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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
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== Red Ice Chains ==
<b>Cael:</b> After leaving Anne happily folding the origami falcons, Cael considers.
First he walks up to the sun lounge, concentrating on a working of essence, a multiwinged Cherub hovering in front of him. This he speaks too, explaining his desire to send Anne to one of the Academies at Great Forks, and asking if the Seven might know of one to recommend, or one that they have contacts with. He also asks Melody, the Goddess this cherub will be sent to, to pass on his gratitude for the services of the healer to Deep Soil Sleeper. He ends the message with some very private words for Melody alone, then sends the Cherub on its way.
"Calisara my dear, where is the prince at present?"
<b>Calisara:</b> <i>"Oh, he?"</i> Comes the voice, ethereal, jubilant.
<i>"The cute boy is walking towards his room... just out of his sparring session with the Pale Angel, it seems. Want me to ask him to wait for you?"</i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael laughs softly "So, he's getting to you too, then? But yes, if you could please tell him I'd like to talk with him, and ask him if he would wait in his room. I will be there shortly."
The he sets off through the ship to the Prince's cabin, knocking when he reaches it.
<b>Calisara:</b> <i>"How couldn't he? He is just so... adorable. Reminds me of the Fair ones you brought into board once, but while they were like dreams, he is... majestic. Strange to say of a young boy like this, hmmm? But I will, he will be expecting you."</i> Her voice vanishes with a giggle of someone with thoughts that are a little spicier than she would let out...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael thinks back with a faint fondness to those fae...
<i>The trio had been fun.</i>
He shakes his head softly at her final giggle, then strides off to the Prince's room.
<b>Alexander:</b> "Come in. It is open." He says, his voice winded from exercise, exaustion showing... entering the room, Cael sees the prince fallen on his bed, the makeshift shirt hanging on the wall, his body glistening with sweat still. "She... was a real slave driver... I hope... you enjoyed your time more than I did..."
<b>Cael:</b> "I had very pleasant talk with Anne, yes, thank you very much." He says with an slightly devilish grin. "If you'd like some time for a bath, don't let me stop you. I'll come back in a while with some drinks if you'd like?"
<b>Alexander:</b> He gets up from the bed, his white hair, pure as snow, crystalline like snowflakes in sunlight, sticking to his sweaty forehead... his face reddened, but yet... yes, in ways, like the Faerie. Even like that, he was still beautiful. Even the reds in his skin did not detract from it. A long sigh. "Hmmm... yes. I do so need a bath.." He says, stretching, "Do not worry if I take too long... that will be because the warmth made me pass out. I pray to the sun you will not have to get physical with the woman as I did, she could tire us both out easily."
He overdoes it, of course. Presence speaking louder than physique. For he would still be there in the end, training for days without end, even after her black flame extinguished itself...
<b>Cael:</b> Cael tries not to let his eyes wander of the prince's physique too much as he stretches. He laughs "Try not to take too long, but if you could tell Calisara when you're ready, or come along to my study when you're refreshed..."
<i>As to getting physical with Vorpal....however that happened it would be ...interesting.</i>
<b>Alexander:</b> A nice bath. A beautiful bathroom in ivory and marble and gold... the luxuries of the First Age, so fitting for a prince such as he. Warm, hot as so few in the north can have, cleaning his skin, melting the exaustion and the worries... bringing a smile to his young face as he vanishes within its waters.
For the first time in a long time, even with all the problems, Alexander manages to... forget.
To forget all the problems, all the deaths, all the oaths, and simply.. relax.
Before long, a knock on Cael's door. "Cael? Hope it did not take long."
<i>To finally converse with you, lord of words...</i>
<i>To finally converse with someone like me.</i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael looks up from the accounting he was doing while the prince was bathing, and tidies it away, taking another sip of his wine.
"Not at all, please come in." Then as the prince steps through the door, Cael spins in the chair, "Please, take a seat, Alex."
<b>Alexander:</b> He sits down, cocking his head back, stretching over the comfort of the chair, letting out a satisfied sigh as he closes his eyes, "I so needed that. And not just because of the exercise with the Pale Angel. So much I needed to just let sink in warm waters..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods understandingly "That I can understand, sometimes, you just have to get away from everything for a short time." he considers. "Would you like to eat lunch with me?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "But of course. Thank you very much." He says, "I am thirsty as well, what do you have for us to drink?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Calisara, dearest, could you bring myself and the prince some lunch, please? And would tea be alright, Alex. Juice? Wine?"
<b>Alexander:</b> <i>"But of course. Shall be there in a second, dearies."</i>
Alex smiles, remembering... "It is good to have a servant like that. Calisara is wonderful... and way swifter than most of ours'. My mother kept wanting to bind Elementals to her will, but despite being a sorcereress, that was a privilege of the chosen only..."
"And wine, please!"
<b>Cael:</b> "She is, yes. Some days I'm not sure what I'd do without her." he grins slightly "Walk a lot, I suppose. Elemental servents? Hmmm, most of the elemental's I've had dealings with would be far to flightly or proud for such a job anyway...but I digress..."
