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#REDIRECT [[ADanceOfAngels]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]
== Shadow Circle ==
'''Seventh Moon: ''' She wasn't in, so he waited. Waited in the dark. Sitting on the end of her bed, fingers locked together and elbows on his knees, yellow eyes glowing as they fixed attentively towards the door. She had wings though - he'd promised her once that he'd remember that - so the window had the rest of his attention.
Her room didn't smell like most women's rooms. It wasn't as... soft a scent. Not as feminine, though not really masculine either. Something he didn't really have a phrase to describe, beyond perhaps 'comfortable.'
He wanted a joint, but it was easier to find a cheerful song in this gray little ruin of a city than it was to find so much as tobacco, let alone anything stronger. Maybe it was better he didn't have one anyway. The scent might have given him away. Might have let someone else know he'd been there.
'''Iselsis: ''' And she enters.
Very dramatically.
By opening the door and stepping inside. Indeed! Well, she'd had a rough night. Of course Moon sitting on her bed in the dark scared the bajezus out of her, and in a split second there's one of those repeaters in her hands, followed by the telltale clicking sound that tends to happen right before she shoots someone.
Thankfully she doesn't, seeing that it's Moon and not someone out for her life.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' And the Lunar seemed non-pulsed by the whole thing. What else would he have expected from her? Even in the short time he'd known her, her habits were pretty easy to pick up on. Part of him was mildly surprised she didn't shoot him anyway, even after realization of who it was dawned on her face.
"Hey." He greeted, fingers raising somewhat in a lazy wave.
'''Iselsis: ''' "Damnit Moon, please don't sit in a dark room belonging to the person who might have assassins coming after her at any time."
More clicking sounds and she puts the gun away, looking him over.
"What are you doing in here anyway?", she closes the door and steps to the side, leaning against the wall.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Here ta talk ya inta havin' wild sex all night," he answered with a teasing grin. Shrugging, he leaned back a bit on her bed nonchalantly. "That or just talk ya inta betrayin' the kid. Take ya pick on which one. Guessin' they both sound pretty fuckin' unlikely."
'''Iselsis: ''' "Betraying the kid? What the hell are you talking about?", she crosses her arms and her eyes narrow a bit. She didn't like where this was heading already, and here she was hoping for something as mild as getting chewed out for being a lying spy assassin.
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Not betrayin' right now," he corrected quickly, catching the tone in her voice. Mad wasn't what he wanted her to be. He was shit with words, so nothing was going to go through if she was too pissed off to listen. "Not even at all if we ain't gotta. Just..."
Then, the Lunar paused and released a slow sight, letting his head fall. His body slumped forward somewhat, as if someone had dropped something heavy onto his back. That's about what it felt like too. He'd honestly thought it would go a bit easier to talk about...
"Somethin's fucked up." He went on after collecting his thoughts, turning his face back up towards Iselsis. "With the kid, I mean. With this whole fuckin' Circle thing. It ain't... it might ''not'' be what he thinks it is..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You mean beyond being a circle of assassins, criminals, cut-throats, charletans, frauds and self serving bastards?", she raises a questioning eyebrow.
"Or is there something more I should know? Because what I did in there I did because I felt the lot of us are the only thing keeping my country and the north from being overrun by the dead."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Yeah, I mean beyond that." He answered dismissively. "Thats just about every fuckin' group you're gonna find ''anywhere''. Even the people ya workin' for. Dig deep enough, ya find out everyone's got blood and dirt on 'um."
"That shit don't fuckin' matter ta me. What ''does'' is whats gonna happen when there ain't no dead anymore."
'''Iselsis: ''' "And what will happen when the war is over, you think? C'mon Moon, spit it out already."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' "Thats just it. I don't fuckin' ''know'' what happens," he answered, a frustrated snarl in his voice. Like the answer could be that easy. "But I ain't sure I like the thought'a what might."
Moon folded is arms onto his knees and leaned closed to the Terrestrial, his head tilting to the side. "You listen ta what Alex was sayin'? I mean, ''really'' listen? Talkin' 'bout savin' the fuckin' world 'n shit, but sounded like a fuckin' crime lord. Betray the family 'n ya dead."
"And savin' the fuckin' world from what? This group?" He snicked a bitter, humorous laugh. "Said yaself what we are, but we're ''more'' than that. We're all fuckin' monsters, one way or another. Even the kid. We got a big chance a bein' more dangerous than the dead every fuckin' were. Ya puttin' a buncha crazy fuckin' gods together in a room and askin' 'um not ta go ape shit and start wreakin' stuff."
"And what the fuck happens when the kid decides his little Circle'd do a better job runnin' everything? When he decides the best way ta keep the world safe is ta just rule the whole fuckin' thing?"
''Like we did last time... ''
