cael: "As long as it won't take overly long. I did make a promise to Cal tonight and, well, I would like to have breakfast cooked for me in the morning...." He gestures to the door though.

"If it won't take all night, please, lead on."

Cian Huang: "It will not take too long, no. Those I am going to meet are busy as well... but I think you would benefit from meeting them. Maybe they could even have time to teach you a few things, in time." He nods, walking towards the door, and handling Cael some contracts... stating things like a house owning a man, a woman belonging to a dog, that a lampost cost no less than twenty jade talents to be placed, and emphatically stating how a swath of land belongs to none but a single toad. "Speaking of teaching, pehaps I could do some on the way, as well. After all, there is no better teacher than the Road."

Cael: Cael flicks through the contracts.

"Most odd." "Singular." "...Hmmm." Are just some of the comments that pass his lips as he reads over the letters. "The god does appear to be quite mad. Or malicious."

"Other starchosen like yourself then? I'm sure they will be interesting to meet. You do seem to lead curiously frentic lives."

"As to your offer of teaching .... that intrigues me, though I wonder what lessons I might learn from the Road. It is important to consider such things, to keep an open mind."

Cian Huang: "My vote is on mad, if only because I am extremely hopeful. In this crazy world, sometimes it doesn't hurt to hope for the best." He says as they walk around the Zephyr, towards the exit... and then, he takes a detour, walking deeper into the ship, towards the storage rooms... "You wonder what you can learn from the road? Everything! As you walk in this ship, for example... do you not feel it? What the ship is. What you learn. Its flow... its... breathing. You know, me and this ship go way back... and its signature is something only its road can tell you."

"It is also unnerving to hear you talk of starchosen so casually. I believe I have to spank mr. Krauser when I have the chance."

Cael: Cael smiles an inscrutable smile and gives a small shake of his head.

"Cian, Cian, have you no knowledge of me? Do you think were I bothered, I would talk to you any differently?" He grins.

"Learning everything does sound rather tempting though. If a little time consuming." He winks as he follows the man deeper into the Zephyr.

Cian Huang: "... I suppose you have a point. You do remind me of an old friend of mine...."

He trails off, looking at the empty places for storage, breathing... "You feel it in the air? You feel her?" He smiles. "There is a little trick I possess... and I believe you are ready for it. For those that are ready, knowledge comes easier, Windwraith..." And as he walks, his hands trail circles, forming a road of essence, a trail of light behind him... his every word with an undertone, part of an incantation. Around them, air flows, as if the Zephyr was breathing... "Feel, Breathe. Walk."

Cael: Cael watches, rapt, at the magic that courses around him, listening to the carefully chosen words.

"I feel..."

And then he trails off, as he feels the knowledge crystallising around him, crystallising within him, feeling the greater understanding it gave him, of the air he breathed, the roads he walked, the Zephyr and of Calisara.

"I feel." He repeats himself in a soft voice.

"I breathe." He draws in a breath of air that somehow tastes different to every breath he has taken before.

"I walk." He steps forward, and as he steps, he feels something alter inside, and he knows now that sometimes his kanji will be rimmed with frost, sometimes he will write with a crystal clarity of ice.

"Thank you Cian, for this ... Understanding"

The Wind is so much closer now.

Cian Huang: They seem to go throuh the air.

The world blurs, and seems to disappears. Around them, a gallery... a gallery of clouds, of Calisaras. So many of them, in so many different dresses, expressions, faces... so many of her, in all of the clouds, everywhere... as they walk the clouds, as they feel the clouds... they never stop walking, as all the words of light from Cian, in all colors, make them walk, make them see broken rainbows in solar winds.... and then, they are at the door to come out of the Zephyr. "You are welcome."

The older man touches his neck, makes it click. "Aaah, this was a long one. We spent a long time in that trance, but I believe it was worth it. You are in the North... and understanding the Wind is needed, there." And thus, he steps out of the Zephyr, into the high night of the Great Forks... watching the crescent moon overhead "Hmmm. Auspicious night."

"But tell me, Cael, you said you lied to a prince?"

Cael: Cael steps down lightly on to the grass, looking around him, feeling the cool breeze on his cheek and welcoming the sensation of reality once more, even as his head swam with the new understanding, the insights it gave him into the Air itself, smiling a little.

"If you say so. Auspicious signs were never my strong point." He gives a little shake of his head and starts to walk from the Zephyr.

"More by omission than anything else, though the garden I was in made that rather uncomfortable. I could hardly leave him distressed and dispondant though, so I gave him Hope instead."

Cian Huang: "Which prince was it? Cedric?"

"I care a great deal for the Holyswords, Cael. I would like to hear what goes with them."

"All of them have been... obscured, as of late."

Cael: "Obscured?" He asks, with genuine curiousity, not sure by what means Cian would be observing them.