He turns back to face the prince. "I trust your time with the Lady Lilith was enlightening, if tiring?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "Well, there was a sorceress close to my mother, in Windia... Analia, an Air-Aspected Dragon-Blooded... she used to have those servants in her home. My mother kept looking for ways to have them as well. The thought such parts of sorcery were sealed to her bothered her... things of a queen, I suppose." He smiles, waiting for his wine.... taking a little golden knife to open letters over Cael's desk, spinning it on his hand... "Oh yes. It was. She is very skillful. She taught me... many things."
"If we are to die tomorrow, then I am sure I will not be going down easily."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods. "I can see why it must have rankled with her .. for a mortal to master sorcery and yet be denied that..."
Cael watches the gold knife spin for a time.
"Good, I'm glad she could teach you. I know a little of bladework myself, though I rarely use my sword these days."
<b>Alexander:</b> "With words that sharp..." He says as the knife once again lands over the letters, "....who needs a weapon? Your words seem to have served you very well so far."
<i>Even when my blade failed me.</i>
The image of Ivory urns on his mind. He had not been able to avenge his father. His country. Anything. Useless... useless before the real villains. "You... think we really have a chance, tomorrow?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Well, it was words that Exalted me, words that brought me here ... words people see in the Binds ... sometimes I am not sure if the words serve me, or I serve the words, but ... I didn't ask you here to talk about that.."
"Yes. If it were sure sucide , we would not be attempting it. It will be a tough fight, and one that will test all of us, but between Ainarch, the pale angel and my words, we should prevail."
<b>Alexander:</b> <i>So, you are confused as well?</i>
<i>And you seem so confident..</i>
"Something for another time, then. But yes... I hope you are right, Cael... part of me, part of me is glad to finally take it back to them. But the other part..." The mention of Ainerach makes him look around, and shiver. He had let the blade on his room... his blade, the one carried with him since the dawn of an age, his blade, protecting him since his father's death... his father's presence close to him. But it is not there, not there...
<b>Cael:</b> I am so confident. I'm just realistic, too.
"The other part of you worries, yes?" Cael nods "There is nothing wrong with caution. A thousand times better than rushing off half-cocked. Just as long as caution doesnt become cowardice. Not that I think that will be a problem you will face." Cael says with an encouraging smile.
"But anyway, to return to an earlier topic, just why are you with the Lady Lilith and the Dark Angel?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "Why? That is... simple enough. Because they said I had to be. I had no choice."
"I met them on the twilight. Of my life, I suppose. I was fighting them... so many of them. I had run in the woods with Millia..." his face warms for a moment as he remembers her face, and their last moment, in the night before he had to leave her and his brother with Gasper, "...and my brother for a whole week... and they were just there, close to us. Raitons which I burned from the sky, Hungry Ghosts... I had fought so many of them that night. Dozens of them. And after they had weakened me, the others came... armored ghosts. The Dead Hand, they called themselves. I was hurt, falling... could not protect Millia, nor Cedric..."
"... And it was then that they came. Destroying all in their path. Saving me, Millia and Cedric. Their mistress had commanded them. I was to... still am... I promised them. I gave my word."
"To go to the fortress of red ice to see their mistress. We took a detour... I wanted Millia and Cedric away from that, so I took them to our house in Windia." He stops then, remembering...
... all the damnation he had brought upon his own soul.
"That is why. I owe my life and my word to them. And they are my jailors, until I am to go to Red Ice. Meet their Mistress. Meet my sister, who swore her soul to her like they did."
And I miss her.
<b>Cael:</b> <i>That ... was quite a foolish thing you did, in many ways Prince.<br>But I can see why you did it ... probably would have done the same myself...<br>And it was not my choice to make, it was yours.<br>So I will not chastise you for it.<br>Instead, I will have to tread very lightly...</i>
"It does you credit that you intend to keep such an oath, even one obtained under such duress, but then I would not really expect less of a scion of Whiteshield." he nods slowly.
"Though I cannot say the news entirely gladdens my heart. I have heard many strange tales about the Pale Angel's Mistress, and while many of them sounded pleasurable, none of them sounded pleasant. I worry about what she might have in mind for you..." Cael closes his eyes.
"And, your sister is changed too, you say? I am sorry for you. So many tragedies in your young life. I hope I can help you reverse this, to grow in brightness and shine for a long time."
<b>Alexander:</b> The words warm his heart... wrapping him in them, just as if they were glowing golden of the Empyrean Binds. "I do intend to keep it. I made a promise."
"And they... they saved my life, Cael. They got my brother... even if he will not wake up... and Millia, to Windia, safe. They protected me... in their scary, strange way, they did." He remembers. Being pushed around, intimidated, crushed under their feet. He sighs. "If it was not for their mistress, I would be dead now. She deserves my word."
"Many... things? Yes... my parents... Cedric won't wake up... Carina sold her soul.... sometimes, feels like I am alone, Cael. No, it doesn't feel like this."
"I am."
"Elizabeth is so far away, and should remain so. If she came... there is no telling what might happen. We are cursed, Cael... all of us."