Not that he knew if Iselsis could even remember "last time." Selina had thought that the ones like her and Kanti weren't the same. Didn't have crazy old people living in their heads. Didn't matter though. She didn't need to remember the times before to picture what could happen now.
"Sheeyit darlin', they're gonna run rough-shod over whatever the fuck they want. After what they've been able ta do already? What they're ''gonna'' do? Who'd be able ta fuckin' stop 'um?"
"Your home, mine... and step outta line and they family comes down hard on ya ass. Cut ya up and toss ta inta the ground like fuckin' dog meat. Or lock ya in a fuckin' warehouse and torch it. Or just find a way ta drag ya inta a field and string ya up..."
'''Iselsis: ''' "How are they gonna do that when there's still people like us around, huh? People like you, me, Valencia. You realize they'll have both our heads as traitors, because we stepped out of line? Just like you said will happen with this. Well, we still stepped out of line anyway, because for now it was the right thing to do."
She narrows her eyes, though not particularly at Moon, just some imagined conglomeration of all the enemies she'd faced, and imagined would face in the future. "I don't give a damn who he is, or who'll be on his side if he turns this into some dictatorship. ''My'' priority is to protect Windia. Protect my home. Protect the north. Do what's ''right'' even if it means selling out all I stand for and turning traitor to the country I've loyally served for so long."
"For now, we're doing what's right. And as long as the prince lives up to his reputation, I'll be fine. If not..."
She shakes her head.
"I was trained to neutralize threats. I won't hesitate to do that, in the future as I have in the past. I'd kill you, my sister, or the prince himself if it was what it'd take."
'''Seventh Moon: ''' Moon nodded back. "That's what I figured darlin'. That's what I wanted ta hear too."
The Lunar rose slowly, arching and rolling his shoulders a moment with a painful sounding crackle of popping joints. Good sign of just how long he'd been there, thinking. "You? Me? Ain't neither of alone gonna be able ta stop the kid if he starts goin' down hill. Not with the rest'a them at his back. Sure either'a us would make a good fuckin' show'a it, but..." he smiled wanly and shrugged.
"I seen what Selina can do. You seen it too, I'm bettin'. I wouldn't put money on ya trainin' bein' enough ta take her down if it comes ta that. Fuck all if I could speak for the rest of 'um, but I ain't gonna bet on either'a our chances. Not alone. Not even two of us workin' together."
"Ya say your priorities Winlandia. ''Mines'' the Boil. Kid promised ta pull it outta the shit heep, but I ain't countin' in him seein' things so ''small'' anymore." He smiled somewhat ruefully. The prince might actually clean it up, make it look nice, clean, white... in other words, sterilize it and sanitize it of everything that made it what it was. Make it a place too damn civilized to even live. "Somethin' needs ta be there if things go wrong darlin'. Needs ta be ready, if this shit goes bad and they ''ain't'' doin' whats right anymore. Somethin' ta make it stop ''fast'', before people start gettin' hurt again, y'know? Before it makes ''both'' our homes burn."
'''Iselsis: ''' "You haven't seen what I can do.", is all she says to that. Even after the Spire battle she felt supremely confident that if she got the drop on an abyssal and fought it in single combat, she would ''win''.
"Well, if things go sour, you know who you can trust. And I'm sure I can drag my sister into it too."
"Let's just hope the child turns into a worthy king, instead of a petty despot though. I have enough on my mind without the prospect of killing former allies in the future, yanno?"
"If you want I'll talk to the Krausers. I trust them, they're good people."
'''Seventh Moon: '''"He might." Moon agreed, pacing towards the window, staring out it a moment at the horizon that had become a recent fascination for him as of late, before looking back at Iselsis with troubled eyes. "I fuckin' ''hope'' he does. Trust the people 'round him less than I do the kid himself, but I seen good people go bad all on their own and not one'a of 'um could do half the shit he can."
"If ya trust them." he nodded at the mention of the Krausers. The lady had healed him good, so if Iselsis was vouching for them, he'd give them the benefit of the doubt. "Should wait on talkin' ta Selina though. I feel deep for her, but she can be... funny 'bout things sometimes, y'know? Fuck knows what kinda plans 'a her own she might already have."
Besides, he wanted to be the one to broach the topic with Selina, not Iselsis. Red was her sister, but he was... something. First. He'd been something to Selina longer than Iselsis had. He had dibs.
"I got someone else ta look into too..." Someone whose blood he could still smell, even from here. Whose heart beat he could ''feel''. "Gonna go pay her a visit soon as I can. Might end up bein' a mistaken, but who knows? Just keep quiet 'bout this, a'ite? Kid finds out, the family might start havin' accidents ''real'' soon."
Moon pulled the window open as he spoke, placing a foot on the ledge. Looking back, he suddenly flahed fangful grin at the Terrestrial. "Ya never did give half a thought ta the other choice did ya? Wonder how this talk would'a gone if ya had. Guess ya know where ta find me if ya do. Take care, Red."
Moon ducked through the window and jumped, the tail-end of his coat fluttering above him the last sight of him before he vanished.
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/SixthMovement|Sixth Movement]]
* - Back to [[GoldenCat/DanceOfAngels|A Dance of Angels]]