And just why are you interested in them?

"Cedric, yes. Since I was travelling this way anyway, I said I would take him away from the war in the North, to the Empyrean Stair here in the city."

Cian Huang: Why is he interested in them? It is there on his words... he cares about them because they are a long running project of his. They are his bonsai, which he has been pruning for millennia. He is Whiteshield's Guardian Angel, chief responsible for most of its existence... one who always sees the royal family as his own extended family, as his grandchildren of sorts. The oath he had made to safeguard that land, its teachings...

"I see. That was a good initiative, Cael. And always from the fae, he is more easy to see... although his caretaker also blurs me."

"As for the others... well. The presence of too many entities that blurs our sight, you see. It is hard to look past their whims."

Cael: "The angels, Pale and Dark, I would imagine." He hazards a guess, floats something to wait for a correction that might be even more informative, if it happened at least.

"Millia would do, of course. She is Cetari's daughter, though she knows it not. Though, no plan is perfect and ... well, I am worried for Elizabeth and what she may or may not have done to the Dayshield's son. Still, I did persaude the goddess away from genocide."

Cian Huang: "And the Faerie-Blooded. And something that feels Terrestrial, but is not. And a Terrestrial, that feels like she is not. And Millia... being child of a God does not do it. But something in her does. I knew it, when I assigned her to him... so he would be hidden." from my brethren "It seems to be a theme, that our own schemes will come back to haunt us. You should remember this when spinning your own webs, Cael."

Cael: His weapons.

Unless Shara has been riding her for a very long time ...

"The fairy-blooded?" He tilts his head to ask with no small amount of curiousity evident in his voice, having mapped the others to their owners, he thinks.

"I spin no webs though. I write plays, and hope the actors will move upon the stage and that all will not be sound and fury, signifying nothing." He grins. "Still, your advice is good, but the night draws on ... and despite, or perhaps because of, my new understanding of Calisara she will not take my being too late, too well."

"That and I'm really rather curious."

Cian Huang: "The ministrel. The one who saved his sister, and hid him during the time he was incapacitated."

He nods, as they walk through streets that never sleep, but are nevertheless much, much more empty than they were at daylight... or even evening... "Cael, Cael. You must learn to follow the road. Do not take the worst traits of your namesake."

He stops then, finally, in front of another great Manse... "They are here. Do try to be a nice boy, it will reflect badly on me otherwise."

And then he rings the gates... and waits.

Cael: Cian, don't you see?

I follow my own route, one that I write day by day.

roads are things I see from above

"Ah, I met him but briefly. I had a prior engagement and a gift to deliver at the time, a debt to repay." He looks up at the manse then, trying to guess what manner of people would call here home.

"I shall endevour to be on my best behavior." He says, a touch of facaeciousness in his voice.

Narrator: A moment later, the gate opens... opened by a figure not unlike a fox beastwoman in a kimono... but one that glows, her form seemingly made of pure yellow essence. Her eyes are like coins, shining at them in strange ways. "My lord Cian Huang. It has been a long time. And who is the one with you?"

Cael: Cael studies the fox ... spirit? with polite curiousity as she speaks with Cian, making no move to introduce himself. After all, the polite guest waits until he is introduced.

Cian Huang: "This is Cael Pattonna, Dandara, the most infamous Windwraith. I brought him to meet your mistresses." He nods most politely, stepping inside. "They have been warned I was coming, already... I hope they don't mind."

Dandara: "Do not think they would. Any friend of yours' is welcome in their Manse, lord Huang. Come with me if you please..." And she begins to walk, her steps dreamlike, moving faster than she possibly could... and bringing them throughout the large garden of the Manse, with little hedges forming strange formations, great stone circles on the grounds, observatories to the stars, crystal gazebos... and into the Manse, one that seemed cloaked by night and lit by stars.

Cael: "A pleasure to meet you, Dandara." He says smoothly, with accompanied with a Great Forks gesture of politle respect, a pleasant smile on his face.

mistresses...still curious...

Cael walks behind her at an easy pace that neverless puts him not that far behind her, studying the garden and the astrological pariphenalia built into the garden, before coming to the manse of stars, feeling the essence of the place taught accross his skin, just feeling how it differed from the other manses he knew ...

Dandara: The essence is... completely different. It feels like mystery. It feels more ordained, a certain order, like the very air was part of gears of a giant clock. As they walk in, it is more lit, but Cael cannot escape the thought that there is something in the shadows, whispers, mysteries. On the walls, Varangian clocks and some older still, their clicking adding together into a ethereal symphony. Dandara leaves them on a great living room, motioning for the couches... all of them covered in exotic tapestries, all colorful, and yet, all colors are muted. All seems so... night-time. "The mistresses will come down in a moment. Is there anything either of you would like to drink?"

