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(*A few Essence 6 Charms for gods (Enlightened))
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<b>Water</b> characters are fluid and hard to kill. All Lethal damage dealt to them becomes Bashing after it is rolled, and all Bashing damage is reduced by 2 dice after soak is applied but before it is rolled. In addition, they increase their Stamina by 1 and add two dice to all clinch rolls. However, they are also fluid; they reduce their Strength by 1 and take full damage from any form of energy attack - and cannot apply their Stamina-based soak to such attacks. <br>
<b>Water</b> characters are fluid and hard to kill. All Lethal damage dealt to them becomes Bashing after it is rolled, and all Bashing damage is reduced by 2 dice after soak is applied but before it is rolled. In addition, they increase their Stamina by 1 and add two dice to all clinch rolls. However, they are also fluid; they reduce their Strength by 1 and take full damage from any form of energy attack - and cannot apply their Stamina-based soak to such attacks. <br>
<b>Wood</b> characters are filled with the life energy of the world. They heal 1 Lethal or 2 Bashing per action - and if Dying, heal one level instead of losing one level - and are completely immune to all Poison or Sickness effects. They also gain +2 dice to all Athletics and Survival rolls. However, the character is vunerable to flame and similar effects; she may not roll to resist fire effects. <br>
<b>Wood</b> characters are filled with the life energy of the world. They heal 1 Lethal or 2 Bashing per action - and if Dying, heal one level instead of losing one level - and are completely immune to all Poison or Sickness effects. They also gain +2 dice to all Athletics and Survival rolls. However, the character is vunerable to flame and similar effects; she may not roll to resist fire effects. <br>
<b><i>Instill Devotion</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> 25 motes, 2 Willpower, <b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Compulsion, Obvious
<b>Duration:</b> Instant
The character appears before a congregation, and displays the sheer power of his radiance. This Charm may target a total number of people with a Magnitude equal to the character's Essence score. Roll the character's Charisma + Presence + Essence. Anyone whose MDV is lower than the result are struck with devotion; they immediately develop a supernatural Intimacy towards the character. Acting against the Intimacy costs 1 Willpower per scene.  Anyone whose MDV is half of the result or less is further overcome; their Motivation changes to "Serve The Character", and they must spend 1 Willpower per action to go against it. This is a permanent effect that counts as a magical influence. This Charm cannot target anyone whose Power Trait is equal to or greater than the character's.
<b><i>Mystic Transformation</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> 35 motes, 3 Willpower, <b>Type:</b> Simple (Dramatic Action)
<b>Keywords:</b> Shaping, Obvious
<b>Duration:</b> Instant
By marshalling the raw power of her presence, the character reshapes a target into a more desirable shape. This is an extended action, each roll of which takes 10 ticks - the character must be within 10 yards of the target, who may continue to take actions as appropriate. The character may shape anything into anything else, provided she can gather enough successes. The character rolls Intelligence + Appropriate Crafts + Essence. If the target is alive and does not wish to be changed, apply their Power Trait as an external penalty. In addition, the Artifact level of whatever the final product will be (if at all) is applied as an external penalty. The character must accumulate successes equal to (Artifact Level desired x5); if creating a mundane object, only 5 successes are required. When complete, the effect counts as a permanent magical effect on the target. There is a single restriction - mundane objects cannot create Artifacts of a level higher than 2, existing Artifacts may not be transformed into Artifacts of higher rating, and mundane people may not create Artifacts of a level more than double that person's Power Trait. No Artifact above Level 6 may be created in this manner.

Revision as of 17:42, 24 July 2007

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Essence 6 Charms

Elemental Incarnate</b>

<b>Cost: 15 motes, 2 Willpower, Type: Simple
Keywords: Elemental, Shaping
Duration: Indefinate

The character reaches into the fabric of the world and reshapes herself and her possessions into the form of a pure element. This Charm must be purchased seperately for each element, but provides a number of benefits and penalties:
Air characters become almost insubstantial. They halve all rolled damage by physical attacks (rounding down), ignore air elemental attacks, are immune to fall damage and to cold, increase their Dexterity by 1, and triple their Jump distances. However, they reduce Strength and Stamina by 1, and suffer a 2-die penalty to knockback rolls due to their low mass.
Earth characters become heavy and powerful. They increase soak by their Essence, increase Strength and Stamina by 2, and ignore earth elemental attacks and stone weapons. However, they reduce their Dexterity by 1, and reduce their Move and Dash rates by a further 1; Jump rates are reduced by 4.
Fire characters are filled with furious energy. Anyone who attacks them in hand-to-hand combat must roll to resist a bonfire, as per the Exalted 2e corebook, and they increase the damage of all their attacks by their Essence. They are also immune to all forms of fire, heat, and fire elemental attacks, and increase their Wits by 1. However, water acts as acid to them.
Water characters are fluid and hard to kill. All Lethal damage dealt to them becomes Bashing after it is rolled, and all Bashing damage is reduced by 2 dice after soak is applied but before it is rolled. In addition, they increase their Stamina by 1 and add two dice to all clinch rolls. However, they are also fluid; they reduce their Strength by 1 and take full damage from any form of energy attack - and cannot apply their Stamina-based soak to such attacks.
Wood characters are filled with the life energy of the world. They heal 1 Lethal or 2 Bashing per action - and if Dying, heal one level instead of losing one level - and are completely immune to all Poison or Sickness effects. They also gain +2 dice to all Athletics and Survival rolls. However, the character is vunerable to flame and similar effects; she may not roll to resist fire effects.