<b>Cael:</b> "You are not alone." Cael states firmly, wrapping the sun round his words, filling them with the warmth of a summer day.
"If you were alone, Moon would not be here. If you were alone, I would not be here. If you were alone, Melody would not have asked me to aid you. Do not say you are alone, please." He smiles encouragingly.
"The curse part .. I feel less sure in argueing. I do not feel especially cursed, but I can see why you do feel so."
"Elizabeth is your other sister yes? She went to study in Great Forks?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "I meant my family. Broken... scattered to the wind... cursed or dead. You... thankfully, you are not a part of it." He feels the warmth, but it does not touch him. Glad for Cael, but he has been alone, ever since Whiteshield broke. The Pale and the Dark Angels are not company, and there is no way... he would want Cael to come with him.
Let his soul be the only one to be damned.
"Yes... she is. Our lineage mixes... well, with those of divine heritage. Like my mother. There to live there as a princess, to marry Dayshield's son, and become nobility of the Great Forks...
<b>Cael:</b> "Broken and scattered as it is, you have a family. Which is more than I have. I know who my mother is, that is true. Know she'd stab me for being anathema, or else turn me in for the Haslanti bounty. My father is ... someone on one of the great caravans, that travel between the north and the south. You should not give up on the remains of your family. There are few things so black they cannot be undone if one does not give up."
"And what do you mean, I am not a part of it? Do you think I will be fighting the Celebrant tomorrow on a whim? By coincidence?"
"She will do well then." He smiles encouragingly "And, we might get to see her soon, if you would like. We will probably be travelling to Great Forks soon, anyway."
<b>Alexander:</b> <i>No... not a coincidence.</i>
<i>But to burn them out of the North is something we all have to do.</i>
<i>To face my damnantion... is something I can't ask of you...</i>
He leaves unsaid, hugging himself to bear a sudden chill. His face brightens as he hears of his sister, however much as he wants her away from the disaster his life has become. There is no helping longing. There is no helping loneliness... "We... will? Really?!?"
<b>Cael:</b> <i>Alex...Alex...you don't have to ask.</i>
<i>I will be there. </i>
<i>And it will not be your damnation. Not if I have anything to do with it.</i>
"Probably. It's not definate yet, but I would like to get Anne off the Zephyr ... a war is no place for a mortal girl. And, since she mentioned she would like to become a Savant and a Sorceror, I thought enrolling her in one of the Great Forks Academies would be best for her."
<b>Alexander:</b> "Oh, she is? That is... wonderful!" His face lights up. To hear that Cael is going to help her... like he should...
<i>You think like a king, Cael</i>
"But... a sorceress? True sorcery is outside the scope of the mortal ken, unfortunately... my mother had her blood empowered by the gods of Windia's sorcery, and yet, much of it was denied to her. Anne has brightness in her eyes, and would make a wonderful savant, but..."
<b>Cael:</b> "She is, yes." Cael nods "Assuming I can find an Academy to accept her, which I think I will."
<i>That, I know, but...</i>
"But she is mortal, yes. And this does make the true sorcery beyond her. That is something I suppose I will have to make arrangements for, when the time comes."
<b>Alexander:</b> "My mother started as one, as well." He brings his hand to his chin, looking at Cael... seeing the binds on his skin. Remebering him always that he was also golden. Like him. "Tell me... would you do it. Arrange for the favor of the gods for Anne? With no gain for yourself?"
<b>Cael:</b> "Of course, it wouldn't be at no gain to myself, for the loyalty of even a mostly mortal sorceress would be useful to me." He smiles. <i>And you might doubt me for saying that, but you might doubt me all the more when you think this over a little more</i>
"But yes, I would. Even if I had no expectations of anything beyond that she would become a sorceress and would make the world a little brighter because of it, then I would. The world needs to be a brighter place."
<b>Alexander:</b> He gets up then. His hand touching Cael's, holding to it.
Memories come. Of how they took Fiona in, helping her.. because she had to be helped. Of how his father would take in supplicants, helping them in any way he could. To try their best. His family, that had always been how they acted...
"Thank you. For showing me the Chosen are indeed as I believed them to be. For being here. And I will be honored to call you a friend, if you let me."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael breaks into a warm smile at this, taking Alex's hand in the tranditional Whiteshield way for such things.
"It would be my honour to have you as my friend, Alexander. I will be here for as long as you need me to be, and probably beyond that."
Calisara: She comes in withe lunch, then, walking as if jumping through the air, leaving the food on the table, a little kiss on Cael's forehead. "Here here!"
She says as Alex comes back down, pouring some more wine for the prince, mussing his hair a bit, totally oblivious to a certain decorum, but she just had to. "Bon apetit to both of you. I hope you are having a nice talk, despite all this. Oh, and I wouldn't drink too much, my lord Alexander... someone might take advantage of you then." She says, giggling, as she exists, blowing another kiss to both.
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles warmly at Calisara.
"Thank you, my dear." He watches with amusement as she muses the Prince's hair, grins as she cautions him, then blows a kiss as she leaves the room.
He turns back to the prince, and shakes his head slightly at her antics.
<b>Alexander:</b> "I will, Calisara. Thank you. Thank you very much." He says, sipping a little on his wine. never one for excsesses. "You told me of your family, Cael... you never knew your father? I... excuse me for prying, I did not mean to. Sorry to break decorum like this, my good host."