Cael: Cael takes off his coat, stark white and gold in the half-light of the manse, drapping it over the back of the sofa on which he settles himself and relaxes.

"A glass of white wine, if you would be so kind." He says, momentarilly wondering why he did not ask for red. the chill is important, he concludes.

After she has left, he studies the room with curiousity, eyes flicking from clock to clock.

Narrator: Cian asks for some drink with pineapples Cael does not quite catches the name of, and Dandara bows, going to fetch said drinks... as Cian lays back, relaxing a little. Then, almost suddenly, he speaks. "They are twins. Entwined not just in body and lives, but in soul and destiny, from before their conception. And very, very resourceful..."

Cael: Cael raises an eyebrow at this.


"Entwined in soul and destiny?" Cael asks, genuinely curious, and curious enough to let it be seen that he is.

And resourceful in the persuit of what ends....?

Narrator: "Yes." That is all he says...

And then Cael hears the heels touching the staircase. And sees them walking down... one dressed in white and yellow dress that drapes down on her like curtains, covered in a fur coat of the same colors, an intricate and sharp, intricate version of a butterfly mask covers her face, hiding almost all but golden lips and golden, white-freckled eyes. Little flames swirls about her, and shining bracers coil around her arms, gems gleaming on the back of each of her hands. Another is dressed in a heavy viridian dress, threads hangin from many parts of it and tipped in diamond, her face is covered in a Jade mask, a sharp, intricate version of a butterfly mask covers her face, hiding all but green, white-freckled eyes. Little silver bells hang from her hands and in her hair, covered with some plant Cael had never seen or heard of. Their bodies are the same, lithe, tall, shapely. Their hair is the same, honey-brown in color. Stars shine in a variety of colors, the tinge of starmetal in both their dresses, the golden one having images of foxes, of plains, of hunts in the plains, the viridian one having images of forests, of webs and spiders.

They smile down as they walk, and Cian smiles. "Cael Pattonna, meet Golden Fox, Huntress in the Endless Field, and Jade Silk. Mistres of a Thousand and One Veils. Jade Silk, Golden Fox, meet Cael Pattonna, the Windwraith."

Cael: Cael watches their descent with an interest that remains just within the bounds of propriety, a faint smile on his face as the pair of lithe beauties descend the stairs, watching the way their bodies shift beneath the dresses, the way their eyes shift behind the masks.

He flows smoothly to his feet, drifting across the room to greet them, raising one of their hands in turn, kissing it softly, as was the current fashion in the Great Forks.

"Greetings, Golden Fox" ... "Jade Silk." ... "It is my honour and pleasure to meet you." His voice is warm and full and rich, the slightltest undercurrent on the word 'pleasure', so slight anyone might imagine they heard it. He straightens himself after the kisses, stepping backwards and back to the sofa, settling himself with comfort once more.

Sidereal Twins: They smile to Cael, each in turn. "Greetings, Windwraith. It is auspicious to see you today." They say, their voices the same. "Have you been served well? We hope you did not have to wait much." They speak, at the same time, with the same voice, the same intonation. "What brings you to our home at this time?"

Cael: "I have no complaints with the service nor with the time I was waiting, certainly" He says as he finishes settling himself comfortably into the sofa.

"Though what brings me here is a mixture of concidence and curiousity." He makes a gesture to indicate Cian.

Cian Huang: Cian smiles, picking his package, so many documents coming from within it, handling it to the twins... "Oh, I have come to deliver you those documents and ask for your help in a few things. Cael is here just to meet you. I figure he could use friends when I am gone, and I trust you." Cian passes them to Golden Fox, who snatches them smiling mischievously to Cian, who meets her gaze with an irreverent face.

"Well, at the very least, I am certain the only side you are on is your own."

Dandara returns, the glowing fox's tail holding a bottle of wine, the plate in her hand holding all the glasses and Cian's drink. She places them on a table between them, making a crystalline sound as Cael sees the glass the plate is set on wave like a disturbed pond, little moons and stars floating in the air about it like droplets of water after a crashing wave.... Cian picks his drink, bringing it to his lips, and adding... "That alone is a trustworthy trait these days."

Sidereal Twins: "If he wishes help, it has its price." They say, each picking their glass as Dandara fills it.

"If he wish friendship, it has to be earned."

"But who knows? The Sun, Silver and Air shine about him. He is interesting, at least."

Their voices finally break the choir as Golden Fox sips on her wine, passing the papers to Silk, who speaks on her own...
"Those are... worrying, Cian."

Cael: Cael takes a sip of the wine after he plucks it from the table, trying to move with enough finesse that he creates no more ripples though without success, taking a drawn out sip of the wine, feeling the icecold liquid pour across his tongue.