Revision as of 12:32, 11 August 2006

Shadow Circle

Seventh Moon: She wasn't in, so he waited. Waited in the dark. Sitting on the end of her bed, fingers locked together and elbows on his knees, yellow eyes glowing as they fixed attentively towards the door. She had wings though - he'd promised her once that he'd remember that - so the window had the rest of his attention.

Her room didn't smell like most women's rooms. It wasn't as... soft a scent. Not as feminine, though not really masculine either. Something he didn't really have a phrase to describe, beyond perhaps 'comfortable.'

He wanted a joint, but it was easier to find a cheerful song in this gray little ruin of a city than it was to find so much as tobacco, let alone anything stronger. Maybe it was better he didn't have one anyway. The scent might have given him away. Might have let someone else know he'd been there.

Iselsis: And she enters.

Very dramatically.

By opening the door and stepping inside. Indeed! Well, she'd had a rough night. Of course Moon sitting on her bed in the dark scared the bajezus out of her, and in a split second there's one of those repeaters in her hands, followed by the telltale clicking sound that tends to happen right before she shoots someone.

Thankfully she doesn't, seeing that it's Moon and not someone out for her life.

Seventh Moon: And the Lunar seemed non-pulsed by the whole thing. What else would he have expected from her? Even in the short time he'd known her, her habits were pretty easy to pick up on. Part of him was mildly surprised she didn't shoot him anyway, even after realization of who it was dawned on her face.

"Hey." He greeted, fingers raising somewhat in a lazy wave.

Iselsis: "Damnit Moon, please don't sit in a dark room belonging to the person who might have assassins coming after her at any time."

More clicking sounds and she puts the gun away, looking him over.

"What are you doing in here anyway?", she closes the door and steps to the side, leaning against the wall.