"And about the Fortress of Red Ice... you have no obligation to go there with me. If I am to damn my soul, to be together with my sister... I have no intention of having others following suit."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael shakes his head and sips on his wine.
"He was long gone by the time I was born, down below the snow line I imagine, on the caravan. I presume he must still run along the same route, but..." He makes a small shrug.
"And, why, exactly, must you damn yourself?"
<b>Alexander:</b> "Because... because I promised. Because she is the reason I am here today. Because she saved my life... and if the Angels continue to help us, she might save the whole north. Because I made a promise. And it would be an insult to my parents if I did not keep it... to go and meet her. To go meet her..."
<b>Cael:</b> He holds up his hand to stop him.
"You promised to meet her. You did not promise to damn yourself and forsake the sun. There is a difference. You must not let her twist you to that." He smiles compassionately at the young man.
"Did you make no promises to the sun? Would you give up on all of your ancestry, on all the generations your family has held Ainrach, on Elizabeth, on Cedrix, on Milla? She has done enough for you to meet her, I will not try to talk you from that, but she not done enough for you to forsake all that, I think..."
<b>Alexander:</b> "No... no, I wouldn't, just..."
"She told me. She told me, in my dreams. She.. does not want me to give up the sun. Not like Sel.. er, Aine did. Or how Lilith did. She offered me warmth. She offered me.." He blushes then, embarassed.
<i>How much of a child he will think me...</i>
But there was no way around it. He wanted warmth, he wanted caring. He wanted a mother's touch again, he wanted to be safe again... underneath everything. And she had promised...
"She offered me a chance to burn them all with the sunlight. For her. But... but it still feels like I will be damned, in the same way."
<i>And would I do it?</i>
<b>Cael:</b> Cael nods.
"And why must you burn them all for Her? Is it not enough to burn them for yourself, for the memory of your family, for your family that still lives, for the sun? If you feel like you will be damned, you have to consider the posibility that you will be. And is anything worth damnation?" He catches the princes eyes and holds them.
"She is the sort of woman who has beings like the Pale Angel and the Dark Angel as her servents. Do you really think you can burn away enough of the darkness, when all it will do is help her to spread?"
He gives a crocked smile.
"I know she will promise you things, will even give you some of them. I know, because it's exactly what I would do, and she has so much more experience at spinning words than me."
<b>Alexander:</b> "No... but, if I do it for myself... what will be there in the end?"
<i>I... do not know what to do.</i>
<i>It is... too big for me.</i>
<i>I do not want to be alone...</i>
"We might win... but what then? I was raised to be able to direct a realm... but, to raise it? It..."
"It... scares me."
<b>Cael:</b> "In the end there will be you, and those you care about, and all those innocent people that the Sun's fires will not burn. If you burn them for yourself."
<i>I know you have doubts. That is good. Do not let them consume you.</i>
"Alex, I said I would be with you, said I would help you. And there will be others." he takes his hand again, squeezing it a little tighter, to reassure him. "To raise a nation is a scary thing, yes. But it is what you were raised for. It is what you were Exalted for. It is what you will have to do, lest you let the world descend further into darkness. I know you are young, but you will grow. I know you have worries, but these will pass. I know you need people, but they will come."
He lets go of his hand then, though he keeps his eyes.
"Do not damn yourself before you let yourself truely shine."
<b>Alexander:</b> He squeezes it in return. Wanting it, to know someone is there, to feel the warmth, to feel the reassurance. Too long alone. Too long pretending to be strong for Millia, even in their night together... too long trying not to let the Angels crush him under their heel. Too long in the darkness, pretending at strength. Now, to know someone else is there... that he can trust. "Thank you. Thank you, Cael."
"I wonder if I will ever be able to make up for this..."
<b>Cael:</b> Cael smiles back at him, warm, trustworthy, friendly.
"There is no need to thank me, but if you would make up for it, do it by shining. Be strong when you can, show Creation that we are not demons to be feared, monsters to be destroyed." He smiles once more. "But, I know you will have doubts, will feel weak at times, and when you do, talk to me, please. I am your friend, I will listen."
He looks down at the cooling food. "Also, we'd best eat at least some of our food, lest Calisara flay both our hides." he says with a grin.
<b>Alexander:</b> "Yes, let us!" And he smiles, a carefree smile. Happy to be there. Once again forgetting the battle in the morrow, or the grueling training he would still have in the morning... talking about more meaningless things... and about plans. About the moment of their Exaltations, as well... learning about how Cael Exalted stealing the Zephyr, about how Alexander Exalted by taking his father's blade from his dying hands, and burning all the bodies on the palace... saving himself, Millia, and his little brother.
For that moment, all is right in their world. Until it finally catches up with Alex, the effort he had in the training with the Pale Angel... and he says good night to his friend, running to the comfort of his bed, on the Zephyr, on its luxury cabins so suited for one like him.
Falling asleep with a smile on his face... <br>
Knowing he has a friend.<br>
Knowing he is not alone.<br>
Knowing all he has to do... is shine.<br>
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* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 20:03, 29 December 2005