As they speak he idly reads the backs of the papers, should they have any text upon them, the same gem that lets him see for a hundred miles easily letting him read across the room.

"Ah well, I am glad I am interesting at least." says his mouth, as his body and face say a challenge. good.

Sidereal Twins: Cael reads papers of dispatched Wyld Hunts.
Cael sees the mentions to Abyssals having stolen something important.
Cael sees the contracts twisted by the mad god of commerce.

All but the mad god being in the River Province...

They both smile. Strangely, they never trade glances - it is as if they did not need to. Sometimes, diamonds flare, or the foxes seem to run all that much faster on the golden dress. Sometimes, motes of viridian shine over the Jade Mask like stars, and over the Golden Mask like coins. But no glances. "Of course you are. Windwraith. Wanted. Idealist. Immoral. Possessor of the Binds, of the Zephyr, of a Social Contract with the Reaper of the Camelia."

"All that, my dear, is quite interesting. Without even going to how you are a bridge to Cian's beloved."

Cian Huang: "You love your projects just as much, my dears, no need to be snide. Of course, I should kill you just for knowing that." His smile becomes razored, with quite an edge to it... that disappears as he produces another package with a multihued flare, motes of each color darting to different sections of the room. "Do not fret, my dears, I trust you with that information. As I trust Cael... but Cael, it is a... sensitive topic. You would do well to remember that."

"Well... at least the 'beloved' part."

Cael: Perhaps it is not safety I have given the Prince, given Anne here, but merely a different flavour of danger.

But then, that is all I could ever hope to do.

And she had to leave me for a time.

"Of course Cian, your sordid secrets are safe with me." He says, his face wholely irreverent as he takes another sip of the wine in his hand, though his eyes reveal he treats such confidences more seriously than his words and demeanor suggest.

He begins to read the contents of the second package as he carries on speaking.

"It does appear that Great Forks is the place I must travel to find my adoring fans. So many people seem to watch me from here." He wears a cheeky smile on his face as he says this.

Sidereal Twins: Cian is amused. The Twins, however, are not.

"Do not flatter yourself." They say in their calm voice... and then, they begin to, strangely... shift.
Each speaking a different sentence...

"We know all about people of power and notoriety such as you."
"You have never tried to conceal yourself, fool that you are."
"It would be an insult to us to think we did not know."
"In our line of work, Windwraith..."
"... not being known is the virtue."

Cael: Cael gives a small shrug, somewhere between an apology and an acceptance he had annoyed them, though obviously he was not overly bothered by the fact.

"Of course." He nods his head in accquiessence of their self-evident skills in that arena.

The other way to hide one's self is to tell people what they want to know, that way, they will know the image and not you

"But then everyone knows the Windwraith, or at least has heard stories of him. Many people have known Cael Pattona, or at least have met him. Yet there are few who know me. Though you have seen deeper than many I have met, and so I must salute you." He raises his glass to the pair.

Sidereal Twins: "We have long learned to read between the lines. Of every report, of every sighting."

"About the Dark Angel."
"About the Pale Angel."
"About the Holyswords."
"About Alexsei Krauser and Gennadi Ilkov."
They smile, and raise their glasses, together with Cian. All touch, little motes of all their essences filling the air... "To us, then. We accept your salutations, Windwraith. May you not see beyond color-coded twins and the Messenger Angel of All Colors."

Cael: Cael inclines his head.

"I do believe that was a challenge." he says, his face painted with mischief.

Not one to worry me over much.

"I look forward to unwrapping your secrets." and, of course, you're mistaken if you think you know all of me.

Sidereal Twins: "And our coats and veils, I am sure. But like those, it will remain wishful thinking." They say right after sipping from their wine, both legs crossing, laying back on their couch in unison, passing the documents from one to another. And then Silk speaks, alone "We shall have all your secrets, however. And in time, sell you some you are still unaware of."

Cian Huang: "Ah..." Cian sighs irreverently... "To be young and with such an ego. You all amuse me so."

Cael: Cael takes a sip of his own wine.

"And yet I will still be. When I know all of yours, were will you be?" He poses the question, then gives a small shake of his head. He isn't interested in the answer right now.

"Still, we should not be so rude as to exclude Cian from our discussion. However amusing we may be to him...."

Sidereal Twins: "Indeed... we are being very rude, sister." Said the Golden Fox.
"Indeed we are, my lord, and we are sorry." Said the Jade Silk.
"Well, then, shall we go on to the more pressing matters?" Said both in unison.

And then, they begun to talk Talk about the plans of the Guild, of the Assassin Organizations, of the Council, of the Emissary, of Chaya, of this or that Kingdom, of Talespinner... making Cael see so many layers upon layers of entwining plots... and know they are but the tip of the iceberg. One of the many hidden masks of Creation...

He heard them, their talks, as they went on and on....