Seventh Moon: "Here ta talk ya inta havin' wild sex all night," he answered with a teasing grin. Shrugging, he leaned back a bit on her bed nonchalantly. "That or just talk ya inta betrayin' the kid. Take ya pick on which one. Guessin' they both sound pretty fuckin' unlikely."

Iselsis: "Betraying the kid? What the hell are you talking about?", she crosses her arms and her eyes narrow a bit. She didn't like where this was heading already, and here she was hoping for something as mild as getting chewed out for being a lying spy assassin.

Seventh Moon: "Not betrayin' right now," he corrected quickly, catching the tone in her voice. Mad wasn't what he wanted her to be. He was shit with words, so nothing was going to go through if she was too pissed off to listen. "Not even at all if we ain't gotta. Just..."

Then, the Lunar paused and released a slow sight, letting his head fall. His body slumped forward somewhat, as if someone had dropped something heavy onto his back. That's about what it felt like too. He'd honestly thought it would go a bit easier to talk about...

"Somethin's fucked up." He went on after collecting his thoughts, turning his face back up towards Iselsis. "With the kid, I mean. With this whole fuckin' Circle thing. It ain't... it might not be what he thinks it is..."

Iselsis: "You mean beyond being a circle of assassins, criminals, cut-throats, charletans, frauds and self serving bastards?", she raises a questioning eyebrow.

"Or is there something more I should know? Because what I did in there I did because I felt the lot of us are the only thing keeping my country and the north from being overrun by the dead."

Seventh Moon: "Yeah, I mean beyond that." He answered dismissively. "Thats just about every fuckin' group you're gonna find anywhere. Even the people ya workin' for. Dig deep enough, ya find out everyone's got blood and dirt on 'um."

"That shit don't fuckin' matter ta me. What does is whats gonna happen when there ain't no dead anymore."

Iselsis: "And what will happen when the war is over, you think? C'mon Moon, spit it out already."

Seventh Moon: "Thats just it. I don't fuckin' know what happens," he answered, a frustrated snarl in his voice. Like the answer could be that easy. "But I ain't sure I like the thought'a what might."

Moon folded is arms onto his knees and leaned closed to the Terrestrial, his head tilting to the side. "You listen ta what Alex was sayin'? I mean, really listen? Talkin' 'bout savin' the fuckin' world 'n shit, but sounded like a fuckin' crime lord. Betray the family 'n ya dead."

"And savin' the fuckin' world from what? This group?" He snicked a bitter, humorous laugh. "Said yaself what we are, but we're more than that. We're all fuckin' monsters, one way or another. Even the kid. We got a big chance a bein' more dangerous than the dead every fuckin' were. Ya puttin' a buncha crazy fuckin' gods together in a room and askin' 'um not ta go ape shit and start wreakin' stuff."

"And what the fuck happens when the kid decides his little Circle'd do a better job runnin' everything? When he decides the best way ta keep the world safe is ta just rule the whole fuckin' thing?"

Like we did last time...

Not that he knew if Iselsis could even remember "last time." Selina had thought that the ones like her and Kanti weren't the same. Didn't have crazy old people living in their heads. Didn't matter though. She didn't need to remember the times before to picture what could happen now.

"Sheeyit darlin', they're gonna run rough-shod over whatever the fuck they want. After what they've been able ta do already? What they're gonna do? Who'd be able ta fuckin' stop 'um?"

"Your home, mine... and step outta line and they family comes down hard on ya ass. Cut ya up and toss ta inta the ground like fuckin' dog meat. Or lock ya in a fuckin' warehouse and torch it. Or just find a way ta drag ya inta a field and string ya up..."

Iselsis: "How are they gonna do that when there's still people like us around, huh? People like you, me, Valencia. You realize they'll have both our heads as traitors, because we stepped out of line? Just like you said will happen with this. Well, we still stepped out of line anyway, because for now it was the right thing to do."