Red Ice Chains

Cael: After leaving Anne happily folding the origami falcons, Cael considers. First he walks up to the sun lounge, concentrating on a working of essence, a multiwinged Cherub hovering in front of him. This he speaks too, explaining his desire to send Anne to one of the Academies at Great Forks, and asking if the Seven might know of one to recommend, or one that they have contacts with. He also asks Melody, the Goddess this cherub will be sent to, to pass on his gratitude for the services of the healer to Deep Soil Sleeper. He ends the message with some very private words for Melody alone, then sends the Cherub on its way.

"Calisara my dear, where is the prince at present?"

Calisara: "Oh, he?" Comes the voice, ethereal, jubilant.

"The cute boy is walking towards his room... just out of his sparring session with the Pale Angel, it seems. Want me to ask him to wait for you?"

Cael: Cael laughs softly "So, he's getting to you too, then? But yes, if you could please tell him I'd like to talk with him, and ask him if he would wait in his room. I will be there shortly."

The he sets off through the ship to the Prince's cabin, knocking when he reaches it.

Calisara: "How couldn't he? He is just so... adorable. Reminds me of the Fair ones you brought into board once, but while they were like dreams, he is... majestic. Strange to say of a young boy like this, hmmm? But I will, he will be expecting you." Her voice vanishes with a giggle of someone with thoughts that are a little spicier than she would let out...

Cael: Cael thinks back with a faint fondness to those fae...

The trio had been fun.

He shakes his head softly at her final giggle, then strides off to the Prince's room.

Alexander: "Come in. It is open." He says, his voice winded from exercise, exaustion showing... entering the room, Cael sees the prince fallen on his bed, the makeshift shirt hanging on the wall, his body glistening with sweat still. "She... was a real slave driver... I hope... you enjoyed your time more than I did..."

Cael: "I had very pleasant talk with Anne, yes, thank you very much." He says with an slightly devilish grin. "If you'd like some time for a bath, don't let me stop you. I'll come back in a while with some drinks if you'd like?"

Alexander: He gets up from the bed, his white hair, pure as snow, crystalline like snowflakes in sunlight, sticking to his sweaty forehead... his face reddened, but yet... yes, in ways, like the Faerie. Even like that, he was still beautiful. Even the reds in his skin did not detract from it. A long sigh. "Hmmm... yes. I do so need a bath.." He says, stretching, "Do not worry if I take too long... that will be because the warmth made me pass out. I pray to the sun you will not have to get physical with the woman as I did, she could tire us both out easily."

He overdoes it, of course. Presence speaking louder than physique. For he would still be there in the end, training for days without end, even after her black flame extinguished itself...

Cael: Cael tries not to let his eyes wander of the prince's physique too much as he stretches. He laughs "Try not to take too long, but if you could tell Calisara when you're ready, or come along to my study when you're refreshed..."

As to getting physical with Vorpal....however that happened it would be ...interesting.

Alexander: A nice bath. A beautiful bathroom in ivory and marble and gold... the luxuries of the First Age, so fitting for a prince such as he. Warm, hot as so few in the north can have, cleaning his skin, melting the exaustion and the worries... bringing a smile to his young face as he vanishes within its waters.

For the first time in a long time, even with all the problems, Alexander manages to... forget.

To forget all the problems, all the deaths, all the oaths, and simply.. relax.

Before long, a knock on Cael's door. "Cael? Hope it did not take long."

To finally converse with you, lord of words...

To finally converse with someone like me.

Cael: Cael looks up from the accounting he was doing while the prince was bathing, and tidies it away, taking another sip of his wine.

"Not at all, please come in." Then as the prince steps through the door, Cael spins in the chair, "Please, take a seat, Alex."

Alexander: He sits down, cocking his head back, stretching over the comfort of the chair, letting out a satisfied sigh as he closes his eyes, "I so needed that. And not just because of the exercise with the Pale Angel. So much I needed to just let sink in warm waters..."

Cael: Cael nods understandingly "That I can understand, sometimes, you just have to get away from everything for a short time." he considers. "Would you like to eat lunch with me?"

Alexander: "But of course. Thank you very much." He says, "I am thirsty as well, what do you have for us to drink?"

Cael: "Calisara, dearest, could you bring myself and the prince some lunch, please? And would tea be alright, Alex. Juice? Wine?"

Alexander: "But of course. Shall be there in a second, dearies."

Alex smiles, remembering... "It is good to have a servant like that. Calisara is wonderful... and way swifter than most of ours'. My mother kept wanting to bind Elementals to her will, but despite being a sorcereress, that was a privilege of the chosen only..."

"And wine, please!"