She narrows her eyes, though not particularly at Moon, just some imagined conglomeration of all the enemies she'd faced, and imagined would face in the future. "I don't give a damn who he is, or who'll be on his side if he turns this into some dictatorship. My priority is to protect Windia. Protect my home. Protect the north. Do what's right even if it means selling out all I stand for and turning traitor to the country I've loyally served for so long."

"For now, we're doing what's right. And as long as the prince lives up to his reputation, I'll be fine. If not..."

She shakes her head.

"I was trained to neutralize threats. I won't hesitate to do that, in the future as I have in the past. I'd kill you, my sister, or the prince himself if it was what it'd take."

Seventh Moon: Moon nodded back. "That's what I figured darlin'. That's what I wanted ta hear too."

The Lunar rose slowly, arching and rolling his shoulders a moment with a painful sounding crackle of popping joints. Good sign of just how long he'd been there, thinking. "You? Me? Ain't neither of alone gonna be able ta stop the kid if he starts goin' down hill. Not with the rest'a them at his back. Sure either'a us would make a good fuckin' show'a it, but..." he smiled wanly and shrugged.

"I seen what Selina can do. You seen it too, I'm bettin'. I wouldn't put money on ya trainin' bein' enough ta take her down if it comes ta that. Fuck all if I could speak for the rest of 'um, but I ain't gonna bet on either'a our chances. Not alone. Not even two of us workin' together."

"Ya say your priorities Winlandia. Mines the Boil. Kid promised ta pull it outta the shit heep, but I ain't countin' in him seein' things so small anymore." He smiled somewhat ruefully. The prince might actually clean it up, make it look nice, clean, white... in other words, sterilize it and sanitize it of everything that made it what it was. Make it a place too damn civilized to even live. "Somethin' needs ta be there if things go wrong darlin'. Needs ta be ready, if this shit goes bad and they ain't doin' whats right anymore. Somethin' ta make it stop fast, before people start gettin' hurt again, y'know? Before it makes both our homes burn."

Iselsis: "You haven't seen what I can do.", is all she says to that. Even after the Spire battle she felt supremely confident that if she got the drop on an abyssal and fought it in single combat, she would win.

"Well, if things go sour, you know who you can trust. And I'm sure I can drag my sister into it too."

"Let's just hope the child turns into a worthy king, instead of a petty despot though. I have enough on my mind without the prospect of killing former allies in the future, yanno?"

"If you want I'll talk to the Krausers. I trust them, they're good people."

Seventh Moon: "He might." Moon agreed, pacing towards the window, staring out it a moment at the horizon that had become a recent fascination for him as of late, before looking back at Iselsis with troubled eyes. "I fuckin' hope he does. Trust the people 'round him less than I do the kid himself, but I seen good people go bad all on their own and not one'a of 'um could do half the shit he can."

"If ya trust them." he nodded at the mention of the Krausers. The lady had healed him good, so if Iselsis was vouching for them, he'd give them the benefit of the doubt. "Should wait on talkin' ta Selina though. I feel deep for her, but she can be... funny 'bout things sometimes, y'know? Fuck knows what kinda plans 'a her own she might already have."

Besides, he wanted to be the one to broach the topic with Selina, not Iselsis. Red was her sister, but he was... something. First. He'd been something to Selina longer than Iselsis had. He had dibs.

"I got someone else ta look into too..." Someone whose blood he could still smell, even from here. Whose heart beat he could feel. "Gonna go pay her a visit soon as I can. Might end up bein' a mistaken, but who knows? Just keep quiet 'bout this, a'ite? Kid finds out, the family might start havin' accidents real soon."

Moon pulled the window open as he spoke, placing a foot on the ledge. Looking back, he suddenly flahed fangful grin at the Terrestrial. "Ya never did give half a thought ta the other choice did ya? Wonder how this talk would'a gone if ya had. Guess ya know where ta find me if ya do. Take care, Red."

Moon ducked through the window and jumped, the tail-end of his coat fluttering above him the last sight of him before he vanished.