Cael: "She is, yes. Some days I'm not sure what I'd do without her." he grins slightly "Walk a lot, I suppose. Elemental servents? Hmmm, most of the elemental's I've had dealings with would be far to flightly or proud for such a job anyway...but I digress..."

He turns back to face the prince. "I trust your time with the Lady Lilith was enlightening, if tiring?"

Alexander: "Well, there was a sorceress close to my mother, in Windia... Analia, an Air-Aspected Dragon-Blooded... she used to have those servants in her home. My mother kept looking for ways to have them as well. The thought such parts of sorcery were sealed to her bothered her... things of a queen, I suppose." He smiles, waiting for his wine.... taking a little golden knife to open letters over Cael's desk, spinning it on his hand... "Oh yes. It was. She is very skillful. She taught me... many things."

"If we are to die tomorrow, then I am sure I will not be going down easily."

Cael: Cael nods. "I can see why it must have rankled with her .. for a mortal to master sorcery and yet be denied that..."

Cael watches the gold knife spin for a time.

"Good, I'm glad she could teach you. I know a little of bladework myself, though I rarely use my sword these days."

Alexander: "With words that sharp..." He says as the knife once again lands over the letters, "....who needs a weapon? Your words seem to have served you very well so far."

Even when my blade failed me.

The image of Ivory urns on his mind. He had not been able to avenge his father. His country. Anything. Useless... useless before the real villains. "You... think we really have a chance, tomorrow?"

Cael: "Well, it was words that Exalted me, words that brought me here ... words people see in the Binds ... sometimes I am not sure if the words serve me, or I serve the words, but ... I didn't ask you here to talk about that.."

"Yes. If it were sure sucide , we would not be attempting it. It will be a tough fight, and one that will test all of us, but between Ainarch, the pale angel and my words, we should prevail."

Alexander: So, you are confused as well?

And you seem so confident..

"Something for another time, then. But yes... I hope you are right, Cael... part of me, part of me is glad to finally take it back to them. But the other part..." The mention of Ainerach makes him look around, and shiver. He had let the blade on his room... his blade, the one carried with him since the dawn of an age, his blade, protecting him since his father's death... his father's presence close to him. But it is not there, not there...

Cael: I am so confident. I'm just realistic, too.

"The other part of you worries, yes?" Cael nods "There is nothing wrong with caution. A thousand times better than rushing off half-cocked. Just as long as caution doesnt become cowardice. Not that I think that will be a problem you will face." Cael says with an encouraging smile.

"But anyway, to return to an earlier topic, just why are you with the Lady Lilith and the Dark Angel?"

Alexander: "Why? That is... simple enough. Because they said I had to be. I had no choice."

"I met them on the twilight. Of my life, I suppose. I was fighting them... so many of them. I had run in the woods with Millia..." his face warms for a moment as he remembers her face, and their last moment, in the night before he had to leave her and his brother with Gasper, "...and my brother for a whole week... and they were just there, close to us. Raitons which I burned from the sky, Hungry Ghosts... I had fought so many of them that night. Dozens of them. And after they had weakened me, the others came... armored ghosts. The Dead Hand, they called themselves. I was hurt, falling... could not protect Millia, nor Cedric..."

"... And it was then that they came. Destroying all in their path. Saving me, Millia and Cedric. Their mistress had commanded them. I was to... still am... I promised them. I gave my word."

"To go to the fortress of red ice to see their mistress. We took a detour... I wanted Millia and Cedric away from that, so I took them to our house in Windia." He stops then, remembering...

... all the damnation he had brought upon his own soul.

"That is why. I owe my life and my word to them. And they are my jailors, until I am to go to Red Ice. Meet their Mistress. Meet my sister, who swore her soul to her like they did."

And I miss her.

Cael: That ... was quite a foolish thing you did, in many ways Prince.
But I can see why you did it ... probably would have done the same myself...
And it was not my choice to make, it was yours.
So I will not chastise you for it.
Instead, I will have to tread very lightly...

"It does you credit that you intend to keep such an oath, even one obtained under such duress, but then I would not really expect less of a scion of Whiteshield." he nods slowly.

"Though I cannot say the news entirely gladdens my heart. I have heard many strange tales about the Pale Angel's Mistress, and while many of them sounded pleasurable, none of them sounded pleasant. I worry about what she might have in mind for you..." Cael closes his eyes.

"And, your sister is changed too, you say? I am sorry for you. So many tragedies in your young life. I hope I can help you reverse this, to grow in brightness and shine for a long time."

Alexander: The words warm his heart... wrapping him in them, just as if they were glowing golden of the Empyrean Binds. "I do intend to keep it. I made a promise."

"And they... they saved my life, Cael. They got my brother... even if he will not wake up... and Millia, to Windia, safe. They protected me... in their scary, strange way, they did." He remembers. Being pushed around, intimidated, crushed under their feet. He sighs. "If it was not for their mistress, I would be dead now. She deserves my word."

"Many... things? Yes... my parents... Cedric won't wake up... Carina sold her soul.... sometimes, feels like I am alone, Cael. No, it doesn't feel like this."

"I am."

"Elizabeth is so far away, and should remain so. If she came... there is no telling what might happen. We are cursed, Cael... all of us."

Cael: "You are not alone." Cael states firmly, wrapping the sun round his words, filling them with the warmth of a summer day.

"If you were alone, Moon would not be here. If you were alone, I would not be here. If you were alone, Melody would not have asked me to aid you. Do not say you are alone, please." He smiles encouragingly.

"The curse part .. I feel less sure in argueing. I do not feel especially cursed, but I can see why you do feel so."

"Elizabeth is your other sister yes? She went to study in Great Forks?"

Alexander: "I meant my family. Broken... scattered to the wind... cursed or dead. You... thankfully, you are not a part of it." He feels the warmth, but it does not touch him. Glad for Cael, but he has been alone, ever since Whiteshield broke. The Pale and the Dark Angels are not company, and there is no way... he would want Cael to come with him.

Let his soul be the only one to be damned.

"Yes... she is. Our lineage mixes... well, with those of divine heritage. Like my mother. There to live there as a princess, to marry Dayshield's son, and become nobility of the Great Forks...

Cael: "Broken and scattered as it is, you have a family. Which is more than I have. I know who my mother is, that is true. Know she'd stab me for being anathema, or else turn me in for the Haslanti bounty. My father is ... someone on one of the great caravans, that travel between the north and the south. You should not give up on the remains of your family. There are few things so black they cannot be undone if one does not give up."

"And what do you mean, I am not a part of it? Do you think I will be fighting the Celebrant tomorrow on a whim? By coincidence?"

"She will do well then." He smiles encouragingly "And, we might get to see her soon, if you would like. We will probably be travelling to Great Forks soon, anyway."

Alexander: No... not a coincidence.

But to burn them out of the North is something we all have to do.

To face my damnantion... is something I can't ask of you...

He leaves unsaid, hugging himself to bear a sudden chill. His face brightens as he hears of his sister, however much as he wants her away from the disaster his life has become. There is no helping longing. There is no helping loneliness... "We... will? Really?!?"

Cael: Alex...Alex...you don't have to ask.

I will be there.

And it will not be your damnation. Not if I have anything to do with it.

"Probably. It's not definate yet, but I would like to get Anne off the Zephyr ... a war is no place for a mortal girl. And, since she mentioned she would like to become a Savant and a Sorceror, I thought enrolling her in one of the Great Forks Academies would be best for her."

Alexander: "Oh, she is? That is... wonderful!" His face lights up. To hear that Cael is going to help her... like he should...

You think like a king, Cael

"But... a sorceress? True sorcery is outside the scope of the mortal ken, unfortunately... my mother had her blood empowered by the gods of Windia's sorcery, and yet, much of it was denied to her. Anne has brightness in her eyes, and would make a wonderful savant, but..."

Cael: "She is, yes." Cael nods "Assuming I can find an Academy to accept her, which I think I will."

That, I know, but...

"But she is mortal, yes. And this does make the true sorcery beyond her. That is something I suppose I will have to make arrangements for, when the time comes."

Alexander: "My mother started as one, as well." He brings his hand to his chin, looking at Cael... seeing the binds on his skin. Remebering him always that he was also golden. Like him. "Tell me... would you do it. Arrange for the favor of the gods for Anne? With no gain for yourself?"

Cael: "Of course, it wouldn't be at no gain to myself, for the loyalty of even a mostly mortal sorceress would be useful to me." He smiles. And you might doubt me for saying that, but you might doubt me all the more when you think this over a little more

"But yes, I would. Even if I had no expectations of anything beyond that she would become a sorceress and would make the world a little brighter because of it, then I would. The world needs to be a brighter place."

Alexander: He gets up then. His hand touching Cael's, holding to it.

Memories come. Of how they took Fiona in, helping her.. because she had to be helped. Of how his father would take in supplicants, helping them in any way he could. To try their best. His family, that had always been how they acted...

"Thank you. For showing me the Chosen are indeed as I believed them to be. For being here. And I will be honored to call you a friend, if you let me."

Cael: Cael breaks into a warm smile at this, taking Alex's hand in the tranditional Whiteshield way for such things.

"It would be my honour to have you as my friend, Alexander. I will be here for as long as you need me to be, and probably beyond that."

Calisara: She comes in withe lunch, then, walking as if jumping through the air, leaving the food on the table, a little kiss on Cael's forehead. "Here here!"

She says as Alex comes back down, pouring some more wine for the prince, mussing his hair a bit, totally oblivious to a certain decorum, but she just had to. "Bon apetit to both of you. I hope you are having a nice talk, despite all this. Oh, and I wouldn't drink too much, my lord Alexander... someone might take advantage of you then." She says, giggling, as she exists, blowing another kiss to both.

Cael: Cael smiles warmly at Calisara.

"Thank you, my dear." He watches with amusement as she muses the Prince's hair, grins as she cautions him, then blows a kiss as she leaves the room.

He turns back to the prince, and shakes his head slightly at her antics.

Alexander: "I will, Calisara. Thank you. Thank you very much." He says, sipping a little on his wine. never one for excsesses. "You told me of your family, Cael... you never knew your father? I... excuse me for prying, I did not mean to. Sorry to break decorum like this, my good host."

"And about the Fortress of Red Ice... you have no obligation to go there with me. If I am to damn my soul, to be together with my sister... I have no intention of having others following suit."

Cael: Cael shakes his head and sips on his wine.

"He was long gone by the time I was born, down below the snow line I imagine, on the caravan. I presume he must still run along the same route, but..." He makes a small shrug.

"And, why, exactly, must you damn yourself?"

Alexander: "Because... because I promised. Because she is the reason I am here today. Because she saved my life... and if the Angels continue to help us, she might save the whole north. Because I made a promise. And it would be an insult to my parents if I did not keep it... to go and meet her. To go meet her..."


Cael: He holds up his hand to stop him.

"You promised to meet her. You did not promise to damn yourself and forsake the sun. There is a difference. You must not let her twist you to that." He smiles compassionately at the young man.

"Did you make no promises to the sun? Would you give up on all of your ancestry, on all the generations your family has held Ainrach, on Elizabeth, on Cedrix, on Milla? She has done enough for you to meet her, I will not try to talk you from that, but she not done enough for you to forsake all that, I think..."

Alexander: "No... no, I wouldn't, just..."

"She told me. She told me, in my dreams. She.. does not want me to give up the sun. Not like Sel.. er, Aine did. Or how Lilith did. She offered me warmth. She offered me.." He blushes then, embarassed.

How much of a child he will think me...

But there was no way around it. He wanted warmth, he wanted caring. He wanted a mother's touch again, he wanted to be safe again... underneath everything. And she had promised...

"She offered me a chance to burn them all with the sunlight. For her. But... but it still feels like I will be damned, in the same way."

And would I do it?

Cael: Cael nods.

"And why must you burn them all for Her? Is it not enough to burn them for yourself, for the memory of your family, for your family that still lives, for the sun? If you feel like you will be damned, you have to consider the posibility that you will be. And is anything worth damnation?" He catches the princes eyes and holds them.

"She is the sort of woman who has beings like the Pale Angel and the Dark Angel as her servents. Do you really think you can burn away enough of the darkness, when all it will do is help her to spread?"

He gives a crocked smile.

"I know she will promise you things, will even give you some of them. I know, because it's exactly what I would do, and she has so much more experience at spinning words than me."

Alexander: "No... but, if I do it for myself... what will be there in the end?"

I... do not know what to do.

It is... too big for me.

I do not want to be alone...

"We might win... but what then? I was raised to be able to direct a realm... but, to raise it? It..."

"It... scares me."

Cael: "In the end there will be you, and those you care about, and all those innocent people that the Sun's fires will not burn. If you burn them for yourself."

I know you have doubts. That is good. Do not let them consume you.

"Alex, I said I would be with you, said I would help you. And there will be others." he takes his hand again, squeezing it a little tighter, to reassure him. "To raise a nation is a scary thing, yes. But it is what you were raised for. It is what you were Exalted for. It is what you will have to do, lest you let the world descend further into darkness. I know you are young, but you will grow. I know you have worries, but these will pass. I know you need people, but they will come."

He lets go of his hand then, though he keeps his eyes. "Do not damn yourself before you let yourself truely shine."

Alexander: He squeezes it in return. Wanting it, to know someone is there, to feel the warmth, to feel the reassurance. Too long alone. Too long pretending to be strong for Millia, even in their night together... too long trying not to let the Angels crush him under their heel. Too long in the darkness, pretending at strength. Now, to know someone else is there... that he can trust. "Thank you. Thank you, Cael."

"I wonder if I will ever be able to make up for this..."

Cael: Cael smiles back at him, warm, trustworthy, friendly.

"There is no need to thank me, but if you would make up for it, do it by shining. Be strong when you can, show Creation that we are not demons to be feared, monsters to be destroyed." He smiles once more. "But, I know you will have doubts, will feel weak at times, and when you do, talk to me, please. I am your friend, I will listen."

He looks down at the cooling food. "Also, we'd best eat at least some of our food, lest Calisara flay both our hides." he says with a grin.

Alexander: "Yes, let us!" And he smiles, a carefree smile. Happy to be there. Once again forgetting the battle in the morrow, or the grueling training he would still have in the morning... talking about more meaningless things... and about plans. About the moment of their Exaltations, as well... learning about how Cael Exalted stealing the Zephyr, about how Alexander Exalted by taking his father's blade from his dying hands, and burning all the bodies on the palace... saving himself, Millia, and his little brother.

For that moment, all is right in their world. Until it finally catches up with Alex, the effort he had in the training with the Pale Angel... and he says good night to his friend, running to the comfort of his bed, on the Zephyr, on its luxury cabins so suited for one like him.

Falling asleep with a smile on his face...
Knowing he has a friend.
Knowing he is not alone.
Knowing all he has to do... is shine.